this can be a rolling thread, maybe. forgive me if one already exists, i didn't see it.
i started taking guitar lessons again! that is exciting
my long term black/doom metal band (argentinum astrum) recorded an album last fall and we're waiting on a label dude to get another label to go in on releasing it? i have no idea how or what that is about. i want it to come out soon because we haven't put anything out in a couple years and i want to tour and am antsy about it.
im learning ableton in order to start doing electronic stuff by myself. that's kind of on the backburner atm tho
one of my fave local bands atm asked me to replace their bassist/harmony singer and i am probably gonna do it. it is kind of superchunk-esque?
i started a band with 2 of my girlfriends and we just had our first practice. guitar, bass and drums. playing kind of 60s-esque poppy tunes so far, but i have no idea where we will end up. i think we are gonna be called "high school"?? please tell me if that is a ridiculous name.
i recorded this local band called Killer Whale who play very crazy surf-influenced punk/metal, i love them and i am excited to record bands and put out records and things tho god it is so expensive to do this
i've been playing in this band with a weirdo that plays only covers of local, small time musicians. i just joined it, but it's kind of a local institution, been around a while with a rotating cast of ppl around this one guy. i don't know. it's fun to play with him , and very fun to choose and learn the songs, but he has a weird value system w/r/t music, ie he doesn't want me to sing harmonies cause i sing "like an angel", which isn't really true. he also has no ambitions (how can you be ambitious with a covers band really tho) and is really skeptical of people who have them. its fun tho.
i dont really have time to do any of this stuff
― purp (roxymuzak), Tuesday, 5 March 2013 17:04 (eleven years ago) link
this band with a weirdo that plays only covers of local, small time musicians
haha i love this
― queeple qua queeple (Jordan), Tuesday, 5 March 2013 17:17 (eleven years ago) link
haha its exactly what it sounds like
― purp (roxymuzak), Tuesday, 5 March 2013 17:18 (eleven years ago) link
the first person I contacted about guitar lessons is too busy to take me on as a student but promised to give me contact info for other ppl, which basically means I am back at square one re: finding a guitar teacher
I am currently in the process of tracking down sheet music for a recital of solo and ensemble spiritual arrangements I'm doing as part of a quartet made up of ppl from my church choir (inc. my wife as the soprano) for the Tuesday before Easter; we're also going to take parts of that recital to do as music for the Good Friday service later that week.
I'm also looking over the Dvorak Mass in D major, which I'm doing at an evening Good Friday service in Dorchester; my primary responsibility AFAIK is augmenting the bass section but I believe I'm also going to be doing the tiny solo parts as well. (The other ppl from that include my wife again plus other folks from the spiritual ensemble we sing in.)
Also have a concert with the church choir coming up where we're doing Stainer's Crucifixion; I am not the bass soloist for it (thank God).
― "Bellini." (DJP), Tuesday, 5 March 2013 17:42 (eleven years ago) link
i didnt realize you were a bass! it occurs to me that i have never actually heard you sing. i imagined you having a very high tenor voice. haw.
― purp (roxymuzak), Tuesday, 5 March 2013 17:43 (eleven years ago) link
i started a band with 2 of my girlfriends
Me too! We are called Ta1nted Pussy and have played 2 shows so far. We were supposed to have a show next Saturday opening for this weird Dutch guy, but he got detained by the Dutch government and told he can't leave the country without a work permit, so that show was cancelled. I play bass. I have not played bass since I was a teenager. So now I get to have fun learning/re-learning an instrument, plus I get to have fun with pedals. We are all noise/new music ladies, thus lots of fun with pedals. I got a Dr. Sample 202 for christmas! More fun! I kept one of the built-in samples, which is a lady saying "Stand By" for when we have technical difficulties during our sets.
We are planning to tour at some point later this year. L.A., maybe the South?
― sarahell, Tuesday, 5 March 2013 17:53 (eleven years ago) link
next month we have a gig opening for Cock E.S.P.
Our singer said, "Why do we always end up on shows with other bands with dirty names?"
― sarahell, Tuesday, 5 March 2013 17:54 (eleven years ago) link
having trouble finding time/motivation/energy to do anything too focused or serious over the past couple of years. i was playing with my friend who's a full-time musician but he decided to just play shows solo instead of with a band because the economics/logistics are easier that way. i've been doing some sample-based stuff on reason recently, i like it because it takes me back to when i was learning guitar and didn't know what i was doing and would come up with cool stuff by accident. also occasionally jamming/recording with the drummer from my old band, doing shitty lofi four-track stuff.
i would really like to have a more regular band where someone else bore the heavy lifting of the songwriting and i could just come in and play guitar and play shows a few times a year. but i'm not really connected to any kind of music scene anymore so i don't know how to find that kind of situation.
― congratulations (n/a), Tuesday, 5 March 2013 17:56 (eleven years ago) link
Band practice tonight. Eagerly anticipating our two track demo bak from being mixed/mastered although worried it might sound bad as we only spent two days on it. Working on writing and practising our next batch of songs after an initial 6. It's now a concern that we have a 'sound' and aesthetic developing, meaning that we have songs we wrote and quite like that for one reason or another don't work very well alongside the others. Anyone had this problem? It didn't really matter before because we were still forming an identity which eventually formed into 6 upbeat slightly unhinged post punk numbers, but now this next one is a big dramatic sweeping thing with a more serious tone and we're not sure what to do with it. Also written a reggae song, which I'm please with but need a way to subvert because right now it's verging a little too close to sixth form peace and love bob Marley cliches and I want to put a twist on all that really.Wrote a sort of fast kinda sung-rap song but my girlfriend said it sounded like flight of the conchords. Not that that's an insult, but I wanted it to aoud more like Haim or something.
― dog latin, Tuesday, 5 March 2013 18:02 (eleven years ago) link
haha that would make my dad very, very happy (he's a failed tenor in a previous life, sang lead in a doo-wop group in college)
I am technically a "bass-baritone" which really means that because most of my singing experience comes from being in ensembles rather than private, focused vocal study, I have no idea how to use my head voice and sing practically everything in chest; I have a sneaking suspicion I would end up being a true baritone or even a low tenor after several years of focused, serious voice training based on how my low range actually sounds, but the flip side is that I can actually croak out low notes even if they're inaudible unless I've been binge-drinking the night before so I dunno. But yeah, I've always sung low.
― "Bellini." (DJP), Tuesday, 5 March 2013 18:17 (eleven years ago) link
(which is actually why, in my teens, I realized I was never going to be a pop or rock singer, and why I was so taken by the grunge explosion)
― "Bellini." (DJP), Tuesday, 5 March 2013 18:18 (eleven years ago) link
putting the last touches on my new record (doesn't feel new, been working on it for about 15 months now) to send to mastering next week, figuring out how to put it out.
then i want to take some time to switch up my process, shake things up a little. work on some new synth sounds without any goals, try to finally learn ableton, record a bunch of new percussion samples. i want to take some piano lessons too, since i do everything with midi + mouse. i can figure stuff out on piano very sloooowly, so i thought it would be fun to play through some tunes in real time and get some chords under my fingers.
honestly though i probably won't do most of these things and i'll go back to what feels easy & comfortable. :/
― queeple qua queeple (Jordan), Tuesday, 5 March 2013 18:51 (eleven years ago) link
I just got our first track back from the studio. I love it and I also cringe a bit because I can hear bits where my voice goes a bit wrong or a beat doesn't quite land how it's meant, and I'm trying to work out if anyone in their right mind would really notice or care.
― dog latin, Tuesday, 5 March 2013 18:57 (eleven years ago) link
roxy high school is an amazing band name
― flopson, Tuesday, 5 March 2013 18:58 (eleven years ago) link
this is a neat thread idea.
i've been playing with a couple guys for the last month or so but it's just working out that well. they seem like they really want to sound like real estate or something, which isn't terrible, but a bad real estate impersonation comes out sounding reaaaaally bad, and it's not much fun to play drums to, either!
i've been writing and recording some new tunes, which doesn't sound like much but it's actually been a big breakthrough for me after about a 10 year songwriting/music coma that i didn't realize was a coma.
i'm moving back to chicago in a few months and i'm determined to join up with a good band. i used to be good friends with the cave/bitchin bajas scene so i'm hoping i can be looped back into all that stuff and that someone needs a good drummer
― ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (Z S), Tuesday, 5 March 2013 19:05 (eleven years ago) link
and yeah, high school is good, although i have to say i liked it even more when i thought the name was high school??
― flopson, Tuesday, 5 March 2013 19:08 (eleven years ago) link
whoa z s do you want to be in a band with me?
― congratulations (n/a), Tuesday, 5 March 2013 19:10 (eleven years ago) link
this is going to be really awkward when you reject me
well, that was easy. sure, let's play!
it's gonna be more like september or so
― ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (Z S), Tuesday, 5 March 2013 19:12 (eleven years ago) link
i think we are gonna be called "high school"??aI started a band in college called junior high university. I recorded one song for it and we had two practices and then everyone split up in different directions. that was the last band I was ever in.
have not touched my recording computer since my son was born. I long for a classical acoustic guitar so i can play around the house but I have no money for that now. debating selling an amp or two. I think my creative well has run dry for the foreseeable future.
― we're beautiful like robots in dis guys (m bison), Tuesday, 5 March 2013 19:19 (eleven years ago) link
i'm really burnt out on school this semester & have been slacking off to spend more time doing music stuff. all three bands i'm in are pretty active rn which can be overwhelming at times but is really fun. most notably i went on tour in january and started a new band called l0ud s3x which i am just so, so stoked on. the other songwriter in the band is really prolific and i really want to keep our ratio of songs 1:1. it's been a really fun challenge trying to keep up, he also writes amazing songs so i've had to be really strict about scrapping my tunes if they're not up to par. we're playing our first show at the end of the month & i'm pretty nervous because not everyone shows up for practice consistently and i want it to be spectacular
― flopson, Tuesday, 5 March 2013 19:21 (eleven years ago) link
sp3ctacular l0ud s3x
― ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (Z S), Tuesday, 5 March 2013 19:25 (eleven years ago) link
I am not going to go into any more detail than this but the biggest audition opportunity of my lap literally just fell into my lap; I fully expect it to go nowhere but still, you never know...
― "Bellini." (DJP), Tuesday, 5 March 2013 19:28 (eleven years ago) link
would watch n/a z s band
― flopson, Tuesday, 5 March 2013 19:29 (eleven years ago) link
DJP on x factor, it's America has been waiting forxp
― we're beautiful like robots in dis guys (m bison), Tuesday, 5 March 2013 19:29 (eleven years ago) link
l0ud high school s3x
― queeple qua queeple (Jordan), Tuesday, 5 March 2013 19:32 (eleven years ago) link
the biggest audition opportunity of my lap
lol dan
― queeple qua queeple (Jordan), Tuesday, 5 March 2013 19:33 (eleven years ago) link
oh no, I've said too much
― "Bellini." (DJP), Tuesday, 5 March 2013 19:34 (eleven years ago) link
I am in month 15 of releasing a home-made recording every month. A lot of times I put it off until the month is almost over and then go into crunch mode. But at this point, even though I approach each song as its own thing and wasn't trying to make an album or anything, I can listen to all the tracks straight through and it sounds really cohesive to me, which I think is really cool. I also feel like I get a little better/more efficient at production each time.
I haven't performed onstage in like a year though, which was a conscious decision and I don't miss all of the bullshit that made me sick of doing it, but I do miss being onstage. But I maybe just joined a band that I actually think is really good and is kind of successful locally, which is cool because I don't feel that way about hardly any local bands and also I've never really been in someone else's band. They have kind of a Modern Lovers/Beat Happening/Magnetic Fields/Morrissey vibe. It'll also be neat because I'll be playing synth and I'm not actually a keyboard player at all, I'm a guitarist and songwriter, but that's also why I'll be a good fit for this.
― St3ve Go1db3rg, Tuesday, 5 March 2013 21:33 (eleven years ago) link
kicking off recording of a new album. finally a chance to properly use all this new synth gear
― the history of mom's apple pie (electricsound), Wednesday, 6 March 2013 00:49 (eleven years ago) link
Hey all - could I get a little bit of constructive feedback on this please? We've had an initial "how's this?" from the studio engineer on one of our tracks. Overall, I think it's okay but it's very difficult to distance myself and listen to it with uninvolved ears.
I'd really like to hear your thoughts, particularly on the mixing/production (we can't really go back into the studio to do any overdubs or retakes so we're working with the raw material we have, for better or worse). Are there any glaring errors on this track or things I should mention before I get back to him? One thing I noticed is that he's been a bit heavy handed witht he gating and compression, particularly some of the vocal parts where the sibilants and plosives are almost non-existent.
I'm only gonna keep this track online for a short while, but if someone could give it a listen and let me know their thoughts, i'd be very much obliged:
― dog latin, Wednesday, 6 March 2013 11:36 (eleven years ago) link
god this sounds like a super harsh thing but i dont mean it that way - do you want/intend the beginning to sound like a 80's nylons style acapella group thing? like exactly like one? because thats what i hear. also some pitchy weirdness in the "so afraid" "yesterday" multivoice responses. again, if these are intentional things, no prob.
― O_o-O_O-o_O (jjjusten), Wednesday, 6 March 2013 16:49 (eleven years ago) link
Lol, I haven't hear the nylons but it is supposed to be a bit of a tongue in cheek doowop thing and if it comes across that way I guess that's intentional. The song is very much a comment on retro culture and so it's littered with 60s and 80s references. Cheers for checking it out jjjusten, I'll look into the autotune thing. Think the sound guy's gone a bit overboard with vocal manipulation, but then we're not at all trained singers so there's undoubtably gonna be a push/pull thing going on.
― dog latin, Wednesday, 6 March 2013 17:29 (eleven years ago) link
song sounds good to me, esp. for a demo. i like it.
― congratulations (n/a), Wednesday, 6 March 2013 17:30 (eleven years ago) link
Xpost If you're talkin about Housemartins/Flying Pickets, I def see what you mean and kind of don't mind. I (was made to) grow up with that shit, haha.
― dog latin, Wednesday, 6 March 2013 17:31 (eleven years ago) link
Cheers n/a
― dog latin, Wednesday, 6 March 2013 17:32 (eleven years ago) link
I am making a lil album of songs that are about a min long each, I have about 10 so far where the music is done but I have finished singing over one of them, I've come up w/ vocal melodies for about 3
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Wednesday, 6 March 2013 17:47 (eleven years ago) link
I am seriously using the dumbest most unwieldy out of date programs to put the songs together because for whatever reason I like how it all sounds more than if I do it in ableton?
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Wednesday, 6 March 2013 17:54 (eleven years ago) link
what are you using?
― queeple qua queeple (Jordan), Wednesday, 6 March 2013 18:13 (eleven years ago) link
I (lol) am using cues in virtual dj to play my laptop like an mpc or w/e (I could slice to a drumkit in ableton and do the same thing I guess, but idk, when I use ableton I spend 3 extra hours on shit) and then editing shit further and recording vocals in audacity, its a forehead in my hands deal, but still
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Wednesday, 6 March 2013 18:22 (eleven years ago) link
i love stuff like that.
― queeple qua queeple (Jordan), Wednesday, 6 March 2013 18:28 (eleven years ago) link
well I hope it lives up to its rudimentary description, I'm starting to embrace it, at least this way I don't end up fucking around with corpus for a week with no results
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Wednesday, 6 March 2013 18:35 (eleven years ago) link
Good sounding demo, dog latin. I'd get some friends in a room for the backing vocals. And as for your solo performance it's a little too measured, just make sure you're saying "gate" instead of "gay" and make it fast and effortless
― a) tepid b) vapid c) simpering d) milquetoast (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 6 March 2013 19:18 (eleven years ago) link
I was just in Prague recording with a budget-priced orchestra, stuff for five different clients and some stuff for my own use. There were 30 "pieces" ranging from 45-second long bits of orchestral incidental music to 20-minute marathon workouts. A total of 2.5 hours of music and 24 hours to record the whole thing. I def. got paranoid and overworked but I didn't break. I drove that bus.
It went very well but I instinctively prioritized the work of my clients, taking the time to really get something beautiful out of that shaky orchestra. I left not enough time for my own material. Now I'm futzing.
― a) tepid b) vapid c) simpering d) milquetoast (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 6 March 2013 19:22 (eleven years ago) link
cheers FGTI - I did the lead vox, the others did backing. I think the engineer's but too strong a release on my vox because yeah, "gaze" sounds like "gay" etc...
― dog latin, Wednesday, 6 March 2013 23:42 (eleven years ago) link
i'm listening to spotify
― markers, Wednesday, 6 March 2013 23:42 (eleven years ago) link
gotta get these tapes out soon (for this band i recorded) but have no idea what im doing! i need to buy a tape duplicator! i need to buy...tapes! i need to figure out how to get this shit onto a master tape! what am i doing with my life! HELP!
― purp (roxymuzak), Thursday, 7 March 2013 00:58 (eleven years ago) link
i told my mom i was in a new band called high school and she recommended that we call it COOL GIRLS instead. additionally, "i like just a girl's name, like maureen, or mabel, for a girl band"
― purp (roxymuzak), Thursday, 7 March 2013 01:01 (eleven years ago) link
lmao at cool girls altho tbh i would like it as a name for a coed or all dude band
I was briefly in a(n all-male) duo called "Sarah"!
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Thursday, 7 March 2013 01:52 (eleven years ago) link
possibly touring in the summer with the black/doom band, havent been out in a long time bc our guitarist lives a couple hours away, so we havent been as "active" in general. mostly an east coast thing, possibly all the way to canada, where i have never been
― purp (roxymuzak), Thursday, 7 March 2013 22:48 (eleven years ago) link
come to Atlanta!
I have been recording bits and pieces for an eventual cassette release. I've also been asked to do a split release with a local drone act. AND my band is recording stuff. So hopefully soon I'll have lots of physical stuff to give out at shows!
I've heard good things about getting cassettes made through National Audio?
― C: (crüt), Thursday, 7 March 2013 23:00 (eleven years ago) link
Yeah National Audio is great, I've done a couple things through them.
― cwkiii, Friday, 8 March 2013 03:48 (eleven years ago) link
guitarist in one band left us cuz he moved out of london :( which is a shame. was looking forward to recording those songs. we'd played 5 shows or so. it was going well. oh well. i have a decent recording of the last practice, guess i'll stick that on soundcloud if i can be bothered to mix it.
started a new thing with the same guys, got a new guitarist, and he rules! he's a bit older than us, used to run a drone and kosmiche club. had a practice on sunday and ended up with 16 little things to work on, 3 or 4 fully formed songs just happened, so looking forward to this band. krauty space rock with big OTT vocals and thinking i'm gonna bring an edp wasp and delay pedal into the equation. will prob play a show in the next month or two. my drumming is really rusty tho, need to get back on the practice pad before they kick me out!
tracks sitting in the computer way into the 100s by now, mostly experiments with the ridiculous synth collection that lives in the studio where i live. none of the synths are mine, but i'm free to use what i want and i've set up a synthesizer room and got everything patched up. pretty sweet. currently obsessed with the doepfer modular and making new presets for the matrix 1000- that's a seriously powerful bit of kit but the presets that come with it are crap.
playing classical guitar again, got my nails all purty, think i'm going to try and start performing too. maybe get some restaurants gigs.
have also been digging my uni pieces, trying to put together some sort of composer portfolio. surprised myself by how good some of those pieces are. the goldberg ensemble performed some of my string pices, which was very cool, had to ressurect an old hard drive, thought i'd lost those recordings for good!
― Crackle Box, Friday, 8 March 2013 14:13 (eleven years ago) link
Why is having good nails important for playing guitar? I don't play with my nails. I guess if I had long nails it would be difficult but...
― dog latin, Friday, 8 March 2013 15:55 (eleven years ago) link
if you play fingerstyle you get more control over your sound, you can also play louder and as everybody knows louder = better
― Crackle Box, Friday, 8 March 2013 16:56 (eleven years ago) link
It's a really fundamental part of classical guitar technique. Your nails are the tools you use to create and shape your sound.
Do restaurants in the UK hire classical guitarists??
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Friday, 8 March 2013 17:14 (eleven years ago) link
What are you putting a composition portfolio together for, CB? Graduate schools? Grants/gigs?
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Friday, 8 March 2013 17:16 (eleven years ago) link
*Show us your scoressss*
― * (flamboyant goon tie included), Friday, 8 March 2013 17:28 (eleven years ago) link
making new presets for the matrix 1000- that's a seriously powerful bit of kit but the presets that come with it are crap.
surprised to read this, mine is coming back from service today but from the little i got to play with it before it went in i thought some (though yes far from all, or even most) of the presets were absolutely lovely. insta-BoC!
― elephant's piss with milk and sugar (electricsound), Monday, 11 March 2013 00:48 (eleven years ago) link
i believe they ran a competition so the 1000 presets are all from users of the matrix 6 (which has identical innards) those patches are just a bit uninspired imo! but yeah totally get the BoC thing- if that's what you're after, they're perfect!
x-post, i'll up some stuff on my soundcloud and mayyybe post some stuff up here when i've got it all sorted, but i'm a bit shy about my own music, esp the stuff i've spent a lot of time on.
― Crackle Box, Monday, 11 March 2013 14:01 (eleven years ago) link
and just doing a portfolio for.. err.. i don't know really. i've seen a few bits of paid work recently, such as composing some piano pieces for an audio walk in london. i'd have probably had a chance of getting that if i had some music organised and online. unfortunately the only stuff i've written that's even half listenable i did at uni ages ago, since then i've just been obsessed with synths, microtonality, learning to play drum kit and never finishing things.
yeah, you can make pretty good money (read: actually make *some* money) doing functions/events/restaurants/weddings etc. i'm thinking some satie, beatles arr. for classical guitar, cheesy spanish stuff, play through a little amp. will be good practice anyway.
― Crackle Box, Monday, 11 March 2013 14:24 (eleven years ago) link
I played two harsh noise sets this week and someone who saw both of them posted that this city is "a patriarchal cesspool" on FB immediately after leaving the show tonight & now I'm irrationally worried that she's talking about me
― C: (crüt), Thursday, 14 March 2013 06:29 (eleven years ago) link
don't worry about it
― time turns all men into pies (flamboyant goon tie included), Thursday, 14 March 2013 13:44 (eleven years ago) link
- offered up my sound work exp to a newly forming fairly hip arts council for my neighborhood in an advisory capacity. wondering how quickly that will turn into "hey i know it's 4 pm on sunday but the slam poetry competition needs you to come down and turn on their wireless mic."- related to my endless pedal thread, but the fact that i am getting deluged with new pedal line offers is some strange mixture of feeling like the prettiest girl at the prom and huge stress wrt money allocation and decision making.
― O_o-O_O-o_O (jjjusten), Thursday, 14 March 2013 15:57 (eleven years ago) link
thanks to Rocksmith I can fake my way through the following songs on the guitar:
"Boys Don't Cry" - The Cure"Islands" - The xx"Go With The Flow" - QOTSA"Black" - Pearl Jam"Where Is My Mind?" - Pixies"Angela" - Jarvis Cocker
I can't play triplets fast enough to really play the RHCP version of "Higher Ground" tho
also I have to learn some spirituals before a week from Tuesday, well really by Sunday because I think I'm supposed to rehearse them that afternoon oops
also singing Stainer's "Crucifixion" a week from Sunday; I don't have the big baritone solo but I do get one of the mini interjections in the bass section (it's not as big a deal as that may sound as the entire bass section is 4 ppl; one is doing the big solo and the three interjections are split up across the rest of us) this does mean though that this season I will have had a little solo interjection thing in every concert with our church choir, which yay
― Darth Icky (DJP), Thursday, 14 March 2013 16:05 (eleven years ago) link
― C: (crüt), Thursday, March 14, 2013 2:29 AM (9 hours ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
i apologize crut but this is making me lol. you need to write a piece called partiarchal cesspool
― purp (roxymuzak), Thursday, 14 March 2013 16:11 (eleven years ago) link
that was a typo but tbh it works
― purp (roxymuzak), Thursday, 14 March 2013 16:12 (eleven years ago) link
cesspool party!
― time turns all men into pies (flamboyant goon tie included), Thursday, 14 March 2013 16:29 (eleven years ago) link
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Wednesday, 6 March 2013 17:47 (1 week ago) Permalink
someone help me, every song I make is extremely disorienting for other people
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Tuesday, 19 March 2013 17:12 (eleven years ago) link
I had my first jam with some really nice neighbors I met -- they are both classical musicians (a Juliard-trained composer and a violinist) who have other careers now but the guy is learning banjo. I played through some basic folk tunes with them (with my sub-sub-sub-Doc Watson-style flatpicking) and it was really nice and unaffected and it felt good to just be playing some pretty songs without trying to have an edge or angle of any kind. First time in a couple years I've played with other people.
― space phwoar (Hurting 2), Tuesday, 19 March 2013 17:33 (eleven years ago) link
Also have been doing kids songs for my one-year-old, and played at her birthday party, which was the first time I've performed in at least a couple years.
― space phwoar (Hurting 2), Tuesday, 19 March 2013 17:34 (eleven years ago) link
hope you got free drinks at least
― shit tie (Jordan), Tuesday, 19 March 2013 17:36 (eleven years ago) link
three cake tickets
― space phwoar (Hurting 2), Tuesday, 19 March 2013 17:37 (eleven years ago) link
My performance was very moving, a couple of audience members even cried.
― space phwoar (Hurting 2), Tuesday, 19 March 2013 17:38 (eleven years ago) link
― shit tie (Jordan), Tuesday, 19 March 2013 17:57 (eleven years ago) link
playing in Europe thruout beginning next week thru end of April. Very excited. First time (solo).
― That elusive North American wood-ape (Capitaine Jay Vee), Tuesday, 19 March 2013 18:00 (eleven years ago) link
fantasy send linksI was just told my voice had a newfound maturity and it was a bittersweet thing to hear
― ♫ don't you have your own computer? ♫ (flamboyant goon tie included), Tuesday, 19 March 2013 18:01 (eleven years ago) link
would ilxmail work 4 u? I need to rerecord some vocals today but I'll send em
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Tuesday, 19 March 2013 18:52 (eleven years ago) link
― ♫ don't you have your own computer? ♫ (flamboyant goon tie included), Tuesday, 19 March 2013 19:06 (eleven years ago) link
webmail'd u sorry 4 my voice
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Wednesday, 20 March 2013 01:14 (eleven years ago) link
played a couple of "finished" lil songs for a friend and got a p bleak reception, I hate being in the room w/ people hearing my shit 4 the first time, turns me into such a demanding-yet-craven little thing (tho I'm probably just more aware of how demanding-yet-craven I actually am)
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Wednesday, 27 March 2013 20:48 (eleven years ago) link
Sang in a recital of spirituals yesterday. It went well and my wife and I each made $50.
I sang:
I Want Jesus To Walk With MeDon't You Weep When I Am Gone
My wife sang:
There Is A Balm In GileadWere You There
we also sang as part of a quartet:
Soon-A Will Be DoneCrucifixion (He Never Said A Mumblin' Word)Since You Went AwaySteal Away
We're repurposing a lot of this for an afternoon Good Friday service; later that evening we'll be singing Dvorak's Mass in D major, with the Sanctus and Benedictus being done with us as part of an octet (really a septet; there's only one alto soloist). Bummed we don't get to do the solos in the Agnus Dei.
― the pheromones of hot clothing (DJP), Wednesday, 27 March 2013 21:04 (eleven years ago) link
also I still don't know if I'm singing the opening solo for Easter Vigil or not; I've done it the past... two? three? years so it's no big deal but I keep thinking I should ask
― the pheromones of hot clothing (DJP), Wednesday, 27 March 2013 21:08 (eleven years ago) link
I hate being in the room w/ people hearing my shit 4 the first time
i've learned that this is just not a good idea
― shit tie (Jordan), Wednesday, 27 March 2013 21:13 (eleven years ago) link
i once accompanied hymns for a unitarian congregation. they replaced every instance of the word "god" with "all."
― eaumaille, Wednesday, 27 March 2013 21:22 (eleven years ago) link
hey so, i have a question about getting asked by promoters to open for touring acts. if it's a popular act that's going to fill the room anyway then great, the promoter is basically doing you a favor. but when the idea is that the local act will provide a crowd for the not-super-well-known touring act, it gets a little weird, right?
the main problem seems to be, why would your friends/fans come and pay a higher cover to see you open for someone that they don't know (or don't like) when they know they can see you a few weeks later for less? i feel like i have a hard time getting people to these shows, and then worry that the promoter is going to blame me for a small crowd/losing money. i guess the only reason to do these gigs at all is to eventually get on some of the bigger shows?
― shit tie (Jordan), Wednesday, 27 March 2013 21:27 (eleven years ago) link
You got it.If you're worried abt giving your regular fans value for their money, maybe you think the headlining band isn't worth their time? and thus not worth yours?Typically though it's always good to play direct support for anyone everywhere (and never play 1st of 3 unless you're less than a year old)
Puff puff I owe you an email but basically I just wanted to know your inspirations and intentions, also don't be discouraged
― a source of "vegelate" (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 27 March 2013 21:38 (eleven years ago) link
i feel like i have a hard time getting people to these shows, and then worry that the promoter is going to blame me for a small crowd/losing money. i guess the only reason to do these gigs at all is to eventually get on some of the bigger shows?
― shit tie (Jordan), Wednesday, March 27, 2013 5:27 PM Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
I doubt anyone is going to put you on the bigger shows if you don't bring a crowd anyway. IME getting a better show without bringing a crowd only came when we were new to a venue and the booker/owner/whoever REALLY liked our set.
― i've a cozy little flat in what is known as old man hat (Hurting 2), Wednesday, 27 March 2013 21:45 (eleven years ago) link
Plus I hated subjecting people who liked us to bands I didn't like, although more often than not we didn't have a choice
― i've a cozy little flat in what is known as old man hat (Hurting 2), Wednesday, 27 March 2013 21:46 (eleven years ago) link
― a source of "vegelate" (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 27 March 2013 21:38 (21 minutes ago) Permalink
thanks for the help, ur 2 kind, there's absolutely no rush
idk I think discouragement is kinda alright, it's just that there a part of me that doesn't really know if, right now, my stuff is lol bad or if my friend (and his gf silently shuffling around the back of the room) just didn't get it or if it really matters either way. I'm just happy making stuff. idk this thread is really cool tho because ppl like you and dan and jordan and every1 else are all in some diff part of their musical lives
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Wednesday, 27 March 2013 22:11 (eleven years ago) link
hey, i wouldn't let the reaction of other people in the room impact you too much either way.
(warning: totally subjective and neurotic perspective (or total hangup) that is probably shared by <2% of the population coming up)
personally speaking, i HATE being forced to listen to someone else's music in the same room with them. if you're in a band with someone, or they're really familiar with your music, then cool, whatever. but if you're just a friend or, even worse, an acquaintance, then it's a really uncomfortable experience as a listener. because i'm not the kind of person who will come flat out and say "hey, i didn't like that song", or "i don't like your music". it's just too awkward of a thing for me to say in person. the worst i'll say is "yeah it's pretty good!" or something. so that means that having to listen to someone's music in the same room with them, and being expected to give some sort of reaction at the end, basically turns into a high-pressure acting experience. this, combined with the fact that people are understandably really touchy when others are listening to their music (god, a few months ago someone said "stop singing" and i thought they were referring to a song i had posted where i sang, i immediately deleted everything with vocals off of my soundcloud and just got WASTED by myself, so i understand!) just makes things way too artificial and awkward and uncomfortable!
― your holiness, we have an official energy drink (Z S), Wednesday, 27 March 2013 22:41 (eleven years ago) link
yeah this is exactly why i maybe shouldn't have agreed to this gig. :) it wouldn't be a big deal except i have another show a few weeks later that i'm much more invested in, and that's the one i'm really trying to get people to (without looking like i'm totally half-assing the promo on this one, which i am). oh well. hopefully it's not a disaster.
― shit tie (Jordan), Wednesday, 27 March 2013 23:28 (eleven years ago) link
come 2 la u can play my friend's room
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Wednesday, 27 March 2013 23:56 (eleven years ago) link
― shit tie (Jordan), Wednesday, March 27, 2013 7:28 PM Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
I mean, I'm assuming you don't think much of the touring band, or otherwise you wouldn't be agreeing with me. Whatever you do though, don't apologize to your fans for promoting it to them, cause that's just not what cool guys do man!
― i've a cozy little flat in what is known as old man hat (Hurting 2), Wednesday, 27 March 2013 23:59 (eleven years ago) link
"when the idea is that the local act will provide a crowd for the not-super-well-known touring act, it gets a little weird, right?
"...and then worry that the promoter is going to blame me for a small crowd/losing money. i guess the only reason to do these gigs at all is to eventually get on some of the bigger shows?"
That's kind of a weird one I would think trying to get a higher cover with a touring band then expecting the local act to bring the draw.
I was out of a gigging band for years and even with the whole 'internet makes things easy', getting shows is I think a bit weirder now in some aspects. The thing I see now trying to book out of town (which is really nearly all of our gigs) is that many clubs don't even really book the shows and they say "contact some of the bands in (our town)" they setup the lineups.
I haven't really done that, as to me I know I would feel weirded out perhaps by someone I haven't played with emailing and saying "HEY DUDE GIMME A SHOW". Especially considering where I live is pretty freaking backwards and even the gigs I might have to trade, they are not really worth trading for some of the time.
I've got a show now where I got a gig where I am setting up the lineup in their club that night, even though we are like four hours away.
― earlnash, Thursday, 28 March 2013 01:59 (eleven years ago) link
i just recorded a 2 piece black metal band, the shit sounds raaaaawwww
― purp (roxymuzak), Thursday, 28 March 2013 04:05 (eleven years ago) link
― mookieproof, Thursday, 28 March 2013 04:08 (eleven years ago) link
soon, soon
― purp (roxymuzak), Thursday, 28 March 2013 04:12 (eleven years ago) link
Whatever you do though, don't apologize to your fans for promoting it to them, cause that's just not what cool guys do man!
nah of course i wouldn't do that.
― shit tie (Jordan), Thursday, 28 March 2013 15:05 (eleven years ago) link
First gig with new band on Wednesday. Been loving the rehearsals, but I'm getting nervous. What if nobody likes us? Arrrrgh.
― emil.y, Thursday, 28 March 2013 15:12 (eleven years ago) link
ok! trying to be in the pacific nw later this year, would love to get to L.A. if possible.
― shit tie (Jordan), Thursday, 28 March 2013 15:20 (eleven years ago) link
I want to see emil.y's band
Generally speaking I love sitting and listening to works-in-progress, with or without the creators in the room. What I've learned from personal experience, and as is demonstrated in that tnahcraM assiraM thread, is that the opinion one has of one's own work is defined by the unprecedented. Telling people they're good or bad has no effect on their own opinions or actions. It's always gonna be these weird slanted moments that cause people to change their tack. So in general I just try to be honest and empathetic with music friends and know that I can't control what their takeaway will be. I had a friend ditch a song on their record because it was the song that happened to be playing when I stood up to refill my water glass.
― a source of "vegelate" (flamboyant goon tie included), Thursday, 28 March 2013 15:41 (eleven years ago) link
I do the listening thing all the time with people in the room given my day job, and really as long as you jump the hurdle of being nice its not so bad. Critique (esp negative critique) is helpful! I always open with the idea that im going to be honest, not kind, and i havent ever had to savage somebody or anything.
― My Chemical Romance did 9/11 (jjjusten), Thursday, 28 March 2013 15:48 (eleven years ago) link
also, being able to find (and i know this is like comp class critique 101, but it feels different w/music, more personal etc) something positive to mention is almost always possible. and ive heard some pretty shitty stuff, but even if its a nice transition or an interesting phrasing or just something technically adept, theres usually something there that can mitigate "you need to sing in tune".
― My Chemical Romance did 9/11 (jjjusten), Thursday, 28 March 2013 15:50 (eleven years ago) link
Anyone have any tips on the simplest way to get decent sound with an isight or iphone video recording? I've been thinking about doing a youtube covers project, just guitar and vocals.
― i've a cozy little flat in what is known as old man hat (Hurting 2), Thursday, 28 March 2013 15:52 (eleven years ago) link
ha here comes the dreaded question - do you have an iphone 5 or a prior model?
― My Chemical Romance did 9/11 (jjjusten), Thursday, 28 March 2013 15:59 (eleven years ago) link
prior. May get a 5 soon though.
― i've a cozy little flat in what is known as old man hat (Hurting 2), Thursday, 28 March 2013 15:59 (eleven years ago) link
if youre seriously thinking about making the transition soon, just make sure that you dont buy anything that uses the current dock connector
ill poke around a bit and see what interface info i can dig up.
― My Chemical Romance did 9/11 (jjjusten), Thursday, 28 March 2013 16:02 (eleven years ago) link
I agree with ZS above re: listening to other people's stuff/other people listening to yours - personally speaking, i HATE being forced to listen to someone else's music in the same room with them. if you're in a band with someone, or they're really familiar with your music, then cool, whatever.
For me, it's much better to get a copy and listen on my own, and replay it a few times if you're after more analysis than "it's cool that you did that". I have a small group of people who I'd trust to let me bring over a demo or pre-release copy of something, and sit around listening with beers or whatever, but they're fairly carefully cultivated - not necessarily with the exact same taste as me, but people whose reasoning I understand, or who are particularly articulate when it comes to critiquing (and are also good at being tactful so as not to bruise my fragile ego).
― emil.y, Thursday, 28 March 2013 16:39 (eleven years ago) link
all this critique talk is making me want to look for a voice teacher, or at least formalize a regular agreement with the last guy I studied with (who was a colleague at the time and a couple of years younger than me, so it was a little weird, but now he sings elsewhere so it's not as strange; also he lives up the street from me)
― the pheromones of hot clothing (DJP), Thursday, 28 March 2013 16:56 (eleven years ago) link
the only time i regularly do the 'listening together' thing is when evaluating a master, playing it for friends who might have sharper ears for frequencies etc
― shit tie (Jordan), Thursday, 28 March 2013 17:17 (eleven years ago) link
Ha, I'm always pulling out my phone and playing mixes off the internal speakers for people during smoke breaks at dinner parties and asking them "do you like it? do you like it?". But generally I think it's good to listen to mixes in a variety of different environments, with different people and at different times of day before settling on things.
― a source of "vegelate" (flamboyant goon tie included), Friday, 29 March 2013 00:01 (eleven years ago) link
so the big thing that was going on that I hinted at upthread was that I was preparing to audition for The Platters but it didn't happen due to a series of personal issues :-(
I could have been on a cruise ship
― relentless technosexuality (DJP), Monday, 8 April 2013 16:04 (eleven years ago) link
whooooa! I'm sorry you didn't get to audition. That's an honor that you were considered for it, though.
― your holiness, we have an official energy drink (Z S), Monday, 8 April 2013 16:05 (eleven years ago) link
yeah that would be cool as fuck. Are the other Platters all old dudes?
― --808 542137 (Hurting 2), Monday, 8 April 2013 16:06 (eleven years ago) link
what if they were like menudo and forced out members when they turned 75 and replaced them with hot young 40-year-olds
― congratulations (n/a), Monday, 8 April 2013 16:07 (eleven years ago) link
a good friend of mine got it, and tbh he was more vocally-suited for it anyway as he has fewer responsibilities and wouldn't be giving up a career 18 years in the making to tour for less money
still, I could have been like "sorry guys, can't ILX anymore because I've got a gig in Myrtle Beach this week"
― relentless technosexuality (DJP), Monday, 8 April 2013 16:08 (eleven years ago) link
all the originals are now dead and I think the age range of the current group is like 25-45?
― relentless technosexuality (DJP), Monday, 8 April 2013 16:09 (eleven years ago) link
(in fact there are something like 8 different competing groups calling themselves The Platters, it's sort of hilarious)
"competing" so it's not like one organization farming them out? No one owns the name?
― --808 542137 (Hurting 2), Monday, 8 April 2013 16:12 (eleven years ago) link
someone should do a documentary on the 8 competing groups calling themselves the The Platters. seriously.
― your holiness, we have an official energy drink (Z S), Monday, 8 April 2013 16:13 (eleven years ago) link
one group does own the name, but I can't tell which one it is (I think it's the one I was planning to audition for)
it is super ripe for a documentary
― relentless technosexuality (DJP), Monday, 8 April 2013 16:15 (eleven years ago) link
a veritable buffet of platters
― purp (roxymuzak), Monday, 8 April 2013 19:46 (eleven years ago) link
brb pitching reality TV show idea called 'The Platters That Matter'...
― Will you see a political publicity stunt? (snoball), Monday, 8 April 2013 20:23 (eleven years ago) link
your choice of platters?
― purp (roxymuzak), Tuesday, 9 April 2013 23:45 (eleven years ago) link
i was bragging today that someone i "know" was almost a platter
― purp (roxymuzak), Tuesday, 9 April 2013 23:46 (eleven years ago) link
it nearly got me out of a traffic ticket
my band is opening for jason lescaleet in 10 days!
― LADIES ONLY PHYCHIC NIGHT (crüt), Tuesday, 16 April 2013 19:59 (eleven years ago) link
played the most out of tune set of my life sunday nite. lead guitarist broke his top e string during the first song and was like "let's switch!" but then of course the whole thing went out of tune and it sounded a million times worse with the rhythm/riffs off. luckily it's a no wave-ey band so no one noticed *phew*
― flopson, Tuesday, 16 April 2013 20:06 (eleven years ago) link
my band is opening for thrones on 4/20
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Wednesday, 17 April 2013 01:22 (eleven years ago) link
also someone left a really fancy tuner at my house and never claimed it so i have a very fancy new tuner
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Wednesday, 17 April 2013 01:23 (eleven years ago) link
After a foolish way too long hiatus of touching music at all (which I kick myself about now - why did I not keep up my keyboard playing argh) I have just recently found the confidence and creative drive to actually start writing and recording my own stuff.
Whats helped has been collaborating with a few amazing friends who have variously contributed guitar/recording lessons, advice, or written tracks for me to sing on, and now I'm feeling ok with doing my own stuff. I've started work on 4 or 5 pieces either entirely alone or collabing with my mate Ben in the past 2-3 weeks which is slightly manic, but incredibly rewarding. He's an amazing synth/industrial musician and I'm really loving working with him, our styles mesh nicely.
I've also been working on a bunch of Nancy Sinatra covers with my dear friend J who is a great indiepop/60s style guitarist. "Bang Bang" is a really fuckin challenging song to sing with a live guitar! There's no freaking beat to the song.
I really need to up my game on the recording/mixing front. I need more gear, I'm just using Reaper and an external soundcard/input device which works nicely but feels vaguely amatueur.
― It is like ganging up on Enya (Trayce), Wednesday, 17 April 2013 01:56 (eleven years ago) link
god, i bet that would be a tough song to sing. never thought about it before. i'd like to hear y'all's version.
i am as i type this doing tracking for a super angry black metal band, it sounds cold as fuuuck. i think i posted this before. anyway this is day 2
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Wednesday, 17 April 2013 02:09 (eleven years ago) link
I went and saw a show in a small kitchen where a guy sat at a table w/ a bowl on it and he put his head in the bowl for five minutes, and, a few secs before I fell asleep for a min in my chair, my friend turned to me and was like "you should try and play here"
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Wednesday, 17 April 2013 02:19 (eleven years ago) link
I was like "I'm not cool enough musically yet"
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Wednesday, 17 April 2013 02:21 (eleven years ago) link
god, i bet that would be a tough song to sing.
It really is! I was quite caught off guard tbh. Its simplicity is deceptive.
― It is like ganging up on Enya (Trayce), Wednesday, 17 April 2013 04:17 (eleven years ago) link
i've been thinking of doing covers of my favorite country songs
― LADIES ONLY PHYCHIC NIGHT (crüt), Wednesday, 17 April 2013 04:28 (eleven years ago) link
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Tuesday, April 16, 2013 6:22 PM (3 hours ago
my band is opening for thrones on ... the less haw-worthy 6/29
― You must be very cold in the sack. (sarahell), Wednesday, 17 April 2013 04:54 (eleven years ago) link
I need a new band, I think my old one is dead.
― my mental killfile seems to be working (sleeve), Wednesday, 17 April 2013 05:16 (eleven years ago) link
We got our CD for sale now in Sweden, which is pretty cool.
― earlnash, Thursday, 18 April 2013 00:16 (eleven years ago) link
I have a bunch of songs done
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Wednesday, 15 May 2013 06:14 (eleven years ago) link
I am new to making music but it's strange, I've found that no matter how much I like a song I've made or w/e, when I make something after it I suddenly don't really care about it very much in the sense of listening to it, this is probably normal though
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Wednesday, 15 May 2013 06:19 (eleven years ago) link
can't wait to get to the stage of not liking any songs I've put together
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Wednesday, 15 May 2013 06:20 (eleven years ago) link
i have an ableton lesson tonight
also i am mixing 2 records
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Wednesday, 15 May 2013 21:08 (eleven years ago) link
ableton 9?
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Wednesday, 15 May 2013 22:46 (eleven years ago) link
just over two weeks until my spiritual ensemble performs Sweenee Hunt's "Witness Cantata" and excerpts from Weill's "Lost In The Stars" with the Boston Landmark Orchestra
I think my wife and I are the only ones who have any idea of how it goes
― they are either militarists (ugh) or kangaroos (?) (DJP), Friday, 24 May 2013 17:55 (eleven years ago) link
Haha, like at all?
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Friday, 24 May 2013 20:21 (eleven years ago) link
lol ppl kind of know how it goes, but in rehearsals we're still in the "can you play my part on the piano?" phase and my wife and I, as ppl who sightread every Sunday for 9 months out of the year, it's irritating as shit
also I am finally listening to a recording and I think some of the tempos of some of the movements will be rude awakenings to ppl
― they are either militarists (ugh) or kangaroos (?) (DJP), Friday, 24 May 2013 20:24 (eleven years ago) link
I sent a demo off to Spacebomb Records, but now I'm in severe doubt that the mixes I've spent a good while agonising over aren't good enough. Or indeed, that the songs are lightweight fuckery. Dammit. I need a band.
― random access maladies (hypehat), Thursday, 30 May 2013 00:26 (eleven years ago) link
been trying to write some songs or even parts ahead of trying to maybe work on music with other people but i feel like i've totally forgotten how to write stuff. prob just putting too much pressure on myself and need to shake up the process but it's really frustrating to always want to work on music and then finally sit down to do it and nothing decent come out.
― congratulations (n/a), Monday, 3 June 2013 20:47 (eleven years ago) link
Just keep at it, it will come eventually - probably when you least expect it.
― Chewshabadoo, Monday, 3 June 2013 21:38 (eleven years ago) link
Know how that feels. When I'm stuck like that I just pick a song to blatantly rip off, which usually leads to something new appearing effortlessly.
― Eyeball Kicks, Monday, 3 June 2013 21:56 (eleven years ago) link
Have had a few jams with my friends Ben and Ivan who have recorded and worked together a lot before, so they have a real organic, natural easiness to jams that results in instantly good stuff. They asked me along to see what I could add to the mix, and we found my singing worked reaally well. I'm worried we are going to turn into Porcupine Tree Cocteau Twins, but it'll remain to be seen I suppose.
Really enjoying writing my own music too. I'm still an amateur, no doubt ,but I seem to have a bit of a knack for knocking out melodies and stuff fairly quickly. I'm enjoying it!
― It is like ganging up on Enya (Trayce), Tuesday, 4 June 2013 00:55 (eleven years ago) link
nowadays my songwriting process is i record myself humming or singing melodies on my phone that i come up with while walking around or doing whatever, then listen to them later when i'm at home & try to flesh it out. i usually think they're totally genius at first, but by the time & listen to them they're just ok. still beats writing on the spot though, i always get tripped up with dumb shit like "eh, that melody's alright but it doesn't have enough notes in it" when i'm in direct contact with a guitar
― flopson, Tuesday, 4 June 2013 05:20 (eleven years ago) link
Yeah my current bugbear is endless verses and no choruses/bridges/breaks.
― It is like ganging up on Enya (Trayce), Tuesday, 4 June 2013 05:49 (eleven years ago) link
I put our first single up on soundcloud (link on the what do you sound like thread). It's the first two songs we wrote together. Nobody was 100% satisfied with the results but, hey, they work for now and they're fun.
― Pingu Unchained (dog latin), Tuesday, 4 June 2013 21:12 (eleven years ago) link
I haven't been able to find anyone to play music with yet.
― Evan, Wednesday, 5 June 2013 04:00 (eleven years ago) link
after nine years of not playing music at all, i've been playing in a band for the past three months or so, and it's been SO GREAT. i forgot how much i love it.
― eh mec, elle est ou ma caisse? (ytth), Friday, 7 June 2013 05:46 (eleven years ago) link
― Sir Francis Drake burned the Spanish Armada because YOLO (King Boy Pato), Sunday, 9 June 2013 03:05 (eleven years ago) link
Had a mostly successful concert yesterday with the New England Spiritual Ensemble and the Boston Landmarks Orchestra; the big takeaway was that mfers need to learn how to count (myself included) but 98% of the concert was awesome.
NESE did arrangements of three spirituals (Nobody's Fault But Mine, In Bright Mansions, My Soul's Been Anchored in the Lord), then performed excerpts from Weill's "Lost in the Stars" with the Landmarks Orchestra, then were joined by additional singers and soloists for The Witness Cantata by Swanee Hunt: (not our performance)
It was a lot of fun!
― they are either militarists (ugh) or kangaroos (?) (DJP), Monday, 10 June 2013 19:39 (eleven years ago) link
― Poliopolice, Tuesday, 11 June 2013 20:10 (eleven years ago) link
i love "lost in the stars"
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Wednesday, 12 June 2013 06:59 (eleven years ago) link
We're doing all of the music on Aug 28, as well as some arrangements of spirituals by Tippet
(btw congrats!)
― they are either militarists (ugh) or kangaroos (?) (DJP), Wednesday, 12 June 2013 14:24 (eleven years ago) link
(thank you!!)
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Wednesday, 12 June 2013 14:46 (eleven years ago) link
― precious bonsai children of new york (Jordan), Wednesday, 12 June 2013 14:55 (eleven years ago) link
Not my musical life, but the lives of several of my friends (most prominently bald dude on end of the group in the first choir shot and the pregnant blonde woman in the second choir shot)
― they are either militarists (ugh) or kangaroos (?) (DJP), Thursday, 13 June 2013 14:28 (eleven years ago) link
― Poliopolice, Tuesday, June 11, 2013 4:10 PM (3 days ago)
True! Just would feel better knowing the people a little beforehand, but yeah why not.
― Evan, Friday, 14 June 2013 17:41 (eleven years ago) link
I sent around an email to the other members of my spiritual ensemble to nail down the date for a concert this fall at King's Chapel; everyone responded and, based on the conversation, we picked one of three dates offered to us.
After the conversation ended, one member who had not been involved announced that he was available for all three potential dates. I responded that we were down on the schedule for a specific date already; he responded saying that that date would be best for him but he could still make any of the three candidates.
I guess my question is "How do you summon the patience to deal with senile people who aren't related to you?", if I have one.
― DJP, Monday, 24 June 2013 17:41 (eleven years ago) link
playing double drums for a friend's project -- the other drummer is one of the founding members of Digit@l Underground.
― precious bonsai children of new york (Jordan), Monday, 24 June 2013 17:46 (eleven years ago) link
Jordan wins
I'll trade you my dude for your drummer
― DJP, Monday, 24 June 2013 17:47 (eleven years ago) link
I'll trade the singer and the drummer for the radiator that decided to spontaneously drain itself through a ceiling the very next day after I thought all this plumbing work was complete and I'd be able to get all my gear out of the storage boxes they've been in for the past four months.
― Wide Area Network King (snoball), Monday, 24 June 2013 17:51 (eleven years ago) link
(I mean, at least the singer and the drummer can help me move boxes and furniture around the place)
― Wide Area Network King (snoball), Monday, 24 June 2013 17:52 (eleven years ago) link
my dude is a retiree with a dubious back, dunno how helpful he'll be moving stuff
― DJP, Monday, 24 June 2013 17:55 (eleven years ago) link
i keep wanting to buy a cassette four-track, convincing myself that's all i need to do to motivate myself to make music more often. but that's the same argument i made to myself for buying new music software a few months ago.
― congratulations (n/a), Monday, 24 June 2013 18:07 (eleven years ago) link
sorry i always complain about wanting to make music but never actually making music. i just realized it's kind of like when people retire but then they get antsy and crazy because they're used to working all day and don't know what to do now that they're not working. just a constant feeling like i should be writing songs but no real energy/motivation/time to do so, and then guilt for not doing anything creative anymore.
― congratulations (n/a), Monday, 24 June 2013 18:12 (eleven years ago) link
that's a good way of putting it, don't know what to tell you. :/
sometimes i sort of fantasize about a creative retirement when i will stop pushing myself to write or produce stuff, stop dealing with booking shows and bullshit, and just play drums in someone else's band or something. maybe hold down a bi-weekly jazz gig where we only play slow and medium tempos.
― precious bonsai children of new york (Jordan), Monday, 24 June 2013 18:48 (eleven years ago) link
trying to get into a habit of doing one small thing on recordings every night, hoping to get to a point where it feels odd not to have done something musical of an evening. finished off two projects over the weekend already so feeling good about this
― #NOBS (electricsound), Tuesday, 25 June 2013 00:02 (eleven years ago) link
Yeah I need to get back on that wagon. I've been sick on and off a couple weeks running and have NOT been in the mood to sing or write a damn thing and it has killed all my foward momentum. I'm hoping this NIN track will at least be a kick up the arse. Also listening to recordings of the last 2 band jams I did, and for someone who cant play bass to save her life, I'm at least passable sounding when I do, haha.
― It is like ganging up on Enya (Trayce), Tuesday, 25 June 2013 01:33 (eleven years ago) link
I dunno if I'm getting anywhere with my "musical project" but I think I've made a couple of breakthroughs. In that I'm finding that what I'm doing doesn't always sound horribly awful.
― Yeezus Built My Hot Rod (King Boy Pato), Tuesday, 25 June 2013 12:26 (eleven years ago) link
Tried singing with a cold tonight, thought red wine would "help".
Ow my fucking throat, ow.
― It is like ganging up on Enya (Trayce), Tuesday, 25 June 2013 12:28 (eleven years ago) link
fwiw, n/a, I don't know any active musicians over the age of 25 who don't have to mentally force themselves into a state of production.
― VIP treatment and a chance to hang with Franco (flamboyant goon tie included), Tuesday, 25 June 2013 12:43 (eleven years ago) link
Started playing in a kinda lame band again to get my chops back, now have my chops back but am playing in a kinda lame band. Hey, it's better than not playing.
― Three Word Username, Wednesday, 26 June 2013 12:14 (eleven years ago) link
1. Recorded a backing track around the singers vocal and managed to do the whole thing in the wrong key.2. Played a show:
― 29 facepalms, Friday, 28 June 2013 12:33 (eleven years ago) link
finally mixed the hateful black metal project that i recorded. let the dudes hear it tonight and they were psyched. gonna release that v soon.
tonight i must make 200 tapes that are way overdue for a surf/metal band that i recorded like 100 years ago (feb 2012!!!).
bought a tape duplicator and 500 tapes for chump change and i'm very stoked for what this is going to bring to my life.
practiced for the first time in a long time with the band that i'm a hired gun bassist for. it was nice. being out of town for so long made me really miss practicing and such.
also renting out practice space in our show space. duh. why did this never occur to us
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Sunday, 30 June 2013 01:17 (eleven years ago) link
oh yeah and my main band's record is being mastered and im excited about that.
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Sunday, 30 June 2013 01:18 (eleven years ago) link
more excited about it finally coming out but this is obv a positive step
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Sunday, 30 June 2013 01:19 (eleven years ago) link
Just had my first solo with the spiritual ensemble. It went really, really well; the only bad thing is that a dude who's been in the group longer normally sings it so I likely won't get to do it again unless he can't make a concert.
― big black nemesis, Puya chilensis (DJP), Sunday, 30 June 2013 21:47 (eleven years ago) link
thought of a song while out and had to call myself to record it on my voicemail
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Sunday, 30 June 2013 21:55 (eleven years ago) link
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Sunday, 30 June 2013 21:56 (eleven years ago) link
I've been asked to do vocals for a doom metal band based on a rather shitty one take freestyle I recorded over a track I was sent. Trying to weigh up whether I ought to do it or if I've already got enough on.
― Pingu Unchained (dog latin), Monday, 8 July 2013 07:32 (eleven years ago) link
I bought a new guitar! An Ibanez Artcore AS73. It's nice. Though I don't have an amp yet and oddly going direct input into my laptop doesn't work particularly well.
― Fanois och Alexander (Merdeyeux), Sunday, 28 July 2013 20:49 (eleven years ago) link
I'm working on completely re-wiring my home studio and getting ready to do some recording to put out. I got a new rack and a couple of patch bays to make it easier to track through my stuff. In addtion, I have also worked on the recording setup in my bands practice studio getting ready to setup to record. I'm going to set it up for much "lower volume" basic tracks and with some things. We record new stuff in the works at practice, but we also play about 1/2 stage volume, so it's pretty loud.
― earlnash, Sunday, 28 July 2013 22:13 (eleven years ago) link
My ex is offering to do a swap with me, he wants my shitty shit, beaten up old japanese Westone bass and he's offering me a telecaster copy in exchange. I hope the Westone isnt worth money or anything nuts (its certainly not in good nick - goes out of tune a lot). I dont even play much guitar. Itd be nice to own one.
― It is like ganging up on Enya (Trayce), Monday, 29 July 2013 00:16 (eleven years ago) link
Finishing up the new pedal board(s) (going with two small ones rather than one giant one). Still need to order new cables...
Any shoegaze/drone bands out there need a guitarist for a tour? REALLY want to get in the van and hit the road for several weeks.
― Elvis Telecom, Monday, 29 July 2013 08:10 (eleven years ago) link
Me and my buddy did one of those live film soundtracks at Latitude Festival on the Saturday Night just gone, it was very strange, in the middle of the woods facing a big screen showing Metropolis.
There was no room to set up anywhere so we played in the tiny sound booth which was a big set of illuminated comedy chattering teeth. It was super dusty and 2/3rds of the way through Kraftwerk came on stage, luckily they were miles away but every so often we could hear little me-lo-dees wafting over.
― MaresNest, Monday, 29 July 2013 08:45 (eleven years ago) link
I bought a stupid douchey guitar made out of an oil can that looks super cool and sounds great except that it's the most out of tune piece of shit ever. I tried adjusting the bridge and ended up just breaking a string. now I have to replace a string which I hate doing because I can never do it right. :(
― staind in the place where you live (crüt), Saturday, 3 August 2013 00:19 (eleven years ago) link
ive been making beats. they are p stupid. also kind of half-assedly working on a solo drone/doom project thing.
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Monday, 5 August 2013 01:17 (eleven years ago) link
I just finished work on a film score, now I'm woodshedding a ballet that is a month late. I tried to sleep just now but I dreamt about e-mails from the choreographer "I am very disappointed in myself for ever having faith in you" :( back to work.
― a blessing and an inspiration (flamboyant goon tie included), Monday, 5 August 2013 01:32 (eleven years ago) link
Either of those in 24tet?
Just received and was pleased with a recording of a piano piece I wrote in the fall. Still plugging away at the recording of the loop-based processed guitar thing I've been working on all year (which might mean that it fails by your "economy" criteria, fgti:P). I hope to have it done by tomorrow though. Preparing for a voice exam (!): thought I should make myself do this in case I ever need to teach solfège.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Monday, 5 August 2013 04:43 (eleven years ago) link
what does the exam require? just curious
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Monday, 5 August 2013 04:44 (eleven years ago) link
It's Royal Conservatory Gr 5, i.e. not terribly advanced by the standards of anyone who can sing at all but enough that I won't feel completely ridiculous if I have to get up and demonstrate things with my voice in front of a room of people. Requirements are: singing four songs (marked on vocal production, diction, and presentation), a vocalise, technical exercises that should be sung on each of six vowels (melodic minor scale ascending and descending in a particular rhythm, ascending major triad arpeggio + descending scale starting on re, minor triad arpeggio + descending harmonic minor scale starting on re, major triad arpeggio in 6/8 legato and staccato, ascending and descending chromatic scale from do to le), ear tests (melody singback, singing intervals above or below a given note, identifying chords by ear), sight singing.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Monday, 5 August 2013 04:54 (eleven years ago) link
(Some of those things are much easier than others obv.)
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Monday, 5 August 2013 05:10 (eleven years ago) link
loop-based processed guitar thing I've been working on all year (which might mean that it fails by your "economy" criteria, fgti
ha not at all, ascetic devotion is the best. I mean economy in the part of the players, like, rehearsal time.Unfortch neither is 24tet this time. Ballet orchestra is good but they need to prioritize rhythmic performance over the tuning of chords :)
― a blessing and an inspiration (flamboyant goon tie included), Monday, 5 August 2013 09:53 (eleven years ago) link
cleaned up and adjusted my guitarclearing the clutter out of my tiny office/music room to make it easier to do stuff in there. trying to figure out what to do with broken gear; pay to get it fixed, try to sell as-is, or just trash it
― congratulations (n/a), Monday, 5 August 2013 16:11 (eleven years ago) link
-working at a synth shop on denmark st (london's tin pan alley), learning lots and using the downtime in the shop to teach myself piano. it's been damn cool working there actually. in the 6 weeks i've been there i've met m@tt bl@ack of ninja/coldcut fame, the cinematic orchestra guys, the dudes from UFO who still do UFO, err ricky gervais, tom waits, tom jones, ha, it's quite a lot of fun -restrung my classical guitar hoping to do some violin and guitar duets with a guy from the LSO who popped into the shop to buy a mic-haven't made any music at home for a few months, which is great, it's always good to have a break-playing a techno night on the 23rd in dalston, did one before doing improv electronics and it went really well, looking forward to knocking something completely different up for this one-am coming more and more to terms with the fact that i'm just an enthusiast and i'll never really have anything to say/offer that's of much worth. lol
― Crackle Box, Monday, 5 August 2013 19:29 (eleven years ago) link
ah if that's the life of the casual enthusiast then being a casual enthusiast sounds very fun. what's the night in dalston?
on thursday i'm gonna have a day long ~jam~ with some friends in an odd 2x guitar 2x laptop setup, i will be sure to upload all the many hours of it for everybody's listening pleasure.
― Merdeyeux, Monday, 5 August 2013 19:56 (eleven years ago) link
playing first show with this band on friday! of scared, it's pretty loosey goosey at the moment, but hopefully the next few practices will get us ready. haven't played bass in forever, but i'm enjoying it!
― tylerw, Monday, 5 August 2013 19:58 (eleven years ago) link
the life of a casual enthusiast sounds amazing
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Monday, 5 August 2013 22:28 (eleven years ago) link
like, that job, omg
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Monday, 5 August 2013 22:29 (eleven years ago) link
Third that, I'd love to work in a synth shop! I spent half my teens in the local Brash's fiddling with all the DX7s and wishing I could afford one.
― It is like ganging up on Enya (Trayce), Monday, 5 August 2013 23:50 (eleven years ago) link
working in a synth shop sounds fun! Fourthing!
― Elvis Telecom, Tuesday, 6 August 2013 09:51 (eleven years ago) link
Rehearsal tonight for an ensemble gig with the Boston Landmarks Orchestra. Doing Weill's "Lost in the Stars" (again)
― THE WORINÐLVE (DJP), Tuesday, 6 August 2013 11:29 (eleven years ago) link
Recording an EP in a fairly expensive studio. Expensive for us anyway. Realising the drummer cant play to a click requiring spending more money on studio time. This has probably happened to other people?
― 29 facepalms, Wednesday, 7 August 2013 13:14 (eleven years ago) link
The drummer from my old band spent a lot of time playing to Orbital CDs precisely so he could improve his inner metronome
― THE WORINÐLVE (DJP), Wednesday, 7 August 2013 13:18 (eleven years ago) link
when I used to drum a little I would try to copy the beats on underworld CDs, mostly a fail
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Wednesday, 7 August 2013 13:42 (eleven years ago) link
drummers: born sloppy
― slamming on the dubstep brakes (snoball), Wednesday, 7 August 2013 14:27 (eleven years ago) link
This has exactly happened to me and we (unfortunately) scrapped everything and (fortunately) re-recorded everything to "no click" and when click was necessary we made one to his limping and amazing drum parts
― -- A smile on a dog, Stephen answered, (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 7 August 2013 22:46 (eleven years ago) link
Had band practice last night and B3n has introduced an old bandmate of his in to do live drums. I dont know if the guy was just out of practice, not used to our already-structured songs or struggling using an electric kit (tbf those things are kind of shite) but I found his input a little overbearing. He kept speeding up, adding masses of fills, and basically rocking out like a mad bastard which given up til now we'd been doing sparse electronic/proggy/pretty stuff was doing my head in a bit. Not sure what to make of it.
― It is like ganging up on Enya (Trayce), Wednesday, 7 August 2013 22:52 (eleven years ago) link
LIke imagine if you took a minimal styles massive attack song and added bombastic rock drums all over it ugtggh dshfgsrwfhf
― It is like ganging up on Enya (Trayce), Wednesday, 7 August 2013 22:53 (eleven years ago) link
Nip it in the bud say "not like that" and give him listening homework
― -- A smile on a dog, Stephen answered, (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 7 August 2013 22:57 (eleven years ago) link
Yeah we played him some loops and said "this is what we're doing" and he was ok with it but just couldnt keep time with the loops and kvetched about it. Surely a good drummer is ok with playing to clicktracks? I dont buy the "you move in and out of time a bit" when it is bleeding obvious. It was a first, rough jam with him tho so benefit of the doubt and all that.
― It is like ganging up on Enya (Trayce), Wednesday, 7 August 2013 23:05 (eleven years ago) link
my ~jam sesh~ was fun, didn't quite know what I was doing for most of it cuz it ended up with three ppl using Max/MSP etc and me trying to work out how to fit guitar into that when I can't really play guitar, but if someone's willing to do a Teo Macero on our five hours or so they may have a nice couple of hours between them, 15 minutes of that with my valuable input.
― Merdeyeux, Thursday, 8 August 2013 23:30 (eleven years ago) link
Jams are fun! I have no idea what Im doing other tbqfh, I'm sometimes playing bass and I seriously am shit at it. But if I keep a simple riff going Im ok. Next challenge: do that and sing at the same time, lol.
― It is like ganging up on Enya (Trayce), Thursday, 8 August 2013 23:57 (eleven years ago) link
Trayce I'll be honest with you I have not seen a single drummer play kit convincingly enough along to a click track to make me think "I am so glad this band has a both click track and a live drummer" so I'd probably cut him some slack
― -- A smile on a dog, Stephen answered, (flamboyant goon tie included), Friday, 9 August 2013 00:59 (eleven years ago) link
not implying you weren't cutting him slack already :)just saying it's a mountain I have not yet seen scaled except for that one video of "guy performing the drum parts to journey to reedham"
― -- A smile on a dog, Stephen answered, (flamboyant goon tie included), Friday, 9 August 2013 01:03 (eleven years ago) link
i recently had a drummer in to effectively replay a drum machine beat with the hope of giving it a more natural feel. fantastic drummer, great sounding kit, pretty much perfectly in time, but the end result sounded dismal in comparison to the DM.
― failed gravy (electricsound), Friday, 9 August 2013 01:35 (eleven years ago) link
a lesson was learned that day
― failed gravy (electricsound), Friday, 9 August 2013 01:36 (eleven years ago) link
goontie: yeah thats fair and I agree! I think I'm more thinking what Jim just said: I think I just prefer the sound of drum machines :/ I'm such a fucking 80s kid.
― It is like ganging up on Enya (Trayce), Friday, 9 August 2013 01:39 (eleven years ago) link
My prob with this guy anyway was less his keeping in time and more his MAD FILLS EVERY TEN SECONDS rock styles. No subtlety whatsoever.
― It is like ganging up on Enya (Trayce), Friday, 9 August 2013 01:40 (eleven years ago) link
But i've now told the other 2 lads this, so its up to them as well, democracy n all that. If we're gonna end up with a wall of noise we could at least get some Guthrie guitar happening.
― It is like ganging up on Enya (Trayce), Friday, 9 August 2013 01:41 (eleven years ago) link
ha not at all, ascetic devotion is the best. I mean economy in the part of the players, like, rehearsal time.
Well, that's the thing. After I figured out the setup and designed the Max patches, writing the material was by far the easiest part. Preparing it for performance and recording has by far been the hardest. (This is largely partly a reflection of my own playing chops: I'm sure Metheny could knock it out in a weekend.) Relating to the current discussion, this is largely because it requires a f high (for me anyway) level of rhythmic precision. It's probably the sort of thing where you could say "well, you could also just sequence all those loops and play over them" which is probably true but the challenge is part of the point imo. An actual really good guitarist has asked for a demo, though, so maybe there's a possibility there?
In any event, everything that's hard to do is recorded now, as tight as it will be with me playing. (I've decided not to quantize.)
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Friday, 9 August 2013 03:40 (eleven years ago) link
I made a beat and then realized that I just completely recreated some random minor madlib beat
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Friday, 9 August 2013 03:49 (eleven years ago) link
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Friday, 9 August 2013 03:52 (eleven years ago) link
(Btw, roxy, the songs I'll be singing for the exam are lol "When Love Is Kind", "Jardin d'Amour", "Moon, sing" by Jon Washburn, and "Let There Be Peace on Earth" so yeah, probably not the most advanced repertoire but enough to keep me busy. I figured out tonight that the trick is, counterintuitively, to think about chest resonance when singing higher notes and to think about head resonance when singing lower notes.)
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Friday, 9 August 2013 03:54 (eleven years ago) link
Sat down to edit a note that was off by the duration of a 64th note, decided in the end that I liked the original imprecise take. This feels like some kind of triumph. This recording is done.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Monday, 12 August 2013 03:24 (eleven years ago) link
i spent three hours painstakingly transcribing a rough hand-played take to midi, then copypasted the best third over the other two thirds of it
― failed gravy (electricsound), Monday, 12 August 2013 03:53 (eleven years ago) link
My musical life as you guys are discussing it is still in its infancy. I'll probably spend --I have spent -- a long time gathering steam before ever considering myself capable of even doing this at all. But I have ideas! And I think they're not terrible! I'm writing them down. I'm probably going to have to meet some more people, that's not the easiest thing to do, but it's not going to keep me from moving forward. This is easily one of the most earnest and embarrassing posts I have ever composed. Still, that's what's going on in my new musical life. It kind of feels like getting an extra life, tbh!
― free your spirit pig (La Lechera), Monday, 12 August 2013 13:42 (eleven years ago) link
drummers are the worst huh
― precious bonsai children of new york (Jordan), Monday, 12 August 2013 15:23 (eleven years ago) link
― free your spirit pig (La Lechera), Monday, 12 August 2013 15:24 (eleven years ago) link
i started using in-ear monitors for my solo electronics + drums show, and it's made things way more fun. i'm good at playing to a click but it's only fun if i can comfortably hear the tracks, and this way i never have to worry about shitty monitors again.
had a crazy weekend of brass band gig > electronic gig > up at 5 am to drive to a festival to play another brass band gig. festival culture is weird.
― precious bonsai children of new york (Jordan), Monday, 12 August 2013 15:26 (eleven years ago) link
What sorts of things are you doing with drums and electronics?
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Monday, 12 August 2013 16:02 (eleven years ago) link
nothing especially cutting edge, i play tracks that i've produced at home using an SP404 and kaoss pad quad (adding effects and triggering samples), and add live drums to sections on a small acoustic kit.
― precious bonsai children of new york (Jordan), Monday, 12 August 2013 17:22 (eleven years ago) link
welp, one of the pieces I thought was cut from our concert in two weeks is back on, and we just got the music for it so we can memorize it
oh well
― OH MY GOD HE'S OOGLY (DJP), Monday, 12 August 2013 17:26 (eleven years ago) link
It's OK LL, I still feel like a bit of a faker at this myself! Like "oh hey I can make music sound ok with presets lolol *sing sing*". Still, it goes over ok...
― It is like ganging up on Enya (Trayce), Tuesday, 13 August 2013 01:54 (eleven years ago) link
I bought a £3.50 shakuhachi. Look out world, my hit machine is just warming up.
― SKYLER FFS SKYLER SKYLER SKYLER (Merdeyeux), Tuesday, 13 August 2013 03:30 (eleven years ago) link
I don't even know what a shakuhachi is beyond a General MIDI patchSend photos
― -- A smile on a dog, Stephen answered, (flamboyant goon tie included), Tuesday, 13 August 2013 11:18 (eleven years ago) link
Best emulator sample of all time iirc
― without you, my anus is insane (electricsound), Tuesday, 13 August 2013 11:30 (eleven years ago) link
― slamming on the dubstep brakes (snoball), Tuesday, 13 August 2013 13:11 (eleven years ago) link
Ugh, after mastering, not happy enough with my timing. Might have to finish this after moving, aargh.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Tuesday, 13 August 2013 13:37 (eleven years ago) link
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Tuesday, 13 August 2013 13:41 (eleven years ago) link
Sat down to edit a note that was off by the duration of a 64th note
Reminds me of the time I re-rendered a track just to reduce the volume of one instrument by half a decibel.
― slamming on the dubstep brakes (snoball), Tuesday, 13 August 2013 13:46 (eleven years ago) link
do it right, guys :)
― -- A smile on a dog, Stephen answered, (flamboyant goon tie included), Tuesday, 13 August 2013 13:57 (eleven years ago) link
OTM, sadly.:(
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Tuesday, 13 August 2013 14:13 (eleven years ago) link
oh i do this all the time
― festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 13 August 2013 16:53 (eleven years ago) link
That actually sounds like standard mixing procedure to me tbh.:P
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Tuesday, 13 August 2013 20:43 (eleven years ago) link
1: reduce volume of closed hi hats2: render track3: listen to track and realise that closed hi hats are still too loud4: repeat from step 1 about a hundred and trillion times5: say "fudge it" and leave the track as it is6: every time this track is played think "damn this sounds terrible"7: remix entire album8: repeat from step 1
― slamming on the dubstep brakes (snoball), Tuesday, 13 August 2013 20:48 (eleven years ago) link
closed hi-hats can be crazy, like looking at the meters they'll be the quietest thing in the track BY FAR, but they just cut through at any volume. like they can be almost subliminal and still do their job. loud hi-hats are cool too though.
― festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 13 August 2013 21:09 (eleven years ago) link
Ah. Yeah, I get you. I spent a good amount of time this year remixing a piece from 2 years ago. Then uploaded it to Soundcloud where 128kbps streaming killed it anyway, ultimately taking it down anyway.
I just got back from a studio where I made an appointment to go over a mix with pro dudes. They basically thought it was fine and didn't need any real changes. I am feeling audio autodidact pride.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Tuesday, 13 August 2013 21:32 (eleven years ago) link
I used to be really anal about my mixes, these days I’m all about capturing raw energy, and the take is the take - live mix down, riding the faders, no going back afterwards.
― Chewshabadoo, Wednesday, 14 August 2013 21:33 (eleven years ago) link
Well, you guys can judge yourselves now.:P
I may revisit this but now it's time to move on with life.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Wednesday, 14 August 2013 21:36 (eleven years ago) link
you have to correct the 4 to an a but I got it, sounds good. What is doing the processing?
― -- A smile on a dog, Stephen answered, (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 14 August 2013 22:12 (eleven years ago) link
sounds dope! really nice man. sounds like future fripp at times.
i wouldn't worry about the timing at all, there's nothing with really hard transients keeping you honest so it's super forgiving, you know? any rubato-ness (of which there is very little) just sounds intentional.
― festival culture (Jordan), Wednesday, 14 August 2013 22:33 (eleven years ago) link
and now i've stumbled into a world of academic guitar shredder soundclouds
― festival culture (Jordan), Wednesday, 14 August 2013 22:37 (eleven years ago) link
Thanks, guys (and thanks for pointing out that correction, fgti)! Yeah, solo classical guitar performance (where all my guitar training has been since I was 14) tends to be pretty rubato-happy so it can actually sometimes be a challenge to play really straight and evenly when I do something more pop/rock-influenced. I figure if a jazz drummer tells me not to worry about the timing, I'm doing OK.
Fgti: I'll give an answer to that question when I have a little more time to write something more detailed.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Thursday, 15 August 2013 02:56 (eleven years ago) link
cool music sund4r
― congratulations (n/a), Thursday, 15 August 2013 14:50 (eleven years ago) link
Thanks, n/a!
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Thursday, 15 August 2013 20:40 (eleven years ago) link
What is doing the processing?
Wasn't sure how much detail you were looking for but:
It's a six-track Max for Live set. I control everything with a MIDI foot controller.
There's a Looper on every track, set to reverse on three tracks. One important effect was a 'Randomized Stutter' which plays back randomized grains of the input at randomized speeds, allowing the user to select maximum and minimum grain size and playback rate and whose output amplitude is scaled to the input amplitude. I can also control dry/wet levels with an expression pedal. On the first loop that you hear, it's set so that the playback rate 'glisses' between random values, using the "line" object in Max. On other tracks, this is turned off so that you have a choppier effect.
The main effect on the second loop you hear is an FFT-based convolution effect that's probably too complicated to explain right now tbh, again with levels controlled by an expression pedal. (The input is an E-bowed low D.)
The third loop is one chord split between two tracks and looped backwards, with just the stutter on one track and also with a couple of FFT-based effects on the other that are based on compressing and expanding the relative amplitudes of the different frequency bins, either with an expression pedal or according to a preset algorithm.
On top of that, there are, of course, Ableton Live EQs, choruses, reverbs, delays, stereo panning, etc.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Thursday, 15 August 2013 23:22 (eleven years ago) link
very dope, i was wondering how much randomization there was, especially for the rhythmic (stutter & delay) effects.
compressing and expanding the relative amplitudes of the different frequency bins
i'm not sure i know what this means but it sounds cool.
― festival culture (Jordan), Friday, 16 August 2013 15:11 (eleven years ago) link
Any sound wave can be broken down as the sum of a series of sine waves which all have different amplitudes, frequencies, and phase shifts, right? It is this particular frequency spectrum that defines the sound's timbre. The FFT actually breaks the sound down into these component frequencies. Some of them obviously have much greater amplitudes than others. Basically, you could think of this as like a really fine graphic EQ. What the effect does is it compresses and expands the differences in amplitudes between the component frequencies (makes the levels on the EQ more flatlined or more peaky). I've got two effects on there, one that does this according to how I rock an expression pedal, another that does this automatically that is controlled by a wave that is generated by FM synthesis according to various inputs.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Friday, 16 August 2013 21:29 (eleven years ago) link
I have been buying gear. gear gear gear.
― I tweeted too much and I am in jail. (crüt), Monday, 19 August 2013 00:08 (eleven years ago) link
me toooooo what did you buy
― ship who you wanna ship (flamboyant goon tie included), Monday, 19 August 2013 00:11 (eleven years ago) link
I'm doing a split cassette w/a false doom metal/drone band so I ordered a proco turborat and mxr blue box. and I decided I'm gonna buy an ebow too. I don't know how useful all of this will end up being but we'll see.
― I tweeted too much and I am in jail. (crüt), Monday, 19 August 2013 00:21 (eleven years ago) link
I bought a dual expression pedal which I'm hooking up to two pitchshifters. Single pitch -> microtonal clouds -> single pitch
― ship who you wanna ship (flamboyant goon tie included), Monday, 19 August 2013 00:52 (eleven years ago) link
Wow, that sounds v cool. You're using that to process your violin?
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Monday, 19 August 2013 00:57 (eleven years ago) link
When we were first learning MaxMSP, with much frustration and without much sense of where it could ultimately lead, my friend and I had a running joke along the lines of "well, we spent two weeks programming ... in order to make a pitchshifter we could have bought from Guitar Center".
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Monday, 19 August 2013 01:00 (eleven years ago) link
xp Yes. If the cloud is narrow and there's a plate on the treatment it is "instant orchestra" and if the cloud is wide and there is no plate it is "instant Hiroshima"
― ship who you wanna ship (flamboyant goon tie included), Monday, 19 August 2013 01:00 (eleven years ago) link
not actual explosions but Penderecki *cough*
― ship who you wanna ship (flamboyant goon tie included), Monday, 19 August 2013 01:01 (eleven years ago) link
"Plate" as in plate reverb?
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Monday, 19 August 2013 01:41 (eleven years ago) link
i am going to a jam session organized by a 'middle aged hack' in my neighborhood. craigslist ad. the guy likes classic rock, funny writer, seemed to have a good attitude. other dudes showing up to this thing have suggested some pearl jam and 'sweet home chicago'. should be fun!
― R'LIAH (goole), Tuesday, 20 August 2013 21:20 (eleven years ago) link
spent all day at work with headphones in listening to "Lost in the Stars" so I can have a hope of being half-memorized by Thursday; will repeat the process tomorrow
― OH MY GOD HE'S OOGLY (DJP), Tuesday, 20 August 2013 21:28 (eleven years ago) link
impulse bought an SG :X
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Wednesday, 21 August 2013 16:48 (eleven years ago) link
― there are more than 3.5 HOOS per steen (BIG HOOS aka the steendriver), Wednesday, 21 August 2013 16:48 (eleven years ago) link
also a RAT. i just went in for strap locks :/
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Wednesday, 21 August 2013 16:49 (eleven years ago) link
many emotions :/ :X :G :D
― Coming Out Of Elton John's Mouth (crüt), Wednesday, 21 August 2013 16:50 (eleven years ago) link
i just thought, how am i tryin to be 33 and not owning the guitar i've wanted my entire life
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Wednesday, 21 August 2013 16:50 (eleven years ago) link
nice. i used to have one, then one day (artists rendition of what happened)
― brownie, Wednesday, 21 August 2013 16:53 (eleven years ago) link
that makes sense sund4r, thanks for breaking that down.
i'm not complaining, but i had a review of a new track yesterday that said something about the rhythmic shifts being "unintentionally disorienting" -- oh i sure you, it was intentional. :)
― festival culture (Jordan), Wednesday, 21 August 2013 16:55 (eleven years ago) link
snap. i really need to knuckle down and learn more about instrument repair. which reminds me, i need to fix a crack in the body of my t-bird. it's such a weird shape, it will be hard to clamp.
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Wednesday, 21 August 2013 16:57 (eleven years ago) link
OTM. I bought an ES-335 when I turned 34.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Wednesday, 21 August 2013 18:42 (eleven years ago) link
Congrats btw! That's great.
Exam in less than 2h.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Wednesday, 21 August 2013 19:49 (eleven years ago) link
<3 thx. and good luck!
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Wednesday, 21 August 2013 21:01 (eleven years ago) link
Thanks! A couple of flubs but I think it went OK.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Wednesday, 21 August 2013 23:02 (eleven years ago) link
Trial and error (and necessity) finally yielded an effective method of creating a "home orchestra" sound for the many clients who wanted, say, "the Dillard & Clark sound" or w/e but no budget for players. It involves five tracks of violin per part using two different mics.
The big problem with multi-tracking violins for "strings" is the phase issues that are created, as well as problem frequencies (for most violins, that annoying 2K). I found that if you do two takes with the Coles ribbon mic for the "tone" and two with a 414 for the "presence" (hi-pass all the way up to 2.5 or even 3K), hard pan each, then run the result through a plate, you get a perfect wet sound. Overdub a single, centred, dry violin take with both mics at once for definition and voila you've got "Why Not Your Baby".
Anyway, the pedalboard version of this setup, which I'm getting together for a client with money to burn, I just got going today and it is ridiculously expensive to look at (two Pitchfactors, two Strymon Blueskys, one Pigtronix dual expression pedal) but it sounds, well, it sounds like a million bucks.
― ship who you wanna ship (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 21 August 2013 23:11 (eleven years ago) link
I felt kind of excited reading that.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Wednesday, 21 August 2013 23:18 (eleven years ago) link
:) I'll make a little recording with it this week if I get a chance. It really does sound remarkable. Violinists are so fucked when it comes to live sound with our shitty piezo pickups and hideous looking electrics, it gives me great pleasure to fix a player up with a live sound
― ship who you wanna ship (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 21 August 2013 23:39 (eleven years ago) link
That rig sounds amazing! Otm re: shitty piezo electric violin, that is the worst fucking sound.
― Spot Lange (Jon Lewis), Wednesday, 21 August 2013 23:50 (eleven years ago) link
Got to do a jam with my band last night for the first time in too many weeks, and it was probably one of the best ones we've done. I'd had massive reservations about the drummer we've brought into the fold (we'd been using drum machines up til recently) but with him settled in and not bashing away at 23123mph anymore, and me now on keys so the guys can concentrate on the guitars, the whole thing has just levelled up, and we came up with like 3 or 4 completely new potential songs last night. So freaking stoked!
― It is like ganging up on Enya (Trayce), Thursday, 29 August 2013 01:35 (eleven years ago) link
Now I need to think about maybe a few singing lessons, as I'm finding I need to revisit my ability to control my breathing and phrasing. Im sure smoking isnt helping.
― It is like ganging up on Enya (Trayce), Thursday, 29 August 2013 01:36 (eleven years ago) link
just got off stage about an hour ago from singing excerpts from "Lost in the Stars" narrated by Governor Deval Patrick with a small solo by my wife
it was pretty fucking boss
― (what was the purpose of that stupid costume) (DJP), Thursday, 29 August 2013 01:55 (eleven years ago) link
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Thursday, 29 August 2013 02:58 (eleven years ago) link
― It is like ganging up on Enya (Trayce), Thursday, 29 August 2013 03:07 (eleven years ago) link
― The_Horse_With_No_Name(tag), Friday, 30 August 2013 16:35 (eleven years ago) link
― R'LIAH (goole), Tuesday, August 20, 2013 4:20 PM (1 week ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
this turned out to be both really awkward and a lot of fun
― R'LIAH (goole), Friday, 30 August 2013 16:38 (eleven years ago) link
I just got a refret and set up done on my main electric, and have been DYING to play out, but have no time!
I also have a mandolin that I need to intonate, but no good tuner! Argh!
― Sleep Deprivation Thriver (B.L.A.M.), Friday, 30 August 2013 23:03 (eleven years ago) link
Goole - pls elaborate. I love unfamiliar jam sessions!
― Sleep Deprivation Thriver (B.L.A.M.), Friday, 30 August 2013 23:04 (eleven years ago) link
I've been working nights and weekends this summer on a ballet which I am on track to finish TODAY (or TOMORROW)
― flamboyant goon tie included, Saturday, 31 August 2013 14:22 (eleven years ago) link
wow, way to go!
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Saturday, 31 August 2013 14:38 (eleven years ago) link
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Sunday, 1 September 2013 02:59 (eleven years ago) link
― HOOS it because...of steen???? (BIG HOOS aka the steendriver), Tuesday, 3 September 2013 18:10 (eleven years ago) link
finally ordered the elusive, discontinued memory card for my sampler from ebay to use with new musical project/band
― not some dude poking a Line 6 pedal with his dick (sarahell), Tuesday, 3 September 2013 22:51 (eleven years ago) link
which sampler?
― festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 3 September 2013 22:58 (eleven years ago) link
Dr. Sample 202
― not some dude poking a Line 6 pedal with his dick (sarahell), Tuesday, 3 September 2013 23:02 (eleven years ago) link
The Sp-202 is a fun gadget. I did these entirely on an Sp-202. And many more, currently lost to time.
I did this this summer. It has words, too. I'm rather proud of it.
― Austin, Wednesday, 4 September 2013 03:59 (eleven years ago) link
I thought I was done but I forgot about the harp pedalling *barrrf*
― flamboyant goon tie included, Saturday, 7 September 2013 20:21 (eleven years ago) link
i love all SPs and use my 404-SX all the time. i'd love to mess around with some of the older ones (mostly for the effects), if it wasn't such a pain to load samples on (i.e. ebaying old memory cards).
― festival culture (Jordan), Saturday, 7 September 2013 21:22 (eleven years ago) link
i don't ever want to delete the preset with the lady saying "stand by"
― not some dude poking a Line 6 pedal with his dick (sarahell), Saturday, 7 September 2013 21:24 (eleven years ago) link
Best song I have to learn at least part of for a cabaret performance
― WHAT DOES SAMANTHA FOX SAY (DJP), Monday, 16 September 2013 15:00 (eleven years ago) link
Played a really fun little local street/pub festival at the weekend and we're slowly getting a bit of a reputation. Can't believe how different it feels performing in front of a group of people compared to practicing at home. Something about having to actually 'perform' in front of people other than my bandmates makes me completely forget what I'm supposed to be doing. I'll also never get the hang of sound checks/being able to get an idea of what we sound like when we play live. My memory of it was pure chaos with just, like, a wailing voice over a thundering buzzing sound, but people said we sounded great, so...
― Pingu Unchained (dog latin), Tuesday, 17 September 2013 00:50 (eleven years ago) link
I may explode in a fit of rage at our next spiritual ensemble rehearsal if people don't learn their music
― WHAT DOES SAMANTHA FOX SAY (DJP), Wednesday, 18 September 2013 01:47 (eleven years ago) link
The almost-a-band I'm in put some music online:
― 29 facepalms, Wednesday, 18 September 2013 09:40 (eleven years ago) link
i want to sing in a choir again.
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Wednesday, 18 September 2013 17:36 (eleven years ago) link
when it isn't the worst thing in the world, it's really fun!
― WHAT DOES SAMANTHA FOX SAY (DJP), Wednesday, 18 September 2013 17:37 (eleven years ago) link
i tried to record a kind of singer-songwritery song last night and got too embarrassed and had to stop
― congratulations (n/a), Wednesday, 18 September 2013 17:38 (eleven years ago) link
i just thought, how am i tryin to be 33 and not owning the guitar i've wanted my entire life1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak) wrote this at 2013-08-21 16:50:59.000
1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak) wrote this at 2013-08-21 16:50:59.000
Yes! Had a realization this summer that I had got into playing music when I was 10 because I wanted to play bass, but my parents made me take guitar lessons because they owned a guard and that just spiraled into me being a guitar player. So broke down and bought a bass last month at age 34. Fuck. I feel so much better about my musical life at the moment. Have to learn how to play bass now, as I've already gone through all the basslines I'd learned to play on guitar, but I'm very stoked about it.
― how's life, Wednesday, 18 September 2013 20:48 (eleven years ago) link
"Owned a guitar"
― how's life, Wednesday, 18 September 2013 20:49 (eleven years ago) link
Well my band for the first time in probably 13 months doesn't have any upcoming gigs booked, as the club we were going to play in a couple weeks has closed. So far we got to do 12 shows this year. It's not a huge number but the crazy thing is we mostly play shows like 2 hours away more, as there are just no local gigs doing what we do.
Eh...I'm ready to do some recording and writing some new tunes anyway.
― earlnash, Friday, 20 September 2013 02:38 (eleven years ago) link
playing this show on monday but more importantly look at this flyer
― a hard dom is good to find (Edward III), Friday, 20 September 2013 17:05 (eleven years ago) link
That is a great flyer.
― emil.y, Friday, 20 September 2013 17:07 (eleven years ago) link
Everything about that flyer makes me want to go and see that show.
― came the time he flipped his lid came the time he flipped his lid (snoball), Friday, 20 September 2013 17:11 (eleven years ago) link
Who drew it? It rules.
― i believe we can c.h.u.d. all night (Jon Lewis), Friday, 20 September 2013 17:23 (eleven years ago) link
the promoter made it, I've actually never met her? hoping she'll have extra copies at the show....
― a hard dom is good to find (Edward III), Friday, 20 September 2013 17:37 (eleven years ago) link
― a hard dom is good to find (Edward III), Friday, 20 September 2013 17:51 (eleven years ago) link
ooh thanks! Never heard of him before. I wonder if he counted the bilious Heinrich Heine among his ancestors.
― i believe we can c.h.u.d. all night (Jon Lewis), Friday, 20 September 2013 19:58 (eleven years ago) link
Feeling good about my latest 'choons to the point where I'm starting to think about seeking out live performances. And then I realize: that's me playing all the parts on my demos and I haven't played my songs for anyone else.
So much for that idea.
Here's my most recent thing. It's very stock jangle pop sounding. But that's what we like:
― Austin, Saturday, 21 September 2013 04:44 (eleven years ago) link
As menshed elsewhere last night was pretty much my first proper time performing live, even if it were just vox/harmonies. It was super fun though, helped by the fact my bandmates are amazing,talented men who write music I actively really enjoy. So proud of us.
― taxi tomato or bag tomato (Trayce), Saturday, 21 September 2013 04:54 (eleven years ago) link
playing tonight at the larimer lounge in Denver! if you're in denver, come say hi!
― tylerw, Saturday, 21 September 2013 21:00 (eleven years ago) link
- I've been writing a lot of chamber music this year. Most exciting is a ballet, the National Ballet of Canada are performing it in November. Orchestra + solo soprano + harpsichord. Anybody who'd like to hear MIDI and see PDF can PM me about it.
- It seems I am writing a vocal piece for Hilliard Ensemble with another ILXor on the words and I bet you can guess who
- Diam4nda Gal4s played a festival that I curated in Lausanne. Unfortunately I could not attend because I am busy in Montreal. But: I got word from my friend doing her makeup that aside from being a lovely person to work with, she is a fan of Mariah. "I love her," she said, when looking at some Mariah brand nail polish. How about that? It's like *sigh of relief*
― flamboyant goon tie included, Tuesday, 24 September 2013 19:39 (eleven years ago) link
Man, that is a post I cannot top.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Tuesday, 24 September 2013 20:21 (eleven years ago) link
I was going to add that I'm also appearing on SNL this weekend but I figured I'd break it into two posts.
― flamboyant goon tie included, Tuesday, 24 September 2013 20:43 (eleven years ago) link
That actually takes a lot if pressure off of my little cabaret night, thanks ftgi
― You are kind, I am jerkface (DJP), Tuesday, 24 September 2013 22:03 (eleven years ago) link
i bought an overdrive pedal yeaaaaaaah now who wins eh.
― opie dead eyed piece of shit (Merdeyeux), Wednesday, 25 September 2013 01:13 (eleven years ago) link
! xxp
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Wednesday, 25 September 2013 01:24 (eleven years ago) link
I have about 30 mins of music done, if I clean it up I guess I have an album
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Wednesday, 25 September 2013 01:25 (eleven years ago) link
also apparently I made a song last night that for some reason I titled Boricua Owl
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Wednesday, 25 September 2013 01:26 (eleven years ago) link
- sat up way late last night trying out the studio mic ive had set up in my room forever and not used (issues with room reverb i had to fix). Dear god, it shits all over my beaten up old SM57. I dont have to STRAIN when I sing.
― taxi tomato or bag tomato (Trayce), Wednesday, 25 September 2013 01:40 (eleven years ago) link
Hell yeah, Merdeyeux! What did you get?
― how's life, Wednesday, 25 September 2013 12:00 (eleven years ago) link
Picked up my tele this morning for the first time since buying the bass about a month ago. It felt like a mandolin. The bass is so much more comfortable for me.
― how's life, Wednesday, 25 September 2013 15:46 (eleven years ago) link
After our rehearsal last night, I think the spiritual ensemble concert on Sunday will be okay. As of Monday, I thought it was going to be a massive trainwreck, so that's a good thing.
― You are kind, I am jerkface (DJP), Wednesday, 25 September 2013 15:48 (eleven years ago) link
convinced highly skeptical bandmate that bass through the slowgear clone pedal -> heavy metal 2 pedal would sound awesome.
― not some dude poking a Line 6 pedal with his dick (sarahell), Wednesday, 25 September 2013 21:53 (eleven years ago) link
how cool did it sound
― fresh (crüt), Wednesday, 25 September 2013 22:01 (eleven years ago) link
is it good for basslines or is it more suitable for abstract/extended technique playing
― fresh (crüt), Wednesday, 25 September 2013 22:02 (eleven years ago) link
it sounds as close to a distorted amplified cello as I think I can get with a bass and no computer/midi. It only works well when played slow or at moderate tempo, but it is almost exactly what I wanted it to sound like.
― not some dude poking a Line 6 pedal with his dick (sarahell), Wednesday, 25 September 2013 22:07 (eleven years ago) link
n.b. i have only been playing bass for about a year, after having played for about a year as a teenager, so it might work differently for a better bass player
― not some dude poking a Line 6 pedal with his dick (sarahell), Wednesday, 25 September 2013 22:08 (eleven years ago) link
cabaret was doooooooooope
― Bitch Fantastic (DJP), Sunday, 6 October 2013 12:56 (eleven years ago) link
my girlfriends and i started practicing to be the GoGos at the local halloween thing
its my electric (non-bass) guitar debut tbh
it is VERY fun
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Monday, 7 October 2013 02:24 (eleven years ago) link
i am jane weidlin
she lives in my town, plays some bands i think but i haven't seen any of them. i only know her from Clue.
― festival culture (Jordan), Monday, 7 October 2013 13:40 (eleven years ago) link
Been trying out a new bass playing technique by holding the neck higher and holding my fingers so they point down rather than across the neck, playing the strings with the sides of my fingers a bit like a double bass. I'm self taught but this seemed to help my playing somewhat (less encouraged to play with my thumb), whereas I'd almost always approached the bass like a finger style guitar with a finger on each string. Am I doing the right thing here?
― Pingu Unchained (dog latin), Monday, 7 October 2013 15:00 (eleven years ago) link
finished a recording project i've been working on for a yearbought a new guitartrying to write songs again
― fresh (crüt), Monday, 7 October 2013 15:05 (eleven years ago) link
wait, dl, do you mean with your fingers pointing straight up? and do you mean your fretting or picking hand?
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Monday, 7 October 2013 23:04 (eleven years ago) link
picking hand. before, i was holding my hand into a sort of claw with a thumb/finger for each string. I knew i was doing it wrong, but it's what came natural. I'm trying to use the resting thumb/two finger technique now, but I'm playing it a bit more like an upright bass (although maybe not that extreme).
― Pingu Unchained (dog latin), Monday, 7 October 2013 23:16 (eleven years ago) link
i started playing bass this year and my hand cramps out very hard and embarassingly fast, but it's more my fretting hand. could be wrong but there's no right or wrong way unless you really wanna shred, it's more about experimenting with what feels comfortable. i'm at the extreme of unambitiousness technique-wise, though
― flopson, Monday, 7 October 2013 23:20 (eleven years ago) link
oh ok yeah. youre now playing the way i play.
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Monday, 7 October 2013 23:59 (eleven years ago) link
im really worried that my (pending) rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis (waiting for test results) is going to F with my playing. so far whatever it is isn't in my wrists or hands, but from what i hear that prob won't last
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Tuesday, 8 October 2013 00:00 (eleven years ago) link
Got the EP mastered today. Pretty happy with it.
― 29 facepalms, Tuesday, 8 October 2013 08:42 (eleven years ago) link
I spent yesterday evening in a super-souped up studio, an "ideal listening environment", to listen to and make notes on some mixes I've been working on for a client. Things were going great until my friend who works there cruelly put on some Real Music, who's mixes shat all over mine. A single Broadcast song made me want to change occupations, bleah.
I've been stewing about this for years: if the listening public/music writing body understood how their musical experiences are so definitively created by not the songwriter, or the producer, or the performer, but by the mixer and the mixing process, 90% of all fun rhetoric would dissolve. You can't really sling mud as effectively when your opinions are defined exclusively by who's behind the desk. Agree? disagree? Anyway, making records sucks.
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Tuesday, 8 October 2013 17:45 (eleven years ago) link
disagree; you just get to have nerdier, more esoteric mudslinging arguments
― Bitch Fantastic (DJP), Tuesday, 8 October 2013 17:48 (eleven years ago) link
Anyway, making records sucks.
Bleurgh, tell me about it...I've got 95% of an album recorded, but nothing mixed yet. And this is always the point at which my ears fill with cotton wool and the songs that I thought were awesome end up sounding like a guy shouting from behind a sofa.
― not a lunch that is hot (snoball), Tuesday, 8 October 2013 17:59 (eleven years ago) link
True. The language of mixing engineers is kind of the worst. I started to type some anecdotes but it just turned into venting so I deleted it.
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Tuesday, 8 October 2013 18:42 (eleven years ago) link
dude who mixed my band's never-released album had managed to get his hands on copies of the Sergeant Pepper's masters and was going to remix the album to include some of the string parts that had been left out
that basically told me everything I feel I need to know about dudes who are professional mixers
― Bitch Fantastic (DJP), Tuesday, 8 October 2013 18:44 (eleven years ago) link
some otherwise good records can be ruined or made less enjoyable by bad recording/mixing/mastering, and other records can sound terrible and still be great. it all depends, y'know? some kinds of music are way more dependent on sonics than others.
― festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 8 October 2013 18:50 (eleven years ago) link
if the listening public/music writing body understood how their musical experiences are so definitively created by not the songwriter, or the producer, or the performer, but by the mixer and the mixing process, 90% of all fun rhetoric would dissolve. You can't really sling mud as effectively when your opinions are defined exclusively by who's behind the desk
Oh god yes. Final mixing on good speakers is like getting your teeth pulled through your brain, you doubt your aesthetics and your sanity. It's like a process of systematically removing everything you found intrinsically interesting during composition. But things like low end are important.
More Sunday broadcasts followed, but Stokowski was unhappy with them. He disliked the sound of the radio signal, which was compressed (tamped in at its low and high ends) so as to travel through the air without grave loss of fidelity. He loathed the surrender of aural control that the process called for. Before conducting the musicians, he conducted the technicians -- supervising the placement of the microphones, scrutinizing the recording equipment, and quarreling with his new rival behind a mixing console. "He was at the conductor's stand, and off to the side in the wings there was a man sitting at a sort of keyboard with dials," Evangeline Johnson recalled. "He was called the mixer. Stokowski stopped the orchestra and asked what the man was doing." When the need to compress the sound for broadcast was explained, he retorted: "Then you're paying the wrong man. He's the conductor and I'm not. I don't want this to be broadcast under my name if I'm not controlling the pianissimo, the mezzo forte, and the fortissimo."
As the story goes, for the next broadcast Stokowski made the technicians place a portable mixing board near the conductor's podium; as the story goes, the technicians disconnected the wires at their end, placating the maestro with the illusion of control.
pg 138, Reinventing Bach, Paul Elle
― Milton Parker, Tuesday, 8 October 2013 18:59 (eleven years ago) link
(eventual story is that Stokowski settled on sitting the mixer within the orchestra, where he could be conducted.)
― Milton Parker, Tuesday, 8 October 2013 19:00 (eleven years ago) link
there's no Stokowski thread on ILM. what are we, amateurs?
― Milton Parker, Tuesday, 8 October 2013 19:07 (eleven years ago) link
xp I think that is a rose-coloured view that I wish were the case but ime is not the case, especially in the current climate, where quantitative number crunching has mostly usurped verbal criticism as being the primary method in which records are talked about.
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Tuesday, 8 October 2013 19:08 (eleven years ago) link
thanks for that, Milton
I am in the middle of recording an LP, I start tracking vocals tomorrow, tracking and mixing is supposed to be wrapped up in the next 3 weeks, I feel pretty much 24/7 anxiety about it these days
Reading these last few posts isn't helping :(
― St3ve Go1db3rg, Tuesday, 8 October 2013 19:21 (eleven years ago) link
my record is finally coming out next month. feels like i finished it forever ago but it was a long process of finding a label, getting together artwork, video, an EP w/remixes leading up to it, etc etc etc.
meanwhile i've been messing around doing production for a few different rappers and singers. who knows when any of that stuff will come out but it's nice not having to worry about the mastering, promo, etc for it.
― festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 8 October 2013 19:27 (eleven years ago) link
also the record went through a last-minute round of remastering after a lot of agonizing about it, so yeah.
recently had a record come out that went through 3 rounds of mastering
it can drive you just a little bit crazy, especially if you're already halfway there (e.g. I'll listen to various masterings of albums to figure out which I like best)
I think some of the inherent disconnect between mastering engineers and musicians is that the former are trying to obtain something that will sound the same across a wide variety of playback situations, and that may involve squelching frequencies that the latter are quite fond of
― a hard dom is good to find (Edward III), Tuesday, 8 October 2013 20:40 (eleven years ago) link
not to mention the inherent differences in LP/CD and digital audio
don't get me started on 24bit->16bit dithering
― a hard dom is good to find (Edward III), Tuesday, 8 October 2013 20:43 (eleven years ago) link
the former are trying to obtain something that will sound the same across a wide variety of playback situations, and that may involve squelching frequencies that the latter are quite fond of
well put. saving you the heartbreak of how all the parts you're currently the fondest of are going to sound on other systems.
I am tagging along for this:
― Milton Parker, Tuesday, 8 October 2013 21:26 (eleven years ago) link
i thought i was happy with how my new EP sounded but then i heard it on Spotify via my girlfriend's laptop's speakers and i wanted to die.
― festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 8 October 2013 21:28 (eleven years ago) link
what is going on in your musical life, Milton? You are going on tour soon, yes?
― excited about the intentional phallus-y (sarahell), Tuesday, 8 October 2013 21:28 (eleven years ago) link
I like to mix the vocals on laptop speakers for this reason
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Tuesday, 8 October 2013 21:57 (eleven years ago) link
me too
― surm, Tuesday, 8 October 2013 21:59 (eleven years ago) link
that's a good idea, this was more no bass (duh) and some slightly harsh mids from a bell tone, which sounded like it had a lot more sustain on the laptop speakers vs any decent stereo where those frequencies blend in more.
― festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 8 October 2013 22:13 (eleven years ago) link
a lot of great music doesn't sound like anything on laptop speakers
― fresh (crüt), Tuesday, 8 October 2013 22:15 (eleven years ago) link
I pushed for using a different master for the vinyl vs digital release
this was not a popular decision among all involved in the process but I think it was the right one
― a hard dom is good to find (Edward III), Tuesday, 8 October 2013 22:21 (eleven years ago) link
does anything sound good on laptop speakers?
― a hard dom is good to find (Edward III), Tuesday, 8 October 2013 22:22 (eleven years ago) link
that shit ruins whitehouse
― Milton Parker, Tuesday, October 8, 2013 5:26 PM (57 minutes ago)
awesome, see you next week brah
― a hard dom is good to find (Edward III), Tuesday, 8 October 2013 22:29 (eleven years ago) link
got the video back last night from my community theater version of Jesus Christ Superstar (Pilate) yesterday. really amateur quality video (small black boxy theater):
― Neanderthal, Tuesday, 8 October 2013 22:33 (eleven years ago) link
true i'm not too worried about it but mostly got anxious because she was like "is that what it sounds like? i liked it better at the show." and i mean yeah, i hope it sounds better over giant speakers & subs compared to tinny laptop ones.
― festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 8 October 2013 22:45 (eleven years ago) link
That was great, Neanderthal! I grew up listening to JCS. I performed Pilate's Dream at my induction to the thespian society in high school at age 16 or so, probably looked like a total goofball, but I always wanted to play Pilate.
― St3ve Go1db3rg, Wednesday, 9 October 2013 01:31 (eleven years ago) link
if the listening public/music writing body understood how their musical experiences are so definitively created by not the songwriter, or the producer, or the performer, but by the mixer and the mixing process, 90% of all fun rhetoric would dissolve
― Pingu Unchained (dog latin), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 10:56 (eleven years ago) link
A flimsy song with fantastic production is much more likely to do well than a fantastic song with lousy production.
― Pingu Unchained (dog latin), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 10:57 (eleven years ago) link
Depends what you mean by "do well."
― Immediate Follower (NA), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 11:14 (eleven years ago) link
not sound like shit
― Pingu Unchained (dog latin), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 12:00 (eleven years ago) link
Neanderthal, that is GREAT
― Bitch Fantastic (DJP), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 14:05 (eleven years ago) link
I don't know, it seems like having shitty songs is a good way to sound like shit. Anyways I just feel like saying it's ok to have boring songs if your production is good is a glib statement and I doubt you really believe that.
― Immediate Follower (NA), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 14:16 (eleven years ago) link
I've always known I don't have "good ears" but more and more I realize that I just have no idea what sounds good or bad to other people. I hear some stuff and I know it's well-produced or well-mixed but I rarely hear something that is ruined for me solely by having bad production or a bad mix. Which is not to say that those things aren't important but just to say that I am totally unable to gauge them.
― Immediate Follower (NA), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 14:19 (eleven years ago) link
I can't listen to the first Smiths album despite loving pretty much every song on it because of the way it sounds
― Bitch Fantastic (DJP), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 14:21 (eleven years ago) link
@ NA, when I say "do well" I typically mean "will find resonance in 2013 with the music writing community and the consumer-listener base".
And I'm not trying to say that "a shitty song" can be made to sound good. I just don't think there are that many shitty songs. Can you form a complete sentence? You can write a song. Beyond that it's performance (almost arbitrary in 2013), production and mix
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 14:27 (eleven years ago) link
I was responding to this:
― Pingu Unchained (dog latin), Wednesday, October 9, 2013 5:57 AM (3 hours ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
― Immediate Follower (NA), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 14:31 (eleven years ago) link
I'm a massive fan of lo-fi stuff but I kind of agree about production/mixing? Though I wouldn't go so far as to say 'a shit song can sound great with good mixing', I do think the line between a good and bad song is often small, and a lot of it is to do with arrangement, production, mix. And the caveat that I love lo-fi is kind of irrelevant, because the bands I love that sound for are bands that suit no production/rough production/anti-production or whatever. The form suits the content, man.
― emil.y, Wednesday, 9 October 2013 14:39 (eleven years ago) link
What I was trying to express is that there's external success (how much other people like a song) and internal success (how happy you are with a song you write) and they are both valid measures of success. I have trouble with defining the success of a song solely by how much other people like it because there are lots of other factors with this that aren't related to the song itself (i.e. even getting your song to the ears of the music writing community and consumers) and because lots of people like shitty songs. I also don't really understand saying that performance is almost arbitrary - not in a "I disagree with this" way but in a "this is just a confusing statement" way.
― Immediate Follower (NA), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 14:39 (eleven years ago) link
There are also things like cultural moments/trends and the connotations of certain sounds that put you off songs, of course. Things like, when Nouvelle Vague first came out, I thought the arrangement was kind of charming, but now if I hear people doing covers like that I want to murder them horribly.
xpost to myself, there.
― emil.y, Wednesday, 9 October 2013 14:42 (eleven years ago) link
Oh and production/mixing can definitely push a song from good to great. I'm not even arguing with anyone. I just feel like when I was starting to write songs and play music, there was an attitude of "I write these songs for myself and I don't care what other people think about them as long as I'm happy with them." I realize there's a percentage of bullshit in that statement but it still makes me a little sad when people only think they're doing well if they're reaching a significant commercial audience and getting good reviews. If that's your measure, then there are plenty of artists who are now canonical who never "did well" in their lifetime.
― Immediate Follower (NA), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 14:45 (eleven years ago) link
I guess 'performance is arbitrary' is a reflection on the number of things one can do to 'fix' performance flaws in the modern age? I was a little confused by that at first, too.
― emil.y, Wednesday, 9 October 2013 14:48 (eleven years ago) link
I do not believe "how happy you are with a song you write" is a valid measure of success
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 14:51 (eleven years ago) link
I mean, I write lots of songs for myself and I sell records to myself and I go to all my own shows and license these songs to commercials selling myself to myself
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 14:52 (eleven years ago) link
Really? I mean, fair enough, it's not a good measure of success if your aim is to make a living writing music, but it's perfectly valid if your aim is just to write good songs. 'Success' is not a monolithic thing.
― emil.y, Wednesday, 9 October 2013 14:58 (eleven years ago) link
The production conversation is interesting because I tend to have this feeling like a lack of production sheen has maybe held my material back in the past from reaching more people, but at the same time I know there are albums that I love and that also have tons of fans that don't sound objectively outstanding either. It's like I can think lo-fi is a cool aesthetic except when it applies to my material, when it doesn't sound like an aesthetic choice as much as just mediocrity. Although I guess there's still good and bad aesthetics as far as production goes even among lo-fi stuff, or "less than super hi-fi" stuff.
But with vocals too I often find myself being able to accept and even enjoy a lot of roughness from other singers, but when it's my own performance it makes me cringe if it's not right on because I feel like it just doesn't work. Maybe it's psychological, or maybe it's just a stylistic mismatch or something.
If that's your measure, then there are plenty of artists who are now canonical who never "did well" in their lifetime.
I have a whole song about this idea on the album I'm recording now, it's called "Vincent van Gogh." Titular lyric: "It worked for Nick Drake and for Edgar A. Poe / Franz Schubert, John Toole, and Vincent van Gogh." Of course I'm not really convinced yet and haven't figured out how to not be miserable about not being more successful.
― St3ve Go1db3rg, Wednesday, 9 October 2013 14:59 (eleven years ago) link
fgti is operating in a different musical world from most of the rest of us here
― fresh (crüt), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 15:01 (eleven years ago) link
The form suits the content, man.
^^^this. i think i get away with a lot of things in my own recordings (noise, hiss, etc) because it's part of the aesthetic that would never fly if it was supposed to be a polished pop or rock record. it's also a lot easier to make a good sounding record when you're working with a lot of samples vs a lot of live instruments, imo.
― festival culture (Jordan), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 15:02 (eleven years ago) link
Damn xposts, I was going to make a hilarious aside about 'Edgar Allan Poff'.
― emil.y, Wednesday, 9 October 2013 15:05 (eleven years ago) link
ha crut well on one hand I feel like "why don't more people aim high and write songs with listeners in mind instead of seeing songwriting as a kind of therapy?" and on the other hand I'm like "remember I approached music-making with enthusiasm and joy? oh yeah that was when it was a hobby"
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 15:06 (eleven years ago) link
*"remember when I approached..."
Steve otm about vocal takes. It's super important that singers work with somebody to help them through their own psychodrama.
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 15:10 (eleven years ago) link
Why don't we take this onto a production-specific thread instead of unfairly obscuring Neanderthal's awesome turn as Pilate
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 15:11 (eleven years ago) link
not all listeners want the same thing tho! I make music with the listener in mind but in my case "the listener" is a relatively small group of people who probably have different standards of form & fidelity than you & your audience. I would like to make a more "accessible" record though. I just have a lot of aesthetic hangups that I have to figure out my way through before I can get there.
― fresh (crüt), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 15:12 (eleven years ago) link
oh man, OTM; one reason why I don't sing that much on ILX pre-cover submissions is because I usually don't want to go through the ten day death spiral of "oh that sounds all right/JESUS CHRIST I AM TERRIBLE/well it's not that big a deal/I SHOULD NEVER SING SOLO EVER AGAIN/I need a voice teacher/I FUCKING NEED A VOICE TEACHER"
― Bitch Fantastic (DJP), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 15:13 (eleven years ago) link
Yeah and I mean I am totally into a lot of music with rough singing, but in my mind that stuff registers as cool or non-chalant or rock and roll or something, but when I hear myself sounding rough it just comes across as awful.
But I think there might be something to the type of melody and musical context that affects how this works as well, and like the type of stuff I write just wants to sound pretty. I dunno but I have to go record vocals in a few hours and I'm nervous.
― St3ve Go1db3rg, Wednesday, 9 October 2013 15:18 (eleven years ago) link
xp lol your singing is awesome btw
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 15:19 (eleven years ago) link
― Bitch Fantastic (DJP), Wednesday, October 9, 2013 11:13 AM Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
co-signed - I HATE recording. my pitch is solid when I sing live because it's a fluid, connected performance, and even if a bad note slips, oh well, it'll slip into the night and be forgotten.
Recording actually rewires my technique - I've watched video of me singing during a recording and I have these tics that negatively impact that sound that I don't do when I sing live, and it's because I'm too overanxious, too overthinking each individual note. I also feel caged being forced to sing in a tiny room into a mounted microphone; too restricting! So I tend to make more mistakes, sing flat on recordings where I normally wouldn't. I've scrapped projects I worked on for hours in anger and told myself I should never sing again many many times.
and one time I was depressed for a week because my last two recordings had come out whiny, nasal, and tinny, and I was convinced I'd lost all of my talent, only to record myself with the shitty computer built-in mic on the same song and hear an entirely different sound. The stupid cheapo mic had scooped out all of the great frequencies and had made me sound like I was lead singer for Sunny Day Real Estate.
IMO the only way I'll ever record vocals well is if someone tapes me without me knowing.
― Neanderthal, Wednesday, 9 October 2013 15:25 (eleven years ago) link
btw thank you for your comments DJP and Go1db3rg :)
― Neanderthal, Wednesday, 9 October 2013 15:26 (eleven years ago) link
I kind of have a dumb joke, whenever anybody asks me to listen to their unfinished record for comments, I always tell them without even listening to re-sing the entire thing. 'Cause why not? You can re-sing an album in a day. And it's not like you're losing your old takes.
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 15:40 (eleven years ago) link
not all listeners want the same thing tho! I make music with the listener in mind but in my case "the listener" is a relatively small group of people who probably have different standards of form & fidelity than you & your audience.
You are already distinguishing between "songs for self" and "songs for an audience" so we are in agreement, regardless of the difference between your audience (your friends) and my audience (my in-laws)
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 15:43 (eleven years ago) link
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, October 9, 2013 11:40 AM Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
otm. can never have enough vocal takes. eventually after singing too much you get to the point of diminishing returns, but if they've been away from it for a while, you can get a fresh new take that improves a few areas.
― Neanderthal, Wednesday, 9 October 2013 16:03 (eleven years ago) link
^^^^ 100% agreed
― Bitch Fantastic (DJP), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 16:04 (eleven years ago) link
i've always enjoyed this anecdote about "Together in Electric Dreams":
When Oakey recorded the song it was over very quickly, after the first full recording Moroder told Oakey that the first take was "good enough, as first time is always best". Oakey who thought he was just rehearsing insisted on doing another take. Moroder let him but to this day Oakey is convinced that Moroder still used the first take on the final production.
but obv not all of us are Phil Oakey
― fresh (crüt), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 16:09 (eleven years ago) link
The thing about doing a ton of vocal takes is that then you have to go back and listen to them critically and decide which bits of which ones are keepers and that is the most agonizing part of the whole ordeal. But then maybe that's what I'm paying the producer to do and I should just ask him to just do it after I leave but that takes trust and I am kind of a control freak.
― St3ve Go1db3rg, Wednesday, 9 October 2013 16:13 (eleven years ago) link
― St3ve Go1db3rg, Wednesday, October 9, 2013 12:13 PM Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
Yeah, it is a little bit like "Lens #1, or Lens #2" at the eye doctor's office. I think it is often best left to the producer, because what a singer considers the best take and what a listener considers the best may not be the same thing.
― Neanderthal, Wednesday, 9 October 2013 16:14 (eleven years ago) link
ha yeah, it's "oh man, I was really hooked in on take #3 and phonating like a beast" vs "take #4 sounds like you understand what the words you're singing mean"
― Bitch Fantastic (DJP), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 16:16 (eleven years ago) link
haha yes. that's another reason I hate recording - first few takes and I'm all like Rocky while Gonna Fly Now is playing, feeling hte music, fourth and ongoing it's like "Christ, AGAIN?", and you can start hearing the difference.
and no matter who makes hte final decision or how much I liked the finished product prior to completing it, the moment I listen for the first time after it's done I hate it anyway.
― Neanderthal, Wednesday, 9 October 2013 16:26 (eleven years ago) link
it's weird, after the long process of writing, recording, mixing, and mastering has been done and i listen back to it, sometimes i feel like i can only hear it on a level of "these sounds are nice, it's nice to listen to nice sounds." it's a weird detachment that's so far removed from the anxiety involved when you still have to make decisions.
― festival culture (Jordan), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 16:51 (eleven years ago) link
It's more or less impossible for me to hear one of my completed projects as a piece of music. It always sounds like a pile of components for a long long time. After maybe a couple of years there's enough distance for me to start hearing an album as actual music again.
― not a lunch that is hot (snoball), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 17:18 (eleven years ago) link
Wow, so glad everyone has exactly the same experiences and hang ups as I do wrt singing on tracks. Flipping nightmare !
― Pingu Unchained (dog latin), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 19:08 (eleven years ago) link
Wow, so glad everyone has exactly the same experiences and hang ups as I do wrt singing on tracks. Flipping nightmare ! Like, why can't I sing as well in front of a studio mic as when I'm cycling or doing the dishes?
Sorry about x2 posts
― Pingu Unchained (dog latin), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 19:09 (eleven years ago) link
you'll get it on take #3
― Bitch Fantastic (DJP), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 19:12 (eleven years ago) link
Best/worst part, when mixing, is when the engineer solos your vocal track to the amusement of all.
― hopping and bopping to the krokodil rot (Tarfumes The Escape Goat), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 19:15 (eleven years ago) link
that was usually my favorite part because the engineer would then use any oddities/fluctuations in my take to point out to the guitarist where he'd played something wrong </insufferablevocalist>
― Bitch Fantastic (DJP), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 19:21 (eleven years ago) link
xp bring it on, I don't care </shitvocalist>
― not a lunch that is hot (snoball), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 19:22 (eleven years ago) link
lol xp
― a hard dom is good to find (Edward III), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 19:26 (eleven years ago) link
In the studio about to do vocal takes, pls keep me in your prayers
― St3ve Go1db3rg, Wednesday, 9 October 2013 19:29 (eleven years ago) link
Four fun vocal tricks for DAWs that I learned via trial-and-error and use regularly:
- when comping together your vocal take, create a separate track with a pitch corrector on it and keep it muted. Select notes here and there that need correction, snip the regions, mute the original, unmute the corrected. I only ever use this a max of three times on any mix tho bc perfectly tuned vocals sound like balls
- record your vocals Elliott Smith/Eno style, double them up hard-panned left-and-right, then when you've got that perfect dual vocal sound, slap them into mono and leave 'em there
- I almost always pitch-shift all lead vocal takes up 5-10 cents because vocals sound good when they're sharp. If Alicia Keys ever tried this she'd be clean off the B-list and on to the A, imho.
- Never do one-can-on, one-can-off when you are doing takes. You will sing flat. Turn your monitored vocal level up until it's as loud as your head-reverberation.
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 19:36 (eleven years ago) link
I almost always pitch-shift all lead vocal takes up 5-10 cents because vocals sound good when they're sharp.
This is the second-most valuable thing I ever learned about singing in college (the most valuable being sightreading).
― Bitch Fantastic (DJP), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 19:39 (eleven years ago) link
Having a director be all "sharp all day if you want to, but if you go flat I WILL CUT YOU" really, really helped my pitch
― Bitch Fantastic (DJP), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 19:40 (eleven years ago) link
Yeah man it's the cyanide in the Celine Dion cocktail. Sing sharp and they'll wet their pants
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 19:40 (eleven years ago) link
accidentally made trip hop just now
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 19:44 (eleven years ago) link
accidental trip hop
stumbled hop
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 19:45 (eleven years ago) link
btw I'm really happy w/ all yr guys' singing advice ty
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 19:46 (eleven years ago) link
- I almost always pitch-shift all lead vocal takes up 5-10 cents because vocals sound good when they're sharp
whoa, definitely gonna try this.
― festival culture (Jordan), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 19:49 (eleven years ago) link
i'm pretty wary of pitch-shifting tbh. digital artifacts tend to sound brash to me. i think i'd rather try to get a good take.
― fresh (crüt), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 19:53 (eleven years ago) link
Yeah. At first it's like "bbbbut what about this Neumann I rented and the API preamp I borrowed, what about my precious, precious fidelity" but it sounds so good, I can't stop using it. The Logic Pitch Corrector with all the notes turned off set to +5 cents is a magic trick. No artifacts. I even cheat and use it when doing tape mixes it sounds so good to my ears
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 19:55 (eleven years ago) link
it's pretty easy to pitch-correct a bad note ever so slightly to where it's not noticeable. I prefer to just get good takes myself where I can, but if it's literally one or two notes where I shit the bed and the rest of the track is usable, I'd rather just tweak it slightly then bother with the effort of re-singing that two seconds, which out of context, often is annoying.
― Neanderthal, Wednesday, 9 October 2013 19:58 (eleven years ago) link
thta's also because I live in a house with two 30-something alpha males who are likely to knock on my door and go "WHY DO YOU KEEP SINGING 'I BLESS THE RAINS' OVER AND OVER AGAIN IS YOUR BRAIN STUCK ON LOOP?"
― Neanderthal, Wednesday, 9 October 2013 19:59 (eleven years ago) link
I'll resing an entire phrase/verse to give the duff notes a context point
― Bitch Fantastic (DJP), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 19:59 (eleven years ago) link
ugh, then all I think is "great now will I fuck up the notes I did right the last time", but then again you can always delete those so I answered my own question well it wasn't really a question but ehh comment redacted
― Neanderthal, Wednesday, 9 October 2013 20:00 (eleven years ago) link
it would be much easier if I had a private studio, cuz the one time I recorded "Wouldn't It Be Loverly", nobody bothered me when I did all four of the quartets parts, but when I started singing Eliza's part concerned roommates asked me if I'd adopted a cat in heat.
― Neanderthal, Wednesday, 9 October 2013 20:02 (eleven years ago) link
vocals are the absolute worst but after 25 years of recording em I've got some general principles
1) spend some time to find the right mic that enhances or matches yr vocal style and timbre. human voices have a wide and highly idiosyncratic frequency range, and microphones have a big impact on how your voice sounds (unless you're awesome, but face it, most of us aren't). have the engineer set up as many mics as they've got, try em all. this can lead to:
2) defend your right to get a good vocal sound. don't let engineers or bandmates discount, belittle, or try to rush the vocal process. this can be hard when you already feel shitty and self-conscious, but don't be bullied into using the first SM58 stuck in yr face. kind of blows my mind when musicians sink serious dollars, time, and energy into honing a unique sound, and then view vocalists who own their own microphones like divas. I'm guessing this attitude is prolly more prevalent in the (punk) rock world?
3) if you're home recording, get a mic preamp. it's amazing how one small piece of equipment can make such a difference, but it does, and it is highly likely the channel preamps suck on whatever mixer you're using.
4) get hammered. unless you're doing opera or something, in which case you don't need my advice, you could stand to loosen up a little.
5) avoid marathon vocal sessions to "get them all done". better to break the vocals into 2 or more smaller sessions. invoke rule #2 if necessary.
6) find the right lubricant. water, tea, milk, booze, they all have diff effects on yr voice. find the one that feels right. folks doing a lot of screaming will find milk thickens the roar.
7) when mixing, if you can hear an effect on your voice, it's prolly too much. dial it back a little. unless you're going for a v specific sound like a rockabilly well of reverb. what sounds really awesome the first time can start to sound like unnecessary window dressing after the hundredth listen, or 10 years later, whichever comes first.
― a hard dom is good to find (Edward III), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 20:28 (eleven years ago) link
pineapple juice has been p nice at times
― Neanderthal, Wednesday, 9 October 2013 20:30 (eleven years ago) link
oh yeah, a couple more:
8) PERFORM. it's hard when you're alone in a room singing into a sprig of pantyhose, but if you're not making any expressions or emoting (and you're not doing a cover of "warm leatherette") that kind of blah is going to be audible. you don't have to go ethel merman on the mic, but don't be sterile. I've seen crazy ass human dynamo vocalists suddenly stand with their arms at their sides because they were "recording a take". fuck that!
9) get comfortable. if you wanna hold the mic, hold the mic. lay down. turn off the lights, get under a blanket, whatever gets yr head in the right place.
― a hard dom is good to find (Edward III), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 20:38 (eleven years ago) link
Reading all of this between takes y'all
― St3ve Go1db3rg, Wednesday, 9 October 2013 21:28 (eleven years ago) link
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included),
Nah, it isn't just crut's friends, there are subcultural aesthetic differences dude that aren't just "personal." I agree with what emil.y was saying about form and content in terms of production, and there is plenty of music that I probably would like better if it didn't come across as too smooth or slick-sounding
― excited about the intentional phallus-y (sarahell), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 21:44 (eleven years ago) link
The post was made with a wink, I count myself among crut's fans.
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 22:49 (eleven years ago) link
aw <3
― fresh (crüt), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 22:50 (eleven years ago) link
And yeah, slick and smooth are the worst. I do not know what you mean when you tell me there are subcultural aesthetic differences dude that aren't just "personal." I am not talking about my personal tastes when I say "a mix makes a record". I'm talking about making music for public consumption, public processing.
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 23:02 (eleven years ago) link
I'm talking about making music for public consumption, public processing.
that is what I am saying -- you are making generalizations, and consitituting the public as an undifferentiated mass, which it isn't. Certain production (or lack thereof) will be judged by a different aesthetic in certain subcultures. Making music for the noise underground or for black/doom metal audiences -- which is a "public" -- the expected sounds, the production aesthetic is gonna be different than something aspiring to Pitchfork praise
― excited about the intentional phallus-y (sarahell), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 23:15 (eleven years ago) link
And you are assuming that I am not including noise and metal in my generalizations.
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 23:23 (eleven years ago) link
considering that your advice is about "pro-sounding" production techniques and an emphasis on mixing -- it seems like you are privileging music where the focus is on the production and mixing, like when you claim that there aren't shitty songs, which is pretty ridiculous. Granted, we can't all agree on what they are, but so much music, even on ilx, where there is a great interest in production technique, is discounted with "this is a bad song"
― excited about the intentional phallus-y (sarahell), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 23:29 (eleven years ago) link
One of my main problems with the band Baroness is that I think their production on albums like Blue is totally shitty and doesn't do them any justice
― Pingu Unchained (dog latin), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 23:33 (eleven years ago) link
Good production doesn't have to mean great mixing - it's whatever suits the song. Darkthrone would have sounded shit if they'd been produced in an expensive studio, but even the grittiest of black metal has had thought put into the production whether it was produced on an old C90 cassette or on pro studio equipment.
― Pingu Unchained (dog latin), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 23:36 (eleven years ago) link
When I work with any client I am primarily interested in "what they want out of this recording" and often that is "top sales" and/or "good reviews", regardless of genre. That goes for noise records; Christ, ignoring my own bucolic records, I've acted as mixer on more noise recordings than any other genre. No metal records, tho :(
it seems like you are privileging music where the focus is on the production and mixing
This is exactly what I am doing-- except I am suggesting that this is what the public does, whether they know it or not. Great songs are hard to sink and rotten songs are hard to get flying. But plenty of neutral-bad songs find fame and fortune because they are well-mixed (Rhye and Ratatat immediately spring to mind) and plenty of neutral-good songs don't receive the mix they deserve and blow away upon release.
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 23:37 (eleven years ago) link
wrt my "advice about "pro-sounding" production" like my list of Fun With DAWs that was specifically for the other people posting in this thread about how hard it is to record vocals.
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 23:39 (eleven years ago) link
so you are basically modifying your stance that there aren't any shitty songs
― excited about the intentional phallus-y (sarahell), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 23:40 (eleven years ago) link
less fighting, more tips for recording pls
― Neanderthal, Wednesday, 9 October 2013 23:41 (eleven years ago) link
I dunno sarahell this is not the first time that I feel you've read my posts through, well, whatever the opposite of rose-coloured glasses are. Death glasses.
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 23:45 (eleven years ago) link
i think you are projecting. i have criticized your posts on a grand total of 2 threads, dude. Considering how frequently you post, it is really a miniscule number.
― excited about the intentional phallus-y (sarahell), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 23:47 (eleven years ago) link
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 23:50 (eleven years ago) link
"grand total of 2 threads" = not the first time, i.e. Anyway, have a good evening
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 23:51 (eleven years ago) link
would you prefer to be called "dawg" like when drew d. is schooling ppl?
― excited about the intentional phallus-y (sarahell), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 23:52 (eleven years ago) link
I have criticized whiney and lj on far more occasions and lj knows i have mad <3 for him, and whiney didn't show signs of any sort of weird persecution complex when i called him on his generalizations
― excited about the intentional phallus-y (sarahell), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 23:54 (eleven years ago) link
I would love to engage with you!!! but I actually have to go meet my sisters I'm late. Fightcha later
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 9 October 2013 23:56 (eleven years ago) link
Death glasses.
their first album was great in spite of the shitty mix and poorly recorded vocals
― a hard dom is good to find (Edward III), Thursday, 10 October 2013 03:55 (eleven years ago) link
so what are the barest of minimum things required to record something in the comfort of your own home?
I currently have two probably crappy microphones that came with my friend's PA and are in my basement and a two year old macbook pro, and that's it.
― joygoat, Thursday, 10 October 2013 04:47 (eleven years ago) link
if you're looking for a cheap entry level digital interface you can get something like this
― a hard dom is good to find (Edward III), Thursday, 10 October 2013 05:34 (eleven years ago) link
it comes with recording software but if it won't work on the macbook you can always use audacity or garage band
― a hard dom is good to find (Edward III), Thursday, 10 October 2013 05:37 (eleven years ago) link
So I got through lead vocals plus double tracks for 3 songs last night in about 5 hours. There were some hair-pulling segments but so far it sounds pretty awesome and nothing had to be pitch corrected or really chopped up and the producer told me I'm a good singer. Feels good man. Each song after the first took successively less time and difficulty to get through so hopefully that trend continues and by song 11 I will nail the whole thing in the first take.
― St3ve Go1db3rg, Thursday, 10 October 2013 13:44 (eleven years ago) link
If you can afford it, I suggest Reason 7 - it comes with a full DAW and audio interface and it's under £300 if you shop around.
― Pingu Unchained (dog latin), Thursday, 10 October 2013 14:11 (eleven years ago) link
SG - you are a really good singer IIRC.
the time of day can really affect how i sound. baritones = morning, falsettos = evening. That's what I've found. I'm not sure where I sit on the vocal scale, think i might have a fairly wide range but it would be interesting to speak to someone who knows their shit and tell me what range i'm best at.
― Pingu Unchained (dog latin), Thursday, 10 October 2013 14:13 (eleven years ago) link
Anyway, back to this possibly-tedious side-track w sarahell--
I'm going to ignore the personal comments and stuff like "weird persecution complex" because it suggests there are hurt feelings involved? which there aren't, glad to be here etc.--
And wrt "there are no shitty songs" that is an inaccurate paraphrase of what I was saying above, but for clarity: I am saying that it is rare in my experience that an album can be sunk by shitty songs alone, mix has to be bad too--
but in response to the perceived specificity of my argument to the Pitchfork set-- not an unfair assumption I guess but still an assumption-- tbh the two records I was thinking about most when it came to "mix makes the record" were Godspeed's latest (two-inch-tape, Neotek board, best sounding room in the country) and the Goslings record that won the Archive Records poll which was according to the press release: "lovingly recorded to two-inch tape" also the disparity in quality between the good C Spencer Yeh records and less good ones, all mix issues to my ears as his writing is consistently good, and loads of classical recordings where the performance is secondary to the recording quality. Also when I say "it's a good mix" or "well-mixed" that doesn't necessarily mean "hi-fi" at all, it means that the sonics of the recording are great, the terms of which vary from genre to genre
― you and me against the board (flamboyant goon tie included), Thursday, 10 October 2013 14:40 (eleven years ago) link
Haha, thanks dude! I was functionally tone deaf as a high school theater kid to the point where I could only get non-singing roles in musicals (so I never got to realize my dream of playing Pontius Pilate) and I still think of myself that way sometimes but I've come a long way and I'm feeling pumped about this new album.
Also definitely agreed re time of day, early morning is Stephin Merritt/Tom Waits/Leonard Cohen time.
― St3ve Go1db3rg, Thursday, 10 October 2013 14:44 (eleven years ago) link
xp - thanks for the thorough explanation!
― excited about the intentional phallus-y (sarahell), Thursday, 10 October 2013 17:54 (eleven years ago) link
catching up w/ this thread
i really like recording vocals. they are my favorite thing to record! a lot of the feelings expressed itt about recording vox apply more to recording guitar for me.
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Thursday, 10 October 2013 22:02 (eleven years ago) link
the one advantage to recording vocals over recording guitar is that when I botch a vocal line, I don't have the ability to fling my vocal cords across the room in anger.
(this is one reason I quit playing guitar).
― Neanderthal, Thursday, 10 October 2013 22:12 (eleven years ago) link
something about recording makes me sings better than normal. something about the pressure and the concentration and the otherwise silent room
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Thursday, 10 October 2013 22:17 (eleven years ago) link
my musical life is ruling atm
- old band that was in what looked like a terminal rut now blazing hot productive and making our best music ever after some instrumentation changes (went from 2 guitars, drums to guitar, bass, drums) and spending our writing block learning covers & getting high and just generally bonding as bros (if not as musicians). playing a sweet bill next weekend and i think we're gonna kill it
- putting on a show this weekend as a fundraiser to meet my radio show's goal in the station's upcoming funding drive. i had been really lazy and shitty about it and thought it was not going to happen until i got my shit together and everything fell into place so beautifully at the last minute
ps just wanted to say i love reading this thread/board so much because of the variety of backgrounds of everyone posting in it. even if i don't always understand some of the technical stuff the real heads are talking about it's just so rad that artists coming from such difft places can support each other & give tips, advice etc. \m/ <3
― flopson, Thursday, 10 October 2013 22:37 (eleven years ago) link
I might have found my Twitter niche; a capella champion. Just had two separate a capella groups follow me, including a group who made the finals of The Sing Off the year Pentatonix won.
I don't know precisely how I feel about this but I think it might rule?
― Bitch Fantastic (DJP), Thursday, 10 October 2013 23:40 (eleven years ago) link
plz start a capella beefs a la azealia
― a hard dom is good to find (Edward III), Friday, 11 October 2013 02:23 (eleven years ago) link
omg that would be AMAZING
"hey Vocal Point, I heard that Urban Method ganked your arrangement of 'Wrecking Ball'" *sits back, smiles*
― Bitch Fantastic (DJP), Tuesday, 15 October 2013 13:58 (eleven years ago) link
dreamt that I fucked up somehow while trying to set up a guitar and ended up with scalloped frets.
― how's life, Friday, 18 October 2013 10:52 (eleven years ago) link
Did you unleash the fucking fury?
― St3ve Go1db3rg, Friday, 18 October 2013 12:37 (eleven years ago) link
had really good band practice yesterday. playing first show next month!
― clueless mom complaining about miley Cyrus (sarahell), Friday, 18 October 2013 23:20 (eleven years ago) link
I tracked lead vocals for 6 more songs over the weekend. I tried to start on a 7th but it was one of the hardest to sing and my voice was feeling pretty ragged at that point so I decided to end the day there. 9 lead vocals done, 2 to go, plus an assload of harmonies, which I keep adding to every time I think about it. Things have been moving pretty quickly though, and I think I like how it sounds.
― St3ve Go1db3rg, Monday, 21 October 2013 17:33 (eleven years ago) link
Had a GREAT concert with the spiritual ensemble in CT yesterday; now just need to gear up for next week's concert with the church choir
― Bitch Fantastic (DJP), Monday, 21 October 2013 17:34 (eleven years ago) link
My ex R has loaned me his Tele for a bit. I need to PRACTICE MY GUITAR PLAYING BECAUSE IT SUCKS.
― taxi tomato or bag tomato (Trayce), Tuesday, 29 October 2013 01:15 (eleven years ago) link
so I go to my caroling company rehearsal the other night. I've been doing this four years, and I know most of the songs, but don't know all 70+ of them (as most don't). nonetheless, it's all going well, but we get to Good King Wenceslas, so I pull the lyrics up on my cell phone cuz I'm notoriously terrible memorizing words and still need help on that one. Pretentious tenor guy was like "WOW, THERE MUST BE SOMETHING REALLY INTERESTING ON YOUR PHONE", to which I shot back "I'm...just looking at words" and he replies "glad you're still with us."
DUDE - THIS IS A SEASONAL CAROLING GIG IN CENTRAL FLORIDA. where do you get all that pretension from.
so I killed him in front of his kids natch
― your face comes with coleslaw (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 29 October 2013 01:19 (eleven years ago) link
I made accidental vaporware today
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Tuesday, 29 October 2013 01:19 (eleven years ago) link
all my songs are sounding like songs now btw I am really happy
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Tuesday, 29 October 2013 01:20 (eleven years ago) link
those of you singers, what mics do you swear by (if any)
― your face comes with coleslaw (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 29 October 2013 01:20 (eleven years ago) link
live or studio?
― kel's vintage port (electricsound), Tuesday, 29 October 2013 01:33 (eleven years ago) link
― your face comes with coleslaw (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 29 October 2013 01:56 (eleven years ago) link
i have a gefell umt70s which i think almost any voice sounds fantastic on
― kel's vintage port (electricsound), Tuesday, 29 October 2013 01:59 (eleven years ago) link
― festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, October 8, 2013 4:28 PM (3 weeks ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
update to this, i heard Yeezus on the same laptop speakers and now i don't feel bad at all.
― festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 29 October 2013 19:19 (eleven years ago) link
lol Jordan
re: mics, I have a Yeti Blue with both USB and XLR outputs that I probably paid too much for but I've been happy with it for my ILX comp contributions
― a dessicated quasi-tsunami of gut-busting cosmic - tech (DJP), Tuesday, 29 October 2013 20:09 (eleven years ago) link
I carry around a Sennheiser 431, it's great for any live situation and good in studio.
― flamboyant goon tie included, Tuesday, 29 October 2013 20:11 (eleven years ago) link
I have a RODE NT1 on loan from a friend, and I love it. Its not high end but it poos all over the beaten up Shure I'd been using. That said, being a studio condender mic it picks up every tiny sound and reverb around, so I am still trying to work out how to fix my room to stop all the icky room reverb. I dont have the space or means to make any kind of vocal booth sadly.
― taxi tomato or bag tomato (Trayce), Tuesday, 29 October 2013 22:45 (eleven years ago) link
condenser mic. Gah I need coffee.
i like those NT1s a lot
― festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 29 October 2013 22:47 (eleven years ago) link
although lately for small instruments and percussion i've just been using the internal mic on my sampler or my Edirol, i feel like it gives it a little more character and grit to start with.
― festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 29 October 2013 22:49 (eleven years ago) link
Yeah, unless I want to record something just to fuck with for sampling or beat-making purposes, I just use the mic from my Sony recorder
― Taylor Swift fucking sounds (sarahell), Tuesday, 29 October 2013 22:52 (eleven years ago) link
something = small instruments and percussion
― Taylor Swift fucking sounds (sarahell), Tuesday, 29 October 2013 22:53 (eleven years ago) link
you make beats, sarahell?
― festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 29 October 2013 22:56 (eleven years ago) link
My roomie has a handheld digital recorder of some sort. I imagine that'd be handy for field recordings/sampling. Must borrow it off him and try some DiscoInferno style mishmashes.
― taxi tomato or bag tomato (Trayce), Tuesday, 29 October 2013 22:56 (eleven years ago) link
xp - I do for one of the bands I'm in. It made more sense aesthetically for me to have beats on a sampler than play drums live
― Taylor Swift fucking sounds (sarahell), Tuesday, 29 October 2013 23:00 (eleven years ago) link
My wife got me a PPA ID-3 a few years ago and I just use that for everything. I've got some 57s somewhere too but I'm not sure where.
― Immediate Follower (NA), Wednesday, 30 October 2013 00:22 (eleven years ago) link
I had a pretty unprepared and pedestrian jam session this weekend, still it was nice playing amplified with others for once.
― Immediate Follower (NA), Wednesday, 30 October 2013 00:27 (eleven years ago) link
Finished tracking vocals today! Whew. Now it's mixing time.
― St3ve Go1db3rg, Wednesday, 30 October 2013 22:31 (eleven years ago) link
here's my next gig:
― the doleful cant of a bigot blinded by fear and hate (DJP), Friday, 1 November 2013 17:28 (eleven years ago) link
whoa, looks awesome!
― jesus christ and mary chain (how's life), Friday, 1 November 2013 17:31 (eleven years ago) link
wow, do you know what tunes you're doing?
― festival culture (Jordan), Friday, 1 November 2013 17:45 (eleven years ago) link
Nope! Arrangements are still being written.
We have a list of 11 songs from our rep that are on the table, the only one I know is definite is a medley:
I've Been 'BukedSometimes I Feel Like A Motherless ChildNobody Knows The Trouble I've SeenYou Must Have That True Religion
― the doleful cant of a bigot blinded by fear and hate (DJP), Friday, 1 November 2013 17:51 (eleven years ago) link
and there's a rhythm section, right?
do you know this record?
― festival culture (Jordan), Friday, 1 November 2013 18:57 (eleven years ago) link
They have a rhythm section, yeah; we're a capella except for the as-yet-unarranged pieces we're doing together. The concert is basically three sections, with each section having a bit done just by NESE, a bit done just by JCMCE, and a bit done by us all together.
― the doleful cant of a bigot blinded by fear and hate (DJP), Friday, 1 November 2013 19:05 (eleven years ago) link
man what a record, i forgot about it until now
― festival culture (Jordan), Friday, 1 November 2013 19:10 (eleven years ago) link
also I did not know this record and I will be consuming this over the weekend
― the doleful cant of a bigot blinded by fear and hate (DJP), Friday, 1 November 2013 19:12 (eleven years ago) link
played 2nd to last at a rager of a Halloween party -- was drunk enough to have plugged the sampler into an output channel of my mixer, but not too drunk so I was able to realize the error and fix it before complaining to the sound guy.
― sarahell, Friday, 1 November 2013 21:06 (eleven years ago) link
played at a halloween masquerade show thing on thurs with some of my girlfriends as the GoGos. it was really fun, and my experience playing lead guit in public!
sadly, there was a huge clusterfuck of equipment by the stage (every band brought their own gear, nothing was shared - p dumb tbh) and lots of things were stolen, including my guitar. :(
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Saturday, 2 November 2013 22:07 (eleven years ago) link
same thing happened at the show I played -- re: the clusterfuck of gear -- having to forage through stacks of amps and guitar bags to find your gear when everyone was wasted -- yeah, I'm sure someone accidentally walked off with someone else's stuff.
― sarahell, Saturday, 2 November 2013 22:13 (eleven years ago) link
in our case, everyone from all the bands has checked in with each other, and there are still 2 guitars and a combo amp missing. i was feeling really certain that it was an accident up until last night, i have less hope now
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Saturday, 2 November 2013 22:16 (eleven years ago) link
― how's life, Saturday, 2 November 2013 22:20 (eleven years ago) link
xp - ugh!!!!
Does anyone else take phone pics of their pedal set ups in practice for future reference? One of my bandmates does this, and I thought it was a totally genius idea.
― sarahell, Saturday, 2 November 2013 22:28 (eleven years ago) link
i do that with amp settings sometimes
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Saturday, 2 November 2013 22:38 (eleven years ago) link
I have done that with good intentions, but totally lost track of the individual pics of my pedals in the mire of other photos and then, well, fuck it.
― how's life, Saturday, 2 November 2013 23:34 (eleven years ago) link
shit rox that sucks. mostly i've had my stuff broken or used as an ashtray by other bands, but never straight up stolen.
djp that gig looks fantastic.
i'm just finally playing guitar again now that school's done and holy shit i am rusty. v slowly putting together some pedals, maybe gonna build a cab for myself in the near future? i'm trying to learn faron young songs and rowland howard songs and tal farlow licks and making no headway w/ anything so i don't even know what.
but it feels good to play more.
― arby's, Sunday, 3 November 2013 01:26 (eleven years ago) link
also that max roach album is a motherfucker
― arby's, Sunday, 3 November 2013 01:27 (eleven years ago) link
Sorry roxy, that's awful.
― Immediate Follower (NA), Sunday, 3 November 2013 02:14 (eleven years ago) link
yeah, i never have in my life! it's really surprising. i've been really trusting with equipment for years and years, it's kind of amazing that my first real incident happens at this event. my apartment was robbed a few years ago, and they took music gear, but i've never been stolen from *at* a show. i think it's a first for everybody involved.
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Sunday, 3 November 2013 08:20 (eleven years ago) link
my guit was super cheap, so i cant complain too much, but i did love it! lots of local scene people popping up to loan guitars and other gear tho. its a nice town.
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Sunday, 3 November 2013 08:21 (eleven years ago) link
Maybe it's just the UK, or maybe it's just confirmation bias, but equipment thievery does seem to be on the rise.
― emil.y, Sunday, 3 November 2013 14:35 (eleven years ago) link
back to microphones, i'm looking at an NT-1, a shure ksm27, and an AKG perception 420. Any thoughts on which of these are better? i'm mostly looking to improve my vocals but would use it to record guitar and some percussion also.
― Heez, Sunday, 3 November 2013 21:27 (eleven years ago) link
Sorry to hear about that Roxy, that really sucks.
I'm trying to master using a loopstation pedal at the moment. It's pretty tricky tbh.
― Pingu Unchained (dog latin), Sunday, 3 November 2013 21:56 (eleven years ago) link
Working on a house track built off of samples from Les Rita Mitsouko
― Moodles, Sunday, 3 November 2013 22:19 (eleven years ago) link
can't wait to get a better microphone (probably pulling the trigger soon). otherwise, using my built in cpu mic, this is as good as it gets:
― your face comes with coleslaw (Neanderthal), Sunday, 3 November 2013 22:47 (eleven years ago) link
i really dislike rode mics so i would immediately discount that one. the shure kms series are pretty decent, nothing flashy but they def do the job
― kel's vintage port (electricsound), Sunday, 3 November 2013 23:03 (eleven years ago) link
just put together 3 samples and a fs Together... s thr a thrd 2 post Soundcloud links
― color definition point of "beyond "color, eg a transient that, Monday, 4 November 2013 03:32 (eleven years ago) link
― color definition point of "beyond "color, eg a transient that, Monday, 4 November 2013 03:34 (eleven years ago) link
What dont u like about the Rodes Jim? I like the NT1 Ive been using, well it makes my vox sound nice anyway!
― taxi tomato or bag tomato (Trayce), Monday, 4 November 2013 03:48 (eleven years ago) link
i've never really been happy with the sound i get out of them. i've never used their highest end one (classic II) but i've used almost all the NTs and i just find them harsh in weird ways.
having said that the NT1a was the first condenser mic i owned and at that point i was unlikely to get much better results with anything else! and it sounds better on my voice than the far more expensive nt2 or ntk does..
― kel's vintage port (electricsound), Monday, 4 November 2013 04:29 (eleven years ago) link
lo i ot a cad and an sm58. the cad's cable is broke, and the 58's cable has white paint in the xlr side
― color definition point of "beyond "color, eg a transient that, Monday, 4 November 2013 04:30 (eleven years ago) link
I think I get u on the harsh sound, but in my case I chalked that up to it being over sensitive to bad room 'verb. I'll have to use it more and see how I go. With my hearing I'll never make much of an engineer anyway heh.
― taxi tomato or bag tomato (Trayce), Monday, 4 November 2013 05:36 (eleven years ago) link
I'm excited to go on a mini-tour this weekend! Seattle, Portland, and Olympia, in support of a new Ch@nts record coming out in a couple weeks.
― festival culture (Jordan), Monday, 4 November 2013 16:34 (eleven years ago) link
miss touring :/
i'm recording a cover of the Les Thugs album Strike, playing and recording/mixing(/mastering??) everything myself, as faithful a recording as poss to the original. it was one of my resolutions for 2014, but I'm getting a jump cause i need something to do by myself that is healthy although i guess this is possibly questionably healthy
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Tuesday, 5 November 2013 19:47 (eleven years ago) link
― Sleep Deprivation Thriver (B.L.A.M.), Friday, August 30, 2013 6:04 PM (2 months ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
my eye skipped over this request for more info! sorry BLAM (& all you else who were dying to know)
i've gone to i think 3 of these things at this dude's house and the short version is, i think i'm already sick of it. it's a bad but logically obvious social+musical dynamic that the experience tends to devolve down to the level of the most awkward and least musically gifted/practiced people who show up. which, in this case, are the same people.
i've had a good time hacking through 20-odd classic rock chestnuts on a saturday afternoon but i think the other people are interested in 'getting serious' about it which is too much delusion for me to take. plus, since nobody else at these things has the ability to understand a scale let alone fake one, i've been playing bass more than half the time anyway.
― goole, Tuesday, 5 November 2013 19:52 (eleven years ago) link
I bought an Oberheim Matrix 6 off eBay for mad $$$. It worked fine for 10 minutes before locking up and now it won't turn on at all. :( I'm super bummed/pissed because this was going to be my first real synth. Anybody have any idea what I can do???
― Tip from Tae Kwon Do: (crüt), Tuesday, 5 November 2013 22:13 (eleven years ago) link
as in contact the seller about it or in terms of fixing it yourself?
― sarahell, Tuesday, 5 November 2013 22:23 (eleven years ago) link
no idea but googling says maybe "hold 'enter' and then power on". is there an enter button?
― festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 5 November 2013 22:43 (eleven years ago) link
i just ordered my first real synth O_O
― festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 5 November 2013 22:47 (eleven years ago) link
oh!!! that worked!!! thank you so much!!! now let's see if it stays on...
― Tip from Tae Kwon Do: (crüt), Tuesday, 5 November 2013 22:48 (eleven years ago) link
good luck with the matrix. i have the m1000 rack and it sounds so fucking great
― kel's vintage port (electricsound), Tuesday, 5 November 2013 23:49 (eleven years ago) link
it is a delight so far. i haven't had any problems since doing the reset.
― Tip from Tae Kwon Do: (crüt), Wednesday, 6 November 2013 04:08 (eleven years ago) link
have you attempted to play "jump" yet y/n
― kel's vintage port (electricsound), Wednesday, 6 November 2013 04:20 (eleven years ago) link
i have a really dumb idea and i wanna know if it's viable - i have a contact mic that i use for acoustic guitar etc, and it only picks up any sound when i have it attached to the bridge. so what i'm wondering is, if i were to buy some crappy guitar, cut a valley into the middle of bridge so it was like two smaller bridges each with three strings attached, and put a contact mic on each mini-bridge, could i conceivably feed the two pairs of three strings through different effects chains without them interfering with each other? or is there a much easier way to go about this kind of idea that i don't know about?
― Merdeyeux, Wednesday, 6 November 2013 18:58 (eleven years ago) link
still going to have a lot of transference through the top of the guitar between the bridges i think. lemme give this some thought
― Wendy Carlos Williams (jjjusten), Wednesday, 6 November 2013 19:39 (eleven years ago) link
wait did bill frisell do this?
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Wednesday, 6 November 2013 21:38 (eleven years ago) link
If this idea works it would be pretty awesome!
― taxi tomato or bag tomato (Trayce), Thursday, 7 November 2013 06:12 (eleven years ago) link
i could realise it by dropping thousands of pounds on one of these lovely things
but i'm hoping for a slightly cheaper solution. i guess if i had any technical know-how bodging together two half-size pickups would be easy, but i do not.
― Merdeyeux, Thursday, 7 November 2013 15:04 (eleven years ago) link
my (primary) band just got signed to my favorite american metal label, and i'm over the moon tbh
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Thursday, 7 November 2013 18:40 (eleven years ago) link
! congrats!!
― Tip from Tae Kwon Do: (crüt), Thursday, 7 November 2013 18:41 (eleven years ago) link
― flopson, Thursday, 7 November 2013 18:41 (eleven years ago) link
congrats, jesus!
― reckless woo (Z S), Thursday, 7 November 2013 18:43 (eleven years ago) link
so y'all are on Roadrunner now right
― Tip from Tae Kwon Do: (crüt), Thursday, 7 November 2013 18:45 (eleven years ago) link
well that rules
― smoking, drinking, cracking and showing the MIDDLE FINGER (DJP), Thursday, 7 November 2013 18:45 (eleven years ago) link
thank u thank u! it's a small label so im not braggin '09 on that level, but i've been going on about this label's roster for a long time and i never ever thought i would be part of it tbh.
xxpost LMAO
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Thursday, 7 November 2013 18:45 (eleven years ago) link
― a hard dom is good to find (Edward III), Thursday, 7 November 2013 18:47 (eleven years ago) link
if you bring AA to PVD, I can hook you up
― a hard dom is good to find (Edward III), Thursday, 7 November 2013 18:49 (eleven years ago) link
show wise
― a hard dom is good to find (Edward III), Thursday, 7 November 2013 18:50 (eleven years ago) link
other things too I guess
so what kind of private jet did you get?
― reckless woo (Z S), Thursday, 7 November 2013 18:50 (eleven years ago) link
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Thursday, 7 November 2013 18:53 (eleven years ago) link
― Tip from Tae Kwon Do: (crüt), Thursday, 7 November 2013 18:55 (eleven years ago) link
― festival culture (Jordan), Thursday, 7 November 2013 19:39 (eleven years ago) link
Awesome! Is there more touring in the future?
― sarahell, Thursday, 7 November 2013 19:41 (eleven years ago) link
woah! congratulations!
― how's life, Thursday, 7 November 2013 19:46 (eleven years ago) link
oh most def
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Thursday, 7 November 2013 20:04 (eleven years ago) link
― Immediate Follower (NA), Thursday, 7 November 2013 20:36 (eleven years ago) link
yay roxy!
― flamboyant goon tie included, Thursday, 7 November 2013 20:36 (eleven years ago) link
Yes! Makes me realise I haven't heard you guys yet though?
― Pingu Unchained (dog latin), Thursday, 7 November 2013 21:09 (eleven years ago) link
stream u 1, son
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Thursday, 7 November 2013 21:32 (eleven years ago) link
Yay Roxy
Tour This Area
― Milton Parker, Thursday, 7 November 2013 23:33 (eleven years ago) link
Yeah! Milton and I will come to yr show and hang out with you again!
― sarahell, Thursday, 7 November 2013 23:36 (eleven years ago) link
Oh you go girl! Thats amazing :D
― taxi tomato or bag tomato (Trayce), Thursday, 7 November 2013 23:47 (eleven years ago) link
whoa! congratulations!
― Elvis Telecom, Thursday, 7 November 2013 23:54 (eleven years ago) link
daaaaaaaang props
― shiny trippy people holding bandz (m bison), Friday, 8 November 2013 03:36 (eleven years ago) link
Yeah this track rocks a lot. Will be sure to purchase when it's out.
― Pingu Unchained (dog latin), Friday, 8 November 2013 08:40 (eleven years ago) link
― St3ve Go1db3rg, Friday, 8 November 2013 16:56 (eleven years ago) link
not my musical life, but
― reckless woo (Z S), Tuesday, 12 November 2013 19:49 (eleven years ago) link
the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck RAMZI!!!!
― shiny trippy people holding bandz (m bison), Wednesday, 13 November 2013 03:39 (eleven years ago) link
That's fukkin rad
Apparently I joined a barbershop quartet last night? Hmm.
― smoking, drinking, cracking and showing the MIDDLE FINGER (DJP), Wednesday, 13 November 2013 13:55 (eleven years ago) link
― festival culture (Jordan), Wednesday, 13 November 2013 14:31 (eleven years ago) link
Nerve injury in right elbow is finally abating after almost 5 months. Might be able to play guitar again soon? But kind of nervous abt it. Borrowed my friend's e-bow seeing as it's a way of actuating strings without too much right arm violence. Also I've never fucked with e-bow in decades of gtr playing so it's about time...
― Pressgang Wolf (Jon Lewis), Wednesday, 13 November 2013 17:00 (eleven years ago) link
E-bow + delay/looper is the best, just piling up drones into chords.
― Immediate Follower (NA), Wednesday, 13 November 2013 17:03 (eleven years ago) link
I've had the urge to fuck with an ebow lately!
― how's life, Wednesday, 13 November 2013 17:05 (eleven years ago) link
Yeah I am a much more left-hand oriented guitarist than right, despite being right-handed in all else. So this could be really fun.
― Pressgang Wolf (Jon Lewis), Wednesday, 13 November 2013 17:06 (eleven years ago) link
if anyone wants some amateurish drumbeats, i am giving them away for freealso belated congrats roxy!!
― sweat pea (La Lechera), Wednesday, 13 November 2013 17:09 (eleven years ago) link
is that ramzi as in surm?
― flopson, Wednesday, 13 November 2013 17:10 (eleven years ago) link
yes indeed
― festival culture (Jordan), Wednesday, 13 November 2013 17:14 (eleven years ago) link
also yes you guys both did an amazing job -- i listened to a couple of tracks a few weeks ago and forgot to tell you! sounds so professional!
― sweat pea (La Lechera), Wednesday, 13 November 2013 19:11 (eleven years ago) link
kept waiting for the vocals to come in
― flopson, Wednesday, 13 November 2013 19:20 (eleven years ago) link
i guess thats the vibe tho
― flopson, Wednesday, 13 November 2013 19:21 (eleven years ago) link
thanks LL!
yeah, it's a slow burner for sure.
― festival culture (Jordan), Wednesday, 13 November 2013 19:27 (eleven years ago) link
love this
― Pingu Unchained (dog latin), Wednesday, 13 November 2013 19:27 (eleven years ago) link
you produced it Jordan?
― flopson, Wednesday, 13 November 2013 19:30 (eleven years ago) link
― festival culture (Jordan), Wednesday, 13 November 2013 19:49 (eleven years ago) link
― flopson, Wednesday, 13 November 2013 19:56 (eleven years ago) link
wow cool
― goole, Wednesday, 13 November 2013 20:07 (eleven years ago) link
thx guys. i always feel like i over-post my tracks here but i guess not. :)
― festival culture (Jordan), Wednesday, 13 November 2013 20:20 (eleven years ago) link
the album comes out on tuesday, i feel slightly detached from it since it's been done for awhile and my newer tracks are better produced imo, but it hangs together as a record better than anything else i've done, and i'm proud of it.
― festival culture (Jordan), Wednesday, 13 November 2013 20:26 (eleven years ago) link
thx y'all!! really happy about it i can't lie.
― surm, Wednesday, 13 November 2013 20:48 (eleven years ago) link
Jordan, surm, I am playing the full single on Spotify right now and holy fuck this is great.
― smoking, drinking, cracking and showing the MIDDLE FINGER (DJP), Thursday, 14 November 2013 21:21 (eleven years ago) link
the Sleepy Lesbos Remix is stunning
― smoking, drinking, cracking and showing the MIDDLE FINGER (DJP), Thursday, 14 November 2013 21:23 (eleven years ago) link
thanks dan, i love that one too, and it's the one i play live (works the best for living drumming). i don't know why it's gotten the least shine out of all the remixes.
― festival culture (Jordan), Thursday, 14 November 2013 21:32 (eleven years ago) link
It may be because it's called "Sleepy Lesbos Remix" ;-)
I would love to see you play a bill with CREEP.
― smoking, drinking, cracking and showing the MIDDLE FINGER (DJP), Thursday, 14 November 2013 21:57 (eleven years ago) link
very well done all around
LL, if you want to send me one of your beats feel free
lawrence_kansas @ hotmail
― brownie, Thursday, 14 November 2013 22:50 (eleven years ago) link
heh you'd think that would help. dude is super talented, i play drums in his live band occasionally.
― festival culture (Jordan), Thursday, 14 November 2013 23:10 (eleven years ago) link
<3 DJP
― surm, Friday, 15 November 2013 02:35 (eleven years ago) link
how the hell did I lose my pitch pipe the week before an a capella caroling gig?
― Lesbian has fucking riffs for days (Neanderthal), Friday, 15 November 2013 17:10 (eleven years ago) link
someone in our spiritual ensemble stole my wife's pitch pipe
― guitar is coffee (DJP), Friday, 15 November 2013 17:37 (eleven years ago) link
Someone asked a questionWhy it is we singI sing so I can meet chicksAnd steal other people's things
― Lesbian has fucking riffs for days (Neanderthal), Friday, 15 November 2013 18:01 (eleven years ago) link
Launched our EP last night. Here's a track:
― 29 facepalms, Friday, 15 November 2013 18:54 (eleven years ago) link
my new album is out today :)
if you don't feel like listening to it, consider this -- it's short.
― festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 19 November 2013 15:43 (eleven years ago) link
and ramzi/surm is on the first four tracks.
I'm very much realizing I'm only an effective live singer. Solos usually come across as mechanical when I record them (cuz I'm thinking too much), but at least they're ok. if I do vocal harmonies, I think so much about getting the notes perfect that nerves make me screw up (whereas live I'm rock solid).
oh well. any singers have tricks for getting through that shit? I can only imagine what my roommate thinks after hearing me sing the same 3 seconds over and over for a half hour.
― Lesbian has fucking riffs for days (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 20 November 2013 03:13 (eleven years ago) link
Just got my album back from mastering, currently going insane trying to compare it to other records and decide whether the EQ is right and if I need to ask for changes
― St3ve Go1db3rg, Thursday, 21 November 2013 14:46 (eleven years ago) link
xp: the only thing that gets me through shit like this is rehearsal, so that by the time I get to the recording phase I'm not really thinking about it anymore
I might have a caroling gig next month that will result in free food at a great restaurant that will be closing next year
― deX! (DJP), Thursday, 21 November 2013 14:55 (eleven years ago) link
^pretty much the main reason to play music
― festival culture (Jordan), Thursday, 21 November 2013 14:59 (eleven years ago) link
i just have to do it over and over again, on my own. helps to use a DAW and loopback so you can just keep doing it over and over.
― a beef supreme (dog latin), Thursday, 21 November 2013 14:59 (eleven years ago) link
Got layrngitis, know smoking doesnt help, that aside pls does anyone know how to fix this? I sound like Marge simpson singing Bonnie Tyler which has its own amusement but ffs I cant stand this.
― taxi tomato or bag tomato (Trayce), Friday, 22 November 2013 11:04 (eleven years ago) link
For everyone holding their breath since my last post (lol) I did two more rounds of mastering changes and now have a finished record. It's hard to sum up my feeling towards it at this point, you know, but I think I'm really happy with it. I'll be sharing a track soon.
― St3ve Go1db3rg, Saturday, 23 November 2013 16:16 (eleven years ago) link
Trayce - for one, don't talk or sing (lolz), but humming scales quietly is usually good. vocal rest is key.
I usually drink multiple cups of throat coat tea with honey/lemon juice added, and also plenty of water to stay hydrated. but really, your voice just needs rest, and that's the best solution. hope it comes back soon, I know what a pain in the ass that is.
― Lesbian has fucking riffs for days (Neanderthal), Saturday, 23 November 2013 16:51 (eleven years ago) link
congrats steve.
i bought one of these just for fun. gonna spend my musical time alternating between fucking around with that and doing interminable guitar fingerpicking exercises to see if i have the innate ability to do that to any reasonable level.
― Merdeyeux, Saturday, 23 November 2013 20:40 (eleven years ago) link
7 minutes until Coltrane
― deX! (DJP), Sunday, 24 November 2013 00:24 (eleven years ago) link
poster my bandmates made for a show we are playing next week. so proud. so beautiful imo
― flopson, Sunday, 24 November 2013 01:47 (eleven years ago) link
First half of the Coltrane gig was pretty dope you guys
― deX! (DJP), Sunday, 24 November 2013 02:07 (eleven years ago) link
That is a cool poster, very primitivist or something
― St3ve Go1db3rg, Sunday, 24 November 2013 20:35 (eleven years ago) link
DJP, what was the Coltrane thing?
― Montgomery Burns' Jazz (Tarfumes The Escape Goat), Monday, 25 November 2013 00:25 (eleven years ago) link
It was this:
― deX! (DJP), Monday, 25 November 2013 13:52 (eleven years ago) link
Oh man, that looks amazing!
― Montgomery Burns' Jazz (Tarfumes The Escape Goat), Monday, 25 November 2013 15:03 (eleven years ago) link
It was pretty out of control fantastic. Hope we get access to the archival recording
― deX! (DJP), Monday, 25 November 2013 15:08 (eleven years ago) link
Okay I didn't even notice the update flyer with the recent rehearsal pic of us, lol
Guess it's time to get in a gym
― deX! (DJP), Monday, 25 November 2013 15:10 (eleven years ago) link
congrats dan, i'd like to hear it. what did you think of that max roach record?
― festival culture (Jordan), Monday, 25 November 2013 16:44 (eleven years ago) link
I am listening to it now (ps: holy shit)
― deX! (DJP), Monday, 25 November 2013 16:49 (eleven years ago) link
collaborating with a couple different companies on a couple different pedal designs. which i guess i do in between endless hours at the shop, during the busiest year we have had since 2006. and having a baby. so idk, tired and happy? i know my kind of musical life is a little different wrt doing the shop owning thing, but feeling really proud about steering my business into not only success, but hands down the best pedal shop and biggest selection by far (and imo best guitar shop/selection but i dont wanna go all braggin 2013) in a pretty major music market. the last 10 years have been a fuckton of work but its all been worth it.
haha, well at least for now.
― Wendy Carlos Williams (jjjusten), Monday, 25 November 2013 16:53 (eleven years ago) link
i spent a bunch of time over the weekend making beats for a rapper who i'm really excited about working with. got to try out my new Arturia Microbrute synth and i love it, it's not too complicated but seems very flexible. glad that the last few years of learning software synths have translated to more or less knowing how to dial up sounds on an analog one.
now i'm just trying not to get anxious about this collab -- the dude loved the first two beats i sent him and we had a bunch of emails, but i've been sending more beats/emails and haven't heard anything back for a week. feels like dating. :(
― festival culture (Jordan), Monday, 25 November 2013 16:53 (eleven years ago) link
DJP that is fucking awesome fyi
― Wendy Carlos Williams (jjjusten), Monday, 25 November 2013 16:55 (eleven years ago) link
Thanks all, I was very trepidatious at first because I don't do a lot of jazz stuff (and half the music we were doing with the band wasn't done until we showed up at the first joint rehearsal Thursday) but the entire experience ended up being wonderful.
FYI I have heard "Troubled Waters" before, it's just been years (21 to be precise)
― deX! (DJP), Monday, 25 November 2013 17:02 (eleven years ago) link
that is very precise! definitely post recordings if you find any.
my anxiety above was for nothing, the project is on (and i'm very excited about it), i just need to chill the fuck out.
― festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 26 November 2013 22:07 (eleven years ago) link
I handed James Murphy a copy of my album tonight and that's something I feel good about
― St3ve Go1db3rg, Thursday, 28 November 2013 07:52 (eleven years ago) link
― to BRR! is humane (m bison), Thursday, 28 November 2013 16:24 (eleven years ago) link
some dude came into the synth shop where i was working and offered me a job working for one of my musical/artist type heroes, so i'm getting paid to play with synths and lights and make things in max/msp. still pinching myself when i wake up every day. also occasionally getting to play drums/guitar/whatever on pop songs n that at the studio where i'm working. will prob get to do a major tour next year. musical life = good!
― Crackle Box, Thursday, 28 November 2013 23:21 (eleven years ago) link
Just made a huge milestone in learning how to mix and arrange guitars. Feel so proud!
― a beef supreme (dog latin), Friday, 29 November 2013 09:45 (eleven years ago) link
xpost Crackle - that's so great!
Just made a huge milestone in learning how to mix and arrange guitars.
What was it?
― St3ve Go1db3rg, Friday, 29 November 2013 16:50 (eleven years ago) link
Well I doubt it's anything revelatory for the majority of people here but I had 2 layers of guitar that were fairly complicated, moving from rhythm to lead on an arbitrary basis. Had them panned hard left and right and it sounded really confusing. Ended up creating 4 channels in the end, two hard panned in which the more rhythmy bits went and two slightly more central as I had twin lead lines playing together. Worked really well and I'm amazed at how much more focused it all sounds after a couple of overdubs to fill out the gaps.
Also trying to get my head around output bussing and parallel processing. Using Reason 7 atm.
― a beef supreme (dog latin), Friday, 29 November 2013 17:14 (eleven years ago) link
Ah yeah, it definitely makes a difference when you start thinking about arrangement and mixing as part of the same process like that.
― St3ve Go1db3rg, Friday, 29 November 2013 18:09 (eleven years ago) link
a key is stuck on my new synth and it's driving me batshit and i have no idea how to fix it
― Tip from Tae Kwon Do: (crüt), Friday, 29 November 2013 19:39 (eleven years ago) link
now another key just doesn't play at all
this is the greatest thing i've ever owned and it's falling apart :(
― Tip from Tae Kwon Do: (crüt), Friday, 29 November 2013 23:14 (eleven years ago) link lol writing vs improv/sounds stunted
― Phoebe (color definition point of "beyond "color, eg a transient that), Saturday, 30 November 2013 04:29 (eleven years ago) link
recorded some dudes today and got the best kick sound i've ever gotten
boundary mics rule
― kel's vintage port (electricsound), Saturday, 30 November 2013 06:28 (eleven years ago) link
― Tip from Tae Kwon Do: (crüt), Friday, November 29, 2013 7:39 PM (Yesterday) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
― Tip from Tae Kwon Do: (crüt), Friday, November 29, 2013 11:14 PM (Yesterday) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
Analogue synthesizers.
― emil.y, Saturday, 30 November 2013 15:35 (eleven years ago) link
that's why i'm loving this microbrute, it's analog but not falling apart yet. i've been recording it all over the place for bass and leads...haven't experimented with midi in yet, just playing it with my actual fingers.
― festival culture (Jordan), Monday, 2 December 2013 15:13 (eleven years ago) link
some dude came into the synth shop where i was working
― Skatalite of Dub (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 2 December 2013 15:30 (eleven years ago) link
I play with a 'chamber pop' band called How to Swim and we've completed our new album 'Niagarama'. Doing vinyl, CD, cake and guitar formats available, as well as many more... Might as well go all-out on it..
audio: 'Long Division':
video: 'It Doesn't Even Have To Be You':
audio: 'Animals':
― PaulTMA, Thursday, 12 December 2013 15:14 (eleven years ago) link
I'm stressing myself out. We've got this track we started making round my house - basic programmed drums, guitar and bass based around a jam. It was very loose but we were pleased with the overall groove. I've spent the last couple of weeks very carefully re-composing and re-recording the guitars so that they're coherent, coming up with vocal lines and lyrics based on nonsense singing I did on the day, and I asked the bassist to rerecord his parts too. It's maybe the most ambitious thing we've done to date but now I'm having problems.
It's about 80% done - just needs a couple more things added/changed and the vocals need recorded properly, the drums interestinged-up etc - but I'm in a real knot. Sometimes I listen to what I've got and it sounds like a mess - the guitars slip off the drum track, the bass doesn't scan at points - it was sounding great and now I'm not sure if I need to do it all over again. The mix has become so big and confusing, I'm worried if I alter anything it'll just start unraveling.
What isn't helping is my bandmates. I've been updating them with progress on what I've done and their helpful feedback isn't helping. The bassist is saying he thinks we should add middle eighths or random instruments here and there but not actually coming up with concrete ideas to support these. The drummer is breathing down my neck pleading with me to let him tinker with the mix, but I know for a fact he's most likely to turn the drums up to 11 and drown everything else out (it's a pretty floaty track, I don't want this). I know if I had a day to myself to go through it, redo a few parts, layer over a few bits and run through some vocal takes as well as unravel a few complicated mixing decisions, I could get it sounding really nice and then hand it over to him to do his worst with the drums, but I feel like I'm under unnecessary pressure now and the limited time I have in the evenings is stifling.
I realise I'm being a bit of a control freak about this - it's everyone's track, but when you put a lot of effort into something and then someone else comes in and randomly changes everything you've done to keep things in the balance it's very frustrating. On one side I'm keen to try and get this thing close-to-finished and on the other I'm being hindered by time and other people.
Anyone find this when working with others?
― a beef supreme (dog latin), Thursday, 12 December 2013 15:41 (eleven years ago) link
These are the problems with a democratic band. You need to decide if you want to be truly democratic, in which case you need to let go of the reins a little bit (are you mixing this on a computer? if so, everyone could do their own mix and then you could compare and contrast). Or you need to decide you're taking over and live with the consequences.
― Immediate Follower (NA), Thursday, 12 December 2013 15:46 (eleven years ago) link
others are the worst
― festival culture (Jordan), Thursday, 12 December 2013 15:47 (eleven years ago) link
Though I guess the other way to be democratic is to divide up responsibilities, in which case you need to position yourself as the one who's in charge of final mixes.
OR you all need to agree on an outside mixer/producer.
― Immediate Follower (NA), Thursday, 12 December 2013 15:47 (eleven years ago) link
yeah we're using the computer - i'm the only one with the program that'll make it work. we've been very democratic so far and managed to avoid pitfalls. i think my main issue is our drummer has it in his head that kick drums need to be really smackingly loud in the mix for a track to work and no amount of reasoning and playing him example songs (songs he LIKES) will convince him of that. he's a real 'if there's an effect available i have to use it' kind of person but his confidence in mixing and producing outweighs his actual knowledge. he's a young dude with a bucaneering spirit and won't be told or listen to things like 'if a sound's too quiet, turn the other sounds down' etc. i don't claim to be an expert by any means - in fact i'm a total amateur/novice - but i've been doing things for a bit longer and watching him work just seems like he's randomly turning gate and compressor setting up and down, washing things in distortion and echo and many of his mixes sound really over-the-top. it worries me when he says he can't hear the kick drum (it's there! you can hear it!) or that the track doesn't make him want to dance (it's not a dance track!). I wanna get him involved but last time i did he ended up undoing nights of careful tweaking.
― a beef supreme (dog latin), Thursday, 12 December 2013 15:54 (eleven years ago) link
he sounds like a dickcheese
― you are kind, I am (waterface), Thursday, 12 December 2013 16:02 (eleven years ago) link
can someone tell me what "cake format" is, because it sounds delicious
― SHAUN (DJP), Thursday, 12 December 2013 16:05 (eleven years ago) link
btw I was sort of half-listening to "Long Division" until the outro, which is fantastic all the way around
― SHAUN (DJP), Thursday, 12 December 2013 16:10 (eleven years ago) link
Paul, that stuff sounds good!
dog latin - he ended up undoing nights of careful tweaking - can you not make a duplicate track for him to dick around with? That way you won't lose anything when he messes it up. But also, BEWARE. Being in a band that has taken 5 years and then 8 (maybe 9, it's not out yet) years to release their albums, I am very well aware that you can fall into a massive hole of mixing. Things don't need to be perfect. New band has just released a four-track demo tape into the world, it's super lo-fi and messy, and honestly I'm pretty happy with just having it out there, we can work on perfect mixing later.
― emil.y, Thursday, 12 December 2013 16:12 (eleven years ago) link
yeah it's really good advice emil.y. i'm a big believer in letting songs speak for themselves and that's why i'm keen to concentrate on, not so much "mixing", as getting the structures and performances right. I kind of don't care whether the kick drum's loud enough or not, but being told that such-and-such an instrument's too thin or a drum's too quiet isn't helpful at this stage - all that can be changed. i guess this is a symptom of showing people a work in progress. if you paint a wall you can take all day on it, make sure you get the underlay right, do three coats, get it looking really nice, but you shouldn't complain if the first thing people do when they see it is point out the few inches you missed in the lower left corner.lo-fi is a cool aesthetic and i'm down with it. not sure it's quite the aesthetic we're after, but the other extreme is super-clean, super-flat, super bland mixing which is what we got when we recorded our first couple of songs at a local studio. none of us were that happy - the character didn't show through and since then we've decided to go the hard way and try and teach ourselves. part of this is a challenge to our selves and it gives us creative flexibility. again, i'm not an expert but i'm taking a lot of time to watch youtube videos, ask for advice where i can get it etc.
― a beef supreme (dog latin), Thursday, 12 December 2013 16:36 (eleven years ago) link
i am way behind on this thread but i just wanted to say i actual loled @ "someone in our spiritual ensemble stole my wife's pitch pipe"
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Saturday, 14 December 2013 00:48 (eleven years ago) link
You know what sucks is writing a song you can't sing. I've never had much vocal range but since I stopped playing shows I've lost some of that little range I had. I wrote a nice little song with a real melody but it sounds dumb when I try and record it because it starts out very low (I used a capo to bring it up into the bottom of my range) but then in the chorus does these little jumps into falsetto that I can't really pull off.
Also I recorded it as a straightforward guitar and vocals song and it's SO HARD for me to avoid the temptation to add a bunch of other stuff. I have no problem listening to other people's minimal arrangements but I can't listen to my own. Even on this one I doubled the guitar (subtly) and parts of the vocals. Some of it is I can hear every little mistake I make and adding more stuff helps smooth the mistakes over. But I need to make myself work harder to actually get a good performance instead of getting a passable one and then trying to make it sound good by adding a ton of shit.
― Immediate Follower (NA), Monday, 16 December 2013 17:37 (eleven years ago) link
^ this is the worst
― a hard dom is good to find (Edward III), Monday, 16 December 2013 21:09 (eleven years ago) link
big news, found out my rehearsal space appeared on the showtime drama brotherhood back in 2006
― a hard dom is good to find (Edward III), Monday, 16 December 2013 21:22 (eleven years ago) link
writing a song you can't singSO HARD for me to avoid the temptation to add a bunch of other stuff
SO HARD for me to avoid the temptation to add a bunch of other stuff
I think these two go hand in hand and also are most of my songs.
― L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Tuesday, 17 December 2013 03:17 (eleven years ago) link
Some guy put me on a "Worst Music of 2013" list which only had 2 entries:
― L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Wednesday, 18 December 2013 21:35 (eleven years ago) link
― Immediate Follower (NA), Wednesday, 18 December 2013 21:36 (eleven years ago) link
that's dope, especially since demdike stare is awesome.
― festival culture (Jordan), Wednesday, 18 December 2013 21:37 (eleven years ago) link
2013 has given us some fantastic music – Arctic Monkeys, Arcade Fire, Nine Inch Nails, and Lorde, to name a few
― emil.y, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 21:39 (eleven years ago) link
which ilxor runs that blog
― kel's vintage port (electricsound), Wednesday, 18 December 2013 21:57 (eleven years ago) link
wait, is that really demdike stare? it sounds like millie and andrea and the picture there would say so too.
congrats steve! i really liked that song.
― a beef supreme (dog latin), Wednesday, 18 December 2013 22:07 (eleven years ago) link
oh it is demdike. weird, quite different for them.
― a beef supreme (dog latin), Wednesday, 18 December 2013 22:08 (eleven years ago) link
Congratulations Steve!
― fear of zing failure (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 18 December 2013 22:17 (eleven years ago) link
Haha thanks dudes I guess I'll keep on living after all
― L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Wednesday, 18 December 2013 22:25 (eleven years ago) link
Just finished subbing for a caroling gig, which may lead to other pickup gigs in the future. YAY NETOWRKING
― SHAUN (DJP), Monday, 23 December 2013 00:37 (eleven years ago) link
i made a couple recordings of versions of holiday songs for my mom. maybe ill make a christmas album next year?
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Monday, 23 December 2013 00:55 (eleven years ago) link
you should put pics of yr non-plussed pets in santa hats on the cover
― people who care abt anti-hipster discourse (sarahell), Monday, 23 December 2013 01:17 (eleven years ago) link
"non plussed" is being v generous imo lol
there are certainly plenty pics to choose from. my pets have more santa hats than dan perry does
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Monday, 23 December 2013 22:04 (eleven years ago) link
Juat signed up to Weeklybeats. Imagine I'll last about 1-2 months before I run out of steam, but hey.
― the Bronski Review (Trayce), Monday, 6 January 2014 04:05 (eleven years ago) link
The barbershop quartet I impulsively agreed to sing with is meeting on Wednesday. Here's hoping I still have low notes!
― SHAUN (DJP), Monday, 6 January 2014 04:07 (eleven years ago) link
an insight into what super cool dudes are doing with themselves at 4:30am
― Merdeyeux, Tuesday, 7 January 2014 04:40 (eleven years ago) link
looks like fun!
― An embarrassing doorman and garbage man (dog latin), Wednesday, 8 January 2014 13:00 (eleven years ago) link
great delay pedal there.
― my opinionation (Hamildan), Wednesday, 8 January 2014 16:16 (eleven years ago) link
That's a Behringer IINM? Don't knock it, I have one of those. Although it does tend to overload and go wrong a lot.
― An embarrassing doorman and garbage man (dog latin), Wednesday, 8 January 2014 16:18 (eleven years ago) link
"it does tend to overload and go wrong a lot"
^^^ possible new Behringer company slogan there
― time is a train that make the future flag post (snoball), Wednesday, 8 January 2014 16:20 (eleven years ago) link
My band is playing it's first gig in Knoxville on Saturday.
― earlnash, Thursday, 9 January 2014 06:34 (eleven years ago) link
You guys, barbershop is massively fun
― SHAUN (DJP), Thursday, 9 January 2014 13:11 (eleven years ago) link
I'd love to get involved with barbershop.
― An embarrassing doorman and garbage man (dog latin), Thursday, 9 January 2014 14:54 (eleven years ago) link
We're playing our first out-of-our-immediate-area show in a couple of days - gonna tear St Albans a new one.
― An embarrassing doorman and garbage man (dog latin), Thursday, 9 January 2014 14:55 (eleven years ago) link
It was just great singing for-real bass in an all-male quartet again; haven't done that in YEARS
also lol the bass part is usually the easiest one to read in barbershop, aside from the melody
― SHAUN (DJP), Thursday, 9 January 2014 14:58 (eleven years ago) link
wasn't knocking it, have one myself coupled with a Behringer C-C300 Space chorus.
Analogue delay and chorus for £50 in total.
― my opinionation (Hamildan), Thursday, 9 January 2014 15:15 (eleven years ago) link
Oh god. Band hasn't practised properly in over a month, just agreed to a last-minute gig tomorrow in front of a potentially large (for us) audience. Scared!
― emil.y, Thursday, 9 January 2014 15:31 (eleven years ago) link
i reckon you'll be fine, e. nothing like a good break and the fear of god to help you along the way.
that said the last couple of practices we've had haven't felt very satisfying. i hate practice rooms and having a time limit. we used to have our own garage we could jam in all day and all night, take frequent leisurely breaks etc, but now everyone's gotta turn up and start playing and we're conscious of how long we have and the money we're spending. invariably someone's not on form or the drumkit's not set up properly and the whole thing feels like a frustration and not conducive to creativity.
― An embarrassing doorman and garbage man (dog latin), Thursday, 9 January 2014 15:39 (eleven years ago) link
I don't know, though, having a never-ending jam session seems like a bit of a nightmare to me - is there actually the impetus to finish & polish when you can just meander for a day? (I'm sure there probably is, it just wouldn't necessarily suit my temperament.) My favourite rehearsal length was always the four-hour slot, where we invariably took an hour break somewhere in the middle to just sit down and talk about band stuff. Three hours is enough to make sure you can play your old songs and work on some new stuff.
― emil.y, Thursday, 9 January 2014 15:50 (eleven years ago) link
yeah i guess it depends on temperament. no two bands are the same. my bandmates are notorious ditherers, easily distracted and hard to keep on point. if there's a reason to wander off-course it will happen, the phrase 'herding cats' springs to mind. i'm sure if i was working with people who were more focused then the 'get in there and practice' method would work better but it doesn't seem to suit us.. I think having the chance to break for an hour is really good if you can get it. all creative activities need reflection time.
― An embarrassing doorman and garbage man (dog latin), Thursday, 9 January 2014 15:54 (eleven years ago) link
i went through a similar transition recently (went from jamming in our drummers' loft to a shared space) and i actually prefer the more economical jams, after having adjusted to not taking a break to watch seinfeld or cook curry every hour. sounds like you're on top of your shit, just whip those slackers into shape
i'm playing drums live for the first time tomorrow night, very pumped. did you know that drumsticks are called baguettes in french? "baguettes de drum" thats what it says hahaha
― flopson, Friday, 10 January 2014 07:18 (eleven years ago) link
hah, i'm half french and i didn't know that
― An embarrassing doorman and garbage man (dog latin), Friday, 10 January 2014 09:55 (eleven years ago) link
earlnash - are you in white gold??
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Friday, 10 January 2014 13:33 (eleven years ago) link
Went to McCabe's and Norm's today to enjoy a rare day off - played approximately $60k in acoustic guitars between the two places.
Collings D3 and D2HCollings f-style MandolinCollings orchestra modelMartin D-28s from 53,55,57, 63 and 67
― Survivalist Compound Row (B.L.A.M.), Friday, 24 January 2014 00:47 (eleven years ago) link
started jams yesterday for new electro funk duo
― displayed in brackets (electricsound), Friday, 24 January 2014 00:52 (eleven years ago) link
awesome im totally jealous
― flopson, Friday, 24 January 2014 00:54 (eleven years ago) link
I'm singing in a concert with my church choir Sunday; I have a prominent solo in a King's Singers arrangement of a random folk song. We're also doing stuff by Daniel Pinkham, Phillip Glass, Samuel Barber, Randall Thompson and more. The theme is "Americana", starting with traditional folks songs, going up through the romantic and minimal periods, and including some stopovers with modern arrangements of a spiritual or two. It's gonna fucking rule.
― SHAUN (DJP), Friday, 24 January 2014 02:21 (eleven years ago) link
That sounds awesome! Will there be a recording up anywhere?
― the Bronski Review (Trayce), Friday, 24 January 2014 02:38 (eleven years ago) link
I will be able to get a CD at some point which may or may not get magically ripped and posted someplace discreet
― SHAUN (DJP), Friday, 24 January 2014 02:49 (eleven years ago) link
I made a remix:
― L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Monday, 27 January 2014 15:31 (eleven years ago) link
Concert went mostly well! There were some intonation/flatting issues and one almost total trainwreck but:
- the audience loved it- my solo went well- my wife's solo went well
― SHAUN (DJP), Monday, 27 January 2014 15:33 (eleven years ago) link
our new album got reviewed on pfork today. sort of a surprise
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Tuesday, 28 January 2014 03:07 (eleven years ago) link
― ^ enlightening post (sarahell), Tuesday, 28 January 2014 03:07 (eleven years ago) link
i got the google alert while i was peeing this morning and thought for sure it was someone putting the record on an illegal DL site
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Tuesday, 28 January 2014 03:11 (eleven years ago) link
i bet bryce would be happy for you
― ^ enlightening post (sarahell), Tuesday, 28 January 2014 03:18 (eleven years ago) link
weird thing to say
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Tuesday, 28 January 2014 03:20 (eleven years ago) link
sorry just referring to the classic knoxville thread
― ^ enlightening post (sarahell), Tuesday, 28 January 2014 03:23 (eleven years ago) link
Nothing is awesomer than completely using your already-sketchy voice in between rehearsal and the service
― Fight the Powers that Be with this Powerful Les Paul! (DJP), Sunday, 9 February 2014 16:46 (eleven years ago) link
Or losing, rather
Fucking autocorrect
― Fight the Powers that Be with this Powerful Les Paul! (DJP), Sunday, 9 February 2014 16:47 (eleven years ago) link
just bought a fuzz pedal
― flopson, Sunday, 9 February 2014 22:01 (eleven years ago) link
what kind?
― And when you f--- up, you go backwards (snoball), Sunday, 9 February 2014 22:09 (eleven years ago) link
are you going to use it?
― joygoat, Sunday, 9 February 2014 22:24 (eleven years ago) link
electro harmonix "Sastisfaction" fuzz. it was 50$
― flopson, Sunday, 9 February 2014 22:31 (eleven years ago) link
yea im gonna use it for solos in the band i play guitar in, also might put some vocals through it for my solo/recording project
― flopson, Sunday, 9 February 2014 22:32 (eleven years ago) link
Spent all last night with the house to myself standing and practicing singing the band's songs (memorising all the words, phrasing etc). It occurred to me I dont actually "practice" singing all that often. Its an instrument like any other and I really should. Wondering if I should get some lessons to refresh my technique and not kill my throat too.
― the Bronski Review (Trayce), Sunday, 9 February 2014 23:21 (eleven years ago) link
If you feel like you might not have good vocal technique (in terms of keeping your voice healthy) -- then working with someone would be a good idea if you are going to sing regularly and potentially do damage to your voice. It's like other physical exercise: sports, weightlifting -- you don't want to fuck yourself up so you have to quit.
― sarahell, Monday, 10 February 2014 05:01 (eleven years ago) link
Yeah for sure. I dont feel strained at all, but I am finding transitioning from - whats the proper term for it? Belly singing v throat singing? - anyway that, I tend to wobble on a bit.
And, smoking doesnt help with the sustaining of notes and whatnot ugh. haha.
― the Bronski Review (Trayce), Monday, 10 February 2014 05:14 (eleven years ago) link
chest voice vs. head voice?
no, smoking definitely doesn't help :/ - learning/knowing ways to catch breaths during long phrases helps though
― sarahell, Monday, 10 February 2014 05:17 (eleven years ago) link
unless you are singing tuvan style
head voice, thats the phrase i couldnt remember :)
― the Bronski Review (Trayce), Monday, 10 February 2014 05:21 (eleven years ago) link
Well, the album I played on last year just came out..
― 29 facepalms, Monday, 10 February 2014 18:33 (eleven years ago) link
Took a tour of Tiny Telephone studios yesterday. I am such a DAW-bro, I feel like it's hard for me to wrap my head around making a totally analog record. I want to follow up with him, but unless I misunderstood it seemed like JV said he's never heard a record there that had compression and EQ engaged during mixdown that sounded good, like that stuff should be used for tracking. That seems wild to me, but maybe I didn't get what he meant. Tiny Telephone seems like an awesome place to work though.
― L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Wednesday, 12 February 2014 17:24 (eleven years ago) link
is there a statue of stephan jenkins on his motorcycle outside of the studio?
― the Norwegians are leaving! (Sufjan Grafton), Wednesday, 12 February 2014 17:54 (eleven years ago) link
got together with two other drummers (who both do arranging or multi-instrumental solo projects) yesterday to plan a new thing, the idea is to make dance music composed entirely of weird percussion parts that we'll record over a weekend. i'm guessing most of the editing will fall to me afterward but i'm hoping this will be a fun + relatively quick thing to make.
― festival culture (Jordan), Monday, 17 February 2014 19:22 (eleven years ago) link
That sounds super cool! Can't wait to hear it!!
― we slowly invented brains (La Lechera), Monday, 17 February 2014 19:36 (eleven years ago) link
Really crap jam tonight,first time we've ever not gelled playing, it was mega weird. I think our drummer sucks,is one reason why - we'd played without him for 3 sessions and he threw everyone off with his ridiculous speeding up bashy shit. Pity, cos we had some new songs I really wanted to work on but it wasnt that easy. I'm tired and irritated now.
― the Bronski Review (Trayce), Wednesday, 19 February 2014 12:09 (eleven years ago) link
released an album on saturday w/ a show, it was really great. famed ilxor crut1s was there. nothing else to report.
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Wednesday, 19 February 2014 16:25 (eleven years ago) link
finished a bunch of songs that i dont hate now i have to figure out what to do with them
― Lamp, Wednesday, 19 February 2014 16:32 (eleven years ago) link
― earlnash, Wednesday, 19 February 2014 22:06 (eleven years ago) link
Made a demo video for a synth I'm selling right now only to find out that I have no good video codec so I can export it to a good video file. Fuck me, day wasted and ruined. Back to writing lyrics.
― DDD, Thursday, 20 February 2014 16:21 (eleven years ago) link
can NOT, that is
― DDD, Thursday, 20 February 2014 16:22 (eleven years ago) link
quit 1 band due to being too busy, then joined another.
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Tuesday, 25 February 2014 01:58 (ten years ago) link
electro funk morphed into minimal synth so subtly i almost didn't notice
― föllakzoidberg (electricsound), Tuesday, 25 February 2014 02:00 (ten years ago) link
Would it be band mutiny if I got R to have a crack at drumming in my band because the other guy is kind of sh1t?
― the Bronski Review (Trayce), Tuesday, 25 February 2014 02:31 (ten years ago) link
TBF he's not dreadful, but he wouldnt know subtle if it hit him in the groin and we need someone who can drum Talk Talk styles.
― the Bronski Review (Trayce), Tuesday, 25 February 2014 02:32 (ten years ago) link
It kind of depends on what your band dynamic is - if the drummer came with the band then you might be causing ructions, if he's just been playing along with you guys for a couple of times then it'd almost certainly be fine.
― emil.y, Tuesday, 25 February 2014 02:38 (ten years ago) link
Yeah hes a later addition, and the other 3 of us are really the core of things, and we've all ummed and erred over his over-enhtusiastic style of playing. But he's a mate of the bass player's as well so, I don't know. Personally I'd be just as happy with a drum machine but I'm the singer, what do I know ;)
― the Bronski Review (Trayce), Tuesday, 25 February 2014 03:05 (ten years ago) link
Nearly every drummer I've ever worked with does not know the meaning of subtle.
― doglato dozzy (dog latin), Tuesday, 25 February 2014 12:41 (ten years ago) link
does he know that you'd like him to play more subtly
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Tuesday, 25 February 2014 15:14 (ten years ago) link
do you want him to play like a drum machine
― death and darkness and other night kinda shit (crüt), Tuesday, 25 February 2014 18:33 (ten years ago) link
This might be unfair but I think there's such a thing as 'drummer complex for some players where because they're generally stuck at the back and given a functional, anchoring role in the band with maybe a few backing vocals, they sometimes feel the need to overcompensate by showboating and smacking the shit out their drumset.
― doglato dozzy (dog latin), Tuesday, 25 February 2014 18:40 (ten years ago) link
― an office job is as secure as a Weetabix padlock (snoball), Tuesday, 25 February 2014 18:42 (ten years ago) link
drummers are musicians too y/n?
― sonderangerbot, Wednesday, 26 February 2014 09:32 (ten years ago) link
dl, that's something bad musicians do tbh!
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Friday, 28 February 2014 21:46 (ten years ago) link
Buncha Neil Youngs in this thread
― 4. Nels Cline and My Uncle Eat Soup at Panera Bread (3:37) (Sufjan Grafton), Saturday, 1 March 2014 03:55 (ten years ago) link
u goddamn right
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Saturday, 1 March 2014 04:10 (ten years ago) link
may u find your crazy horse
― 4. Nels Cline and My Uncle Eat Soup at Panera Bread (3:37) (Sufjan Grafton), Saturday, 1 March 2014 05:10 (ten years ago) link
That's my dream!
― we slowly invented brains (La Lechera), Saturday, 1 March 2014 14:25 (ten years ago) link
Oh man, I've got two or three new songs/productions I'm working on that are about to be finished and honestly they count as by far my best work to date. It's weird though because while they're all largely based on jams we came up with as a band, they've been largely produced at home on Reason (so electronic drums), and many of the elements I've come up with away from the rest of the band. I don't want to exclude the others from the creative process at all, but I feel like I've also got a lot of drive and vision with these tunes and I'm largely capable of working on them without the (often meddlesome) input of other people. It's a bit of a conflict really - are these the band's songs or are they my own productions with a couple of elements from other people? Also, as we're a three-piece and these new tracks are quite a different realm from the post-punk stuff we've been playing live, I'm wondering how we can recreate them happily if we take them to the stage. Either we'd need to get a laptop playing bits automatically, which I'm really not keen on since it makes live playing very rigid and formulaic and we'd have to work out a way for everyone to stick to time. Also laptops on stage really aren't very interesting or appealing. So the other option is to get other musicians involved and at the moment I can't even find one person to help out on guitar, let alone a keyboardist or other player.
― inside out trousers (dog latin), Monday, 3 March 2014 16:55 (ten years ago) link
opening up for someone whose name rhymes with bran beacon this weekend, hope it goes well (mostly in terms of the show being well-attended, since i've been trying to get this promoter to consider me for things like this for a couple years now).
― festival culture (Jordan), Monday, 3 March 2014 17:01 (ten years ago) link
Nice one. Good luck Jordan
― inside out trousers (dog latin), Monday, 3 March 2014 17:13 (ten years ago) link
thanks! btw i think you should go solo.
― festival culture (Jordan), Monday, 3 March 2014 17:47 (ten years ago) link
Ooh, nice one Jordan, I love Fran Freakon live.
DL, I kind of think the questions you're asking are things that only you guys can know. Obviously the act of phrasing the question is in itself a way of hashing this stuff out, so don't think I'm saying "don't ask us", but... it all depends. It depends on how you talk about this stuff to each other, it depends on what your relationships are. It depends on your confidence levels, it depends on your shared and individual goals.
are these the band's songs or are they my own productions with a couple of elements from other people?
It depends. Who wrote them? You? The band? Are they your songs but with band arrangements? Your songs with band arrangements with your own production? Or did you do everything and they just played what you told them to? One thing I will say is if the others are involved in the writing process and you decide to just take those songs for yourself because "well, I wrote them", people will be pissed off.
I'm wondering how we can recreate them happily if we take them to the stage.
Sometimes you just can't - either keep them as studio tracks or rework them so the live show is a different thing. Or consider a cheap sampler if you've got snippets coming in and out... there are a few songs by my band where I've made long-ish multi-sample tracks and just play the mp3s through my ipod when needed. Both of those things are a little more tactile than just playing a track through a laptop, but honestly I don't think having a laptop onstage is that bad a thing.
I don't necessarily agree with Jordan, but you do seem to be pretty negative about your band experiences here. I don't know if that's just because this is a place to vent without having to deal with the kickback from your friends, or if it's because you are actually not having the best time... but maybe that's another thing for you to think about.
― emil.y, Monday, 3 March 2014 22:17 (ten years ago) link
also i'll say that if you do want to add pre-recorded electronic parts to your live band, it can be better to split them up into sections (nothing longer than four bars) and have someone manually trigger them on a sampler or drum pads. basically what emily says. that way you don't have to worry about the whole band staying in time with sequences, because even if things get off they'll get reset on the next phrase.
― festival culture (Jordan), Monday, 3 March 2014 23:26 (ten years ago) link
Crediting your band on songwriting is very important if you want to keep the band together, ime. Typically it's good to identify which songs were a collaborative process and give the guy/girl who wrote the melody+chords 51% of the songwriting credit and split the remainder between other band members-- this is re: registering the song with your publisher. Even if the profits are slim, and it is thus a symbolic gesture, having the band feel as if they are personally and creatively invested in the project leads to strong ties of commitment in the long run.
Also I've seen bands break up at this stage because the drummer is like "but I wrote that drum beat, why is my beat less important than your chords, melody and lyrics?" and the drummer is kind of otm. Technically he didn't write the song but the conditions for determining those designations are pretty arbitrary
― continually topping myself (flamboyant goon tie included), Tuesday, 4 March 2014 01:23 (ten years ago) link
Yeah I always credit all my collaborators even on the stuff I just stick on soundcloud as my solo work. Without them a lot of my stuff would be rubbish.
― the Bronski Review (Trayce), Tuesday, 4 March 2014 02:32 (ten years ago) link
These wouldn't exist without my bandmates, really on the whole, as they're based on riffs and ideas we had whilst jamming. So they do deserve lots of credit, there's no doubt in that. It's not really a question of who these are by - these will be released under the name of the band. But I'm a bit self-conscious of doing a Billy Corgan here. Our schedules aren't syncing up as much as they used to - we used to have our own garage to practice in (goddammit) and everything was very democratic, but now we're all working different shifts and can only meet up to practice every so often. So in the meantime I'm just taking brief ideas we came up with in the practice room and fleshing them out on the computer. Every once in a while a bandmate will call-in and contribute a bit of backing vox or a lick here or there which is great, but I'm worried the dynamic risks excluding them a bit and that this could create friction since everyone in the band is a creative person at heart.
― inside out trousers (dog latin), Tuesday, 4 March 2014 11:25 (ten years ago) link
also i'll say that if you do want to add pre-recorded electronic parts to your live band, it can be better to split them up into sections (nothing longer than four bars) and have someone manually trigger them on a sampler or drum pads. basically what emily says. that way you don't have to worry about the whole band staying in time with sequences, because even if things get off they'll get reset on the next phrase.― festival culture (Jordan), Monday, March 3, 2014 11:26 PM (Yesterday) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
― festival culture (Jordan), Monday, March 3, 2014 11:26 PM (Yesterday) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
Good idea, I'll look into the possibility of this.
― inside out trousers (dog latin), Tuesday, 4 March 2014 11:26 (ten years ago) link
I don't know if that's just because this is a place to vent without having to deal with the kickback from your friends, or if it's because you are actually not having the best time... but maybe that's another thing for you to think about.
I realise I come across like I'm moaning a lot ITT, but really it's because firstly I care a lot about the other dudes in my band - we've become very close since we started playing together a couple of years ago and I respect their ideas and ultimately their feelings. The band is something we all care about a lot but I'm very conscious of trampling or running wild around a project and getting too involved while blocking them out and making them feel frustrated. We've got very similar ideas but certain things (production choices for example, the drums never seem to be loud enough for my drummer evidently) we'll disagree with and then it can feel like a bit of an emotional battlefield. I guess this is regular band shit, and yeah I'm venting and thinking through out loud.
― inside out trousers (dog latin), Tuesday, 4 March 2014 11:41 (ten years ago) link
What I mean is dl is that when you register your songs with BMI or ASCAP (wait, you're UK and I don't know what you guys uuse), you will have to put down names, not band names. This is largely a symbolic gesture for 99% of bands out there, your drummer will be getting $2 cheques every year, but it means a lot imo, separates the Corgans and Stings from the rest of humanity. If you've established that you all stand to benefit from the success of these songs, people will mind less if you get pro-active, no?
― continually topping myself (flamboyant goon tie included), Tuesday, 4 March 2014 15:54 (ten years ago) link
Ah we're not at that stage yet by any means. I think it's more an issue of input, each member wanting to put their own personal stamp on a track. There's rarely a question as to who wrote a track (usually it's 50% one person/25%/25% the others and that's agreed).
But if a very rough jam demo is brought to someone's house, resequenced, rearranged, reordered and rerecorded in the image of just one person in the band it means that the track gets taken further and further away from the others. On the one hand it's being helmed by one person who has the drive and vision and time to do it (making for productive work), but I'm worried about excluding people from the creative process because once I've spent hours and days thinking about how a track should sound and then tried to implement it at home in my spare time, I'm then playing the rest of the band music they had little part in creating. And the urge (on their part) is to want to do something to leave their mark on the track (so that it feels like they had a hand in it), whereas sometimes it can feel more like they're just meddling with something I've toiled over for days just for the sake of it. I dunno, it's a strange dynamic. There's a lot of ego involved I guess, and mine's admittedly one of them.
― inside out trousers (dog latin), Tuesday, 4 March 2014 16:04 (ten years ago) link
Don't do it this way though:
During the recording sessions, Farrell stated he wanted 50 percent of the band's publishing royalties for writing the lyrics, as well as quarter of the remaining half for writing music, adding up to 62.5 percent total. Bassist Eric Avery said he and the other band members, guitarist Dave Navarro and drummer Stephen Perkins, were stunned by Farrell's demands.[2] Farrell refused to compromise. One day Jerden drove up to the studio to find Farrell, Navarro, and Perkins leaving; Farrell told him that the band had broken up and that there would be no record. Warner Bros. called an emergency meeting to resolve the situation. Farrell got the royalty percentage he sought, and the other band members received 12.5 percent each. Avery said the incident had a profound effect on the band, creating an internal fracture.[3]
― set the trolls for the heart of the sun (how's life), Tuesday, 4 March 2014 16:05 (ten years ago) link
Honestly dl? that problem is a band-killer and track-ruiner and something some bands never outgrow :) I mean, "leaving their mark on the track".
Maybe a good thing to try: if there is a track that needs a lot of solo work, sit down beforehand with your band members and establish some benchmarks for how the track should end up-- other tracks to compare your work to. If you're dealing, as a group, with a comparative exercise ("let's make this song as good as that song" "have we succeeded? why not") then there's less opportunity for weird ego stuff to get involved, it feels more like an assignment?
― continually topping myself (flamboyant goon tie included), Tuesday, 4 March 2014 16:19 (ten years ago) link
Cool cool. Yeah we do meet up and discuss ideas and I email them nearly every day with updates and 'here's how it's going' and 'I think this needs to change, what do you think?' type questions. That said neither of them have regular internet access so I guess it's not my fault if they don't read em. Again, I think it's about egos and feelings - I know everyone in the band wants to feel like they're contributing, or else why be in a band? Oh well... Anyway, I'll shut up now because these kinds of intraband foibles are essentially foibles which are as much effected by environment than anything else. But thanks FGTI, Jordan, emil.y, Trayce and all for listening to me moan ;-)
― inside out trousers (dog latin), Tuesday, 4 March 2014 16:32 (ten years ago) link
Maybe my classroom management skills are more portable than I thought! Good suggestions. Running off and doing yr own thing without setting expectations as a group first sounds like a situation made to be misunderstood. Wtf do I know, but this is a people issue in addition to a band issue.
― we slowly invented brains (La Lechera), Tuesday, 4 March 2014 16:34 (ten years ago) link
Yes it is. Also working with people who both have minor mental health issues which can manifest in depression, self-doubt, moodswings etc is both a blessing and a curse.
― inside out trousers (dog latin), Tuesday, 4 March 2014 17:07 (ten years ago) link
god that sounded a bit horrible. i'm going to shut up now.
― inside out trousers (dog latin), Tuesday, 4 March 2014 17:10 (ten years ago) link
Continuing to proselytize my "be in a band with your friends" philosophy: I had a psychologically-motivating long-distance phone call with my drummer (works in a bar) who told me that he and my bassist (works in the same bar) spent their time closing up the night before talking about how much they loved some new demos, playing music, practising parts on their own, generally optimistic conversations and back-patting. I was depressed when I called and he completely cheered me up. But, I am fortunate enough to know these guys for 14 years, see my bassist be best man at my drummer's wedding, my boyfriend become best friends with my drummer's wife, etc. etc. I'm happy to work with strangers as a sub-ordinate, but if I'm gonna be Captain Creative on any project I'm gonna work with people who're gonna be with me all the way to the retirement home
― continually topping myself (flamboyant goon tie included), Tuesday, 4 March 2014 17:51 (ten years ago) link
I met my bass player via OK Cupid of all things, haha. But we very rapidly went "dating wont happen, but hey, wanna come jam with me and my buddy? I love your singing", and it turned into this thing that was so instantly right and clicked and magical that i couldnt help but sort of fall in love with my little team. I've never been happier to be a musician.
― the Bronski Review (Trayce), Friday, 7 March 2014 03:27 (ten years ago) link
IOW I totally relate to what you're saying, goonie x
― the Bronski Review (Trayce), Friday, 7 March 2014 03:48 (ten years ago) link
My Dad's not a big music fan and he's never really been all that fussed or interested in the music I make beyond a slightly nonplussed 'So you made this did you?' type of reaction. But I went round his house last night and played him the 7/8 track I'm working on and he totally flipped out and made me play it three more times over the course of the evening.'By far the best thing you've ever done' he said, and while that kind of diminishes all the other things I've played him in the 17 years I've been making music, it did mean a hellavu lot to me. I think it must be the engineer in him which appreciated the irregular metre, but he also seemed to 'get' what I was trying to do, asking me about the lyrics and the various instruments in the mix. Anyway, it meant a lot to me and affirmed a few things. I'm happy!
― inside out trousers (dog latin), Friday, 7 March 2014 10:56 (ten years ago) link
That's really cool, DL!
― L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Friday, 7 March 2014 14:52 (ten years ago) link
Yeah, that's ace.
― emil.y, Friday, 7 March 2014 15:19 (ten years ago) link
I am proud of the website I made:
― L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Friday, 7 March 2014 18:29 (ten years ago) link
Cool site, I love the interface and I really like your songs Steve
― inside out trousers (dog latin), Saturday, 8 March 2014 15:35 (ten years ago) link
Thanks dude I been honing my JavaScript chops
― L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Saturday, 8 March 2014 16:12 (ten years ago) link
the cran creakin' show went very well, and he is a true gentleman.
― festival culture (Jordan), Monday, 10 March 2014 14:53 (ten years ago) link
venue lols:
when a dude asks you, a sound person, to mic his skateboard wheel so that one can hear it spinning. lmao, learn how shit works.
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Saturday, 15 March 2014 02:29 (ten years ago) link
Tomorrow I'm doing my first actual gig where I'm the singer (rather than a backing singer), I'm not nervous at all, but we're still a bit sloppy/jammy, so I hope it goes ok! Its not a full show, we're doing a mere half hour set with a buncha other people, but cross yer appendages for me y'all! Im really excited about this. I love my band.
― the Bronski Review (Trayce), Friday, 21 March 2014 11:32 (ten years ago) link
That is hilarious roxy.
Have fun Trayce. I have my first performance in a super long time on Monday, too.
Also I'm pumped about the artwork I just finished putting together.
― L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Friday, 21 March 2014 13:27 (ten years ago) link
Great stuff all! Trayce, you'll be fine.
Trying to coerce my band into working out an acoustic set. I've just worked out a version of 'Tainted Love' done in the style of 'Smells Like Teen Spirit'.
― 1 pONO 3v3Ry+h1n G!!!1 (dog latin), Friday, 21 March 2014 14:41 (ten years ago) link
that's exciting, trayce! i am definitely still in the larval phase but it's spring so who knows what will happen
― we slowly invented brains (La Lechera), Friday, 21 March 2014 15:54 (ten years ago) link
Half an hour isn't a full set?! Good luck, Trayce, you'll be great, I'm sure.
― emil.y, Friday, 21 March 2014 15:56 (ten years ago) link
Struggling to stay awake long enough to finish this violin/piano piece, argh.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Sunday, 23 March 2014 02:47 (ten years ago) link
Got slightly more loldrunk than was wise before I sang, luckily I still did fine - so Im told, the sound was weird and I couldnt quite hear myself as I'd expected to, and it all went past in a deer in the headlights "ohshit I cant remember all my lyrics" blur. Fun!
― the Bronski Review (Trayce), Sunday, 23 March 2014 04:36 (ten years ago) link
Lesson learned tho - absolutely no preshow drinking from now on.
There is definitely a delicate balance to be struck w/ pre-show drinking
― L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Sunday, 23 March 2014 15:23 (ten years ago) link
Balance = 0, for me.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Sunday, 23 March 2014 16:26 (ten years ago) link
I've been getting emails about my old music but I am too embarrassed about those songs to respond!!
― coops all on coops tbh (crüt), Thursday, 27 March 2014 15:07 (ten years ago) link
You really shouldnt be, you're a fantastic pop song writer!
― the Bronski Review (Trayce), Thursday, 27 March 2014 22:56 (ten years ago) link
Ha, five days after posting that, it's done.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Thursday, 27 March 2014 23:56 (ten years ago) link
Pretty sure there's a lesson about keeping things simple when you have very limited time.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Friday, 28 March 2014 00:06 (ten years ago) link
waiting for it to FINALLY get warm enuff that I can sit out on my porch with a guitar in the evening and lazily improvise fingerstyle pieces for the pleasure of one or more stray cats
― Many American citizens are literally paralyzed by (bernard snowy), Friday, 28 March 2014 01:28 (ten years ago) link
tune to modal D and call yourself mark catzelek
― POO: the blossom or full flower of the evening (Sufjan Grafton), Friday, 28 March 2014 01:32 (ten years ago) link
i am finally at the point where i need to develop some sort of storage/organizational system for keeping track of my musical thingsalso if you feel up to it, there is some major sonic weirdness in this track fellow ilxor jon lewis made on his phone during commutes with one of my earlier drum recordings(my dog carl is also on it, ha)
― Mayor Manuel (La Lechera), Saturday, 5 April 2014 17:02 (ten years ago) link
It was so much fun! Also, the blown-out b-side remix is finished but I'm having trouble liberating it from my phone.
After 30 years of playing actual guitars I am intensely fascinated with fake phone app guitars atm...
― Myth or it didn't happen (Jon Lewis), Saturday, 5 April 2014 19:30 (ten years ago) link
Almost a year in and our band still doesnt have a fucking name anyone can agree on. We came up with:
Lightning Trees (shot down by me cos of the Lightning Seeds)Unravel (everyone likes this but no one's committed)the Alice Illusion (I love this, B says its "a bit hipster")
I'd be ok with a proggy sounding name (a la porcupine tree or whatever) as we're in that vein but GAH! Why is it so hard. It feels like getting a tattoo - once you decide, you're kind of stuck with it...
― the Bronski Review (Trayce), Sunday, 6 April 2014 06:06 (ten years ago) link
Anyone who's heard our stuff (nb not my solo stuff, but theres 1 or 2 of the band things on my SC) is welcome to chuck ideas at me.
― the Bronski Review (Trayce), Sunday, 6 April 2014 06:07 (ten years ago) link
if anyone cares about any of my shit it's here
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Monday, 7 April 2014 23:56 (ten years ago) link
Instead of putting together a band to perform the songs I've been writing, I've decided to just do some sloppy lofi country funk versions on my own with a drum machine.
It's been pretty nice getting this stuff off my chest
― Heez, Wednesday, 9 April 2014 16:55 (ten years ago) link
roxy i regret not buying one of your lps for sale when i saw you -- i really really enjoyed the show!! i'm interested in your songwriting process tbh but this is probably not the place to ask
― Mayor Manuel (La Lechera), Wednesday, 9 April 2014 16:56 (ten years ago) link
runes are involved iirc
― smhphony orchestra (crüt), Wednesday, 9 April 2014 16:57 (ten years ago) link
not really, theyre just involved in how we map out the riff order for later referenceok runes are involved
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Wednesday, 9 April 2014 18:01 (ten years ago) link
Heez, that's a really nice song. I don't say this often, but good guitar solo.
― Eyeball Kicks, Wednesday, 9 April 2014 22:21 (ten years ago) link
Thanks!! You're the second person today to compliment me on that solo. Feeling confident :)
― Heez, Wednesday, 9 April 2014 22:29 (ten years ago) link
<iframe src="//" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="">Burning Cactus/Craigslist Lament</a> from <a href="">Andrea Magenheimer</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>
Here is a song and video I made. Questions and comments welcome.
― a.mags (The_Horse_With_No_Name(tag)), Saturday, 19 April 2014 02:12 (ten years ago) link
Oh goddamn it. fine.
The other day I changed my workstation by doing a simple place-switching of key objects: my computer monitor is now at head level so that I can record standing up, (crucially) free of the goodvibe-killing tendencies of that miserable miserable chair, while my preamp/monitor is now at hip level with the keyboard. This changes everything, no exaggeration - I feel like an idiot for not having thought of it before.
― Yarli Simon (rattled), Friday, 25 April 2014 18:29 (ten years ago) link
I released a vidya today:
― L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Tuesday, 29 April 2014 15:57 (ten years ago) link
I'm playing more gigs than I ever have in any band. We played four shows in April, have three in May and three more in June setup. We have played eight already this year and have eight more booked through August. We played fifteen shows all last year.
― earlnash, Wednesday, 30 April 2014 01:31 (ten years ago) link
Going into the studio to record our debut 7" at the end of the month. Gigging lots at the moment too, including two (small) festivals and support slots with Perfect Pussy and the Julie Ruin. It's going to be a heavy summer.
― emil.y, Sunday, 4 May 2014 19:27 (ten years ago) link
Excited for you guys. Music making is slow at the moment, but my DJing is going well, playing a little on Brighton, and putting on a party in London which seems to have good momentum.
― Chewshabadoo, Tuesday, 6 May 2014 17:39 (ten years ago) link
do you guys get depressed when you finish a song you've been working on for a while
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Wednesday, 7 May 2014 01:02 (ten years ago) link
this is ridiculous
like I've been concentrating on this one thing for a few weeks and now that it's done and I'm really happy about it I'm just kind of bummed
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Wednesday, 7 May 2014 01:03 (ten years ago) link
Ha, sometimes. What's the cause of depression? That it still doesn't sound how you want it, or that you're letting "your baby" out into the world? Or I guess it sounds more like you're just sad that you don't have it to work on anymore?
― emil.y, Wednesday, 7 May 2014 01:10 (ten years ago) link
maybe it's that there's no gap b/w working really hard on something and it being finished, just like one directly leads to the other
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Wednesday, 7 May 2014 01:28 (ten years ago) link
so once it's done it's slightly jarring
hmm, i get some post-partum depression after releasing an album (after the initial excitement dies down anyway). but after finishing a song or album i feel like a weight has been lifted and i can do normal life things again.
― festival culture (Jordan), Wednesday, 7 May 2014 15:59 (ten years ago) link
Usually (if everything goes right/the thing comes out as I'd hoped) I feel incredibly excited and happy. That feeling doesn't last too long, though; I try to immerse myself in the next project as soon as possible, or else I stew and think it'd be pointless to try to match or top what I just did.
― Montgomery Burns' Jazz (Tarfumes The Escape Goat), Wednesday, 7 May 2014 16:16 (ten years ago) link
having some interesting situations with vocalists lately...i produced a song for singer A, she ended up going in another direction with her album, but is cool with me putting it on my next record (which is fantastic, because it's some of my best work and this way i know it will actually come out).
then singer B gave me a great vocal for my album, but is kinda blowing up right now and i guess his label wants it to be uncredited. that's also fine in theory but i worry it could get complicated in the future, idk.
― festival culture (Jordan), Wednesday, 7 May 2014 19:47 (ten years ago) link
we now have vinyl copies of our newest thing on bandcamp if anyone cares
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Friday, 9 May 2014 16:31 (ten years ago) link
so if i am to summarize, talking with musicians is (and sometimes is not) a minefield? do other people share this belief?
― Bo Diddley Is A Threadkiller (James Redd and the Blecchs), Saturday, 10 May 2014 03:45 (ten years ago) link
Ha, totally rong thread.
― Bo Diddley Is A Threadkiller (James Redd and the Blecchs), Saturday, 10 May 2014 03:46 (ten years ago) link
This Sunday, we will be singing an arrangement done by a Swedish choir of the Sting song "Fragile" as one of our church anthems.
man, Unitarians
― chillin' on an "awesome pretzel" hoagie (DJP), Thursday, 15 May 2014 16:33 (ten years ago) link
― the glimmer man (Sufjan Grafton), Thursday, 15 May 2014 17:09 (ten years ago) link
anyone know how to get around bandcamp's idiotic upload limit without selling $25 worth of music first?
― macklin' rosie (crüt), Friday, 6 June 2014 23:20 (ten years ago) link
i am furious
sorry, $20
― macklin' rosie (crüt), Friday, 6 June 2014 23:35 (ten years ago) link
this is bullshit
― macklin' rosie (crüt), Friday, 6 June 2014 23:39 (ten years ago) link
absolutely ridiculous
who uses bandcamp anyway
fuck a bandcamp
upload limit?
― doctrine the house (electricsound), Friday, 6 June 2014 23:43 (ten years ago) link
I mean the 291MB
― macklin' rosie (crüt), Friday, 6 June 2014 23:48 (ten years ago) link
(per file)
I'm gonna try converting my files to FLAC because they're just a few MB over the limit. I really don't want to have to cut them short.
― macklin' rosie (crüt), Friday, 6 June 2014 23:49 (ten years ago) link
hey quick Q to ppl who know or may be able to help: I make music w/ a laptop and use monitoring headphones to mix shit because I don't have any other speakers atm. The question is, what do I do when the mix sounds fine/great on monitoring headphones and a complete mess on laptop speakers
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Saturday, 7 June 2014 00:51 (ten years ago) link
yeah totally do the flac thing, i've used that before to get around length restrictions xpost
― doctrine the house (electricsound), Saturday, 7 June 2014 01:52 (ten years ago) link
have you tried making the mix sound better on the laptop speakers then seeing how it comes across in the cans?
― doctrine the house (electricsound), Saturday, 7 June 2014 01:53 (ten years ago) link
xp - listen to it on speakers, even a car stereo, because that is how a lot of listeners are going to hear it
― sarahell, Saturday, 7 June 2014 21:11 (ten years ago) link
If I have to mix something in a less-than-ideal environment-- and switching between monitoring headphones and laptop speakers is a semi-lame reality, but you can make it work-- I like to keep a couple of "ideal" mixes as control examples, and actively switch between, like, mix to spec. But yeah sarahell otm, use laptop playback as your litmus test. I also like to throw mixes on an iPhone and play it from the speaker to check balances in a hyper-compressed environment (and it mono's the mix too so it doubles as a check for phasing).
― flamboyant goon tie included, Sunday, 8 June 2014 23:09 (ten years ago) link
I also like to throw mixes on an iPhone and play it from the speaker to check balances in a hyper-compressed environment (and it mono's the mix too so it doubles as a check for phasing).
oh nice!
― sarahell, Monday, 9 June 2014 03:09 (ten years ago) link
ty all the advice was super helpful
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Monday, 9 June 2014 20:18 (ten years ago) link
I ended up taking the entire song apart and starting from scratch and it went from being an agonizing thing to work on to being fun again
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Monday, 9 June 2014 20:22 (ten years ago) link
I just submitted a remix for Future Islands. Remix is fine, sure. But what was most interesting, for me, was to unpack those stems. They use this dagwood sandwich approach to tracking, there were some eight layers of individually-uninteresting synths layered on top of each other... together they sound delicious. Not the way, instinctively, I would make a track.
― flamboyant goon tie included, Tuesday, 10 June 2014 10:25 (ten years ago) link
yeah i love getting hold of stems and seeing the inner workings of a song. wish i could do it more often. <3 future islands right now, hope something comes of yr remix.
― now I'm the grandfather (dog latin), Tuesday, 10 June 2014 11:28 (ten years ago) link
It sounds like NKOTB. We'll see if they like it.
― flamboyant goon tie included, Tuesday, 10 June 2014 11:49 (ten years ago) link
lol hangin tough
― Dong Henley (Sufjan Grafton), Tuesday, 10 June 2014 13:53 (ten years ago) link
that's really interesting re: future islands. generally i'm convinced that when your sounds aren't that great you end up filling up a lot more space and stacking layers a lot more, and things can end up sounding smaller. but if your sounds are amazing, then it's easy to mix and everything can breathe. on the other hand, with synths in particular i have had some luck layering different cheapo vsts where the result sounds much better than any one of the synths would be able to do on its own.
― festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 10 June 2014 15:46 (ten years ago) link
Panipulator is free and relevant to thread:
Even though you spent considerable time and effort getting your mix to sound amazing on your monitors, there is still one very important question: What will it sound like playing at a theme park? or at the dentists office? or on your old radio? What if they wired one of the speakers backwards?As much as we’d like to think that everyone is listening our music in stereo, the truth is that many many people are listening in less than ideal environments. Panipulator lets you hear what your mix will sound like in those environments so you can be sure that your mixes will translate across all systems.What will your mix sound like summed to mono? Flip a switch to find out. What if someone wires their system so that they can only hear the left channel? Flip a switch to hear what that sounds like. What if they reverse the wiring on one of their speakers? Flip a switch to find out to see how that will affect your song. These are all common scenarios, and the last thing you want to do is find out is that your mom’s voice, that you thought was buried in the mix, pops out when played over the loudspeakers at Nordstrom.Panipulator will barely make a dent in your CPU usage, so there is no reason that this plugin should not be a default on every single song you mix.
As much as we’d like to think that everyone is listening our music in stereo, the truth is that many many people are listening in less than ideal environments. Panipulator lets you hear what your mix will sound like in those environments so you can be sure that your mixes will translate across all systems.
What will your mix sound like summed to mono? Flip a switch to find out. What if someone wires their system so that they can only hear the left channel? Flip a switch to hear what that sounds like. What if they reverse the wiring on one of their speakers? Flip a switch to find out to see how that will affect your song. These are all common scenarios, and the last thing you want to do is find out is that your mom’s voice, that you thought was buried in the mix, pops out when played over the loudspeakers at Nordstrom.
Panipulator will barely make a dent in your CPU usage, so there is no reason that this plugin should not be a default on every single song you mix.
― Elvis Telecom, Thursday, 12 June 2014 02:49 (ten years ago) link
Finally had another barbershop rehearsal. Shit is mad fun, y'all.
― Star Gentle Uterus (DJP), Friday, 13 June 2014 16:32 (ten years ago) link
very curious as to what sort of music puff puff post makes
― (maybe) (admrl), Friday, 13 June 2014 17:03 (ten years ago) link
Anyway, I bought a guitar, a Jagmaster. It's in my living room right now, I look at it sometimes.
One year of drumming! Today! Proud of myself tbrr.
― La Lechera, Sunday, 15 June 2014 21:28 (ten years ago) link
Oops, I'll wait til tomorrow to be too proud. The real anniversary is tomorrow. Ha.
― La Lechera, Sunday, 15 June 2014 21:29 (ten years ago) link
well congrats for 364 days of rock'n'roll rebellion!
― macklin' rosie (crüt), Sunday, 15 June 2014 22:17 (ten years ago) link
Panipulator is free and relevant to thread:
timely! after playing a livestream show last week and wondering why some of my tracks with a lot of stereo information were cutting out, i finally figured out that it's a phase issue in my mixes. while i understand the basic of phase intellectually, i thought i wouldn't have to worry about it with 'in the box' synths/samples, and i've never actually summed my mixes or tracks to mono to check them.
it seems to mostly be a problem with tracks that i've used autopan on, or stereo samples that i've panned to one side. looks like i have some homework + clean-up to do.
― festival culture (Jordan), Monday, 16 June 2014 19:29 (ten years ago) link
btw it was an old-school, mustachioed sound guy at a public television studio who clued me in. he showed me what was happening on a hardware phase meter. love dudes like that.
― festival culture (Jordan), Monday, 16 June 2014 19:31 (ten years ago) link
My band Atomic Thrillride is making it's long trip to play some gigs next weekend as we are going up into NE Ohio to play again in Canton at the Buzzbin on next Friday 6/27 and making our first sojourn into Cleveland to play the Spitfire Saloon on Saturday 6/28. This will put us up to 15 gigs by the end of June, where we only did 15 all of last year. We got 2 more shows booked in July and then a festival in KY. on 8/3 then we are going to start doing some writing and recording. April to June we will have played 11 shows and only practiced 3 times.
If anyone knows of any good rock/punk/metal dive bars in St. Louis, Memphis, Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, North Carolina - pass on their names. I'm looking for the smaller clubs 75-200 people than the bigger touring band places. Those are some of the towns we want to road trip to play at some point. I can pass on tips about Louisville, Indianapolis and a few other clubs.
― earlnash, Monday, 23 June 2014 00:54 (ten years ago) link
i need a tip for small metal clubs in louisville!!!!!
memphis: try P&H Cafe! or murphy's (people aren't cool tbqqh but it's easy to book). there's also the courthouse co-op.
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Monday, 23 June 2014 02:23 (ten years ago) link
Wick's Pizza (Highlands) Metal Monday @ Highlands Tap Room (They do some other metal shows.) Jim Diamonds (bigger club, does smaller metal shows through week)Phoenix Hill
― earlnash, Monday, 23 June 2014 03:53 (ten years ago) link
I finished this album I've been working on for a long time, I'm really happy w/ it. At this point if I were to describe it I would say it's like, uh, sample-based free-jazz-y or sample-based classical stuff. I watched a RBMA interview w/ Caribou dude from a long time ago, and it fits his description of what he was doing like ten years ago, but it doesn't necessarily sound like that work of his because I have different interests when it comes to composition maybe (it probably has a closer affinity to Koushik's stuff from ten years ago, but even then the compositions unfold differently, and the sampling's done differently). Anyway, I'm working on album art now (having never worked on any visual art before), and sent it to a cousin for some mastering. I have no idea what to do with it after these last few steps are done. I can't hope to release it because it's all sampled and it isn't the 80s or 90s anymore or w/e and even really small labels that made their name from sampled work are running away from uncleared stuff, but whatever happens, I learned a ton doing this and it sounds amazing. I hope I can use it for something down the line other than giving it to my friends (which isn't really the worst outcome in the world).
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Monday, 18 August 2014 20:20 (ten years ago) link
link? :)
― faghetti (fgti), Monday, 18 August 2014 20:27 (ten years ago) link
I don't have any streaming links, just got it up on dropbox, I'll email 2 you if that's ok
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Monday, 18 August 2014 20:29 (ten years ago) link
Would like to hear this, too.
― emil.y, Monday, 18 August 2014 20:36 (ten years ago) link
I think I ilx mailed it to you emily, the followup screen after the mail screen was blank so if for some reason you don't get it then let me know and I'll do it again
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Monday, 18 August 2014 20:43 (ten years ago) link
Awesome, thanks!
― faghetti (fgti), Monday, 18 August 2014 21:03 (ten years ago) link
Doesn't seem to have come through to my email. Am pretty sure I'm looking in the right account.
― emil.y, Monday, 18 August 2014 21:41 (ten years ago) link
ah, fuck it did the blank screen again, email me at aj_lo✧✧✧@ya✧✧✧.c✧✧ (w/ no underscore) and I'll send it over
apologies for this scooby-doo-chase-scene-like routine to get this I'm not ready to throw the traxx up online yet
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Monday, 18 August 2014 21:55 (ten years ago) link
ah fuck
a j l o l i o @ y a h o o
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Monday, 18 August 2014 21:56 (ten years ago) link
sorry, I'll stop shitting up this thread, anyone who wants this, just send me an email and I'll try and get it to you
― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Monday, 18 August 2014 21:57 (ten years ago) link
sorry not sure if it was this thread or another where yall were talking about sampling, but i just made a song off a very short vocal sample (barely recognizable i think) and i'm wondering how you handle these situations if you want to put the song up on bandcamp. not saying i would be selling it per se but would definitely have it on an album with my name on it. is a credit all that's needed?
― Heez, Tuesday, 9 September 2014 17:03 (ten years ago) link
you don't even need to credit unless you want to (and for me this comes down to if the sample is supposed to be obvious and the track is closer to a remix, or if you're just using it as a sound source and flipping it), it doesn't matter unless there's money or official licensing involved imo.
― festival culture (Jordan), Tuesday, 9 September 2014 17:13 (ten years ago) link
Cool. That's what I was hoping.
― Heez, Tuesday, 9 September 2014 17:22 (ten years ago) link
first gig with electro-funk outfit on fri
still writing lyrics for three of the five tracks, also been informed that PA sucks
― a cheese has occurred (electricsound), Wednesday, 10 September 2014 03:29 (ten years ago) link
playing drums in public for the first time in 12 years tonight
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Wednesday, 17 September 2014 16:19 (ten years ago) link
lucky you!! have fun!
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Wednesday, 17 September 2014 16:45 (ten years ago) link
― example (crüt), Wednesday, 17 September 2014 16:48 (ten years ago) link
thx, im slightly nervous cause weve only practiced twice but i also dont care that much lol
it came back really easily. like riding a bike tbh
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Wednesday, 17 September 2014 18:02 (ten years ago) link
who are you playing with? what kind of stuff are you playing? someday i will have news for this thread
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Wednesday, 17 September 2014 18:07 (ten years ago) link
band called coffinwomb, usually he plays solo - crusty sounding garagey pop. he added a drummer and bassist for this show at our place tonight
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Wednesday, 17 September 2014 18:16 (ten years ago) link
cool! i'm sure it'll be a good time.
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Wednesday, 17 September 2014 18:20 (ten years ago) link
Last month I sprained my ankle three days before a show where I was playing drums, but fortunately, it was the ankle of my hi-hat foot and there was no hi-hat part in the music I was playing.
― sarahell, Wednesday, 17 September 2014 23:28 (ten years ago) link
But if I had learned to play drums the "normal" way (where I played the kick drum with my right foot), I would have been fucked and/or in a lot of pain.
― sarahell, Wednesday, 17 September 2014 23:29 (ten years ago) link
Band hasnt played together in 2.5 months due to combos of holidays, illness and plain old being busy.
Last night sucked balls. We were all flat, tired and couldnt remember stuff. Practice is So Important!
― the Bronski Review (Trayce), Thursday, 18 September 2014 04:00 (ten years ago) link
show was great tbh
― 1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Thursday, 18 September 2014 18:09 (ten years ago) link
Performed a couple of new pieces on the 13th. The show actually got reviewed here: . Dude was totally right about my squeaky pedal: WD40 time. Hopefully, I'll get good recordings done by the end of the year. I plan to present a fugal classical guitar piece that I wrote over the summer at a more low-key 'new music open mic' event towards the end of the month. Gotta be a theorist before then and get a paper together before a conference in Mississippi next week.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Sunday, 28 September 2014 20:55 (ten years ago) link
played trainwreck of a show last night ... one of those "so awful it will eventually be the source of much hilarity" type shows.
― sarahell, Monday, 29 September 2014 02:37 (ten years ago) link
my oberheim is broken again ;_;
― example (crüt), Monday, 29 September 2014 02:38 (ten years ago) link
What kind of stuff do you play, sarahell?
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Monday, 29 September 2014 02:41 (ten years ago) link
is it the crutis chips?
― outback bumfuc (electricsound), Monday, 29 September 2014 03:05 (ten years ago) link
this band is sorta no-wave noise/avant-garde stuff
― sarahell, Monday, 29 September 2014 03:16 (ten years ago) link
playing our first ever london show at the Brixton Windmill on Halloween - pretty exciting!
― Non-Stop Hongrotic Cabaret (dog latin), Monday, 29 September 2014 09:39 (ten years ago) link
watched 'Frank', the film, last night and realised my band is pretty much the same as his.
― Non-Stop Hongrotic Cabaret (dog latin), Monday, 29 September 2014 09:51 (ten years ago) link
Also, that sucks, crut.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Monday, 29 September 2014 12:09 (ten years ago) link
― Non-Stop Hongrotic Cabaret (dog latin), Monday, September 29, 2014 10:39 AM (3 hours ago)
Yes. Yes, you are, aren't you?
― emil.y, Monday, 29 September 2014 13:26 (ten years ago) link
Real cool to see you for a second the other night Sund4r
― flambient 4: on goon (fgti), Monday, 29 September 2014 13:28 (ten years ago) link
heh, sorry emil.y have i been inadvertently spamming you?
― Non-Stop Hongrotic Cabaret (dog latin), Monday, 29 September 2014 13:29 (ten years ago) link
Nope. Check the other bands playing.
― emil.y, Monday, 29 September 2014 13:36 (ten years ago) link
You're Slum of Legs?! I had no idea. Well that's a turn up for the books and now I'm even more irrationally nervous than ever.
― Non-Stop Hongrotic Cabaret (dog latin), Monday, 29 September 2014 13:42 (ten years ago) link
Hehehe. It should be a good show, I reckon.
― emil.y, Monday, 29 September 2014 13:54 (ten years ago) link
this is great - looking forward to meeting you and your bunch. could even be a good excuse for an ilx FAP.
― Non-Stop Hongrotic Cabaret (dog latin), Monday, 29 September 2014 13:59 (ten years ago) link
started a really loud band and quit all my other bands (except argentinum astrum)
― jello my future biafriend (roxymuzak), Tuesday, 30 September 2014 20:25 (ten years ago) link
first spiritual ensemble gig of the year on Friday
also the last original founder told us she's planning on retiring from the group after our 20th anniversary concert in Dec so she can concentrate on her education contract work with the White House, which was basically just flat-out bragging IMO
― 💪😈⚠️ (DJP), Tuesday, 30 September 2014 20:31 (ten years ago) link
how many people are in your group?also did you ever find out who stole your wife's pitch pipe?
― jello my future biafriend (roxymuzak), Tuesday, 30 September 2014 20:33 (ten years ago) link
Right now, 9 (2 sopranos, 2 altos, 2 tenors, 3 bass/baritones); I think we are also courting three new ppl (sop/alt/bass). We're also losing a tenor, who is 75 and about to retire to Philly to be closer to his kids, so maybe we should be actively seeking a tenor (we've got a friend who might do it but he tries to do a bunch of shows plus his job has him traveling all the time so he may not be able to commit to the group).
The other baritone stole my wife's pitch pipe and insists to this day that he didn't, he just magically has two now. It's kind of funny.
― 💪😈⚠️ (DJP), Tuesday, 30 September 2014 20:56 (ten years ago) link
i have wondered about it! i dont know why
― jello my future biafriend (roxymuzak), Tuesday, 30 September 2014 20:58 (ten years ago) link
emil.y - apparently my bandmate is the cousin of someone in your band. now it's getting coincidency.
― Non-Stop Hongrotic Cabaret (dog latin), Wednesday, 1 October 2014 08:17 (ten years ago) link
having a 'jam' tonight after doing same on saturday arvo. tbh my contribution was droning on one note and 'playing' the resonance on the filter to vary the tone.
― initials creaky BB (haitch), Friday, 3 October 2014 04:25 (ten years ago) link
i heard something i recorded recently for the first time in a couple of months and was so horrified by the (lack of) quality of the recording that i decided on the spot to never record anyone else again
on the upside more time for my own shit
― outback bumfuc (electricsound), Friday, 3 October 2014 05:07 (ten years ago) link
well this is happening
― Οὖτις, Friday, 3 October 2014 22:46 (ten years ago) link
i feel like i am going completely bananas but i also feel like i am on a rolli have something that needs to happen and i am giving it my best try, in part so i can determine what that looks like for me. tbrr i am very uncomfortable but it's getting better; i'm a terrible hypeman aside from hyping language/education related topics to my students. still, feelin pretty good!
(inspired in no small part by the power explosion of roxymuzak!!)
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Monday, 13 October 2014 16:53 (ten years ago) link
am i experiencing a power explosion?? perhaps!
― jello my future biafriend (roxymuzak), Tuesday, 14 October 2014 02:19 (ten years ago) link
uh yeahbelieve it!
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Tuesday, 14 October 2014 02:44 (ten years ago) link
is there a thread for promotional advice? i need some!
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Thursday, 16 October 2014 20:35 (ten years ago) link
i dont think there is but i can help maybe!
― jello my future biafriend (roxymuzak), Thursday, 16 October 2014 20:42 (ten years ago) link
Promoting yourself to audiences, the press, or to potential bandmates/collaborators?
― sarahell, Thursday, 16 October 2014 20:44 (ten years ago) link
ok here is my situation:
i need to practice playing with people, so i thought it would be fun to have people over and play VU songs (because they're easy, because they're well known, because they're the cornerstone, etc)the first time two friends came over and we had a lot of fun the time came to plan #2 and i thought "what would be more fun than playing a whole album that everyone knows?" and i thought october -- perfect month for white light/white heat so i made a flyer, carried around copies in my purse to give out, posted it to my social media outletsi wrote a FAQ and posted itthen i found out that john cale was going to be in chicago, and i managed to get myself in the same room with him and i got a picture of me and the flyer and him (i'm a huge fan and that album is the last VU to feature him) i have told everyone i know and a decent number of friends have helped me to spread the word
so far i have received a grand total of…are you ready…0 emails/inquiries about joining me what am i doing wrong? is there something else i should be doing? i don't feel dejected even -- just kinda confused. i thought this was a really good idea and i think it will be really fun. i have banished the thought that it has anything to do with me personally; i'm just not reaching interested people and i don't know how.
* note: i am inviting people into my home, so craigslist is not an option. also i'm kinda nervous/shy about playing with 100% complete strangers.
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Thursday, 16 October 2014 20:52 (ten years ago) link
i realize that it's kind of a weird concept, but i guess i was under the impression that sometimes people like to jam for fun? not for public consumption or as a performance, just for the sheer fun of it?
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Thursday, 16 October 2014 20:54 (ten years ago) link
i think it's fun
i have 10 days left to find people as of today
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Thursday, 16 October 2014 20:55 (ten years ago) link
It is fun, in theory! Like I can see it being super fun, but I could also see it being .... awkward.
What is easy and nice about inviting the two specific friends is that everyone knows who is going to be there and can figure out how that is going to work for them, both socially and musically. I have been at too many "jam session/party" things where I end up barely getting to play -- not getting into the gender dynamics of how this tended to work out -- and then there are the occasions where the "people I want to hang/jam with" quotient is too low to be fun. I have thought about facebook events way too much, probably, and how the attendee lists function socially.
Are you envisioning one person per bandmember? Are you envisioning a large group of ppl taking turns?
― sarahell, Thursday, 16 October 2014 21:03 (ten years ago) link
in my dreams i am envisioning one person per band member and to play the parts of that person in the songs and i guess if other people want to show up to like sing/dance/enjoy that would be great toopeople can switch off instruments if they want, i'm ok giving up the throne (lol) for a song or two and i can sing with enthusiasmi think it would be awkward until we started playing, then it would be really fun unless someone didn't know the song well enough (but that's why i chose VU -- those songs are in the bones, yknow?)
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Thursday, 16 October 2014 21:09 (ten years ago) link
it's just weird bc i feel like i have gone totally bananas overboard and i clearly haven't done enough
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Thursday, 16 October 2014 21:10 (ten years ago) link
also in my dreams i will find people who recognize that i am a cool person and they will want to be in a band with meit may be a dream, but it's my dreamand it's not THAT far-fetched?!
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Thursday, 16 October 2014 21:14 (ten years ago) link
also in my dreams i will find people who recognize that i am a cool person and they will want to be in a band with me
It isn't that far-fetched! You live in a big city, and there are lots of people with different levels of ability, commitment, etc. so it can definitely happen. It is kinda like romantic dating -- I think Branwell posted something that noted the similarities on the no boys thread recently.
But if it were me, I would approach it like a party. Get commitments from a core group of people that would make it a fun time even if no one else shows up. Also, invite people individually, or be more specific what/who you are looking for. Also, I would keep it open to non-standard instrumentation: for example, if someone who plays piano/keyboard/synth wants to play the viola parts, then cool.
― sarahell, Thursday, 16 October 2014 21:22 (ten years ago) link
oh yeah! i am open to whatever!! i guess it's the "it's a lot like dating" part that is making me uncomfortable -- i have not flexed that social muscle in…15 years?! and i have never used it in this non-romantic way. this is my first event i have ever tried to recruit ppl for. i guess i was kind of banking on the idea selling itself but that's clearly not amounting to anything.
i need some tips if i am going to cold-invite people who don't know me at all…i don't want people to think they're going to be lobotomized in my basement.
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Thursday, 16 October 2014 21:29 (ten years ago) link
Do you know people that are your friends that are also interested?
― sarahell, Thursday, 16 October 2014 21:30 (ten years ago) link
Actual friends -- I've tried that. There's one person I haven't asked, but he moved away and basically I would be asking him to ask his friends on my behalf, or to allow me to address his friends (who don't know me at all). I guess I'm also embarrassed to ask people like my teacher to help me because I don't want to impose or wear out my welcome. Also I haven't talked to him since I was accidentally seated next to him at a restaurant in January or something.
I don't have a lot of existing connections, in case that wasn't already clear.
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Thursday, 16 October 2014 21:35 (ten years ago) link
I don't want you to think that I'm giving excuses -- I really have done virtually everything within my power to make this happen outside of approaching people who are WAY WAY WAY out of my league.
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Thursday, 16 October 2014 21:37 (ten years ago) link
yeah, that's a challenge! In my case, I had a lot of musician friends, and it was getting them to view me as a musician also.
― sarahell, Thursday, 16 October 2014 21:38 (ten years ago) link
i have even been waiting to see various people out and about so that i could approach them with my pitch/flyer but i haven't had the luck of being in the right place at the right time for those people yeti prefer to introduce myself in person and have an irl convo vs sending an email but i might have to be one of those people who sends left field emails to people who don't know me
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Thursday, 16 October 2014 21:43 (ten years ago) link
i would join your band (duh)
― example (crüt), Thursday, 16 October 2014 21:44 (ten years ago) link
well obvs that would be ideal :)my kingdom for a local crüt or two
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Thursday, 16 October 2014 21:47 (ten years ago) link
I think that going from pretty much no connections to even the tiniest foot in the door is the hardest part, really. This is the sort of very cool thing that in my experience works best when it's done with friends, maybe with a reasonably open extension to friends-of-friends. But if you don't already have a network of people, then it's super-hard to get anyone interested in stuff like this. Like, your wariness about inviting people into your home is also going to be their wariness about being invited into someone's home, if they don't know you well.
I wish I could offer some concrete advice, because you're ace and the idea for the night sounds ace, but... I'm not really sure how to advertise such a thing any better than it sounds like you already have.
xp I've repeatedly thought about starting an incredibly ill-advised thread on "fantasy ilx bandmates"; LL would be very high on that list. I can't even remember what our imaginary band was a while ago, some kind of cage theremin and mystical hat duo?!
― emil.y, Thursday, 16 October 2014 21:48 (ten years ago) link
some kind of long-distance ilx collab thing would be fun!
― sarahell, Thursday, 16 October 2014 21:51 (ten years ago) link
chicago's not that far but...i've never listened to that album.
― festival culture (Jordan), Thursday, 16 October 2014 21:53 (ten years ago) link
xp - i think i was doing interpretive dance with motion-sensor sound triggers and you were playing a theremin gong!?
jordan do you have any possibly interested musician friends here who i could approach?
i have come to terms with the idea that this is going to be me alone in the basement this time but maybe the increased visibility will help me next time. at the very least it gives me something to talk about.
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Thursday, 16 October 2014 22:08 (ten years ago) link
hmm i'll see if any of them are VU fans.
maybe another factor is that after some musicians get accustomed to being paid to perform, and their lives get busier, playing for fun may not sound like much fun. and i'm guessing that there are more older, experienced musicians that are VU fans than there are young, hungry-to-play VU fans, but idk.
― festival culture (Jordan), Thursday, 16 October 2014 22:21 (ten years ago) link
young weirdo musicians still adore the Velvet Underground ime
― example (crüt), Thursday, 16 October 2014 22:23 (ten years ago) link
do you have friends that would have fun doing this that aren't "musicians" -- there's another option.
― sarahell, Thursday, 16 October 2014 22:23 (ten years ago) link
― example (crüt), Thursday, October 16, 2014 3:23 PM (8 seconds ago)
― sarahell, Thursday, 16 October 2014 22:24 (ten years ago) link
like, at this point i wouldn't even consider going over to a stranger's house to do non-goal-oriented playing. but i would totally do it if a good friend asked me. maybe.
xp ok cool
― festival culture (Jordan), Thursday, 16 October 2014 22:24 (ten years ago) link
that's what i'm afraid of, that everyone i approach will be like "what's in it for me?" and i don't know if i have an answer to that aside from "a good time?"
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Thursday, 16 October 2014 22:30 (ten years ago) link
i guess that, like dating, it's ok because you don't want to play with those people anyway, and the people that are interested will share your enthusiasm.
― festival culture (Jordan), Thursday, 16 October 2014 22:33 (ten years ago) link
Good point.
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Thursday, 16 October 2014 22:45 (ten years ago) link
Btw thank you all for confirming that this is a difficult task.
If I spent ~$100, I could have a decent-enough-for-basement recording setup -- worth it as added lure of "record this for posterity with me pls"? Weird story to tell ppl? I dunno. I'm willing to buy/test this thingamajig if it'd be sthg people might find appealing about this enterprise.
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Friday, 17 October 2014 00:46 (ten years ago) link
Or is that the worst possible thing to do -- add pressure bc I'm unknown quantity + it's recorded? Forget it.
I have a lot of terrible ideas!
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Friday, 17 October 2014 00:52 (ten years ago) link
LL what you're describing is something that I've mentally chalked up to this. People want musicians to be available to make music, and when music is available (buskers, in the club, in the store, get tickets here) they will make time to get the music they want. But they don't typically want to be asked to experience music. It puts people in a tough position. It's like being asked point-blank for affection, when love doesn't work like that. I am not ashamed to say that the feeling I get when I see people post links to new tracks on Facebook is largely one of pity and sympathy. When you hand out a flyer to a stranger (or even a friend) and ~ask~ them to experience your music, they won't want to experience it, they will throw the flyer away. Think about it here, when people say "check out my shit" outside of the "check out my shit" thread.
You can reverse that dynamic by putting yourself in a position where people want to see you play. Offer to play other people's parties, other people's houses, other people's shows, a friend's birthday. You think you're not ready to play "out" but who is? Many of my favourite all-time bands were friend-bands, a Casio duo who'd play exclusively in the showers of friends having parties, or a woman who'd talk in a deep voice about her childhood in wartime Serbia over top of classical music. If you feel like you don't have enough of a friend-circle to make that happen, you'd be surprised? There is no greater pleasure than seeing friends make music, ime.
― fgti, Friday, 17 October 2014 12:59 (ten years ago) link
Me, I am scoring a film! Not a big film, but a real film. One that's not looking for plinky-plonky-indie-singy-songy, which is a fucking relief
― fgti, Friday, 17 October 2014 13:09 (ten years ago) link
I think maybe you're misunderstanding what I'm asking for -- it's just a jam in my basement. I'm not asking anyone to watch or consume my original works, just participate. I'm familiar with the stench of desperation and I'm not really asking anyone to experience *my* music -- it's the Velvet Underground! This is helping me understand how people could completely misunderstand me though -- and avoid me as a result. This is one of the things I'm afraid of most honestly -- that I will strive to be my friendly enthusiastic self and as a result, people will actively avoid me.
Also omg lol NO ONE on planet earth wants me to drum at their birthday party -- but I could get my coworker to talk about her childhood in Soviet Russia in Russian, Spanish or English!
Why is this so complicated?!
Congrats on your film score :)
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Friday, 17 October 2014 13:28 (ten years ago) link
You'd be surprised!! I'd have you over to my birthday party in a flash!
Authorship isn't really a thing when it comes to what I'm describing, it's still an investment in people's time, and there's still the desire to respond, it's a lot of pressure on people to ask them to listen to your band! Even if it's just VU covers.
I will strive to be my friendly enthusiastic self and as a result, people will actively avoid me.
LOL tell me about it, this worry is my entire life
― fgti, Friday, 17 October 2014 13:55 (ten years ago) link
One of my favouritest-ever bands was three friends who held hands and sang Smiths songs over a drum machine, with their names in the place of Sheilas and Williams, they called themselves Kick Mouth You
― fgti, Friday, 17 October 2014 13:58 (ten years ago) link
LL, we have been looking for a fourth member for our band - either a guitarist or keyboard player - for what feels like aeons. I'd have thought by now someone from my area would be interested but no. Not even a peep.
― Shepard Toney Album (dog latin), Friday, 17 October 2014 14:09 (ten years ago) link
the idea of living in an area where people host the kinds of parties where people play casio in the shower sounds like bliss to me.
― Shepard Toney Album (dog latin), Friday, 17 October 2014 14:13 (ten years ago) link
i would host one myself but i don't think the neighbours would be having it.
I mean, hot damn, LL, what you are describing sounds like HEAVEN to me.
Because I would love more than anything to find an outlet to play the doo-dah bass (doo-dah bass, doo-dah bass, all the doo-dah day) in a chill, friendly, relax and have fun with friends kinda way. If I lived within 50 miles of you, I'd be turning up to your door with my bass case and a bottle of wine and Sweet Jane all tabbed out!
Low pressure, high fun, no "OMG we must MAKE IT!" no "you do all the work and write songs and book gigs and maybe we turn up if our social lives allow it" no "No Timewasters" because isn't having fun about wasting time in a happy way?
But do I even know how and where to go about trying to find that? No, no I do not.
― Jacques Lacan let me rock u; let me rock u, Jacques Lacan (Branwell with an N), Friday, 17 October 2014 14:17 (ten years ago) link
oh! see, that's what i was hoping for! that a seasoned (perhaps somewhat jaded by experience) musician would think it sounded like a good time to just play some boppy fun familiar songs with no commitment beyond that. like a perfectly intuited dance with no awkward conversation.
i've thought about trying an open mic night or something but man the last time i did something like that i went WAY overboard and the thought of singing and drumming on a stage by myself is it's inconceivable and seems like a way worse idea than the one i am currently trying to flog to death
we played sweet jane at the first one and it was really fun, we all sang. i felt like i entered the zone. i really enjoy playing with other people too, so i am hungry for more.
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Friday, 17 October 2014 14:24 (ten years ago) link
LL, I don't know if this story/idea would be helpful to you, but it's something that happened a long time ago which you just reminded me of:
Back in the 90s, I was playing with a band who had a share of a dedicated rehearsal space in Chelsea (not the kind you hire by the hour, the kind that you rent like an apartment or workspace, so you can use full time). I used to go down there during the day before proper rehearsal and just test what stuff sounded like out loud, with pedals and everything (which obviously I couldn't do at home without bugging housemates/neighbours) because I was in the process of moving from playing bass full time to playing guitar and wasn't confident about my guitar skills.
The drummer of our band, he said, he had a friend (who funnily enough shared the same first name as me) who was learning to play the drums, and had asked him if she could borrow his kit to practice on. And I don't remember if he suggested that we play together (because he was amused by our names) or we just turned up at the same time one afternoon, but as it turned out we decided since we both wanted to play, why don't we play together. So we had a whale of a time just mucking about together.
So maybe the suggestion is, spend more time hanging out at other bands' rehearsal rooms and seeing who turns up? Or asking around other musicians you know, if they know anyone else who is also in the process of learning and wants to muck about with someone at the same level?
― Jacques Lacan let me rock u; let me rock u, Jacques Lacan (Branwell with an N), Friday, 17 October 2014 14:39 (ten years ago) link
dammit LL i wish I could be in yr irl band. Our long distance garageband collabos have been so great for me. I know wishes do not equal fishes and it is presumably cold comfort that you have like an entire band worth of willing ppl itt who do not live in the state of Illinois.
― fgti, Friday, October 17, 2014 9:09 AM (1 hour ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
Awesome! What kind of forces dyou have a budget for? Chamber? Orch?
― a drug by the name of WORLD WITHOUT END (Jon Lewis), Friday, 17 October 2014 14:41 (ten years ago) link
xp Man I don't know if you hear this a lot or never enough but it is always so good to read a Branwell post <3 <3
― fgti, Friday, 17 October 2014 14:43 (ten years ago) link
Re: the film, it's medium-budget. It's ambient jazz, which has been super-fun because it's been a cool opportunity to prove to myself that "that fucking Talk Talk record could've been made for $500 in two days"
― fgti, Friday, 17 October 2014 14:45 (ten years ago) link
omg that sounds super monster killer, u better make sure there is at least a download OST release!
― a drug by the name of WORLD WITHOUT END (Jon Lewis), Friday, 17 October 2014 15:01 (ten years ago) link
or put me on the comp list for the oscar promo or w/e
it's reassuring in that there are people out there in the world who think making music with me sounds like a good/fun idea :)
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Friday, 17 October 2014 16:14 (ten years ago) link
If you want to come to Montreal for NYE and play White Light/White Heat at 3:30am I know just the place and I will play viola too
― fgti, Friday, 17 October 2014 16:43 (ten years ago) link
Once we move there, LL, I will gladly/happily supply guitar and/or bass.
― Montgomery Burns' Jazz (Tarfumes The Escape Goat), Friday, 17 October 2014 16:48 (ten years ago) link
Yeah yeah yeah yeah! -- you're on. MTL might be a stretch but if I could borrow a drumset I would consider it.
I am really getting different perspectives in here -- glad I asked! Thanks for your help. Also let it be known that I am really grateful for the time my friends have already given me. Time and energy are both valuable commodities.
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Friday, 17 October 2014 17:16 (ten years ago) link
im sorry that i was mia on this thread after saying i could maybe help
LL, it sounds really fun to me and if someone did that in my town i would be desperate to be involved tbh.
im trying to think if i would have approached it differently - maybe would have invited specific people like it was a party and not handed out flyers asking for later contact? like that might put a lot of onus on the people reading the flyer - they might feel like they arent the person being targeted by the flyer and might feel like they were being pushy or something by responding and asking to be involved
― jello my future biafriend (roxymuzak), Monday, 20 October 2014 20:30 (ten years ago) link
i started with the idea that i could form a different supergroup each time by inviting specific people, but then i realized that i am basically inviting people who don't know me AT ALL (like I am a total 100% nobody -- although I do have mutual acquaintances, but no real ties) to join me at this event.
oh what the hell, the absolute worst thing that will happen is that people will laugh at me behind my backwhich is inevitable iircthe best scenario is that inviting strangers works and i make new friends! i just need to choose nice cool ppl.
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Tuesday, 21 October 2014 20:47 (ten years ago) link
i just invited a strangerit was terrifying and my stomach jumped when i clicked send but i did it
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Tuesday, 21 October 2014 20:58 (ten years ago) link
i personally would be delighted to receive a msg inviting me to something like that, even from a stranger
― jello my future biafriend (roxymuzak), Tuesday, 21 October 2014 21:13 (ten years ago) link
it's so weird to try to anticipate people's reactionsi guess it's always a crapshoot?! he wrote back already with follow up q's though, i consider that a good sign
god this whole thing is so nerve wrackingit takes way way way more diverse skills than just being able to play an instrument
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Tuesday, 21 October 2014 21:18 (ten years ago) link
Putting a band together is way more anxiety-inducing than anything I've bashed my head against.
Would totally skype in some guitar drone to "Sister Ray" at LL's party
― Elvis Telecom, Wednesday, 22 October 2014 04:26 (ten years ago) link
i might take you up on that! it is looking to be the most poorly attended publicized event i've ever been to (that is to say it's gonna be me and the spiders) so having a drone beamed in from space would be a nice touch.
he didn't write back after the initial questioni have acknowledged defeat on this front tbrr, ready to move on
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Wednesday, 22 October 2014 19:40 (ten years ago) link
also it has been a valuable learning experienceat least i know that it takes way more effort, and maybe a different kind of effort than i thought
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Wednesday, 22 October 2014 19:42 (ten years ago) link
i woke up at 4am last night and was obsessing about this one track that is 'done' but just not quite good enough, or not the right thing for the album. eventually, i had the freeing realization that i could just take the chords and melody and build a totally different sort of piece around them.
i'm sure everybody does this from time to time, but realizing when to stop banging your head against the wall is so important, huh? arranging is always more fun than writing for me, so it helps to get to the point where i can treat the raw materials like someone else wrote them.
― festival culture (Jordan), Wednesday, 29 October 2014 22:09 (ten years ago) link
asking people to play music with me is not unlike asking people to danceit feels REALLY risky and succeeds infrequently
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Wednesday, 5 November 2014 20:59 (ten years ago) link
i find it baffling
an even slightly together drummer in my town would be without a band for approx 30 seconds
― mit iodine (electricsound), Wednesday, 5 November 2014 21:09 (ten years ago) link
i'm starting to think that the less i say, the better
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Wednesday, 5 November 2014 21:17 (ten years ago) link
i need to find people to play with (in NYC so there should be at least a few people)
― Karl Malone, Wednesday, 5 November 2014 21:26 (ten years ago) link
Karl, do you have a practice space?
― sarahell, Wednesday, 5 November 2014 21:27 (ten years ago) link
i don't. right now my drums are stacked up in my kitchen. i've talked to a few people in my neighborhood about possible practice spaces, but the most plausible options involve splitting a monthly rental space with 3-4 other people, and i don't know 3-4 other people interested in splitting it, as of now
― Karl Malone, Wednesday, 5 November 2014 21:29 (ten years ago) link
this is so true. every competent drummer I know is in like 3 bands. always.
― Οὖτις, Wednesday, 5 November 2014 21:30 (ten years ago) link
shared practice spaces are a good way to find people to play with.
― sarahell, Wednesday, 5 November 2014 21:30 (ten years ago) link
unfortunately, i have a free comfortable practice space in my basement! there's no way i'm going to pay for one just to meet people.
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Wednesday, 5 November 2014 21:32 (ten years ago) link
ok pressed sendphew
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Wednesday, 5 November 2014 21:34 (ten years ago) link
i also placed my first craigslist ad mostly for lols but if it garnered any response i would consider it a minor miracle
btw if any bay area drummers on here are looking for a band to play with...
― Οὖτις, Wednesday, 5 November 2014 21:35 (ten years ago) link
xpost i've always been warned to stay away from craigslist but i'm getting antsy so i'm taking a look right now as well. it's really depressing! everything's like "looking to form alt-rock indie band, influences: filter and bob marley"
― Karl Malone, Wednesday, 5 November 2014 21:40 (ten years ago) link
oh it's REALLY badstill there doesn't seem to be a better option so why not
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Wednesday, 5 November 2014 21:43 (ten years ago) link
Do you have cool record shops still alive where you are? Do you know the location of rehearsal rooms? They're traditional places to put up "band members wanted" ads - it may be a bit corny but no more so than Craigslist, right? Unless of course this is a major faux-pas in the USA or something... But if not you've probably already thought of it, so I'm no use here.
Btw, further to "what is happening" upthread, mine & dog latin's bands played together - it was weird! But fun!
― emil.y, Wednesday, 5 November 2014 23:03 (ten years ago) link
one time when I was looking for something v specific and sort of rare (baritone sax player to round out r'n'r horn section) I advertised on craigslist and let me just say the responses I got ranged from sad to lol. Got several "I don't play saxophone BUT I have this killer MIDI setup" responses.
― Οὖτις, Wednesday, 5 November 2014 23:13 (ten years ago) link
"looking to form alt-rock indie band, influences: filter and bob marley"
― festival culture (Jordan), Wednesday, 5 November 2014 23:13 (ten years ago) link
rehearsal rooms aka practice spaces are definitely a way to go here for posting band members wanted flyers
― sarahell, Thursday, 6 November 2014 08:26 (ten years ago) link
Btw, further to "what is happening" upthread, mine & dog latin's bands played together - it was weird! But fun!― emil.y, Wednesday, November 5, 2014 11:03 PM (Yesterday) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
― emil.y, Wednesday, November 5, 2014 11:03 PM (Yesterday) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
It was weird but fun! And it was nice to meet you and some of your bandmates. Really enjoyed your set, and I checked out 'Add' too which is good stuff. I think Phil has some footage of you guys playing if you're interested.
Here are some clips of our set:The Art of BreathingDeath Rattle
― joni mitchell jarre (dog latin), Thursday, 6 November 2014 09:44 (ten years ago) link
I'm frantically trying to fill 2 Elektron sequencers full of fresh tunage for a live PA in Bath in 12 days time. Looking like 5 hours sleep a night maximum for the next week or so if its going to sound half decent. Might just sack it off and play some 12"s, no one will notice tbh.
― Willl, Thursday, 6 November 2014 12:31 (ten years ago) link
I've spent the last week going back and listening to a bunch of productions I was working on in the earlier part of the year and gad got utterly sick of and disheartened about. I'm now convinced they're funking excellent actually and I just need to make a couple more tweaks and ill have a killer EP out by early next year. Happy days!
― joni mitchell jarre (dog latin), Friday, 7 November 2014 20:06 (ten years ago) link
^so great when that happens.
i did this ended up not working at all. so now i'm doing it again (fourth time for this track!). so much for new sounds, Rhodes & kalimba win again.
― festival culture (Jordan), Friday, 7 November 2014 20:14 (ten years ago) link
I'm on the last day of mixing the score for a feature film. Anton Corbijn is the director. He's been telling me stories this week about Captain Beefheart and Palais Schaumburg. Score is good! film is good too.
― fgti, Saturday, 8 November 2014 09:47 (ten years ago) link
― emil.y, Saturday, 8 November 2014 14:46 (ten years ago) link
Does that mean that you composed the score or are you just handling the mixing, fgti?
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Sunday, 9 November 2014 18:13 (ten years ago) link
Composed! I think I mentioned it upthread? I got together a bunch of my favourite jazz musicians and had them play forty cues, two hours of the most uneventful ambient music imaginable, then spent two-and-a-half weeks editing and placing it. It's only my third sole credit on a feature film and one of the first where I've really had to be a boss. Finished yesterday with a roomful of veteran post-production people clapping me on the back so *hooray*.
― fgti, Sunday, 9 November 2014 18:47 (ten years ago) link
So ~2.5 minutes per cue? Can't wait to hear it.
― Karl Malone, Sunday, 9 November 2014 18:57 (ten years ago) link
It's not, like, good or anything. It's basically forty versions of "Ascension Day" played extremely quietly and with all musical elements removed. I did get to work out a few things I'm interested in, some super spare math-y harmony stuff
― fgti, Sunday, 9 November 2014 19:11 (ten years ago) link
Dude I can't wait to hear it and I hope there'll be at least a digital OST release? Also I will now call u flamboyant goon teo macero
― a drug by the name of WORLD WITHOUT END (Jon Lewis), Sunday, 9 November 2014 21:38 (ten years ago) link
well my piddly little "I sang a solo in church today and it went well" seems pointless to post about now
― the farakhan of gg (DJP), Sunday, 9 November 2014 22:17 (ten years ago) link
Um no it doesn't! Fkin essential IMO.
― a drug by the name of WORLD WITHOUT END (Jon Lewis), Sunday, 9 November 2014 22:30 (ten years ago) link
seriouslyif piddliness were a concern i would never do anythinggood for y'all on your accomplishments!
― cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Sunday, 9 November 2014 23:43 (ten years ago) link
finishing mixes for the second album by a band I was in that broke up nine years ago. four months ago, opened up some old pro tools sessions and realized we really had it 90% of the way there and started balancing them out. totally surreal to drive around in my car listening to all these pieces in a row.
― Milton Parker, Monday, 10 November 2014 01:57 (ten years ago) link
We sang an SATB arrangement of the version of "Keep Your Lamps" done by Cantus, an a;;-male group out of the Twin Cities. I was going to record it but then went "eh fuck it"
― the farakhan of gg (DJP), Monday, 10 November 2014 01:57 (ten years ago) link
Milton I want to HEAR THAT
― fgti, Monday, 10 November 2014 13:01 (ten years ago) link
V. cool, fgti. Congrats.
That's p. cool too, Milton. I still have some of your stuff from about 10 years ago!
I've got a piece on this programme:
I'm a little nervous and ambivalent about the whole thing, I guess. The pianist is fantastic and there are some of the best composers of the 20th century on there so I'm slightly nervous about how my piece will sound next to them, ha. I'm not sure exactly how I feel about the piece rn. It is something I wrote two years ago with specific goals in mind. It doesn't necessarily reflect where I am now, compositionally, and I don't think of it as my best work per se but at the same time, I'd like to hear how it sounds played by a really good contemporary pianist on a good acoustic piano. (I only have recordings done on an electronic keyboard by a Baroque specialist.)
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Monday, 10 November 2014 20:29 (ten years ago) link
Ha, you're probably not supposed to say those things before a performance.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Monday, 10 November 2014 20:33 (ten years ago) link
that looks like a solid night out, I suspect it will turn out wonderfully and not ambivalent-making. I've still got that cd of 'shade' from our swap.
fgti once the other band members sign off (one does not yet even know) I will happily send you a preview if that ilxor email works
― Milton Parker, Monday, 10 November 2014 22:05 (ten years ago) link
Thanks, Milton. Hope you're right. I'd be interested in a preview, too, if you're giving them out.:P
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Monday, 10 November 2014 22:41 (ten years ago) link
since i moved to brooklyn i've been looking for people to play with. it's been a little tough for me to find people organically since everyone at my work is much older and about to retire, and my group of IRL friends in brooklyn is...small. but growing! THE STATE OF THE UNION IS STRONG, uh
so i ignored everyone's advice and looked at craigslist ads to look for opportunities. predictably, almost everyone on there either is terrible at music (going by their soundclips) or is completely insane, or usually both. but after scanning the listings for a while i found a somewhat promising post that had decent musical references, and they seemed somewhat laid back and had a practice space already with drums (the sweat shop in bushwick, which is a great place!). i bit the bullet and did a blind date/jam thing with them.
it went ok! then...i spent hangout time with them last night, away from musical instruments, and it turns out that i can't allow myself to ever talk to them. they're both british and from very wealthy backgrounds, and...they like to make jokes about poor people, LGBTQ people, women, etc etc. they kept making these jokes with me as if i was part of the club, then when i didn't respond positively they turned on me a little and got passive-aggressive. they were obnoxious all night. on at least 5 different occasions, a person standing nearby shot them the Who Are You Fucking Assholes look. luckily Thee Oh Sees started playing and a heavenly moshpit developed and carried me away from the rich assholes and to frontrow, center, smashed against the stage. for a brief moment i thought there was a benevolent god watching over me. after the show was a bit awkward (my favorite bit from the more flagrant asshole of the two assholes: "you know zach, i think i'm beginning to like you more and more"...?), and although we had previously agreed to play again on Saturday, i'm going to send them a message later bowing out of their project.
tl;dr god i just want to play some music with some people who don't remind me of gamergaters.
― ya'll are the ones who don't know things (Karl Malone), Wednesday, 19 November 2014 18:36 (ten years ago) link
ok lol
i was talking with my drum teacher last night and i told him about my CANNES ad and he was like hahaha no one who wants to be in a can cover band is looking at craigslist ads and i was like i know but now it's out there in the world. i think i convinced him to try to talk to people for me. he said he would at least. i'll have to follow up and i have a good excuse anyway so i guess this is working better for me than anything else so far. this, i think, is how it works?
― La Lechera, Wednesday, 19 November 2014 18:40 (ten years ago) link
gotta be better human options than those, KM
that's good news, fgti!
― things lose meaning over time (Dr Morbius), Wednesday, 19 November 2014 18:43 (ten years ago) link
xxp yeah definitely a good dodge. I'm v curious how they telegraphed/you became aware of their wealthy backgrounds tho
― ogmor, Wednesday, 19 November 2014 18:49 (ten years ago) link
i asked what they did, and one said he was a model and the other said he worked as an insurance broker in the financial district. one of them grew up in hong kong and attended an international school while his father worked in finance there, and the other made a remark out of nowhere about how $100 is totally worth it for good lobster or crabs or something like that. also at one point during dinner a homeless man walked up and asked for money and they both looked not just scared, but repulsed.
― ya'll are the ones who don't know things (Karl Malone), Wednesday, 19 November 2014 18:52 (ten years ago) link
i'm not completely opposed to hanging out with the wealthsters but unfortunately they paired it up with the expected derogatory comments about everyone that had a different background
― ya'll are the ones who don't know things (Karl Malone), Wednesday, 19 November 2014 18:54 (ten years ago) link
they sound awful
― La Lechera, Wednesday, 19 November 2014 18:56 (ten years ago) link
I stopped making music in 2010. Before that, I had been doing music almost all of my life. Many of my friends are/were musicians and they said I was nuts and that I would eventually go back to music. Long story short, I told them no, and they said I should at least stick to doing a little bit of it, instead of selling my entire home studio. Anyway, I sold it all back then, and now I can't help but think about making music these days.
It's nice because I thought I had no more energy for music and had run out of musical ideas, but suddenly everything is coming back to me?
Now I'm torn between purchasing a classical guitar or a digital piano.
― ∞, Wednesday, 19 November 2014 19:48 (ten years ago) link
Karl I live near the lorimer stop of the L and maybe I'd play music w u? I play electric guitar in an unlettered squirrelly way but I've been playing a long time and I like making stuff up on the spot. However, I don't have a practice space (or even a decent amp currently!) and I don't rock very hard at my age (44). Or rather I like to play intensely but not that loudly.
― a drug by the name of WORLD WITHOUT END (Jon Lewis), Friday, 21 November 2014 04:05 (ten years ago) link
yeah, it's the practice space thing that's difficult, because i have drums at my apt but there's no way to play them here. also no car to move drums anywhere. all i want is chris farley to show up and move my shit for me
― ya'll are the ones who don't know things (Karl Malone), Friday, 21 November 2014 21:44 (ten years ago) link
The performance of my piece and a couple of others, incl. Scelsi, are streaming here:
There was one slightly awkward page turn but otherwise, the pianist did a very good job. The programme was generally great. They anticipate that more pieces will be streaming soon.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Wednesday, 10 December 2014 16:50 (ten years ago) link
sund4r that's really nice
― goole, Thursday, 11 December 2014 00:12 (ten years ago) link
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Thursday, 11 December 2014 03:17 (ten years ago) link
i kept waiting for the guitar to come in! but yeah, very nice.
― festival culture (Jordan), Thursday, 11 December 2014 03:43 (ten years ago) link
On NYE we're going to be opening the night with a completely improvised show at our local venue with a bunch of other local musicians. Most of us won't have played together before. It felt like a really good idea when we first came up with it a few weeks ago and now the reality of just what this is going to end up like (i.e. a mess) is really starting to set in.
Anyone ever done anything like this? Any tips? If we're lucky then everyone involved will find a day or time to meet up and come up with a gameplan and hopefully a run-through.
― dive inside water and you will know (dog latin), Thursday, 11 December 2014 14:08 (ten years ago) link
i used to play in a sort of improv collective thing (10 people or so) when i lived in chicago. we had a fundamental disagreement (barely spoken of) about whether or not we would ever attempt to repeat certain parts or song structures that worked. some people would trot out an old riff that worked well in a previous jam, while others would play something new, every single time.
i bring that up because while it's a great idea to try to get together at least once before NYE to get a feel for how you might sound as a collective, it might be important to establish early on whether you're going to go totally improv or if you're going to set up a few loose structural parameters
make sure you have a good drummer who can provide a reliable foundation but still be responsive to whatever new elements emerge
― ya'll are the ones who don't know things (Karl Malone), Thursday, 11 December 2014 14:26 (ten years ago) link
Listen to Karyobin by the Spontaneous Music Ensemble and reproduce it note-for-note
― sʌxihɔːl (Ward Fowler), Thursday, 11 December 2014 14:29 (ten years ago) link
Whenever I've played improvised gigs (nb this has only happened twice so far), we will agree on what key we're going to play in, but other than that we've just gone in completely blind and it seems to turn out OK.
― cwkiii, Thursday, 11 December 2014 15:46 (ten years ago) link
I've played a lot of improv gigs with people who have played even more improv gigs. There are lots of rules of thumb and tips/tricks available online.
Having a rehearsal helps, even if you end up doing something completely different. It at least gives you a sense of what the other musicians play like, as well as logistical things like how loud you need to be, or how much you or others need to turn down.
Basic things:Being able to hear one another (and yourself) is probably the most important thing (unless you are breaking up into smaller groups/units, with each smaller group having a leader). You probably should play less than you instinctively want toUnison and repetition sounds goodBeing able to see each other is also very useful -- you can make good use of visual cues, even if you don't have a "conductor" -- improv people (e.g. Zorn) have systems of visual cues and hand signals that you can use that cover things beyond the obvious: stop, louder, faster stuff (e.g. do what this person is doing, play against that person, play a solo, etc.)
― Mistah FAAB (sarahell), Friday, 12 December 2014 01:18 (ten years ago) link
What is the instrumentation? Is it "rock" or "jazz" or ???
― Mistah FAAB (sarahell), Friday, 12 December 2014 01:22 (ten years ago) link
xp Karl -- I'd argue that the linchpin in these groups isn't the drummer but the bass player. Let the drummer go off and do interesting things, otherwise it gets boring.
― Mistah FAAB (sarahell), Friday, 12 December 2014 01:25 (ten years ago) link
― vigetable (La Lechera), Friday, 12 December 2014 02:19 (ten years ago) link
(i know nothing about improvising in a group but i am always happy to watch people who let the drummer do interesting things)
otherwise you end up sounding like the dread band of jamming uncles
― Mistah FAAB (sarahell), Friday, 12 December 2014 02:20 (ten years ago) link
I was looking to get back into improv myself!
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Friday, 12 December 2014 03:03 (ten years ago) link
Did you ever play or study jazz, Sund4r?
― Murdstone From The Sun (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 12 December 2014 03:06 (ten years ago) link
Just listened to the piece you linked. Wow, very nice. Is the bass trombone player related to who I think he is related to?
― Murdstone From The Sun (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 12 December 2014 03:14 (ten years ago) link
Thanks, Jordan and JR&tB. That's me in 'theory teacher' mode, I guess? If you're thinking of David del Tredici, I don't think the trombonist (Montreal resident, currently studying in Basel, Switzerland) is related to him but it could be possible.
Unfortunately, I've never played jazz in any remotely serious way but I used to do a fair bit of free and structured improv. There's a substantial, quite active community here for that stuff; I think I'd enjoy getting back into it.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Friday, 12 December 2014 03:30 (ten years ago) link
I've done a few improv gigs. My only advice is to be willing to fail in front of people.
― 29 facepalms, Friday, 12 December 2014 20:24 (ten years ago) link
Went to the Brooklyn Synth Expo last weekend, got to play with lots of neat gear, e.g. an Arp 2600. I also messed with a Bass Station II, which I'd read a lot about but never felt very interested in, but it immediately grabbed me. All the time I've spent VCR-programming my Matrix-6 made the Bass Station a joy to play with. As soon as I got home I found one on eBay for $360 and so far I'm loving it. It's looking like I've got a synth collection at this point. I definitely feel like all the bases are covered for now though.
― L'Haim, to life (St3ve Go1db3rg), Saturday, 13 December 2014 00:57 (ten years ago) link
A friend made a documentary about my band:
― this is just a saginaw (dog latin), Monday, 29 December 2014 19:40 (ten years ago) link
Currently remixing an album I recorded six years ago. It's weird to work with old material. The tracks sound complicated, but when the multitracks are open in the DAW there are four or five instruments at most, and the songs are arranged so they don't all play at the same time. Also smdh at my younger selfs bizarre EQing decisions, especially on kick drums and bass.
― You are swimming in spaghetti. Without a paddle. (snoball), Saturday, 10 January 2015 16:45 (ten years ago) link
I do miss the feeling of 'I don't know what I'm doing, so I'll just have to do anything' that my guitar playing had back then. Now I know too much or perhaps not enough.
― You are swimming in spaghetti. Without a paddle. (snoball), Sunday, 11 January 2015 12:32 (ten years ago) link
Ha yeah I chalk up the slowing creative output that aging brings on to "wisdom". Wisdom sucks
― fgti, Sunday, 11 January 2015 13:39 (ten years ago) link
― a drug by the name of WORLD WITHOUT END (Jon Lewis), Sunday, 11 January 2015 22:12 (ten years ago) link
Luckily I am still super unwise wrt music making, it's the making of stories where I have succumbed to wisdomitis
― a drug by the name of WORLD WITHOUT END (Jon Lewis), Sunday, 11 January 2015 22:13 (ten years ago) link
If the same piece of yours gets accepted to every festival, that makes you some kind of compositional one-hit wonder, right?
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Tuesday, 24 February 2015 01:42 (nine years ago) link
"every festival you apply and get accepted to"
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Tuesday, 24 February 2015 01:56 (nine years ago) link
― got a long list of ilxors (fgti), Tuesday, 24 February 2015 02:35 (nine years ago) link
Now can you write three more pieces that are the exact same pls
it's the single, embrace it.
― lil urbane (Jordan), Tuesday, 24 February 2015 03:37 (nine years ago) link
submitted my album for mastering today, and it's by far the best i've felt about mixes going in at this point in the process. i mean, you always do your best, but usually i'm hoping for some kind of magical improvement. this time i just want a solid mastering job.
― lil urbane (Jordan), Tuesday, 24 February 2015 03:41 (nine years ago) link
I am having lunch with Barbara HanniganWe are collaborating on a long-form vocal work next yearText was selected by aero
― got a long list of ilxors (fgti), Saturday, 7 March 2015 17:12 (nine years ago) link
Oh man cooool
― a date with density (Jon Lewis), Saturday, 7 March 2015 17:40 (nine years ago) link
That is v cool. While it's not on the same scale, I'll have a short vocal piece performed next month at this: First thing I've ever really written for voice (not counting aleatoric pieces that used vocals).
I'm in the final stages of mixing hell with another electric guitar/live electronics thing.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Monday, 9 March 2015 22:59 (nine years ago) link
I can't compare with Hannigan video. That is a wild and dense piece of music.
My band is writing new material and this raw and crunchy demo from a couple weeks ago I thought turned out pretty cool.
― earlnash, Tuesday, 10 March 2015 03:50 (nine years ago) link
went in to lay down some tracks on Sunday. drummer was hungover and had had about 4 hours sleep so pretty much only got the drum tracks and a bass track down before the day's end which was expensive and frustrating.
― nuumerykah (dog latin), Tuesday, 10 March 2015 09:34 (nine years ago) link
Finally finished this (new proggy guitartronic thing):
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Friday, 20 March 2015 15:59 (nine years ago) link
(Change "4" to "a").
(Streaming sound quality isn't ideal, obv, but the WAV can be downloaded for a while if you're a nerd like me.)
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Friday, 20 March 2015 18:04 (nine years ago) link
I have been asked to play a "songwriter showcase" in about a month. The emphasis is on songwriters playing really stripped-down versions of their songs and talking about their "process" etc. I need advice on whether I should play by myself with acoustic guitar, which is the spirit of the thing but I am kind of uncomfortable with because it's going to be VERY white guy acoustic guitar singer-songwriter, or if I should cheat by having backing tracks of some kind to play over, which may be cheezy in its own way. I kind of want to have a big cassette boom box with my backing tracks on cassette, kind of like "Psycho Killer" at the beginning of "Stop Making Sense," but maybe this is equally pretentious and annoying? And I'd have to buy a boom box. I'm a little nervous about the whole thing bc I've never really played a set by myself, but also it's fun bc I haven't played live at all in a long time and it's nice to have something to work towards.
― Immediate Follower (NA), Monday, 23 March 2015 21:19 (nine years ago) link
my inclination is to say "give 'em what they want" unless you are 150% behind the boom box idea, which does sound pretty fun
My wife and I are singing Bach's St Mark Passion on Sunday. Neither of us have any solos. It's mostly going to be a gigantic cakewalk, I think.
― DJP, Monday, 23 March 2015 21:27 (nine years ago) link
I've discovered that my 4 month old baby seems captivated and enthralled when I play the acoustic guitar which has dramatically increased the amount of time I spend playing the guitar.
― joygoat, Monday, 23 March 2015 21:55 (nine years ago) link
xpost now I'm imagining the St Mark Passion performed as a cakewalk (in the musical sense of cakewalk)
― demonic mnevice (Jon Lewis), Tuesday, 24 March 2015 14:14 (nine years ago) link
Ha, I imagined the same thing when I read DJP's post.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Tuesday, 24 March 2015 14:43 (nine years ago) link
So I started trying to play the mandolin a while ago. Fun. Knowing how to play the guitar turns out to be surprisingly unhelpful for mandolin, as the different string-to-string intervals make any memorized scale forms or chord forms useless.
The instrument's constraints have sent my head to some interesting places. First, the limited fretboard real estate means that comparatively few chords are comfortable and full-sounding; the effect is to limit the keys that are readily playable. Going much higher than the first seven or eight frets quickly gets plinky and constricted. So it doesn't lend itself well to guitar-friendly keys like E and A and B. I generally end up transposing everything into G or C (or sometimes D).
Second, the number of strings makes it harder to play any but major and minor chords, so it tends to discourage the jazzy/bluesy coloring that one takes for granted on the guitar. Without the temptation to extend chords or add frilly fingerstyle ornament, it's easier to see how simple most pop music is at its core. This is pleasing in a way.
Some people treat it like a violin with frets - precise single-note stuff, using insanely fast tremolo for long notes. That's not really something I can do, nor do I feel a need to do. There are so many people who are so very very good at doing that that it feels drearily uphill to even try. I guess I use it more like a small guitar, or like people use ukuleles lately. It's very portable for travel, and very easy to pick it up and play simple three- or four-chord songs on while sitting on the couch.
Because I'm not particularly into bluegrass, I feel no urgency about being able to play "Devil's Dream" or "Wildwood Flower" or "Foggy Mountain Breakdown" or whatever. I'm more likely to use it for highly personal noodling, or things one wouldn't ordinarily associate with a mandolin. "Boys Don't Cry," "Save the Last Dance for Me," "Psycho Killer," "Here Comes Your Man," "Satellite of Love."
My sincerest joy will always be playing drums live, with a chugging sloppy loud rock band in front of me. Since having small children, though, I don't really have the time and energy to lug drums and amps to some U Street bar in order to play for 20 minutes to a dozen people. There may be a time when I can do that again; right now the handiest substitute is a twangily rambling version of "All Apologies" on the porch, with an audience of stars and rabbits.
― Ye Mad Puffin, Wednesday, 25 March 2015 16:19 (nine years ago) link
Here's the poster for our concert on Sunday:
― DJP, Thursday, 26 March 2015 15:01 (nine years ago) link
(DJP pictured second from left)
― Ye Mad Puffin, Thursday, 26 March 2015 18:13 (nine years ago) link
concert went well btw even if I started blatantly misreading the German towards the end due to fatigue
― DJP, Monday, 30 March 2015 18:06 (nine years ago) link
I am back to my normal home activity of vomiting violin overdubs and ARP sprooiees and clunks onto people's albums for cash.
Had a moment of clarity last month and I’m gonna play my last solo gig this year, touring is stupid
― got a long list of ilxors (fgti), Friday, 3 April 2015 21:38 (nine years ago) link
would love for you to elaborate on this.
i was recently talking to my gf about how i want to use a short sabbatical from work for a tour, and she was like "but i thought you don't love traveling, and don't care that much about playing live?" and those are very valid points.
i spent most of my 20s only going places if it was for a gig, so i got used to musical tourism. just taking a vacation without playing a show seems kind of anticlimactic, but i'm beginning to see the appeal.
― lil urbane (Jordan), Friday, 3 April 2015 21:54 (nine years ago) link
Mm, it's tough to talk about. I could type for ages about it, lots of reasons, but in short the "moment of clarity" was recognizing that I do not wish to be a person whose occupation it is to play their songs from twenty-years-past to a crowd of nostalgia seekers. I respect those people, yes, but do not envy them, no matter the size of the crowd.
― got a long list of ilxors (fgti), Friday, 3 April 2015 22:25 (nine years ago) link
On a more self-critical note, I've had to tie my songwriting to a performance-practice that, although I've feel as though I've got to a point where the set is 100% winners, and I finally feel comfortable about my facility with the practice, I can't imagine the mindset of a person who would pay money to see a guy in his mid-30s looping his violin in 2015. Most of my irl friends haven't come to a show in eight years or so.
― got a long list of ilxors (fgti), Friday, 3 April 2015 22:59 (nine years ago) link
I bought a new cymbal (my first one I bought myself) today and changed my drum heads for the first time and I feel pretty stoked tbh.
I think touring seems extremely grueling but I love seeing live shows so ?! I've never played one locally or otherwise. Obvs I'd feel differently if I had had your exorcisms <--- I wrote experiences but it autocorrected lol
― groundless round (La Lechera), Friday, 3 April 2015 23:10 (nine years ago) link
touring as a chorister rules pretty hardcore IMO
― DJP, Monday, 6 April 2015 15:25 (nine years ago) link
I've just got back from a short tour and it was awwwwwwwesome. I can see how doing long tours regularly would pale, I guess, as if you're doing it as basically a part of your job it isn't so much about going out and partying, but I love it.
― emil.y, Tuesday, 7 April 2015 16:15 (nine years ago) link
― Immediate Follower (NA), Monday, March 23, 2015 4:19 PM (1 month ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
This is tomorrow and I'm pretty nervous about it. I don't usually get nervous about shows but I haven't played in a couple of years and am not used to playing by myself.
― Immediate Follower (NA), Thursday, 23 April 2015 15:30 (nine years ago) link
In other news, I'm supposed to record a theme song for a librarian podcast.
― Immediate Follower (NA), Thursday, 23 April 2015 15:34 (nine years ago) link
can you run through the set for any friends or strangers tonight? maybe do it over Skype/Hangouts for us.
― lil urbane (Jordan), Thursday, 23 April 2015 16:27 (nine years ago) link
just imagine that everyone in the audience is fully clothed, and you're naked
or something along those lines
― Karl Malone, Thursday, 23 April 2015 16:29 (nine years ago) link
Ha I actually played my set over Periscope a couple of times, it was funny playing to random internet people and a couple of Twitter friends. Maybe I'll do that again tonight or tomorrow. I half contemplated looking for an open mic to do while I was in Seattle to play live in front of total strangers but didn't get my shit together.
― Immediate Follower (NA), Thursday, 23 April 2015 16:30 (nine years ago) link
also, i assume everyone does this, but when i'm preparing for a big show or learning a song, i do a ton of visualization (not intentionally, just automatically). it cuts down on nerves a lot for me and makes the show feel like a familiar situation, unless something really unexpected happens. 'unexpected' always means belligerent sound people.
― lil urbane (Jordan), Thursday, 23 April 2015 16:39 (nine years ago) link
tbrr i would like to have a playing live experience so i can stop stressing out about doing it for the first timei just wanna do it but i don't know how tbh -- are there open mic nights for drummers? looks like jazz dude workshop isn't the place for me, at least not right now. not sure how to proceed in a dignified manner.
you're gonna be fine n/a!!
― groundless round (La Lechera), Thursday, 23 April 2015 17:56 (nine years ago) link
looks like the spiritual ensemble I sing with is quietly imploding
― DJP, Thursday, 23 April 2015 17:58 (nine years ago) link
― example (crüt), Thursday, 23 April 2015 18:13 (nine years ago) link
Aw man that sucks
― demonic mnevice (Jon Lewis), Thursday, 23 April 2015 22:19 (nine years ago) link
I borrowed a mandolin and am now understanding why certain songs I'd tried to learn on guitar in the past all came out sounding wrong
― Οὖτις, Friday, 24 April 2015 17:26 (nine years ago) link
Im taking personal info out of my lyrics cause screw that !
― Brian Eno's Mother (Latham Green), Friday, 24 April 2015 20:12 (nine years ago) link
How did it go, NA?
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Saturday, 25 April 2015 16:25 (nine years ago) link
Do you have a set of material that you could do solo?
― Mistah FAAB (sarahell), Saturday, 25 April 2015 20:07 (nine years ago) link
the first time I played drums live was on a radio show on a temporary station operating out of a storefront so people could come and watch. Maybe something like that?
― Mistah FAAB (sarahell), Saturday, 25 April 2015 20:10 (nine years ago) link
good q -- i've been thinking about this and my answer is "idk". it depends on so many things -- is it acceptable to play drums over a bunch of songs that don't have drums if no one will recognize the songs because they are ancient (like hundreds of years old) or relatively unknown? (my guess is no) can i play originals with a backing track? (maybe?) i kind of can't get past the hurdle of what might be acceptable, but technically and physically yeah i could do this no problem.
i'd like to know how to use pedals and loops to layer sounds. one of the coolest solo drum shows i've ever seen was just one drum, voice, and layered sound. it was amazing. thank you for your help!
― Florianne Fracke (La Lechera), Saturday, 25 April 2015 21:41 (nine years ago) link
sorry about your spiritual implosion djpi do like the phrase spiritual implosion though
― Florianne Fracke (La Lechera), Saturday, 25 April 2015 21:42 (nine years ago) link
Zach Hill has done shows where he plays drums with pre-recorded backing tracks.
― Mistah FAAB (sarahell), Sunday, 26 April 2015 16:27 (nine years ago) link
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Saturday, April 25, 2015 11:25 AM (2 days ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
Pretty good! Here's my set, if you want to witness the most awkward stage banter ever and how I wince literally every time I make even the smallest mistake:
― Immediate Follower (NA), Monday, 27 April 2015 14:42 (nine years ago) link
We played our first live show since NYE at the weekend and I had a great time. The set was easily twice as long as we're used to playing - 12 songs long - so that was a nice revelation as well. It was in a busy pub on a Saturday night and our music isn't necessarily suited to that kind of thing. There was a group of people dancing frantically to even our slowest song but I spoke to one of them after and it was clear she was on a pill or something. Lots of people said they liked it but I'm never sure if it was out of politeness or not. Someone I sort of know had written 'please turn this band off' on FB at the time so evidently it wasn't to everyone's tastes, but I guess if everyone liked it we'd be doing it wrong. Fun times!
― but then again, who really cares? I don’t. (dog latin), Monday, 27 April 2015 15:00 (nine years ago) link
i kind of can't get past the hurdle of what might be acceptable
i think anything is acceptable once you do it. and playing drums over ancient + unknown songs is way better than doing it over new + known songs.
― lil urbane (Jordan), Monday, 27 April 2015 16:31 (nine years ago) link
ok! that helps! i'm going to try to put something together and maybe i can find some regular weirdo performance series that will let me do it.
― Florianne Fracke (La Lechera), Monday, 27 April 2015 16:47 (nine years ago) link
NA it was not that awkward, it was pretty normal for stage banter! The worst is when someone just sits down, starts playing, then says thanks (maybe) at the end and walks off.
― Florianne Fracke (La Lechera), Monday, 27 April 2015 16:57 (nine years ago) link
co-op space i help run got broken into and robbed twice in the last week. none of my stuff got taken, but the boutique record store up front got cleaned out.
― Mistah FAAB (sarahell), Monday, 27 April 2015 18:02 (nine years ago) link
!! where was this?
― Οὖτις, Monday, 27 April 2015 20:24 (nine years ago) link
West Oakland
― Mistah FAAB (sarahell), Monday, 27 April 2015 21:07 (nine years ago) link
:( sorry
― Οὖτις, Monday, 27 April 2015 21:24 (nine years ago) link
Wow, that sucks.
proggy guitartronic thing
I think this master sounds better, although I feel like I play it much better now than when I recorded it (always seems to happen that way). I performed on the 9th and felt like that was probably the best gig I've played, even with a couple of glitches from my aging Macbook. It was a really good night with a couple of out-of-town performers and beer and pie. I imagine that it might be the last gig I play for a little while.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Tuesday, 19 May 2015 16:25 (nine years ago) link
Just sang my last church gig of the season: went out on a Finzi piece I hadn't sung since college, which was fun
I'm really mad that I packed my microphone away so well because I've been dying to record some vocal stuff that's been spinning around in my head and I refuse to buy another mic just because I can't identify which box has my current one.
― DJP, Tuesday, 19 May 2015 16:28 (nine years ago) link
A new guy started in our band! We've been looking for a fourth person to get involved for years now with literally no takers. out the blue, this fella about the same age as us, sends an fb message saying he's just moved to the area, played in bands since 2000, written songs, likes our stuff, happy to get as involved as we want him to, got his own rig, transport etc.. So we all met up and had a pint and then a jam and it all went remarkably well!
― p:s nerds know (dog latin), Tuesday, 2 June 2015 10:03 (nine years ago) link
La Lechera and I made a tune! She posted our gong and theremin jam here:
― EZ Snappin, Saturday, 13 June 2015 19:26 (nine years ago) link
nice! LL, you in Maine now?
― brownie, Saturday, 13 June 2015 22:53 (nine years ago) link
No I was just there on vacay and there was a gong in the cabin we stayed in! It was a small one but the first gong I've ever had the pleasure of playing.
― Florianne Fracke (La Lechera), Sunday, 14 June 2015 00:47 (nine years ago) link
― brownie, Sunday, 14 June 2015 00:51 (nine years ago) link
― passive-aggressive rageaholic (snoball), Sunday, 14 June 2015 08:36 (nine years ago) link
Years ago, I started a band with some of my co-workers as a fun thing to do for a company talent show. Our bass player, who didn't work with us, had been in a bunch of Boston-area bands and had enough connections for us to play out a few times; this led to us writing a bunch of songs and working with a local producer to record a bunch of them before a spectacular implosion led us to break up. (To be clear, said implosion was all situational and had little-to-nothing to do with how we all got along; in fact, it's probably the most spectacular amiable breakup story ever considering it involves two separate hospitalizations and the dissolution of a marriage.)
Our musical influences didn't overlap very much; I was the industrial/dance/goth dude who didn't actually play an instrument, the guitarist was a big Van Halen/Foo Fighters head, the drummer was a big metal dude (think Enslaved/Opeth/Satyricon/Therion) and the bass player used to be in a swing-ska band but was currently spending most of his time rerecording 80s post-punk/alternative songs as mellow synth pieces and was super into Christian rock bands. Our songwriting overlap led to relatively generic garage rock with a couple of trick things here and there, layered in with lyrics that got increasingly more despondent and gothy as we went along; we started out writing relatively generic unrequited love songs and then I started writing songs about amoral murderous monsters, suicides, and in one particular case a bouncy, happy love song that was all about how awesome meth is (note: not written from personal experience). Also, as a nod to our original incarnation before we started writing our own songs, we did a goofy cover of "Creep".
I was listening to some of our demos recently and I think there are nuggets of good songs buried in some of the stuff we did; a lot of it is kind of generic but (I hope) not offensively so. I reached out to the other guys and found out the guitarist had thrown all of our stuff up on Soundcloud:
Have at it, guys. I have my own sentimental favorites but I'm curious if anyone else likes any of this stuff.
― I Am Curious (Dolezal) (DJP), Monday, 15 June 2015 16:29 (nine years ago) link
I did karaoke last night and it made me really miss playing shows/performing.
― Immediate Follower (NA), Monday, 15 June 2015 16:34 (nine years ago) link
that's how i feel every time i've ever done karaoke, only it's longing not missingin other news, today is my 2 year drummiversary!
― Florianne Fracke (La Lechera), Monday, 15 June 2015 16:54 (nine years ago) link
― example (crüt), Monday, 15 June 2015 17:22 (nine years ago) link
like the album, DJP. you can sing. sure wish I could sing. the melody on 'smile' has a nice contour.
I've rediscovered playing solo after a long stretch of mainly doing collaborations. I had burned out in a big way on audio collage, but all those iOS synthesis apps have me constantly jamming & evolving these little patches and suddenly there's this interesting freeform live set that sounds sufficiently different from the old stuff. Serious relief to be playing solo again.
― Milton Parker, Monday, 29 June 2015 17:21 (nine years ago) link
relief in what way? as in confidence in your ability? sense of control? optimism for the future?
― sarahell, Monday, 29 June 2015 20:00 (nine years ago) link
Thanks, Milton! "Smile" is the guitarist's favorite song. Mine is either "Gold Rush", "Amnesia" or "Turn Away". "Seeing You There" is actually a super old song I wrote when I was 16 that I resurrected for the band but, since it's loosely about my dead brother, I hesitate to call it a favorite.
― I Am Curious (Dolezal) (DJP), Monday, 29 June 2015 21:07 (nine years ago) link
know what you mean there
xp couldn't turn down any of those band projects from the last few years, but I was beginning to feel a little subsumed. it's mainly fun to be playing with a completely different concept and still have it turn out recognizable
― Milton Parker, Tuesday, 30 June 2015 00:17 (nine years ago) link
we're now at a stage where we're near to completing about an hour's worth of finished music and wondering what to do with it. we're keen to get ourselves heard but knowing the best way to do this is tricky. we love all the material, but it's highly eclectic and the style switches from song to song - some have rock backing, others electronic backing and others a more acousitc backing - although maybe that's part of us and what we do (it's all our work at the end of the day).
so i'm wondering whether to just release this digitally on bandcamp and do a name your own price thing, or get some cds burnt and somehow send these out to blogs, record labels, festivals, venues etc. like, is it even worth doing the latter these days?
― canoon fooder (dog latin), Wednesday, 26 August 2015 14:11 (nine years ago) link
I'm in mixing hell but with someone else's music this time. When I can, I'm working on mixing a recording of a jazz trio that I helped to record at a studio in Ottawa a few weeks ago.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Wednesday, 26 August 2015 21:12 (nine years ago) link
i bought an ipad. excited to dive into the rabbit hole of drum and synth apps. already got the DM1 which is fun and flexible but doesn't seem to handle triplets well. i also have to figure out Audiobus and whatever audiobus-compatible DAW app seems best to get some external recordings thrown in. i'm psyched!
if anyone has any tips on the world of fast and cheap ipad programming & recording hmu
― goole, Tuesday, 15 September 2015 20:36 (nine years ago) link
making music with an iPad
― sarahell, Wednesday, 16 September 2015 17:54 (nine years ago) link
We did an evensong service at my church gig this past Sunday and I got to be the cantor. Apparently, singing a ton of text on one note is my musical sweet spot.
― I Am Curious (Dolezal) (DJP), Wednesday, 16 September 2015 18:33 (nine years ago) link
i met a cantor recently after his first gig at a new church and he seemed pretty pumpedi have too much to say so i will just post this weird new song i made yesterday here
and ask how y'all doinwhat is going on in your musical lives? ilx is so boring lately so i thought i would summon anyone willing to post to this thread.
― La Lechera, Tuesday, 20 October 2015 02:15 (nine years ago) link
do churches have cantors? i thought that was just a Jewish thing/term, but i haven't really thought about it since i was a kid.
― lil urbane (Jordan), Tuesday, 20 October 2015 04:11 (nine years ago) link
Catholic and Anglican/Episcopalian churches can have cantors
― I Am Curious (Dolezal) (DJP), Tuesday, 20 October 2015 06:25 (nine years ago) link
Speaking of which I'm going to be cantoring one service a month on Wednesdays at my church gig
― I Am Curious (Dolezal) (DJP), Tuesday, 20 October 2015 06:26 (nine years ago) link
I am trying to think of the best, nicest way to extricate myself from a band that I don't really want to be in.
― sarahell, Tuesday, 20 October 2015 16:40 (nine years ago) link
have or adopt a child, it's bulletproof.
― lil urbane (Jordan), Tuesday, 20 October 2015 16:54 (nine years ago) link
or, tell them you're overscheduled and can't make them a priority
― I Am Curious (Dolezal) (DJP), Tuesday, 20 October 2015 16:55 (nine years ago) link
complain that someone appears to have unacceptably tampered with your gear and then say you will quit unless whoever's responsible confesses
― Οὖτις, Tuesday, 20 October 2015 16:58 (nine years ago) link
oh also we have a concert coming up this Sunday of 20th century British choral music, some of which is terrible and some of which is holy shit amazing
for example, here is Paul Mealor's setting of "Ubi caritas", a song which apparently was also performed at the Prince William/Kate Middleton wedding:
fucking love this shit
― I Am Curious (Dolezal) (DJP), Tuesday, 20 October 2015 16:59 (nine years ago) link
i'm torn between saying that I'm just really depressed and don't really feel like being in any bands right now until I get my head sorted, which is kinda true, or saying that I am not getting any creative input or gratification from being in this band.
― sarahell, Tuesday, 20 October 2015 16:59 (nine years ago) link
the latter is most germane for my wanting to quit, but my bandmates are also personal friends, and I don't want to hurt their feelings more than I "have" to
― sarahell, Tuesday, 20 October 2015 17:00 (nine years ago) link
will they try to get you to stay if you say you're not getting input/gratification?
― La Lechera, Tuesday, 20 October 2015 19:04 (nine years ago) link
the dynamic is that there are 3 of us in the band, and the singer is the leader, and she generally is open and appreciative of the contributions of the other two of us, but based on the "concept" of the band and the material she wants to do, there are very limited options for what I can do. For example, there isn't an option for "hey, what if I sang on this song?" because she can't play an instrument, so she would have nothing to do.
― sarahell, Tuesday, 20 October 2015 19:08 (nine years ago) link
it is a cover band, and while we don't do the songs "straight," we don't experiment/fuck with the material as much as we could/as I would like. A few years back, I did express opinions that were at odds with what the singer/leader thought, and she kicked me out of the band, and then the band did nothing.
― sarahell, Tuesday, 20 October 2015 19:13 (nine years ago) link
can you tell them that -- you'd like to stretch yourself a little more i mean i don't understand "band dynamics" specifically but they're the same as human dynamics so considerate candor seems the best approach as long as it's not like an abusive or dire situation
― La Lechera, Tuesday, 20 October 2015 19:29 (nine years ago) link
considerate candor is definitely the way I want to go, and my friends/bandmates aren't stupid and can probably sense there's something going on. But, what I'd want to do, what would make me enjoy the band creatively, would entail a major revamp of what we've been doing, and that's not my call. It's the singer's band, and I'm just the bass player.
― sarahell, Tuesday, 20 October 2015 19:33 (nine years ago) link
trying to guess what kind of cover band is comprised of a singer, a bass player and... a drummer (I assume)?
― Οὖτις, Tuesday, 20 October 2015 19:46 (nine years ago) link
Morphine cover band
― I Am Curious (Dolezal) (DJP), Tuesday, 20 October 2015 19:49 (nine years ago) link
that's what I thought too lol but no saxophone?
― Οὖτις, Tuesday, 20 October 2015 19:51 (nine years ago) link
Young Marble Giants?
― Οὖτις, Tuesday, 20 October 2015 19:52 (nine years ago) link
we cover a variety of songs: singer, bass player, electronics is the line-up
― sarahell, Tuesday, 20 October 2015 19:54 (nine years ago) link
sounds like you should just say that maybe you're not the right person for this job anymore, which is totally ok and a healthy thing to assert imo i'm sure they can find another straight ahead bass player and you can do the things that make you happy and everyone can still be friends, no?
― La Lechera, Tuesday, 20 October 2015 19:57 (nine years ago) link
― sarahell, Tuesday, 20 October 2015 20:01 (nine years ago) link
I put up a "single" for Halloween of two grim instrumentals:
(A side)
(B side)
As with all the things on my soundcloud, written and recorded entirely in iOS using a mix of sample based instruments and synths.
― banned on ixlor (Jon not Jon), Saturday, 31 October 2015 19:27 (nine years ago) link
(Idk if I have to remove the 'https' for soundcloud links like we do with YouTube links?)
― banned on ixlor (Jon not Jon), Saturday, 31 October 2015 19:28 (nine years ago) link
Those links work, Jon. Great stuff!
― EZ Snappin, Saturday, 31 October 2015 19:32 (nine years ago) link
My wife is singing the Pie Jesu from the Faurè Requiem tomorrow in church. I plan to record it. She doesn't know this yet.
― I Am Curious (Dolezal) (DJP), Saturday, 31 October 2015 19:46 (nine years ago) link
I sang a solo last night from Mendelssohn's Elijah. It went pretty well, I think; one dude in the congregation asked me which conservatory I'd gone to because he wanted to know if I had ties to his, lol (in a roundabout way I do, since the guy who has been my primary private voice teacher is the head of vocal pedagogy at the place he had worked, but I was never a student there)
Also I've been watching the Facebook group of one of my former choirs work itself into a tizzy over how much they hate the auditioning conductor working with them on an 8 minute Bach motet because they feel he's talking down to them and belittling them and going super slowly with them... when a large number of them showed up at the first rehearsal not knowing how the piece went and being unable to sightread it. They are even now complaining about how he is workshopping notes with them and not letting them sing words when there are still sections where they are admitting that people are still making egregious note mistakes. Maybe I'm being snobby here but... it's kind of pathetic.
― I Am Curious (Dolezal) (DJP), Thursday, 12 November 2015 18:54 (nine years ago) link
no that is indeed pathetic
rehearsal is work, the end
― banned on ixlor (Jon not Jon), Thursday, 12 November 2015 19:22 (nine years ago) link
The backstory is that the incredibly beloved dude who founded the group retired this summer and they are auditioning his replacement; right now half the group is not in a mindset to appreciate anyone new, let alone anyone with a radically different rehearsal method, plus this is a group that fucking sings with a major symphony (oops spoilers) and they can't get through one of Bach's easier motets without note-bashing? Also, there were complaints of creepiness on the conductor's part because he said something about "stroking the notes as if you were stroking a baby's bottom" and it took every bit of restraint for me not to write "I know I haven't sung with you in over a decade but doesn't anyone else remember the old conductor getting frustrated with the sopranos during a tour and telling them to sing like they had some pubic hair?"
Basically, I'm glad I left that group when I did.
― I Am Curious (Dolezal) (DJP), Thursday, 12 November 2015 19:26 (nine years ago) link
Lol I love the pubes speech!
There are so many bizarro conductor quotes out there, I remember Eugene Ormandy had some really strange ones
― banned on ixlor (Jon not Jon), Thursday, 12 November 2015 21:19 (nine years ago) link
the two most recent complaints (paraphrased):
- "He's concerned about unified cutoffs but we've been singing everything on doo; how are we supposed to know where the cutoffs are without singing the words?"
... Why don't you trying singing the note values as notated? Does that seem like a reasonable starting point?
- "He never said anything about it before but NOW he wants us to sing with a unified vowel sound!"
― I Am Curious (Dolezal) (DJP), Thursday, 12 November 2015 21:31 (nine years ago) link
booked a show! 2015 calendar year goal achieved. next year i would like to book more shows. maybe travel!
― La Lechuza (La Lechera), Tuesday, 8 December 2015 17:44 (nine years ago) link
― how's life, Tuesday, 8 December 2015 17:45 (nine years ago) link
― EZ Snappin, Tuesday, 8 December 2015 17:47 (nine years ago) link
actually i had two goals and i reached both of them. feels good! really good tbh!
― La Lechuza (La Lechera), Tuesday, 8 December 2015 17:48 (nine years ago) link
way to go LL!!
― Karl Malone, Tuesday, 8 December 2015 17:51 (nine years ago) link
what is going on in your musical lives? how was your year?
― La Lechuza (La Lechera), Tuesday, 8 December 2015 20:24 (nine years ago) link
I just picked up music for our annual lessons and carols service. I have no idea when I'm going to have a chance to look at it before our first rehearsal on Sunday.
― you're breaking the NAP (DJP), Tuesday, 8 December 2015 20:48 (nine years ago) link
have recorded quite a few tracks with one of my friends for our rap duo Skiv3n & Pi5 (he's the dj, I'm the mc) - very happy with the results, hope to do some live gigs and release an ep in 2016.
still trying to figure out how to make our presence known, not very good with social media yet, and not sure how important it is - was recently dissapointed my hotline bling cover did not instantly go viral (now realize this to have been a somewhat naive/megalomaniac expectation) but it got us a few new followers, and my friends were really into it so that's nice
― niels, Wednesday, 9 December 2015 15:59 (nine years ago) link
the last six months have been a bit quiet. i moved, my computer died, i thought i'd lost everything but i got it back.
― canoon fooder (dog latin), Wednesday, 9 December 2015 16:27 (nine years ago) link
recording recording recording. also dealing with a string session that turned into a disappointing fiasco. The cello player was nearly a quarter tone flat on every take, and when I pointed this out to the engineer his response was "we can fix it in the mix". guess what it was not fixable in the mix. Another session booked in January will probably be the last one for this "album", assuming people are still into buying albums when we're done...
― Οὖτις, Wednesday, 9 December 2015 19:12 (nine years ago) link
Ugh, that sounds awful.
Got a new classical guitar last week, a Larrivée spruce top from 1976. I love it. Also, recently cranked out a trio piece for flute/tuba/piano (seriously) that will be played in Ottawa in April. I'm not really sure how it will come out but am curious. Working on some new effects in Max for Live.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Tuesday, 22 December 2015 16:45 (nine years ago) link
Btw, this one is a 660 mm scale, which they apparently don't make as much anymore. For my longer fingers, it feels like a godsend. I've never felt so comfortable with a classical instrument before.
― EveningStar (Sund4r), Tuesday, 22 December 2015 22:00 (nine years ago) link
it took a few hours, but I finally figured out (with help from my bandmate) how to use my electronic drum set as a midi input in ableton. it was really amazing how little (basically none) documentation there was online.
― coombes des gazcons (sarahell), Wednesday, 23 December 2015 21:15 (nine years ago) link
Sang a really great Xmas eve service where my wife sang I Wonder As I Wander as a solo. Unfortunately I didn't get the chance to record it. Still need to edit the Messiah excerpt recital we did.
― you're breaking the NAP (DJP), Saturday, 26 December 2015 17:29 (nine years ago) link
Got three paid caroling gigs in this year. Every year keep trying to improve little things re: harmonizing, regulating vibrato to improve blend.
Feel like this year was a success in that regard!
― Hammer Smashed Bagels, Saturday, 26 December 2015 18:25 (nine years ago) link
being screened (approved by the hippie musician collective that run it) for a slot at a sweet jamspace very close to my house
― flopson, Saturday, 26 December 2015 18:28 (nine years ago) link
I busted out my 'new weird America' falsetto at family singalong yesterday, it was a hit
(Sadly I can't project it for much and my regular tenor is v boring)
― banned on ixlor (Jon not Jon), Saturday, 26 December 2015 20:20 (nine years ago) link
I picked up the guitar for the first time in months and played a few grateful dead songs. Felt good!
― lute bro (brimstead), Saturday, 26 December 2015 23:08 (nine years ago) link
Still trundling through my songs from ~6 years ago, remixing, remastering.
― January 1, be the same sh!t as December 31 (snoball), Saturday, 26 December 2015 23:22 (nine years ago) link
I recorded an album with a huge hero of mine three years ago, which is always an edgy thing to do; validating on the one hand, and on the other, your internal editors kick into high gear in a way that can be kind of unhealthy. at one point he said 'if an album takes more than six days to finish, it's usually not a very good album' and I responded 'unless it takes more than a year, I think', and he just gave me this shaken look and then said 'I wouldn't know about that'. but then he smiled and said 'I know for you editing is the same thing as playing, so go ahead'
I waited six months before even doing anything and the word came he had cancer, so the next nine months was this bizarre race torn between the most pressure I've ever been under to try a record that ranks with some of my all time favorite records -- which is completely impossible -- and to finish something he could enjoy. His last email was simply 'it's been finished' and I am completely haunted this morning about how poisonous perfectionism can be and how in this case it conflicted with basically being a good collaborator and friend
― Milton Parker, Monday, 11 January 2016 21:52 (nine years ago) link
Assuming this is the album I think it is, consider it downloaded by me when my next emusic refresh comes along. Not to diminish what you just wrote but it sounds amazing from the description I just read
― banned on ixlor (Jon not Jon), Monday, 11 January 2016 23:26 (nine years ago) link
this one's not out yet, that's the sadness. just needed to vent obscurely online somewhere, listening to blackstar it hit me what a huge difference it makes when an album is not posthumous, even if only by two days.
― Milton Parker, Tuesday, 12 January 2016 21:03 (nine years ago) link
I was just reminded that I'm supposed to sing tomorrow night. Oops
― Very selfish, and very ironic (DJP), Tuesday, 12 January 2016 21:04 (nine years ago) link
Xpost haha sorry! Well I'm still going to get the album I wrongly thought was the one in question.
― banned on ixlor (Jon not Jon), Tuesday, 12 January 2016 21:45 (nine years ago) link
did an interpretation of 'Revolution 9' for this White Album tribute show (despite never listening to the Beatles really). obviously it was the odd one out, of the night:
also trying to write a string part for one of my tracks, for one violinist to overdub all the voices. i've got the lead line and a passable little lower harmony, but because i am a dumb drummer, i have no idea what to do for other voices to thicken it up.
― sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Tuesday, 26 January 2016 18:06 (nine years ago) link
Had a great concert of musical settings of Shakespeare on Sunday, including a completely bonkers piece for men's chorus and soprano soloist called "Your sister's drown'd" by Ingof Gabold about the death of Ophelia and Ralph Vaughn Williams' stunning Three Shakespeare Songs. I had a solo verse in a Swingle Singers arrangement of "'Twas a Lover and His Lass". Can't wait for the recording.
― its subtle brume (DJP), Tuesday, 26 January 2016 18:11 (nine years ago) link
xpost do you want the 'string ensemble' to give a homogenous impression or more contrapuntal/multitextured?
djp that sounds like a really good program!
― scarcity festival (Jon not Jon), Tuesday, 26 January 2016 18:14 (nine years ago) link
Yeah, the rest of the program included Morley, Wood, Martin, a premiere of a commissioned piece by a local composer and friend of our group named Graham Ramsey, and some crazy pieces by another Danish composer whose name I'm blanking on. I think I tossed my program otherwise I'd just write it up from that. :-(
― its subtle brume (DJP), Tuesday, 26 January 2016 18:17 (nine years ago) link
you know what shakespeare setting I really love, and it's part of an opera but it has also been extracted in standalone voice-piano form, is Britten's "I know a bank..." from A Midsummer Night's Dream for countertenor
― scarcity festival (Jon not Jon), Tuesday, 26 January 2016 18:26 (nine years ago) link
well Britten in general rules (IMO the best all-around composer of the 20th Century)
― its subtle brume (DJP), Tuesday, 26 January 2016 18:27 (nine years ago) link
i think more homogeneous, because there is already a lot going on with the main vamp & beat.
― sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Tuesday, 26 January 2016 18:29 (nine years ago) link
Oh, I have also set up my first voice lesson with a new teacher; in keeping with my general "study with someone who doesn't sing my voice part" vibe, this dude is a countertenor
Here's an example of his work:
I am really fucking excited and hope I come out the other side of this with a reliable high baritone range and maybe some of my low notes back
― its subtle brume (DJP), Tuesday, 26 January 2016 18:32 (nine years ago) link
That reminds me of reading somewhere that roles like Pelleas call for a special type of French voice known as a 'baryton martin' that falls in the zone between bari and tenor
― scarcity festival (Jon not Jon), Friday, 29 January 2016 00:53 (nine years ago) link
been working on this for a while. it's an instrumental electronic grindcore project loosely themed around seafood. 5 songs in under 3 minutes!
― Sissy SpaceX (latebloomer), Friday, 5 February 2016 22:27 (nine years ago) link
recorded those violins today and we ended up just doing 11 unison tracks, incl. three an octave down and three an octave up. sounds great!
― sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Friday, 5 February 2016 22:48 (nine years ago) link
i bet that sounds cool. Did the mismatch in vibratos create a chorusy effect?
― scarcity festival (Jon not Jon), Friday, 5 February 2016 22:57 (nine years ago) link
a bit, but not as much as you'd think, since it was one violinist playing all the parts. definitely enough variation for color & thickness. it was pretty fun to hear it come together.
― sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Saturday, 6 February 2016 01:05 (nine years ago) link
Were you adding strings to a beat-oriented electronic track or to a jazz tune?
― Hi! I'm twice-coloured! (Sund4r), Sunday, 7 February 2016 16:38 (nine years ago) link
(Or something else?)
The former, it's a pretty intense electronic track.
― sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Sunday, 7 February 2016 17:27 (nine years ago) link
dead crustacean is A+, would play again
― ogmor, Sunday, 7 February 2016 21:56 (nine years ago) link
the band i quit last fall is playing Int'l. Noise Conference in Miami this weekend, and imagining being "on tour" with the bandleader is really making me confident I made the right decision.
― sarahell, Sunday, 7 February 2016 22:09 (nine years ago) link
Sounds cool, Jordan.
― Hi! I'm twice-coloured! (Sund4r), Tuesday, 9 February 2016 00:32 (nine years ago) link
I got a lot of classical guitar practice in over the Christmas break and I think I've finally got down a classical guitar piece I wrote a year and a half ago or so (that I, um, performed last year). I hope to record it, probably over the summer. I want to record a noisy prepared guitar thing soon-ish too. I've been writing something for Pierrot ensemble + percussion on and off but am not feeling that excited about it atm.
― Hi! I'm twice-coloured! (Sund4r), Tuesday, 9 February 2016 00:41 (nine years ago) link
I am certainly excited to hear about Pierrot ensemble + percussion! Was just thinking about the idea of that combo a few days ago. It's a good idea!
― scarcity festival (Jon not Jon), Tuesday, 9 February 2016 00:51 (nine years ago) link
Oh, thanks. I wrote one short movement in 2012 and thought that I'd give a try to continuing it when I have time on my hands + am away from my gear. There's no real performance in my mind but I figure that there are always opportunities for this instrumentation.
― Hi! I'm twice-coloured! (Sund4r), Tuesday, 9 February 2016 03:30 (nine years ago) link
*recently thought
― Hi! I'm twice-coloured! (Sund4r), Tuesday, 9 February 2016 04:10 (nine years ago) link
anyone know any drummers in the Bay Area who would be interested in playing drums for a psych/country rock sorta band
― Οὖτις, Tuesday, 9 February 2016 22:05 (nine years ago) link
my new voice teacher is super rad and is making me realize exactly how little I know about singing
― its subtle brume (DJP), Tuesday, 9 February 2016 22:06 (nine years ago) link
sund4r what's your classical guitar piece like?
― ogmor, Wednesday, 10 February 2016 10:37 (nine years ago) link
since moving and leaving my old band behind i'd been itching to start playing with other people again. managed to get a couple of near-strangers into a practice room at the weekend and forgot what a challenge it can be to start all over again, get to know each other's style, what people are into, trying to avoid bad stoner rock impressions blah blah.
― posted with permission by (dog latin), Wednesday, 10 February 2016 12:09 (nine years ago) link
thanks sund4r. you should write something for your processed guitar setup + percussion. :)
― sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Wednesday, 10 February 2016 14:31 (nine years ago) link
Ha, actually, I sometimes think about adding some kind of rhythm/percussion layer.
It's a fugue in the octatonic mode in 5/4. I wrote a similar fugue for piano some years back that has been performed/recorded a couple of times but I think I'm a little more excited about this one.
― Hi! I'm twice-coloured! (Sund4r), Wednesday, 10 February 2016 22:52 (nine years ago) link
I'm eagerly anticipating news of a recording
― ogmor, Thursday, 11 February 2016 10:10 (nine years ago) link
what is going on in my musical life observation: crazy how much better your band gets when you rehearse more than a few times a year!
― tylerw, Thursday, 11 February 2016 15:10 (nine years ago) link
i've also been writing these little piano miniatures and recording them to cassette as interludes. don't really know what you'd call them, a single-note melody in the right hand and i guess a counter-melody in the left. drummer songs.
― sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Thursday, 11 February 2016 16:25 (nine years ago) link
drummer songs.
^^^ album title
― its subtle brume (DJP), Thursday, 11 February 2016 16:25 (nine years ago) link
Me and La Lechera are playing a show in a couple of weeks, doing semi-improvised instrumental guitar and drums music heavily based on looping with the looper pedal. Excited to play a show, a little more nervous than usual since it's outside of my comfort zone (I don't really think of myself as much of an improviser or strong guitarist) but should be fun. The show we're playing is an experimental music showcase and it looks like we're a lot more rock-based than the other acts. Also I haven't played guitar at all in a couple of weeks and I'm tempted to not play at all before the show just to see what happens but that's probably a bad idea.
I have a recording project called Shredded Sun ( with the same people who were in my old band. It takes forever for us to do stuff bc we have kids and jobs and stuff but have four new songs done that I'm pretty excited about, they're very dense and shoegaze-influenced, but we're trying to hold out on releasing them until we have enough for a full album, whatever that means in this day and age. so I'm trying to be patient.
I played bass for a couple of Adv@nce B@se (ex-Casi0tone for the P@infully @lone) shows in December that were pretty fun/interesting, it was an eight-piece band and we never rehearsed as the full group before the shows. The first show was pretty shaky but the second was a lot of fun and I think he's going to put the recording out soon.
― Immediate Follower (NA), Thursday, 11 February 2016 18:10 (nine years ago) link
! I know Owen from way back, sounded like that show was great.
― Οὖτις, Thursday, 11 February 2016 18:14 (nine years ago) link
The best part of it for me was going "on tour" to play the one show out of town, bc everyone else involved was much more of a pro musician and it was fun to listen to their stories about playing with other famous people or tour disasters or whatever. It was a good crew of cool people and I got to tag along.
― Immediate Follower (NA), Thursday, 11 February 2016 18:18 (nine years ago) link
i am looking forward to this show a lot and trying to plan my outfit without overdoing it
Also I haven't played guitar at all in a couple of weeks and I'm tempted to not play at all before the show just to see what happens but that's probably a bad idea.i think this could be a good idea really -- the day after the 1 day/week that I don't practice always feels really good, like i am more in control than i expected to be.
― La Lechuza (La Lechera), Thursday, 11 February 2016 20:48 (nine years ago) link
what should I wear?
― Immediate Follower (NA), Thursday, 11 February 2016 20:56 (nine years ago) link
something that won't get caught in your pedals or flop in your faceno gloves
― La Lechuza (La Lechera), Thursday, 11 February 2016 22:10 (nine years ago) link
I expect to hear not only how it goes but what the both of you wore
― scarcity festival (Jon not Jon), Thursday, 11 February 2016 22:56 (nine years ago) link
I'll try not to disappoint, ogmor.
― Hi! I'm twice-coloured! (Sund4r), Thursday, 11 February 2016 23:03 (nine years ago) link
more and more often, i find myself in the position of getting offered actual money to do musical things i don't particularly want to do (like make sample packs and produce for rappers who i don't care about). on the one hand, i feel like i should do these things because in 2016 this is how you actually make money for putting out the music that you do care about (i.e. commercial opportunities instead of selling records). also i have a hard time saying no to things, although i'm improving.
on the other hand, i have a day job so i don't need the money, and the whole point of keeping music as a 'hobby' should be so that it stays fun, right?
― sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Friday, 19 February 2016 20:38 (nine years ago) link
if you don't need the money, don't do it
― Οὖτις, Friday, 19 February 2016 20:39 (nine years ago) link
(i know this is not a bad problem to have. also i think the only compelling reason for saying 'yes' to these things is that i could justify buying that new synth to my partner, because i would just be putting music money back into music.)
― sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Friday, 19 February 2016 20:40 (nine years ago) link
the trap I've seen people fall into is that they justify doing stuff they don't want to do for money as a way to fund their own things they *do* want to do... and then they don't actually have the time to do the stuff they do want to do, cuz they're too busy
― Οὖτις, Friday, 19 February 2016 20:43 (nine years ago) link
that is the advice i was looking for, ty
― sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Friday, 19 February 2016 21:01 (nine years ago) link
Could these musical jobs help you: i) improve your skills in a way that would be relevant to the things you actually enjoy doing or ii) cut back on your hours at (or eventually quit) your day job? If not, Οὖτις probably OTM.
― Hi! I'm twice-coloured! (Sund4r), Friday, 19 February 2016 23:25 (nine years ago) link
I, non-musician who got bored with what's out there, am slowly groping my way through four separate 'projects' in various stages of disarray:
- duo with fellow ILXor S- - 'punk electronics' I coined us, octatrack sampler and other synths and drum machines &c. basically this was an excuse to do a comedy 'world cup theme' for the last WC that turned into a real project. we've done a radio session and played a gig shortly after that last year, then I got a job and we haven't done anything since cept come up with ludicrous album titles and concepts. need to kick that back into gear.
- jamming with on-hiatus IMM'er electric sound of jim, shooting for the 'private issue new age' vibe. ppl we've played it to seemed to dig it; friend who runs small noise label likes a couple of tracks but wants the titles changed from the cloud types used as placeholder names, haha.
- trio with another two friends - me on synths and drum machine when I can be bothered bringing it along, guitar, bass (the bassist has just swapped to this after deeming her own cello work "too depressing"). seem to get some interesting instrumental soundtrack vibes going on, but we don't practise enough and the bassist in particular has too much going on elsewhere to do it twice a week. probably need a drummer too really.
- fiddling around with whatever my own thing is - I guess I'm shooting for a more chaotic take on tangerine dream-y repetition. this seems to be turning into an exercise in amassing gear.
― Justin Townes' URL (haitch), Monday, 22 February 2016 03:18 (nine years ago) link
You are doing a lot of musical things for a non-musician
― its subtle brume (DJP), Monday, 22 February 2016 05:49 (nine years ago) link
― Justin Townes' URL (haitch), Monday, 22 February 2016 06:42 (nine years ago) link
I'm writing a viola+orchestra piece! There's a section where I want it to sound like high-pitched static so I gave the entire string section egg shakers to swirl
― got a long list of ILXors (fgti), Monday, 22 February 2016 13:54 (nine years ago) link
The viola is one of my v favorite voices
That is exciting news!
― scarcity festival (Jon not Jon), Monday, 22 February 2016 14:02 (nine years ago) link
that's awesome.
so I gave the entire string section egg shakers to swirl
this reminds me of the time that i had dinner with a bunch of old symphony orchestra vets (the principal percussionist was a friend of the family), and to this day i have never heard musicians complain as much or as bitterly. one of the string players was talking about being made to play some avant garde piece where they had to tap on the bodies of their instruments, and how they should be getting paid doubling rates because that counts as percussion.
― sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Monday, 22 February 2016 14:11 (nine years ago) link
for some reason that reminds me of an anecdote about the 60s/early 70s Marvel Comics inker Vinnie Colletta. He had an assistant whose job was to ink the backgrounds and Vinnie would ink all the figures. One day he passes his assistant a page with a crowd scene; Vinnie has inked all the people but one guy prone on the ground. "I'm not supposed to ink any figures," his assistant complains. "That guy's dead so he's background," says Vinnie
― scarcity festival (Jon not Jon), Monday, 22 February 2016 16:33 (nine years ago) link
― Οὖτις, Monday, 22 February 2016 16:39 (nine years ago) link
Sounds pretty cool, fgti.
― Hi! I'm twice-coloured! (Sund4r), Tuesday, 23 February 2016 03:18 (eight years ago) link
I think I'm in this band!!!!!!!!!!
― ^ 諷刺 (ken c), Tuesday, 23 February 2016 14:31 (eight years ago) link
Trying to sequence the tracks for an album I've been working on for years and cannot for the life of me figure out how to do it. Spent so much time with these songs that it's hard to get a sense of how they fit together. Any advice?
― Heez, Tuesday, 23 February 2016 14:53 (eight years ago) link
It sounds like you need external input from someone. I'd try assigning them an arbitrary order and doing an informal focus group-type thing with a small number people you trust to give you honest opinions on how well the album flows.
― its subtle brume (DJP), Tuesday, 23 February 2016 15:01 (eight years ago) link
Tackling trying to learn staff notation by attempting various things in Notion on iPhone and iPad. Amazing program (the samples are even pretty good). Damn this is a big nut though. Thank god i played sax for nine years in band so i at least have that remnant literacy, but dang I am 45 years old and my brain is not the rapacious monster it once was
― scarcity festival (Jon not Jon), Tuesday, 23 February 2016 15:38 (eight years ago) link
Xp yeah that's what I'm thinking. It's just so frustrating that I can't figure this out on my own. It's like I have no sense of how these songs function anymore.
― Heez, Tuesday, 23 February 2016 16:10 (eight years ago) link
My most recent solo at my church gig
― its subtle brume (DJP), Friday, 26 February 2016 22:03 (eight years ago) link
Max for Live was being incredibly buggy for me all last week. Then, out of nowhere, it started working without a hitch. I'm trying to get some of my processed guitar pieces ready for a presentation later in March. Sooo rusty right now and I'll be away from my gear all of next week.:(
― Hi! I'm twice-coloured! (Sund4r), Tuesday, 1 March 2016 03:04 (eight years ago) link
That was nice, Dan.
― Hi! I'm twice-coloured! (Sund4r), Tuesday, 1 March 2016 03:07 (eight years ago) link
Thanks! I am very happy with the direction my new voice teacher is pushing me; hopefully in a year I'll have a reliable high range and can call myself a real baritone rather than a bass-baritone with very soft low notes, lol
― its subtle brume (DJP), Tuesday, 1 March 2016 15:08 (eight years ago) link
Also, recently cranked out a trio piece for flute/tuba/piano (seriously) that will be played in Ottawa in April. I'm not really sure how it will come out but am curious.
I went up to Ottawa last weekend for this premiere. The performance could have been better, probably in part because I couldn't attend any rehearsals. the musicians seem interested in keeping the piece in their repertoire, though, which is great, so I expect it will get better.
― Hi! I'm twice-coloured! (Sund4r), Wednesday, 13 April 2016 21:16 (eight years ago) link
So my acoustic drum set had been in my longtime bandmate's basement for like ten years. He's moving across the country, so I recently got my drums back. Tremendous fun to play at full volume again.
My ambitions had been more oriented toward acoustic folky-busky kind of activity. I'd been playing mandolin a lot. Comparatively little sound reinforcement, no set list, lots of string instruments, a more nimble ninja-like kind of thing.
Now that the drums are here I find myself once again craving a full chugging rock band with a backline and PA. I've been playing bass a lot. I suspect the load-in/load-out process for one or two bar gigs will remind me why I stopped playing in a rock band.
― while my giraffe gently weeps (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 25 April 2016 16:10 (eight years ago) link
still lookin for a drummer
― Οὖτις, Monday, 25 April 2016 16:26 (eight years ago) link
(altho u don't live anywhere near me iirc)
In the future all rehearsals will be over skype.
Heck, perhaps eventually all gigs will be too.
― schnapps, collaborate and listen (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 25 April 2016 19:45 (eight years ago) link
ugh no! i am looking forward to the upcoming months of easier show-going and socializing irl. tired of virtual people, bring me the warm real ones!
i am now involved in three projects and trying to line up some shows for the next few months. all three are duos and i am interested in getting at least one more person involved in at least one of them (probably not the long-distance one)
overall, outlook: promising
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 25 April 2016 20:54 (eight years ago) link
My piece from a few years ago "Locks and Ripples" was accepted to the Toronto International Electroacoustic Symposium in August. I'm a little surprised because I basically never get accepted to electroacoustic things.
― Hi! I'm twice-coloured! (Sund4r), Thursday, 5 May 2016 02:50 (eight years ago) link
Congratulations sund4r!
― scarcity festival (Jon not Jon), Thursday, 5 May 2016 04:14 (eight years ago) link
― Hi! I'm twice-coloured! (Sund4r), Thursday, 5 May 2016 19:21 (eight years ago) link
I missed church this week but next week I'm going to be the cantor for an evensong service, which should be pretty fun.
― i like to trump and i am crazy (DJP), Monday, 9 May 2016 04:32 (eight years ago) link
After 20 something years of aimless dicking around with guitars I released my debut album today.
― 29 facepalms, Friday, 20 May 2016 10:38 (eight years ago) link
Had that on while making lunch and I enjoyed a lot of it, especially the guitars.
― Hi! I'm twice-coloured! (Sund4r), Friday, 20 May 2016 15:58 (eight years ago) link
Thanks sund4r! You might like my ambient guitar stuff, i followed you from that a/c on SC.
― 29 facepalms, Friday, 20 May 2016 16:03 (eight years ago) link
Thanks. I'll listen.
― Hi! I'm twice-coloured! (Sund4r), Saturday, 21 May 2016 02:12 (eight years ago) link
i joined a femme avant improv collective
― jello my future biafriend (roxymuzak), Sunday, 22 May 2016 17:22 (eight years ago) link
Awesome! Are you playing bass or sthg else? I joined someone's synth pop solo project and it's nice to have her message me like "show at (venue) on (date)?"
Now I'm in 3 bands.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Sunday, 22 May 2016 17:39 (eight years ago) link
I am hoping our house hunt results in me having studio space again. Root for my future basement, everyone.
― El Tomboto, Sunday, 22 May 2016 17:48 (eight years ago) link
V cool, roxy.
― Hi! I'm twice-coloured! (Sund4r), Sunday, 22 May 2016 18:03 (eight years ago) link
playing some bass, some guitar, doing vocals, harp?, some other things (a contact mic in a box of grass)
― jello my future biafriend (roxymuzak), Sunday, 22 May 2016 22:44 (eight years ago) link
the regular season at my church gig ended yesterday; barring a special Sunday in a couple of weeks, I get to sleep in again on Saturdays (as much as my kids will allow me, that is)
kind of at a loss as to what to do with myself though; maybe I should try to resurrect my barbershop group?
― i like to trump and i am crazy (DJP), Monday, 23 May 2016 14:21 (eight years ago) link
B-b-but what about your guitar lessons?
― The Wally Funk Bible (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 23 May 2016 14:36 (eight years ago) link
They were sort of annihilated by my toddlers ;_;
― DJP, Monday, 23 May 2016 14:44 (eight years ago) link
(that is something I want to get back into; I also want to keep up the work I've been doing on my voice as this year I've been able to sing stuff that would have been impossible for me to even attempt a year ago)
― DJP, Monday, 23 May 2016 14:45 (eight years ago) link
started a new EP and spent the whole session in frustration with new hardware & plugins.
i tried using this echo pedal as an outboard effect with my DAW, and after i got the routing figured out, i was getting way too much of the dry signal back from the pedal (even with the mix knob turned all the way up). ideally i want a true 100% wet signal that i can mix with the original dry track, but maybe that's not how guitar pedals work?
― sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Monday, 23 May 2016 15:01 (eight years ago) link
I usually work on music pretty quickly, but I've been working on this album with my wife and our friend, and due to the way that we're working on it it's a much much slower process, and the songs are a lot denser with more tracks than I'm used to. I've been working on it for like six months now and I've heard some of these songs probably 100+ times and remixed some of them over and over and over, and I'm getting to the point where I can't even hear most of it anymore, I can't tell if it sounds good or bad or anything. I'm doing most of the recording and mixing and my bandmates tend to not give me a lot of feedback other than "yeah sounds good." There's one song I think we finally decided to give up on because I kept adding stuff and remixing it and it never sounded good. I know I should probably step away from it for a few weeks but also I am having fun working on it, even though it's frustrating, and I want to finish it. But also I feel like I could finish it and go back and listen to it six months from now and hate the entire thing. I realize this is probably common for a lot of you but again I tend to work pretty quickly and simply so this is fairly new to me.
― Immediate Follower (NA), Tuesday, 21 June 2016 16:29 (eight years ago) link
Maybe wait six months (or one month, or a few weeks) without listening to it, just to get some perspective?
― sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Tuesday, 21 June 2016 17:26 (eight years ago) link
Will be doing a few live hip hop gigs in the next months
some tracks require a kind of autotune effect on the live vocals, do any of you happen to know what's the easiest/cheapest way of doing that?
― niels, Thursday, 7 July 2016 18:40 (eight years ago) link
I have a regular jam with my friend who plays an electric piano/synth and usually we play sort of bouncy improvised fun bloopy stuff but last night she suggested we try something more droney. I decided to record it and when I got up to turn off the recording, we had been playing for over 19 min. It felt like maybe 7-8? It feels/is grandiose to think this, but it reminds me of Phaedra-era TD only the ship is moving through space in a more propulsive way.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 2 August 2016 14:06 (eight years ago) link
that sounds cool.
there's a regular jam night in a pub near me. anyone can just rock up and join in. it's loads of fun, but this time they've asked me to be 'house guitarist', which I'm a bit worried about being to be honest as my chops and scales leave a lot to be desired. Usually I just create weird noises with my pedalboard and let more accomplished players take over.
― TARANTINO! (dog latin), Tuesday, 2 August 2016 14:12 (eight years ago) link
That's a totally valid and useful philosophy -- not everyone can be at the center. As it turns out, I really like jamming!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 2 August 2016 14:17 (eight years ago) link
But if you are chosen to be at the center, why not?! It's maybe refreshing to have a guitarist who is more inventive than technically skilled?
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 2 August 2016 14:21 (eight years ago) link
yeah. i've no idea what the rest of the house band are going to be like as it's a different bunch from normal. plus i've gotta let other people use my guitar for the night, so there's that minor concern too. I'll prob bring my shitty Ibanez instead of my nice Gibson.
― TARANTINO! (dog latin), Tuesday, 2 August 2016 14:25 (eight years ago) link
I'm gonna be playing in Damo Suzuki's band in a few months. I think I am gonna be on the verge of having a heart attack all the way up to the actual show.
― emil.y, Tuesday, 2 August 2016 22:22 (eight years ago) link
Man that is so insanely cool. And you shared personal time (and a lol iirc?) with Jaki!! That's awesome.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 2 August 2016 22:39 (eight years ago) link
thats rad emily
― F♯ A♯ (∞), Tuesday, 2 August 2016 22:42 (eight years ago) link
Krautrock legends - gotta catch em all!!
― emil.y, Tuesday, 2 August 2016 23:23 (eight years ago) link
Wowwww x 10
― I wish you could see my home. It's... it's so... exciting (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 3 August 2016 13:14 (eight years ago) link
emil.y, that's awesome!
― Don't boo, vote (DJP), Wednesday, 3 August 2016 14:01 (eight years ago) link
Oh, that's great, emil.y!
I got about 90% of the way through finishing a string quartet about two weeks ago, then wrote a couple of string players to get their feedback on the playability of the lines, but neither has gotten back to me.:/ Otherwise, just getting ready to play at the Toronto symposium next week and hopefully record my classical guitar piece when I get back to the US in a couple of weeks.
― Hi! I'm twice-coloured! (Sund4r), Wednesday, 3 August 2016 20:49 (eight years ago) link
that is quite amazing, em.
I'm currently in the process of trying to figure out a fully electronic/midi way of creating music that I enjoy (or mostly, might do a little bit of direct electric guitar too). I've accumulated a Yamaha digital piano, Roland V-drums, a Scarlett 2i2 interface, and most recently a Novation mini controller, and I'm thinking about maybe getting Logic or Ableton. H encouraged me to do this, she was like "Look, you complain about how hard it is to make music in an apartment, how you wish you had a band right now, etc., but it's just not gonna happen, so you have to work with what you have." And she's right. I don't have time for a band, I can't play live drums in an apartment, so why sit around being a sad sack about it? She basically came to an equivalent realization with her art -- painting big/large sculpture and mixed media works are just not in the cards right now, so painting in a small format is better than not painting.
― socka flocka-jones (man alive), Wednesday, 3 August 2016 21:13 (eight years ago) link
rad. i'm opening for Colin Stets0n a week from tonight, which is my big solo show this year. meanwhile rehearsing for a Prince tribute show next month is reminding me why i don't play in bands anymore (or at least bands that rehearse).
― sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Wednesday, 3 August 2016 21:15 (eight years ago) link
Oh nice, really like Colin Stetson.
― socka flocka-jones (man alive), Wednesday, 3 August 2016 21:16 (eight years ago) link
also i made a resolution to finally learn how to dj (i.e. buy a cheap laptop + controller and learn to use some software). not that i'm trying to actively get dj gigs, but it comes up every now and then, and last time i recorded the mix at home and loaded it in my SP404, lol.
― sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Wednesday, 3 August 2016 21:23 (eight years ago) link
Oooh, Colin Stets0n support slot is cool af!
I'm finally swapping from my old laptop to my new one and am gonna empty out the old one of everything except music software & hope it'll be strong enough to be a dedicated music computer. Then I'm going to get serious about properly learning how to turn the noises in my brain into noize-in-the-world.
― emil.y, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 21:59 (eight years ago) link
Yeah, I think a new dedicated music machine is in the works for next year too. Considering a mac mini, esp since I already have a good large display. Right now just using H's MacBook.
― socka flocka-jones (man alive), Wednesday, 3 August 2016 22:01 (eight years ago) link
i still use a desktop pc that never goes online. works great, but that's why i've never had a laptop for live or dj use.
― sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Wednesday, 3 August 2016 22:09 (eight years ago) link
every time I think of getting back into DJing practice it ends up with me looking at $$$$$ rotary mixers.
the crucial damo thread: damo suzuki's wang
― Justin Townes' URL (haitch), Thursday, 4 August 2016 02:19 (eight years ago) link
i'm trying to get something small & cute that will earn the scorn of snobby dj dudes.
― sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Thursday, 4 August 2016 15:45 (eight years ago) link
Heh, I'm still using a late 2011 Macbook Pro, souped up with a 1TB SSD, 10 GB of RAM, and a cooling stand when I run M4L. Spent so much time in the last couple of weeks on troubleshooting.
― Hi! I'm twice-coloured! (Sund4r), Saturday, 6 August 2016 12:22 (eight years ago) link
I kind of hate the Apple Corporation but I imagine that it would be a huge pain in the ass to switch all my stuff to PC/Windows software if I were to switch at this point? I also don't think Logic Pro, which I have to use at work, is even available on Windows, so it's a moot point.
― Hi! I'm twice-coloured! (Sund4r), Saturday, 6 August 2016 12:26 (eight years ago) link
yes, no windows version of logic since about 2003.
picking up one of those fancy tascam digital portastudios at lunch!
― Justin Townes' URL (haitch), Tuesday, 9 August 2016 02:21 (eight years ago) link
this one
finally I can get away from the computer!
― Justin Townes' URL (haitch), Tuesday, 9 August 2016 02:22 (eight years ago) link
Nice. I'm envious of the 8 simultaneous tracks. Synthy noodlers and noise doodz are fine with recording one or two tracks at a time, but for a live band or an acoustic drum set you want to be able to put down a bunch of things all at once, without losing the ability to tweak them individually.
― snarkoterrorist (Ye Mad Puffin), Tuesday, 9 August 2016 12:06 (eight years ago) link
I was looking at that portastudio to replace the one I have but it doesn't have midi, so it's a no sale :(
― brownie, Tuesday, 9 August 2016 12:29 (eight years ago) link
I'm gonna be playing in Damo Suzuki's band in a few months. I think I am gonna be on the verge of having a heart attack all the way up to the actual show.― emil.y, Tuesday, 2 August 2016 23:22 (1 week ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
― emil.y, Tuesday, 2 August 2016 23:22 (1 week ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
Amazing! We got him to play in Hitchin once ages ago with Drum Eyes and they were exceptionally good. One of the weirder moments in my life was eating breakfast the next day in a local greasy caf - Damo ordered chicken and white wine.
― TARANTINO! (dog latin), Tuesday, 9 August 2016 12:38 (eight years ago) link
snarkoterrorist my thoughts exactly, all our good stuff comes from jamming together, we can record it on a zoom or whatever but then it's harder to pinpoint particular things we want to explore further... I guess this is having a bit each way, can jam it out then pull it apart in reaper later if wanted/needed. not against PCs but just find them really uninspiring when trying to be creative, I'm on one all day at work.
brownie my cunning plan for things that need sync is: 808 rim shot (from TR-8) through one of the assignable outs to a track in the porta, then route that via aux out to the clock in on my beatstep pro.
― Justin Townes' URL (haitch), Wednesday, 10 August 2016 06:07 (eight years ago) link
...which sends MIDI and CV everywhere else (have a MIDI thru box).
― Justin Townes' URL (haitch), Wednesday, 10 August 2016 06:16 (eight years ago) link
I have the bones of a song I feel pretty good about right now and am recording the parts little by little. I pretty much have a demo-worthy piano track done (it's a very rhythmic piano part so I'm kind of building around that), and some of the lead guitar parts laid down. I've learned to have a sort of zen discipline around the fact that I may only get an hour or two a night of time in between everyone going to sleep, getting the dishes done and the house in order, and one of the kids waking up and needing attention or something, and some nights there's no spare time, so I'm just trying to be ok with moving at a plodding pace. I need to decide whether to wait til I can record the V-Drums in the daytime or just risk the neighbor getting pissed at night (or play very softly, which might mess up the feel).
Once it's done, not really sure if I'm going to try to re-record it with a better performance and try to get a good sounding mix, or maybe just rent some studio time and do it on acoustic instruments -- may only be able to get a limited result with a Yamaha digital piano, v-drums, and my amateur self recording through garage band. I have contacts at a good studio where my band previously recorded (and that has done records for big name indie acts). Hard to decide whether my time and money is better invested in better home equipment/learning to do shit myself vs going somewhere where I can get a good sounding result more immediately but don't come away with anything I can reuse on other projects.
― socka flocka-jones (man alive), Thursday, 11 August 2016 16:40 (eight years ago) link
Also it's going to be hilarious when I try to record the vocals using a makeshift combo of couch/cardboard/thick comforter as my booth.
― socka flocka-jones (man alive), Thursday, 11 August 2016 16:41 (eight years ago) link
I've learned to have a sort of zen discipline around the fact that I may only get an hour or two a night of time in between everyone going to sleep, getting the dishes done and the house in order, and one of the kids waking up and needing attention or something, and some nights there's no spare time, so I'm just trying to be ok with moving at a plodding pace.
this has been my musical life for the past six years. i saw this tweet recently and was glad to see someone else dealing with it:
― Immediate Follower (NA), Thursday, 11 August 2016 16:47 (eight years ago) link
I typically do everything but the drums in those after-bedtime bits, then do the drums last, in the daytime. I'll start from a guide track (drum machine, acoustic guitar, scratch vocal), then start adding real instruments. At the last minute I delete the guide track then add vocals and drums.
Paying for studio time to do tracking as a solo act sounds like it would get pretty expensive. If you're on good terms with the studio, why not get it mostly finished (all the instrumental tracks, say) and then bring your tracks to the studio just for vocals (or just vocals and drums)?
A good engineer can take the individual tracks you've already recorded at home, make them sound better with plug-ins and such, and mix them intelligently with anything you end up playing in the studio.
― snarkoterrorist (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 11 August 2016 16:55 (eight years ago) link
still lookin for a drummer :(
― Οὖτις, Thursday, 11 August 2016 16:55 (eight years ago) link
Lol NA.
I guess it's been my life for a few years except what I've changed is my attitude, like I'm learning to accept that it may be six months start to finish for one song I'm happy with, but at least I'll have that song instead of a grab bag of stop and start ideas and snippets and frustration.
― socka flocka-jones (man alive), Thursday, 11 August 2016 17:01 (eight years ago) link
my wife and i have a recording project with our friend who plays drums, and the recording process isn't too hard in re: managing time with the kids and other responsibilities. but we've been talking about trying to actually play a show, but we have 4 kids between us and our friend's wife is pregnant and we all have real full-time jobs and anytime we play together either his wife has to watch all the kids while we try not to play too loud in the basement or we have to get a sitter and drive to a rehearsal space and it just doesn't seem realistic
― Immediate Follower (NA), Thursday, 11 August 2016 17:07 (eight years ago) link
Yeah being in a band that practices let alone performs is so incredibly time and labor intensive for such a minimal product, much moreso when you can't do it regularly. My wife basically gave me a talk about this that helped me a lot, like "look you've been banging your head against the wall about wanting to be in a band, but face if, you don't have time to be in a band. Focus on what you can actually do."
― socka flocka-jones (man alive), Thursday, 11 August 2016 17:23 (eight years ago) link
Because I'm working entirely in iOS with a variety of virtual synth and sampler/rompler apps, and without vocals, i get a couple of thirty minute sessions in during work while hiding in a stall in the men's room (everyone here knows I have Crohn's disease so it is not remarked upon, lol) and another 15 to 20 minutes on the train home with my headphones way too loud. And I try to arrange it so I have 30 minutes in the morning before I leave. And if my wife goes out with friends I jump on that time.
I played guitar for a good thirty years before injuring my elbow and definitely had a 'style' despite largely failing to form bands or finish concrete projects; this is my third year of working via touch screen and I feel like I've gotten to the point where it sounds like it's coming from the same place my guitar playing did but with the chance to sidestep a lot of the limiting tics I developed on guitar.
It delights me and makes me feel alive in that old way but of course I am also in touch with the fact that there could hardly be a more banal and unexceptional story than middle aged amateur musician makes electronic music.
― I wish you could see my home. It's... it's so... exciting (Jon not Jon), Thursday, 11 August 2016 18:10 (eight years ago) link
that's why you pretend to be younger and invent an interesting backstory
― socka flocka-jones (man alive), Thursday, 11 August 2016 19:19 (eight years ago) link
YMP: the main problem is I'm recording a digital piano and digital drums direct to approximate acoustic sounds. They're decent, midrange instruments (Yamaha piano and Roland drums) and I'm pretty good at EQing them to a sound I like, but I still doubt that I'll ever get them to a sound I'm happy with, so at some point I may just want to record live piano and live drums. Although, tbf, the V-drums have the advantage of sounding very "pro" and sort of masking imperfections.
― socka flocka-jones (man alive), Thursday, 11 August 2016 19:29 (eight years ago) link
I gotcha, man. I've used an electronic kit for rehearsal and apartment jamming. Occasionally for e-drum sounds and eclectic percussion.
Somewhat perversely, I find that Roland drums sound too good - too "pro" (as you say), too clean, and thus fake. They don't sound like me, they sound more or less like what they are: extremely good recordings of drums, not a creaky actual kit being played by an amateur in a room with a couple of microphones.
― snarkoterrorist (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 11 August 2016 19:53 (eight years ago) link
Yeah, p much. Actually I find they almost sound like *real* pro studio drums (I have a TD-15, which is the midline engine), but there are just certain elements/moments that sound off in an uncanny valley sort of way. Playing to avoid those is kind of its own skill to learn. I also mess with the settings on the sounds a lot. It actually sort of works for what I'm recording right now, which is 70s AOR-ish and needs to sound very clean, but there are a lot of dynamic and color limitations. So I'm thinking this is probably not going to get better than demo quality no matter how much I perfect it. Nonetheless, it's a very easy way to get like 90% of the way to the sound I want, whereas doing it in the studio would probably be time/labor/skill intensive.
― socka flocka-jones (man alive), Friday, 12 August 2016 15:28 (eight years ago) link
lol last night it hit me that I had very slightly ripped off a moment from "Goodbye Stranger" by SuperTramp. It's weird too because I don't even like them, and I never owned any of their records.
― socka flocka-jones (man alive), Friday, 12 August 2016 15:30 (eight years ago) link
I don't much like them either but that song does have some magical sonic moments in it. Whatever you think you ripped off is probably fair game - it's not like Supertramp invented pauses, counterpoint, flanging, or electric piano or whatever.
― snarkoterrorist (Ye Mad Puffin), Friday, 12 August 2016 16:22 (eight years ago) link
Yeah, it's def fair game. I came up with a chord progression that turns out to be very close to the opening chords, but it comes late my song, and they certainly did not invent that harmonic device (p sure it comes either from jazz or romantic era classical).
― socka flocka-jones (man alive), Friday, 12 August 2016 18:56 (eight years ago) link
If you want to talk embarrassment, I once improvised a whole verse of nonsense that my band mates later told me was the melody of "like a Virgin"
― calstars, Friday, 12 August 2016 21:29 (eight years ago) link
But that verse and pre-Chrorus melody does work in a punk context. The chorus not so much.
― calstars, Friday, 12 August 2016 21:31 (eight years ago) link
6 songs fully tracked, 3 songs left to finish overdubs and one left to cut, then I am going to take a week off work and mix it all.
― earlnash, Wednesday, 17 August 2016 04:20 (eight years ago) link
Missed this but holy shit Emily, that rocks!
― Le Bateau Ivre, Wednesday, 17 August 2016 07:18 (eight years ago) link
what is a good analog synth? anyone have any experience with the Sub Phatty?
― calstars, Wednesday, 17 August 2016 15:11 (eight years ago) link
we used electric sound of jim's on a throbbing gristle cover once, sounded good. if you want that moog sound - the filter, primarily - it's a winner. sub 37 has bigger keyboard and lots of the parameters that are hidden as 'shift' controls on the sub phatty directly on the front panel... but it's double the price.
what sounds are you looking to get?
― Justin Townes' URL (haitch), Thursday, 18 August 2016 00:53 (eight years ago) link
I have no idea. I just have a friend who's looking to borrow one and was considering picking one up.
― calstars, Thursday, 18 August 2016 01:26 (eight years ago) link
Anyone in NY have one I could borrow ? I can provide collateral
― calstars, Thursday, 18 August 2016 01:28 (eight years ago) link
Voice lessons rule
― Don't boo, vote (DJP), Thursday, 18 August 2016 01:53 (eight years ago) link
first live gig in a long time tonight, reminded of how annoying the cascade of texts & DMs asking "where's the show?" (says it on the fb event you accepted) "what's cover?" (have i ever invited you to a show i was playing that was more than 10$?) "can i get on guestlist?" (no!) "what time's yr set" (just show up at 9) is
playing microkorg in a synthpop duo my friend and i started as a just-fucking-around summer project before he moves away in september. the songs are really simple and kind of silly (i was learning how to use my microkorg as we were jamming them out) but i'm somewhat proud of them in a weird way, and it's a low-stakes loft show feat. a friendly crowd & other amateurish bands
― flopson, Thursday, 18 August 2016 22:42 (eight years ago) link
Ha, yeah, unless someone has a really good reason for not being able to attend the whole thing I'm just "what, you don't want to support the show? You want everyone else to play to an empty room? That's really mean". Other people probably find this attitude obnoxious, to be fair, but it irks me if someone who claims to be part of the music scene can only be bothered to support friends and is snotty about watching people they don't know.
I'm pretty relaxed about being asked about guestlist (even though the answer will probably be "I only have one space and I already gave it away"), though I have met a few super-entitled people who just think they should get in to everything for free.
― emil.y, Thursday, 18 August 2016 22:56 (eight years ago) link
Where can one buy an analog synth in nyc?
― calstars, Friday, 19 August 2016 01:11 (eight years ago) link
Control in Brooklyn
― EZ Snappin, Friday, 19 August 2016 01:16 (eight years ago) link
But are they artisanal synths?
Are they organic?
― Rhys Witherspork (Ye Mad Puffin), Friday, 19 August 2016 01:18 (eight years ago) link
they're free range.
― EZ Snappin, Friday, 19 August 2016 01:21 (eight years ago) link
Sweet thanks!
― calstars, Friday, 19 August 2016 04:29 (eight years ago) link
B and H has stuff iirc but not modulars
― I wish you could see my home. It's... it's so... exciting (Jon not Jon), Friday, 19 August 2016 14:01 (eight years ago) link
Rogue Music in NYC deals with quite a bit vintage analog synths.
― earlnash, Saturday, 20 August 2016 00:46 (eight years ago) link
I almost bought a microKorg at guitar center...might pull the trigger tomorrow
― calstars, Saturday, 20 August 2016 01:46 (eight years ago) link
want to buy mine? v. reasonable.
― sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Saturday, 20 August 2016 03:01 (eight years ago) link
i'm opening for Colin Stets0n a week from tonight, which is my big solo show this year.
How did this go?
My piece from a few years ago "Locks and Ripples" was accepted to the Toronto International Electroacoustic Symposium in August.
I was really nervous but I think it went OK. There was some very favourable reaction, which was heartening. I've been feeling more and more like this kind of processed guitar music should be more of a focus for me, like it might be the thing I do that I'm most satisfied with recently. I've got projects already on the go, though: want to finish off the string quartet and record the classical guitar piece and probably write a paper before I could really make it a focus. Just don't feel like I can or should drop those things.
― Hi! I'm twice-coloured! (Sund4r), Saturday, 20 August 2016 21:16 (eight years ago) link
it was really great, thanks. i was reasonably happy with my set and it was pretty special to watch Colin & Sarah in a small space like that.
maybe the most interesting part was watching his (very) lengthy soundcheck. they were using all 16 channels for a sax & violin duo, and i think at least 12 - 14 of those were for him. it was cool to learn the details of his setup, all the contact mics coming out of the horn (and throat), and to see how exacting he was about the EQ for everything.
then i get up there and i'm like "yup, sound is coming out of everything, i'm good "(although admittedly there wasn't much time left for soundcheck, but still).
<a href="">pics here</a>
― sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Monday, 22 August 2016 15:50 (eight years ago) link
Would love to see a Colin Stets0n soundcheck!
― Hi! I'm twice-coloured! (Sund4r), Monday, 22 August 2016 17:48 (eight years ago) link
super interesting, jordan, cool
― goole, Monday, 22 August 2016 17:54 (eight years ago) link
think my band is turning into surf rock + banging 808, which is ... unexpected
― Executive Ball Clicker (euphemism) (haitch), Sunday, 4 September 2016 22:55 (eight years ago) link
Tfw you had something v short and straightforward but nice enough basically completed in July, spent 2.5 months, when you had unprecedented precious time on your hands, making it more and more complex but never quite getting it right, and then realise that you probably had it right in July.
― Hi! I'm twice-coloured! (Sund4r), Sunday, 25 September 2016 00:14 (eight years ago) link
tfw when you're creating shit, no matter what it is and what's going on
― calstars, Sunday, 25 September 2016 00:56 (eight years ago) link
Almost finished doing my first ever remix, OMG. It is... not very like the original song at all. I hope they like it, argh.
― emil.y, Sunday, 25 September 2016 23:14 (eight years ago) link
ah, but does it sound like you?? always thought that was partly the point of remixes
― Executive Ball Clicker (euphemism) (haitch), Monday, 26 September 2016 06:07 (eight years ago) link
well, that and to make it bang in the cluuuurb, obv
― Executive Ball Clicker (euphemism) (haitch), Monday, 26 September 2016 06:28 (eight years ago) link
I think I'm going to put up something on bandcamp for the first time soon. I've been way too eclectic in my activities this year but enough pieces of a certain strain have accumulated that I think they'd make a nice EP/short album.
Something is nagging at me though. Do you guys think of the built-in speaker of the iPhone as the new 'car radio test' when you're mixing/mastering? Because sometimes my wife asks me to play her something I've done from my phone and when I do it just sounds like garbage nonsense to me. Do you guys at all try to mix and master so that your shit sounds okay coming out of a phone as well as great on speakers and headphones? I THINK I could mix so that it'd sound good in that environment, but not without doing real violence to what I want the music to sound like... IDK
― I wish you could see my home. It's... it's so... exciting (Jon not Jon), Monday, 26 September 2016 11:58 (eight years ago) link
― Executive Ball Clicker (euphemism) (haitch), Monday, September 26, 2016 7:07 AM (six hours ago)
― Executive Ball Clicker (euphemism) (haitch), Monday, September 26, 2016 7:28 AM (five hours ago)
Ha, yes, it sounds very me, which sadly precludes it from being a club banger. I'm still super shit at beats. My approach was to take micro samples and build an entirely new weird track out of those, rather than lifting melodic phrases and reordering them/making them bang.
― emil.y, Monday, 26 September 2016 12:23 (eight years ago) link
Went into the studio for 5h yesterday and did a bunch of takes of my classical guitar piece. I was doing it all myself so I kept running between the recording room and the control room, ha. Might have taken half the time with someone else. A few takes were useless because one track wasn't armed to record, ugh. Should be able to piece something together in a week or two, hopefully. I used a couple of these mics. I hadn't used them before but I feel like they sound pretty good. They do a great job on the sound of me opening and closing the recording room door.
― Spiritual Hat Minimalism (Sund4r), Saturday, 1 October 2016 16:58 (eight years ago) link
Do you guys at all try to mix and master so that your shit sounds okay coming out of a phone as well as great on speakers and headphones?
I do.
― sarahell, Saturday, 1 October 2016 19:02 (eight years ago) link
How? Any tricks you've picked up?
― I wish you could see my home. It's... it's so... exciting (Jon not Jon), Saturday, 1 October 2016 19:56 (eight years ago) link
i think my best remixes are the ones that are more of a radical re-imagining, but increasingly i try to keep some important element of the original (whether it's a melody or a sound) and leave it relatively untouched, or else it can feel just a bit disrespectful.
― sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Saturday, 1 October 2016 23:44 (eight years ago) link
My band is fifteen Saturday afternoons into recording our new CD. We have decided to put it all out so we are going for a 18-19 song 70+ minute CD. That's a whole lot of work for a weekend warrior band. Going for the full monte since we couldn't get it done this year, so we figure put it all out and then play any rock dive bar or biker shindig that will have us in the Louisville metro area or the tri-state every weekend for the next couple years.
"How? Any tricks you've picked up?"
If you are actually going to press it onto vinyl or pay to get CDs done, hire a mastering engineer. You can't fake 50 grand in a equipment and/or a real mastering room no matter what the advert says on the application.
If you are going to have it mastered by a pro, don't put ANY (that means none) compression and/or limiters on the master channel of your DAW and leave some head room for a guy that has 50 grand worth of good equipment to actually use it.
If you are not going to use any pro mastering, just do what you want kinda. The biggest thing I have picked up from home recording for years, if it sounds like crud when you cut it, no amount of plug ins or digital trickery will really make it all that good.
If your monitors don't carry the bass correct that it translates when you burn a disc or put it on other formats, you are in for a struggle. When I get close to finalizing a mix, I personally listen to it at different volumes in multiple places and listen for what isn't there when the volume is low or what sounds boomy when it's loud. At this point you to me, you should be really only raising lowering things 1 db/notch on a mixer at a time either way.
Pro mastering is some voodoo, you might be able to get the volume, but people that do that for a living have higher magik than you. Maybe I'm a bit jaded, but as much as I like home recording, I hear and find the limitations of it and I think some of the hoodoo that you really don't need a big studio or whatever kinda crud - you can't fake a tuned room, you can't fake real reverb, you can't fake 2 inch tape and you can't fake a 50000 mixing console for the most part when it's done right. People doing all soft synths can kinda disregard all that (kinda), but more I record I hear and find the limitations of what I got when I compare to the real deal.
― earlnash, Monday, 3 October 2016 02:34 (eight years ago) link
just joined a band (drummer) after being out of the music game for five years (newborn child), i'm a little bit excited because after lurking around the craigslist musicians board forever I finally found a pretty dang good singer/songwriter
― erudite beach boys fan (sheesh), Wednesday, 12 October 2016 03:42 (eight years ago) link
which in my experience is easily the biggest hurdle if you're fixing on making original music anyway, anyone can play guitar but finding someone that has written a good song, recently, is just about impossible
― erudite beach boys fan (sheesh), Wednesday, 12 October 2016 03:45 (eight years ago) link
I was looking at craigslist ads the other day (small area, not a lot going on) and saw someone who wanted to play "Sunn O))), Boris, Khanate, or Lysol-era Melvins". Which, you know, I could get into.
Problem in general is I'm not really good at anything and haven't ever done more than fuck around with other people off and on, mostly off. In this specific case though the ad states he's a freshman at one of the nearby universities and I'm a 42 year old with a job and a kid and a regular bedtime and all that.
― joygoat, Wednesday, 12 October 2016 04:47 (eight years ago) link
So what?
― calstars, Wednesday, 12 October 2016 06:28 (eight years ago) link
well, this Sunn 0))) fan could be 19 yrs old, I can't off hand think of another scenario when one might go hang out with someone 20+ years younger apropos of an e-mail, of course that needn't be but realistically that's kind of awkward right? I'm only 31 but if I had walked into a rehearsal space full of teenagers a couple weeks ago I would have been mortified
― erudite beach boys fan (sheesh), Wednesday, 12 October 2016 07:44 (eight years ago) link
and also tremendously embarrassed. other than the age thing though, no reason to be shy about being "not really good", if you've ever fucked around with anyone else, off or on, you are well, well ahead of the pack.
even I can remember a musicians classifieds section in the newspaper! sometimes I think music is just about as popular as ever, but making it is not exactly en vogue in 2016
― erudite beach boys fan (sheesh), Wednesday, 12 October 2016 07:55 (eight years ago) link
I have been in bands that included suburban dads and youngsters; it generally works out fine.
My mother founded a chamber orchestra whose specific mission is to put older amateur musicians (generally retired) with young people who are still learning. It's all good. Just get out and play. Music is universal.
― go get your winebox (Ye Mad Puffin), Wednesday, 12 October 2016 11:15 (eight years ago) link
sheesh did you have a different username before?
also i recently heard of a pleasing success story about craigslist in my city (a band i really like came together thanks to a cl ad). meeting people irl and talking with strangers is fine (and gets easier) but it helps if you already know you have musical ideas in common (and it also reduces the awkwardness of struggling to convey to people who you are, what you want to do, what stuff you're into in the 2 minutes most people give a conversation with someone they don't know well)
my musical life is pretty good right now! playing a show at a DIY venue on Saturday with the synth-pop band I play with (the woman whose project it is calls it disco grunge, it's super fun to be the person who brings out the gnarly) and we recorded some stuff a few weeks ago. jamming with another friend like a mini-CAN (she's Irmin) and trying to get someone to let my other band (with ilxor n/a) play a show. it's not the easiest thing in the world but i'm working it while my students take their midterms. working on an EP with long-distance recording project too, and sometimes playing for fun with another drummer friend who has 2 kits in his practice space.
overall, pretty good!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 12 October 2016 15:43 (eight years ago) link
also Puffin otm about age -- using it as an excuse for not playing just means you don't get to have fun/express yourself via music because you're limiting your options
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 12 October 2016 15:44 (eight years ago) link
i finally found a reliable practice space - it's a reservable uchicago room with a set of drums, so i don't have to move anything around. wish i could muffle the drums and toms because they're boooooomy as fuck and rapidly played notes on them get lost in the wash, but i can't complain too much.
― I look forward to hearing from you shortly, (Karl Malone), Wednesday, 12 October 2016 16:07 (eight years ago) link
my band forces at work has been together for like 4 years and we're finally putting out a 4-song EP, haha. sometime very soon! i think it turned out ok. as usual, kind of hard to tell when something is "finished."
― tylerw, Wednesday, 12 October 2016 16:11 (eight years ago) link
I played with Damo last night!!! And it seemed to go down quite well, I think, though you rarely get people who hated your set come up and tell you so the people who do come up after the gig are a self-selecting sample of positive view-havers.
― emil.y, Wednesday, 12 October 2016 16:13 (eight years ago) link
what kind of stuff did you play, what did he do, who else was playing? did you rehearse? was he friendly? i have a lot of questions
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 12 October 2016 16:15 (eight years ago) link
Yay Emily! LL otm! Did you chat with him?
― the tightening is plateauing (Le Bateau Ivre), Wednesday, 12 October 2016 16:22 (eight years ago) link
whooaaaaa nice!
― tylerw, Wednesday, 12 October 2016 16:24 (eight years ago) link
Most of the people who were playing were from Brighton/London and knew each other, but we also had Eda from Boredoms/Drum Eyes. The backing line-up was made up of violin - cello - guitar - synths - drums - toy instruments - percussion. He was really friendly but I was v starstruck and sick with nerves so kind of couldn't talk that much. We did have a few proper chats over cigarette breaks. Four of us had rehearsed together to get a feel for how we played but all eight of us only did maybe a ten-minute soundcheck? Damo gave a reasonable amount of input into what feel he was going for that night and gave us all a pre-game pep talk, and we had a kind of "pull the name out of the hat" thing to choose the order we'd all come onstage, which was pretty funny.
― emil.y, Wednesday, 12 October 2016 16:36 (eight years ago) link
Yeah for me the age difference is weird; I'm a professor at a different university and even my juniors and seniors seem like little kids to me now. Plus, you know, crippling self-doubt, fear of the unknown, low self opinion, etc.
― joygoat, Wednesday, 12 October 2016 16:48 (eight years ago) link
have been feeling pretty uninspired lately and it's putting me in one of those moods where i want to sell all my guitar gear and buy some obscure synthesizer or ancient instrument and focus on mastering something that no one else plays. it would be really nice to play something very compact and self-contained instead of having to deal with amps and cables and whatnot.
― na (NA), Wednesday, 12 October 2016 17:05 (eight years ago) link
^I love the idea of selecting a really limited set of tools and making a group of tracks. Like one Casio keyboard and a couple of pedals, or one folder of samples and a couple specific plugins.
― sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Wednesday, 12 October 2016 17:12 (eight years ago) link
^^^ That's what's really generating a lot of work from me right now. I am limiting myself only to what I can do in the Nanostudio DAW app (which does not do straightforward audio tracks; any audio from a mic or from other apps has to be chopped into modest size chunks for use on the pads in its drum sampler, everything else has to come from the onboard synth). Have just about amassed enough stuff in this mode for a short album which hopefully will have some sort of a unified feel due to the limitations of means.
(LL one of the tracks has a stompin' 2-bar loop of your drumming from one of our collabos!)
― look at the morning people (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 12 October 2016 17:18 (eight years ago) link
ha, what? that's awesome! i wanna hear it!!
Yeah for me the age difference is weird; I'm a professor at a different university and even my juniors and seniors seem like little kids to me now. Plus, you know, crippling self-doubt, fear of the unknown, low self opinion, etc.I'm a professor too! They do seem like kids. I don't necessarily want to play with kids either. The rest of that self-image stuff is within your control though, and speaking for myself, there's not enough time left in my life to give over one more second to any of those three things, or the etc. I'm in a phase of radical self-worth i guess.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 12 October 2016 17:45 (eight years ago) link
there's not enough time left in my life to give over one more second to any of those three things
otm, even less left in mine!
― look at the morning people (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 12 October 2016 17:51 (eight years ago) link
I've been in a duo for 3+ years with a bandmate that's 14 years younger than me. I've played with people that much older than me too. Age is less "important" than complementary aesthetics, approaches to playing, and expectations. Enjoying their company is also important if you want a regular thing.
― sarahell, Wednesday, 12 October 2016 18:34 (eight years ago) link
My best ever co-guitarist was when I was 22 and he was pushing 40, I had never been in a band and he had been in all kinds of them (I saw him for the first time in 20 yrs this spring and felt all mushy when he told me he also considered me his best foil ever)
― look at the morning people (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 12 October 2016 18:54 (eight years ago) link
So yeah age ain't nothing (at least sometimes)
― look at the morning people (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 12 October 2016 18:55 (eight years ago) link
Goddamn thing is finally done (string quartet movement that took WAY too long).
― Spiritual Hat Minimalism (Sund4r), Friday, 14 October 2016 22:36 (eight years ago) link
String quartets are for nerds with special interest for classical music...― Tied Up In Geir (Geir Hongro), Monday, 11 October 2010 16:44 (six years ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
― Tied Up In Geir (Geir Hongro), Monday, 11 October 2010 16:44 (six years ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
Should have listened to the guy.
― Spiritual Hat Minimalism (Sund4r), Friday, 14 October 2016 22:37 (eight years ago) link
Yeh the age thing, I always think of Gary in pavement. He brought so much.
― calstars, Saturday, 15 October 2016 00:06 (eight years ago) link
Good post earlnash. Gonna be sending stuff off for mastering soon and I'll keep that in mind
― Heez, Saturday, 15 October 2016 00:58 (eight years ago) link
We had our first rehearsal for our fall concert yesterday; here is one of the pieces we are going to sing:
― ¶ (DJP), Monday, 17 October 2016 21:48 (eight years ago) link
finally got our new album mastered, here's a track:
― Οὖτις, Thursday, 20 October 2016 18:47 (eight years ago) link
Doesn't play for me.
― Spiritual Hat Minimalism (Sund4r), Thursday, 20 October 2016 19:08 (eight years ago) link
huh wtf
― Οὖτις, Thursday, 20 October 2016 19:15 (eight years ago) link
how about this
That works.
― Spiritual Hat Minimalism (Sund4r), Thursday, 20 October 2016 19:20 (eight years ago) link
I finally worked up the guts to contact a local musician I'm a big fan of to offer my services in support. I uploaded some old bullshit on soundcloud for her to check out, but haven't heard back from her, which is kind of a blow to the ego, but hey so what
― calstars, Friday, 21 October 2016 00:35 (eight years ago) link
another one:
― Οὖτις, Monday, 24 October 2016 18:09 (eight years ago) link
Not my musical life, but my brother's; his band's song was played on this episode of the Tony Kornheiser Show (31:25)
― ¶ (DJP), Tuesday, 25 October 2016 19:32 (eight years ago) link
I'm going to perform Blonde on Blonde, in full on Thursday.
― 29 facepalms, Tuesday, 25 October 2016 21:04 (eight years ago) link
won best performance at this event:
― sarahell, Friday, 28 October 2016 18:25 (eight years ago) link
One of the groups I sing in has been dormant for a while. Recently, we got the call that we needed to put together a donated performance in about a week for a private house party. We were never a large group anyway; at our largest during my tenure, we had 10 members (SSAAATTBBB) and in the intervening years, half have moved away and others have become too busy to sing in the group, so we needed to rally to pull together this performance. The woman organizing everything found an accompanist, recruited a former member and found a new tenor, and pulled together a group of kids from a feeder chorus directed by one of the group's alums so we'd have a decent representation to do about an hour's worth of music. This was the state of things at the end of last week.
Over the course of this week:
- My wife dropped out for health reasons- The returning member dropped out for health reasons- The tenor dropped out to celebrate his birthday- The accompanist dropped out because it is an unpaid gig
So, this Saturday I will be singing a gig a capella with one other adult ad 5 kids I've never heard before for a dude's party, which will have a bunch of donors in attendance and where we need to be on our A-game.
(I'm considering a pseudonym)
― ¶ (DJP), Thursday, 1 December 2016 19:41 (eight years ago) link
set list?
― calstars, Friday, 2 December 2016 01:47 (eight years ago) link
All spirituals:
Here's what I was thinking as far as rep:Ain't a that good newsAin't got time to dieDone made my vowI want Jesus to walk with meKing Jesus is a listeningOh freedomLazrusRockin' JerusalemRide the ChariotSoon-ah will be doneLive a humbleRide the chariot
― ¶ (DJP), Friday, 2 December 2016 03:27 (eight years ago) link
One band I'm playing with went from 3 piece to 2, I'm no longer supporting percussion but playing full kit. Enjoying that but it limits my wardrobe somewhat. Also slightly more time consuming since I have to practice new songs & not f them up but it has been really fun so far.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 2 December 2016 15:51 (eight years ago) link
our new album is OUT
― Οὖτις, Friday, 2 December 2016 15:53 (eight years ago) link
woo! looks like my band will FINALLY have an EP available on bandcamp sometime this month! i think it turned out pretty cool! i love playing music, even though I don't do it too much these days.
― tylerw, Friday, 2 December 2016 15:55 (eight years ago) link
this is Forces at Work yr talking about?
― Οὖτις, Friday, 2 December 2016 16:00 (eight years ago) link
yeah! it's only taken us like 4 years to put together a 4-song EP.
― tylerw, Friday, 2 December 2016 16:01 (eight years ago) link
I'm guessing you're not in a German progressive metal band?
― Spiritual Hat Minimalism (Sund4r), Friday, 2 December 2016 16:10 (eight years ago) link
haha no
― tylerw, Friday, 2 December 2016 16:22 (eight years ago) link
call the lawyers
― Οὖτις, Friday, 2 December 2016 16:23 (eight years ago) link
those guys are more like Farces At Work imo. those are great song titles though
― tylerw, Friday, 2 December 2016 16:24 (eight years ago) link
― Οὖτις, Friday, 2 December 2016 16:25 (eight years ago) link
apparently my colleague in the spiritual group has access to accompanying tracks for our solos, which is good
it also looks like I'll be singing something like 5 solos in this gig, which will be silly (I've only ever sung 1 or 2 but this is what happened when all the conservatory-trained adults drop out and you're backfilling them with skittish high school kids)
― ¶ (DJP), Friday, 2 December 2016 17:12 (eight years ago) link
that looks like a wonderful setlist DJP
― tylerw, Friday, 2 December 2016 17:45 (eight years ago) link
Our actual set list is going to look more like:
In Bright MAnsionsJoshua fit de battle of JerichoSoon-ah will be doneOld Man LazrusWay up in Beulah landDidn't My Lord Deliver DanielAin't-a that good news?I can tell the world
Solos that I will be splitting with the other adult include some of the following (the first 7 are hers):
Sometimes I feel like a motherless childMy Lord, What A MorningJust Another DayBalm in GileadWere you there when they crucified my Lord?I love the nameStand still, JordanBeen in the StormRide on, King JesusYou may bury me in the eastNobody knows the trouble I've seenI want Jesus to walk with meDeep River
― ¶ (DJP), Friday, 2 December 2016 17:52 (eight years ago) link
Balm in Gilead is a beaut, one of my favorites
― Οὖτις, Friday, 2 December 2016 17:53 (eight years ago) link
The only church music I know is "you saw me crying in the chapel" which, by the use of the word "you" introduces a third party, which really isn't necessary.
― calstars, Friday, 2 December 2016 23:51 (eight years ago) link
The Society of Rockets sounds really great.
― earlnash, Saturday, 3 December 2016 15:16 (eight years ago) link
thx just booked an album release show for 2/5 with these guys
― Οὖτις, Monday, 5 December 2016 23:48 (eight years ago) link
btw, my gig went shockingly well considering that I was singing with high school students who were freaking out about singing at a private party
I ended up singing You may bury me, I want Jesus, Been in the storm, and Deep River. Didn't think to record it, oops.
― ¶ (DJP), Monday, 5 December 2016 23:51 (eight years ago) link
So ~gulp~ I posted my first thing to Bandcamp. It's basically novitiate synth music done in iOS over the last 9 months but I think it's at least flavorful and hopefully engaging enough despite my (inherited from my guitar days) penchant for annoying additive rhythms?
― his eye is on despair-o (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 14 December 2016 16:28 (eight years ago) link
Awesome! Can't wait to dig in.
― EZ Snappin, Wednesday, 14 December 2016 20:56 (eight years ago) link
playing a memorial concert on Sunday. haven't played out since the summer.
― sarahell, Wednesday, 14 December 2016 21:13 (eight years ago) link
what kind of stuff are you playing? solo?
i am on one of the tracks that jon posted! in two days i am supposed to play a show but first i have to extract my car from the city pound ;_;
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 14 December 2016 21:28 (eight years ago) link
it's a long story.
― sarahell, Wednesday, 14 December 2016 22:28 (eight years ago) link
it went better than I expected.
― sarahell, Monday, 19 December 2016 18:41 (eight years ago) link
excellent to hear, sorry you had that specific occasion to play
― ¶ (DJP), Monday, 19 December 2016 19:53 (eight years ago) link
yeah, there were some press people there, which I hadn't even thought about when I volunteered to play, but when I saw them with their cameras, I said to myself, "Of course." Pretty much whenever I saw someone come up to me hauling pro camera gear, I turned my back to them. Fortunately, my instrument was conducive to that.
― sarahell, Monday, 19 December 2016 19:58 (eight years ago) link
glad it worked out; it's a tough situation all the way around
on my end of things, I sang in our annual "half-hour Messiah" recital where a quartet from my church choir sings several Messiah arias and then does a Hallelujah chorus singalong with the audience; it went well and my wife's Rejoice Greatly was pretty good considering she has a massive cold and this was her first big solo sing post-surgery and post-chemo
― ¶ (DJP), Wednesday, 21 December 2016 16:05 (eight years ago) link
this is happening
― Οὖτις, Thursday, 22 December 2016 19:51 (eight years ago) link
xp - your wife is amazing.
― sarahell, Thursday, 22 December 2016 20:17 (eight years ago) link
hey Sarah you performance looked/sounded so rad from what I sawhey Shakey I'll be at that show
I came out with a new free EP of weirdo lo-fi Chaki funk
― kurt schwitterz, Thursday, 22 December 2016 20:58 (eight years ago) link
xp Shakey that rocks. And that poster is amazing btw.
― Le Bateau Ivre, Thursday, 22 December 2016 21:10 (eight years ago) link
all shakey's band posters look like that.
― sarahell, Thursday, 22 December 2016 21:18 (eight years ago) link
looks great shakes, is there going to be a bootleg of it?
― tylerw, Thursday, 22 December 2016 21:21 (eight years ago) link
Terrifying cover art Chaki
― calstars, Friday, 23 December 2016 19:30 (eight years ago) link
I've been struggling lately to master L Cohen's fingerpicking on The Partisan.
― dinnerboat, Friday, 23 December 2016 19:38 (eight years ago) link
I upgraded to Live 9 Suitenow I just need a laptop to run it onand to set up the rest of the gear in my new basementoh and buy some gear
― a Warren Beatty film about Earth (El Tomboto), Friday, 23 December 2016 19:47 (eight years ago) link
really that's more "what is going on in your consumerist life"
― a Warren Beatty film about Earth (El Tomboto), Friday, 23 December 2016 20:08 (eight years ago) link
I'm in one of those phases rn where I just feel like selling all my gear bc I've had no creative impulse at all for months now.
― Immediate Follower (NA), Friday, 23 December 2016 20:19 (eight years ago) link
I thought that was when you were supposed to buy new stuff, so you feel obligated to use it
― a Warren Beatty film about Earth (El Tomboto), Friday, 23 December 2016 20:44 (eight years ago) link
It'll come back, Nick.
I am getting a new EP mastered and feeling very positive about the production end of things, although starting again with a blank slate is always both freeing and scary.
I also was feeling very positive about starting to dj, until I realized that using a controller is very different from using CDJs and that beatmatching by ear is a drag.
― sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Friday, 23 December 2016 21:02 (eight years ago) link
i dont know how i'm going to perform my new ep live. i think im going to use a roland sp 404 + live bass guitar + one of those korg monologues.
― kurt schwitterz, Saturday, 24 December 2016 02:05 (eight years ago) link
What kind of EP, Jordan?
Someone asked me to write a 10-string guitar piece for his 2018 Master's recital, which should be fun. I'm planning to start getting a new electric piece together over this holiday and maybe start writing another string quartet movement.
― My Body's Made of Crushed Little Evening Stars (Sund4r), Saturday, 24 December 2016 09:08 (eight years ago) link
:-) she really is
― ¶ (DJP), Saturday, 24 December 2016 19:18 (eight years ago) link
Sund4r, have I asked you if you know of these guys? i was friends with the guitarist when he lived here and i figure the new music guitar world must be relatively small.
My new EP is more experimental club music on the same label as the last one, very physical found-sound drums and synths mostly made from sampling audio and running it through my ES2 pedal.
― sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Wednesday, 28 December 2016 16:58 (eight years ago) link
where is the master spreadsheet of y'alls links and bands and labels and stuff
― The beaver is not the bad guy (El Tomboto), Wednesday, 28 December 2016 17:55 (eight years ago) link
That's really a thing?
― Οὖτις, Wednesday, 28 December 2016 21:25 (eight years ago) link
nah (unless...jaymc.xls?)
― sam jax sax jam (Jordan), Wednesday, 28 December 2016 21:27 (eight years ago) link
I don't know them, Jordan. I should get better at that networking thing. I'll check out more of their stuff. Cool that they did Ferneyhough! And the EP sounds cool.
― My Body's Made of Crushed Little Evening Stars (Sund4r), Saturday, 31 December 2016 00:34 (eight years ago) link
house-sat for my parents for the week after christmas, was bored out of my mind cept for taking the odyssey, a couple pedals and my zoom recorder with me - this is the best of what I did
― Executive Ball Clicker (euphemism) (haitch), Saturday, 7 January 2017 15:14 (eight years ago) link
Yesterday, I participated in a workshop about how to create grassroots new music scenes and organize concerts. I took a bathroom break and was informed by text that Future was asking for clearance to sample one of my songs. Today I am scoring a commercial for Wal-Mart. Interesting times.
― fgti, Saturday, 11 February 2017 16:23 (eight years ago) link
― flopson, Saturday, 11 February 2017 16:33 (eight years ago) link
do you still live in mtl? i'm afraid our few remaining diy spaces are about to go the way of toronto's :( saw some stuff on fb recently about strange ppl taking photos around some of the van h0rne/beaub1en area spaces... i was p devastated when cops shut down 'the cove', took a while for people to rebuild
i was asked to play drums in a band then the guy who asked me to join disbanded the band and then i asked the remaining members if they wanted to start a new thing w/o him, and they all agreed, and now i'm playing guitar and so far it's going REALLY well
― flopson, Saturday, 11 February 2017 16:37 (eight years ago) link
I lived in L.A. last year but moved back to Toronto for a scoring job that never got past the demoing stage. I do not understand why DIY spaces are being shut down.
― fgti, Saturday, 11 February 2017 16:55 (eight years ago) link
the Oakland fire inspired an alt-right/4chan campaign to snitch on diy spaces, which they think are loci for the 'radical left'
― flopson, Saturday, 11 February 2017 17:08 (eight years ago) link
Oh I see. Hmm. Maybe we could take some time to focus on historically what happens to fascists and Nazis once their power structures are overthrown
― fgti, Saturday, 11 February 2017 17:53 (eight years ago) link
Yesterday, I participated in a workshop about how to create grassroots new music scenes and organize concerts.
curious about this! (the workshop and context)
― sarahell, Saturday, 11 February 2017 20:27 (eight years ago) link
― fgti
"I am not afraid," ze said~ skrrt skrrt skrrt ~"Of the non-believer within me"~ Thought it was a drought, thought it, thought it was a drought ~
(seriously, you had a good day fgti <3)
― Le Bateau Ivre, Monday, 13 February 2017 12:34 (eight years ago) link
I bought a relatively cheap iRig 2 thing to connect a guitar to my laptop and I'm trying out demos of the modeling software that's out - Amplitube and Bias and etc.. Playing through headphones isn't as satisfying as the few times I've played through a bigger amp turned up but compared to a 5W tube amp at bedroom or living room levels it's pretty sweet. If I ever moved back to a small apartment I think I'd be content to just use something like this or the expensive Kemper Profiling thing with studio monitors.
Amplitube is a helluva scam, though - $149 for the basic package then they sell you amps at $35 each or in bundles and pedals are $5-10 each.
― Kiarostami bag (milo z), Monday, 20 February 2017 08:47 (eight years ago) link
― Kiarostami bag (milo z), Monday, 20 February 2017 08:50 (eight years ago) link
there's a pretty great iOS amp modelling/multitrack recording thing called ToneStack, by a company called Yonac. Price for the basic app is modest and the additional amps and pedals are only a few bucks each, with good bundle pricing. The built in 4 track recorder is a paid upgrade that IIRC was less than 10 bucks. If you have an iPad it is more than capable of handling your guitar adventures. IDK though if that particular iRig works on iOS in addition to desktop. I think the one I have is specifically for iOS.
on desktop, some of the amps that come with Garageband are pretty good too.
― his eye is on despair-o (Jon not Jon), Monday, 20 February 2017 15:34 (eight years ago) link
organized/hosted, performed, recorded 2 completely different jams within a 7 day period, lost one set of recordings, but have two shows with my other band coming up, an EP on the way, and maybe a tour in june if all goes well. i'm coming up on 4 year anniversary and i'm not counting thousands of hours, but i'm getting there.
related plea for assistance: does anyone have a recommendation for a recording device that: -- has usb input -- can export (via USB?) in a variety of formats-- easy to use; does not require acquisition of a large vocabulary in order to operate/troubleshoot-- is less than $200-- is not a piece of garbage
i will be recording in a basement, probably some other places too but definitely there.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Sunday, 19 March 2017 16:15 (seven years ago) link
I think the Zoom H4N would work for your needs.
― EZ Snappin, Sunday, 19 March 2017 17:08 (seven years ago) link
what do you want to record? Do you want just a decent room mic situation, or do you want direct ins? Both?
the H4N is nice, in that it has both direct ins and a built in mic. You can get it for less than $200 in some places.
― sarahell, Sunday, 19 March 2017 21:37 (seven years ago) link
I want to do both -- I've got some microphones that I want to use to record at home and I want to be able to take it elsewhere to record on the fly as well. This sounds like what I'm looking for, thanks y'all!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Sunday, 19 March 2017 21:44 (seven years ago) link
I have a Sony D50 which is similar, but doesn't have the same inputs. I think the Sony is easier to use, but the Zoom H4N is more versatile, and I don't think the "learning curve" is particularly steep.
― sarahell, Sunday, 19 March 2017 22:06 (seven years ago) link
That's important to me -- I'm ok learning some stuff to use the device but my #1 concern is it being more complicated than I know what to do with and that will inhibit my use of the recorder, which is counterproductive for my goal of recording things. I don't want to lose anything again either, and ease of use helps me not make stupid mistakes.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Sunday, 19 March 2017 22:16 (seven years ago) link
It's easier than learning to record in Ableton or other audio software
― sarahell, Sunday, 19 March 2017 22:19 (seven years ago) link
Zoom H4N thirded. Mrs. Redd even got a Zoom camera recently to record kid's piano recital.
― Got Your Money Changes Everything (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 19 March 2017 23:39 (seven years ago) link
does anyone have the Zoom H1? Is it useful?
― SFTGFOP (El Tomboto), Sunday, 19 March 2017 23:54 (seven years ago) link
It is useful if you want to record things using the built in mic and then transfer them to your computer for editing. The Sony that I have is pretty comparable. It's what I use to record gigs and also sample things.
― sarahell, Sunday, 19 March 2017 23:58 (seven years ago) link
I have an H1. Mainly I use it for sampling and also recording acoustic instruments away from the computer, but it can also be used as a USB mic. The sound quality is good, but it does pick up a lot of room tone. There's one 3m x 3m room that I record vocals in that by way of makeshift acoustic treatment has a fully stocked bookshelf along one wall and thick curtains along another. Vocals with an SM57 sounds fine, but with the H1 it sounds like I'm recording in a concrete bunker. Also the built-in mics are very sensitive. Even with something like an acoustic guitar I'm adjusting the input level way down, so it might be tricky to use for recording a drum kit.
― well the bitter comes out better on a stolen Switch cartridge (snoball), Monday, 20 March 2017 20:49 (seven years ago) link
Listening and being kinda blown away on the mastered tracks my band just got back from Carl Saff is what I got going on right now. I think it all turned out pretty good.
― earlnash, Friday, 24 March 2017 00:28 (seven years ago) link
that dude stays busy
― na (NA), Friday, 24 March 2017 14:25 (seven years ago) link
Congrats; good mastering is a species of wizardry.
In my musical life I think I might be sitting in on bass for a rockabilly outfit next week. Which makes perfect sense, because the things I am good at are: (1) sorta punky drumming, (2) mostly folky guitar-playing, (3) sometimes playing New Wave covers with a mandolin on my porch.
― takin care of bismuth (Ye Mad Puffin), Friday, 24 March 2017 14:48 (seven years ago) link
I'm singing in a concert full of Bach family music on Sunday. I'm the soloist in the following Johann Michael Bach piece, which means I get to be Jesus:
― Rachel Luther Queen (DJP), Friday, 24 March 2017 14:52 (seven years ago) link
wait you weren't already Jesus?
― Not the real Tombot (El Tomboto), Friday, 24 March 2017 17:52 (seven years ago) link
― takin care of bismuth (Ye Mad Puffin), Friday, 24 March 2017 18:09 (seven years ago) link
Now it's official!
― Rachel Luther Queen (DJP), Friday, 24 March 2017 18:10 (seven years ago) link
I had never heard of Johann Michael Bach. That link is a pretty good recording.
After listening to that link, I feel a bit dirty posting my bands new riffage.
― earlnash, Wednesday, 29 March 2017 22:51 (seven years ago) link
sounds good!
― na (NA), Thursday, 30 March 2017 14:27 (seven years ago) link
I'll post a recording from our concert once I get it and verify that I don't sound terrible.
― Rachel Luther Queen (DJP), Thursday, 30 March 2017 14:31 (seven years ago) link
Collaborated on a spacey, funk/jazz tune with my friend who included it on his album which was released today. Very happy with how it turned out:
― Heez, Friday, 5 May 2017 20:33 (seven years ago) link
Enjoying this. What did you play?
― My Body's Made of Crushed Little Evening Stars (Sund4r), Saturday, 6 May 2017 01:16 (seven years ago) link
Thanks! We passed the song back and forth. He sent me two drum loops and I added the bass, autoharp, and most of the keyboard sounds. I sent it back to him and he had vibes and sax added by some other friends
― Heez, Saturday, 6 May 2017 01:56 (seven years ago) link
i'm painting all the zeros in a book of million digits, and i made the accompanying music out of a few older tracks from 2012/13, one a kind of simple chance-based synth sequence, the other a collage of orchestra warm-up noise loops. it's 50 minutes long but it really flies by because that's about how long each page of zeros takes. an intense ambient race to the finish!
― Karl Malone, Friday, 19 May 2017 17:52 (seven years ago) link
Approximately once a month I sing solo at an evening service as part of my church gig. I did that this Wednesday; the organist was coming from another service in Cambridge that ran late and didn't make it to the church until about 3 minutes after our service was supposed to begin, so we didn't get a chance to rehearse. Fortunately, we discussed this possibility earlier and chose a piece I know backwards and forwards that we had done together before, so the whole thing went smoothly. Perhaps the most gratifying thing was a couple of tourists who came in for the beginning of the service and started to sneak out after the sermon, only to stop at the door when I started singing and stay for most of my song.
(I sang an excerpt from Mendelssohn's Elijah; here is a recording of a performance I did last year.)
Also, the Mountain Goats album I contributed to was released today:
― PJD PDJ DPJ (DJP), Friday, 19 May 2017 18:35 (seven years ago) link
Well, the NEWEST mountain goats album you've contributed to, right?
― fish louse (Jon not Jon), Friday, 19 May 2017 18:45 (seven years ago) link
ha yes, that is more accurate
― PJD PDJ DPJ (DJP), Friday, 19 May 2017 18:45 (seven years ago) link
I have been taking long lenghts of dialouge from my favourite movies and making stupid eGarbage garageband backings for them. very good to listen to in the car!
― Violet Jynx, Tuesday, 23 May 2017 16:19 (seven years ago) link
So a while back I attached myself to a new band that had a singer and a drummer. I told them I would be happy to play guitar, bass, mandolin, or whatever. They said they needed bass most, so I became the bass player. I am enjoying this.
They added a guitar player who could play lead (which I don't really do). But I have this nagging sense that there's a difference between "lead guitarist" and "only guitarist." I feel like the sound gets thin when he solos, but it is a bit "samey" when he just plays chords. I keep finding myself wanting to add a rhythm guitar part, an acoustic guitar, or a mandolin part. Whenever I do so that helps vary the texture, but then the bass is gone.
In my ideal world, the band would add another multi-instrumentalist who is willing to switch off at least some of the time. Pass the bass around, do rock-paper-scissors.
― kajagoogoo's kazooist (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 1 June 2017 13:32 (seven years ago) link
ha, i am starting to understand why people prefer the leanest band possible now that i am trying to wrangle >2 adults at a time.
lots of things going on in my musical world but mostly i am excited because i am going on tour for the first time. we leave 2 weeks from yesterday. goal #1 is to make this a good experience. i have reasonable expectations and there are only 2 of us, and we get along/communicate well. it should be really fun!! i am only playing snare and floor tom too, which reduces the hassle.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 1 June 2017 14:46 (seven years ago) link
That rules, enjoy!
― PJD PDJ DPJ (DJP), Thursday, 1 June 2017 14:56 (seven years ago) link
Good luck LL, break a stick (or whatever)
― kajagoogoo's kazooist (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 1 June 2017 15:04 (seven years ago) link
Yay! have a fun tour.
― EZ Snappin, Thursday, 1 June 2017 15:07 (seven years ago) link
Thanks! I am so eagerly anticipating this that I'm trying to be cool and control myself so I don't wig :)We are only going out Wed-Sun so it's not super long, and I am playing my hometown but at the end when we will be relaxed and able to have a good time. I think that is what is giving me the most potential to freak out -- hometown show?! What is even happening
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 1 June 2017 15:13 (seven years ago) link
Hey that's great LL, hope it'll be a great experience for you!
Is there decent a tour van? :)
― Le Bateau Ivre, Thursday, 1 June 2017 15:37 (seven years ago) link
Just a car, we jam econo Lol
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 1 June 2017 15:48 (seven years ago) link
― Le Bateau Ivre, Thursday, 1 June 2017 15:49 (seven years ago) link
So stoked tbh
― or at night (Jon not Jon), Thursday, 1 June 2017 16:25 (seven years ago) link
Wow, LL, really excited for you! Glad things are going so well.
― emil.y, Thursday, 1 June 2017 19:36 (seven years ago) link
Did another evensong cantor thing at my church gig yesterday on this preces and responses by Anthony Piccolo. I did not get a recording unfortunately.
However, this Wednesday my wife and I will be recording study tracks for a musical being written and produced by a friend of ours and hopefully I'll get some recordings out of that.
― PJD PDJ DPJ (DJP), Monday, 5 June 2017 13:56 (seven years ago) link
Got my first unfinished guitar body and supplies from Reranch, have to hit Home Depot for supplies and then I can start sanding it and getting on with things.
― El Tuomasbot (milo z), Tuesday, 6 June 2017 00:18 (seven years ago) link
What are you building?
― joygoat, Tuesday, 6 June 2017 05:50 (seven years ago) link
Either a Telecaster or an Esquire. Went with copper ala this -
― El Tuomasbot (milo z), Tuesday, 6 June 2017 07:23 (seven years ago) link
― Karl Malone, Friday, May 19, 2017 6:52 PM (three weeks ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
This is beautiful
― surm, Saturday, 10 June 2017 17:34 (seven years ago) link
i have been recording clips to keep busy and starting a new low key project that feels more casual:
― surm, Saturday, 10 June 2017 17:53 (seven years ago) link
writing for solo piano
― Dean of the University (Latham Green), Tuesday, 13 June 2017 10:37 (seven years ago) link
Painting Zeros is excellent concentration music
― Shat Parp (dog latin), Tuesday, 13 June 2017 10:39 (seven years ago) link
thanks surm + dog L!
― Karl Malone, Tuesday, 20 June 2017 21:50 (seven years ago) link
tour was excellent on all levels, i did not wigwould do again
new things:-- this friday i am supposed to (and plan to i guess) play In C in a one-time ensemble. it's an endurance test for me, which of course i am looking forward to. -- while on tour the woman whose set was after us ran up to me after our set and asked if i would join her, so i said sure. we listened to a little of her music on the way to the show but it was very unstructured synth washes and no vocals. she assured me her set that night was loop based and i could just follow that. she looped mostly vocal parts and added some synth sounds. it was indeed easy to follow and i enjoyed it a lot. -- friend who plays with me regularly painted a mural in a city park in honor of our ongoing jam/band and i am hoping to get someone to let us play with them in the next few months. we'll see how that works out. --last but not least, ilx all star jam is meeting a second time, that will be excellent
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 21 June 2017 16:52 (seven years ago) link
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 21 June 2017 17:01 (seven years ago) link
Can personally affirm the excellence of the Brooklyn stop of the tour, pls tour again
― or at night (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 21 June 2017 17:59 (seven years ago) link
― sarahell, Wednesday, 21 June 2017 17:59 (seven years ago) link
who made the ILX related song Vamoose?
― Dean of the University (Latham Green), Thursday, 22 June 2017 16:07 (seven years ago) link
I really wanna do a collaboration with LL but it sounds like you have an awful lot on your plate already!
― emil.y, Thursday, 22 June 2017 16:47 (seven years ago) link
-- while on tour the woman whose set was after us ran up to me after our set and asked if i would join her, so i said sure. we listened to a little of her music on the way to the show but it was very unstructured synth washes and no vocals. she assured me her set that night was loop based and i could just follow that. she looped mostly vocal parts and added some synth sounds. it was indeed easy to follow and i enjoyed it a lot.
sounds so neat
― surm, Thursday, 22 June 2017 17:20 (seven years ago) link
I really wanna do a collaboration with LL but it sounds like you have an awful lot on your plate already!HMU October or so and we can make something dark and gnarly for the winter! i'm into it.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 22 June 2017 17:39 (seven years ago) link
Ooooh, definitely! <3
― emil.y, Thursday, 22 June 2017 18:16 (seven years ago) link
omg hell yes <3
― Le Bateau Ivre, Thursday, 22 June 2017 18:24 (seven years ago) link
you buy enough pedals, eventually you'll find an inspiring tone.
― he doesn't need to be racist about it though. (Austin), Saturday, 15 July 2017 19:37 (seven years ago) link
I very much enjoyed that.
― El Tomboto, Saturday, 15 July 2017 20:40 (seven years ago) link
I've got a song that I've been working on and off for the last few years. Played it live with my band a bunch of times and then made a 'production' version with live and electronic instrumentation. Finally came up with lyrics that I'm happy with, but every time I try and sing over the production, it comes out not quite right, whereas it always worked well live. Wonder if it's the quality of my voice not working with the electronic backing or if I'm not adding the right production sheen to it (delay and reverb still sound weird). Not really sure if there's anything I can do about this.
― Shat Parp (dog latin), Monday, 24 July 2017 11:34 (seven years ago) link
I believe that skilled mixers make "room" for a particular vocal in a particular mix by EQing other instruments _out_ of a given range and bringing the vocal _in_. It is a realm of utter mystery to me so I would just get a professional to do it, but that's me.
You could also just be letting the perfectionism of careful micro-listening in a recording situation get to you. Things work live because it's fun and grooving and you're inside the soundscape. When you're just laser-focused on minute imperfections in headphones or whatever, you're going to feel differently. It could be that the problem you're perceiving isn't a problem at all.
― leave your emu at the door (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 24 July 2017 11:59 (seven years ago) link
That basically sounds right. A very slight notch (maybe even e.g. -0.5 dB with Q of ≈5) in the other part is often all that is needed to let the voice (or anything else you want to bring out at a frequency) cut through. I can't comment on dog latin's recording but this might be helpful wrt mixing idk - key vocal frequencies, from Ian Corbett's Mic It!:
• Bottom, weight. Below 120 Hz. Usually unnecessary in the voice track, so it can be cut. [I would cut lower than this for deeper voices. Identify the lowest fundamental in the track and cut a little below that, as a starting point, generally.] • Boom, muddiness. 150 to 300 Hz. Too much thickness in this range can be caused by proximity effect, in which case a low or low-mid attenuation will help vocal clarity. Conversely, some singers may need a little boost here to reduce perceived thinness or scratchiness.• Boxiness. 400 to 600 Hz. This range can often be attenuated in order to give the vocal sound more clarity and intelligibility. This range includes some fundamental frequencies of higher pitched or female vocals, so attenuating too much can make the vocal sound unnaturally thin.• Honkiness. 600 to 800 Hz. Attenuation here can remove a bull-horn, megaphone, AM radio-like character.• Definition, nasally. 1 to 2.5 kHz. Our ears are most sensitive to this frequency range because it contains so much important speech intelligibility and diction information. It can be reduced to make a voice less thin, or boosted (when lacking) for more clarity. • Presence. Around 5 kHz. Can be boosted to give the singer an edge and allow them to cut through the mix – but make sure it does not make sibilance too bright and sizzly.• Sibilance. 5 to 10 kHz (different for each singer). If a singer’s Ss and Ts stick out too much, use the boost-sweep-cut technique described in Chapter 4 to find the center of their sibilance and apply a gentle attenuation.• Air. A wide filter above 12 KHz. A boost of a few dBs can give a vocal a sultry, breathy intimacy. If the frequency is too low, it can boost too much sibilance, or undesirable, harsh characteristics below 8 KHz.
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Monday, 24 July 2017 12:43 (seven years ago) link
I'm having a good and busy summer: I finished writing a piece for flute/clarinet/violin/cello a month and a half ago or so, for a likely performance by a relatively high-profile ensemble in early 2018. I finished composing a new guitar/electronics piece, to be performed next spring as well, and hopefully recorded then. I'm working on practising the solos, which I want to be more loose/improvisational. Mostly finished a short second string quartet movement and going to move on to a 10-string classical guitar piece for someone's Master's recital. At moments, I wish I had time to just focus on the guitar/electronics stuff, which might be the work I feel most excited about, but I can't complain, really.
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Monday, 24 July 2017 12:58 (seven years ago) link
Rock on, Sund4r.
Me, I'm playing bass in one band and drums in another; every few days I look wistfully at the guitars on the wall and wonder when I will next be in a situation where someone wants me to play guitar.
Looking forward to a recording session with the mighty Don Zientara at Inner Ear in a few weeks.
― leave your emu at the door (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 24 July 2017 13:59 (seven years ago) link
Getting a custom built Telecaster! A buddy of mine has a budding luthiery business, and mine will be No. 3.
I will post pictures as it progresses
― TrumpPence a Bag (B.L.A.M.), Tuesday, 25 July 2017 23:53 (seven years ago) link
V cool
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Wednesday, 26 July 2017 00:46 (seven years ago) link
― Dean of the University (Latham Green), Wednesday, 2 August 2017 14:20 (seven years ago) link
Video not working.
― Eyeball Kicks, Thursday, 3 August 2017 14:36 (seven years ago) link
just saw the mixing advice upthread - thanks so much for this
― Shat Parp (dog latin), Friday, 4 August 2017 10:02 (seven years ago) link
Np! Btw, you might be familiar with this but:
use the boost-sweep-cut technique described in Chapter 4 to find the center of their sibilance and apply a gentle attenuation.
Without checking Ch. 4, I'm guessing that what he means is the trick of creating a 'spike' (a very steep and narrow boost, e.g. 12 dB with a Q setting of 10) and sweeping it back and forth across the problem area until you identify the frequency with the most acoustic problems (e.g. very prominent resonances, distortion, pitches on unpitched issues). Then you apply a small notch at that frequency.
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Friday, 4 August 2017 12:49 (seven years ago) link
(After checking, yep.)
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Friday, 4 August 2017 12:50 (seven years ago) link
Ooh that is a cool trick
― harbinger of failure (Jon not Jon), Friday, 4 August 2017 13:16 (seven years ago) link
pitches on unpitched issues instruments
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Friday, 4 August 2017 13:22 (seven years ago) link
Apparently Iggy Pop played the Mountain Goats song I did a vocal arrangement for on his show tonight.
― this iphone speaks many languages (DJP), Friday, 4 August 2017 20:24 (seven years ago) link
And here I was excited a band I'm in put out a digital EP on bandcamp today.
― EZ Snappin, Friday, 4 August 2017 22:50 (seven years ago) link
if i compared myself to other people, i'd never have permission to get excited about ANYTHINGgotta take the good feelings where you can get em imo :)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Saturday, 5 August 2017 00:08 (seven years ago) link
i put up some new jams on bandcamp and feel pretty good about themthough i need to increase the recording level next time because it was WAY too quiet
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Saturday, 5 August 2017 00:09 (seven years ago) link
I understand in theory but putting it into practice isn't my forte.
Anyways, here's CRUTCH FIELD. I'm very happy with my lap steel playing on the first track.
― EZ Snappin, Saturday, 5 August 2017 12:42 (seven years ago) link
you have to practice it! like anything. here are my new jams -- instrumental drums/synth/loops duo, i think we are fun. my favorite part is 3:10-3:11 of Shark Boob
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Saturday, 5 August 2017 13:49 (seven years ago) link
i also designed and delivered a super fun improvisation workshop for kids. now that it's done, i can deliver it anytime. i think my favorite part is the supplemental materials package that includes a whole section of advice, positive experiences, and inspiration as well as listening and reading recommendations.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Saturday, 5 August 2017 13:53 (seven years ago) link
EZ did you assemble those tracks remotely? how did that happen?
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Saturday, 5 August 2017 13:54 (seven years ago) link
This was all done remotely. The other guy in HEP LAD is in New York. He use to be in bands with my friend Nevada in college and we've gotten close after Nevada's passing.
That improv for kids workshop sounds cool! Where did you get to do that?
― EZ Snappin, Saturday, 5 August 2017 17:08 (seven years ago) link
girls rock! (mission statement: Building socially just community with girls, transgender youth, and gender non-conforming youth by developing leadership, fostering self-esteem, and encouraging creative expression through music.)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Saturday, 5 August 2017 20:20 (seven years ago) link
We are practicing to play a gig in Louisville @ the Mag Bar with a band called Dead Country Gentleman from San Francisco in a couple of weeks. Drummer f-ed up his back, so since drummer had been down for a month, I had been working on some other tracks we had cut with the guitarist. Practiced last week and got a couple more till the show.
― earlnash, Sunday, 6 August 2017 03:11 (seven years ago) link
take two
― Dean of the University (Latham Green), Monday, 7 August 2017 20:06 (seven years ago) link
i've been building my musical network on soundcloud, the platform of the future
― Karl Malone, Tuesday, 8 August 2017 03:22 (seven years ago) link
karl you should make a bandcamp
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 8 August 2017 13:58 (seven years ago) link
yeah, i guess i'll probably have to move over there pretty soon. it's probably all for the better, anyway
― Karl Malone, Tuesday, 8 August 2017 15:54 (seven years ago) link
Put out a release
and stoked to be planning live shows again after a lengthy absence...
― mor frog bs (S-), Wednesday, 9 August 2017 01:42 (seven years ago) link
did any of you ever use back in like 1998 when it was just open to anyone who wanted to have a band page with mp3'sthose were the days
― Dean of the University (Latham Green), Wednesday, 9 August 2017 19:12 (seven years ago) link
It was a cool place for electronic music at the time. I had a couple ambient tracks end up on compilations in Europe from there. I had a CDR up there for sale back then.
― earlnash, Thursday, 10 August 2017 22:57 (seven years ago) link
I joined a local dad cover band. Concept is to do lite rock stuff with a lot of vocal harmonies. It's my first time doing vocals in a band - I have a pretty good voice but never really used it.
― the last famous person you were surprised to discover was actually (man alive), Friday, 11 August 2017 00:30 (seven years ago) link
Fun! Enjoy.
Me, I just finished a dreampop/space-rock project and I'm extremely happy with how it turned out.
This band is made up of childhood friends living on opposite coasts, so we only had a week. We emailed and dropboxed demos back and forth, but ultimately we had one rehearsal, one afternoon in the studio, and one 20-minute live set - all in about six days.
I played drums, a bit of mandolin, and contributed lyrics. Don Zientara of Inner Ear Studios, here in Arlington, made my decidedly subpar drums sound pretty good. I think "Trillion-Ton Iceberg" and "Rotary Motion" are highlights. I like the sound of the intertwined male and female vocals.
― Tone-Locrian (Ye Mad Puffin), Saturday, 19 August 2017 01:26 (seven years ago) link
Actually was just thinking of you since a bass player I know told me his son is starting at your alma mater this year.
― When I Get To The Borad (James Redd and the Blecchs), Saturday, 19 August 2017 01:32 (seven years ago) link
wkiw man alive's daddy doo-wop group
― flopson, Saturday, 19 August 2017 02:23 (seven years ago) link
finished mixing our album!
― in twelve parts (lamonti), Wednesday, 23 August 2017 06:45 (seven years ago) link
also our DX7 went completely bonkers
― in twelve parts (lamonti), Wednesday, 23 August 2017 06:49 (seven years ago) link
got replaced by a man :( long story that i don't feel like telling but that is the gist of it. the synthpop project i was playing with changed into a rock band while i wasn't looking and my playing isn't what the project is looking for. oh well!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 23 August 2017 14:11 (seven years ago) link
that sucks. i thought of you while listening to the new Trap Set ep, where Joe interviews a 105 year old woman who is a total bad-ass.
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 23 August 2017 14:17 (seven years ago) link
bless her foreveri need to catch up on my trap set eps - they almost always make me feel better when i feel low
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 23 August 2017 14:27 (seven years ago) link
ugh what bullshit! Your powers will be properly appreciated elsewhere (I mean they already are since I know you have multiple irons in the fire but you know what I mean). You don't need 'em.
― harbinger of failure (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 23 August 2017 14:56 (seven years ago) link
it's fineit just happens to be what's going on and i would rather not have to talk about it any more than i already havemoving on!!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 23 August 2017 18:15 (seven years ago) link
Best of luck to you in whatever you do LL
― Tone-Locrian (Ye Mad Puffin), Wednesday, 23 August 2017 18:27 (seven years ago) link
I'm getting more comfortable with finishing tracks and then deciding that they're not good enough or not right for a release. I think part of that is giving them dumb demo titles and not giving anything a real name until I know it's a keeper. Also just having faith in the idea that I can come up with something better, instead of feeling like making anything is an unrepeatable miracle.
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 23 August 2017 18:41 (seven years ago) link
Just be careful that you don't get so comfortable with it that you hesitate to ever release anything. I've, uh, heard about that problem.
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Wednesday, 23 August 2017 19:03 (seven years ago) link
― harbinger of failure (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 23 August 2017 19:28 (seven years ago) link
giving them dumb demo titles and not giving anything a real name until I know it's a keeper
Like children in the days of high infant mortality?
― Tone-Locrian (Ye Mad Puffin), Wednesday, 23 August 2017 19:41 (seven years ago) link
haha exactly
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 23 August 2017 22:15 (seven years ago) link
Can I talk about my friends' musical lives? Because one of them was recently cast in a Broadway show and was on Good Morning America this morning.
― this iphone speaks many languages (DJP), Wednesday, 23 August 2017 22:17 (seven years ago) link
Wow. I assume you are not going to reveal anymore details to me at this point.
― When I Get To The Borad (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, August 18, 2017 8:32 PM (six days ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
Yeah I'll let you know when/if a show ever materializes. It's really hard to get rehearsals together since we all live in apartments with kids that go to bed early. We're literally resorting to doing our next one in the park.
― the last famous person you were surprised to discover was actually (man alive), Thursday, 24 August 2017 15:53 (seven years ago) link
lol -- wrangling people with kids to rehearse is def no walk in the park :)
i have bounced back after my moment of adversitydropped a new EP yesterdaysetting up shows for my other band for the next few monthsmaybe someday i will be on the today show (again, lol)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 24 August 2017 15:57 (seven years ago) link
Honestly it's been super fun to sing again after not really doing it since middle school choir. Sort of got over my hangups about it recently. Have been practicing a lot in the car.
― the last famous person you were surprised to discover was actually (man alive), Thursday, 24 August 2017 16:02 (seven years ago) link
i have bounced back after my moment of adversitydropped a new EP yesterday
this makes a good couplet
― the last famous person you were surprised to discover was actually (man alive), Thursday, 24 August 2017 16:03 (seven years ago) link
so, uh, where can we hear this EP?
― the last famous person you were surprised to discover was actually (man alive), Thursday, 24 August 2017 16:04 (seven years ago) link
oh man i know the feeling of getting over the hangups and also the singing in the cari got caught jamming out to "ramble tamble" once and i feel it was a turning point in my ability to ngaf what people think of my singing (it's the EP)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 24 August 2017 16:05 (seven years ago) link
also there is no singing on the EP
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 24 August 2017 16:08 (seven years ago) link
Ha, no danger of that, putting something out into the world is an integral part of what I enjoy about the whole process. In the past I could have had better quality control and been a harsher critic of myself though. I was always doing the best I could at the time, though, so it would have been a choice between releasing that or putting nothing out, in favor a theoretical time in the future when I would be able to make a better record.
Hard to say which would have been 'better', but I've always chosen to put the work out there and hope some people appreciate the progression.
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 24 August 2017 16:51 (seven years ago) link
critiquing yourself into silence seems like a bad way to be an artistlet it rip imo
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 24 August 2017 16:53 (seven years ago) link
We had a rental car for 2 months because we had a lot of trips to eastern PA we had to make (I just returned it day before yesterday ;_;) and man one of the takeaways is that if I want to start writing music with lyrics/singing again, all I need to do is drive a lot. I got so many lyric/vocal melody ideas driving that thing.
― harbinger of failure (Jon not Jon), Thursday, 24 August 2017 17:36 (seven years ago) link
critiquing yourself into silence seems like a bad way to be an artist
Definitely, and I wasn't being completely literal; obv I do put things out.
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Saturday, 26 August 2017 20:09 (seven years ago) link
LL, your EP is fun! Very reminiscent of some Fugazi-esque tones. Good stuff.
I've done two new song sketches in the past week that I'm actually very proud of.
One is fake Cure: the other is something else I'm not quite sure yet; it's already seen one big revision:
― he doesn't need to be racist about it though. (Austin), Wednesday, 30 August 2017 19:07 (seven years ago) link
Thank you! I like sounding fun. I also don't get much (any) feedback, and it was generous of you to listen.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 30 August 2017 19:19 (seven years ago) link
fun fact: I recently used a Rat pedal that used to belong to Fugazi.
― Toblerroneous (Ye Mad Puffin), Wednesday, 30 August 2017 20:52 (seven years ago) link
That is also, indeed, quite fun.
― he doesn't need to be racist about it though. (Austin), Wednesday, 30 August 2017 22:06 (seven years ago) link
My old band from the '80s and '90s (though in a new lineup) did a digital single of a couple of our new songs:
― timellison, Saturday, 9 September 2017 16:33 (seven years ago) link
Church choir gig starts up again tomorrow. I have no idea what we are singing beyond Handel's "Swell the full chorus"
― this iphone speaks many languages (DJP), Sunday, 10 September 2017 03:04 (seven years ago) link
i recorded something for the liam gallagher precover comp, the first song ive done in months. i just need to record an album already.
― Rob Lowe fresco bar (m bison), Sunday, 10 September 2017 03:33 (seven years ago) link
this was the last song i did:
tbh i was feeling myself vocally, but writing lyrics that are not traditional love songs is such a challenge
― Rob Lowe fresco bar (m bison), Sunday, 10 September 2017 03:40 (seven years ago) link
Ha, I recently properly digitized the 1996 cassette of my old emo band. Might end up online at some point.
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Monday, 11 September 2017 12:45 (seven years ago) link
I like Arc Pair btw! Still play Grammar sometimes. Will catch up with rest of thread.
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Monday, 11 September 2017 12:46 (seven years ago) link
this was the last song i did: i was feeling myself vocally, but writing lyrics that are not traditional love songs is such a challenge― Rob Lowe fresco bar (m bison), Sunday, September 10, 2017 3:40 AM (yesterday) Bookmark
― Rob Lowe fresco bar (m bison), Sunday, September 10, 2017 3:40 AM (yesterday) Bookmark
This is a good one! I like the melody/lyrics/singing. Superfint.
― Eyeball Kicks, Monday, 11 September 2017 13:26 (seven years ago) link
thanks Sund4r! i really do appreciate every scrap of feedback and it makes me happy that you enjoy something i helped to make!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 11 September 2017 22:44 (seven years ago) link
I did a cover of a friend's tune and he's very happy about it:
so am I :)
getting to know my way around Reaper, thrilled to find I can make music even though I have no grasp of musical theory and can hardly play an instrument
― niels, Tuesday, 19 September 2017 07:44 (seven years ago) link
Don't Fear the Reaper?
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 19 September 2017 12:33 (seven years ago) link
More or less!
― niels, Tuesday, 19 September 2017 13:52 (seven years ago) link
when i first moved to chicago 14 years ago i had a few jam sessions with some people who i found on craigslist. the jams were fun and they seemed like alright people who were enthusiastic about my guitar playing, but i pretty quickly decided it wasn't wanted to be doing musically at the time and ended up starting my own band instead. i mostly lost touch with those people, sometimes seeing them around at shows. once facebook kicked in we reconnected on there a little bit. two of the people started a new band that recorded a couple of albums and played around some. a couple of months ago they got in touch and asked if i wanted to try playing with them again. so i've been doing that and i'm playing my first show with them next week. it's pretty different stuff for me: they are synth/keys and drums and they wrote the songs before i started and they tend to be pretty dense sonically (a lot of heavy distorted moog bass) with not much space to fit guitar parts into, and the songs are ending up sounding heavier than the music i usually play, but i think it's coming together.
― na (NA), Tuesday, 19 September 2017 14:44 (seven years ago) link
Good luck NA.
My rockabilly-ish project fizzled over the summer - people too busy, material not gelling, personnel shuffles. I gave bass a chance, and got reasonably proficient at it, but it isn't really for me.
As noted upthread I played drums and mandolin on a space-rock project (Age of Airships); I think the tracks came out well. But it was always meant to be a one-week pop-up project.
Lately, I am daunted by the logistical hassles of getting a full rock band going - when everybody I know has kids and houses and jobs. So I am currently trying to put together a lean, mean acoustic trio that can perform sooner and more nimbly (open mics, coffeehouses, street corners). But even three people is proving hard to manage. Sigh.
― Each of us faces a clear moral choice. (Ye Mad Puffin), Tuesday, 19 September 2017 15:01 (seven years ago) link
two people is hard to manage! i have practice tonight for a show in 2 weeks and i am starting to freak that we are not ready
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 19 September 2017 16:06 (seven years ago) link
NA i would like to go to your show -- that sounds good!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 19 September 2017 16:07 (seven years ago) link
i've been waiting for a facebook event to share with people but the venue hasn't made one yet. they have it up on their calendar now though. it's going to be a weird one - we are synth/drums/guitar, one band is drums/bass/trombone, and another is mbira and cello.
― na (NA), Tuesday, 19 September 2017 16:16 (seven years ago) link
that sounds awesome!! what day of the week is it?!!? don't say FRIDAY
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 19 September 2017 16:24 (seven years ago) link
it is ... friday (the 29th)
― na (NA), Tuesday, 19 September 2017 16:25 (seven years ago) link
maybe i can head over after class
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 19 September 2017 16:26 (seven years ago) link
i have been told we're playing last, at like 11
― na (NA), Tuesday, 19 September 2017 16:27 (seven years ago) link
perfect!! class is over at 10, i have time to get there and hang for a while
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 19 September 2017 16:29 (seven years ago) link
NA, that sounds cool! i won't be able make it on the 29th because i have out of state friends coming into the city to go to the revolution oktoberfest thing, but i'll be curious to hear about how it goes and hopefully catch the next one.
― Karl Malone, Tuesday, 19 September 2017 16:51 (seven years ago) link
just released a collaborative album made up of edited guitar & synthesizer improvisations, recorded 2014 - 2017. hope y'all dig it!
― flappy bird, Tuesday, 19 September 2017 19:15 (seven years ago) link
Huh... Flappy, you magnificent bastard. I dig! I really like it!
― Le Bateau Ivre, Tuesday, 19 September 2017 20:21 (seven years ago) link
(on second thought that seems to come off as 'huh didn't know you could do something I like' but I did not mean it that way, believe :) I really enjoy it)
― Le Bateau Ivre, Tuesday, 19 September 2017 20:22 (seven years ago) link
aw thanks a lot! i really appreciate it :)
― flappy bird, Tuesday, 19 September 2017 20:24 (seven years ago) link
Not to distract from your great release, which is still playing here, but this did get me thinking:
I've made an ep once. I know I uploaded it to (different times) but it seems gone now. I totally *do not* feel like a musician. I *am* not a musician.
But should I still just sneak it out to bandcamp or whatever? Or is that a bad idea? Somehow it tickles me, and I've been trying to make some new stuff as well lately. To bandcamp or not to bandcamp? Even for a sorry ass with a dumb ep like me?
― Le Bateau Ivre, Tuesday, 19 September 2017 20:36 (seven years ago) link
drummers be flakin'
― Οὖτις, Tuesday, 19 September 2017 20:37 (seven years ago) link
xp Yeah put it up on Bandcamp! I'd love to hear it. They're such a great company, easily the most accommodating & supportive of artists and fans of any streaming/music service.
― flappy bird, Tuesday, 19 September 2017 20:43 (seven years ago) link
But you all make it sound so "pro"-like. I mean it sounds great, accommodating and supportive, but... For me it will just be uploading 30 mbs of synth shizzle and not mentioning it ever again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
When I hook up my main pc again (in between houses rn) I'll jump in.
― Le Bateau Ivre, Tuesday, 19 September 2017 20:46 (seven years ago) link
For me it will just be uploading 30 mbs of synth shizzle and not mentioning it ever again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
let's be real, this is most of what's on bandcamp, it's cool
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 19 September 2017 20:48 (seven years ago) link
Unfair, my bandcamp album is 49 minutes of synth burble
― harbinger of failure (Jon not Jon), Tuesday, 19 September 2017 20:50 (seven years ago) link
Guh typo it is about 40 not 49
― harbinger of failure (Jon not Jon), Tuesday, 19 September 2017 20:51 (seven years ago) link
That is reassuring. (i mean that)
xp lol
― Le Bateau Ivre, Tuesday, 19 September 2017 20:51 (seven years ago) link
But you all make it sound so "pro"-like. no you don't
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 19 September 2017 21:19 (seven years ago) link
i mean i don't
yeah we recorded Movies on a Tascam 4-track & did some minor mixing in Garageband, no outboard gear/ nothing fancy
― flappy bird, Tuesday, 19 September 2017 21:23 (seven years ago) link
Gotcha LL. Will set aside teh shame and just put it out there, because why not.
― Le Bateau Ivre, Tuesday, 19 September 2017 22:04 (seven years ago) link
So the dad cover band project is inching forward. I could use some suggestions on songs to add. The criteria are basically:- crowd pleaser but not *too* obvious - works in an acoustic setting/doesn't need drum kit- melodic and not too sad - vocal harmony a plus
Here's our list so far:
America - Ventura HighwayToto - AfricaTraveling Willburys - Handle With Care, End of the Line Cat Stevens - On the Road to Find OutEagles - In the CitySeals & Croft - Summer Breeze Jim Croce - I Got a NameSome little river band stuff but I hate this shit and may veto it.
― the last famous person you were surprised to discover was actually (man alive), Thursday, 21 September 2017 00:56 (seven years ago) link
I was thinking maybe about adding Ambrosia - How Much I Feel.
One thing I would add is we are not going for irony. We are a bunch of sincere dads singing songs.
― the last famous person you were surprised to discover was actually (man alive), Thursday, 21 September 2017 00:57 (seven years ago) link
How about Magnet and steel?
― harbinger of failure (Jon not Jon), Thursday, 21 September 2017 01:04 (seven years ago) link
no Zevon?!?
― El Tomboto, Thursday, 21 September 2017 02:42 (seven years ago) link
- crowd pleaser but not *too* obvious
Wow, this is the hardest part! Especially since so many popular songs have been covered to death.
I'm impressed you're going with 70s vocalpop / classic rock stuff, because that way there be dragons with no name (see what I did there)? But I like all those selections. I don't think I've ever heard anyone pull out "Summer Breeze" in a coffeehouse or open mic or whatever. Mad props.
Me, I thought my own dad/mom cover project would center around 80s pop/synthpop played inna more-or-less bluegrass style - "Boys Don't Cry," "Hungry Like the Wolf," "Personal Jesus," "Cemetry Gates," "Borderline," "Straight Up." But the nature of the format keeps tilting toward alt country - Whiskeytown, Son Volt, etc. Most of which is fine, but not what I set out to do.
I thought I'd be playing "Head Like a Hole" on heavily effected mandolin, but then circumstances keep tempting me into playing the same John Prine, Richard Thompson, Steve Earle stuff that I've already played and don't really need to revisit.
― Each of us faces a clear moral choice. (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 21 September 2017 02:58 (seven years ago) link
The solo nylon string guitar project is taking its sweet time getting off the ground- I should have started in the cradle like Sund4r- so I went back to the egg and am now also playing bass in an adult student jazz band, which is actually kind of fun. man alive, maybe I can hook you up to play the instrument of you choice, but you will have to audition.
― Merry-Go-Sorry Somehow (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 24 September 2017 18:56 (seven years ago) link
first show with new band: accomplishedsecond show a week from tomorrow, psyched about it because i set up the whole thing myself
emil.y -- i am ready for whatever you have to send me. i think you have my email but if not, message me somewhere and i'll get it to you. i'm in the mood to work on something different and new!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 16 October 2017 17:39 (seven years ago) link
― harbinger of failure (Jon not Jon), Monday, 16 October 2017 19:03 (seven years ago) link
I bought a cajon
― El Tomboto, Saturday, 21 October 2017 19:26 (seven years ago) link
― change display name (Jordan), Saturday, 21 October 2017 21:24 (seven years ago) link
Last weekend I did two marathon recording sessions as part of a choir recording music for a marquee video game coming out next year.
― Marcus Hiles Remains Steadfast About Planting Trees.jpg (DJP), Saturday, 21 October 2017 23:47 (seven years ago) link
Sounds cool
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Sunday, 22 October 2017 00:50 (seven years ago) link
Choir Hero 3!
― Currently (Karl Malone), Sunday, 22 October 2017 13:42 (seven years ago) link
LL I'm continually inspired by your sticktuitiveness with the drumming and band-ing. Makes me want to do more.
― IF (Terrorist) Yes, Explain (man alive), Sunday, 22 October 2017 13:45 (seven years ago) link
thanks! it's something i have wanted for as long as i can remember and i've gotta work extra hard because let's be honest -- everyone expects me to suck. but i don't! i still have a lot to learn but i do not suck. and my ideas are finally starting to sound like real music. it feels like a self-propelling machine :)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Sunday, 22 October 2017 14:25 (seven years ago) link
yes, always impressed and inspired by LL's attitude and approach on this thread
― Why Not Say Wha'ppen? (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 22 October 2017 15:46 (seven years ago) link
I bought an 8-track digital recorder, an older Korg D888 model. my wife and I are trying to make time to play music together, mostly minimal/modal jams as she is a total beginner (which I view as a strength), she is learning melodica and accordion and I have an Epiphone electric and a baritone uke. we finally got our basement cleared out yesterday, gonna set up the PA system down there and experiment!
― sleeve, Sunday, 22 October 2017 15:52 (seven years ago) link
Hey LL, I'm still up for collaborating but I've got a fair bit on my plate at the moment (trying to prepare for a big move), so I'm not sure when I'll get anything to you. It will happen at some point, I promise.
― emil.y, Sunday, 22 October 2017 16:16 (seven years ago) link
Oooh looking forward to finding out what game that's for in 2018
― change display name (Jordan), Sunday, 22 October 2017 17:17 (seven years ago) link
emil.y -- no sweat! whenever you feel like sending me something -- some minimal rhythmic bloops, whatever -- send it on over! you may find amusing: sometimes if i am just playing for fun i play la dusseldorf :) sleeve -- i am bored - if you record something cool send it to me, have fun!! also i am always heartened to hear of people embracing beginner energy.
show is tomorrow and i am trying to channel every ounce of positive energy toward making it a good one. i put this thing together myself and i'm not about to poop out on it now. you never know what could happen or when so i am hoping for the best. i am finally playing the kind of bill i want to be on, i think our music will sound cool and fun between the other acts, and if people aren't there to hear it then so what. at the very least it will have happened. right?!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 23 October 2017 22:02 (seven years ago) link
There may be better threads to post this, but well, this is what's going on in my musical life. A couple weeks ago I got booked to open for Cryst@l K4stl3s. I was very excited about this, because I've been trying to transition into doing club-oriented dj sets based around my new music (as opposed to my solo live set where I played drums). It's been slow going and I rarely get asked to do things where I live -- the dj community here is very insular and out-of-town opportunities have not been coming up, so this is essentially only the 2nd time I would have actually gotten to play out in a club setting this year. That, combined with some other challenges going on in my life, made it something I was really really looking forward to.
Now I'm reading AG's account of her time in the band (see the CC thread for that), and figuring out if the right thing to do is to drop off the show. It is, right? As much as I want to do this, I can't see how I could go through with it and not feel scummy.
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 24 October 2017 18:45 (seven years ago) link
it is absolutely the right thing to do
― sleeve, Tuesday, 24 October 2017 18:46 (seven years ago) link
ha i was wondering if you had seen that and how you were dealing with it. it sucks to cancel but dude seems like someone you shouldn't associate yourself with. in my opinion.
― na (NA), Tuesday, 24 October 2017 18:47 (seven years ago) link
I agree with sleeve and NA.
― Marcus Hiles Remains Steadfast About Planting Trees.jpg (DJP), Tuesday, 24 October 2017 18:50 (seven years ago) link
A co-worker suggested playing her statement (text-to-speech) at the end of my set O_O
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 24 October 2017 18:54 (seven years ago) link
That would be legendary.
― Marcus Hiles Remains Steadfast About Planting Trees.jpg (DJP), Tuesday, 24 October 2017 18:57 (seven years ago) link
I don't think I could survive the next couple weeks of social media still being on the bill though. I'm writing my email to the promoter now.
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 24 October 2017 18:59 (seven years ago) link
I bought a mandolin
― Οὖτις, Tuesday, 24 October 2017 19:18 (seven years ago) link
um xp
― Οὖτις, Tuesday, 24 October 2017 19:21 (seven years ago) link
(yeah don't do that show, everyone else otm)
nowhere near as bad as what jordan's dealing with, but the drummer in the band i've been playing with gets into a LOT of drama on facebook. he's always on there at like 2 a.m. accusing people of stealing $5000 in gear from him eight years ago, his wife got into an argument with his former bandmate on there, etc. etc. nothing terrible but just makes me nervous about his ... stability i guess.
― na (NA), Tuesday, 24 October 2017 19:23 (seven years ago) link
Don't know why but "I bought a mandolin", coming straight after Jordan's story, made me weep with laughter.
Jordan, you are absolutely doing the right thing. And it sucks to have this raining on your parade but it is the right thing and I applaud you for it. Are you putting out a public statement as to why you are pulling out too? (just curious)
― Le Bateau Ivre, Tuesday, 24 October 2017 19:25 (seven years ago) link
Yeah I definitely will, once I'm not at work.
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 24 October 2017 19:35 (seven years ago) link
Thanks for the support guys
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 24 October 2017 19:36 (seven years ago) link
dang i just read her statement -- agree with everyone herehe sounds HORRIBLE and totally by-the-numbers at the same time
sorry to hear about your drummer NA -- he does sound questionable.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 24 October 2017 19:39 (seven years ago) link
I really enjoy mandolin. There is a conventional way to use it: chop chords until you are invited to play a single-note solo or until a tremelo bit is appropriate. Personally I almost never do those things.
I think I use it like a small guitar. Sometimes all I can manage is to use it like some people use ukulele: mainly chordal playing with a few embellishments.
― what if a much of a which of a wind (Ye Mad Puffin), Wednesday, 25 October 2017 04:19 (seven years ago) link
The electric mandolin is probably my favourite instrument to listen to in Carnatic music. (Alice Glass statement is horrifying. Sounds like you're making the right call, Jordan.)
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Wednesday, 25 October 2017 11:49 (seven years ago) link
NA that sounds like a dude I would not want to be around.
Fyi the way it went down yesterday is that I emailed the promoter to say I wasn't doing the show, and they were sympathetic. A couple hours later the venue cancelled the whole show, and a couple hours after that the whole CC tour was cancelled (reported in some places that the band cancelled the tour, but obviously it was because venues were dropping out).
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 25 October 2017 14:05 (seven years ago) link
yes! blacklistedeven though you clearly did 100% the right thing, i'm sorry you had to get caught up in it jordan
my mission to play with the Vuh-est band in town has been accomplished. Really glad I remembered to bring my recorder too. I love recording things!!! it's like having a wee memento.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 25 October 2017 14:10 (seven years ago) link
I echo La Lechera; I'm sorry someone else's extreme shittiness fucked up an opportunity for you. I hope this leads to another, better opportunity.
― Marcus Hiles Remains Steadfast About Planting Trees.jpg (DJP), Wednesday, 25 October 2017 15:13 (seven years ago) link
I borrowed a mandolin for about a year and got familiar with it, I'm not a virtuoso or anything but I figured out how to do certain things well enough for my purposes, basically using it as an embellishment on country-ish tunes
― Οὖτις, Wednesday, 25 October 2017 17:12 (seven years ago) link
Really glad I remembered to bring my recorder too.
Read this as recorder-the-instrument and was hyped to hear a drums'n'recorder jam.
― emil.y, Wednesday, 25 October 2017 17:14 (seven years ago) link
Recorder-the-instrument with mandolin-the-slicer duet.
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 25 October 2017 17:15 (seven years ago) link
^^ would listen
― sleeve, Wednesday, 25 October 2017 17:19 (seven years ago) link
would go to great lengths to play with a recorder player!!! laura cannell is a dream collab
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 25 October 2017 17:21 (seven years ago) link
Resurrect d munrow imo
― harbinger of failure (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 25 October 2017 21:11 (seven years ago) link
if only!! idk if i would want to play with his reanimated corpse but he was the best so...maybe?
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 25 October 2017 21:14 (seven years ago) link
I've been playing a lot of acoustic guitar lately and just recording ideas into voice memos on my phone. A lot of times I'll come up with a general kind of scheme, like a fingerpicking pattern and a harmonic or melodic idea or something like that, and just improvise around it for a while. I thought this one came out nicely in spite of a bunch of fuckups so I uploaded it:
― IF (Terrorist) Yes, Explain (man alive), Friday, 27 October 2017 02:42 (seven years ago) link
I've been finding it productive to record these late at night, put them away for a couple weeks or more, and then go through them again when I've forgotten them to see what I like with a little distance. There have been a couple that I initially thought of as throwaways that I've revisted and started to work on further. Also, the car is great for coming up with vocals, just play the instrumental over the stereo on repeat and fuck around until something sounds good.
― IF (Terrorist) Yes, Explain (man alive), Friday, 27 October 2017 16:24 (seven years ago) link
omg i love car time for singing as well as studying. i also drive a lot to get to the various sites of my job, so it makes the time i spend going across a giant city in a car by myself feel more productive. speaking of productive usage of time. i need to make a new car mix. i got kind of sidetracked on my studying for a while there!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 27 October 2017 16:38 (seven years ago) link
i listened to a little of your track! not the whole thing tbh but it sounds like you are having a good time. that is an important part of improvisation imo. when the ideas just kinda pour/tumble out and it's enjoyable. i am psyched because the recordings from my workshops this summer are supposed to go on the camp bandcamp and i am so excited to put them out into the world.
reminds me to remind them to put it on there. there is a lot of reminding/correspondence required in the pursuit of making music.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 27 October 2017 16:47 (seven years ago) link
Yeah that one is definitely on the looser end at this point, and also kind of on the outer limits of my musical taste in terms of that bright, sunny sound, but I think there's the makings of a tighter idea in there, something I might use as an intro for a song I have.
― IF (Terrorist) Yes, Explain (man alive), Friday, 27 October 2017 17:10 (seven years ago) link
we got everything set up and plugged in last night, and even recorded 3 minutes or so of elec gtr/melodica jamz
my strategy is to set up the PA speakers firing down the long side of the basement, with us set up on the other side of the speakers (like a stage w/no monitors)
I want to set up the Korg recorder at the far end of the basement on the speaker side, if we run 25-foot cords we should be able to wear headphones as monitors and get some nice room sound with two mics hung from the ceiling (or maybe even one)
― sleeve, Friday, 27 October 2017 17:12 (seven years ago) link
In the spirit of the Ford Timelord, my car has a release out. I had nothing to do with it.
― mor frog bs (S-), Tuesday, 31 October 2017 00:21 (seven years ago) link
i recorded (via zoom) and posted (via bandcamp) an unedited version of our set tuesday -- think it sounds pretty good? minute of crowd noise before it starts cooking
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 31 October 2017 00:28 (seven years ago) link
My current project was originally going to be stripped-down acoustic covers of 80s New Wave / synthpop. Smiths, Cure, etc. Pure goofy amateur fun in a voice/guitar/mandolin trio.
The portfolio has broadened into incoherence, though, because all three of us really like a lot of music. We get to drinking gin and throwing out ever-more-random suggestions. And that's fine! No one has the heart to veto anything just to satisfy a narrow mission statement. As a result, country, folk, punk, and classic rock songs keep nosing their way into the repertoire.
Anyway we did an open mic the other night, just to kind of shake us out of the "rehearse in a basement forever" mindset.
Set was:
LovesongPlease, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I WantTear-Stained Eye (Son Volt)Embers to Ashes (Bonnie Whitmore)I'm on Fire (Springsteen)
They asked us to keep playing, and so we did some less-well-rehearsed material, some of which was a mistake.
Where They Never Say Your Name (Eilen Jewell)Dreams (F. Mac)Atlantic CityCemetry Gates16 Days (Whiskeytown)
Sloppy but fun. I did get credible recordings of some of this. (Bashful about sharing too openly, but let me know if you're curious.)
Saved for next time:
Straight Up (P. Abdul)Things Can Only Get BetterWatching the DetectivesOne More Time (J. Jackson)Someday, Someway
― piezoelectric landlord (Ye Mad Puffin), Friday, 10 November 2017 18:50 (seven years ago) link
I made some music and shared it online. My boyfriend is properly talented, he can do all kinds of things with Ableton and his hardware, and he's been teaching me how to make the sounds I want to make for roughly two years. He makes dark ambient music, all our friends are in rock bands and come from a noise/metal background, so if nothing else I'm really happy that my stuff feels more like my own identity, ie I want to make ambient dance pop. I really want to find a singer to work with (because I am a terrible, pitchless mess with my own voice). Some people have made nice comparisons to Peaking Lights and some people have brought in comparisons to RPG soundtracks, ymmv.
― boxedjoy, Friday, 1 December 2017 00:14 (seven years ago) link
Boxedjoy I checked this out when you posted it on FB. Really liked it. Not sure what kind of singer you're after but I need to take my voice back out of its box after a little break. Would be interesting to give it a go if you wanted to work on a distance project with a male singer
― FREEZE! FYI! (dog latin), Friday, 8 December 2017 00:12 (seven years ago) link
Funnily, I'm in a similar boat, i.e. interested in collaborating with singers, vocalists, MCs, rappers etc.
I've been teaching myself how to use Serato and been invited to play a few DJ slots around town. I've always DJ'd but this is a new method for me and I felt like I needed an alias and a rough style to anchor it.
I've been very interested in the concept of 'riddim', and its function within genres such as dancehall and soca, which are big scenes in Bristol. But equally I've been fascinated that this has potential to become a genre in itself, rather than a backdrop for vocalists. You get whole EPs and albums dedicated to a single riddim production, with different vocalists on each track. Although I enjoy the vocal work, as a producer and DJ I really like hearing these productions as instrumentals - the fact a lot of them work really well as standalones but still afford enough space for the vocalist to work within. Similarly, I've become obsessed with trap producers like Metro Boomin and Zaytoven who we've these complex musical ideas into simple-sounding 808-driven beats.
So my aim now is to work on my own riddim-based productions - ones that can equally work as standalones or as backdrops for vocalists. I can weave these into my sets when I DJ and best of all, if I have an accompanying singer or MC, I can get them to work with me.
I also like the idea of doing an open call for vocalists who'd like to lend their skills to the tracks I'm making.
In practice this is all a bit new to me, but I've been thinking about this for a long time. It was only til the other day that my partner asked if we could make a track together, and asked if we could do it in a soca style. We laid down a beat, she messed around on the keyboard for a bit and we chopped it up until it sounded feasible and within a few days we'd sculpted it into a pretty fun-sounding tune.
I've adopted the name Chok Ice, since she's phobic of untreated wood and will choose a choc ice rather than a Magnum or an ice lolly since they don't come on sticks. Also the name sounds chunky and crunchy and kinda fun, so that's the name.
The track we made together is called, surprisingly, 'Chok Ice Riddim' and it's the first track here, along with a few other things I've made in the past which I hope to top eventually:-
― FREEZE! FYI! (dog latin), Friday, 8 December 2017 00:28 (seven years ago) link
Great track, and I support these endeavors. I don't think you'll have a problem finding vocalists to work with if you make the effort.
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 8 December 2017 15:04 (seven years ago) link
(I've been going the opposite way, toward instrumental dance music after a period of actively trying to work with a lot of vocalists, although through some serendipity I've ended up with a vocal on a club track recently that I'm very excited about)
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 8 December 2017 15:06 (seven years ago) link
best of luck to dog latin and Jordan
Meanwhile I am feeling severe temptation to take up 5-string banjo, & am not sure I want to be talked down. My current voice/guitar/mandolin trio sounds fine for 5 songs, but I think it might start to get samey after 6.
I can arrange for two guitars (and I have!) but that feels like work and I hate work. I can't afford a good mandola or bouzouki, but my friend has a banjo that he can probably be persuaded to trade for my "extra" hollow Epi.
― didgeridon't (Ye Mad Puffin), Friday, 8 December 2017 19:51 (seven years ago) link
sorry if i've asked this before, but how do you all go about mixing for decent headphones vs speakers vs earbuds vs laptop speakers? when you do the final mix, which one are you listening on? do you try to optimize for one of those listening devices, or instead go for something that will sound acceptable on all of them? it seems like i should be doing the latter, but i always run into problems with the lower frequencies. on headphones, they sound nice and warm and cozy, and then i'll switch to earbuds or laptop speakers and they're not just quiet, they're practically inaudible! maybe i should be completely ignoring the way things sound out of laptop speakers? the thing is, even though i deeply prefer headphones, i often find myself listening to things off tinny laptop speakers as i do work around the house or cook or clean or whatever it is. i don't know if there are reliable stats but i'd wager that maybe 1/3, if not much more, of all music is played out of computer/phone speakers? so it also seems wrong to ignore the way that music is so commonly listened to? i don't know. sorry if this is a tired old topic.
i ran into this problem again on a new song (which i uploaded today despite never solving the problem described above, because fuck it) - it has a motorik synthbass thing that enters halfway through and is supposed to kind of carry the song the rest of the way home. on my headphones i think it sort of comes close to accomplishing that, but then the effect is completely lost when it's played on a laptop. i spent a long time adjusting the mix, trying to fix it, but whenever the bass was passably audible on laptop speakers, i'd put my headphones back on and it would sound like track 3 on Ultimate Subwoofer Test Compilation 5 or whatever, just completely unlistenable. eventually i just came to a compromise somewhere in the middle and moved on because it was driving me nuts.
anyway, curious how you all deal with the situation
― Karl Malone, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 19:14 (seven years ago) link
Are you using any flat response studio monitors or just stereo speakers?
If just home stereo equipment, getting accurate mixes are real difficult especially in the low end.
― earlnash, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 19:53 (seven years ago) link
Sometimes doubling it with a sound that has more harmonics (piano, higher synth?), sometimes trying to saturate it to bring out what's already there. Sometimes accepting that laptop speakers just aren't going to reproduce everything (although, I usually play some 808-based rap music on the same system to see what's coming through).
Also it makes me feel better when I'm in, say, a loud bar and there is some expensively-produced pop hit playing and I can only make out the bassline and kick drum, maybe some snare. Or the reverse when people are playing music on Youtube from their phone speakers, and the low end is just gone. You just can't account for everything (but it's still good to listen on a bunch of different formats, because it can reveal a lot and you can account for some things).
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 12 December 2017 19:56 (seven years ago) link
earlnash, nah, i have a really crappy home setup, cheap stereo speakers, torn up headphones.
jordan those are good tips! and you're right about the impossibility of accounting for everything. i just want to achieve barely viable minimum quality status
― Karl Malone, Wednesday, 13 December 2017 22:39 (seven years ago) link
So think I finally more or less have got the melody and changes of “Ornithology” memorized. Getting bebop tunes under one’s fingers surprisingly or unsurprisingly challenging. Especially that one, since it has different versions, one apparently with new section endings due to Bus Powell. Wonder if any of you are actively playing jazz in any capacity at this point.
― Bingo Little’s Breakout (James Redd and the Blecchs), Wednesday, 13 December 2017 23:59 (seven years ago) link
That's a great track, Karl Malone! And I get why you're so hung up on having that bassline heard - it's brilliant when it comes in.
― Eyeball Kicks, Thursday, 14 December 2017 00:00 (seven years ago) link
thank you!
― Karl Malone, Thursday, 14 December 2017 02:27 (seven years ago) link
Don't have to go crazy, but there are affordable decent home studio monitors out there. The thing with monitors is that they don't really add or subtract anything to the sound they are reproducing at least not the same way regular stereo speakers do. Stereo speakers are tweaked to have a pleasing sound, so the speakers can emphasize bass or some other frequency to tweak the sound. It's like having an EQ on it. Play it someplace and the speakers will have a different natural eq and whatever the original speakers boosts or cut is gone. That is why the bass can completely disappear from differing playback sources.
It was explained to me as it is like a carpenter measuring with a tape measure that is always wrong.
― earlnash, Thursday, 14 December 2017 02:57 (seven years ago) link
I played with a friend of a friend's Ampeg V4 last week and now I want one. If only it was in any way reasonable to buy one and an attenuator just to get high and play stoner riffs over and over and over.
― louise ck (milo z), Wednesday, 31 January 2018 01:10 (seven years ago) link
The Tech 21 VT Bass sansamp thingy gets pretty close. I know emulation doesn't necessarily scratch itches like that - if it did, I would own a lot less gear - but just sayin'. More reasonable than V4 + 410 + attenuator.
― claude rains down in africa (Ye Mad Puffin), Wednesday, 31 January 2018 02:05 (seven years ago) link
― na (NA), Tuesday, October 24, 2017 2:23 PM (three months ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
still playing with these dudes. no interpersonal problems/drama. we have our second show (with me in the band) in a couple of weeks and we're recording in april. i have mixed feelings about the project - we have some newer songs that came out of jams and the other guys seem to think they're done but they still feel half-baked and jammy to me, and while i like most of our songs they aren't really in my preferred style/wheelhouse. i think a lot of that comes from playing with people with different musical backgrounds/tastes than me, which can be good, but i'm used to playing pretty structured songs, not these looser jam-based things. on the plus side, i'm enjoying just playing guitar and being able to work on improving my guitar sounds, and they're all old with responsibilities like me so they aren't trying to play a show every other week or anything. i joined to help with their goal of recording their new songs, so i feel committed to it at least through that process, then i guess i'll see what happens after that.
― na (NA), Wednesday, 31 January 2018 15:21 (seven years ago) link
My band have finally released our first mini album online:
― Badgers (dog latin), Friday, 2 February 2018 13:45 (seven years ago) link
dog latin, that is fun music! Frenetic and mannered and fun. I listened to Handle and the last, more atmospheric track. Getting a little Falco-ish vibe maybe? Sorry if that's reductive, but I say it with genuine affection.
me, I continue to have an acoustic 80s-cover trio, which has played a couple shows and a couple parties. Pretty much Blondie but with mandolin and banjo. Also working on some home recordings of mostly folkier stuff, I am playing all the instruments and hoping to find guest vocalists. Expecting to do more space-rock drumming in the near future.
― I'm my own emotional support animal (Ye Mad Puffin), Friday, 2 February 2018 14:02 (seven years ago) link
thanks YMP, yes each track is quite different from the last. Most of the songs were written and recorded at home by ourselves over the course of quite a few years. It was slow and arduous and I'm already getting moaned at by the other members about this bit not being quite right and that bit needing changed. We have loads more stuff but I felt 8 tracks was enough :-)
― Badgers (dog latin), Friday, 2 February 2018 14:25 (seven years ago) link
Listening. It's sounding fun so far.
I'll have a new chamber piece performed by Hub New Music this weekend. Also, I got a preliminary recording of my 10-string guitar composition from the performer, which is sounding promising. I'm still struggling to get new electric guitar/laptop stuff ready for gigs in March.
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Friday, 2 February 2018 19:16 (seven years ago) link
Cheers Sund4r
― Badgers (dog latin), Saturday, 3 February 2018 18:41 (seven years ago) link
lol just remembered that track 2 ends with the line 'I'm on the money yeah'
― Badgers (dog latin), Saturday, 3 February 2018 18:52 (seven years ago) link
Good stuff DL! I enjoyed that. Will you hate me if I say the first song sounds like a Libertines tribute? Nothing wrong with that though, and on a whole I'd say you've really got your own sound down. Bookmarked!
― Le Bateau Ivre, Saturday, 3 February 2018 18:58 (seven years ago) link
oh man I'm not a fan of them. I was going mire for a punky Pere Ubu vibe but it's weird what you pick up from the sounds around you and the Libertines were a huge huge band for people in the town where I lived and their music was played in every pub I'd go in. I take it as a compliment :-) thanks LBI
― Badgers (dog latin), Saturday, 3 February 2018 23:09 (seven years ago) link
You totally should! It beats 95% of Libertines own songs any way :) It's not a signature song by any means, but it's a great opener imo. Especially because the album really opens up into different directions after that. I'm really enjoying it.
― Le Bateau Ivre, Saturday, 3 February 2018 23:25 (seven years ago) link
i made this 4-track cassette tape collage over six months in 2017. i'm more proud & satisfied of it than anything else i've ever made. i got totally immersed in it and near the end of my self-imposed deadline, i almost didn't want to let it go, because it was the most fun i've ever had making something. there's around 800+ distinct edits & sound sources. i hope some of you listen & like it...THE STREETS ARE HOT TONIGHT
― flappy bird, Tuesday, 13 February 2018 07:14 (seven years ago) link
^^^ nice man!
i put a bunch of 'beats' i've made over the last cpl years onto one of these online beat stores tonite, i don't even know if it's a good website in any manner, i just didn't want them collecting any more dust. some of them were songs i produced with vocalists that never got released so i reclaimed the music from them, and a cpl are just plain old beats of various genres.
i dunno. anyone have any experience selling music online in one of these kind of things? wonder if there's something better i could be doing.
― sleepingbag, Monday, 19 February 2018 08:40 (seven years ago) link
i dig those beats! i don't have any experience selling beats, but i know a lot of people do it thru soundcloud & twitter via people they already know and building a following online. but i only have a peripheral awareness of all that
― flappy bird, Tuesday, 20 February 2018 05:25 (seven years ago) link
glad you liked STREETS... working on the b-side now, SIPPER OF TEA. gonna put out a tape in a few months
Made a bunch of cassettes with different covers and pretty pleased with how they look
― mor frog bs (S-), Friday, 23 February 2018 06:17 (six years ago) link
Sounds okay too, abstract field recording stuff if anyone wants to listen to that sort of thing
― mor frog bs (S-), Friday, 23 February 2018 06:23 (six years ago) link
they look great! I bet they sound good too. I'll take a listen.
― Badgers (dog latin), Friday, 23 February 2018 08:42 (six years ago) link
ya i listened to that last night, sounds great!
― flappy bird, Friday, 23 February 2018 17:31 (six years ago) link
i'm thinking about becoming one of those guys who, instead of hitting the distortion pedal in the loud parts, has the distortion/overdrive on all the time and uses the guitar volume knob to change level of distortion. feels classier. but i wonder how hard it'll be to train myself to do it.
― na (NA), Friday, 23 February 2018 21:07 (six years ago) link
What if you want a sound that is both loud and clean though?
Personally I want to be able to have a consistent level of loudness but with varying levels of dirt. Especially for fingerstyle bits, where I'm quieter and need more volume (but don't want distortion).
― this machine slightly inconveniences fascists (Ye Mad Puffin), Friday, 23 February 2018 21:26 (six years ago) link
I always play with my volume knob at 10 and uses pedals (if any) to control volume. I understand it though, unlike ever putting your tone knobs anywhere but 10. why would you do that? Always sounds like shit.
― flappy bird, Saturday, 24 February 2018 00:22 (six years ago) link
If you need loud and clean to match your loud and distorted by a boost. Handy little buggers.
― EZ Snappin, Saturday, 24 February 2018 00:59 (six years ago) link
I tend to get all the toanz the same apparent volume (clean, dirty, weird), and use a boost for solos. So there are eight options:
- clean- dirty- weird- clean + loud- dirty + loud- weird + loud- weird + dirty- weird + dirty + loud
Not sure how I would get to that array of options with the "everything dimed and control it from the guitar" approach, but I wish NA the best in the quest for tonal bliss.
― this machine slightly inconveniences fascists (Ye Mad Puffin), Saturday, 24 February 2018 01:06 (six years ago) link
A limiter?
― EZ Snappin, Saturday, 24 February 2018 01:20 (six years ago) link
EZ, we might just be talking past each other - NA was talking about not stomping on anything at all, right? Just cranking everything and controlling it with a pinky from the guitar.
― this machine slightly inconveniences fascists (Ye Mad Puffin), Saturday, 24 February 2018 11:53 (six years ago) link
Yeah, I was mixing your comments with his and trying to answer a non-existent question. Story of my life.
― EZ Snappin, Wednesday, 28 February 2018 00:46 (six years ago) link
Agreed to do a dj set in Chicago that starts at 3:30 am, because as crazy as that sounds to me now, I'm sure with each passing year it will sound crazier and less appealing.
Also finally taking the plunge and using CDJs.
― change display name (Jordan), Monday, 5 March 2018 16:20 (six years ago) link
ha ha there is maybe a 1.4% chance i'll go out at 3:30 a.m. but let me know the details anyway
― na (NA), Monday, 5 March 2018 16:32 (six years ago) link
I started an instagram for posting short clips of me doing (so far) covers. It's a really easy and immediate way to put music out there without it having to be perfect, and it's helping me sort of break through the ice on singing/playing for people who don't already know my musical side, since it means friends from other parts of my life wind up seeing my clips. Just trying to learn to give less of a fuck at this point.
― Fedora Dostoyevsky (man alive), Thursday, 8 March 2018 02:14 (six years ago) link
Plus I don't even have to even have an entire really good take, just a good 45 seconds or so.
― Fedora Dostoyevsky (man alive), Thursday, 8 March 2018 02:15 (six years ago) link
I have a sort of slow funk song I'm working on that I'm proud of but it's being let down by some very dry, stiff-sounding programmed drums. Does anyone here have a way of recording drums that sound halfway realistic and would be interested in hearing it?
― loud horn beeping jazzsplaining arse (dog latin), Thursday, 8 March 2018 09:57 (six years ago) link
my musical life is stunted i had been working so hard for so long and then things just kind of fell apart i still have active long distance recording thing, but the IRL playing opportunities have all sort of vaporized -- one person i had a couple shows with has been very busy with other priorities in her life, and that's about all i had going on. i would like to revive my musical life, so that is my goal for this spring/summer. i have been working hard and playing for 5 years in june; can't stop now.
on the upside, i am getting my musical fix by teaching a class about music at work, which is both gratifying and educational. i've learned a lot too!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 8 March 2018 13:50 (six years ago) link
dog latin: I sometimes start with a drum machine as a guide track, record all the other stuff, and then overdub real drums as a last step. (And delete the original drum machine bit.)
The result sounds pretty bandlike to me, but it is kludgey and time-consuming. Happy to help if you like.
― I leprecan't even. (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 8 March 2018 15:05 (six years ago) link
Wish I could DL...I did a drum session for some guys last weekend, and we got a pretty good sound in their living room (also one of them went in the basement with his iphone to get some trashy room sound through the vents). It was a pleasure to be able to record drums that someone else was going to edit/mix, and it was pretty much in my wheelhouse (focusing on sound & feel, nothing too technical, just replacing programmed beats & breaks to a click).
LL I think it always comes in waves, but I guess putting yourself out there and talking to people always helps. 5 years already!
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 8 March 2018 15:30 (six years ago) link
yeah 5 years already! in june technically. now for the real problem: i have real difficulty with the concept of "putting myself out there" for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the stigma against self-promotion. i don't need to go on about the shame and stigma of self-promotion among music-making people. however, if i don't do it, no one will come to me; unfortunately every time i try to do it, i recoil internally and stop before i even start. then there is the feeling of begging for attention, which has been trained out of me over many years. i'm not really sure how to reach out without feeling this way, like i have no idea how to do it. i feel like i need advice from someone who knows me & gets my perspective and situation, but ???
you're right though, it does come in waves. i am not having one atm but like i said, i am getting a decent fix elsewhere in my musical life.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 8 March 2018 15:40 (six years ago) link
LL, to me you are a hero for passing on to others what you know/love. The courage to do that is laudable - so is your general air of humility and wonder about it... being eager to exchange information with your students and cast out a net for suggestions.
Personally I spent a decade working frightfully hard on composing original music, recording almost every instrument myself, teaching it to a full band, and finding gigs at which to present it to the public. I love it but the cost/benefit ratio is way out of whack.
In contrast, my current ninjacoustic trio - beloved 80s covers but using folk/bluegrass instrumentation - is relaxing and fun.
― I leprecan't even. (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 8 March 2018 18:02 (six years ago) link
Thanks! It's so fun too -- I went on outings with students on Sunday night (to see a string quartet play Wadada Leo Smith's borderline incomprehensible compositions about Marian Anderson and Ma Rainey AND talk about them at the cost of $5) and Tuesday (to see a house band play for swing dancers at a legendary Chicago venue). The only student who kvetched about it (and not even directly to me) was the young woman who spent her 20th birthday seeing string quartet free jazz with her mom (who is also in my class and reported the kvetching) <3 good times imo <3
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 8 March 2018 18:46 (six years ago) link
i'm not really sure how to reach out without feeling this way, like i have no idea how to do it.
There's definitely a lot of people clamoring for attention, and social media really amplifies this. I have the same issue, but I realize, that in the context of the "news feed" you just blend in with everyone else (unless you go about attention-seeking in a very dramatic way -- which I also have seen plenty of), and you shouldn't feel shame or like you stick out in a bad way.
One thing I think is useful is to be specific about what you are looking for. Are you looking for collaborators? Are you looking for gigs? Are you looking for gigs for a specific project? And if you are contacting people, or just doing a fb post "putting it out there" people tend to respond to specifics, rather than more general things, where you will get "likes" and "hearts" but little actual action.
― sarahell, Thursday, 8 March 2018 20:23 (six years ago) link
and in my life -- I have now been booking music in arts venues for 19 years, on and off, mostly on. I keep saying, "okay this is the last one" and then I get pulled back in ...
― sarahell, Thursday, 8 March 2018 20:28 (six years ago) link
that's good advice, thank you <3i know i have more luck getting things actually done by talking with people in person than via social media.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 9 March 2018 13:46 (six years ago) link
Performing tomorrow. Don't feel ready yet.
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Friday, 9 March 2018 15:30 (six years ago) link
Just finished mixing my fifth record
Had a meeting with the label and they're saying "January 2019"
I feel sick to my stomach, lazy, stupid, but also happy that I might get a vacation this summer
― flamboyant goon tie included, Friday, 9 March 2018 19:16 (six years ago) link
daer fgti's label, ur slow coaches
grats though!
― imago, Friday, 9 March 2018 19:37 (six years ago) link
That sucks, but I've been enjoying the time between finishing the thing and the thing coming out. I always feel like I can't truly start on another record until the last one has been released, so it's nice to mentally let myself off the hook from feeling like I should be making music. That's obv a long time though.
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 9 March 2018 20:21 (six years ago) link
If it was a novel it'd be an even longer wait! Way longer.
― when worlds collide I'll see you again (Jon not Jon), Friday, 9 March 2018 20:48 (six years ago) link
unless u lose patience and put it out yourself, like an idiot
― imago, Friday, 9 March 2018 20:51 (six years ago) link
A little readier
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Friday, 9 March 2018 22:15 (six years ago) link
Sund4r, where/what are you playing?
― Embalming is a flirty business (DJP), Saturday, 10 March 2018 05:04 (six years ago) link
I'll be playing at University of Ottawa in a few of hours, doing a solo set of ambient/proggy/fusion-ish electric guitar+laptop music with a couple of new pieces. Rehearsal felt good this morning. I'll do a similar set in MA in a couple of weeks.
Excited for fgti's new album! Summer vacation sounds nice, unless it means that money will be tight.
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Saturday, 10 March 2018 16:31 (six years ago) link
Agreed to do a dj set in Chicago that starts at 3:30 am
This went well, played from 3:45 - 4:45 and drove back afterwards, staying up all night at my advanced age was easier than expected.
Mixing on CDJ-900s was a little trickier than I expected but I think I played it smart. It would have been nice to be able to do longer, tighter blends but I stuck to quick + safe transitions for the most part and we all had fun.
― change display name (Jordan), Monday, 12 March 2018 15:19 (six years ago) link
Grats fgti, that's great news! Lj otm though, Jan '19... Sheesh.
― Google Atheist (Le Bateau Ivre), Monday, 12 March 2018 15:23 (six years ago) link
I put a few tracks on a bandcamp page - the same ones I posted upthread - and I got some really nice feedback from some folk. A guy I haven't seen in ten years saw me share them on Facebook and messaged me - he manages a website for photography and videography and has asked me if I would be interested in supplying some soundtrack material for the content they produce. So I'm meeting up with him over the weekend for a catch-up and to discuss how this would work in practice. It might come to nothing but then again it might be interesting to do. At first I thought he was just looking for something he could get cheaply but he's determined to offer me a decent scale of money. It's exciting because he must, at some level, believe that what I'm working on is good enough that he's willing to associate his business and his name with it, it makes me feel kinda legit.
― boxedjoy, Tuesday, 13 March 2018 17:42 (six years ago) link
also, bedroom producers, how do you record your vocals properly? I thought I would give it a go by plugging in my (admittedly cheap) microphone into Ableton and using some EQ to take off the low frequences and adding some reverb but it sounds so tinny and unnatural and I have no idea which of the thousands of Youtube tutorials to start watching.
― boxedjoy, Tuesday, 13 March 2018 17:46 (six years ago) link
what kind of mic are you using now? if you don't already have one, even a budget to lower-midrange level condenser (say, $150-$300) microphone makes a big difference.
i don't know why i'm offering advice on production. i deeply hate the way that all my music sounds (although i think my compositions are ok, which keeps me going). what is going on in my musical life is that i'm re-recording a handful of songs at my best pal's studio, with my old college band as ace session players, basically. if all goes well i might actually play A Show, which used to be a core part of my identity but disappeared during my lost 20s
― Karl Malone, Tuesday, 13 March 2018 17:56 (six years ago) link
'person with projects sees my weird little bandcamp album and asks me to do soundtrack work' is pretty much my dream result, good on you boxedjoy
― when worlds collide I'll see you again (Jon not Jon), Tuesday, 13 March 2018 18:01 (six years ago) link
I record vocals at home with an SM57 & 58, usually thru a cheap rack compressor (or even sometimes thru a compressor guitar pedal, the blue Boss one). I mostly record to tape & eq on my tascam, but ime it's best to get a good clean/dry sound before you start adding reverb & effects. that's totally dependent on your voice so ya gotta just mess around with the eq and find the sweet spot. Compressors are your friend.
― flappy bird, Tuesday, 13 March 2018 18:04 (six years ago) link
Congrats to boxedjoy and Karl.At home I record vocals using a Shure SM57 connected to my computer via an old Tascam US-144mkII USB interface. The room I record in has a full height bookshelf behind me and heavy curtains on the window to the right, so this reduces a lot of the boxy room tone.
― 2018 has to be better (snoball), Tuesday, 13 March 2018 18:09 (six years ago) link
^ yeah any kind of dampening like that works great. also ime recording in hallways works really well for getting a little bit of natural reverb & a good tone, but ymmv. definitely worth trying tho if you can
― flappy bird, Tuesday, 13 March 2018 18:14 (six years ago) link
what's going on in my musical life is, about two years ago I started piano lessons about 12 years after my musical life lapsed during high school. I bought a piano last year because I have more money and space than patience, it was the right choice because pianos are wonderful. I'm not practicing enough and each piece I work on merits weeks and months of effort but I've been working on Mozart K545 Piano Sonata in C major (well, the first movement, so far) and I can tell I've made progress.
For example: I can sight read the grand staff laboriously slowly. I can read the bass clef at all and read the treble clef a million times better than I ever could as a mallet percussionist. My hands stretch for a 9th. I can play the first few Hanons at 85bpm or so without totally falling over myself. I memorize pretty well. I don't spend too much time looking at my hands.
Anyway that's what's going on. My objective when I started was to have no objective or schedule for making any particular amount of progress and just do it indefinitely and see where things stood in ten years or so. Sometimes I wish I were more diligent at sitting down to practice, or learn pieces faster, but mostly I just keep going every week and hear stuff get better.
― valorous wokelord (silby), Tuesday, 13 March 2018 20:10 (six years ago) link
that's awesome! once you can sight read, even super slowly, it starts a positive feedback loop that eventually leads to you playing effortlessly behind your back in a speakeasy while people throw money in the air and cheer
― Karl Malone, Tuesday, 13 March 2018 20:21 (six years ago) link
keep enjoying yourself silby! that's how it's done imoalso learning feels good :)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 13 March 2018 20:56 (six years ago) link
flappy: I am in awe of your use of tape.
I still have a cassette Portastudio. I did a solo album on it (maybe 2004?). I'd love to say that I use it all the time but I don't, really. Maybe I should get it out again.
― I leprecan't even. (Ye Mad Puffin), Tuesday, 13 March 2018 21:03 (six years ago) link
oh you mean my tape collage? thank you! glad you liked it... it was very fun & I felt insane in the best way making it. I've passed a hump in making the companion piece for the B side & am enjoying feeling insane again making it. I did some rough math back in November and I think "The Streets Are Hot Tonight" has somewhere between 600-900 individual edits. this new one is 8 minutes shorter so it should be uh.. less than that lol
definitely bust out the Portastudio. they are so much fun to work with. I also use mine for demos & cataloguing riffs & melodies, but the tape collages are the only time I feel like I'm using the thing as an instrument.
― flappy bird, Tuesday, 13 March 2018 21:38 (six years ago) link
put a weird old little album I made about 10 years ago on spotify recently, the songs are all really short and named after champion australian racehorses, genres are all over the place, there's indie and post punk and pseudo-jazz and momus-y shit and this goofy track that sounds like rpg castle music among other things, a cpl songs about books like the tripods and John Barth's end of the road, theres droney singing, one is a riddle, one's backwards... I dunno why I'm sharing this it's weird and personal and I never showed anyone really except a few friends many years ago
Anyway if u like
― kinder, gentler (sleepingbag), Thursday, 3 May 2018 17:29 (six years ago) link
21 songs in 31 minutes (but no song feels rushed) and you really covered a lot of territory! i really liked 'victory vein', which reminded me of unwound a bit. did you record all the tracks or did you have a band?
― Karl Malone, Thursday, 3 May 2018 19:41 (six years ago) link
also you shouldn't feel weird about sharing it, i don't think. i totally sympathize because i have also had issues with sharing certain creative things (obv not gifs, which for some reason i don't have any problem constantly imposing on people, but other things). but i think some people, often perfectionists, overthink what the others will think and decide not to share it at all, and that's a shame! also i could be completely projecting all of this, sorry!
― Karl Malone, Thursday, 3 May 2018 19:49 (six years ago) link
appreciate you checking it out karl! it actually means a lot, i've always found much to enjoy in the projects of yours that you've shared here.
this was a super non-collaborative project, i did everything myself including the recording and the album art. at the time i had a couple cheap acoustic guitars including a 12 string, also an ibanez bass and a fender stratocaster, logic 8 + a bunch of st0len s0ftware + drum libraries, mic on everything was i think an akg c214. i'd been playing and engineering music for other ppl for a while at that point but never sang or wrote lyrics before, this album was (and is) the only thing that was a more or less complete synthesis of everything i knew how to do driven by stuff that influenced me into a finished project of my own.. i'm definitely proud of it in some sense even though i think it's kind of 'purposeless' music and wouldn't mean much to most ppl, which i guess is another way of saying yes, i def overthink about how it would be received (or ignored) if i took more of an open, 'hey this is my music' approach.. v scary! anyway, thanks!
― kinder, gentler (sleepingbag), Thursday, 3 May 2018 22:37 (six years ago) link
― brand new universal harvester (dog latin), Thursday, 3 May 2018 23:15 (six years ago) link
seriously this is wonderful
― brand new universal harvester (dog latin), Thursday, 3 May 2018 23:16 (six years ago) link
yeah this is so good! It feels so personal and intimate and cohesive in a way its stylistic variety wouldn't suggest. Well done!
― boxedjoy, Friday, 4 May 2018 09:35 (six years ago) link
my big news is that one of my tracks was chosen to soundtrack this video for the charity Bloodwise
the Youtube views are low but the original video was posted to Facebook as an embed and has had 2000 views, which is more than I could ever imagine for me sitting in my room being a weirdo mucking about on Ableton, I'm really excited by that. I met the videography team at the weekend and they have lots of ideas of things they want to do so it could be getting interesting.
― boxedjoy, Friday, 4 May 2018 09:40 (six years ago) link
this is happening
― Οὖτις, Friday, 4 May 2018 18:39 (six years ago) link
lol or is it
― Οὖτις, Friday, 4 May 2018 18:42 (six years ago) link
Been discussing a collaboration for two months but not getting the tracks until today, deadline is Monday. Honestly kind of excited for the all-decisions-are-final-decisions pressure that brings.
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 4 May 2018 19:08 (six years ago) link
congrats boxedjoy
― brand new universal harvester (dog latin), Friday, 4 May 2018 19:10 (six years ago) link
ill be there shakes! i restarted the chaki project almost a year ago and have been playing a lot with other one person acts like captured by robots and bob log III. its been a trip getting to know these dudes that go on the road by themselves. kind of inspiring!
― kurt schwitterz, Friday, 4 May 2018 20:01 (six years ago) link
was really tempted by the bob log double bill been a fan of his since the 90s, sorry I missed that! things have been p hectic for me this week :(
― Οὖτις, Friday, 4 May 2018 20:30 (six years ago) link
i am playing some extra percussion with a well established band and we sound awesomeshow is a week from today!!
omg i remember bob log III!!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Saturday, 5 May 2018 00:18 (six years ago) link
Best of luck to all. My acoustic covers trio has gigs coming up, working from more or less this list
Somebody to LoveJust Like HeavenHungry Like the WolfDon't Get me WrongLovesongDreamingDreamsI'm on FirePlease Please Please Let Me Get What I WantStraight UpThings Can Only Get BetterNo MythTainted Love
― NO REGERTS (Ye Mad Puffin), Saturday, 5 May 2018 12:32 (six years ago) link
Oh man I want to hear the HoJo!
― when worlds collide I'll see you again (Jon not Jon), Saturday, 5 May 2018 13:05 (six years ago) link
Dreaming is a really sturdily constructed song, good cover choice
― Οὖτις, Saturday, 5 May 2018 14:47 (six years ago) link
Well, I do have some decidedly uneven recordings from our first few drunken open mics: Don't Get Me Wrong Dreaming Things Can Only Get Better
― NO REGERTS (Ye Mad Puffin), Saturday, 5 May 2018 18:39 (six years ago) link
Ah sadly it looks like my band is done and right after getting our 2nd LP in hand. Figures. No biggy as I will keep playing music.
Anyway, now I got to figure out what to do with a lot of LPs that are never going to sell. I'm kinda thinking to try to spread them out by donations into thrift stores all over the place. It's got a good cover, so I figure someone might buy it for a buck.
I figure look at it as a bit of a cloud seeding project and see if anything comes of it.
― earlnash, Tuesday, 8 May 2018 03:01 (six years ago) link
the band i've been playing with recorded at electric audio with steve albini last week. in 20+ years of playing music i've never recorded in a pro studio before so i was pretty nervous but it turned out good. we recorded live to tape, so no mixing after the song was on tape, which actually ruled because obviously he knows how to get good sounds in his studio with his gear (the drums in particular sound amazing) and it means no mixing. unfortunately for me this band has a whole album they did before i joined that they haven't released yet, so they're going to try and get that out first before we put out the stuff i'm on, but i still think it might come out sometime this year?
― na (NA), Tuesday, 8 May 2018 14:19 (six years ago) link
that's the advance single from the album that i am not on
― na (NA), Tuesday, 8 May 2018 14:20 (six years ago) link
Whoa, that's a great life experience to have.
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 8 May 2018 14:22 (six years ago) link
yeah i kind of felt like a tourist but it was fun
― na (NA), Tuesday, 8 May 2018 14:23 (six years ago) link
Any good SA anecdotes?
I got my deadline track done in a long afternoon, it's always a good lesson in committing to decisions and finishing things. Wish I could do that all the time (although it helps when someone else has already written most of the parts, lol).
It's basically a dancehall track, I think dog latin would like it.
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 8 May 2018 14:27 (six years ago) link
no, he was pretty efficient and business-like, which was good because we were trying to do a lot in one day. he talked to us about cricket for a while
― na (NA), Tuesday, 8 May 2018 14:36 (six years ago) link
i like dancehall! NA your band sounds super cool in that writeup, why the release delay?
i am going over the last 8 weeks of material to prep my students for their final exam for my music appreciation class. and on friday i am bonus/2nd drummer for a band i met like a month ago.
i had a new experience for me while i was rehearsing with them. there were 4 songs i had learned before our first rehearsal, but then we played a couple other ones i had never heard before. as it turns out, i can play songs i have never heard before. idk if i could have been the only drummer, but i played along/in a complementary fashion well enough that everyone decided once was enough for those two. the spontaneity was enjoyable; i should probably practice those a few times before the show on friday though!
i bet steve albini talks to a lot of nervous people
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 8 May 2018 14:41 (six years ago) link
earlnash, has there been a thread about bands whose greatest work was released after they broke up?
― NO REGERTS (Ye Mad Puffin), Tuesday, 8 May 2018 14:45 (six years ago) link
i think they waited a long time to get the album mastered, and then they were trying to get someone else to put it out (to no avail) for a while
― na (NA), Tuesday, 8 May 2018 14:48 (six years ago) link
that makes sense, was just wondering
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 8 May 2018 14:55 (six years ago) link
congrats to everybody on your new records/gigs. looking forward to hearing it!
― obviously DLC (Karl Malone), Tuesday, 8 May 2018 14:56 (six years ago) link
That sounds like an amazing experience, NA. (And, wow, no mixing!)
I got a video of dude performing my 10-string classical guitar composition that I'm really happy with and will share once he OKs it. Getting ready to perform in Edmonton in a couple of weeks, which I think will be livestreamed. (In between finishing all end-of-semester grading the week before and moving all of my things to Canada the week after. No pressure this month.)
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Tuesday, 8 May 2018 21:14 (six years ago) link
I’m singing with a community chorus as a ringer and being strongly reminded of why I sing with professional ensembles
― Embalming is a flirty business (DJP), Wednesday, 9 May 2018 00:00 (six years ago) link
Is it the singing, or is it something other than the singing
― valorous wokelord (silby), Wednesday, 9 May 2018 00:56 (six years ago) link
It is mostly the singing. Admittedly the piece isn’t easy (Martin Mass for Double Chorus) but the other two times I did it, it was with singers who didn’t make the same mistakes every single time they looked at it. Like, every single time.
― Embalming is a flirty business (DJP), Wednesday, 9 May 2018 03:26 (six years ago) link
that is such a cool piece. I checked it out because of you iirc djp
― when worlds collide I'll see you again (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 9 May 2018 14:53 (six years ago) link
Dad from my dad acoustic cover gettogether asked me if I want to join a full band he's playing with, and I was like "I would be into playing, but I can't commit to weekly rehearsals or gigs or anything right now," and, dripping with unearned attitude, he goes, "Well, I'll have to check with the other guys, but the thing is, we're starting a *real* band, and we need commitment." Yeah ok 45-year-old father of three small children, you're starting a "real" band.
― Fedora Dostoyevsky (man alive), Wednesday, 9 May 2018 15:42 (six years ago) link
― flappy bird, Wednesday, 9 May 2018 18:20 (six years ago) link
Rock band attitude, why is it so bad and hated?
― Nashville #9 Dream (James Redd and the Blecchs), Thursday, 10 May 2018 01:00 (six years ago) link
All bands are real
― Οὖτις, Thursday, 10 May 2018 02:10 (six years ago) link
In the dark
― Nashville #9 Dream (James Redd and the Blecchs), Thursday, 10 May 2018 13:22 (six years ago) link
recorded a 21 minute improv yesterday afternoon shortly after i heard about glenn branca's death. me on guitar, my friend corey on drums. i was pretty happy with it for a spur of the moment thing. i've gotta remember what i tuned my guitar to... something like FFEF#G#F...
― flappy bird, Tuesday, 15 May 2018 20:24 (six years ago) link
― flappy bird, Sunday, 20 May 2018 04:59 (six years ago) link
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Sunday, 20 May 2018 06:40 (six years ago) link
great job!
― obviously DLC (Karl Malone), Sunday, 20 May 2018 16:48 (six years ago) link
I'll be playing three pieces for electric guitar and live digital processing at MacEwan University in Edmonton on Wednesday at around 2:45 MDT (4:45 EDT). The event will be livestreamed here:
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Monday, 21 May 2018 20:01 (six years ago) link
We're releasing out first album (~6 years after an EP) on Friday week.
― in twelve parts (lamonti), Wednesday, 30 May 2018 18:25 (six years ago) link
Yo, Liz and I just moved and our new place is on the third story of a house. We have plenty of space and are excited about playing in our living room. Does anyone have some inexpensive sound proofing options that don’t look like shit since this is a living room? Heavy rug?
― Allen (etaeoe), Sunday, 3 June 2018 22:35 (six years ago) link
Depends on what you wish to accomplish.
You can control some frequencies, but the only true soundproofing is a room-within-a-room. A lot of what you do with foam or rugs or whatever changes what you will hear, but it won't keep the neighbors from hearing loud music.
Getting amps off the floor helps avoid transfer. Some people do a tennis-ball riser for drums (plywood, tennis balls, plywood. Helps keep low vibrations from going through the floor.
Alas you may just need to be nice to whoever lives downstairs and/or figure out their schedule.
― emotional support vegetable (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 4 June 2018 02:37 (six years ago) link
Big moving blankets are supposed to be good for cheap sound deadening (but not isolation as YPM' says) - put grommets in for eyes and hang them then take them down afterward.
― louise ck (milo z), Monday, 4 June 2018 05:22 (six years ago) link
Short Youtube playlist of live videos of some guitar/laptop performances from the spring, from a small event at a library at University of Ottawa and a conference in Edmonton. This is the most recent piece. Planning to do proper recordings of the latter two soonish, hopefully get an album together, maybe for physical release.
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Wednesday, 6 June 2018 00:10 (six years ago) link
We're releasing out first album (~6 years after an EP) on Friday week.― in twelve parts (lamonti), Wednesday, May 30, 2018 7:25 PM (two weeks ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
― in twelve parts (lamonti), Wednesday, May 30, 2018 7:25 PM (two weeks ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
And here it is!
― in twelve parts (lamonti), Wednesday, 13 June 2018 17:40 (six years ago) link
first live performance of a new tape collage, "Sipper of Tea," a work in progress. it'll be the B side for the physical release of The Streets Are Hot Tonight, trying to get that out in September.
― flappy bird, Monday, 23 July 2018 05:08 (six years ago) link
I got to play bass with a drummer and guitarist last week and boy oh boy I'd forgotten how fun it was. We were really running through a few half-constructed songs written by the guitarist, but I really enjoyed having a drummer to play along with, especially since she had a very different, almost textural style of playing compared to the guy I was used to playing with (for whom louder = better).
― Gâteau Superstar (dog latin), Monday, 23 July 2018 07:52 (six years ago) link
my guess is the drummer probably also enjoyed having people to play music witheveryone wins :)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 23 July 2018 13:41 (six years ago) link
As a drummer I aspire to being "textural," and would consider it the highest compliment btw
― nonsensei (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 23 July 2018 15:13 (six years ago) link
used to be a guitar player in high school. was a competent rhythm player, could do simple leads, fell out of love with right as I was getting into metal (mostly due to not being able to have my amp in my dorm) and gave it up at 23. picked it back up at 28, only to barely touch the guitar and amp I bought the entire year I had it, and sold it a year later.
had an itch the last two years and bought myself a Dean (Dave Mustaine brand) and an amp and feared the same would happen but I've been hacking at it for hours a day and it's almost like being 18 again.
weirdly, despite having not played an electric since 2009, being terrible at acoustic now, and being rusty af, I've regained most of my skills in the last week and am stronger in some areas than I ever used to be. I mean, my picking needs improvement, my speed as well, but stuff like tapping that I used to be awful at, I'm picking up rather quickly. My pinky finger used to be so terrible at everything and it is suddenly able to do the things it couldn't do at 18.
I suspect I had shitty instruments too back then (Fender Squier with neck warp) but this is a fucking blast.
so...I don't plan to be a recording musician or a gigging musician. this is strictly for hobbyism and fun. but any suggestions as to exercises to improve speed, particularly with tremolo? I've watched a ton of internet videos and they've helped, but curious what anybody here has used.
I think most of my trem issue isn't as much the speed, but the accuracy. I tend to 'jump' the rhythm if that makes sense.
― fuck the NRA (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 1 August 2018 04:51 (six years ago) link
tremolo picking or whammy bar or vibrato/bends?
it's so true what you said about skills coming back better somehow after time away. there's this riff I taught myself 3 years ago that I hadn't played since and when I went to look it up last week I could play it better than I ever could before in about 10 minutes.
― flappy bird, Wednesday, 1 August 2018 05:10 (six years ago) link
the thread where we discover we are x-men
― Karl Malone, Wednesday, 1 August 2018 05:15 (six years ago) link
Going to give a recital along with my friend who has been taking voice lessons this year and invite some people over and actually play something and try to do a good job, and then also accompany her which is a whole other thing that we’ve only partially figured out so far.
― devops mom (silby), Wednesday, 1 August 2018 05:20 (six years ago) link
xxxpost tremolo picking
― fuck the NRA (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 1 August 2018 05:23 (six years ago) link
Practice really slowly, play whatever the part or "move" is really slow over and over.
― flappy bird, Wednesday, 1 August 2018 05:32 (six years ago) link
Use a metronome if you're having tempo issues
― flappy bird, Wednesday, 1 August 2018 05:33 (six years ago) link
^^Metronome is U&K. You'll also want to practise the transitions into and out of the part. If you're mainly just concerned about the right hand picking aspect, you can even practise with open strings so you don't fatigue your left hand with repeated practice.
Are you mostly looking to do tremolo picking with chords for a rhythm guitar part (with palm-muting?)? In a lead context? Tremolo on a single note or do you mean rapid even picking while playing a melody? (The above advice will working with anything, of course.)
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Wednesday, 1 August 2018 11:49 (six years ago) link
does anyone have any recommendations for portable lights or places to shop for them? i am not looking to light up individual drums, just to create some sort of light element. i have googled and haven't found much that i like.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 3 August 2018 15:17 (six years ago) link
idk but there's a DJ gear place on Lawrence that I always think about stopping at when I drive by. :) I have one of these, maybe it's corny but it works when the only other options are lights on or off in a diy space.
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 3 August 2018 15:28 (six years ago) link
DJ gear place -- good idea! Your link didn't work...
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 3 August 2018 15:45 (six years ago) link
Oh well, I think it's this
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 3 August 2018 15:55 (six years ago) link
thanks -- that is sort of the situation i am facing, not immediately but long termdoesn't seem corny from the video i watched but i wondered if it was easy to program or to choose one effect to repeat i have neither owned nor operated a light like this so I am unsure of what to google for -- like what the search terms are. the ones i have tried have yielded much cornier results than this one!!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 3 August 2018 20:52 (six years ago) link
this is the one i watched
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 3 August 2018 20:53 (six years ago) link
xp back to Neanderthal’s post - quality of gear is something I used to dismiss when I was younger, a guitar’s a guitar and all that, buuut last summer I bought an actual Fender bass and the difference in comfort playing that vs the Cort I’d been playing for years and liked was really noticable!
I’ve really slipped with practicing and playing, I just don’t have room to keep gear set up at the moment. I do actually have at least one musical project on the horizon so should be pushing myself to get in with it.
― michaellambert, Friday, 3 August 2018 21:57 (six years ago) link
managed to learn the first part of the solo to Hell Bent for Leather. basic tapping and pulling off, yeah, but I couldn't do it when I was 18. am noticing my speed improving.
i should probably stop just playing my favorite songs and do some exercises now and then but hey
― fuck the NRA (Neanderthal), Saturday, 4 August 2018 00:28 (six years ago) link
Always learning other peoples' songs is great & helps my playing & writing just as much if not more than exercises
― flappy bird, Saturday, 4 August 2018 05:34 (six years ago) link
I find i like the shit that tears up my fingers right now. Getting the callouses back
― fuck the NRA (Neanderthal), Saturday, 4 August 2018 05:45 (six years ago) link
I had my first experience with publicly performing a straight jazz standard with jazz players on Monday. A friend who's a pro jazz pianist is leaving town and had a goodbye jam with a band at a jazz bar. I practised and led a version of "Take Five" with them. I had fun and got some invitations to play more so I'm thinking of doing more of this. I'd been wanting to try this revolutionary idea of playing with other human beings; also playing tunes that don't take months to learn.
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Thursday, 9 August 2018 15:28 (six years ago) link
That is awesome! Any recordings of it?
― outside, you're never alone. (Austin), Thursday, 9 August 2018 17:37 (six years ago) link
Ha, that's great Sund4r.
I've been enjoying playing drums more than I have in awhile. I feel like I'm playing better than ever, but not by actually being any better. I still have pretty poor technique but the continuing process of embracing my limitations and trying to be relaxed at all times goes a long way. I have a gig backing up a pretty legendary New Orleans trumpet player in a couple months, so I've been doing a lot of mental practicing for that.
(but really I'd rather be getting DJ gigs, lol)
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 9 August 2018 17:48 (six years ago) link
Here's a video that someone took at a recent show with a New Orleans jazz group (not the brass band, this is the indoors version, some of the same musicians though)
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 9 August 2018 18:27 (six years ago) link
Thanks, guys. I don't have a recording of the jam.
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Friday, 10 August 2018 03:38 (six years ago) link
embracing my limitations and trying to be relaxed at all times goes a long way.
Something I've been learning for a while. Your upcoming gig sounds really cool; hope it goes well. The video looks like a really fun gig.
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Friday, 10 August 2018 03:44 (six years ago) link
Been trying to play more guitar lately. Coming up with some new chord progressions, and also figuring out "Knives Out" by Radiohead and some bits of a Bill Frisell track.
― Mario Meatwagon (Moodles), Friday, 10 August 2018 03:47 (six years ago) link
I guess this counts:
My wife and I taped an episode of Beat Shazam that airs on Tuesday, Aug 14 at 8 ET/7 CT on Fox.
― GDPR vs GAPDY (DJP), Friday, 10 August 2018 04:00 (six years ago) link
So stoked!!
― No organ. (crüt), Friday, 10 August 2018 04:02 (six years ago) link
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 10 August 2018 04:16 (six years ago) link
― Mario Meatwagon (Moodles), Friday, 10 August 2018 04:48 (six years ago) link
hope you won a million dolloars!!
embracing my limitations and trying to be relaxed at all times goes a long mantra!! stay cool, fool ;)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 10 August 2018 13:33 (six years ago) link
Don’t forget!
― Mr. Snrub, Tuesday, 14 August 2018 10:03 (six years ago) link
Working towards having my first 'band' space in my own house, which is pretty cool. I'm getting my music computer setup in the new space this weekend and will start mixing the record we got in the can. I got a few vocals to cut but held off as this space has a nice high ceiling, which I am curious to see how it sounds recorded.
I'm really psyched as for the first time I will have a drum kit in my house that I can play whenever I want (within reason). I'm also psyched to have space to finally get the whole MIDI rig up and setup for the first time in years.
Guitarist is back in town for a few months, so we are probably going to play a few more gigs and do a a bit more recording. Could be cool, we will see.
― earlnash, Friday, 17 August 2018 00:37 (six years ago) link
Bought a used Squier J Mascis Jazzmaster because I wanted something to practice on with setting up and soldering and etc. - this is a seriously nice guitar for $300.
― louise ck (milo z), Tuesday, 28 August 2018 04:47 (six years ago) link
nice. that's a great price, I didn't know they made a Squier model
― flappy bird, Tuesday, 28 August 2018 16:21 (six years ago) link
Yeah, I got one of the J Mascis Jazzmasters when they were new. It's a rad guitar, though kind of spendy for a Squier. I didn't end up keeping it because the tones I was getting out of it were just too similar to my Telecaster.
― outside, you're never alone. (Austin), Tuesday, 28 August 2018 16:43 (six years ago) link
going through my SD cards and making ruff mixes, may interest the lovers of messy electronics
power ambient
a nastier one
― Steve Reich, 'Ass-Clapping Music' (haitch), Wednesday, 19 September 2018 04:24 (six years ago) link
At the new music school job(s), they want me to be able to teach some bass, ukulele, and keyboard as well as guitar so I'm practising those whenever I can and taking the odd keyboard lesson. Bass is fun. I've got a little less time for my own music rn, which is frustrating.
Second jazz jam was less of a success than the first; still want to keep working on this.
Recorded, mixed, and mastered a friend's song a little while ago with two vocal parts, guitar, five violin tracks, and Hammond organ. It was nice to be able to do that kind of thing again, even if it was a home recording.
― The nexus of the crisis (Sund4r), Wednesday, 19 September 2018 14:57 (six years ago) link
xp nice stuff haitch!
― flappy bird, Wednesday, 19 September 2018 20:55 (six years ago) link
and Sund4r lucky duck working with a Hammond, I still haven't. when I recorded my last solo record I went to town on the Wurlitzer my engineer had, I think it's on every song? beautiful sound. he was really excited about the clavinet he got halfway thru recording.
― flappy bird, Wednesday, 19 September 2018 20:56 (six years ago) link
I was the engineer in this case. My friend was doing all the playing but, for certain, it was still a pleasure to get the chance to record a classic Hammond. It's been in his family for a while, I gather.
― The nexus of the crisis (Sund4r), Wednesday, 19 September 2018 21:33 (six years ago) link
Both of those (Hammond and Wurli) are so fun to play! Rhodes too.
― DJI, Wednesday, 19 September 2018 21:59 (six years ago) link
I've been searching high and low for a pedal that will make my Telecaster emulate a Fender Rhodes. I was really excited for the Electro-Harmonix KEY9 pedal because it has a specific Rhodes mode on it, but I was really disappointed with it. It went for more of a cheesy soft rock Rhodes tone where I want more of an early 70s Bill Evans / Ahmad Jamal type Rhodes sound.
Anyway, first new composition in a while yesterday.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Thursday, 20 September 2018 15:21 (six years ago) link
Recorded quite a bit this weekend. Couple new ones that I like here and here.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Tuesday, 25 September 2018 00:49 (six years ago) link
Also, if I ever start talking again about how I don't really need a phaser pedal, knee me square in the balls.
I ended up returning the Avalanche Run. It was really good, but I just wanted a little something more. Upon returning it, I noticed that the Guitar Center I was in had a used TC Electronic Triple Flashback delay. I loved the Flashback X4 when I had it, but I grew weary of its somewhat clunky integration of stacking the delays. The Triple Flashback came up as a possible replacement some weeks back, but I was not keen on spending another $300 to special order one, so I decided to wait it out. And my patience was rewarded for a change! The Triple Flashback is an incredible machine. I do miss the instant runaway oscillation that was built into the Avalanche Run, but the stuff you can do on the Triple Flashback more than makes up for it.
Anyway, the Triple Flashback, being used, was not even $200, so I had a good amount of store credit left over. Some of that I used towards a an MXR M107 Phase 100, also out of the used case. This makes for the seventh or eighth phaser I've ever purchased; I literally can't remember all the ones I've purchased and tried out for a while (though I do know for sure that this is the fourth MXR one I've acquired: Phase 95 (twice!), EVH Phase 90, and now the Phase 100). The Phase 100 is actually a much different beast than MXR's other one-knob phasers. I think it's even got the Phase 95 beat in terms of diversity. Phasers are actually a sound I really like a lot; I basically turned on the Phase 100 Friday evening and haven't turned it off since. I think that's maybe why I never kept any of the other ones: I relied on them too much. I hate when I start to play with a non-drive and / or non-reverb pedal that's always on; makes me feel like I'm cheating somehow —I think? I honestly don't know. Why else do I keep acquiring phasers, only to get rid of them and then reacquire another one a few months later?
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Tuesday, 25 September 2018 03:40 (six years ago) link
I really dig your stuff. You should team up with a vocalist. I’m hearing shoegazey reverb’d-out vocals...
― DJI, Tuesday, 25 September 2018 15:22 (six years ago) link
Thank you so much! That is amazing that you would say something like that about my sound doodles. I completely don't take making music that seriously. I mean, on a really personal level, I do. But that's just because I want to make stuff that I like. I don't mean this in a puffed up pretentious kind of way, but I honestly don't expect too many other people to hear my music and get something out of it; it's kind of filled with esoteric references and completely random ideas thrown together.
But, again: thank you. To suggest that I should work with a singer implies that you think my music is somewhat accessible; which is such a weird concept for me. Very humbling. Thank you.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Tuesday, 25 September 2018 16:03 (six years ago) link
i have a lot going on in my musical life and it's partially stressing me out and also i feel like these are probably relatively common issues and ones i shouldn't allow to derail melotsa good stuff though, things i am looking forward to and proud of -- i am playing a very short (all sets are 5 min) solo set and later that week playing with a band-of-indeterminate-size but both should be fun and i feel i will have accomplished something new each time, which is important to me.
this flurry of activity is definitely helping distract me from other harmful stressors swirling around at the highest levels of power in the country where i live :(
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 25 September 2018 16:58 (six years ago) link
Lechera, music is the best therapy! I would love to reach a point where I have so many music endeavors that I got stressed from it.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Tuesday, 25 September 2018 20:31 (six years ago) link
it really isthe best!!!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 25 September 2018 20:47 (six years ago) link
I tried to start the hashtag #therapythroughmusic on Instagram over the past several months whenever I would post something music-related (which is the majority of my posts). It hasn't taken off so far though.
Just in my experience, I do honestly believe that music is very therapeutic.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Tuesday, 25 September 2018 21:06 (six years ago) link
the field of music/art therapy is booming from what i hearseriously -- it's drug-free and effective for many!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 25 September 2018 21:26 (six years ago) link
Yeah but imo, music and art are both more fun when I also have drugs.
― ~ cows come home (Ye Mad Puffin), Tuesday, 25 September 2018 23:18 (six years ago) link
Agreed. Drugs are awesome.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Thursday, 27 September 2018 18:55 (six years ago) link
Music is a drug.
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 27 September 2018 20:30 (six years ago) link
I've been asked to make some music to soundtrack a photography exhibition in two weeks. The theme is "apocalypse" and I think they are hoping for something dark and grimey and sterile, but all my music tends to be uplifting and warm. Its been really fun spending the week curled over my laptop pushing myself out of my comfort zone, and I think I am getting there, but I am also terrified. I'm also dreading the exhibition because as much as its thrilling to imagine people in a public space listening to my stuff, I hate the idea of talking about it.
― boxedjoy, Friday, 28 September 2018 08:43 (six years ago) link
photo/art openings & exhibitions are ime the worst way to experience, engage, and reckon with a piece of art. insight into process and intent are interesting but at a certain point putting it into words defeats the purpose.
― flappy bird, Monday, 1 October 2018 05:39 (six years ago) link
yes I really can't be bothered with heavy-handed "DO YOU SEE?!?" chat
― boxedjoy, Monday, 1 October 2018 07:13 (six years ago) link
Been messing with short loops a lot lately. Like, just one bar or even just a half a bar. Just trying to do stuff that's harmonically different from what I've been doing over the last year or so. I usually don't record that stuff, as it can get kind of tedious to listen back to. But, for sure, it's been steering me away from the more grey / bleak tones I've been traveling in for the past several months. I expressed some interest some while back that I would like to get my music, just generally speaking, into happier territories and timbres and these exercises seem to be working as far as that goes.
A couple of the loops that I thought turned out well were this one, which is a very esoteric melody that I (sort of?) came up with. I linked to it in the description for the loop, but another lifetime ago when I was an aspiring hip hop beat maker, I created, what I envisioned to be a short interlude type of beat where I sampled and chopped a guitar riff from the intro of 'Sunshower' from the first Dr. Buzzard's Original Savannah Band album. So, it struck me that my skills as a guitarist have improved greatly since I made that beat over a decade ago and that I could probably just play the riff for real. So, that's what I did. Just tried to expand on it with something else.
The other one is here. The idea for this one was to play just one chord, but in as many different voicings as I could. So, I got my chord book out and played as many differing variations of C major seventh that I could and just added on layers until a melodic line hit me.
And, finally, I did this one yesterday evening and I really like how it came out. The more I do those short loops, the more I'm starting to realize how valuable that one big, ornamental chord change can be. Like, you build this nice layer of very pleasing harmony and then just break it wide open with one carefully placed B minor seventh chord (or whatever) that makes the song take a turn that the listener perhaps wasn't expecting. I love that stuff. It's a rough take off on an idea that I sort of learned from the song 'The Motivator' from the T.Rex album Electric Warrior. Most of the song is just E major with a hammer-on on the A and D strings. It actually gets kind of droney if you try to play it without a drum track or rhythmic base, but it has an incredibly quick, but well placed changeup to C major and then A minor, and then right back to that E major. It sounds boring, but the harmony and release that emerges when those changes hit are just magical. So, I've kind of started to develop my own take on that kind of playing.
I've really just been having fun playing a lot lately. More fun than I can remember ever having while playing by myself than ever before. I used to get together with some buddies back in Reno and jam on Sunday mornings. We never really "got anywhere" when we played, it was just a really natural and good environment to be in. All three of us were really interested in the same music and we all had the same ideas about making music that was perhaps a bit indicative of its influences, but which also had a lot of unique things to say. More often than not, we just kind of worked grooves without much busy soloing or any really "flashy" playing, but that was kind of the point. Just really fun to get ideas bounced back at me from a perspective that I hadn't considered. I feel like I'm getting to that sort of point within my own head as, through the looping exercises and purposely "limiting" myself, I'm starting to see and hear things that would not have occurred to me otherwise.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Wednesday, 3 October 2018 18:09 (six years ago) link
Nice. The first one sounds a bit like Ph.D.'s "I Won´t Let You Down" – similar melody.
― Eyeball Kicks, Friday, 5 October 2018 08:29 (six years ago) link
Every once in a while, something comes out of my brain and I'm genuinely confused as to where it came from. Case in point. It's probably the best thing I've done in quite some time, but it's so far removed from anything I've been into lately, I am really struggling to come up with context. The only thing I can think of is when I was really into Michael Jackson back in the late 80s and early 90s, I would buy any and all singles that he released because they were cheap. Now, I was ten when Dangerous came out, so I was just into the a-sides on the singles, but MJJ would oftentimes put these house remixes on the b-side and my young listening ears had no idea where that stuff was coming from. Now I know that there was obviously a huge house music scene going on at the time and this was obviously an attempt to get his music (back) into the dance clubs. But, being only ten or eleven years old, I had zero knowledge of that. So, these house remixes just kind of sounded like these jumpy, slightly familiar variations on a song I knew. It was pretty challenging music for me at the time, because I didn't really like "dance music", but you know, when you're that young you're not really cognizant of "Hey, this isn't my favorite music, maybe I should flip the tape over", compounding with not having any money to just buy a new tape, you make due with what you have. So, I would often listen to these house mixes and find aspects about them that I liked. And it wasn't just Michael Jackson that would put those house remixes on his singles (but I bring him up because that was the first instance I recall of encountering them). Sometimes, r+b groups would put one of those house remixes on the b-side of their singles and it was the same kind of scenario: look for the aspects I liked. And, inevitably, I would always hear a sort of moody and melancholy timbre that I would zero in on. So, maybe that's where this new recording comes from. I honestly have no idea.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Sunday, 7 October 2018 16:21 (six years ago) link
Is there such a thing as "sad disco" and / or "sad house"? I feel like that's the sort of groove I was going for with this new recording.
When I think of songs that would have a similar type of mood that I was shooting for, things like 'Ceremony' by Joy Division / New Order, 'Missing the Moon' by the Field Mice, 'The Noose of Jah City' by Archy Marshall / King Krule, the J Dilla cover of EW+F's 'Brazilian Rhyme', and I'm sure there's some others that I'm drawing a blank on right now. But, stuff like that: definite groove, but kind of sad.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Sunday, 7 October 2018 17:19 (six years ago) link
Oh yeah, I guess this context might also matter: that new recording is a remix of this original from earlier this year.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Sunday, 7 October 2018 17:24 (six years ago) link
I'll ask my coworker about sad disco/sad house bc I'm pretty sure she makes it lol. "dark ambient"? "ambient techno"? we basically repeated the "what is ambient" argument in the musical controp thread verbatim the other week
― flappy bird, Sunday, 7 October 2018 21:36 (six years ago) link
v nice tracks Austin, I dig the remix quite a bit. I've found that the ideas that come seemingly unprompted or unrelated to other work are the best, most beguiling, and rewarding ideas and places to go. best not to question it and for sure try to capture it again when it strikes
― flappy bird, Sunday, 7 October 2018 21:47 (six years ago) link
totally prepped for my two performances this weekit's helping to keep my mind focused on things that are not horrifying on the micro or macro levelfocusing on music really helps un-fuck my head; i wish there weren't such a stigma about self-promotion because it really helps diffuse the tension/horror.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Sunday, 7 October 2018 21:54 (six years ago) link
a necessary evil for all artists unfortunately. with that in mind, here's video of me performing my latest tape collage "Sipper of Tea"
― flappy bird, Sunday, 7 October 2018 21:58 (six years ago) link
I wonder how much there actually is a stigma vs how much people worry about striking the wrong tone, overdoing it, etc. It's mostly the latter imo.
― change display name (Jordan), Sunday, 7 October 2018 21:59 (six years ago) link
if it's genuinely a necessary evil, can we reduce some of the stigma by doing it without shame? is that possible? i have been wondering this.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Sunday, 7 October 2018 22:08 (six years ago) link
yea just do it, if anyone judges or shames you they're wrong. for real. it's a hustle, like anything else
― flappy bird, Sunday, 7 October 2018 22:09 (six years ago) link
I think so, genuine excitement is vastly preferable to false modesty or apologizing for your work.
― change display name (Jordan), Sunday, 7 October 2018 22:14 (six years ago) link
that's how i feel about it -- and many people who like me as a person would not know an event is happening unless i tell them, so it's purely informativei wish accomplished people didn't display shame about it, i guess -- their shame leaks over into less-accomplished people like me and it seems unwarranted
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Sunday, 7 October 2018 22:15 (six years ago) link
their problem. never understood the "oh don't look at me, don't look at me" or pretending to be embarrassed about success - it's an infantile, stupid, vestigial Gen X trait
― flappy bird, Sunday, 7 October 2018 22:17 (six years ago) link
Recital for a half dozen friends a little later tonight. Chopin Op 28 no 20, Satie Gymnopédie 1, and accompanying my housemate singing Thom Yorke “Ingenue”. Wish me luck.
― I have measured out my life in coffee shop loyalty cards (silby), Monday, 8 October 2018 00:47 (six years ago) link
you're living my dream, which i failed to achieve because i gave up! good luck, you'll do great!
― 1-800-CALL-ATT (Karl Malone), Monday, 8 October 2018 00:59 (six years ago) link
I like your tape pieces a lot, flappy!
― timellison, Monday, 8 October 2018 01:30 (six years ago) link
Yeah, that's interesting stuff. That's not a Tascam Portastudio, is it?
And that's very cool, silby. Hope it went well.
― The nexus of the crisis (Sund4r), Monday, 8 October 2018 02:12 (six years ago) link
yeah it's a tascam 424 mkiiithanks for the kind words!
― flappy bird, Monday, 8 October 2018 02:22 (six years ago) link
Wow! I got one of those in 1999 to put together the portfolio that I ended up using to get into a composition course and switch to a music degree. Used it all the time for several years to record, mess with tapes, and make no-input mixer noise. When I first switched to computer recording, I even still used it as a (crude) interface. Looking at what they go for now, maybe I should have hung on to it.
Might do "Freddie Freeloader" at a jam tonight, if my drummer friend is up for it. My guitar duo will be performed by a couple of McGill guys this weekend.
― The nexus of the crisis (Sund4r), Monday, 8 October 2018 13:33 (six years ago) link
At this:
― The nexus of the crisis (Sund4r), Monday, 8 October 2018 13:44 (six years ago) link
I still have a 4-track cassette Portastudio. Haven't used it in a while but I love retaining the option.
― Yah Mo B. Hawkins (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 8 October 2018 15:02 (six years ago) link
Another new one, from yesterday. Back into Disintegration soundalikes.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Monday, 8 October 2018 15:10 (six years ago) link
my latest record, a mix of doo-wop/hip-hop/techno and ambient
first song is markedly more upbeat than the rest
― searching for Kelilah (Ross), Monday, 8 October 2018 15:35 (six years ago) link
as far as instrumentation: live keyboards, some electronics (hardware/ableton plugins), samples from movies (buffalo 66/love and friendship/slums of beverly hills), guitar (track 2), majority of all sounds are played live (i don't quantize as a rule, tho some of the beats are looped), also incorporates field recordings from vancouver
― searching for Kelilah (Ross), Monday, 8 October 2018 15:42 (six years ago) link
Cool shit!
― DJI, Monday, 8 October 2018 16:24 (six years ago) link
Another attempt at completely demolishing a semi-oldish tune:
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Thursday, 11 October 2018 15:11 (six years ago) link
I'm feeling genuinely grateful that this month I get to do pretty much all the things that I do. Had a great brass band gig last weekend (which was a block from my house and David Murray stopped in later), I have a short DJ set tonight opening for a friend's band, and next weekend are the jazz gigs with Ler0y J0nes that I've been shedding for.
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 11 October 2018 15:28 (six years ago) link
― The nexus of the crisis (Sund4r), Thursday, 11 October 2018 15:33 (six years ago) link
hi 5 jordan! i feel similarly about this month but mostly this week. If someone asked me to be in their Halloween cover band of a band I actually want to play the songs of, I would be almost fully satisfied. making things happen does take a lot of effort, but it is worth it imo. have fun tonight and enjoy your jazz gigs! i am playing tomorrow with 2 ilxors! if you know me/us irl you probably already know this because i have been talking about it incessantly :)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 11 October 2018 16:41 (six years ago) link
so the exhibition I mentioned upthread was on Friday and I managed to put together just over half an hour of music for it. I wasn't completely thrilled with what I finished - another few days to work on it both in terms of song and sound design would have really helped - but everyone seemed to appreciate it and I got speaking to a guy who asked if I would be interested in doing something for his science fiction event, which is exciting (despite my lack of knowledge about science fiction). It was a real buzz, to be honest - there were people there who I didn't know who seemed to be actively enjoying it and the friends I brought along for support said they overheard some nice things said. I was happy with how it sounded on the night, in the room, and it's 30 mins of music I can develop I didn't have three weeks ago, so I'm considering it a victory.
It's also motivated me to get a bit more serious about this. I've been to so many local things where people play music that I think is on a par or worse than stuff I'm doing, and if I thought I could make my laptop loops come alive on stage then I would definitely start looking into trying to play gigs.
― boxedjoy, Sunday, 14 October 2018 21:08 (six years ago) link
joy, that is outstanding! I would love to do something similar with my music, as "soundtrack" is basically where I see my music heading. Of course, I'd really have to buckle down and practice a lot more before I would be ready to play out.
Couple more "new" songs from this weekend here and here. Really pleased with my recordings lately.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Monday, 15 October 2018 16:44 (six years ago) link
That's great bj. Having a forced deadline to generate material sounds very appealing rn.
― change display name (Jordan), Monday, 15 October 2018 17:22 (six years ago) link
very cool boxedjoy
thanks DJI xpost
― Ross, Monday, 15 October 2018 18:43 (six years ago) link
We recorded the set from Friday -- here it is! Someone said it sounded like a lavender-scented bog, feel free to decide for yourself. Drums/percussion, harmonium, electric guitar <3
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 15 October 2018 19:23 (six years ago) link
that's me on guitar
― na (NA), Monday, 15 October 2018 19:46 (six years ago) link
recorded by tarfumes!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 15 October 2018 19:46 (six years ago) link
thta shit drones so hard. i love it!
― lbi's life of limitless european glamour (Le Bateau Ivre), Monday, 15 October 2018 19:47 (six years ago) link
damn, that sounds really, really good. I especially like when you can't quite make out what the percussion is doing and it all blends together. Looking forward to giving it a listen in better conditions/headphones later.
― Fedora Dostoyevsky (man alive), Monday, 15 October 2018 19:48 (six years ago) link
yeah, great job you all! love the NAP trio name, too :)
― 1-800-CALL-ATT (Karl Malone), Monday, 15 October 2018 19:50 (six years ago) link
― Fedora Dostoyevsky (man alive), Monday, 15 October 2018 20:01 (six years ago) link
thank you! i am hoping we can scoop up another gig or two. as a frequent show-goer, i think this would be comforting to hear on a cold wintery night.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 15 October 2018 20:08 (six years ago) link
Enjoyed the drone jam.
― The nexus of the crisis (Sund4r), Tuesday, 16 October 2018 15:11 (six years ago) link
LL were you micing the drums through some kind of processor/pedal setup? Sounds very cool.
― Fedora Dostoyevsky (man alive), Tuesday, 16 October 2018 15:19 (six years ago) link
the drum set was un-miked (miced?) but the kalimba/tongue drum was being run through amp+ delay iirc? i was playing that somewhere in the middle for a few minutes (you can tell it's me because the drum set stops). otherwise it was manned by the harmonium player. thank you!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 16 October 2018 16:46 (six years ago) link
― na (NA), Tuesday, May 8, 2018 9:19 AM (five months ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
so six months later and the album i am not on is still not released (and neither is the one i am on). my bandmate has been trying to set up an album release show for months now so it can be officially released. he's now aiming for december or january. so i guess the albini-recorded album that i AM on will come out sometime in like ... 2022? never? it is mastered now at least. meanwhile my bandmates want to get together to write new songs and i'm like why? we have two whole albums that aren't even out yet, why are we writing new songs? tied up in this is that i kind of want to quit the band but feel bad doing it before the album i'm on comes out
― na (NA), Tuesday, 16 October 2018 17:19 (six years ago) link
That's a shame. Hope you can get everything sorted.
I made a little jam on my Circuit last night.
― DJI, Tuesday, 16 October 2018 17:35 (six years ago) link
n/a that is frustrating -- idk what the solution is but the problem is clear
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 16 October 2018 18:23 (six years ago) link
well i offered to help with booking the album release show and shortly after venting the above got back an offer for some decent dates at a couple of decent clubs, so maybe we can at least get the album without me on it out in january
― na (NA), Tuesday, 16 October 2018 18:57 (six years ago) link
good job! apparently that is the part of the equation that they had been stalling onget that record out!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 16 October 2018 19:09 (six years ago) link
― na (NA), Tuesday, 16 October 2018 19:11 (six years ago) link
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, October 15, 2018 3:23 PM (two days ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
― na (NA), Monday, October 15, 2018 3:46 PM (two days ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, October 15, 2018 3:46 PM (two days ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
You all rule. That was such a killer set, and I really hope NAP continues to be a thing. (And I'm sorry I didn't get the first minute of your set on the recording.)
― Montgomery Burns' Jazz (Tarfumes The Escape Goat), Wednesday, 17 October 2018 15:14 (six years ago) link
I very much enjoyed listening to that set yesterday!
― sleeve, Wednesday, 17 October 2018 15:16 (six years ago) link
thank you!! i am strategizing what we should do next, where, and with whom. i always figure that winter months are actually good for local bands because there are fewer bigwigs coming through.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 17 October 2018 17:28 (six years ago) link
good in terms of opportunities, less advantageous in luring people out to see the show
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 17 October 2018 17:29 (six years ago) link
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 16 October 2018 16:46 (yesterday) Permalink
Ah cool. I wonder if I'm hearing the drums getting picked up by other mics?
― Fedora Dostoyevsky (man alive), Wednesday, 17 October 2018 18:49 (six years ago) link
tbh i don't think there were any mics aside from the tiny contact mic on the harmonium
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 17 October 2018 20:46 (six years ago) link
I have something semi-big deal-ish (well, to me anyway) coming just around the corner. I don't want to say much at this point, but after the next couple of weeks, I hope to have a pretty significant (again, probably moreso to me personally) announcement. Watch this space, I guess. Or don't.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Friday, 19 October 2018 00:18 (six years ago) link
― DJI, Friday, 19 October 2018 00:29 (six years ago) link
So, things moved along pretty well this weekend. Enough to the point that I feel like I can post this:
No release date yet, as this release will coincide with another one which is not quite ready to go yet. Will post more details as they become available.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Sunday, 21 October 2018 23:04 (six years ago) link
So, coupled with my last post, here's a very early sneak peek at what I have in store:
Again, no release date yet because we're not quite ready on all fronts, but stay tuned.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Monday, 22 October 2018 04:08 (six years ago) link
Whoops, already see some mistakes in those proofs. Oh well, plenty of time to fix them.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Monday, 22 October 2018 04:13 (six years ago) link
Got through my high-pressure jazz gigs with no notable regrets, musically speaking. Here's a video that a friend took from one of the last tunes on the second night, sort of an encore when some other friends were sitting in (swapping out the bass player for sousaphone):
― change display name (Jordan), Monday, 22 October 2018 17:11 (six years ago) link
And away we go!
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Monday, 22 October 2018 18:44 (six years ago) link
really excited for you doing this Austin, and also very happy in a selfish way!
I never fail to be amazed by the talents and creativity in this thread by everyone, it's hard to keep up properly with everyone's adventures and experiments but I've never clicked anything in this thread and not felt pangs of envy and aspiration
― boxedjoy, Monday, 22 October 2018 20:49 (six years ago) link
I really do think it contains the crux of my best work, so I'm really happy with how it's come along so far. Maybe someone besides me will listen to it.
Also, very flattered that you would say that, even if it wasn't about my music specifically.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Monday, 22 October 2018 21:12 (six years ago) link
i feel like a dumbass but i can't figure out how to play the songs! i mean i know how bandcamp works, but for some reason in my browser the background is black and i don't see any play buttons beside any of the tracks?
― Karl Malone, Monday, 22 October 2018 21:15 (six years ago) link
i don't have that issue with anything else on your bandcamp, just the new one you just linked to
― Karl Malone, Monday, 22 October 2018 21:17 (six years ago) link
will be released friday 26 october.
Sorry for the confusion!
I wanted to try and build some chatter about it, so I posted it as a "forthcoming" release for now. Songs will be live on Friday. After that, I plan on doing a VERY SMALL BIT of promotion for the bigger releases by using the single as a teaser. I wanted to make something useful, so the "A side" is actually exclusive to the single. The remix on side B is on both of the albums, but not as its own indexed track (as it will be on the single). Hopefully it will serve the purpose of drumming up some anticipation.
In the meantime, I've removed most of the "demos" albums from my bandcamp, as I took all of the recordings I'm using for VERSIONS / MENTAL ILLNESS from those albums and I didn't want to be redundant. This means that those songs will be available again (in a slightly different configuration) when the albums are released in November (this was intentional, as I felt like it may help grow anticipation a little). Some of the stuff was so new, I'm not sure many people noticed when I posted it on the 2018 demos page. The last few songs were literally only days old when I took everything down, so probably not a lot of people heard those newer songs on MENTAL ILLNESS. In addition, there will also be five brand new, not yet heard "remix" recordings to be included at the end of VERSIONS.
So, even though most of it has, not all of the contents of these upcoming releases (I would reckon about ten songs total) have been posted before.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Monday, 22 October 2018 22:22 (six years ago) link
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Thursday, 25 October 2018 06:05 (six years ago) link
Because I'm lazy and it's already Friday on the east coast and overseas, the single is now live.
No more self-promo for a while. Promise.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Friday, 26 October 2018 04:12 (six years ago) link
nice work Austin!
― Karl Malone, Friday, 26 October 2018 04:21 (six years ago) link
Sounds good and chill.
― DJI, Friday, 26 October 2018 16:46 (six years ago) link
Fuck, my drone game was on point yesterday. One of those times you really wish you'd recorded your noodling.
― Bimlo Horsewagon became Wheelbarrow Horseflesh (aldo), Monday, 29 October 2018 08:50 (six years ago) link
Hi y'all. So for some reason I've been extremely prolific lately. I have two albums of material I am going to be putting up on Bandcamp soon. The first is from a seafood/ocean-themed grindcore project called Dead Crustacean, which I have been working on for a while. I may have even linked to it here during its earliest stages.
The project started as kind of a goof but it was so satisfying to work on that it became a fairly serious endeavor. The vocals were the hardest part to get right, and I now have a much deeper respect for metal and punk singers. The album (titled Boiled Alive) is completed and almost ready to go. I am just waiting for the cover illustration to be completed before I publish it.
As an appetizer, here's the title track:
The second project is called The Snickerson Brothers, it's also something of a "concept band" but a lot more freewheeling and less bound by genre. This allows me to be less perfectionist about the production aspects-most of has been recorded on an iPhone with GarageBand.
The album (which I am still in the process of finishing) is titled Peaches N' Sour Cream. Here's the first son, also named "Peaches N' Sour Cream" (yes another title track, lol).
Also here's some artwork for both projects. I had a lot of fun designing and making these:
Can't wait to share the final products with y'all!!!
― latebloomer, Monday, 29 October 2018 18:07 (six years ago) link
LISTEN: TALKING: #mentalillnessbygaa #mentalillnessawareness #therapythroughmusic— Gregory Austin Anderson (@gaustinanderson) October 29, 2018
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Monday, 29 October 2018 20:58 (six years ago) link
I recorded a new one yesterday evening and it's seriously one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard.
I have no idea what to do with it.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Thursday, 1 November 2018 17:45 (six years ago) link
So, over the past five days, I've recorded two of the best, and most gorgeous, things I've ever done. I'm unsure what to do, as I have Mental Illness and Versions to be released in a few weeks and that's basically three albums' worth of material.
But, now I have these two multi-movement, eight to ten minute songs that each contain a few minutes of some of the best music I've ever created and I'm just like. . . I dunno. I have this album that I'm really proud of, but it now seems a little bit less significant because I have these two songs that I'm really enthusiastic about — I've probably never been more excited about something I made ever before in my life. I know it's borderline tacky to be so into something I made, but I really do think I've created some of my absolute best work.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Monday, 5 November 2018 18:06 (six years ago) link
I think people should be more into their own work. If you aren't making music you are excited about, why should anyone else be excited?
― Mario Meatwagon (Moodles), Monday, 5 November 2018 18:12 (six years ago) link
Thanks, Moodles. That does make me feel better. I mean, the past year or so I've come into the thought that I make music that I like to listen to — but, I don't know, that has always been a slippery slope for me. Maybe it's the way I was raised, but it just doesn't feel sincere at all to be like, "Hey, here's my favorite song right now" and it's one of my own songs.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Monday, 5 November 2018 19:28 (six years ago) link
it's always a positive thing to feel good about what you are producing -- essential imo! it's what happens next that someone (mystery person i guess) might find objectionable. you can feel very strongly that it's your favorite/best of your own work without sharing it publicly as such.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 5 November 2018 19:35 (six years ago) link
But I actually really want feedback on this stuff.
Therein lies the problem.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Monday, 5 November 2018 19:37 (six years ago) link
Maybe I'll post them on unlisted YouTubes when I get home, just to share with you guys.
Because honestly, I value what you guys have to say more than just about anybody else these days (not kidding here; very genuine).
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Monday, 5 November 2018 19:39 (six years ago) link
at a certain point I think one has to let it go despite one's own feelings - it's hard to maintain a solid perspective on work that's been with you for a while. if you really feel like you failed or know you can do better / fix known issues, do so. but vague naggings keep so many people from releasing work and moving on. even if you don't like it at the moment, someone will.
― flappy bird, Monday, 5 November 2018 19:41 (six years ago) link
But I actually really want feedback on this stuff.i mean who doesn't? i think there is a reasonable expectation that one's work can stand on its own and will elicit the feedback on its own strengths
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 5 November 2018 19:44 (six years ago) link
imo you can only truly expect feedback from someone who is in a teaching role or overtly supportive role, like a group of people you are workshopping something withidk
my feedback diet is basically plankton that happens to float across the path of my organism -- sure i would like to know more about what people think is strong or not but can't make the plankton drift past, they have to do it on their own via current
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 5 November 2018 19:46 (six years ago) link
Here `tis.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Tuesday, 6 November 2018 03:07 (six years ago) link
Still sounding good. Needs some more stuff to fill it out, imo. Vocals in particular. Do you play to a click track?
― DJI, Wednesday, 7 November 2018 21:42 (six years ago) link
Thank you!
I does not sing.
I play to a metronome about half the time. I did on parts of those songs.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Thursday, 8 November 2018 01:43 (six years ago) link
Whooshy beginning reminds me of Flock of Seagulls (not a bad thing btw). I really dig it once the pulse kicks in. Have not listened to the second piece yet. But great atmospherics
― Glasnostradamus (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 8 November 2018 01:47 (six years ago) link
. . .seriously? A Flock of Seagulls?! That's. . .
. . .fucking awesome. Holy shit. Thank you.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Thursday, 8 November 2018 03:04 (six years ago) link
I am an impatient old man.
MENTAL ILLNESSVERSIONS. . .and definitive versions.
Already finishing up a post-album single / EP that will be 90% new material and probably to be released sometime around the new year.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Sunday, 18 November 2018 01:56 (six years ago) link
I started a label with a couple of friends. The first release is an experimental ambient noise drone thing by my band HEP LAD.
Philip K Discs
― EZ Snappin, Friday, 23 November 2018 05:47 (six years ago) link
> Philip K. Discs
lol. liking the logo too.
― koogs, Friday, 23 November 2018 10:43 (six years ago) link
Slowly catching up: v cool video with Leroy Jones, Jordan! Enjoyed it.
― Locked in silent monologue, in silent scream (Sund4r), Friday, 23 November 2018 14:00 (six years ago) link
Thanks Sund4r! Appreciate it.
Actually just found out I'll be playing with him again in a month. I'm sure it'll be better because of familiarity, but, like, now I have to practice again? I was looking forward to not doing that.
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 23 November 2018 16:15 (six years ago) link
Austin I really like your tunes. gonna give it another listen
― Scritti Vanilli - The Word Girl You Know It's True (dog latin), Saturday, 24 November 2018 08:11 (six years ago) link
Right on, Jordan. Ha, re practising. I think I might have done too much of it over the last week and had brutal pain in my hands.
― Locked in silent monologue, in silent scream (Sund4r), Saturday, 24 November 2018 15:06 (six years ago) link
Thank you, dog latin. I've been really happy with my recordings lately.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Sunday, 25 November 2018 15:23 (six years ago) link
Also, I finally gave in and got a compressor (MXR Super Comp).
So, here's a song I've been messing with.
Here it is again using the Super Comp on three of the four guitar tracks.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Sunday, 25 November 2018 15:45 (six years ago) link
the HEP LAD cassette came out today.
― EZ Snappin, Friday, 30 November 2018 20:35 (six years ago) link
Bought a Squire Jazzmaster a month ago after wanting one for years, a tube practice amp last week, and s bunch of pedals.
Finally getting the sounds I want out of these things, so I’m getting back into playing music. I just need to take lessons again.
― Glower, Disruption & Pies (kingfish), Tuesday, 4 December 2018 19:36 (six years ago) link
teach yourself! it's faster, easier, cheaper, and lord knows there's an infinite amount of tabs, videos, online instruction out there
what pedals didja get
― flappy bird, Tuesday, 4 December 2018 21:28 (six years ago) link
Need photos and a full gear rundown, kingfish. Strictly for scientific purposes.
And yeah, like flappy said, there's so much stuff online these days, it's kind of a waste of money to get lessons unless you want to really get serious. But if you're just noodling on the weekend or whatever. . . yeah, keep your phone handy when you're practicing and you'll be good.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Tuesday, 4 December 2018 21:37 (six years ago) link
even if you're serious I really don't think you need to pay for lessons, it's just a matter of putting the hours in. IMO all you need lessons for are when you're at absolute zero and are frustrated for months waiting to get callouses, being able to comfortably change chords, etc.
― flappy bird, Tuesday, 4 December 2018 21:40 (six years ago) link
Idk i wouldn’t be as serious at piano as I am if I weren’t taking and paying for lessons, nothing like shelling out $x00 a month to motivate one.
― I have measured out my life in coffee shop loyalty cards (silby), Tuesday, 4 December 2018 21:40 (six years ago) link
true & I can't speak for piano
― flappy bird, Tuesday, 4 December 2018 21:42 (six years ago) link
It's been at least 6 years since I played music with anyone else, and even then it was very infrequently and I was never any good. Nobody I knew where I used to live played anything so short of soliciting strangers it wasn't going to happen.
I moved a year and a half ago and a whole bunch of people I've met have mentioned having played in bands, wanting to play in bands, etc. About a month ago, I finally said fuck it and overcame my intense fear of looking and feeling stupid and being bad at socializing and told a bunch of people that I'd be up for playing at any point if they were into it.
This past Sunday two of them came over and we played for a couple of hours. One is a colleague in my department, one is a PhD student and both had been in various bands at points in the past. I mostly played bass but everyone sort of switched around a bit and made noise and I played TV Eye on the guitar and remembered how shitty a drummer I am because I can barely get three limbs going but damn it was fun.
I still kind of can't believe I actually did this, and might do it again after semester break or with more or different people, whenever my wife is willing to take off with the kid for a couple hours.
― joygoat, Tuesday, 4 December 2018 22:54 (six years ago) link
Where do you live, j?
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Tuesday, 4 December 2018 22:58 (six years ago) link
inviting people over to jam is nerve wracking but worth the pain because if you succeed you get to jam!! and that is the funnest thing.
i bought a combo looper and vocal processor pedal box and i can't wait to use it!! i just took it out of the box this afternoon and played around with it for the first time and i am in love!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 4 December 2018 23:49 (six years ago) link
Me? I live in the lansing Michigan area. Kingfish you’re in Portland right? I actually bought a squire jazzmaster last time I was there when I still lived in Washington.
― joygoat, Wednesday, 5 December 2018 03:06 (six years ago) link
Looper news = super exciting!
― valet doberman (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 5 December 2018 03:56 (six years ago) link
i really am quite excited about it. the power to make all the noises myself feels like i got handed The One Ring -- what will i do with this enormous power?! (jk - i will use it for good, not evil)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 5 December 2018 04:38 (six years ago) link
yeah we'll see about that once it has intoxicated u
― valet doberman (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 5 December 2018 16:10 (six years ago) link
LL: absolute power corrupts, absolutely. You literally hold the future of existence itself in your hands. Be wise.
joygoat, I was asking because I'm down to jam. Seeing as I live in southern California, I may need to save up some gas money for a few days before we commit to anything.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Wednesday, 5 December 2018 21:42 (six years ago) link
I can play, but paying for regular lessons forces me to practice. I got good enough at bass to play out when I took lessons years ago back in Ann Arbor. I view it akin to Weight Watchers, where I need externally reinforced structure to make myself gain the better habit.
Bought a tube practice amp, too, a Bugera V5, slightly modded by the original owner.
― Glower, Disruption & Pies (kingfish), Thursday, 6 December 2018 04:49 (six years ago) link
this year i launched a website for KTUH FM Honolulu, the University of Hawaii at Mānoa college radio station. i haven't shown it off on ILX previously, so would like to plug it here.
it took a couple years to develop and i'm happy with how it turned out, tho i wish the station could stick to my recommended publishing schedule and make more writing available on the site.
check it out if y'interested:
― davey, Sunday, 9 December 2018 00:49 (six years ago) link
Looks great, man!
― DJI, Monday, 10 December 2018 18:19 (six years ago) link
i'm listening to the recording of last night's rehearsal for a show this wednesday and we sound so much like what i had imagined when i put the band together. it's making me so happy! i'm really excited about the show. we are opening for 2 proggy/out there rock bands and our set is 25-30 min of +/- improvised instrumental ??? with woodwinds, guitar, synth & drums :)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 14 January 2019 21:35 (six years ago) link
omg that sounds so good! do u have one wind player switching instruments or woodwind players plural?
― valet doberman (Jon not Jon), Monday, 14 January 2019 21:48 (six years ago) link
one player switching between instruments -- clarinet, flute, saxophonei forgot she also added some wordless vocals at the enddream jam!!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 14 January 2019 21:49 (six years ago) link
i fucking love flute in noise/cosmic contexts
(also in genteel chamber music contexts, I just love the flute but i am super excited it is in your instrumentarium!)
what kind of synth roughly speaking?
― valet doberman (Jon not Jon), Monday, 14 January 2019 21:53 (six years ago) link
idk what kind tbh -- "the kind with keys that sits on a table with a bunch of other stuff" is the best i got rn
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 14 January 2019 22:03 (six years ago) link
it's a korg minilogue run through a bunch of effects (sorry i am the guitar player in this thing)
― na (NA), Monday, 14 January 2019 22:05 (six years ago) link
don't be sorry -- thank you for answering the question!! and for playing guitar!! :)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 14 January 2019 22:05 (six years ago) link
some of the setup here:
― na (NA), Monday, 14 January 2019 22:06 (six years ago) link
ooh kalimba
― I have measured out my life in coffee shop loyalty cards (silby), Monday, 14 January 2019 22:08 (six years ago) link
he played a contact mic'd harmonium at our last show, which was fun
i still feel like a sham whenever i play improvised/experimental music, which is dumb because i've been doing some form of it on and off for a while and i think we sound good
― na (NA), Monday, 14 January 2019 22:14 (six years ago) link
we do sound good!!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 14 January 2019 22:22 (six years ago) link
Nobody owns improvisation imo
― I have measured out my life in coffee shop loyalty cards (silby), Monday, 14 January 2019 22:22 (six years ago) link
If you sound good you’re doing it right
i loved being in a noise improv combo, best musical time ever, would noodle again
― valet doberman (Jon not Jon), Monday, 14 January 2019 22:51 (six years ago) link
I love learning and rehearsing pieces on piano but man do I also love noodling on it. I might be a more effective noodler if I knew my theory better but I'm having fun and not hurting anybody
― I have measured out my life in coffee shop loyalty cards (silby), Monday, 14 January 2019 22:57 (six years ago) link
update: we recorded our show and i made a bandcamp -- here it is
we had to split it into two tracks because bandcamp says so but it was meant to be heard as one piece
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 21 January 2019 00:27 (six years ago) link
Cool! Will listen when I get home this afternoon.
I have a new project being rolled out today that I've decided to call "THE BEST EVER."
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Monday, 21 January 2019 22:08 (six years ago) link
Me and a couple friends have started a house music band. We hope to put out an EP later this year. Here is a sample:
― DJI, Tuesday, 22 January 2019 02:52 (six years ago) link
I got a vintage Rickenbacker! This thing is so rad. I've been interested in them for a long time, but they've certainly been outside of my budget. But I ran across this Electro ES-16 model from 1966 at a shop here locally. They were student model Rickenbackers made for a couple of years. This one is super short scale but as far as I know, it's basically a 420 or 425 with a thinner paint finish (and no Bigsby). Same electronics, toaster pickup, maple body, varnished rosewood fretboard, Kluson tuners.
It's just delightful sounding. The difference between the toaster pickups and the '70s-and-after high output pickups Rickenbacker has used is a lot more extreme than I realized.
― timellison, Wednesday, 23 January 2019 18:22 (six years ago) link
can someone recommend me a small electric guitar - not just short scale, more like mandocaster size but without the doubled strings?
― valet doberman (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 23 January 2019 19:22 (six years ago) link
idk, maybe get an acoustic-electric ukulele and restring it to suit your needs? I mean, you'd only get 4 strings that way though.
― peace, man, Wednesday, 23 January 2019 19:31 (six years ago) link
I tried looking and was caught up in a wash of Epiphone Les Paul-shaped ukes complete with bad burst finishes, but then I happened on this. Seems pretty bad-ass for a uke.
― peace, man, Wednesday, 23 January 2019 19:38 (six years ago) link
these are all four-string but:
― na (NA), Wednesday, 23 January 2019 20:30 (six years ago) link
what about if i got an eastwood mandocaster 12 and just took out one string from each course? Would the lesser tension fuck things up?
I just don't like double course strings but I really want a tiny gtr
That seagull one looks awesome but more acoustic-electric than I'm thinking
― valet doberman (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 23 January 2019 21:01 (six years ago) link
I have def seen mandolas / mandolins with four strings.
Would like to try electric mandola some time, they sound tasty with effects. But what I want most right now is an octave mandolin. More beef and more fretboard real estate; no need to transpose in my head (As I suspect I would with a mandola).
― Gunther Gleiben (Ye Mad Puffin), Wednesday, 23 January 2019 23:52 (six years ago) link
The Gold Tone GME-6 is exactly what I’m thinking of! And I could almost afford it at some point.
― valet doberman (Jon not Jon), Thursday, 24 January 2019 01:20 (six years ago) link
Fender announced a new tenor Telecaster this week
― louise ck (milo z), Friday, 25 January 2019 09:07 (six years ago) link
That's great, Tim!
― Locked in silent monologue, in silent scream (Sund4r), Friday, 25 January 2019 10:24 (six years ago) link
Played "Autumn Leaves" and "Lester Leaps In" (at ≈200 bpm, not whatever Parker played it at) at my favourite Gatineau bar last night. I think it went decently.
― Locked in silent monologue, in silent scream (Sund4r), Tuesday, 29 January 2019 15:39 (six years ago) link
Going to do my first wedding gig in August. The owner of a school where I work asked me to play at his. At least I have lots of time to figure out and prepare repertoire.
― silent as a seashell Julia (Sund4r), Monday, 18 February 2019 18:26 (six years ago) link
Are you going to be the solo guitarist while people are coming in for the ceremony etc?
― change display name (Jordan), Monday, 18 February 2019 18:39 (six years ago) link
I recommend reviewing the johnny b goode scene from Back to the Future
― Karl Malone, Monday, 18 February 2019 18:43 (six years ago) link
I think so, Jordan. Karl: it is never far from my thoughts.
― silent as a seashell Julia (Sund4r), Monday, 18 February 2019 19:06 (six years ago) link
Good luck Sund4r.
My current "acoustic 80s" band is also playing a wedding in April, but the couple wants us to focus on Americana/country/alt-country (as opposed to synthpop). It's doable, though we will be dropping anything Whiskeytown/Ryan Adams-related. Working on some Son Volt instead.
― Gunther Gleiben (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 18 February 2019 19:53 (six years ago) link
does springsteen work?
i'm getting ready to finally "release" some music, which just means posting it on bandcamp. it shouldn't be a big deal but it is to me. my wife has never heard anything i've ever recorded, for example. plus all the lyrics are kind of a downer because i wrote it during the 20+ years when i was really depressed (i'm totally fine now and will never be depressed again! (a quarter jk first part and a full jk on the second part)) so i'm worried someone i know will take them too literally. anyway, look out for it on your bandcamp near you sometime soon
― Karl Malone, Monday, 18 February 2019 20:07 (six years ago) link
One of the people I sent feelers out to asked if I wanted to play at some fund raiser at (but not for) the university art museum. I'm playing bass, learning actual covers, and we only get to practice a couple times before the show because of kids and jobs and all that. I should be far more terrified than I am right now.
― joygoat, Monday, 18 February 2019 21:57 (six years ago) link
Xp to Karl, I do "I'm on Fire" and will likely add "Atlantic City," so yes.
― Gunther Gleiben (Ye Mad Puffin), Tuesday, 19 February 2019 02:41 (six years ago) link
i've alluded to this a few times but i've been in a band with a couple of other guys for the last two years or so. it's nice to be playing music but it's not really the kind of music i want to be making, and in general i am just not feeling very motivated to make music right now. the other guys are alright but we aren't friends or anything. so i'm ready to not be in this band anymore. the complication is that we recorded an album last year that still hasn't come out. one of the other guys in the band paid for the $$$ recording and has put a lot of his own money into promoting the band. he also shopped the album around and got a small local indie label interested in putting it out. right now the plan is for the album to come out in i basically feel like it would be a dick move to quit right now. i kind of feel like i have to wait until this album comes out. right?do i give them some forewarning that i'm on my way out or just quit?
― na (NA), Tuesday, 19 February 2019 15:51 (six years ago) link
hmm, that's a tricky one. do you think they plan on playing shows around may to promote the release?
― Karl Malone, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 16:16 (six years ago) link
Maybe help them find a replacement for you?
― Mario Meatwagon (Moodles), Tuesday, 19 February 2019 16:19 (six years ago) link
i don't know. there's a constant push and pull between this main guy wanting to play more shows and get more people to like the band and the fact that we're all old and have kids and responsibilities. i think the hope is that being on this label will lead to more shows but who knows.i should add that this band existed as a two-piece for a number of years before i joined so there's a good chance the other two guys will keep it going without me.i'll probably stay with it through the album release and then look for a good time to gracefully exit?
― na (NA), Tuesday, 19 February 2019 16:19 (six years ago) link
as the person who usually is the person who cares too much, i would say the more forthright you can be, the better. offering to help find a replacement would be nice.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 19 February 2019 16:31 (six years ago) link
even if they don't take you up on the offer to find a replacement, it's a nice gesture.
i'd offer a related nice gesture, which would just be to offer to show the new replacement your parts (if they plan on replicating them or at least using them as a starting point).
― Karl Malone, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 16:47 (six years ago) link
Went to a jam Monday night and did "Footprints" and "Freddie Freeloader". I was feeling a little unsure, like the other guitarist kicked my ass, and like I should maybe not do this again without taking lessons, but I ended up getting some of the best feedback I've gotten (+ some helpful critique). The other guitarist (who has played with some big names) actually wants to meet up and jam things out together, and drummer friend is also talking about booking some regular studio rehearsal time.
― All along there is the sound of feedback (Sund4r), Friday, 22 March 2019 23:29 (five years ago) link
― Theorbo Goes Wild (James Redd and the Blecchs), Saturday, 23 March 2019 01:49 (five years ago) link
I’m singing a minor duet on Sunday in a performance of Handel’s Esther and I’m kind of freaking out about it because this isn’t the type of thing I normally sing as a soloist, even though my bit is tiny/inconsequential
― GDPR vs GAPDY (DJP), Saturday, 23 March 2019 02:27 (five years ago) link
Had no idea there was Christian Purim music
― moose; squirrel (silby), Saturday, 23 March 2019 02:33 (five years ago) link
V cool, DJP. Hope it goes well.
I'm also thinking of doing the Prelude from Bach's BWV 1007 at a school's recital next weekend.
― All along there is the sound of feedback (Sund4r), Saturday, 23 March 2019 02:48 (five years ago) link
Like a warm-up for doing it at the ceremony in the summer.
― All along there is the sound of feedback (Sund4r), Saturday, 23 March 2019 02:49 (five years ago) link
That's great Sund4r, wish I could play some jazz with you.
― change display name (Jordan), Saturday, 23 March 2019 02:58 (five years ago) link
would attend this performance!!
i finally gathered all the stuff i have been up to for the last 5 years into one post with links and a light introduction to me/what i am after wrt music/drumming. i answered the question no one asked, "what are you doing here?" lol
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Saturday, 23 March 2019 14:35 (five years ago) link
i played a show at the batting cages in philly two weeks ago and i wish i could go back and live in that moment forever
― jolene club remix (BradNelson), Saturday, 23 March 2019 14:48 (five years ago) link
I’ve started a new label for exp/avant audio art. The first release is a cassette by legendary Seattle rapper Specswizard (aka Specs One). Some may know him from his Sun City Girls affiliation. This one is titled ‘TS AND THE S’. Lots more in the works.
― Yelploaf, Saturday, 23 March 2019 14:49 (five years ago) link
Am on board if we ever end up in the same town, Jordan!
I somehow spaced out and forgot where I was in the middle of playing that Bach at the recital today so improvised a little until I could get back on track. People didn't seem to notice, curiously, perhaps because it might have actually been the least shambolic thing about the recital.
― All along there is the sound of feedback (Sund4r), Sunday, 31 March 2019 04:56 (five years ago) link
BTW that duet went well and ppl loved the concert, yay
― GDPR vs GAPDY (DJP), Sunday, 31 March 2019 16:57 (five years ago) link
That's great.
― All along there is the sound of feedback (Sund4r), Sunday, 31 March 2019 17:45 (five years ago) link
a collaborative album I made with my friend John called Movies was featured on Bandcamp Daily last week:
― flappy bird, Monday, 1 April 2019 17:16 (five years ago) link
Good for you. I enjoyed it and will probably listen again.
― All along there is the sound of feedback (Sund4r), Monday, 1 April 2019 20:07 (five years ago) link
That was excellent grant-writing music, flappy. (I applied for a grant to make an album btw, which is relevant to the thread.)
Last Sunday, at a classical guitar concert, I found out there was a classical guitar open mic that night so I went and played this as well as Villa-Lobos's Etude 11. Met some cool people and good guitarists and actually saw my guitar teacher from undergrad.
I was also accepted to perform a guitar/electronics piece of mine (v loose first performance here) at this festival in August, where I will also do a teleconferenced improvisation and might play in a guitar orchestra. Was also asked to play in the guitar orchestra for a performance of Ben Verdery's Scenes from Ellis Island at a chamber music festival here in July.
― All along there is the sound of feedback (Sund4r), Sunday, 7 April 2019 02:26 (five years ago) link
i was thinking the other day about when i was first getting into playing music with other people, in high school, and a lot of the music we made was just goofing around in someone's bedroom with a keyboard and a guitar and improvising dumb songs and not worrying about them being dumb or silly or sounding good. it being more of a social hang-out activity that you do with your friends than a "band" or "jamming" and how i miss that. i'm not really friends with the guys i'm in a band with now and i miss making music as more of fun friend activity. the jamming i do with la lechera and other people is closer to that, and i can think of other times i've done it since high school, but it's something that's not in my life enough right now.
― na (NA), Monday, 22 April 2019 21:48 (five years ago) link
though some of that is being nostalgic for having time to hang out and play music without feeling the pressure to create something "good"
― na (NA), Monday, 22 April 2019 21:49 (five years ago) link
You know I’m down for recreational jamming/fun! I could use more of that tbh bc my musical life is going nowhere atm
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 22 April 2019 21:59 (five years ago) link
Not for lack of trying, just nothing happening. Kinda frustrated but what else is new.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 22 April 2019 22:02 (five years ago) link
I have been doing open mics a bunch lately. I used to be a bit snobby about them, but have happened upon a generally friendly and chill scene.
Pros: I can play out whenever I want, and play whatever I feel like playing. This without having to beg to get gigs, send out demos, promise a draw, promote shows, convince a booking person or agent or record label or whoever that I am worthy. Or put together a band, rehearse, decide on material, etc.
I don't have to lug drums, amps, PA gear, etc. about. I can just grab an acoustic instrument and head out the door once the kids are in bed. Or not, if I don't feel like it.
Cons: of course there are a whole lot of corny boomers doing corny boomer shit. There are of course some breathy ukulele players straight outta Pamplamoose, but that doesn't bother me as much. There are dAd BaNdS. (One can always just go the bar or the bathroom during "City of New Orleans" or whatever.)
The audience mostly consists of the other people waiting to play, plus a smattering of girlfriends/boyfriends/co-workers. (Which often amounts to a bigger audience than I usually had when playing original rock with full bands.)
All the people involved have been uniformly positive and supportive, even if what you are doing is obscure or weird. There's an operatic tenor who plays a drum made out of a propane tank. There's a dude with a homemade electric balalaika who plays Ravel and Saint-Saens.
― moist owlette (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 25 April 2019 19:45 (five years ago) link
― na (NA), Tuesday, May 8, 2018 9:19 AM (eleven months ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
this album is finally coming out at the end of may:
― na (NA), Thursday, 25 April 2019 19:52 (five years ago) link
i thought briefly about doing open-mic shows but i played one show with just myself and an acoustic guitar and quickly realized it is not for me. but i get the appeal for sure
― na (NA), Thursday, 25 April 2019 19:53 (five years ago) link
looks like i am playing with a new (to me) band! hooray!! i was invited to play last week, our first rehearsal is this week, songs are catchy & fun, super looking forward to it!!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 20 May 2019 17:09 (five years ago) link
yessssssssss :D
― valet doberman (Jon not Jon), Monday, 20 May 2019 17:33 (five years ago) link
Good luck LL.
― Pontius Pilates (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 20 May 2019 22:21 (five years ago) link
― All along there is the sound of feedback (Sund4r), Thursday, 23 May 2019 01:03 (five years ago) link
First rehearsal was tonight, it was super fun! I only had a week to learn the songs but I did it in spite of it being the end of the semester!! #trooper
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 23 May 2019 03:41 (five years ago) link
Also they are very catchy songs, that helps
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 23 May 2019 03:42 (five years ago) link
Ahh, that's so cool, LL, glad you had fun.
― emil.y, Thursday, 23 May 2019 16:32 (five years ago) link
i am taking drum lessons after three years of playing self-taught, it's totally rocking my world
― american bradass (BradNelson), Thursday, 23 May 2019 16:36 (five years ago) link
Post some catchy tunes when you have them, LL! Looking forward to listening.
― DJI, Thursday, 23 May 2019 16:38 (five years ago) link
here's a(n obfuscated) link to the bandcamp --
what kinds of stuff are you learning brad? i love learning and practicing new drum stuff. it keeps me chugging along in the hellscape of 2019 life :)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 23 May 2019 16:42 (five years ago) link
v psyched for you ll
― american bradass (BradNelson), Thursday, 23 May 2019 16:43 (five years ago) link
that's not me on the recording btw
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 23 May 2019 16:43 (five years ago) link
i did however learn like 10+ songs in under a week
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 23 May 2019 16:44 (five years ago) link
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, May 23, 2019 9:42 AM (twelve seconds ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
he taught me the full stroke first and in order to execute it i had to completely change how i've been holding the sticks and striking the snare lol. we're trying to get to a place where i'm doing as little work as possible and using the rebound of the stick instead of lifting my whole goddamn arm every time. we're also doing rudimental patterns from stick control and another book, which he has me exporting into different orchestrations on the drumkit
― american bradass (BradNelson), Thursday, 23 May 2019 16:47 (five years ago) link
i guess it's cool to mention that my instructor is kid millions from oneida, i'm so so happy about the situation
nice! that is definitely the way to more control/playing faster and more precisely. def do not need to lift your arm! i also recommend ted reed's SYNCOPATION for practicing, it's not only helpful but pleasantly meditative
colpitts!!! love him!!! he seems like a totally good person in addition to being an excellent drummer
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 23 May 2019 16:50 (five years ago) link
we're trying to get to a place where i'm doing as little work as possible and using the rebound of the stick instead of lifting my whole goddamn arm every time.
it's all about the wrists! that was pretty much the one good thing that came out of 4 years of marching band
ironically, the last few years i've been dealing with chronic wrist pains, so on the rare occasions that i play these days, my technique is awful
― these are not all of the possible side effects (Karl Malone), Thursday, 23 May 2019 16:51 (five years ago) link
i guess it's cool to mention that my instructor is kid millions from oneida,
whooooooa! buried the lede there!!
Nice LL!
My drum technique is feeling better than it has in a long time, maybe ever. A big part of this is due to (as always) recognizing my limitations, but also strengths, and accepting that one grip/technique doesn't have to work for all situations. It's totally fine to switch grips for different phrases or musical situations, and even though most drummers do this naturally, it doesn't usually come up in drum lessons in my experience. I even switch left vs right hand lead for certain beats & tempos, and I've come to embrace that rather than thinking I have to be able to do everything one way.
xp whoa Brad
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 23 May 2019 16:53 (five years ago) link
It's all about the wrists but the fingers have to be following the stroke in a natural way, or else it'll lock things up. My mantra lately is for the hand to follow the stick, and do what it wants to do rather than vice versa.
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 23 May 2019 16:56 (five years ago) link
jordan completely otm, that is practically word-for-word what john told me during my last two lessons
― american bradass (BradNelson), Thursday, 23 May 2019 17:08 (five years ago) link
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, May 23, 2019 9:50 AM (eighteen minutes ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink
he's a huge sweetheart and such a good teacher
and the other book he's teaching me out of is, indeed, ted reed's syncopation
― american bradass (BradNelson), Thursday, 23 May 2019 17:11 (five years ago) link
Oh wow, good to know I'm on the right track then. Only took me 23 years to get here, I'm a late bloomer.
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 23 May 2019 17:14 (five years ago) link
if you're a late bloomer, idk what that makes mea revived corpse?
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 23 May 2019 17:17 (five years ago) link
lol :)
i am feeling good about things clearly if i can make jokes about that
LL - those tracks are great! Gotta say I'm enjoying it more than the noise stuff, but I'm a sucker for catchiness.
― DJI, Thursday, 23 May 2019 18:03 (five years ago) link
Haha, you're not a late bloomer, just a late starter
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 23 May 2019 18:06 (five years ago) link
I started playing guitar and singing lead vox in a Grateful Dead (and other similar stuff) cover band. It's a lot of fun.
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Friday, 31 May 2019 15:03 (five years ago) link
album out today, also on spotify and hopefully the other usual places
― na (NA), Friday, 31 May 2019 17:14 (five years ago) link
also i'm trying to get back into doing my own stuff but i've set a very leisurely pace for myself: write and record one song per month. attempting to follow the loose monthly schedule of writing lyrics the first week, writing music the second week, and recording the third and fourth weeks. trying to not worry about the songs being "good" or other people hearing them. the goal is just to be regularly working on my own music without putting too much pressure on myself. i finished the first one of these yesterday.
― na (NA), Friday, 31 May 2019 17:17 (five years ago) link
Just played a decently lengthy set before a decently large arts-festival crowd, and was decently well received. Pleasurable.
― Velcromancer (Ye Mad Puffin), Saturday, 1 June 2019 23:29 (five years ago) link
NA -- holler if you want to record or borrow some drum shit! that sounds like a fun project.
i am playing with the new band on a porch this afternoon. i feel prepared, which is pretty weird! i need to write down the set list and some notes so i don't get confused bc i'm not used to playing a bunch of rock songs in a row. on a porch.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Sunday, 2 June 2019 13:25 (five years ago) link
Band released a record, I’m pretty proud of it. I think the producer/engineer did a great job making a gang of hacks sound decent. salthorse.bandcamp
Next batch of songs is nearly all written; now we need to start whipping them into shape. Summertime is always tough for that bcuz everyone goes on vacation & we never seem to be able to coordinate that.
I bought my first synth after years of jonesing — a Mopho Keys. Looking forward to learning something new from scratch (the synthesis part, not the playing part).
― Una Palooka Dronka (hardcore dilettante), Tuesday, 4 June 2019 12:16 (five years ago) link
Sounds fantastic!
― DJI, Tuesday, 4 June 2019 17:28 (five years ago) link
Shoutout for the physical strenuousness of playing 45 min/12 energetic rock songs (only 3 are even moderately slow) in a row at full enthusiasm in a row. Wow Show is on Tues, I need to practice more! We played on a porch on Sun and it was fun but also very low pressure. A 94 year old lady offered me a $5 billl while I was playing <3
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 6 June 2019 01:22 (five years ago) link
Clearly the things that are getting to me are 1) in a row continuously and 2) at full enthusiasmSigh
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 6 June 2019 01:24 (five years ago) link
we have a show on the 14th and my drum lessons are changing the way i'm playing significantly, it's both great and... well, i just wish my playing were a little more fine-tuned at this point, it's v erratic from where i'm sitting (my bandmates mostly hear improvement)
― american bradass (BradNelson), Thursday, 6 June 2019 01:35 (five years ago) link
I hear you! It’s very difficult to play the same songs with new skills ime!! It’s almost easier the less you know... :-/
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 6 June 2019 01:41 (five years ago) link
Also playing songs is different for me — I played some songs last summer and the summer before but mostly when I play w people it’s more improvised and therefore less strenuous. Songs are hard, esp when I’ve only listened to them for like 2-3 weeks?
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 6 June 2019 01:42 (five years ago) link
You should expect hiccups as you learn imo — that’s good! It means your playing is expanding 💕
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 6 June 2019 01:43 (five years ago) link
2 funny things from my musical life
two weeks ago: played on a porch as part of a "porchfest" neighborhood summertime thing. i was set up directly next to the front door in a little corner. during our 2nd or 3rd song, the 94 year old landlady (who lives upstairs) walked out the door and stood there on her porch/the stage right next to me while we played, but the singer had no idea because her back was turned to the door. Landlady was kindly ushered back inside, but she came back out a few songs later and offered me a $5 bill while we were in the middle of the song. i did not stop playing! good times.
last night -- played a free show with a touring band and a local band that had no social media presence but had been written up in the Trib (I didn't read it before the show). They were ok but had bad manners and did not stay for either of the sets after theirs and took all their people out to the bar to socialize amongst themselves for the entire evening. i looked it up this morning and guess what -- the drummer was my old dermatologist. i didn't recognize him. lol!
good times, feeling happy :)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 12 June 2019 16:06 (five years ago) link
i had another lesson on monday where my instructor made some final adjustments to my grip and i'm pretty confident with how i'm playing rn, even though it's still a little difficult (my right hand has adjusted organically, but my left hand considers what i'm trying to do a grave injustice and cramps up a lot). instructor emphasized that comfort is paramount, but i think i'm getting there anyway? i move around way less (and waste way less energy) and can play faster than i used to, just after 4.5 weeks of rudiments
band practice last night was wonderful, we've never sounded better
― american bradass (BradNelson), Wednesday, 12 June 2019 16:21 (five years ago) link
that's great! what are you doing for warm ups to your rudiment practice?
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 12 June 2019 16:23 (five years ago) link
i've just been dipping in and out of the first 10-15 pages of both stick control and ted reed syncopation and alternating these with the PAS rudiments
rudiments have been mad fun to play but also excruciating at 40 bpm which my instructor insists on lol (he finally upped the speed to 45 this week)
― american bradass (BradNelson), Wednesday, 12 June 2019 16:29 (five years ago) link
prob the most immediate benefit of these lessons is that i'm no longer baffled by drummers that really impress me, i can now tell what they're doing even if i can't do it yet/at all
― american bradass (BradNelson), Wednesday, 12 June 2019 16:31 (five years ago) link
been there! otm about understanding impressive drummers more. i think at heart i am ultimately most impressed by feel and seek out unique voices in that regard. i did a lot of strength building a few years ago and have been maintaining my routine -- it definitely pays off. i am currently at the point where i aim to increase my vocabulary so i can express more things, just like with language :)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 12 June 2019 17:02 (five years ago) link
even though that lady was trying to give me $5 to stop, it will take more than that!
i think at heart i am ultimately most impressed by feel and seek out unique voices in that regard
this is otm for me too
it took me forever to wrap my head around jeremy taggart's drum part on our lady peace's "automatic flowers" and but i think it's all just lightly modified stroke rolls? anyway just *thinking* about this stuff is fun
― american bradass (BradNelson), Wednesday, 12 June 2019 18:52 (five years ago) link
oh excellent i found a decent drum cover, maybe this one is still baffling
― american bradass (BradNelson), Wednesday, 12 June 2019 18:57 (five years ago) link
the drummer was my old dermatologist
Insert "skins" joke here
― Velcromancer (Ye Mad Puffin), Wednesday, 12 June 2019 23:12 (five years ago) link
I just sang Love Bade Me Welcome at an evening service tonight, which means I’ve now performed all 3 of the solo numbers from Vaughn Williams’ “Five Mystical Songs”
― brigadier pudding (DJP), Thursday, 13 June 2019 01:43 (five years ago) link
The singer/bandleader for the band I play bass in dissolved the band yesterday, after 6 months of rehearsals & one fun show. It’s a bit of a relief, because I feel like I’ve taken on too much in my life & need to simplify, & now I get to not be the flaky guy who quit.
Need to make sure I keep up my bass muscles/chops, though — those took a while to come back!
― Una Palooka Dronka (hardcore dilettante), Thursday, 13 June 2019 12:08 (five years ago) link
did not stay for either of the sets after theirs and took all their people out to the bar to socialize amongst themselves for the entire evening
I hate this. I am relatively understanding if a band's on a big tour and they need some chillout time for themselves but it smacks of arrogance to not bother watching other bands on the bill.
My band's album is soooo close to coming out now, just finalising artwork and checking test pressings. It's been a long time coming!
― emil.y, Thursday, 13 June 2019 18:07 (five years ago) link
awesome about the album! looking forward to hearing it!! will it be on bandcamp as well as physical copies? this is slum of l3gs?
the uncouth band who took off after their set was local! they played and then literally hightailed it to the bar (different room) to hang with their friends, presumably because they had to work the next morning as rock and roll dermatologist + friends. the touring band, who were very kind and funny and had some sweet harmonies, played to an almost empty room :( (we all watched them + maybe 5-6 other people) they were good sports.
usually i would be on the side of the people who maybe just didn't know the rules or conventions but these people really should have known better. i wonder if the dermatologist is an advertiser at the paper they were written up in :thinking emoji:
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 13 June 2019 18:58 (five years ago) link
fyi i loled at thiswonder if he hears that much
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 13 June 2019 19:00 (five years ago) link
will it be on bandcamp as well as physical copies? this is slum of l3gs?
Yep, definitely putting it on bandcamp too. And yes, it's SoL!
― emil.y, Thursday, 13 June 2019 19:43 (five years ago) link
Had a recording session in a lovely church space last night that I'm pretty happy with. I recorded a guitar duo playing a piece of mine and a piece by a friend and former student. Hope to get my piece edited and out, probably next week after life slows down. I used two of these, which wouldn't seem like the obvious choice to record classical guitars in a church but seemed to work well.
― All along there is the sound of feedback (Sund4r), Tuesday, 18 June 2019 02:17 (five years ago) link
Going to do a short improv set with a biggish name classical guitarist at a concert in early July and play in a guitar orchestra for Ben Verdery's Scenes from Ellis Island at a chamber music festival here later in July.
Also getting closer to completion with a guitar/electronics recording. Still hoping to get an album done this year.
― All along there is the sound of feedback (Sund4r), Tuesday, 18 June 2019 02:54 (five years ago) link
Cool Sund4r!
I agreed to back someone up for a festival set here, because her partner (who is also in the band) is an old friend, and I played on some of the albums. Feeling conflicted because I think the music is bad (not good). Well, the music is fine, but I find the singing and lyrics embarrassing. It's whatever and I'll just put on my session dude face, but I probably shouldn't have said yes. :/
I'm always trying to figure out how people can best present their talents, and this person could make really great instrumental music, or use their voice effectively in a style that doesn't call for great singing in a very traditional sense. But in this very exposed singer-songwriter context, man. People get to make their own creative decisions though, I'm sure people think I've made some bad ones too.
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 18 June 2019 15:16 (five years ago) link
On other fronts though, I'm playing some drums and percussion for a Dr. John tribute show tomorrow night, and finally got a release date (Aug) for the electronic album I finished early in the year.
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 18 June 2019 15:26 (five years ago) link
Those sound p cool. The other situation sounds tough. Curious how you end up making out with it. I'm probably going to have to say no to something that is just not my bag but it can be hard.
― All along there is the sound of feedback (Sund4r), Wednesday, 19 June 2019 04:27 (five years ago) link
i love the apple "music memos" app, especially the feature where it can add drum and bass parts to what you've recorded. it's a little wonky but that makes it even more fun. i recorded a sketch of a song i'm working on last night, which doesn't have words yet so i'm kind of murmuring some nonsense, and with the fake drums and bass it sounds like a skip spence song. i'm tempted to export it as is and just sing real vocals on top of it once i write lyrics.
for a while i would also get my kids to do stuff by singing a song about brushing their teeth or getting dressed or whatever into my phone then adding the drums and bass before playing it for them. i should bounce all those down.
― na (NA), Tuesday, 25 June 2019 19:17 (five years ago) link
ok i did what no one was asking for and bounced down the songs i made up to nag my kids. i don't know why there's 10 seconds of silence at the beginning but otherwise it's truly the "fingerprints" of being an annoying dad
― na (NA), Tuesday, 25 June 2019 20:22 (five years ago) link
I uh found myself last night looking at the free preview of a lead sheet trying to arrange piano accompaniment for Green Day’s Basket Case. Nobody asked me to do this.
― president of deluded fruitcakes anonymous (silby), Friday, 5 July 2019 19:08 (five years ago) link
― flappy bird, Friday, 5 July 2019 19:50 (five years ago) link
I have only gotten about three measures in so far and to date I would not describe myself as being able to sing so I'm not sure what this exercise is for, exactly, if anything
― president of deluded fruitcakes anonymous (silby), Friday, 5 July 2019 19:52 (five years ago) link
Going to do a short improv set with a biggish name classical guitarist at a concert in early July
This was last night. I just played prepared electric guitar with him on one piece at his concert, which was an honour. (He was also my teacher from 02-05.) It reminded me of how much I used to enjoy spontaneous improvisation with other musicians, using one's ear to dialogue.
― All along there is the sound of feedback (Sund4r), Saturday, 6 July 2019 01:31 (five years ago) link
ooh write some more words about what you enjoy about it -- i am getting my improvisation workshop together for 12-13 year old campers (later this month) and i could use some fresh quotes!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Saturday, 6 July 2019 05:24 (five years ago) link
"It's the notes you don't play, maaaan."
(not helpful, sorry)
― Velcromancer (Ye Mad Puffin), Saturday, 6 July 2019 10:45 (five years ago) link
Sorry, LL: I was thinking about it but wasn't really sure what to say; maybe there's too much to say? I'd be happy to answer more specific questions.
― All along there is the sound of feedback (Sund4r), Monday, 15 July 2019 16:12 (five years ago) link
don't sweat it -- the workshop was yesterday, it went super well imo. i changed the structure a little, recycled some of the supplemental materials i had printed in 2017, recorded the jams. i heard from other people that it was effective, which is all i ever want from that workshop. enthusiasm! i forgot to hand out some oblique strategies to the salty teens but there is always the next camp session!
played two shows this week with band mentioned above and they were both fun. the other local band we played with last night was so fun to watch irl. this is their bandcamp but it does not do them justice. i recommend tracks "working girl" and "working boy" --
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 26 July 2019 18:37 (five years ago) link
did you use my potato chips quote again?
― sarahell, Friday, 26 July 2019 18:42 (five years ago) link
lol yes indeed i did -- i used it as an encouraging anecdote because i didn't have a projector so i had to wing it with paper that sticks to the wall and a printed copy of the slides to keep me on track :)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 26 July 2019 18:47 (five years ago) link
speaking of improvisation -- about 2 months ago I played an improv gig with a few guys from LA who were on tour and their drummer wasn't able to make the trip. I played my "roommate" instrument in this group -- first time playing it in the context of a group, it's something I play solo -- it worked out pretty well actually (the instrument) -- though musically there were the standard issues. My friend who was at the show, commented that it (and a lot of improv) is like this quote from Planes Trains and Automobiles:Here's a good idea - have a POINT. It makes it SO much more interesting for the listener!
― sarahell, Friday, 26 July 2019 18:56 (five years ago) link
What's the instrument?
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 26 July 2019 19:06 (five years ago) link
Basically it's a free-standing metal armature made of rebar, basically a rib cage with legs. I put contact mics on it, run them through pedals, and play it with drumsticks, mallets, chopsticks, and occasionally a cheap leather flogger.
― sarahell, Friday, 26 July 2019 19:10 (five years ago) link
it began its life as 1/2 of a sculpture my bf made called "roommates" which he abandoned to my care when we broke up, hence the name.
― sarahell, Friday, 26 July 2019 19:11 (five years ago) link
it's basically about as tall as I am.
― sarahell, Friday, 26 July 2019 19:12 (five years ago) link
so I play it standing up. ... when I do a solo set with it, I add a contact-mic-ed piece of sheet metal screwed to a piece of wood on the floor, because as a drummer, I am used to being able to play with my feet as well.
― sarahell, Friday, 26 July 2019 19:13 (five years ago) link
that sounds rly cool!
― Carisis LaVerted (m bison), Friday, 26 July 2019 19:14 (five years ago) link
Cool, sounds like it sounds amazing!
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 26 July 2019 19:15 (five years ago) link
i remember seeing a photo of it!!!! the coolest!! how did you feel playing it during the performance? what are the standard issues?
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 26 July 2019 19:22 (five years ago) link
the standard issues in improv? ... it's similar to making new friends in a way. ... what does the other person want to do? what do they like? how fast/slow do they want to go? what are the best dynamics in a conversation -- is it more like turn taking or are interruptions appreciated? How long is best for the other person to solo ...
― sarahell, Friday, 26 July 2019 19:27 (five years ago) link
like, imagine you are developing a new friendship but in front of an audience
― sarahell, Friday, 26 July 2019 19:28 (five years ago) link
I have a lot of friends that are "improvisors" and we have lots of discussions about "how to improvise" and "why we improvise" and "what are bad and good things people do in improvisation" ... lots of analogies ... some of them end up being sexual.
― sarahell, Friday, 26 July 2019 19:30 (five years ago) link
but obv if this is a workshop for teenage girls, analogies to conversations and making new friends would be more appropriate than the more adult ones.
― sarahell, Friday, 26 July 2019 19:31 (five years ago) link
xp - oh i understand that. -- it's what is fun about the whole thing! it was the same way at the workshop, i had to get 3 volunteers to 1) show up to the workshop to lend a hand and 2) jam together/w me in front of campers and none of us knew each other at all. different than a professional performance opp of course but the concept is the same. did you get to rehearse at all? how well do you know them? if this is intrusive i apologize. if given the opportunity to ask, i always have a lot of questions, lol
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 26 July 2019 19:32 (five years ago) link
speaking of sexual though!! i usually assiduously avoid going there, as a rule. nothing i said yesterday would have inspired prurient material. however, when i went around looking at the post its i had them write on to express the thoughts or feelings they wanted to have in mind while they were improvising. there were 3 of them that clearly were related to sex. lol! teenagers, gotta love em. i was proud of them for being so open.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 26 July 2019 19:34 (five years ago) link
no rehearsal. I knew them socially -- 2 of the 3. The 3rd I don't think I'd met. They asked me to play with them because at one point months ago, when one of them was playing a show at my friend's house (where this show was), we were hanging out afterwards, and I semi-drunkenly demonstrated that I could play 4 and 5 stroke rolls. ... as in getting the stick to bounce 4 or 5 times in a steady rhythm. Dude was impressed.
― sarahell, Friday, 26 July 2019 19:45 (five years ago) link
ha seriously? that's funnyi'm impressed by your boldness of "yes i can play this giant ribcage with these strangers on a stage"
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 26 July 2019 19:46 (five years ago) link
anyway -- another example of how socializing/networking leads to gigs
― sarahell, Friday, 26 July 2019 19:48 (five years ago) link
the time where i got frustrated as a drummer playing in a large group where everything was muddy and too loud to hear myself so I intentionally fell off my drum stool onto a broken bottle on the floor was more bold than just ... playing my instrument in a group w/3 guys: two guitarists and one modular synth player
― sarahell, Friday, 26 July 2019 19:49 (five years ago) link
i still have a scar from that bottle
indeed it does!! that is but one reason why i have been bummed to have been sick all summer --> result: my socializing has been minimal :( i was anticipating it being maximal and helping me get through the winter with all my plans but i will have to keep at it.
omg at the bottle, that is O_O you musta been real bored ;)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 26 July 2019 19:59 (five years ago) link
it was a really shitty improv. very bored.
― sarahell, Friday, 26 July 2019 20:04 (five years ago) link
also, it was the "ooh, you want to be punk/noise and play sloppy and loud, let me just take this to the next level" ... performative oneupsmanship ... there's a lot of that in improv too
― sarahell, Friday, 26 July 2019 20:05 (five years ago) link
i feel like once you get to a certain age/level of familiarity with a genre or scene things blend together and a certain jadedness and impatience can set in. And that's something I discuss w/friends who are also musicians quite a bit. Relatedly, how to combat that in terms of what you do. Like, I always feel the need to push myself artistically, to challenge myself. Whether it's on a technical level, or experimenting with a different aesthetic, or just doing things that I might feel uncomfortable doing? ... So, I have this project I do ... not very often ... because it's really just one composition/piece. The first few times it was a group called "Secretarial Pool" ... then a friend asked me to play and do that project but I was so exhausted from my job which entailed organizing artists to do various things, that I was like, "I'll do it, but solo, if that's ok with you?" and she was fine with that. So it became "Office Assistant" ... anyway, it was in between sets, a few before I played (this was one of those 5 band bill noise/experimental shows), and a friend (different friend) suggested, you should just really go for it and like take your shirt off during your set. .... And I said, "Actually, that would be great." ... So I did. Part of the way. Like, I don't think anything was actually exposed because the shirt had weird buttons in the back and it was kinda hard to remove while playing what I was playing musically. ... Again, probably not a suitable anecdote for your teenagers.
― sarahell, Friday, 26 July 2019 20:13 (five years ago) link
... it was not inappropriate for the show/venue just fyi ... quite tame compared to other things that have happened there ... it used to be a co-op space that I was a member of ... and, oh geez, that whole enterprise -- running a DIY venue -- would be a whole separate thread. I have so many stories. .... With just this space alone.
― sarahell, Friday, 26 July 2019 20:17 (five years ago) link
If you are reading this, Milton Parker, you can easily verify this.
About to perform with Ben Verdery's guitar orchestra
― All along there is the sound of feedback (Sund4r), Saturday, 27 July 2019 18:58 (five years ago) link
xpost Secretarial Pool / Office Assistant is an amazing project, glad that one is still going
― Milton Parker, Friday, 2 August 2019 22:59 (five years ago) link
^^ dude's band just put out a new album or something
― sarahell, Friday, 2 August 2019 23:02 (five years ago) link
Just bought a bass
― All along there is the sound of feedback (Sund4r), Tuesday, 6 August 2019 16:00 (five years ago) link
nice, what kind?
last week i bought my first electric guitar and amp. unfortunately, just like my drums, i can't play them in my apartment at any decent volume. wondering how my blues jr IV sounds when it's cranked up past 1
― Karl Malone, Tuesday, 6 August 2019 16:16 (five years ago) link
Lol @ cranked to 1
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 6 August 2019 16:17 (five years ago) link
seriously, it's so sad. it's not even out of 10 - the master volume goes up to 12!
― Karl Malone, Tuesday, 6 August 2019 16:21 (five years ago) link
It reminds me of when someone is dancing really timidly when you know they want to just let it rip Always sad but also amusing
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 6 August 2019 16:24 (five years ago) link
Gotta get one of those OX boxes :P
― DJI, Tuesday, 6 August 2019 18:11 (five years ago) link
Is there no joy in headphone jamming?
The album that I finished back in January is finally coming out, one song streaming rn:
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 6 August 2019 18:18 (five years ago) link
started listening to guided by voices last week. life is good. dont want the honeymoon phase to end
― boobie, Tuesday, 6 August 2019 18:24 (five years ago) link
i really want to headphone jam! unfortunately my amp doesn't have an output jack
― Karl Malone, Tuesday, 6 August 2019 18:31 (five years ago) link
What? Can you get an adapter?
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 6 August 2019 18:32 (five years ago) link
i'll probably just end up getting some sort of cheap headphone amp (Vox Amplug?) while the actual amp sits in the corner collecting dust
― Karl Malone, Tuesday, 6 August 2019 18:34 (five years ago) link
A used but good Peavey; $90 CAD including the case. I was looking for something inexpensive for teaching bass lessons. This is better than what I expected to find.
― All along there is the sound of feedback (Sund4r), Tuesday, 6 August 2019 19:43 (five years ago) link
karl i was just reading about switching out the tubes in my fender hot rod deville, and apparently lots of people do that to give fender amps more room on the lower end of the volume knob. tubes cost like $12 and are supposed to be easy to swap out, so it might be worth a try.
― na (NA), Tuesday, 6 August 2019 19:53 (five years ago) link
caveat, i don't actually know anything about this stuff
― na (NA), Tuesday, 6 August 2019 19:57 (five years ago) link
that is intriguing! i'll probably hold off on modding anything until at least next month. i'm moving in a few weeks (location tbd) but hopefully my next place will be slightly more amenable to playing music, or at least be closer to a practice spot
― Karl Malone, Tuesday, 6 August 2019 20:00 (five years ago) link
I sang three of the solos from Five Mystical Songs at a church service on the last Sunday of July; it went well but my voice completely cracked on one of the Fs and I was SO ANGRY for days afterward
― brigadier pudding (DJP), Tuesday, 6 August 2019 20:02 (five years ago) link
(xps) I have a Vox Amplug AC30 and it is surprisingly good. is not me in the video, btw)
― just another country (snoball), Tuesday, 6 August 2019 20:13 (five years ago) link
Some press about the festival where I'm playing tomorrow:
― All along there is the sound of feedback (Sund4r), Thursday, 22 August 2019 01:39 (five years ago) link
One of my best friends, and a regular collaborator (we've had two bands together), has always made really interesting music. About two years ago he showed me these weird a cappella recordings he'd made, just him overdubbing his voice and singing. They are unquestionably some of the most interesting music I've ever heard, and stand head-and-shoulders over anything else he's made (or anything I've made, for that matter). It has the dense writing of Mary Lou Williams (a big influence on him) coupled with dense Ligeti fugues. They are completely bananas.
I told him I wanted to transcribe them for live performance. I've been asked to curate and compose for a concert to accompany the opening of the Rubens exhibition at the Art Gallery Of Ontario. (I'm having an antiphonal choir sing the final posted text from the Heaven's Gate cult, a suggestion aero made several years ago. I'm also arranging a couple of Julius Eastman pieces for two harpsichords, which will be performed-- the harpsichords are recreations of the Flemish harpsichords that would've been contemporaneous with Rubens.) We're also staging a performance of one of my friend's pieces.
It's ten-minutes long and is 27 overdubbed tracks of his voice. I am taking the day to transcribe it and arrange it for the antiphonal choir. I'm posting here because I'm really having a moment with his work, his is unquestionably some of the best and most interesting choral writing I've ever encountered and I can't wait til I'm done so I can send PDFs to all my friends to show them.
― flamboyant goon tie included, Thursday, 22 August 2019 16:26 (five years ago) link
The writing is so dense I'm having to go track-by-track-by-track. I'm really good at transcribing from mixes but this is just too complicated for my ears. So exciting.
― flamboyant goon tie included, Thursday, 22 August 2019 16:28 (five years ago) link
oooh this sounds incredible
― brigadier pudding (DJP), Thursday, 22 August 2019 16:40 (five years ago) link
Wow, that sounds amazing, I hope it will be recorded/released at some point (the solo version esp)?
My album is finally coming out tomorrow, and I'm actually really glad that I will be involved in attending/DJing/wrangling the PA for a friend's wedding this weekend, so that I don't get totally strung out on social media.
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 22 August 2019 16:41 (five years ago) link
Speaking of voices, my deep listening Pauline workshop went really well last night! 20 ppl showed up and we got lots of positive feedback. Very enjoyable to hear and make human voices
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 22 August 2019 16:43 (five years ago) link
xxp - what Dan said! I wanna hear this!
I have a couple shows coming up next month (both solo, 2 different projects). The curator/booker for one of them is asking me about merch, and I feel like there are way too many tapes, cds, etc. and plus, it's only a month away, so I think I will do a zine. ... Maybe at some point, I will have an idea for a shirt design and do shirts.
― sarahell, Thursday, 22 August 2019 16:44 (five years ago) link
Jordan I would like to listen to your album. I need to figure out how to beat do that bc my listening situation is messed up!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 22 August 2019 16:44 (five years ago) link
Yeah yeah to different kinds of merch!! Toss me $15 and I’ll toss u a cool T-shirt. I’d like to make some merch actually but have been stuck.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 22 August 2019 16:46 (five years ago) link
fgti that sounds like fascinating work
― president of deluded fruitcakes anonymous (silby), Thursday, 22 August 2019 16:46 (five years ago) link
LL - did my friend N0rman come to your workshop?
― sarahell, Thursday, 22 August 2019 16:46 (five years ago) link
Ya DJP and sarahell it's right up both your alleys, I think. He hasn't made it available yet so I can't share it publicly but those are his albums. His albums are great but his choral work is beyond beyond.
― flamboyant goon tie included, Thursday, 22 August 2019 16:52 (five years ago) link
Thanks LL, aren't you doing mp3s these days? The workshop sounded really interesting btw.
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 22 August 2019 16:52 (five years ago) link
Hmmm I’m afraid I don’t remember a Norman. We did introductions and I got about 15/20 names for the email list however I do not have perfect name recall. Face, I could answer definitively! Jordan - I do mp3 but my download/device situation is in flux. I might try to use WiFi/streaming on my old phone but right now I’m “cds in the car” for most enjoyable listening experience lol
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 22 August 2019 17:16 (five years ago) link
Sorry! I forgot to google proof!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 22 August 2019 17:17 (five years ago) link
slender, african-american guy, kinda quiet
― sarahell, Thursday, 22 August 2019 17:18 (five years ago) link
No, afraid he was not there but I cordially invite him to give me his email address so he can stay abreast of our next one. I’m already plotting!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 22 August 2019 17:32 (five years ago) link
I am very impressed and inspired by everyone’s recent activity and output!I learned how to play Blackbord pretty well last night. I need to get that Pink Floyd butts poster to complete the experience
― Karl Malone, Friday, 23 August 2019 01:34 (five years ago) link
If and when this event happens and you are able to attend, you will see a copy of that poster on the wall of the hall: NYC FAJ? How many ilxors make music in the nyc area?
― TS: “8:05” vs. “905” (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 23 August 2019 01:38 (five years ago) link
― TS: “8:05” vs. “905” (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 23 August 2019 01:53 (five years ago) link
I got a work bonus with which I bought a Thinline Telecaster (a longtime lust object). I also ordered a bouzouki / octave mandolin, which isn't here yet.
― Rumspringsteen (Ye Mad Puffin), Friday, 23 August 2019 09:28 (five years ago) link
I was teaching bass (to relative beginners) over the past year, actually, and have done it before. I just didn't own one and was using a school's bass. As the song goes, that's nothing; you should hear me play piano.
― All along there is the sound of feedback (Sund4r), Friday, 23 August 2019 11:10 (five years ago) link
I heard you play some nice numbers
― The Fearless Thread Killers (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 23 August 2019 12:17 (five years ago) link
FYI Jordan's album bangs
― brigadier pudding (DJP), Friday, 23 August 2019 12:39 (five years ago) link
Exhausting week is over. Performed my own composition at guitar festival on Thursday, played wedding ceremony + 2h of solo guitar music for the reception on Saturday, gave a lecture on my guitar composition work at the festival on Sunday. Took the day off except for one lesson today. The wedding reception was the longest I've ever played solo, unprocessed guitar in one stretch in front of people but I know I can do it now (at least one easy lower-level classical piece between every comparatively challenging piece, lots of improvising on standards; in the end, no one's listening that closely so it seems like you can do p much anything as long it's tonal and has a pulse).
― All along there is the sound of feedback (Sund4r), Tuesday, 27 August 2019 00:20 (five years ago) link
I am arranging Julius Eastman's "Evil N" for duo double-harpsichord performance. I was excited to receive the score and then I received the score-- it is essentially just guidelines for improvisation. In order to effectively recreate the effect of four-pianos, I set about transcribing the work from audio. I have never engaged in such a mind-numbingly difficult and tedious job. I am finding myself needing to take breaks every 20 minutes. I am drinking water every break so, at the very least, I'm well-hydrated.
― flamboyant goon tie included, Tuesday, 10 September 2019 23:54 (five years ago) link
Ha, wow, that does sound difficult for an arrangement job.
― All along there is the sound of feedback (Sund4r), Wednesday, 11 September 2019 01:24 (five years ago) link
Dang. Fgti, are you familiar with Jace Clayton's Julius Eastman project?
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 11 September 2019 02:13 (five years ago) link
Yes indeed I love it. I am supremely frustrated with this transcription, though. I just finished the legwork, it's on to the formatting. I thought this would be simpler than it has been. I guess it's part of the Eastman experience... pieces that are punishing to perform and punishing to transcribe. I hope there's a feeling of enlightenment on the horizon, right now I just feel ear-tired and butt-soft from spending so many hours on it.
― flamboyant goon tie included, Wednesday, 11 September 2019 02:23 (five years ago) link
I now have an octave mandolin
― Ramen? No thanks, I prefer them cooked (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 12 September 2019 01:00 (five years ago) link
I just bought a backup archtop for my normal archtop.
― flamboyant goon tie included, Thursday, 12 September 2019 02:08 (five years ago) link
This is the thing I've been working on btw
I'm pretty excited about it, I've never taken on such a large project before
My choral piece is insane, aero suggested to me a while back that somebody should set the final missive of the Heaven's Gate cult and so that's the piece, for antiphonal choir? Very excited about it.
― flamboyant goon tie included, Friday, 13 September 2019 17:30 (five years ago) link
― All along there is the sound of feedback (Sund4r), Friday, 13 September 2019 18:42 (five years ago) link
Very cool!
― DJI, Friday, 13 September 2019 19:32 (five years ago) link
I might join this group:
Here's one of their recordings:
However, their rehearsals are on my D&D night
― brigadier pudding (DJP), Tuesday, 17 September 2019 16:13 (five years ago) link
Finally caved and put up ten minutes of my Frippertronics-ish guitar improv (combined with field recordings) on Bandcamp, more to come as I find the time/inclination:acalaman.bandcamp.comIt’s a decent start, maybe?
― spastic heritage, Thursday, 19 September 2019 05:03 (five years ago) link
I’m standing in on bass for one upcoming gig only with the 46th best Scottish band ever (other polls may present different results).
It’s helped prompt me to sort out my home recording set up to some extent too, so I’m actually enthusiastic about that at the moment too - results unlikely to emerge for a while.
Just need to stop coveting synths and guitar pedals for a while.
― michaellambert, Thursday, 19 September 2019 05:17 (five years ago) link
New single/video out today!
― DJI, Friday, 20 September 2019 15:15 (five years ago) link
Idk how it happened but I fell behind over the past week and only ended up with five days to write a 25 minute choral work for four choirs
I have been working constantly and subsisting on DUMPLINGS!, basically, having manic outings after 11pm if possible but otherwise a couch potato with a Rewire Piano Object attached to my right and a MacBook to my left
The process is basically I slow-improvise my way through each section of the lyric with my iPhone running and then transcribe it later
I got halfway through the piece and I got cold feet about “onslaught of new material” on the audience for 25 fucking minutes so I prayed to “The Drift” and I prayed to “Music For Strings, Percussion and Celeste” and said fuck it I’m done composing, now it’s time to start copy-pasting
The text is the final text of the suicide cult Heaven’s Gate and so I did it like Scott Walker and Bartok— it is just an ornery repeat of every section right from the beginning, like Scott does in “Clara”— you heard it once, now listen again, shithead— but also Bartok because there are so many elisions, we’re going back through it all. Not faster, just shorter, like a recipe you’ve gotten good at
At the end I have the full choir screaming triad slow-glissing from triad up to mediant-related triad and the words are a synthesis of Heaven’s Gate begging the reader to come down to Southern California and kill yourself with Kool-Aid to board the spaceship, synthesized with Jesus and his disciples telling the listener to come to Galilee and give up their life so that one might find eternal life under the shadow of the Father
So it’s been a lot of work and I look great, every morning I slice a lemon in six so I have six glasses of water to remember to drink. My body is not so good, no muscle on my calf anymore, just on my ass all day writing whatever this is
I snuck away for 90 minutes and had dinner with my friend and her new boyfriend. They were intimate with each other, with their hands, at the dinner table, in the restaurant. I was happy when the food arrived! but I would’ve been impressed if they kept their inside hands on each other while feeding themselves with their outside hand. Olympic level PDA. That’d be amazing to see
I’m walking home, I have my bike but I was a cigarette, and my boyfriend calls me. He misses me. He tells me so. He says, “I want my boyfriend back.” I don’t respond especially well. I say, “this choral piece sliced my brain in two.” I feel my inner thighs chafing. I feel bad and also bad.
I thought I could finish it in three, but it took me four. I finished it. I formatted it. I mailed it off. Then I listened to it, all 79 pages, 25 minutes, and I thought: this piece is strong, both conceptually and compositionally
And there’s a little mental solar flare that happens right when you finish the writing process so I’m documenting it here. Tomorrow I’m going to take my boyfriend to the park with the dog and take him out for Filipino food
― fgti (flamboyant goon tie included), Thursday, 26 September 2019 07:39 (five years ago) link
*stands up and applauds*
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 26 September 2019 12:05 (five years ago) link
Best Music Writing 2019
― brigadier pudding (DJP), Thursday, 26 September 2019 12:29 (five years ago) link
Congrats, fgti
― All along there is the sound of feedback (Sund4r), Thursday, 26 September 2019 15:42 (five years ago) link
Bizarre: a (probably cassette?) recording of a harsh noise gig I played with a friend as a late teenager in 1998 seems to have been uploaded to Youtube, unknown to me or the friend. I couldn’t remember if I ever had a recording. I actually remember feeling unsure and harried about the set itself but it was startling to hear it again. An interesting time capsule from when I did things like play harsh noise.
― All along there is the sound of feedback (Sund4r), Monday, 28 October 2019 03:50 (five years ago) link
Last night, I sang in my first concert of the season:
Desenclos - Requiem (I had a "blink and you'll miss it" solo bit in the Sanctus)Parry - Songs of Farewell 1 - 3Schuman - Carols of Death
It was rad! We pretty much nailed everything and I can't wait to hear the recording.
― brigadier pudding (DJP), Monday, 28 October 2019 13:31 (five years ago) link
Oh wow nice
― All along there is the sound of feedback (Sund4r), Monday, 28 October 2019 13:44 (five years ago) link
We're doing Bach Cantata #140 in my church gig's next concert, which has two baller soprano/baritone duets in it. I know I'm going to be doing one of them but I don't know which one yet.
― brigadier pudding (DJP), Monday, 4 November 2019 20:51 (five years ago) link
Here they are, for reference:
― brigadier pudding (DJP), Monday, 4 November 2019 20:52 (five years ago) link
damn, Dan that is so cool you're still doing that.
It is weird/amazing/so fulfilling for me now that I can play music with my sons these days...hearing them play instruments is a true joy of parenthood, but a whole other level when you start playing with them. And then an even weirder sensation when they start blazing by your abilities.
― Joe Gargan (dandydonweiner), Tuesday, 5 November 2019 01:21 (five years ago) link
I have been working off-and-on for the past four months on a very involving film score-- 100 minutes of music, all orchestral, all very dense. The temp score was Copland, Nyman and Glass. One of the key moments used "Prospero's Magic" as temp-- it's one of my favourite Nyman pieces and it was a pleasure to write something to replace it, and I knocked it out of the park, it's a beautiful piece of music.
I was ignoring the Glass and replacing with completely different stuff and it was starting to work. The Copland was some of the super rhythmic weirdfun stuff, and the stuff I wrote to replace it was coming off all disjointed and terrific. It was shaping up to be the best score I've ever worked on.
Then they showed the MIDI demo cut to the executives. They like it. They want it to be more basic bitch. They want there to be a more unifying compositional tone. It all sounds like my own music but the distance between Nyman-style writing and Copland-style writing was pretty large. I decided that I'd have to rewrite the opening, write something that bridged the gap.
"How do I bridge Copland and Nyman" I asked myself and I slept on it. I woke up and had the idea. The answer was John Adams. Get that rhythmic minimalism and the dense fifths, keep the phrasing square, a more elevated pulse. I worked on the opening for seven hours straight. It turned out perfectly. It was textured, pulsing, unspooling. It sat perfectly under the dialogue and was audible and effective. The ending itself was thrilling. Even as MIDI it was just working terrifically.
I sent it to the director. He texted me, "I got chills". "YOU GOT CHILLS FROM THE MIDI" I texted back. I played the cue for my ex, and for another friend, and another. "You nailed it," they all said, "this is perfect". I felt so job-well-done that I went out to reward myself with a bowl of chicken vermicelli.
I got a call from the director in the Vietnamese restaurant. The producer vetoed it. I paced for 17 minutes in the Vietnamese restaurant. I talked very loudly. They want catchy themes AND they want it not to compete with the dialogue. They want recognizable textures AND they want it to be unobtrusive. They want it to be dramatic and optimistic AND they want it to not be overbearing. They want it to sound like the other cues. They want me to establish the theme in a space of 2.5 seconds before the dialogue enters.
They do not understand anything. They don't understand anything. I rode on the streetcar for 30 minutes near tears writing my letter of resignation. I have lost months of my real life to this film and years of my sanity. I did not send the e-mail. I love my job and I hate my job and I hate my job
― that said, I’d prefer a single serving of you (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 13 November 2019 00:33 (five years ago) link
[Joni Mitchell voice]: I hate my job, I hate my job, I love my job
― that said, I’d prefer a single serving of you (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 13 November 2019 00:35 (five years ago) link
Aw man - what a great story with an absolute shit ending. In a situation like this, do they own the music that you created for them but that they don't want?
At least you got that perfect moment out of it. Writing the shit out of something and feeling like you nailed it. Screw those paper-pushing dorks.
― DJI, Wednesday, 13 November 2019 00:46 (five years ago) link
Nope, it's mine when it's rejected, and tbh, the opening cue is so good that I would literally just put it on an album even as MIDI. It's so fucking good and I'm so appalled and humanity is garbage
― that said, I’d prefer a single serving of you (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 13 November 2019 00:48 (five years ago) link
thats amazing and maddening and i pray it sees the light of day
― i'm not a government man; i'm a government, man. (m bison), Wednesday, 13 November 2019 01:12 (five years ago) link
Fucking film music, manIt’s a wonder the good stuff ever gets through Still psyched as fuck to hear the stuff of yours that appears in the film and that appears reappropriated on your own thing
― valet doberman (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 13 November 2019 03:57 (five years ago) link
Have you considered submitting audio of yourself saying "fuck you, you assholes" slowed down 10000% over the Amen break, see if that's more their speed?
― brigadier pudding (DJP), Wednesday, 13 November 2019 13:19 (five years ago) link
― No language just sound (Sund4r), Wednesday, 13 November 2019 14:45 (five years ago) link
That's brutal fgti. :( I don't think I would have the stomach for it. I couldn't even take making beats for rappers, the model of churning out tons of material in order to have most of it casually rejected was not for me.
I'm sure you'll figure out a great use of the raw material once the sting wears off. Maybe an OST for a film that 'doesn't exist'?
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 13 November 2019 15:06 (five years ago) link
― brigadier pudding (DJP), Wednesday, 13 November 2019 15:54 (five years ago) link
I spoke to the director this morning and literally started crying on the phone. It is so frustrating to have to rewrite and rewrite and you feel (and all the people you regularly share your work-in-progress feel) like you did it already, you nailed it, and struggling to undo the thought and intention you’ve applied to the scene to come up with something brand new that will convince the admin body :(
― that said, I’d prefer a single serving of you (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 13 November 2019 17:38 (five years ago) link
fgti I'm sorry to hear about your struggles, fuck the bosses
in my own musical life I started a few weeks ago with a new piano teacher who so far I love and is really pushing me in a way I wasn't getting pushed previously. Trying to sight read in both hands with a metronome is emotionally trying! But I can do it if I try! Slowly.
My teacher also quite reasonably observed that I should work on music I'm interested in playing even if it seems too hard so I acquired Philip Glass' piano etudes and have started working on the first one at 1/3 of the listed tempo.
― Swilling Ambergris, Esq. (silby), Wednesday, 13 November 2019 17:43 (five years ago) link
Oh man those Glass etudes are SO HARD, good luck
To deal with the annoyance re the score, I took a break and went and got my ears pierced
― that said, I’d prefer a single serving of you (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 13 November 2019 18:03 (five years ago) link
nice, and thanks for the well-wishes, I assume I will keep returning to them over the years until I'm actually advanced enough to play one of them
― Swilling Ambergris, Esq. (silby), Wednesday, 13 November 2019 18:12 (five years ago) link
Cantata concert went great
― brigadier pudding (DJP), Monday, 2 December 2019 14:56 (five years ago) link
That's great, DJP.
I was just offered a one hour ambient/improv/out gig at a nearby cafe this Friday. It seems like a good and exciting opportunity but also seems totally crazy to get an hour of solo music to a performance standard in four days. I said I'd confirm for sure tomorrow.
― No language just sound (Sund4r), Tuesday, 10 December 2019 03:23 (five years ago) link
I finished writing the score and it's great and I'm happy now
― that said, I’d prefer a single serving of you (flamboyant goon tie included), Tuesday, 10 December 2019 15:23 (five years ago) link
― No language just sound (Sund4r), Tuesday, 10 December 2019 15:24 (five years ago) link
Just agreed to do the gig tonight. Going to try to figure out a set, sigh.
― No language just sound (Sund4r), Tuesday, 10 December 2019 20:45 (five years ago) link
Er, not tonight. I agree this afternoon. The gig is Friday.
Eh, one hour will fly by! You did the right thing by agreeing. I think it's good to accept challenging invitations if they present themselves :)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 10 December 2019 21:57 (five years ago) link
― No language just sound (Sund4r), Wednesday, 11 December 2019 03:53 (five years ago) link
― Una Palooka Dronka (hardcore dilettante), Wednesday, 11 December 2019 14:36 (five years ago) link
I just agreed to sing this in a concert next month:
― totally unnecessary bewbz of exploitation (DJP), Wednesday, 11 December 2019 16:34 (five years ago) link
@ hardcore dilettante
I just finished it all. I was really not-feeling the opening cue, which I wrote under the direction of producers/director, and was unhappy with the result (they loved it and wanted to use it.) I was so frustrated with their decision, and enamoured with other ideas I'd written, that I was seriously considering leaving the project over it. It passed, I was being overdramatic. I have softened on the opening cue and although I don't think it's the best option, I do think it essentially works. I'm so happy with the rest of the score and think it (and the film itself) are an achievement and so I'm really in a happy place about it!
― that said, I’d prefer a single serving of you (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 11 December 2019 18:08 (five years ago) link
in challenging invitations, i have accepted an invitation* to play a solo set (only 15-20 min) in early january, which means starting off my 2020 with 1) one rock band show and 2) one weird solo thing. YES PLEASE. I accept.
*invitation came from someone I don't know personally on facebook, so I was dubious at first, but then remembered my "always be growing/learning" mantra and accepted. i mean, i was invited. i can't say no!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 12 December 2019 16:44 (five years ago) link
Right on, you have some time to prep at least.
― No language just sound (Sund4r), Thursday, 12 December 2019 22:17 (five years ago) link
I totally couldn’t do it otherwise! But with a little time I’m looking forward to seeing what I can put together. And also realizing that it’s just 15 min, not a big deal. Right??!!?
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 13 December 2019 00:04 (five years ago) link
Yeah, totally.
I was a little under the weather and took yesterday and today off work, which did give me a little more time to prep. Feeling ready-ish for tomorrow.
― No language just sound (Sund4r), Friday, 13 December 2019 04:22 (five years ago) link
how’d it go?
― Don’t Slander Meme (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 23 December 2019 00:58 (five years ago) link
Yeah how did it go?? I’m sitting in w a friend for an Alex Chilton annual bday thing. Should be fun!!!! Excited about the songs we’re playing :)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 23 December 2019 01:19 (five years ago) link
Wow. Can you tell us what they are? No pressure ;)
― Don’t Slander Meme (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 23 December 2019 01:30 (five years ago) link
My yearly Messiah thing went well even though the power to the organ went out two days beforehand and we ended up singing with Casio accompaniment
― totally unnecessary bewbz of exploitation (DJP), Monday, 23 December 2019 02:41 (five years ago) link
Perhaps it was a problem with the blower? I hear that happens a lot. To organs.
― Hereward the Woke (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 23 December 2019 02:49 (five years ago) link
Yes indeed I can! Most excited about You Get What You Deserve + Daisy Glaze, also I’m in Love...+ Give Me Another Chance but those are pretty mellow/not drummyDaisy Glaze may be the craziest actual song I have ever played or attempted to play w other people.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 23 December 2019 03:24 (five years ago) link
Also newsflash I’m no Jody Stephens It’s not for a few days and we will have rehearsed 2x. That’s enough right? I agreed to do this like 4 days ago.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 23 December 2019 03:28 (five years ago) link
It went all right, thanks! The crowd was small and mostly there for the guys who put it on and played before me so there was a very small audience. It was fairly loose but I think the stuff came across all right anyway. Because there was less of a PA/sound system than I had anticipated, I ended up connecting my interface into the two amps of the guys who played first, which meant I kept trying to turn things down or adjust levels during my set. Still, I'd been hoping to put an album together for next summer so this got me to get pretty much all the material ready.
― Un sang impur (Sund4r), Monday, 23 December 2019 04:10 (five years ago) link
Alex Chilton thing sounds super fun.
Puffin: Yes, the blower was non-functional even after power was restored. I’m out of town on vacation now but I heard they fixed it before this morning’s service.
― totally unnecessary bewbz of exploitation (DJP), Monday, 23 December 2019 04:20 (five years ago) link
I have a new album out! Comes with a little book I drew as well.
― SQUIRREL MEAT!! (Capitaine Jay Vee), Monday, 23 December 2019 10:08 (five years ago) link
Djp: Glad to hear about the organ blower
― Hereward the Woke (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 23 December 2019 12:30 (five years ago) link
Am currently spending Christmas alone bc I have to sort through and edit 60 GBs of orchestral recordings for a film score
― kelis navidad (flamboyant goon tie included), Monday, 23 December 2019 21:57 (five years ago) link
ahhhhhhh did a solo show tonight! the first thing i played got royally messed up from the outset and it was my first time out with the looper totally under my control so there were some bumps. but the second thing i played felt much more right and i feel so relieved!! ahhhhhhhhhhh
the last three weeks i have playedalex chilton tributeregular rock show w the band i play with solo w looper
a range of experiences in a short period of time, very satisfying :)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 9 January 2020 06:16 (five years ago) link
Right on, glad the solo show smoothed itself out.
― Un sang impur (Sund4r), Friday, 10 January 2020 17:02 (five years ago) link
BTW they didn't fix the organ before my Handel recital so we all ended singing to Casio accompaniment:
― totally unnecessary bewbz of exploitation (DJP), Friday, 10 January 2020 17:11 (five years ago) link
I guess I should have looked upthread to see that I already said this, oops
― totally unnecessary bewbz of exploitation (DJP), Friday, 10 January 2020 17:12 (five years ago) link
I was hoping for some glowing 8-bit type Casio sounds, now that would have been a happy accident
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 10 January 2020 17:29 (five years ago) link
I'm gonna suggest we do a chiptone Messiah next year
― totally unnecessary bewbz of exploitation (DJP), Friday, 10 January 2020 17:32 (five years ago) link
And congrats LL!
My drumming has been feeling better than ever lately, but having a hard time with producing new music. Starting lots of tracks and abandoning them if they're not clicking rather than pushing through, which I'm choosing to see as wisdom rather than laziness. And having a hard time not feeling like I'm repeating myself, or like I'm making something that hasn't been done better by someone else. There's one track I'm really happy with, but I seem to like it more than anyone else, which is not ideal.
xp yesss
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 10 January 2020 17:33 (five years ago) link
LL, that sounds like a great variety of fun stuff to be doing!
DJP - I'm gonna suggest we do a chiptone Messiah next year -> please please! I need this.
My band's album now physically exists, to be released vv soon, eeeek! that works, ours is the LP on the right)
― emil.y, Friday, 10 January 2020 18:52 (five years ago) link
― emil.y, Friday, 10 January 2020 18:53 (five years ago) link
Emil.y I can’t wait to hear it!! The band I play with is releasing a record this spring too. I only play on one song on the album but it’s still exciting!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 10 January 2020 18:57 (five years ago) link
Get a Commodore 64 and a MSSIAH cartridge!
― just another country (snoball), Friday, 10 January 2020 19:19 (five years ago) link
A woman in my social-media orbit recently asked if anyone has a drum set sitting around, to potentially sell to her 17-year-old daughter.
As it happens, I am thinking about selling some drums (to get more and different drums, of course).
Nothing especially momentous, and perhaps it won't happen, but it does warm my heart to hear that there is a teenager living in the year 2020 who even a little serious about playing acoustic drums.
― Yeets don't fail me now (Ye Mad Puffin), Friday, 10 January 2020 19:33 (five years ago) link
What started as a one-off show last spring evolved into us playing as an actual band and we've played a couple of shows at bars opening for other bands and stuff, and now we somehow ended up in a battle of the bands kind of show at a local venue tomorrow. If anyone told me ten years ago that in 2020 I'd be playing bass in a band in the town I currently live in it would have sounded insane. It's still terrifying but super fun.
I've never played live on a stage of any sort until this past year there is a whole world of logistical stuff I sort of vaguely knew about but never had to deal with when just fucking around at home alone, like micing and DI stuff and monitors and hearing yourself and others on stage vs. at rehearsal and seeing the dot markers on a dark stage and hauling heavy cubical objects into and out of places through alleys.
― joygoat, Friday, 10 January 2020 21:22 (five years ago) link
Ha been there. Hoofed large amounts of gear up 4 flights of stairs to a loft space. My first time w cords + looper + drum stuff. Lost my power strip 😢
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 10 January 2020 21:42 (five years ago) link
Also anyone know why a looper’s looping function wouldn’t work through a PA but work fine through an amp?
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 10 January 2020 21:48 (five years ago) link
I have another concert this Sunday where I will be the bass in a quartet doing Brahms Op. 92, Copland's arrangement of "The Little Horses", and "Stars" from Les Mis
― totally unnecessary bewbz of exploitation (DJP), Monday, 20 January 2020 18:13 (five years ago) link
― One must put up barriers to keep oneself intact (Sund4r), Tuesday, 21 January 2020 13:12 (five years ago) link
Finished recording one piece, now in the always-pleasant phase of listening obsessively for everything that could be wrong/deciding whether things are worth changing. I do intend to move on to the next soon enough.
― With considerable charm, you still have made a choice (Sund4r), Monday, 27 January 2020 17:22 (five years ago) link
Yesterday went REALLY well; I got some applause on the Copland piece before I even finished singing and I had multiple people compliment me on the Les Mis piece (which I'd never really even listened to until about 4 weeks ago) including a jaded teenager, which felt like a massive win
― totally unnecessary bewbz of exploitation (DJP), Monday, 27 January 2020 17:58 (five years ago) link
I flubbed some minor spots in the Brahms but the audience loved it so 🤷♂️
― totally unnecessary bewbz of exploitation (DJP), Monday, 27 January 2020 17:59 (five years ago) link
Rad! Congrats.
― DJI, Monday, 27 January 2020 18:08 (five years ago) link
I have been rehearsing with a group doing Schuetz, Green, and Allegri in a concert next week Saturday that has been pushed back to a date in May where I can no longer sing with them. I'm supposed to start rehearsal with my regular group on Handel's "Alexander's Feast" on Sunday but I suspect that is going to be canceled.
Fuck you, coronavirus
― totally unnecessary bewbz of exploitation (DJP), Thursday, 12 March 2020 13:11 (four years ago) link
I just bought a fancy new drumkit, just in time to not gig.
― Quinoa pedal (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 12 March 2020 17:18 (four years ago) link
What kind?
― Karl Malone, Thursday, 12 March 2020 17:19 (four years ago) link
It is a DW LowPro - a travel kit that fits in a rolling suitcase. Very compact and nimble; idwL for the small clubs that I am not playing in.
― Quinoa pedal (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 12 March 2020 18:03 (four years ago) link
How much sound comes out of that kick when not mic'ed up?
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 12 March 2020 18:16 (four years ago) link
that's really cool YMP!
reminds me of the old steve jordan "cocktail" kits i used to see in modern drummer ads in the 90s:
― Karl Malone, Thursday, 12 March 2020 18:19 (four years ago) link
Jordan - quite a lot.
It's very full and boomy. Sounds like a jazz kit (more "note" than "thud"). I will likely change to some more rock-oriented heads, like Pinstripes, to get my accustomed sound. But as configured it is plenty loud for a bar stage.
And KM I know a dude with one of those - I find the ergonomics questionable. I played standing up a couple time in an experimental band in college, no wish to repeat that. With my old Pearl travel kit and with this new one, I am making all the same motions as I would with a normal kit; the drums are just a little smaller.
― Quinoa pedal (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 12 March 2020 18:26 (four years ago) link
Those little kits are built for someone my size — I’ve been wanting one! Unfortunately my musical life is a minor mess rn. Even if the band I’m playing with doesn’t have their record release show cancelled, I’m not playing at it as had been previously planned :(
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 12 March 2020 18:38 (four years ago) link
Sorry LL.
My band has a text thread going right now about canceling our gig in a couple weeks.
I feel very torn about that kit because even though I loathe lugging drums more every year, they just don't look cool :/
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 12 March 2020 18:46 (four years ago) link
what does that mean, LL? Are you still with the band?
― valet doberman (Jon not Jon), Thursday, 12 March 2020 18:51 (four years ago) link
fortunately, the drama of my situation has been drowned in COVID-19, so the sting is less fresh. i could explain the whole thing but the basic situation is that I was under the impression that we were going to try a double-drummer situation, we rehearsed this way once, a month passed, and then I got an email with the other drummer's suggestions for my parts a) 3 days before the last rehearsal before the show and b) they were extremely minimal, including playing a tambourine/shakers/doing nothing. i didn't have time to practice his parts even if i wanted to, and upon reading them (and because of the combination of a and b) I decided that I did not want to. So I bartleby'd and told everyone I would prefer to hang from the floor instead of on stage.
now i'm not sure the show will actually happen, and i am assuming that i am still local sub because we all have bigger things to worry about than drum parts. still, i did not relish the idea of being on a stage doing nothing but needlessly shaking a tambourine.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 12 March 2020 20:42 (four years ago) link
i feel that i am showing a lot of restraint by not complaining in public about all of the things about this situation that bothered me. i am now over it, hoarding food, and looking forward to a little pandemic practice time
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 12 March 2020 20:43 (four years ago) link
Wow, LL, that seriously sucks. Shitty move on their parts.
― emil.y, Thursday, 12 March 2020 21:19 (four years ago) link
That does suck, but I must say that shaking a tambourine is never needless
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 12 March 2020 21:25 (four years ago) link
Yeah it sucks.
I think I disagree w you Jordan
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 12 March 2020 21:29 (four years ago) link
When there are already 5 other people on stage, it is not necessary for an extra person to be there shaking a tambourine. Would you want to be that person? I decided that I don't, at least not under these circumstances.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 12 March 2020 21:31 (four years ago) link
xp - it's actually kinda difficult to do double drummers (depending on the parts and musical style) without much rehearsal -- so I could see other band members thinking the parts suggestions were good and pragmatic and still valuing you as a musician / bandmate. Otoh that sucks to be person demoted.
I don't know if this will make you feel better, but, last month I got to hang out with a friend I hadn't seen in a year. About 13 years ago he was in a band with a double drummer line-up. He was the bass player. One of the drummers was the bandleader and he kicked the other drummer out of the band because he felt her playing wasn't similar enough to his style. I was shocked to hear this, because she, the second drummer, was like, always perfect. Her timing was perfect. Her sight-reading was perfect. ... Anyway, now he doesn't really have a band, and she is in a very highly regarded weird/arty/indie band that there are threads about on ilx.
― sarahell, Thursday, 12 March 2020 21:33 (four years ago) link
that does make me feel better! more than anything i would like to preserve my relationship with bandmates (and especially the songwriter/main person whose band it is) and keep things going smoothly. it didn't have to be like this, and that is part of what gnawed at me about this situation.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 12 March 2020 21:36 (four years ago) link
I messaged you further details!
― sarahell, Thursday, 12 March 2020 21:42 (four years ago) link
I get that there are probably additional dynamics here with the band, and also maybe a gender thing if you see playing shaker/tambourine as not as important as drums.
But personally I love playing tambourine, I think it makes everything come together and I often sit in on friend's gigs on tambourine, and we often have a third drummer who just plays tambourine and cowbell. But I probably wouldn't join a band just to play tambourine, yeah (unless they were really good friends).
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 12 March 2020 21:45 (four years ago) link
I just think the tambourine is a noble pursuit!
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 12 March 2020 21:50 (four years ago) link
Both things are true: LL was treated shittily, _and_ we can dig a well-played tambourine.
When I am sitting in as a percussionist with a band that has a drummer, I will add what I think is tasteful and right for the song.
But if I'm one of two drummers? No, we will talk about the parts and we will come to a consensus decision about what best serves the song. That can include subtler parts, sure, but by agreement, not by dictatorial edict. What it sounded like in LL's case was that the other drummer thought of it as "lead drummer / backup drummer", not "two drummers."
― Quinoa pedal (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 12 March 2020 21:56 (four years ago) link
yeah totally
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 12 March 2020 21:59 (four years ago) link
Agree. Mostly I lament that there was not clearer communication to have avoided the situation I found myself in upon reading that email 3 days before rehearsal.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 12 March 2020 22:05 (four years ago) link
In more upbeat news, my band's album is OUT NOW WOOO:
― emil.y, Friday, 13 March 2020 00:33 (four years ago) link
Yaaaaaaay!!! I recently saw that a guy I knew in high school (in Ohio!) is a fan of yours!!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 13 March 2020 00:37 (four years ago) link
LL very sorry to hear about what happened. i'd say "their loss", but i know you're trying to continue on with them, which is admirable.
emil.y this is so good! in a way RUTHE14ME reminds me of a fast La Dusseldorf of the Viva-era (an era I adore)!
― Karl Malone, Friday, 13 March 2020 00:47 (four years ago) link
Yeahhh! If at least one person agrees with the La Dusseldorf comparison then I am happy!
― emil.y, Friday, 13 March 2020 00:59 (four years ago) link
Wait, has anyone else said that?? If so that is a great compliment imo
― Karl Malone, Friday, 13 March 2020 01:20 (four years ago) link
Ha, we say it in our press blurb and it's somewhere on the bandcamp page (we compare ourselves to Slant 6, The Shaggs & La D), but if you came up with it without even seeing that then that's even better.
― emil.y, Friday, 13 March 2020 01:24 (four years ago) link
haha, tbh i did see "krautrock" mentioned somewhere and my first thought was "oh yeah, like La Dusseldorf"! so i guess i was influenced toward that comparison
i think that's a really good riyl though, both fitting and a wonderful sound
― Karl Malone, Friday, 13 March 2020 01:29 (four years ago) link
Sounds great, e.mily!
― DJI, Friday, 13 March 2020 01:44 (four years ago) link
I would probably join a band just to shake a tambourine. That’s where I’m at in life.
― El Tomboto, Friday, 13 March 2020 03:29 (four years ago) link
Sounds rough, LL. Sorry it happened that way.
I hadn't spent a lot of time on standards, since I've been mostly focused on recording* for the album I hope to complete, but I did "Autumn Leaves" and "Lester Leaps In" at a jam last Friday. When I do find time for this stuff, I try to work a bit more on comping these days. I blanked out on the turnaround in the A section of rhythm changes at first, lol, but it eventually came back to me and I think things worked out OK in the end.
*at a bit of a slow point after I finished one piece and now want to redo half of it
Will catch up with recordings on this thread.
― Sund4r, Friday, 13 March 2020 05:01 (four years ago) link
Does look like there will be a lot of time for home recording coming up anyway.
― Sund4r, Friday, 13 March 2020 05:36 (four years ago) link
I should have said that while there's nothing inherently "less than" about playing tambourine/aux perc, no one wants to feel relegated to a role they don't want to play.
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 13 March 2020 15:42 (four years ago) link
all the show cancelling drama -- and the people who don't want to cancel, and the people shaming them for not doing so, and most of these shows are like ... probably audience of 20 - 40 people ... these past few months and the next two are the busiest for my non-musical life so I am kinda glad I am not enmeshed in the drama, and while at times I miss running an arts / concert venue (which I did for many years), I definitely don't miss it now.
― sarahell, Friday, 13 March 2020 19:35 (four years ago) link
listening to slum of legs now, sounds great
― na (NA), Friday, 13 March 2020 19:38 (four years ago) link
My church gig has been cancelled for the next three weeks.
Still getting paid though, thank you MA political climate
― DJP, Friday, 13 March 2020 21:46 (four years ago) link
I'm playing "The Baader-Meinhof..." in a plug party rn. It got a rave review from a non-ilxor (song as well as band name).
― Sund4r, Saturday, 14 March 2020 00:30 (four years ago) link
Ah wow, you guys <3 <3 <3
― emil.y, Saturday, 14 March 2020 00:36 (four years ago) link
Yeah, holy shit, slum of legs! This is so far up my alley that I’m calling the cops for trespassing.
― Una Palooka Dronka (hardcore dilettante), Saturday, 14 March 2020 01:07 (four years ago) link
Emily, I see you’ve got vinyl coming out. Are you happy with how it looks/sounds/feels?
― Una Palooka Dronka (hardcore dilettante), Saturday, 14 March 2020 11:37 (four years ago) link
So it looks like I never posted about my new band’s record of last year. Pretty proud of how it came out overall. Old-skool indie rock (GBV etc) if you like that kind of thing.
We’re currently doing pre-production for a series of digital singles for later in the year. I have 5-6 songs completes and about 50 in various stages of incompletion. Hoping for a work-from-home quarantine so I can finish a few more of them in between Skype meetings.
― Una Palooka Dronka (hardcore dilettante), Saturday, 14 March 2020 11:44 (four years ago) link
Yeah, we're really pleased. It took us long enough and all.
Will give your stuff a listen in a bit!
― emil.y, Saturday, 14 March 2020 16:37 (four years ago) link
Salt Horse sounds great too!
― DJI, Saturday, 14 March 2020 18:19 (four years ago) link
Thanks! It ain’t much, but it’s what I’ve got.
― rawdogging the pandemic (hardcore dilettante), Monday, 16 March 2020 00:41 (four years ago) link
Emily, I finally got around to listening to SoL... It's fucking great! :D
The sound of the violin is so beautiful, all over the record. Goes for all the strings and synths! Love the melodies, the post-punk twists and the overall 'pulse' driving your sound (def La Dusseldorf in there, too!). And 'Benetint' is a fucking statement of intent to open with. Love it. <3
― Le Bateau Ivre, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 14:27 (four years ago) link
tuning in to emily's record now. good sad hopeful vibes for this strange lonely time.
puffin, i just bought a DW lowpro kit too! also got sensory percussion from sunhouse.
so excited to get it all in the mail. gonne keep me busy a few months at least.
― davey, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 14:37 (four years ago) link
Thanks duders! By the way, if anyone who's into it fancies spreading the word we'd be super grateful, we don't have a press person or anything so word of mouth really counts.
― emil.y, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 15:09 (four years ago) link
Virtual music lessons yesterday for everybody in the house who can play a musical instrument.
― Lipstick Traces (on a Cigarette Alone) (James Redd and the Blecchs), Wednesday, 18 March 2020 16:39 (four years ago) link
Don’t the ones who can’t play need the lessons more?
― rawdogging the pandemic (hardcore dilettante), Wednesday, 18 March 2020 16:41 (four years ago) link
Henny Youngman to thread!
― Lipstick Traces (on a Cigarette Alone) (James Redd and the Blecchs), Wednesday, 18 March 2020 16:47 (four years ago) link
Really hoping enough people will want to transition to video lessons.
― Sund4r, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 16:57 (four years ago) link
will be having video piano lessons starting next week. I think. My piano teacher includes a lot of superfluous details and bullet points in most emails, makes it hard to follow the thrust sometimes.
― silby, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 17:43 (four years ago) link
yo emil.y this is badass
― DJP, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 17:59 (four years ago) link
My band managed to get our seventh and best show so far in right before things started really shutting down. Someone got part of our eight-song song cycle on video - a little rough, but it's getting there:
― timellison, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 21:12 (four years ago) link
I bought a microphone today (AT2020). I feel stupid spending money right now but if the world's gonna burn I don't think I'll miss that $108. I can't sing so figuring out something interesting to do with it should be interesting.
― Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Thursday, 19 March 2020 01:21 (four years ago) link
I had 2 CDs and an LP readied to go into production this week but am going to hold off launching my label till...Such a bummer considering I just got the label an LLC status, too. Small problems, I know.
― Yelploaf, Thursday, 19 March 2020 01:31 (four years ago) link
― Lipstick Traces (on a Cigarette Alone) (James Redd and the Blecchs), Thursday, 19 March 2020 01:38 (four years ago) link
milo my plan for my ilx quarantine comp contribution is to just Fred Schneider it
― El Tomboto, Thursday, 19 March 2020 01:38 (four years ago) link
I feel stupid spending money right now but if the world's gonna burn I don't think I'll miss that $108
I've been looking to buy a guitar from 1974 (when I was born) - specifically a Gibson SG - for a while now and had been stashing money away in the event I actually every decided to pull the trigger. Last saturday in a pandemic frenzy I said fuck it and bought one off Reverb when it got knocked down 10%.
I wiped everything down with disinfecting wipes when it showed up btw
― joygoat, Thursday, 19 March 2020 15:42 (four years ago) link
slum of legs is wonderful!
― Tib, Friday, 20 March 2020 04:25 (four years ago) link
A couple more tracks out today from my dance project. Breakbeats this time. Think Rampant Records releases from the nineties. Lots of bass, acid, and pulsing, bumping pads to get your butt moving.
― DJI, Friday, 20 March 2020 15:27 (four years ago) link
yo ilxorz what is the right way to post youtube videos from mobile such that they display as thumbnails rather than links
i r dum
and I am not using zing or whatever, just the website
― love will keep us apart (Ye Mad Puffin), Friday, 20 March 2020 15:53 (four years ago) link
"Oh boy, somebody commented on my music! Oh just tech support?"
You want the links in this format:
or this format:
ILX doesn't work with the weird or whatever links.
― DJI, Friday, 20 March 2020 15:58 (four years ago) link
Video lessons working out pretty well so far.
― Robbie Shakespeare’s Sister Lovers (James Redd and the Blecchs), Wednesday, 25 March 2020 00:25 (four years ago) link
I’m playing a streaming quarantine concert series tomorrow night! I’ll post the link once I’m certain I’m able get the streaming app to work!! Anyone in the world can tune in and there will be lively chat too — I’m loving the community feel and communal listening/chat experience!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 25 March 2020 00:38 (four years ago) link
im determined to released an ep this season. i picked up a new midi recorder and have been some new stuff that i like and i actually have time to write lyrics.
― majority whip, majority nae nae (m bison), Wednesday, 25 March 2020 02:21 (four years ago) link
it worked during a test last night so if you feel like tuning in (i recommend it, there are some great musicians playing and it concludes with a gong bath!!) the info you need is here
the 0 is o obvs i changed it bc i too am still enjoying the very loose anonymity ilx provides, the facade of it at least
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 25 March 2020 18:39 (four years ago) link
i'll tune in! tonight at 8:30, right?
― Karl Malone, Wednesday, 25 March 2020 22:03 (four years ago) link
Yes! Even if you mute me (totally understandable) it will help boost numbers. Thank you!!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 25 March 2020 22:58 (four years ago) link
i recorded an actual song for the first time in 3 years
― majority whip, majority nae nae (m bison), Thursday, 26 March 2020 17:08 (four years ago) link
hey LL, i missed your set last night (my laptop was taken over for a zoom interaction with B's family) but i'm watching the saved video on twitch now! i love the lighting setup, of course! :)
i'd share the link but you wanted to keep it anonymous right?
― Karl Malone, Thursday, 26 March 2020 17:50 (four years ago) link
it's on youtube too now -- if you go to the site above and scroll down, it should be there! no need to post it here :) i would change a few things if i did it again/had the chance to do it again but i think it went well! i didn't know how long i was playing because i forgot to unplug the thing i was going to use as a timer and had to just estimate. but acc to the youtube it was exactly 25 min. very satisfying!
AND it brought me great personal delight to play two songs with my collab buddies (ilxors!) even though they weren't in the room! i was using my phone to stream and also used my phone to record my drum parts for one of the songs like 4 years ago. the whole series is a bright spot in an otherwise unspeakably gloomy landscape. i feel a little tiny bit better!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 26 March 2020 18:04 (four years ago) link
also thank you for watching Karl <3
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 26 March 2020 18:11 (four years ago) link
Cool track, m bison! Sounds a bit Roxy Music-ish. Maybe a bit too much treble? Could be my headphones...
― DJI, Thursday, 26 March 2020 19:00 (four years ago) link
no its v possible, im terrible at mixing
― majority whip, majority nae nae (m bison), Thursday, 26 March 2020 20:10 (four years ago) link
also my hearing is probably not the best to be the person responsible for mixing
but thank you!
nice one m bison! did it feel good to get back to writing?
― Karl Malone, Thursday, 26 March 2020 22:31 (four years ago) link
(or at least recording, i guess)
Very much so. I make songs all the time but they usually remain as unfinished loops to be rescued by some more prodigious composer. I struggle with writing lyrics and recording vocals but it’s very easy for me to tap out something interesting in four, eight, or 16 bar phrases. or somethin more unorthodoxically numbered if i’m feeling saucy
― majority whip, majority nae nae (m bison), Thursday, 26 March 2020 22:34 (four years ago) link
and you know you wanna get saucy
― Karl Malone, Thursday, 26 March 2020 22:43 (four years ago) link
don’t tempt me or i’ll try to write lyrics to the song in 7/8 time!!!
― majority whip, majority nae nae (m bison), Thursday, 26 March 2020 22:53 (four years ago) link
i'm having a good coronavirus musical life! i've had a few songs i've wanted to share for a while. i got an electric guitar + amp + some pedals last Fall, 2019, so they're way more guitar-oriented than anything i've written in a while. i wrote them with with the idea of playing live in mind, and i think that simplified my playing in a good way. i've been trying to record them with some old bandmates that are semi-long distance, but it's been frustrating to try to arrange it, and it's taking forever. this coronavirus has kind of settled me on that, realizing i don't want to kick the can down the road much longer on that. i'll probably just post one on my bandcamp, only i have to come up with a new name because i don't like the one i was meaning to use the last 2 years while working on all this
― Karl Malone, Thursday, 26 March 2020 22:54 (four years ago) link
― Karl Malone, Thursday, 26 March 2020 22:55 (four years ago) link
If you ever want to collaborate long-distance, I'd love to pitch in!
― DJI, Thursday, 26 March 2020 23:31 (four years ago) link
Nice video, LL!
― Sund4r, Friday, 27 March 2020 03:10 (four years ago) link
Started doing a daily four bars of tabletop percussion on instagram:
Also been doing a lot of collabs and remixes, it's clearly the time for it. Everyone's around, and it's less taxing than starting from scratch.
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 27 March 2020 14:58 (four years ago) link
yeah -- my first drum project ever started because of isolation/remote collaboration and i continue to invite anyone who would like to collaborate to hmu!! this is sort of my "thing"!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 27 March 2020 15:48 (four years ago) link
i will say that i enjoyed moving out of that realm A LOT and am not thrilled to be in quarantine but it's a familiar place for me. we'll get out eventually and we can play music together in the same room and it will be exhilarating on that day!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 27 March 2020 15:49 (four years ago) link
Just catching up with stuff posted, really love LL's live show and am very into the squiggly acid feel of DJI's 'Cavern'. Listening to Salt Horse now, sounds good!
― emil.y, Friday, 27 March 2020 16:14 (four years ago) link
most of what i do these days is run my organ through a bunch of effects pedals and zone out on drones or dubby soundscapes. it's fun but it doesn't really feel the same as writing a song. it feels more self-indulgent. i'm not playing much guitar and if i do it's for 5-10 minutes unplugged. i've gotten rusty on playing guitar and really rusty on songwriting. mostly the part of getting over that hump of existential angst about the difficulty and pointlessness of writing a song and actually doing it. so it's all organ drones for now.
― na (NA), Friday, 27 March 2020 16:46 (four years ago) link
NA - Please record something and send it to me!! I’ll convince you it’s not self indulgent later :) Thank you for listening emil.y <3
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 27 March 2020 17:03 (four years ago) link
terrible photo of my current setup
― na (NA), Friday, 27 March 2020 17:08 (four years ago) link
i just recorded something but it already has organ percussion on it. i don't know if you want to play over that.
― na (NA), Friday, 27 March 2020 17:09 (four years ago) link
curious about which pedals you have!
― Karl Malone, Friday, 27 March 2020 17:09 (four years ago) link
my gear is set up in the corner of my daughter's bedroom and one of our cats is always sleeping in my chair
― na (NA), Friday, 27 March 2020 17:10 (four years ago) link
on the board - mini tube screamer, zvex mastotron, big muff op art, garage tone delay, earthquaker ghost echo, ehx canyon delay. i've got a few other things in a bin.
― na (NA), Friday, 27 March 2020 17:12 (four years ago) link
that was my guitar board when i was playing in a dumb band last year and i haven't swapped any of them out
― na (NA), Friday, 27 March 2020 17:15 (four years ago) link
Business mostly wiped out? Check. No space in the apartment? Check. Time to buy monitor speakers and a digital piano? Obviously.
― Sund4r, Friday, 27 March 2020 18:11 (four years ago) link
I just finished arranging a really gorgeous record for a really fantastic artist. Excited to make use of solitary-time in tracking the whole thing at home.
Other than that I’m figuring out how to get music videos made remotely by similarly quarantined individuals lol
― we have no stan but to choice (flamboyant goon tie included), Friday, 27 March 2020 18:37 (four years ago) link
actually you know what i like this organ stuff i've been doing and i shouldn't diminish it. i'll put it up somewhere soon.
― na (NA), Friday, 27 March 2020 19:27 (four years ago) link
That’s right!!! Send me the next thing you record please I’ve been listening to lots of dub :)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 27 March 2020 19:31 (four years ago) link
(sorry to x-post with my gif thread)
alright, finally updated my bandcamp shit!
LL i might also upload the one where i recorded the drums at your house, too!
― Karl Malone, Saturday, 28 March 2020 00:11 (four years ago) link
the song is kind of gloomy but the bass part is bouncy motorik, so it might be a hit with small children (i assume small children love bouncy motorik?)
― Karl Malone, Saturday, 28 March 2020 00:15 (four years ago) link
I am (in a very profound way) not contributing to any ilx comp cus some Canadian fuck destroyed my acoustic guitar (MY MAIN EXCUSE) also "my piano crouched in the corner of my room with all its teeth bared" also SOCIAL ISOLATION: my Ragdoll Physicist buddy can't come round and teach me how to work these machines that I own that go beep and sometimes boop and I totally had some lyrics on the go, it went "patent-trollimg the concept of isolation/ cus I took it to new levels, I deserve some compesation", there that's going for free, I'm RETIRING to my bed for the next year, til someone comes round and works these machines for me me or at least explains how to export what I made on the Korg Nintendo Switch bisnes. Cos that shit BANGS, no way to show it to the world tho...
― Jonathan Hellion Mumble, Saturday, 28 March 2020 00:36 (four years ago) link
phone video of Korg Switch!
for the children
― Karl Malone, Saturday, 28 March 2020 00:48 (four years ago) link
I have Gadget for iOS if you want help, but sounds like the easiest way is to just hook the headphone jack up to a sound card input.
― DJI, Saturday, 28 March 2020 17:34 (four years ago) link
the two organ things i recorded this week: the "dub" (not really dub but lots of bass and delay) track - track -
― na (NA), Saturday, 28 March 2020 20:13 (four years ago) link
wow na, i love these.
― Tib, Sunday, 29 March 2020 02:39 (four years ago) link
thanks! i think i'll try and do a couple more things in this vein and then throw it all up on bandcamp
― na (NA), Sunday, 29 March 2020 16:20 (four years ago) link
yeah, you should! love the little thunderstorm breakdown at around 3:00 in the dub track
― Karl Malone, Sunday, 29 March 2020 16:38 (four years ago) link
Pretty cool stuff. The first one sounds like FSOL a bit.
― DJI, Monday, 30 March 2020 02:00 (four years ago) link
ok so sitting at my desk all day is a bit much: but on the plus side, now, along with listening to NA's organ stuff I have listened to Karl's bouncy ditty- not my thing but I do really like the painting! - and watched ll's drum thing on youtube (at least I think I did, as I don't actually know anyone here irl- but how many solo female drum things could there be in the Quarantine concerts?)- it was cool. Liked when the other instruments came in (virtually? or recorded?) and it got kind of Neu-ey. Had it on in the background while I worked, occasionally flipping to youtube to have a watch.
― Tib, Monday, 30 March 2020 07:00 (four years ago) link
that was me! the other instruments were early recordings i made (with n/a and ilxor tarfumes) remotely and so i thought it was appropriate to play them for a quarantine/isolation themed series. i haven't been playing that long (7 years in June) and this was my first time ever playing for a camera/webcast type situation. (also my first time ever being broadcast doing anything, now that i think about it) i got over the fear of cameras by only having like 18 hours to prepare for this thing.
thank you for listening!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 30 March 2020 14:08 (four years ago) link
xp thanks for taking the time all the same, Tib! it's kinda funny because it's typically not really my own thing either. i feel like i listen to 99% ambient and weird instrumental jams, yet when i hit record i often end up trying to write a Beths song (the other 1% of my music listening, i guess).
creative outlets often act like emotional converters or funnels, i think, by which i mean they can focus the creators attention on emotions or moods that don't otherwise seem to be prominent. i feel like i'm often pretty lighthearted or silly irl, for example, but whenever try to sit down and invest time in writing (prose or narratively, i mean), suddenly i'm just like "the only thing i can write about is death and how to prepare for death", or whatever. the joy of life goes out the window. that's kind of a weird example, but i think a similar thing can apply to other emotions and mediums, in surprising ways. i feel so morose when i try to seriously write, and when i paint (in brief experience) i find myself feeling strangely calm and accepting. not in a new age way, but in a "i will just paint this corner of a house with shingles. i will just focus the little shadow shingles. it's enough to do just that" way, which is not at ALL how i go through my normal daily life. and with music i guess it's often a nervousness that feels more true to my inner self.
not sure where i was going with all that, but curious how others draw connections between their music and their emotions, particularly wrt different genres (e.g., when i'm focusing on writing instrumental music to accompany a video or animation i made, it comes out sounding very differently, and I *feel* very different as i'm making it, like i'm a different musician with a contradictory perspective)
― Karl Malone, Monday, 30 March 2020 18:36 (four years ago) link
You know, I always wrote lyrics on personal topics, but decided in the last several years or so that I didn't want to anymore. I actually wrote a couple of sets of lyrics that were fictional, just based on some historical things that were of interest to me. And I was happy with them. More recently, I've been able to finish some things with more impressionistic lyrics. I had tried that before, but never succeeded.
― timellison, Monday, 30 March 2020 20:34 (four years ago) link
i think of my musical voice as a voice i can use to express whatever i want -- it changes but whatever comes out of me is "my voice" i don't feel pressure to have it match my irl personality at allthat is part of what i love about making music? that sort of freedom to say whatever i want. i have yet to use words to do this but maybe someday.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 30 March 2020 20:56 (four years ago) link
this has definitely been a big obstacle keeping me from writing any song songs anymore. i used to be ok with shutting off that concern and writing lyrics that were abstract or about something small or dumb but now i'm immediately like "WHAT do i need to SAY about the WORLD" and so my solution has been not writing songs at all any more
which is dumb because i've never been someone who writes personal songs (only rarely) or creates art to process my feelings. making art of any kind has always been more of an intellectual exercise or a way to zone out and not think, combined with the satisfaction of producing something concrete. so i don't know why i feel this pressure now. probably some combination of getting older and being more in touch with my feelings and the world feeling more desperate and the scarcity of my musical production making it feel like what i do produce has to be particularly meaningful
― na (NA), Monday, 30 March 2020 21:04 (four years ago) link
i think of my musical voice as a voice i can use to express whatever i want -- it changes but whatever comes out of me is "my voice"i don't feel pressure to have it match my irl personality at all
oh me, neither! what i meant to express was that i think it's interesting how sometimes creative process kind of automatically self-selects for certain aspects of a personality, depending the medium or the project. that may be just a subjective or personal thing, but i was just curious if others felt like that too. if anything, i think i especially enjoy working on projects that let me explore aspects of my personality or emotions that i don't normally get to use in every day life.
i used to be ok with shutting off that concern and writing lyrics that were abstract or about something small or dumb but now i'm immediately like "WHAT do i need to SAY about the WORLD" and so my solution has been not writing songs at all any more
yeah, i stopped writing with lyrics (or at least produced much, much less) for several years (late 20s to a couple years ago) for a similar concern. i suddenly felt so bad and embarrassed, like anything i could possibly say is terrible and irrelevant. plus you have incidents like when turrican listened to an ilxors song lyrics and made fun of them, which is like the amateur songwriter's worst nightmare. in my mind, every listener was turrican, just waiting to pounce on something and criticize. but i guess where it's different is that you're saying more broadly that anything you could say about the world wouldn't be meaningful to others (which is not right! just gotta throw that in there!), whereas i was hung up on feeling incapable of producing something that would be meaningful to others.
it is all very weird, and perhaps in a couple years i'll feel ashamed that i shared my new songs with lyrics. but i hope not, because when other people share something that is revealing, i always think more of them, never less, even when i don't like the music much! i'm just kind of like "i appreciate that you care about this." dunno, it's hard to explain. i go back and forth between shame and sharing, but i generally feel better when i'm sharing.
― Karl Malone, Monday, 30 March 2020 22:35 (four years ago) link
oh me, neither!oh, me neither!
i meant the latter!
Yeah a lot of this conversation resonates with me, and putting it in these contexts made me think about my responses above as a listener (and as someone listening who also makes) and i think that personal thing in your song Karl is amplified not only by the fragility of your voice but by the very "here is a song" 3+ mins long, standing alone- in comparison to 2 lengthy organ pieces or LL's drumming. These two I can let drift over me, engage with them in focused listening or just in the background - but an individual song presented in the way yours was kind of asks "listen to me closely, because I will stop soon." Whereas I think if it was 30 mins of songs with that dreamy jangle and I could actually approach it as I did with the other two???
― Tib, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 00:50 (four years ago) link
exactly! i feel like i know exactly what you mean by that! and for similar reasons i think that's why the majority of my listening consists of things i can walk away from and not feel like i'm missing something.
in a slightly different way, i think that i could just quickly scroll through 20 different finished product paintings and think "nope. nope. nope. nope." as i went, but if there was a recording of someone painting those same compositions, or was just presented less as a final "thing" and more like "this is what the thing is like, sort of, as it comes into being" i'd be way more interested and would watch for much longer. (maybe i'm off on that - i'm not even sure what i mean by that, but it seems right)
― Karl Malone, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 01:04 (four years ago) link
one more thing that seems relevant: what's interesting to me is that when i go about writing a shorter, 3-minute-esque "song", it will take me forever. the fact that is has a clear beginning and ending and that there will be repetitive elements of the song that are recognizable even during the first listen, leads to so much more attention being paid to it, compositionally. whereas when i record longer things, i'm so much more open to letting the "performance" of it stand, warts and all.
the reason i mention that i think there's an interesting difference between the two compositional forms in terms of how they represent the raw music that's inside of everyone. the shorter structured song brings out the obsessive, foreground conscious decisionmaking, while the longer forms seem more primordial and real in some ways.
(i recognize that's not true of everyone - some people really, REALLY labor over super long drone recordings in the same way that someone is sitting there chewing on a pencil's eraser trying to figure out a better inflection for the last syllable of a two-verse song, while others (robert pollard?) seem to just crank out short-length songs without worry
― Karl Malone, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 01:27 (four years ago) link
...more like "this is what the thing is like, sort of, as it comes into being"
yeah this interests me as a maker/player in terms of music too and its the main reason this board is so nice. I lurk a lot (because hah,I usually think anything i could say about the world wouldn't be meaningful or maybe yeah feeling incapable of producing something that would be meaningful to others0 and just find the smallness and openness in terms of process, sharing, approach here rewarding to read and occasionally join.
― Tib, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 01:55 (four years ago) link
Anyone try this thing yet?
― DJI, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 19:55 (four years ago) link
no but it’s very interesting — I’d try it!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 31 March 2020 20:57 (four years ago) link
this just launched yesterday too
― Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Wednesday, 1 April 2020 04:03 (four years ago) link
ok keen to hear experiences?
― Tib, Wednesday, 1 April 2020 14:46 (four years ago) link
id give it a go but i'm me
― Tib, Wednesday, 1 April 2020 14:48 (four years ago) link
bandcamp page for my weird organ music -
― na (NA), Monday, 6 April 2020 15:35 (four years ago) link
sounds great! your organ is awesome. I love how each of the three has a very different sound, too.
― let me be your friend on the other end! (Karl Malone), Monday, 6 April 2020 16:16 (four years ago) link
yeah i am listening while i try to focus on a very boring task and it's making me feel like i am hurtling through space while i do itinto it!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 6 April 2020 16:19 (four years ago) link
it's weird how when i do song-oriented stuff i'm pretty confident about knowing when i've made something worthwhile or good but when i do more experimental/formless stuff i have so little confidence in it, despite having listened to that kind of stuff for a long time and played versions of it for a while too.
― na (NA), Monday, 6 April 2020 16:36 (four years ago) link
your organ is awesome
― cuomo money, cuomo problems (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 6 April 2020 16:36 (four years ago) link
NA I'm listening to your organ record and I figured it would be, y'know, cool and all, but it's REALLY good.
― change display name (Jordan), Monday, 6 April 2020 18:29 (four years ago) link
― na (NA), Monday, 6 April 2020 18:31 (four years ago) link
enjoyed this
― donald failson (sic), Monday, 6 April 2020 19:15 (four years ago) link
its good.
― Tib, Wednesday, 8 April 2020 15:09 (four years ago) link
i mean just sgo ood
― Tib, Wednesday, 8 April 2020 15:18 (four years ago) link
Emily, I'm still listening to your wonderful SoL record lots, and enjoy singing along :) Bought it yesterday. My gf said it reminds her heavily of The Au-Pairs, which is meant as a big compliment!
― Hey, let me drunkenly animate yr boats in about 25 to 60 days! (Le Bateau Ivre), Friday, 10 April 2020 10:23 (four years ago) link
I soldered for the first time ever, a new 9v terminal on a vintage Fender Blender fuzz I bought not working from a pawn shop and let sit for two years.
― Greta Van Show Feets BB (milo z), Tuesday, 14 April 2020 03:41 (four years ago) link
Oh, LBI, I missed your post, thank you so much!
― emil.y, Tuesday, 14 April 2020 13:52 (four years ago) link
I've been writing and performing/recording jingles with my wife and kids for her read-aloud series:
― DJI, Tuesday, 14 April 2020 23:41 (four years ago) link
I mostly finished a stompy ambient track in ableton, re-learning how to do everything all over again
― El Tomboto, Tuesday, 14 April 2020 23:41 (four years ago) link
DJI those are fantastic! Are the full stories up too? Is this a storytime in the time of COVID-19 thing?
― Tib, Thursday, 16 April 2020 03:18 (four years ago) link
Thanks, Tib! We had fun making them. My wife is an elementary school librarian so she’s been doing these for the lockdown.
― DJI, Thursday, 16 April 2020 04:14 (four years ago) link
Thanks. These are good. I've seen some really bad ones! Usually when the book is tiny and held in the hands of someone too far away from the camera.
I do think the voice audio could be a bit louder on the reading in the sideways story one though.
― Tib, Thursday, 16 April 2020 05:59 (four years ago) link
i listened to all of the sideways chapters (parts 1-3, I mean). i used to adore that book when i was a kid - haven't read it since
― let me be your friend on the other end! (Karl Malone), Thursday, 16 April 2020 16:52 (four years ago) link
among others, the one that really stuck with me is the chapter about the student who keeps tightening his tie, and keeps looking better and better and getting compliments every time he does it, until he can no longer breathe. i really do think about that story all the time
― let me be your friend on the other end! (Karl Malone), Thursday, 16 April 2020 16:53 (four years ago) link
New single came out Friday:
And also, my wife and I made a theme song for the Apocalypse:
― DJI, Saturday, 2 May 2020 16:16 (four years ago) link
Have been reluctant to out myself, but whilst my Working Stiff Old Man Student Jazz Band is on hiatus I have been taking Skype guitar lessons from Sund4r to work on my finger picking and such and it is really helping a lot. He is as good a teacher as one would expect: really organized, calm, focused and clear and, as you know, he knows a ton about the guitar and all kinds of music.
― My Chess Hustler (James Redd and the Blecchs), Saturday, 2 May 2020 19:32 (four years ago) link
Ha, glad it helps!
― Feel a million filaments (Sund4r), Saturday, 2 May 2020 22:23 (four years ago) link
As I’ve gotten back into making tracks under quarantine, I’ve also slipped back into staying up until almost 3am with my headphones on. Just listened to a couple of tracks I made with my dinky rig from 1998 or so (in the college radio station’s newsroom, over the summer when nobody was using it, and I was the program director so I had one of the keys) and remembered why it is that I really like having my unbothered hours late at night to fiddle around. Now if only I had PROPER gear back then, etc
― El Tomboto, Wednesday, 20 May 2020 04:59 (four years ago) link
amen brother
― methinks dababy doth bop shit too much (m bison), Wednesday, 20 May 2020 05:14 (four years ago) link
So many good ideas, mixed like shit on weak monitor setups, with no multiplex compression
― El Tomboto, Wednesday, 20 May 2020 06:38 (four years ago) link
― El Tomboto, Wednesday, 20 May 2020 06:39 (four years ago) link
I need to figure out Acapella tonight so I can record myself singing a 4-part a capella arrangement of "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" I put together yesterday for Sunday's church service.
― (so serious) (DJP), Wednesday, 20 May 2020 13:23 (four years ago) link
I was the recording engineer for this piece last summer. The composer put it out on Youtube now:
― Feel a million filaments (Sund4r), Thursday, 11 June 2020 00:11 (four years ago) link
― Feel a million filaments (Sund4r), Thursday, 11 June 2020 00:12 (four years ago) link
hi all,
i want to start recording music at home, and i have zero experience doing so. i find the world of software, plugins, DAW, etc., a bit intimidating, though i could overcome that if i need to.
but i read this today in an interview with Phoebe Bridgers and i wondered if this might be something i should look at buying and using, and i wanted to hear what y'all think, if you're willing? From an interview with Guitar World:
What setup are you using for home recording?“I’ve been recording through the Izotope Spire. It’s so sick. It’s this little at-home thing with one giant button in the middle. If you’re not a gear head and you want it to sound normal without trying very hard, it’s great. I do all my sessions on them. "It’s like glorified voice memos and it means I’m not having to work on my laptop. It’s only eight tracks, which is great for me, because it stops me overdoing it. Then you can plug a mic into it - recently I’ve been using this AKG C414 B-ULS - and it’s a great preamp. Since I’ve been doing that, it sounds so much better and I feel like I took my glasses off.”
"It’s like glorified voice memos and it means I’m not having to work on my laptop. It’s only eight tracks, which is great for me, because it stops me overdoing it. Then you can plug a mic into it - recently I’ve been using this AKG C414 B-ULS - and it’s a great preamp. Since I’ve been doing that, it sounds so much better and I feel like I took my glasses off.”
Anyone have any experience with this thing or something similar? Could it be a good place to start for a beginner?
― alpine static, Friday, 12 June 2020 20:00 (four years ago) link
I meant to ask Sund4r if he used iZotope Ozone to record that piece he posted earlier.
― Jeff Sunship (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 12 June 2020 20:02 (four years ago) link
Personally I get frustrated with interfaces that are designed for one-track-at-a-time recording. Because I play lots of different instruments, it would mean a lot of plugging and unplugging.
My best home recordings have come when I have everything I might ever use plugged into a mixer (in my case an el cheapo 8-channel Behringer). The tape outs from the mixer go into an equally cheap two-channel USB interface (Edirol maybe?), and thence into a computer running Audacity or NTrack or maybe Reaper.
I can get fake separation with careful panning.
It's possible I will revise this rig as things get easier and cheaper? Still, as I need to mic a drum kit I will almost always need more preamp, more channels, etc.
― Tom Paine in the membrane (Ye Mad Puffin), Friday, 12 June 2020 20:28 (four years ago) link
if you’re trying to record a room with decent sound and little hassle, spire is a good option imo
― ACABincalifornia (voodoo chili), Friday, 12 June 2020 20:29 (four years ago) link
Ozone is mastering software. I wouldn't use it to record. I used Logic Pro and a basic Focusrite Saffire interface, with two ribbon mics.
― Feel a million filaments (Sund4r), Friday, 12 June 2020 20:55 (four years ago) link
Right. I thought I was getting that confused, thanks.
― Jeff Sunship (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 12 June 2020 21:31 (four years ago) link
maybe i can turn this into more of a "help me figure out my next steps" direction ... and btw, thanks so much in advance for any/all help.
what i basically want to do is to be able to record ideas on guitar or keys and then try to build from there - adding guitar/keys, vocals, maybe a synth or something. not much. maybe my old mbira if i get inspired.
as for percussion ... well, i don't play drums, so i imagine i'll be using none for now OR possibly a canned beat on a keyboard or whatever. i'm not too worried about that part of it.
and eventually, of course, i'd like to be able to move stuff around ... like "oh, this little bit should maybe go after this instead of before it ... and i'll double it!"
i'm completely unconcerned at this point with sound quality ... in fact, i quite like lo-fi stuff in general.
any thoughts or guidance (or follow-up questions) is much appreciated. i'm no tech wizard but i'm not a total Luddite and i've been working on computers for 25 years, so i can muddle thru a basic setup, i'm sure.
― alpine static, Friday, 12 June 2020 21:58 (four years ago) link
spire would probably better for demo recording, i used it to record demos with my old band. I imagine it will be harder to multi-track than just plugging into a focusrite with guitars or keys.
spire could be useful for drums, i guess
― ACABincalifornia (voodoo chili), Friday, 12 June 2020 22:34 (four years ago) link
I used Logic Pro and a basic Focusrite Saffire interface, with two ribbon mics.
Incidentally, the composer was originally not that happy with how I recorded it. Iirc, he wanted a more distant, roomier sound, without ribbon mic colouration. I guess he came around to it enough to put it out there.
― Feel a million filaments (Sund4r), Saturday, 13 June 2020 01:22 (four years ago) link
alpine static, I'd recommend you just get Logic, a sound interface, a couple of microphones, and a pair of good studio headphones.
For sound interface, get an Apogee Duet-- the preamps are really good in it, you won't need anything else. If that's too expensive, get a Focusrite.
For microphones, the AKG 414 that Phoebe recommended is a good workhorse mic for everything. Except vocals. 414 isn't good for vocals. Get an SM7 for vocals, it's cheap and makes everyone sound good.
If you want to get a stereo pair of mics, everybody has different opinions about it. I use these active Rode ribbon mics but they're not for everyone.
― DJ Fiona Apple Genius (flamboyant goon tie included), Saturday, 13 June 2020 12:06 (four years ago) link
Do you use the Rode NTRs? I would be interested to try those. I used the AEA N22 ribbons for that recording (and for a piece of mine that was recorded in the same session, that I shared last year). Tbh, since I stopped working in a studio, I've usually just been renting mics - music stores rent them out p cheap, which I might recommend as an option, alpine.
― Feel a million filaments (Sund4r), Saturday, 13 June 2020 12:46 (four years ago) link
@ Sund4r yes, I bought a pair of NTRs prior to working on a film score that was gonna have a lot of harp on it. They are fussy to use because they're so heavy-- having them in a stereo pair with just a bog-standard mic stand means I gotta be careful about balancing their weight. They sound EXTREMELY good on weird shit like harp, harpsichord and celeste-- all the difficult-to-mic instruments, they're amazing. I like them on oboe, also.
― DJ Fiona Apple Genius (flamboyant goon tie included), Saturday, 13 June 2020 17:19 (four years ago) link
Oh nice
― Feel a million filaments (Sund4r), Saturday, 13 June 2020 20:08 (four years ago) link
awesome, thanks so much fgti and Sund4r. much appreciated.
i wish there was a way to play around with a few options before i drop hundreds of bucks on this stuff. i suppose i should watch some demo / review YouTubes.
― alpine static, Tuesday, 16 June 2020 08:27 (four years ago) link
I need to come up with and record an arrangement of Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing by noon Saturday, possibly involving another singer I've never met. FUN TIMES NO PRESSURE
― shout-out to his family (DJP), Wednesday, 17 June 2020 23:11 (four years ago) link
I found a reel to reel on the curb at trash day and it works. Not a fancy model ($200 on EBay) and it's pretty creaky but it has tube preamps and sounds pretty wild even not going to tape.
― Donald Trump Also Sucks, Of Course (milo z), Saturday, 27 June 2020 20:39 (four years ago) link
Received my Slum of Legs vinyl finally today & am really digging it right now — sounded great on phone/headphones but it really opens up in the living room with a real stereo. So glad I shelled out for the physical thing! It’s a treasure.
― The little engine that choogled (hardcore dilettante), Thursday, 2 July 2020 22:18 (four years ago) link
Aw jeez. Thank you <3
― emil.y, Friday, 3 July 2020 17:02 (four years ago) link
today is my debut on a recording as a sideman! even the tiniest things are enough to brighten my mood a blip so i am trying to enjoy this milestone :)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 3 July 2020 18:24 (four years ago) link
i just went ahead and used sideman because there is no gender neutral option and i wanted to show again how absurd that term is. we can do better!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 3 July 2020 18:25 (four years ago) link
I attended a Zoom workshop led by Ben Monder yesterday, which was the most I've felt challenged in a long time - pretty much a 90 minute barrage of information. Just working through the first bit of it, I already feel like my soloing has gotten a lot stronger. The takes I laid down for the piece I'm working on are a lot closer to what I want them to be.
― Feel a million filaments (Sund4r), Tuesday, 7 July 2020 15:49 (four years ago) link
i just went ahead and used sideman because there is no gender neutral option
Mike Watt uses "sidemouse"
― bat ain't Thad (sic), Tuesday, 7 July 2020 20:03 (four years ago) link
thank you for acknowledging my post sic :) and wow i forgot about that album! its most distinguishing characteristic is being too large for normal CD storage. i did not remember that song.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Tuesday, 7 July 2020 20:16 (four years ago) link
it's a lesser track on the album but I've always liked the neutrality of the term! hope your mousegig goes well
― bat ain't Thad (sic), Tuesday, 7 July 2020 21:11 (four years ago) link
― Lipstick O.G. (James Redd and the Blecchs), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 03:33 (four years ago) link
serious question, but where would be a good *starting* point to strengthen lead playing. I'm a dude who settled for playing rhythm years ago, and I'm not looking to be Joe Satriani, and I know there are a ton of online lessons, but I tend to be the type of dude who just has a hard time getting started, once started i'm good to go.
like if u got any good videoz to point out for someone who has played the occasional bluesy solo but isn't doing tapping solos or nufin
― I hear that sometimes Satan wants to defund police (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 05:05 (four years ago) link
richard lloyd is more than available for online lessons iirc
not actually joking, one of my buddies took weekly lessons from him while he was still in nyc and it was apparently amazing
― gnarled and turbid sinuses (Jon not Jon), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 13:46 (four years ago) link
Neanderthal, are you very comfortable with a couple of movable major and minor scale forms? (I'm assuming you can play pentatonic and blues scales from what you said.) That's probably where I would start, with a metronome, and practising both picking every note (I favour alternate picking myself) and also playing slurred scales (hammering on going up, pulling off coming back down) in time with the metronome. If you haven't done this with the blues scale, that might be a good idea too. When that becomes easy, try doing slurred triplets with combined hammer-ons and pull-offs between adjacent notes on the same string (e.g. fifth position A natural minor: A-B-A, B-C-B, D-E-D, E-F-E, G-A-G, etc.) With bends, the thing is usually being able to hear/feel the right pitch you are bending to - practise hammering on to the target note, then try to duplicate it with a bend. Focus on just one thing at a time, though; definitely don't try doing all of this at once (I don't really know your level so maybe some of this is too basic?). Also just find easy solos you like, slow them down (easy to play Youtube videos at 50% or 75% speed if you don't have software that can do this), and play along with them, recording yourself.
― Feel a million filaments (Sund4r), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 14:14 (four years ago) link
(Not Neanderthal but) my trouble with soloing is this: I am cool with a decent bunch of scales/modes and movable scale/mode forms. You can get pretty far if you're staying in key and noodling in an appropriate movable form.
But the harder part (that has never quite clicked for me) is keeping the current chord in mind and choosing notes from (or that go with) that chord. Like, an okay solo works with the key. To do a good solo, your note choices need to work well for the particular chord you are noodling over at that moment. So, like, it's one thing to play something that sounds generally good over an A blues; quite another to play something that tracks its movement between the I, the IV, the V, etc.
― zombeekeeper (Ye Mad Puffin), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 14:50 (four years ago) link
use arpeggios?
― Boris the Spreader (NickB), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 14:55 (four years ago) link
So, like, it's one thing to play something that sounds generally good over an A blues; quite another to play something that tracks its movement between the I, the IV, the V, etc.speaking as a former all-state jazz first trombonist, this is all in your head. just have a blast and the progression will eventually come back around.
― sound of scampo talk to me (El Tomboto), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 15:20 (four years ago) link
this sounds like overthinking dance steps -- i can pretty much never follow dancers who are very rigid about "correct moves" but if the leader goes with feeling, it's way way way easier to follow (if i have to follow)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 15:27 (four years ago) link
Think of it less in terms of what notes are allowed with each chord and more about do I like the way this melody sounds with the accompanying music.
― Mario Meatwagon (Moodles), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 15:36 (four years ago) link
Agree with NickB that it helps to practise the arpeggios for the chords you are playing over (or for standard progressions), identify a couple of places you can play each, where it is easiest to transition between, and essentially fill in the spaces with passing notes, or to start that way. Also thinking of tendency tones helps: so e.g. the leading note (7th note of the scale) will tend to rise up to the tonic if e.g. you end with that note over a V chord when you are about to change to I; sevenths of chords (not the 7th scale degree) tend to fall at a chord change, etc. Usually avoid or de-emphasize notes that are a semitone above chord members. Unless you're playing over something like rhythm changes, where the chords change every two beats at 200 bpm, in which case, yeah, just feel it out. There are a million backing tracks for standard chord progressions on Youtube you can practise with. You definitely don't need to apply any of this like a strict rule but it's a good way to get started with getting out of a box.
― Feel a million filaments (Sund4r), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 16:04 (four years ago) link
Usually avoid or de-emphasize notes that are a semitone above chord members
where is the fun in this I ask you
― sound of scampo talk to me (El Tomboto), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 16:25 (four years ago) link
Well, don't do that if you want dissonance, which I often do! Leading into the chord member from a semitone away or a semitone below and above is a common jazz trick.
― Feel a million filaments (Sund4r), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 16:30 (four years ago) link
But yeah, assuming that YMP wants to follow the harmony.
― Feel a million filaments (Sund4r), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 16:31 (four years ago) link
("don't do that" = do the opposite of what I said if you want to sound dissonant)
― Feel a million filaments (Sund4r), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 16:34 (four years ago) link
See, I can play arpeggios, but that's basically the same as playing rhythm, to me.
And as far as sund4r's "thinking of tendency tones" and "avoid or de-emphasize notes that are a semitone above chord members," well, to do that I need to know what the chord IS, and that's the rub. If I have actually remember where we are, or look over at the other guitarist, "shit, what chord are we on now" then I lose the trance-state. As Tombot says, that's not as fun as letting loose and not caring where you are in the progression.
Anyways, it's not THAT big a deal - I do fine for the situations I put myself into, and I rarely have to play improvised leads anyway - I am usually on mandolin, or on drums, playing rhythm guitar. When I have to play a mandolin solo, I tend to write one and memorize it, as opposed to improvising.
― LinkedIn Park (Ye Mad Puffin), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 16:43 (four years ago) link
just play don't think so much
― lumen (esby), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 16:48 (four years ago) link
Ah, if the trouble is keeping track of the changes, and this is something you want to do, then you probably will need to actively listen and count, which will mean getting out of the trance state for a while. And/or practise over those changes at that rhythm. Playing rhythm and playing lead are not that different - instead of repeating the arpeggios in a rhythmic fashion, you move around between the notes melodically and fill in the spaces. If you're doing fine letting loose and not caring, and that's more fun for you, then do that, ofc. I was just trying to answer the question (or at least the question I was inferring).xp
― Feel a million filaments (Sund4r), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 16:50 (four years ago) link
this is all in your head. just have a blast and the progression will eventually come back around.this sounds like overthinking dance steps -- i can pretty much never follow dancers who are very rigid about "correct moves" but if the leader goes with feeling, it's way way way easier to follow (if i have to follow)just play don't think so much
My only problem with this advice is that some people do learn better by learning, thinking about, and applying theory.
― Feel a million filaments (Sund4r), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 16:53 (four years ago) link
you're of course right. the amount of brain space / cognitive appetite available for theory knowledge varies from person to person.
― sound of scampo talk to me (El Tomboto), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 16:55 (four years ago) link
I definitely feel like knowing some music theory gets in the way of creativity for me, especially when it comes to writing simpler music like the stuff I like.
― DJI, Wednesday, 8 July 2020 17:06 (four years ago) link
you are absolutely correct that some people learn that way -- i am not one of them and that is ok too. it wasn't advice in my case, it was my experience i was relating
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 18:10 (four years ago) link
No worries. I read "overthinking" as judgment but thanks for clarifying.
― Feel a million filaments (Sund4r), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 18:24 (four years ago) link
nah -- i know that this is what works for some people! i am a teacher! :) i just have a hard time dancing with people who have a very rote idea of how to dance. it's not a really a problem because the opportunity to dance with another person arises about 2x/decade ;_;
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 18:35 (four years ago) link
A perhaps simple way to do this:Start with the blues. You might not like the 1 4 5 progression, but you surely know it well, and you can feel which of those chords you are on at any given time. The way to start finding local harmony rather than global harmony is to target the major 3rd note when you are on the 5 chord. In the key of E you will have been playing E pentatonic over E and A. When you go to the B chord you want to throw in an Eb note in place of a D. This will make sense in context of the chord you are on and offer an obvious way to resolve back to E natural on the I chord. Maybe you know this already.
― 29 facepalms, Wednesday, 8 July 2020 18:38 (four years ago) link
I don't improv very often but I really can't fathom being so zoned out that I don't know where I am in a chord progression; most of the music I'm singing, it's integral knowledge that affects voice-leading and my ability to properly tune the chord.
― shout-out to his family (DJP), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 19:14 (four years ago) link
29 facepalms's idea sounds good.
― Feel a million filaments (Sund4r), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 21:08 (four years ago) link
HI DERE. I have in recently years been playing electric bass in jazz band and I heard you guys were talking about soloing.
― Lipstick O.G. (James Redd and the Blecchs), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 21:12 (four years ago) link
Oh wait, sorry wrong thread.
― Lipstick O.G. (James Redd and the Blecchs), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 21:13 (four years ago) link
then you probably will need to actively listen and count
Hah, yeah, fuck no. I don't even count when I'm playing drums in a weird time signature.
This just pushes me back onto Team Tombot / esby. Never mind.
The original question was from Neanderthal, so let's talk about what Neanderthal needs.
― LinkedIn Park (Ye Mad Puffin), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 21:16 (four years ago) link
By ear, can you pick out the root note of a chord? You could maybe try that to guide yourself?
― Feel a million filaments (Sund4r), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 21:53 (four years ago) link
My ear sucks which is why I'm a drummer
― LinkedIn Park (Ye Mad Puffin), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 22:33 (four years ago) link
my ear is good for rhythm, that is why i am a drummer :)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 22:52 (four years ago) link
What about learning to play the main melody of the song and then when it's time to solo using that as a starting point to make some variations?
― Mario Meatwagon (Moodles), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 23:39 (four years ago) link
― Lipstick O.G. (James Redd and the Blecchs), Wednesday, 8 July 2020 23:49 (four years ago) link
I'm fairly close to being done making an album of solo electric guitar material (mostly tonal, somewhere in the realm of 'soft' modern classical, modern jazz, folk, and ambient, not a world away from the electric things I've posted to this board?) and thinking of what to do with it other than post it to Bandcamp when it's done. I'm not expecting to make charts ofc but just looking to get it out a little wider than it might with just a Bandcamp link on its own. I don't have that much experience with this side of things - put something out on a small label in 03 but otherwise have just done everything myself. Have people found much benefit to working with labels these days? I was wondering if it might make it easier to do a physical release. I've heard from some people that they have better experiences just working directly with a hired publicist; not sure how you'd go about finding a good one, though, or if, in the end, it's more practical to just work on one's own and send things to the right places, at least to start with?
― Feel a million filaments (Sund4r), Tuesday, 4 August 2020 16:25 (four years ago) link
I'm obviously unqualified to answer your questions, but congrats, Sund4r! I very much look forward to hearing the album.
― pomenitul, Tuesday, 4 August 2020 16:43 (four years ago) link
Honestly have no idea how to go about marketing music; I'm barely at the "record some stuff and put it somewhere you can share with your friends" level
― shout-out to his family (DJP), Tuesday, 4 August 2020 16:45 (four years ago) link
Sund4r, are there labels putting out stuff in this mode that you enjoy? I'm a big proponent of at least reaching out to labels first for something like this, and imo it helps if you genuinely know & enjoy their work, and can make it personal.
If no one bites, you can always self-release or look into hiring PR. But I think a label can really be beneficial in terms of connecting the record with an audience who's already checking for this sort of music.
From what I've heard hiring PR can definitely help in terms of getting premieres and possibly reviews, but I'd say only do that if you're willing to lose money on it in exchange for some more ears. It would be super hard to try and get those on your own, unless you're really lucky or have some connections.
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 4 August 2020 17:17 (four years ago) link
Yeah it think that’s about right. Submitting tracks to the Spotify editors feels like pressing the close door button on the elevator - something that was put there to make you feel like you have any control. Review sites are great but similarly opaque in terms of their selection process, and I’m guessing only the really big ones even move the needle. Hiring PR is probably the way to go, but it’s trading cash for ears, as Jordan said - you probably won’t get your money back.
― DJI, Tuesday, 4 August 2020 17:43 (four years ago) link
Sund4r, talk to Hand Drawn Dracula
― flamboyant goon tie included, Tuesday, 4 August 2020 17:48 (four years ago) link
Can't wait to hear it!
― jmm, Tuesday, 4 August 2020 17:58 (four years ago) link
Thanks, that sounds like good advice, Jordan, and I really appreciate the tip, fgti. I'll get on that. Thanks for the support, everyone else!
― Feel a million filaments (Sund4r), Tuesday, 4 August 2020 18:18 (four years ago) link
Realized on the weekend that I'd fouled this up by sending the incorrect link to labels. Trying to rectify that now.:(
― The nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms (Sund4r), Wednesday, 19 August 2020 22:41 (four years ago) link
About to play Smith Brindle's El Polifemo de Oro at a local guitar society Zoom event. Just pulled it out after a long time after Julian Bream's passing.
― The nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms (Sund4r), Sunday, 30 August 2020 22:09 (four years ago) link
How did that go?
― Two Little Hit Parades (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 31 August 2020 13:56 (four years ago) link
Eh, messier than I hoped but that's what these things are for, I suppose. Was good to revisit the piece and I hope to keep playing it.
― The nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms (Sund4r), Monday, 31 August 2020 14:29 (four years ago) link
Incidentally, my anecdotal impression is that standards of classical guitar performance have really risen or shifted such that a much higher level of precision and cleanness is de rigueur even at the medium level compared to 20 years ago, which I was reminded of watching the younger guys at this thing. Feel like it used to be normal to expect more buzzing and fluffed notes even in concert performances by professionals.
― The nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms (Sund4r), Monday, 31 August 2020 16:19 (four years ago) link
― Two Little Hit Parades (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 31 August 2020 16:20 (four years ago) link
Went to watch a jam session recently. Most of the guys playing at a really high level, but there was one guy who I have seen before who could play okay as part of the section but his soloing was a mess, which made me think of a recent discussion which was on this thread I think
― ABBA O RLY? (James Redd and the Blecchs), Saturday, 12 September 2020 15:15 (four years ago) link
the fills: sloppy! the tempo: could be steadier! but this is what i've been doing for the past month or so, just trying to get competent at this smashing pumpkins song and a few others
― mellon collie and the infinite bradness (BradNelson), Monday, 14 September 2020 21:53 (four years ago) link
― Mario Meatwagon (Moodles), Tuesday, 15 September 2020 01:05 (four years ago) link
That rules Brad
I traded my violin-that-I've-had-for-twenty-years for a cheaper and better new violin made by some guy in Minneapolis, sounds great, I am inspired, I've been practicing a couple hours a day, learning Mozart and Brahms.
― flamboyant goon tie included, Tuesday, 15 September 2020 02:15 (four years ago) link
My church choir is doing a compiled video of current and former members performing "Swell the full chorus" from Solomon by Handel; we do it every year in September when the full chorus comes back to sing services but, since everything has to be remote, the director asked us to record our parts to a guide track and invited former members to contribute videos as well. It should be interesting to see who appears in the final video.
― shout-out to his family (DJP), Tuesday, 15 September 2020 13:40 (four years ago) link
Oh, that's cool.
And that's p huge, fgti. Couple hours a day makes me feel like I should get off my ass. I was close to that a couple of weeks ago but nowhere near with the fall underway.
― The nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms (Sund4r), Tuesday, 15 September 2020 14:26 (four years ago) link
My band played in our guitar player's driveway last week for the first time since mid January in preparation for streaming something for friends this week. It was sloppy and my left shoulder hurts more than it probably should but holy shit did I miss that.
― joygoat, Wednesday, 16 September 2020 15:31 (four years ago) link
I like your grip Brad, I always think it looks cool when drummers have a natural french (thumbs up) grip. I use it for certain things (like jazz ride patterns), but not everything.
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 16 September 2020 16:01 (four years ago) link
I was taught that thumbs up was better for wrist and arm health?
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 16 September 2020 18:27 (four years ago) link
Maybe? It's not as natural of a wrist motion for me (compared to palm down), but it does feel better for using the fingers.
I've been on a Philly Joe Jones kick after randomly catching this John Riley video, he breaks down the sticking in such a clear way:
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 16 September 2020 19:18 (four years ago) link
I love this guy (and I've been buying his jazz sticks for years), the point in the last few minutes about repeating yourself to convince the listener that your playing has intention is so 'obvious' and yet so crucial:
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 16 September 2020 21:38 (four years ago) link
Thanks for posting that - nice grounded lesson and approaches.
― BlackIronPrison, Wednesday, 16 September 2020 23:15 (four years ago) link
― Erdős-szám 69 (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 4 October 2020 23:00 (four years ago) link
I like Cleartune myself, which gives you your pitch to the cent and has a similar wheel. The guitar tech I always saw uses it. I haven't tried the one she mentions.
I played the original acoustic classical version of this piece at a local guitar society's Zoom event last Sunday: . Hoping I get time to do some rough classical guitar recordings before I get back to practising electric.
― The nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms (Sund4r), Sunday, 4 October 2020 23:31 (four years ago) link
We can’t find that sound.
― Erdős-szám 69 (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 4 October 2020 23:39 (four years ago) link
I spent a couple of hours last night learning the synth riff from 'Jump' on my nord lead and can almost do the solo except there's one part where I have to skip a note or two to play it up to speed.
I've had a synth for 15 years, it has been about 18 months since I progressed from playing it with just my index finger. I can now play with both hands as long as the left hand part pretty much stays on one note.
― Deflatormouse, Monday, 5 October 2020 19:12 (four years ago) link
If James Redd's post was a reference to my link, 4=a
― The nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms (Sund4r), Monday, 5 October 2020 19:43 (four years ago) link
Oh hah, of course, d’oh!
― Erdős-szám 69 (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 5 October 2020 19:48 (four years ago) link
My church choir is doing a virtual recording of a couple of choruses from Esther, including a double-chorus where we all recording choir 1 while facing to the right in profile and choir 2 while facing to the left in profile. I think it is going to be visually cute and sound weird
― shout-out to his family (DJP), Monday, 5 October 2020 20:38 (four years ago) link
I've been playing a ton the last year or so as my band went on hiatus (or kaput TBD). I must be getting close to 10000 hours or something as my guitar playing has taken a step up. I think the big thing was that I played mostly for a year on an acoustic and doing that then getting on an electric seems easy breezy.
Finally getting my garage to the point I can record at home again. Busted out the MPC2000xl and got it setup and thankfully the USB Zip works w/ W10 and on the drum machine. Next step is to sample up my drummers kit which has been on the shelf at my house for a year.
― earlnash, Tuesday, 20 October 2020 02:56 (four years ago) link
This thing is pretty good, not sure who will be able see apart from Sund4r and myself:
― Here Comes a Slightly Irregular (James Redd and the Blecchs), Thursday, 22 October 2020 18:38 (four years ago) link
― I guess I'd be lonesome (Sund4r), Thursday, 22 October 2020 18:43 (four years ago) link
earlnash that sounds like a very promising combo
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 22 October 2020 18:56 (four years ago) link
Anyone here jamming on Endlesss?
It's the most fun I've had during the quarantine. You can jam using the built-in software instruments, but you need a bit of kit if you want to be able to use your own instruments, voice, etc.:
1. USB audio class-compliant mixer with 2 busses (I have a Behringer 1204USB), or USB class-compliant interface.2. iPhone and iPhone camera kit
Then you send one bus (with whatever you want to record) to the phone and everything out to your speakers.
Once you get that set up, it's like an ever-evolving, collaborative Ableton session. You can join in jamming with all kinds of randos, or you can create private sessions with your friends.
― DJI, Monday, 26 October 2020 21:47 (four years ago) link
I'm adapting a couple of self-indulgent Christmas carol arrangements I did for myself several years back for members of my church gig to record for the lessons and carols service. The scratch originals can be heard here: (this is me pitchshifted up an octave, yay technology)
I redid Coventry Carol so actual women could sing it and not murder me; it's now in F instead of E and stops making the top soprano line sit on a high B and the alto line hit repeated low Es. I'm in the process of editing GRYMG so it's feasible for remote recording, editing out a few verses and consolidating some of the sections, as well as fixing some egregious harmony mistakes.
― shout-out to his family (DJP), Monday, 2 November 2020 18:33 (four years ago) link
I spoke to soon on the internal USB working. It worked twice and went back into whatever technical hyber-nation whence it came. Scurring through other boxes of musical equipment arcana; I finally found the powersupply to external SCSI 250, only to find something is now amiss with the power button on the SCSI Zip wheras it will not eject or allow the drive to be read. It appears caught in some cycle of there is power, but it is not really turned on and no I will not let you have back your Zip drive with your 'Shellac-inspired' sample kit. FU buddy, it is now mine...
Error message on said MPC2000xl reads some x and 0 arcana in that it cannot mount the drive and/or the chip powering the board has gone bad. MPC2000xl can be updated with the 'semi-modern' removable stamp sized media like a digital camera, BUT you need to be running MPC OS 2.0 and I am running 1.2 - and wait for it - you need to mount a zip drive with the update. And you need a functioning SCSI Zip drive to be able to load said OS upon the sampling drum machine. Good news is that my USB Zip drive works and functions a-ok on two different W10 devices. So I got a drive to download and get on a Zip disk to update.
I think the first thing to figure out is if that code means the chip is fried on the m-board of the drum machine. If that is, don't know from there. Can't see paying $200 bucks for a SCSI Zip drive, but it would be cool to get it working again.
― earlnash, Tuesday, 3 November 2020 19:54 (four years ago) link
I'm absolutely, absolutely addicted to the viola. I've been practicing it two, three hours a day. I've learned Bach cello suites-- I'm working hard on the very-difficult 6th one, I'm obsessed with Lillian Fuchs performance of it:
― flamboyant goon tie included, Wednesday, 2 December 2020 20:09 (four years ago) link
:) wow! that's really cool! ride the wave of learning and practicing and passionate addiction as long as you can (then do a double-axel dismount). it's the best feeling in life.
listening to Fuchs play all 6 of them now
― Karl Malone, Wednesday, 2 December 2020 20:36 (four years ago) link
She rules. She insisted on always using a gut A-string! Soooo difficult to play with one. I put some high-level wound gut strings on my viola and I can't hack it, I'm switching back to synthetics
― flamboyant goon tie included, Wednesday, 2 December 2020 21:41 (four years ago) link
Viola absolutely my favorite of the bowed strings and the one I’d attempt if I were gonna try to learn
― covidsbundlertanze op. 6 (Jon not Jon), Thursday, 3 December 2020 00:41 (four years ago) link
Violas are amazing. Also, viola jokes suck!
― pomenitul, Thursday, 3 December 2020 00:46 (four years ago) link
I got a bit addicted to William Byrd's motets this year and have been analyzing and pulling the separate lines apart and using them as inspiration to come up with these...idk, classical/home listening-ish sounding tracks?
Lord knows what I'm supposed to do with them once it's all done, but there's almost a record's worth.
― Maresn3st, Thursday, 3 December 2020 01:05 (four years ago) link
My church choir recorded my arrangements and I’m really, really pleased with how they came out
― DJP, Thursday, 3 December 2020 01:25 (four years ago) link
Just put down the money with CDBaby. Limited run of CD-Rs and digital distribution expected for early January.
― The New York Times' effect on man (Sund4r), Monday, 14 December 2020 00:11 (four years ago) link
And just found that a 1m cello piece I wrote was selected by a local new music group to be part of a livestream concert of 1m pandemic pieces in the spring.
― The New York Times' effect on man (Sund4r), Monday, 14 December 2020 04:44 (four years ago) link
That's cool!
― DJI, Monday, 14 December 2020 17:45 (four years ago) link
had good jam w/ electric sound of jim today! got some nice Berlin school vibes down.
― 2 Markov Chainz (haitch), Sunday, 3 January 2021 13:54 (four years ago) link
I have been working on doing solo stuff all year (what other choice?!) and finally recorded what I consider the best sounding version of this improvised solo percussion jam. I recorded another one that is similar but this one turned out groovier so I am sharing this one. (description: instrumental solo improvisation with various small percussion)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 4 January 2021 17:32 (four years ago) link
oops(description: instrumental solo improvisation with various small percussion and drumset)
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 4 January 2021 17:33 (four years ago) link
I'm transcribing/writing an arrangement of Ride On, King Jesus based on the Burleigh version for our MLK weekend service
― Totino's Fortnite Training Room (DJP), Monday, 4 January 2021 18:17 (four years ago) link
LL that percussion loop at the beginning is really cool, what is that?
― change display name (Jordan), Monday, 4 January 2021 19:26 (four years ago) link
It’s me! I looped some cymbals, a cowbell, some small bells
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 4 January 2021 20:22 (four years ago) link
I just bought a cello!
― flamboyant goon tie included, Saturday, 16 January 2021 18:42 (four years ago) link
― Inside there's a box and that box has another box within (Sund4r), Saturday, 16 January 2021 19:00 (four years ago) link
LL that is cool, love itthe now on hiatus band I'm in with global t. has an EP culled from a bunch of jams we did in our drummer's basement coming out, and a couple of the guys are doing a video for one songI bought a midi controller and an trying to learn Ableton Livedid this kinda hip house song, just trying to learn how to structure stuff in Ableton and I'm pleased with this, at least did a breakdown then brought it back type thingAbleton is weird/cool, very different from other DAWs I've used but starting to get the hang
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Saturday, 16 January 2021 19:10 (four years ago) link
I recently upgraded my ableton set up as the gear I was using was ancient and collecting dust, new laptop, new audio interface, new version of ableton. I'm getting reacquainted with it, making various sketches, but still find putting together full song arrangements to be more challenging than it should be. Testing out various workflow approaches that might make it less painful.
― Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Saturday, 16 January 2021 19:41 (four years ago) link
Sympathies, moodles. I have a VERY clunky setup with utterly ridic workflow.
I vacillate between wanting to embrace the clunkiness (like in an "oblique strategies" spirit) and spending gobs of money on gear that will leave me slightly less frustrated but just as limited in terms of skills.
A couple weeks ago I had some free time (between jobs) and put put a call to my musical friends seeking collaboration opportunities. Got like eight songs, and am busily working up tracks. Things are good on that front for me at present... but I really do miss playing live.
― alpaca lips now (Ye Mad Puffin), Saturday, 16 January 2021 23:13 (four years ago) link
What is clunky about it?
― Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Saturday, 16 January 2021 23:42 (four years ago) link
You mean what is clunky about my setup?
I run all my signals (mics and direct instruments) into an analog mixer. The tape out from that mixer goes into a USB interface, then into a laptop for mixing. It works, kinda, for my purposes.
These days I typically record a track at a time, alone. It's pretty much all wood and metal and skin and air in front of microphones (that is, no synthesizers or MIDI or drum machines).
But there's still a lot of plugging and unplugging and finding the right cables and connectors. I can simplify things slightly by going to a mixer with USB, which could serve as an interface.
― alpaca lips now (Ye Mad Puffin), Sunday, 17 January 2021 00:29 (four years ago) link
I recently added an M-Audio M-Track Eight to essentially serve this same purpose, although I've been doing very little recording of analog signals lately, mostly just working 100% on the computer.
― Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Sunday, 17 January 2021 00:42 (four years ago) link
the novation launchkey controller/keyboard I got is amazing for Ableton, just plugged it in and it automatically mapped everything
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Sunday, 17 January 2021 00:47 (four years ago) link
Those look really nice
― Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Sunday, 17 January 2021 03:24 (four years ago) link
I'm playing (guitar) an awful lot more at the moment and there have been a couple of times recently when I'd have liked to record stuff to share with people (no more widely than a couple of mates!). I'm still pretty shit and wouldn't want to spend much but is there a decent basic mic setup I could/should use?
― Vanishing Point (Chinaski), Sunday, 17 January 2021 10:57 (four years ago) link
Honestly, it doesn't matter too much for amateur recording purposes, given the standard of contemporary recording technology. If you're playing electric, a Shure SM57 (costs about $140 CAD here) on the amp would be great and that's a pretty versatile mic. You could also just DI the guitar straight into your interface, which would give you an even cleaner sound. For acoustic, a spaced pair of condenser mics is often the standard so if you can rent those affordably from a nearby store, you could try that, but you can get a perfectly acceptable recording with less, as long as you take the time to set things up right and EQ after. I did this with just an SM57 in a non-soundproofed downtown apartment: . I wouldn't charge people money for it but it's reasonably clear and quiet, without any loss of sound during quiet parts or distortion during loud passages. A Rode USB Mini condenser (also about $140) can give an even cleaner, crisper sound, I find, and that requires barely any setup and is great for videoconferencing as well. Start out with the mic about 15 cm from the soundhole, test the sound, and adjust from there.
― Inside there's a box and that box has another box within (Sund4r), Sunday, 17 January 2021 15:41 (four years ago) link
Good starting point:
― Inside there's a box and that box has another box within (Sund4r), Sunday, 17 January 2021 15:57 (four years ago) link
Imo if you’re going super budget lo fi & it’s just casual sharing among friends just record on your phone — no extra cost!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Sunday, 17 January 2021 16:36 (four years ago) link
Yeah, that's totally fine for sharing with a few friends; was just filling in on options if you wanted to spend a little more.
― Inside there's a box and that box has another box within (Sund4r), Sunday, 17 January 2021 16:45 (four years ago) link
Thanks for the recording advice. I've recorded a couple of things on my phone but the fidelity + my arthritic rhinoceros playing was too much to bear. This thread has convinced me that it's the guitar and the mic that's the issue :).
― Vanishing Point (Chinaski), Monday, 18 January 2021 08:49 (four years ago) link
tbh, a quiet room, pointing the iPhone at the guitar the right way, it's kind of amazing how good it sounds. I've released recordings with iPhone-recorded guitar. Even the quality of the guitar is kinda arbitrary, I have a $200 cheapo classical guitar and a very-expensive pre-war Martin Concert and they both sound great into an iPhone. If the room is quiet, that is. And the iPhone is placed correctly.
― flamboyant goon tie included, Monday, 18 January 2021 10:38 (four years ago) link
Re: my cello. I was corresponding with a luthier these past two weeks whose instruments I am VERY passionate about, and he turned out to be a total fucking weirdo. He refused to give me an estimate, and instead wanted me to convince him to make me an instrument, like I needed to convince him of my artistic vision, and eventually said that I seemed "fearful"?! it was a very bizarre exchange and I think this guy is either insane or just very Russian. Anyway, I ended up getting a budget instrument, for now.
― flamboyant goon tie included, Monday, 18 January 2021 10:48 (four years ago) link
i always feel extremely alienated with my music friends because i don't care about the recording quality
― Karl Malone, Monday, 18 January 2021 16:31 (four years ago) link
re: instruments obtained in sketchy circumstances, my first set of drums was a jason-segal-in-freaks-and-geeks type of set-up, 2 BD, 6 rack toms, 2 floor toms, 5 or 6 cymbals. it arrived in my life somewhere in 8th grade. my dad worked in some sort of ambiguous sheriff's dept / cop role back then, and drove an unmarked gigantic white van everywhere. one day the big side doors on the van opened in the driveway, and all of those drums came out of it and into our basement and they were mine. all of those drums, plus the smelliest, toughest bags you've ever seen to protect them. our entire basement immediately smelled like cigarettes. anyway, my dad told a very short, vague story lie about where he had obtained them. i didn't pay attention to his story back then because even back then it was apparent he was a giant fucking liar. anyway, sorry to whatever pour soul lost their awesome huge-ass drumset back in the mid-90s, my dad's an asshole
― Karl Malone, Monday, 18 January 2021 16:35 (four years ago) link
Wow fgti, I kinda respect that he's acting like the master sword maker in Kill Bill asking you to prove your righteous quest, but also no one needs that irl.
― change display name (Jordan), Monday, 18 January 2021 16:38 (four years ago) link
Those were a couple of great stories, guys, thanks!
― DJI, Monday, 18 January 2021 16:58 (four years ago) link
I’ve had similar weird encounters with a luthier and, indirectly, with a drum maker. Imagine having to convince Siemens to make you a Dishwasher.
― 29 facepalms, Monday, 18 January 2021 17:39 (four years ago) link
luthier is a profession that attracts some odd guys
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Monday, 18 January 2021 17:44 (four years ago) link
― Inside there's a box and that box has another box within (Sund4r), Monday, 18 January 2021 18:04 (four years ago) link
luthier vandrodd
― trans-panda express (m bison), Monday, 18 January 2021 18:26 (four years ago) link
I found a viola in a dustbin last month. Don't think I'll ever learn how to play it, but it's fun just to make terrible noise with. Lockdown has been doubly cruel to my family.
― kieth chagrin (NickB), Monday, 18 January 2021 18:41 (four years ago) link
Yah when I asked the luthier a ballpark idea about what his instruments cost, he said "oh I don't want to be like two people arguing in the grocery store about the price of potatoes" and I'm sitting here like dude it is a cello, it is a huge investment, it is not a potato.
He kept talking about art, and meaning, and spouted a bunch of "impossible is nothing"-style "you have to give your 100%! this is all there is to it!" When I explained that music is actually my job and I don't have a legal profession to fall back on to drop huge bucks on a passing fancy, that I always have to make purchases with cost-benefit in mind, he got ruffled by suggesting that his clients were lawyers, and talked about a number of them and their backstory
Then I said "no, I only mentioned 'lawyer' in passing because my lawyer brother also plays the cello and can afford to have a finer instrument than an amateur perhaps deserves" and the luthier suggested I have my lawyer brother buy one of his cellos for me instead
I am starting to think this is kind of part of his sales pitch
To keep me off-balance and 'wanting it' enough to not-flinch when he tells me a probably-outlanding figure
Man, what a dude. His instruments sound amazing though, gotta give him that
― flamboyant goon tie included, Monday, 18 January 2021 20:10 (four years ago) link
― flamboyant goon tie included, Monday, 18 January 2021 20:12 (four years ago) link
Haha I have to admit I haven't come across luthiers like that but I kind of want to now.
― Inside there's a box and that box has another box within (Sund4r), Monday, 18 January 2021 20:17 (four years ago) link
lmao at NickB's post in the midst of all this btw
― imago, Monday, 18 January 2021 20:20 (four years ago) link
I really have to up my dustbin game.
― Guys don’t @ me because I tazed my own balls alright? (hardcore dilettante), Monday, 18 January 2021 22:10 (four years ago) link
I sold my college guitar (modded up Squire) to a friend after undergrad in 1991.
I had not heard from him SINCE I SOLD IT, and he hits me up on LinkedIn two years ago. He asks for my address so he can send a holiday card.
A week later my college guitar shows up on my doorstep unannounced with a note that says, "I'll bet you wondered what became of this." The electronics were rusted from sitting in his attic for 27 years but the neck was straight as an arrow so I fixed it up and it plays really well now.
― Ira Einhorn (dandydonweiner), Tuesday, 19 January 2021 00:58 (four years ago) link
A lot of guys I know get guitars from this luthier who seems to be a model of sanity, at least based on my own interactions with him and everything I’ve heard:
― Next Time Might Be Hammer Time (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 19 January 2021 01:04 (four years ago) link
You have to keep this luthier talking (and you have to keep sharing him here!). He's a character waiting to be written.
― Vanishing Point (Chinaski), Tuesday, 19 January 2021 09:04 (four years ago) link
thread contributors, you are obliged to work in "you have to keep this luthier talking" into the lyrics of a new song you write this year.
― the serious avant-garde universalist right now (forksclovetofu), Tuesday, 19 January 2021 14:59 (four years ago) link
ddw that is a great story, post pics of the guitar!
I was thinking this morning that I might send some of the information re: this luthier to a doc-making friend, see if he's interested in doing something about early music lutheries and musicians. The characters I've met are compelling and exhausting and the music (and instruments) are spectacular
― flamboyant goon tie included, Tuesday, 19 January 2021 16:35 (four years ago) link
Also James those guitars look gorgeous
I got my archtop needs all taken care of already but they really are beautiful
― flamboyant goon tie included, Tuesday, 19 January 2021 16:37 (four years ago) link
I wonder if drum makers (drumiers?) are like this? Probably.
I'm still working on a mastering chain & workflow so I can self-release tracks that I'm happy with (partly because the label I've been working with for the last 5 years is coming to a natural conclusion this year). So far the results are improving, basically I'm doing very little EQ and going back to the mix if I need to change individual levels or EQ, and focusing on loudness/dynamics. The only problem is that when I add something to the chain or learn a new trick, I feel like I need to go back and re-master this clutch of 8-9 unreleased tracks that I was previously happy with. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also have my album of programmed kalimba pieces coming out in in a little over 2 weeks! With some video bits by our own Karl Malone.
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 19 January 2021 18:50 (four years ago) link
Oh, agree 100% that EQ should mostly be dealt with at the level of individual tracks at the mixing stage when possible. Mastering is mainly about dynamics imo.
Does that mean you programmed sequenced music for sampled kalimba sounds? Or did you actually play kalimba?
Last week I recorded a video performance of a classical guitar piece for a video 'concert' a Toronto guitarist and former teacher is putting together. I probably got enough material that I could put together a proper studio recording as well.
Yesterday I was interviewed on Zoom by a New England-based guitarist/blogger about my album for a series of video interviews he's doing. I keep going over it in my head, feeling like I rambled too much and went too often to the self-deprecation well.
― Inside there's a box and that box has another box within (Sund4r), Sunday, 24 January 2021 15:38 (four years ago) link
Jordan, am also interested in your kalimba thing.
Sund4r - digging Electric currents.
― Tib, Wednesday, 27 January 2021 13:31 (four years ago) link
also hoping for a slum of legs presence in the 77.
― Tib, Wednesday, 27 January 2021 14:12 (four years ago) link
Thanks, Tib. Glad you're enjoying it.
― Inside there's a box and that box has another box within (Sund4r), Wednesday, 27 January 2021 14:50 (four years ago) link
Seconding Tib's praise of Electric Currents, which is just the right mix of ear-pleasing immediacy and proggy technicality.
― pomenitul, Wednesday, 27 January 2021 15:02 (four years ago) link
Definitely the former, I like to noodle around but I'm no kalimba player, and get more interesting results writing with samples. I recorded a few different ones and made one shots, then made the record only using those samples. It was those early COVID months, when it was a novelty being at home and I was excited to sneak up to my studio...not having to worry much about choosing/making sounds let me write a little something in an hour, arrange it the next day and move on. Out next week!
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 27 January 2021 15:11 (four years ago) link
Thanks, pom! Sounds interesting, Jordan.
― Inside there's a box and that box has another box within (Sund4r), Wednesday, 27 January 2021 16:44 (four years ago) link
If you want to see me fidget and stammer like someone who has been locked down for months:
― Inside there's a box and that box has another box within (Sund4r), Saturday, 30 January 2021 02:19 (four years ago) link
Galaxie 500 meets the Bee Gees in this one, with heaps of mellotron:
― DJI, Friday, 5 February 2021 16:43 (four years ago) link
oh, and my wife on background vox!
― DJI, Friday, 5 February 2021 16:44 (four years ago) link
sund4r i am loving your album! really hitting the spot on this sunny afternoon
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 5 February 2021 19:38 (four years ago) link
Just finished arranging a 90-minute album for a really great new client, feel proud of myself and also empty insideHave my first viola lesson (ever!) in an hour, playing Bach and Bruch and Schubert
― flamboyant goon tie included, Friday, 5 February 2021 19:57 (four years ago) link
Are you the teacher or student?
Thanks, La Lechera! Glad you enjoy it.
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Saturday, 6 February 2021 04:49 (four years ago) link
I did a video recording of live versions of those pieces tonight. We spent most of the day trying to set up lighting and cameras in our bedroom. Hope to get everything ready to go live tomorrow.
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Saturday, 6 February 2021 04:57 (four years ago) link
I played the acoustic version of Shawn Bell's "Currents II" for this video concert that premieres at 4pm Eastern time today. Q&A afterwards
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Sunday, 7 February 2021 18:42 (four years ago) link
I can almost play Blackbird on the guitar now
― Hello Nice FBI Lady (DJP), Sunday, 7 February 2021 19:25 (four years ago) link
its a classic! i still enjoy playing it.
― trans-panda express (m bison), Sunday, 7 February 2021 19:27 (four years ago) link
That's a major step in learning fingerpicking!
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Sunday, 7 February 2021 19:29 (four years ago) link
Yeah my guitar teacher is throwing all sorts of shit st me since he doesn’t have to bang through basic theory with me. He also had me practicing the guitar arpeggios in “Message In A Bottle” and got me through most of “Here Comes The Sun”
I also taught myself the solo guitar line in Just Like Heaven
― Hello Nice FBI Lady (DJP), Sunday, 7 February 2021 20:59 (four years ago) link
Oooh Dan that is so exciting! "Blackbird" was the first thing I learned on guitar
And no I'm taking viola lessons. My first lesson kicked my ass, I'm completely overhauling my positioning and my vibrato. I did three days of "just exercises and studies" since my lesson, and this morning, for a lark, played through Bach Cello Prelude 6 (which I know pretty well) and when I got to the improv section it felt like my left hand was on steroids, I was flying through it spectacularly. Even now I feel like my left hand is 'typing with purpose'
― flamboyant goon tie included, Sunday, 7 February 2021 21:37 (four years ago) link
It's gonna take me MONTHS before I can do vibrato properly again but I'm hoping it's worth it
I might also try and squat my way to "having an ass" just to make two miracles happen this year
― flamboyant goon tie included, Sunday, 7 February 2021 21:38 (four years ago) link
registered a bandcamp yesterday :)
― stimmy stimmy yah (Simon H.), Sunday, 7 February 2021 21:51 (four years ago) link
def here for a "lewis gets thicc" track
― class project pat (m bison), Sunday, 7 February 2021 21:54 (four years ago) link
xp ya gotta link us when ur new shit drops, simon
― class project pat (m bison), Sunday, 7 February 2021 21:55 (four years ago) link
if it ever happens yall will be the....fourth or fifth to know
― stimmy stimmy yah (Simon H.), Sunday, 7 February 2021 22:01 (four years ago) link
Yay Simon!
― A Scampo Darkly (Le Bateau Ivre), Sunday, 7 February 2021 22:04 (four years ago) link
Right on, Simon!
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Sunday, 7 February 2021 22:49 (four years ago) link
I have a virtual convert coming up on Valentine's Day with my church gig; I recorded "Wohin?" by Schubert and the whole group recorded an arrangement of "True Colors" that I did:
― Hello Nice FBI Lady (DJP), Monday, 8 February 2021 14:20 (four years ago) link
THought you wrote "virtual convent" for a second.
― The Ballad of Mel Cooley (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 8 February 2021 15:14 (four years ago) link
I wrote concert, I thought
― Hello Nice FBI Lady (DJP), Monday, 8 February 2021 15:16 (four years ago) link
Having a tiny bit of post-release depression, even though I know from experience that it's best just to move on (can't make any changes now!), and that anything interesting that comes from putting something out into the world usually comes weeks/months/years down the road. Also wishing I could put out the things that I've finished more recently and am currently excited about.
Also doing a livestream jazz thing next week, pretty meh about the whole livestream thing but it will be nice to play drums again. It's a good excuse to practice and to figure out where the various pieces of my kit are.
― change display name (Jordan), Monday, 8 February 2021 16:21 (four years ago) link
Premiering tonight at 7:15 w picture-in-picture during pieces with pedal work:
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Monday, 8 February 2021 20:38 (four years ago) link
Oooooh I can't wait
― flamboyant goon tie included, Monday, 8 February 2021 21:50 (four years ago) link
Watching now. Might have to go deal with laundry before the end, sorry.
― The Ballad of Mel Cooley (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 9 February 2021 00:21 (four years ago) link
That was fun!
― The Ballad of Mel Cooley (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 9 February 2021 01:51 (four years ago) link
The Valentine's Day concert I did some recording for now has a YouTube link for livestreaming on Sunday at 5:00 EST:
Once the concert has been livestreamed, that link will remain for viewing.
― Hello Nice FBI Lady (DJP), Wednesday, 10 February 2021 17:21 (four years ago) link
I mastered a live release for my brass band from mp3s, which were recorded on an iRiver in 2005 at the Green Mill. Interesting challenge for sure, it was already clipping/brick walled so all I could really do was EQ-related (rolled off soooo much high end).
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 10 February 2021 19:16 (four years ago) link
The concert link upthread turned out really, really great
― Hello Nice FBI Lady (DJP), Monday, 15 February 2021 02:03 (four years ago) link
I'm recording a part for a virtual guitar orchestra piece by a Seattle guy. It's long and kind of exhausting: all with a pick, almost all staccato, some tremolo, sometimes with bars that need to be repeated e.g. 23x before moving on to the next slightly different thing. Going to attempt one more take...
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Monday, 15 February 2021 23:06 (four years ago) link
Also it all needs to be really precisely done to a metronome, with long stretches of waiting before and after.
Can you just record it piecemeal?
― change display name (Jordan), Monday, 15 February 2021 23:13 (four years ago) link
Don't think so: it's also a video recording and it's supposed to be more like a virtual live performance than a studio recording. So they are accepting imperfections, even though it's all done to a metronome, staccato, repetitive, etc. Everyone will be playing at a potentially different tempo and mixed in at different times! I'm going with the last take.
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Tuesday, 16 February 2021 01:13 (four years ago) link
Ah cool.
I did a livestream last night playing New Orleans jazz, first time performing in public in many months. It felt better than I expected, was able to stay pretty mentally & physically relaxed and not too in my head (my main pitfall). I think the pandemic practice (and non-practice) has paid off some.
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 17 February 2021 16:59 (four years ago) link
I'll definitely be watching that.
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Thursday, 18 February 2021 01:45 (four years ago) link
I watched a little over half so far. I'm not an expert on the style but you do seem relaxed and totally in the pocket. I liked your short solo around the 52m mark, how you kept the groove going while doing a lot over and around it.
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Saturday, 20 February 2021 03:38 (four years ago) link
Just saw this, thanks Sund4r! I only wish I could have mixed it. The guy who handled sound & video was super nice and easy to work with, and cut us a serious discount as I understand, and I'm sure it's tough to do video while mixing sound, especially while hearing the room sound. But still.
On the other side of things I released some dance music versions from the kalimba album that came out recently:
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 23 February 2021 15:24 (three years ago) link
Can we talk about middle-aged white men who play the guitar?
Partly from my circle of friends, and partly work video meetings, I am beginning to suspect that there are more middle-aged white men who play the guitar (at some level) than don't. Unscientific sample, I know. But.
Of course I include myself in the cliche-pile, as I do have and love and play a lot of guitars. But seeing the absolute glut of guitar players in my demographic has made me want to focus more on other instruments. One of these days imma show up at a open mic night with a triangle, a bouzouki, and an ocarina just to break out of the trap a bit.
― wake me up before you cuomo (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 4 March 2021 15:38 (three years ago) link
Not sure what you want to discuss but fwiw this clearly unbiased study by Fender shows new beginning guitarists are 50% female and with %s of black and Latino players that exceed their share of the general UK/US population:
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Thursday, 4 March 2021 16:24 (three years ago) link
Of course I'm thrilled that people are diversifying the space! But it's still gutted with burb dads
A burb dad
― wake me up before you cuomo (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 4 March 2021 16:40 (three years ago) link
i hope halloween shows happen this year bc i am starting to absolutely destroy this foo fighters set i've been practicing on the drums
― mellon collie and the infinite bradness (BradNelson), Thursday, 4 March 2021 16:48 (three years ago) link
none of the drum parts are too complicated but they're all like... rigorous in different ways. high-energy and fun
― mellon collie and the infinite bradness (BradNelson), Thursday, 4 March 2021 16:50 (three years ago) link
"big me" is the simplest drum part in the world but it's a delight to play
YMP, it's an instrument that exists in many forms that people play around the world. The guitar's roots in the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking world (which includes plenty of non-white people) are deeper than its roots in the anglosphere. There are major guitar-playing communities in Africa and Asia.
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Thursday, 4 March 2021 17:06 (three years ago) link
speaking of guitar, my teacher told me in my Zoom lesson that I basically have Blackbird nailed down now and I just need rote repetition on it, which given that my previous attempts to do anything with a guitar began and ended with playing very simple solo lines and simplifying bass parts is a huge fucking deal to me
I'm also learning Fast Car
― Hello Nice FBI Lady (DJP), Thursday, 4 March 2021 17:16 (three years ago) link
― mellon collie and the infinite bradness (BradNelson), Thursday, 4 March 2021 17:37 (three years ago) link
I’m working on 1er Gymnopedie again lately after first learning it a couple years ago. At the time I thought “wow, I can totally play this!” Now I’m marginally better at piano and I keep thinking “wow, I completely suck and it’s not actually possible to play the piano”
― Canon in Deez (silby), Thursday, 4 March 2021 18:47 (three years ago) link
Never have I kept up for so long a learning a skill I am so unpredisposed to as piano.
― Canon in Deez (silby), Thursday, 4 March 2021 18:48 (three years ago) link
In another 5 years I expect to be much better at it and yet feel that much worse about how good I am, I love it
Ha, I just came out of (taking) a piano lesson. I have most of that piece down now.
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Thursday, 4 March 2021 19:12 (three years ago) link
The room where I keep my music gear has morphed into my wife’s work-from-home office so my amp and the guitars hanging on the wall have turned into her zoom background. Other white middle aged burb dads see this and ask her excitedly about her gear and are disappointed that none of it is hers but belong to a fellow white middle aged burb dad.
― joygoat, Thursday, 4 March 2021 22:20 (three years ago) link
She could totally mess with their heads. "Oh, hell yeah, I shred like a motherfucker. Yngwie learned from me, beeyotches. I run the Klon through the blockhead and I can melt faces in the mixophrygian mode."
― wake me up before you cuomo (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 4 March 2021 22:27 (three years ago) link
We actually joked about me giving her talking points to fake it but after about a minute she absolutely no longer cared and made me stop
― joygoat, Thursday, 4 March 2021 22:33 (three years ago) link
After a 5 year hiatus I've finally put out another EP on my super liw budget TTKK label for Bandcamp Friday: Crunchy house and breaks related oddities. Not sure its ILX material but thats whats been going on in my musical life anyway :)
― (the one with 3 L's) (Willl), Friday, 5 March 2021 09:22 (three years ago) link
Cool shit, thanks!
― DJI, Friday, 5 March 2021 17:56 (three years ago) link
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 5 March 2021 18:01 (three years ago) link
― (the one with 3 L's) (Willl), Friday, 5 March 2021 23:45 (three years ago) link
oh and *low budget, not liw ;)
So, I'm thinking of starting up my very own Bandcamp but I'm not sure if I have enough of a fanbase yet (I have no fanbase). I'm at the stage in my musical career where my friends are saying nice things about my tunes and a couple of label people who I've shared my stuff with have said they like them, so that's good. However, the only people who hear my music are people I know personally or people who I'm approaching. I'm not moaning here or anything like that, I know that everyone has to go through this when they're starting out.
I realise Bandcamp is free so I've got nothing to lose, but is there any point when you're basically a complete unknown? Do people go searching for artists like that and how do they go about promoting themselves?
― paolo, Sunday, 14 March 2021 18:56 (three years ago) link
Willl/wascal those are good. Didn't you have some dubstep releases back in the day or am I thinking of someone else?
― paolo, Sunday, 14 March 2021 18:59 (three years ago) link
my strategy is just to go ahead and make that bandcamp with zero fans, to send out links to everyone asking them to listen to your music, to throw in physical paintings and other artworks in an attempt to "sweeten" the deal in an attempt to literally pay other people and give them things in order to swindle them into listening to your music and accidentally donating to a mutual aid group that needs money
still zero fans for some reason
― Zach_TBD (Karl Malone), Sunday, 14 March 2021 19:20 (three years ago) link
Can’t have fans until people can hear your music hence no fans required for bandcamp creation
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Sunday, 14 March 2021 19:25 (three years ago) link
Plus, going from 0 to 1 follower is growth so powerful that it breaks math
― Zach_TBD (Karl Malone), Sunday, 14 March 2021 19:27 (three years ago) link
all my friends call me a foolthey saylet bandcamp take care of you
― Red Nerussi (Neanderthal), Sunday, 14 March 2021 19:28 (three years ago) link
Bandcamp and SoundCloud, where musicians go to promote their music to other musicians who are simultaneously trying to promote their own music.
Like online musicians' groups where you go to promote your gigs to other musicians who are promoting their gigs.
It is Ourobouros, the snake which either its own tail.
That said, it is all fun, I enjoy the camaraderie, and I like it all, but it takes a really powerful booster rocket to break out of the gravitational pull of musos. There is presumably a world out there of potential fans who are, like, normal people, but reaching them remains an eternal mystery.
― imagine flagons (Ye Mad Puffin), Sunday, 14 March 2021 19:29 (three years ago) link
Either should be eateth
― imagine flagons (Ye Mad Puffin), Sunday, 14 March 2021 19:30 (three years ago) link
You could always go into classical or jazz and ensure that your listeners will always be other musicians.
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Sunday, 14 March 2021 19:41 (three years ago) link
Lol, I was wondering who that post was going to be by, thought it would be Jordan.
― The Ballad of Mel Cooley (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 14 March 2021 20:49 (three years ago) link
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Sunday, March 14, 2021 3:41 PM (one hour ago) bookmarkflaglink
This is also "rock" of any description since maybe 2012-ish tbh
― Adoration of the Mogwai (Deflatormouse), Sunday, 14 March 2021 20:54 (three years ago) link
Earlier than that surely
― Canon in Deez (silby), Sunday, 14 March 2021 20:57 (three years ago) link
I'm under the vague impression that more "normal people" are using bandcamp and soundcloud now tho. Especially soundcloud
― Adoration of the Mogwai (Deflatormouse), Sunday, 14 March 2021 21:00 (three years ago) link
Who were the last rock band whose young fans never went to guitar camp?it's been a minute.
― Adoration of the Mogwai (Deflatormouse), Sunday, 14 March 2021 21:06 (three years ago) link
I might have guessed Tame Impala but for the countless "what fx pedal should i use to sound like Tame Impala?" threads on internet messageboards.
― Adoration of the Mogwai (Deflatormouse), Sunday, 14 March 2021 21:13 (three years ago) link
Maybe Paramore
― Adoration of the Mogwai (Deflatormouse), Sunday, 14 March 2021 21:17 (three years ago) link
I made a Bandcamp page in 2017 because I made some music and I was proud of it and I liked the idea of something that felt a bit more serious than Soundcloud, which to me is still a bit of a world of unofficial bootlegs and low-bitrate DJ set recordings. I posted the link to my Facebook and Instagram, knowing full well that in my real life I'd be lucky if a dozen people came along to a show to support me, much less actively enjoy the music I make. I'm not reaching anyone who is interested in it because it's their "scene" - they just want to support a pal and take an interest in what I'm doing, the same way I follow twenty different make-up artists I know because it's a kindness to them.
One person I went to school with and hadn't seen in many years gave it a play and liked it and asked me to do some soundtrack work for their exhibitions and installations. It's not like I'm sat here raking it in as a high-profile artist, but getting to turn what was a bedroom hobby into something I could take seriously, it's a buzz.
I put some music up last summer and every Bandcamp Friday last year I shared it again because, why not? I haven't this year because I've had a lot going on. But this month, despite me making no effort, someone found it and bought the music I had put up. Someone who I don't know in real-life - in other words, a person who has no investment or obligation to me as a person, someone who just enjoyed it enough to think that it was worth putting a number in the name-your-price box (when someone buys on Bandcamp, I get told their email address, and it definitely wasn't someone I know). It's a really nice feeling.
I would recommend it 100%. The worst that happens is nobody hears what you do: they're not going to hear it if you don't share and promote your material anyway.
― boxedjoy, Sunday, 14 March 2021 21:20 (three years ago) link
I would guess that Imagine Dragons and 21 Pilots have young non-muso fans but the only kids I interact with are guitar campers, for the most part.
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Sunday, 14 March 2021 21:36 (three years ago) link
heh, and they say rock is dead!
― Adoration of the Mogwai (Deflatormouse), Sunday, 14 March 2021 22:24 (three years ago) link
You didn't say anything about good rock.
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Sunday, 14 March 2021 22:31 (three years ago) link
― Canon in Deez (silby), Sunday, 14 March 2021 22:33 (three years ago) link
― The Ballad of Mel Cooley (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 14 March 2021 22:42 (three years ago) link
Mary Woronov? Don't think I noticed her tjere before.
― The Ballad of Mel Cooley (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 14 March 2021 22:43 (three years ago) link
I recorded an interpretation of a visual artwork for this project: . It will premiere as part of the Mar 19 video. Also going to record a version of the prepared guitar piece from my album for this festival, to premiere virtually on the 26th; also part of the composers' roundtable and one of the guitar orchestras: . Still working on a grant application as well.
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Sunday, 14 March 2021 22:50 (three years ago) link
Billy Gibbons is giving the keynote btw.
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Sunday, 14 March 2021 22:52 (three years ago) link
― The Ballad of Mel Cooley (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 14 March 2021 22:57 (three years ago) link
He's not actually. I'm sure Nels Cline is relieved that the keyboardist from the Hold Steady is looking out for his potential academic career as a rock guitar professor, though.
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Sunday, 14 March 2021 22:59 (three years ago) link
― The Ballad of Mel Cooley (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 14 March 2021 22:59 (three years ago) link
it doesn't really bother me at all that rock music isn't mass culture anymore, it's kind of cool and exciting imo
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Sunday, 14 March 2021 23:02 (three years ago) link
Link for the festival, sorry:
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Sunday, 14 March 2021 23:06 (three years ago) link
xp don't tell Simon Frith
Lol @ Billy Gibbons keynote
― Adoration of the Mogwai (Deflatormouse), Sunday, 14 March 2021 23:11 (three years ago) link
Simon's brother was in Henry Cow!
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Sunday, 14 March 2021 23:23 (three years ago) link
I'm aware lolI remember reading something he wrote about how disco is objectively better than prog because sociology
― Adoration of the Mogwai (Deflatormouse), Sunday, 14 March 2021 23:39 (three years ago) link
Good ol sibling rivalry
― Adoration of the Mogwai (Deflatormouse), Sunday, 14 March 2021 23:40 (three years ago) link
I've been known to flippantly attribute his whole career to sibling rivalry. xp!
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Sunday, 14 March 2021 23:41 (three years ago) link
Lol team Fred here
― Adoration of the Mogwai (Deflatormouse), Sunday, 14 March 2021 23:44 (three years ago) link
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Sunday, March 14, 2021 2:41 PM (yesterday) bookmarkflaglink
― The Ballad of Mel Cooley (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, March 14, 2021 3:4
Lol, my electronic music is definitely purchased primarily by DJs and producers, as far as I can tell. But that's part of what drew me to dance and dance-adjacent music tbh -- DJs actually need copies of music to play, and there's a culture of buying, playing, and sharing it.
I think I posted something like this upthread, but there's nothing to lose by posting releases on Bandcamp. I would just keep expectations low, since like others have said, it's hard to get anyone to pay attention outside your immediate circle. Even with a label and a wider reach, only a small percentage of those who hear about it will take the time to listen, and an even smaller percentage of those will actually buy something on Bandcamp. Tbh it's kind of a miracle that anyone does.
And it's easy to just look at the really successful releases on Bandcamp with hundreds of little squares below the artwork and think that just happens. All the releases look more or less the same after all, you don't see whatever irl scene or label/marketing/etc is behind it.
Anyway boxedjoy is otm, at least something unexpected will happen if you put something out there and maybe send it to a few people you like/respect, especially if you keep doing it. That's been the case for me, and it's always something different.
― change display name (Jordan), Monday, 15 March 2021 14:47 (three years ago) link
Thanks for the Bandcamp advice folks!
― paolo, Monday, 15 March 2021 15:07 (three years ago) link
Wow, things I am shockingly old when I learned, I had no idea
― flamboyant goon tie included, Monday, 15 March 2021 15:14 (three years ago) link
― Canon in Deez (silby), Sunday, March 14, 2021 5:33 PM (yesterday)
this was a good read, thanks silby
― Zach_TBD (Karl Malone), Monday, 15 March 2021 18:50 (three years ago) link
My undergrad alma mater has had a rock guitar program since the early 90s. I suspect that this was not the pitch that made it happen:
It is not that it requires institutionalized pedagogy to maintain a tradition, but that it needs financial support to maintain its practitioners
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Tuesday, 16 March 2021 01:18 (three years ago) link must do our alma mater.
― The Ballad of Mel Cooley (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 16 March 2021 03:32 (three years ago) link
― Zach_TBD (Karl Malone), Monday, March 15, 2021 2:50 PM (two days ago) bookmarkflaglink
I was excited to read this but found it pretty disappointing.
― Adoration of the Mogwai (Deflatormouse), Wednesday, 17 March 2021 21:50 (three years ago) link
Idk if this is the right thread to discuss in any detail?
― Adoration of the Mogwai (Deflatormouse), Wednesday, 17 March 2021 21:51 (three years ago) link
probably not
but i don't know. honestly, most people like me just don't post. if they don't know, they just don't post. i have the poster's disease of just posting, even if i don't know. i don't know. beats me
― Zach_TBD (Karl Malone), Wednesday, 17 March 2021 21:54 (three years ago) link
I think it would be best to dig up a relevant thread or start a new one. I'm sure there are more and better pieces on the topic.
― Adoration of the Mogwai (Deflatormouse), Wednesday, 17 March 2021 21:59 (three years ago) link
Yeah, the article annoyed me, as was probably clear, even if I am all for 'institutionalising' any music (which is m/l the status quo in this country anyway). I could expand on another thread.
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Thursday, 18 March 2021 00:31 (three years ago) link
"annoyed" is exactly what it made me feel. I kind if want to start a new thread for saying 'no' to that article point by point. Are you a professional music instructor, Sund4r?
― Adoration of the Mogwai (Deflatormouse), Thursday, 18 March 2021 01:00 (three years ago) link
I am, yeah.
― to party with our demons (Sund4r), Thursday, 18 March 2021 01:38 (three years ago) link
dunno where to put this so it's going here
There’s a point in your life we’re you’re sat at work and the new starter tells people he plays guitar and someone says “ oh. Andrew used to be in a band” and you’re sat with a tie on and your wedding trousers and just feel terrible and they say “ he played Banjo with Muse”— a.remote.viewer (@anewlinerelated) March 19, 2021
― lukas, Friday, 19 March 2021 20:18 (three years ago) link
So I've made my wee bandcamp page and I'm going to try to organise my music into EPs or something. I was just wondering, when you lot are making music do you think about it how it would sound in the context of an album/EP or whatever or do you just treat each track as it's own thing?
So far I've just been taking each one as it comes and sort of starting afresh each time. I realise there's no right or wrong way of doing this, I'm just curious as to how other musicians think about these things.
― paolo, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 13:46 (three years ago) link
bandcamp is the best platform IMO.
music streaming services' rise has precipitated a trend away from album releases and toward a steady drip of singles. obviously the album format is not going away, but maybe it's worth mentioning because it could mean there's less need for an album to break an artist, along with an increase in pressure to churn out more tunes. seems like it's publish or perish for the pop world as well as academia.
anyway i just think one track at a time. i'd been planning to cut a 2-tracker, but a catastrophic data loss event befell me, TWO very new laptops died for no apparent reason, and i was left dead in the water for several months as a result. i forget where i read that 2 is the ideal number of tracks for an EP, but it resonated with me. tons of dance music EPs suffer from filler tracks and remixes.
― davey, Thursday, 25 March 2021 00:06 (three years ago) link
in my musical life i recently taught myself how to make tech house and came up with this track... or maybe it's 90s house. it samples paris is burning. i wish i could clean up the mix a bit, but all the data recovery software in the world could not bring back the session files, so the bounce of the ruff mix will be final:
shortly after i made that, i went through a cluster of tech nightmares and stopped making music for 4 months. just got back to it in earnest this week.
― davey, Thursday, 25 March 2021 00:15 (three years ago) link
I think with an album/EP you just know. When I was writing and recording stuff last year I had about 20 files that I had been working on over the first three months, and I found that some began to make sense together in a way that others didn't. I had one or two that I really liked that didn't "fit" with what else I was doing.
Listening to a playlist of them on shuffle helped me a lot in terms of thinking of sequencing and intent, but I don't think it's as important these days. People might play your album or EP sequentially once they've bought it, but if they go on to your actual Bandcamp page the first thing they'll hear is your selected track.
― boxedjoy, Thursday, 25 March 2021 09:51 (three years ago) link
also davey I really like that, Paris Is Burning can seem like such an obvious source of samples but I love what you've done with it
― boxedjoy, Thursday, 25 March 2021 09:53 (three years ago) link
thank u boxedjoy! i couldn't not sample it, it's cries out to be sampled.
― davey, Thursday, 25 March 2021 11:05 (three years ago) link
a week worth of xp's paolo:Yep, thats me. Back in the dubstep days I had a couple of vinyl releases, then put out various releases / remixes out digitally on Tigerbeat6 / Noodles (Si Begg's label) / Studio Rockers / Rocstar and quite a few smaller ones. I eventually went down the whole 'build a room full of music kit and do it all on hardware' route and promptly ended up down a procrastination black hole (and the day job started taking up a lot more time), and didn't even send out tunes fornquite a few years.I finally bit the bullet recently and went back to just a Macbook and a few choice bits of kit and that EP I posted is the first result :D
― (the one with 3 L's) (Willl), Thursday, 25 March 2021 15:00 (three years ago) link
*for quite
― (the one with 3 L's) (Willl), Thursday, 25 March 2021 15:01 (three years ago) link
Personally I'm always thinking in terms of albums & EPs, but it's more like 'how many tracks can I get out of this particular concept/technique/gear setup'?
If it's extremely fruitful, then it's an album, but that's only really happened a few times for me. Often it's only two or three tracks before I exhaust that avenue, then it's either an EP, or I pair them with another set of tracks that can plausibly fit together, and then I'll specifically make a few more to bridge the sonic gaps (which can be inspiring in itself).
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 25 March 2021 15:07 (three years ago) link
(btw Willl I'm curious what those choice bits are)
@ Jordan - its all long obsolete stuff that I've had knocking around since the 90's atm, all actual sound generation is coming from the Mac: Akai S2000 with a flash drive containing every drum break chopped up, only really used for jungle bits / timestretching, or to overload the inputs and then sample back to Ableton.Soundcraft Spirit Folio 12 channel desk, literally used as a 12 channel distortion pedal to feed multiple outs from Ableton, saturate and mix together, then resample back in the box.+ Roland Octapad Pad 80 for drumming fun + electric piano / knobby controllers etc.
― (the one with 3 L's) (Willl), Thursday, 25 March 2021 15:32 (three years ago) link
Davey that track above is nice
― paolo, Monday, 29 March 2021 17:02 (three years ago) link
thank u paolo-san
― davey, Monday, 29 March 2021 17:05 (three years ago) link
I have another general music question that doesn't have a right or wrong answer, and here it is: do you lot usually finish a track that you've started or do most of them get abandoned?
I've been making an effort for the last couple of years or so to finish just about everything that I start. I think it's quite common for new producers to give up on tracks early and I stopped doing that after reading a tip for beginners saying that it's generally best to finish something even if you're not happy with it, because if you don't practise finishing music then you'll only get good at starting tracks off. This can get quite frustrating though because obviously when you're working in a DAW you can go over and over something for ever and sometimes it's just not worth it, but then again sometimes it is. So I'm trying to get a balance between persevering with something and realising when enough is enough and it's time to drop it.
― paolo, Monday, 29 March 2021 17:17 (three years ago) link
I definitely have a fair amount of unfinshed stuff on my hard drive. If you've never finished something, that sounds like good advice. However, it's fine to cut bait on something if you aren't feeling it!
― DJI, Monday, 29 March 2021 17:23 (three years ago) link
Once a track gets past a certain point I almost always finish it. I think it's a good skill to recognize when something isn't worth fixing though, when to just move on. I have plenty of sketches that just didn't get off the runway.
I can only think of one track in the last year or two that was borderline, it went through multiple total re-writes, but I was too in love with the main beat to give up on it (even though everything I added to it made it worse for awhile).
― change display name (Jordan), Monday, 29 March 2021 18:23 (three years ago) link
I'm very bad about losing interest in quality tracks before finishing them, I find that if I leave it too long, I just have a very hard time getting into the headspace where I was excited about the track in the first place
― Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Monday, 29 March 2021 19:32 (three years ago) link
my general strategy has been:
1. start working on something2. forget about it for 10/15/20 years (delete where applicable)3. rediscover it around the time ILX does a pre-cover project4. slap some Garageband loops on it and call it done
― Dana Jel Pey (DJP), Monday, 29 March 2021 19:37 (three years ago) link
There really is something to be said for re-sampling and mangling abandoned sketches/tracks though, once you've forgotten about them and they feel like they've been done by someone else.
― change display name (Jordan), Monday, 29 March 2021 19:39 (three years ago) link
i don't have nearly enough patience or skill to try and make music myself but i'm finally getting excited about building a collection of dance music again since the stimmy is paying for my new pioneer controller and i might be able to dj at a function by the end of the year.
― John Cooper of Christian rock band Skillet (map), Monday, 29 March 2021 19:40 (three years ago) link
My knowledge of how to edit tracks is still very rudimentary so if I record it live, that means it’s done.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 29 March 2021 23:03 (three years ago) link
no reason, but at this point, do you think it's more effective (in terms of getting people's attention) to put stuff out on a bandcamp day, when lots of people are already listening and buying stuff on bandcamp, or a day or two before a bandcamp day, when things are less saturated?
― na (NA), Tuesday, 30 March 2021 14:14 (three years ago) link
You could put the release up a few days before as a pre-order w/some preview tracks, then release on bc day? Then you get the announcement + release notifications.
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 30 March 2021 14:34 (three years ago) link
It's a cliche, but I think artists are probably sensitive people, and I recognize two dominant responses to criticism. One is to develop a runaway self-critical sense, for better or worse. The other is to develop a sort of callousness that allows some people to produce piles of work unobstructed by judgement. Both approaches have their own stigmas, of course.
But there is a deep feeling of failure and inadequacy that I associate with not finishing things, and that feeling is constantly at war with my own desires: to keep things pure in potential, to resist confining the work to a particular 'outcome', and a sense that nothing is ever enough.
― Adoration of the Mogwai (Deflatormouse), Tuesday, 30 March 2021 23:01 (three years ago) link
I'm trying to think if i've ever heard an unfinished version of a wotk in progress that the finished version actually improved upon.
― Adoration of the Mogwai (Deflatormouse), Wednesday, 31 March 2021 21:09 (three years ago) link
Beatles anthology has a few dozen
― Zach_TBD (Karl Malone), Wednesday, 31 March 2021 21:12 (three years ago) link
Lol, there's definitely a ton of stuff i haven't heard in any incomplete form tbf
― Adoration of the Mogwai (Deflatormouse), Wednesday, 31 March 2021 21:14 (three years ago) link
The pandemic has eventually been good for my drum practice, it was rough for awhile there but enough time with the pad has eventually led to solving some dumb technique issues that have always plagued my weak hand. It only took 25 years! Very on brand for me, I have way more persistence than talent. :)
Not that I can play everything I want to play all of a sudden, but everything is sounding much more natural and even, and I'm actually looking forward to some gigs that are scheduled for this summer/fall.
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 15 April 2021 18:44 (three years ago) link
rad! that is encouraging because i bought a drum set (and a sensory percussion setup) last april... and i thought it'd be like riding a bike, but no, i can't keep a steady beat like i used to. i've failed to practice in favor of working in the DAW. maybe i'll start putting in a little practice time on the regular. persistence gets u further than talent imo.
would you... happen to have any recommendations for a (2nd-time) beginner on where to begin for practice? i'd rather not pay for lessons. maybe i'll put headphones on and try playing along to some funk jams until i'm back in the groove. that's what i did when i was 10 and got my first kit. man, small kid time it was so easy to pick up technique on percussion.
― davey, Saturday, 17 April 2021 12:47 (three years ago) link
Cool! I don't think you really need to pay for lessons these days, with all of the available info on youtube.
What kind of music do you want to play, or what are you interested in improving? For hand stuff, I like to practice on the pad and keep an eye on things like having as little tension as possible everywhere, making sure the stick is resonating (that I'm not gripping it too tightly), that they're both moving in a natural arc, etc. Mostly because I've had some profoundly bad habits in my weak hand for years, which I imagine aren't a problem for a lot of people.
For time, playing to records is great, especially records with programmed beats. I especially like to play swing and triplet stuff over, like, metronomic techno or whatever. But it's also good to just practice with a metronome where there's empty space in between the clicks (and much harder).
For beats & ideas, just looking stuff up on Youtube or listening to records? And really, the answer is whatever seems fun at the time or inspires you to keep playin.
― change display name (Jordan), Sunday, 18 April 2021 16:47 (three years ago) link
don't forget that this thread exists, lots of good advice already in there imo DRUMMERS: Advice for a beginner
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Sunday, 18 April 2021 18:59 (three years ago) link
I think the first time around, I just listened to songs and tried to make more or less the same noises.
A couple years ago I thought it would be good to do some actual practice-pad practice. So I'd do like paradiddles and whatnot. It may theoretically have strengthened my playing and/or my time. But as far as I can tell, in actual performance I just turn my brain off and move my arms, playing more or less what I always would have. Which is almost always adequate for the purpose. I dunno.
― Jurassic parkour (Ye Mad Puffin), Sunday, 18 April 2021 21:00 (three years ago) link
Downloaded this, have to get my tablet working to read the PDF - physical copies are $$$$$ on EBay and Amazon
I was hoping HarvardX or coursera or one of those things would have a experimental music class but a quick search didn't find much.
― Joe Bombin (milo z), Sunday, 18 April 2021 21:27 (three years ago) link
XP i'm looking to play funky stuff... mostly steady not-super-fancy grooves, and some fancy fills here and there. thank u all for the tips, and for that link. i'm gonna try all yr recommendations and promise myself to put in 30 mins every time i go up to my li'l studio. :):)
― davey, Monday, 19 April 2021 15:22 (three years ago) link
first band practice in a year and change
i am........... euphoric
― mellon collie and the infinite bradness (BradNelson), Saturday, 24 April 2021 00:54 (three years ago) link
best day of my life really
― mellon collie and the infinite bradness (BradNelson), Saturday, 24 April 2021 01:01 (three years ago) link
― DJI, Saturday, 24 April 2021 01:04 (three years ago) link
Congrats! It’s still illegal to play music with other humans present (unless singing in church) where I am. Haven’t had a full band practice since feb 2020 or any rehearsal at all since October.
― "The Pus/Worm" by The Smiths (hardcore dilettante), Saturday, 24 April 2021 04:49 (three years ago) link
My band is practicing on the 3rd - we played in the singers driveway last fall but we’re all double vaxxed so can actually play inside together for the first time since we played a show in February 2020
― joygoat, Saturday, 24 April 2021 21:39 (three years ago) link
I'm making progress on the guitar and can now play reasonable halting facsimiles* of:
BlackbirdJust Like HeavenTrue FaithInbetween DaysFast CarMotherGet The MessageI Feel YouHigh Hawk SeasonThis Night Has Opened My Eyes (kind of)Here Comes The Sun
* very simplified versions, not the exact guitar parts recorded, except for Blackbird
I also recorded a very short solo in an Ellington piece one of the groups I sing with is doing for a virtual concert at the end of the month.
― 80's hair metal , and good praise music ! (DJP), Tuesday, 27 April 2021 20:52 (three years ago) link
A 1m solo cello homage to faulty video calls that I wrote is going to be streamed on Sunday night as part of a pandemic-themed concert. The event made local CBC news today. They included a clip of me playing an old guitar/electronics piece that's nothing like the cello piece; about 58:21 in the "Ottawa News, April 30" clip here:
― Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Saturday, 1 May 2021 03:11 (three years ago) link
Pulled a full 24 hour day yesterday, got up around 4 am to work a ticket remote and a shift all day then went to Louisville and did an evening of recording until about 2am and got home around 430. Been a while since a I had a 25 hour day, f'n bushed but it was fun as he11 actually getting do some MUSIC...
― earlnash, Saturday, 1 May 2021 16:50 (three years ago) link
at long last i've been inducted into the mysteries of low-end management. maybe the best five quid i've ever spent:
― davey, Wednesday, 19 May 2021 21:11 (three years ago) link
eddie bazil and the SOS podcasters have been incredibly insightful:
also, gregory scott is the bob ross of compression, and his YT channel is my current favorite:
idk if this is the best thread for those kind of links, but in my musical life i have been drinking from the internet firehose of free and cheap info on mixing/engineering and benefiting a tonnnn
― davey, Wednesday, 19 May 2021 21:20 (three years ago) link
I'm definitely intrigued by these links
― Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Wednesday, 19 May 2021 22:09 (three years ago) link
Trying to trade some fancy woodworking tools for a vintage Telecaster Deluxe.
― Joe Bombin (milo z), Thursday, 20 May 2021 01:07 (three years ago) link
I like those Kush videos.
― DJI, Thursday, 20 May 2021 15:57 (three years ago) link
Cool davey, I'll have to check out some of those SOS podcasts. It looks like the electronic one has some crossover with Jamie Lidell's podcast, which has some very inspiring segments on different sound design or electronic composition ideas.
Mixing videos can be such a rabbit hole, at the start at think "omg, I guess I should have been doing this the whole time?!" and then I'll hear how their example ends up and think "well, not necessarily." There are infinite ways to arrive at a mix, but the more problem-solving tools the better I guess.
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 20 May 2021 16:44 (three years ago) link
Jamie Lidell’s reel to reel Mellotron is badass.
― Joe Bombin (milo z), Thursday, 20 May 2021 19:19 (three years ago) link
xp lol yes, very often it's:
*incisive, informative 20-minute explanation of a synthesizer's architecture; clever tips and tricks*
immediately followed by
*terrible 20-second demonstration that sounds like royalty-free music*
― davey, Friday, 21 May 2021 11:17 (three years ago) link
quite a few ppl out there are great at understanding/explaining how a thing works, and terrible at using it impactfully. educational youtube vids are an excellent use of their capacities and i'm thankful they've found their medium
― davey, Friday, 21 May 2021 11:20 (three years ago) link
Eddie Bazil's low-end book has demystified mid/side processing and shown me how use it to introduce subtle stereo motion into bass elements... it's arcane sorcery and i feel like a real audio nerd!
― davey, Friday, 21 May 2021 11:26 (three years ago) link
Made a Dylan cover but didn’t have the cheek to post it in the Dylan thread.">
― 29 facepalms, Tuesday, 25 May 2021 15:00 (three years ago) link
Great stuff! Your singing sounds fantastic.
― DJI, Tuesday, 25 May 2021 15:06 (three years ago) link
That’s how you know it’s not me singing! I did everything else.
― 29 facepalms, Tuesday, 25 May 2021 15:08 (three years ago) link
It all sounds great.
― DJI, Tuesday, 25 May 2021 15:15 (three years ago) link
― 29 facepalms, Tuesday, 25 May 2021 15:19 (three years ago) link
made a bass-driven atonal tech house thing. now it's finished and i have no idea what to do with it. anyway here's private link here if anyone's interested:
― davey, Saturday, 29 May 2021 21:48 (three years ago) link
Is 808mix all you or some kind of collective?
― Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Saturday, 29 May 2021 22:16 (three years ago) link
808mix was a radio show i hosted. it was my show, but the purpose was to provide a platform for the local DJ community, so a collective effort was a big part of it.
i gave up the show last year, though... i've been thinking it might be time to focus on my personal SoundCloud page, but ugh i don't want to pay for a second soundcloud pro account
― davey, Sunday, 30 May 2021 01:15 (three years ago) link
I set up my new M1 iMac yesterday, which means I'm going down a Sibelius/GarageBand rabbit hole over the next few weeks
― 80's hair metal , and good praise music ! (DJP), Wednesday, 2 June 2021 15:09 (three years ago) link
davey that track is sick, definitely seems like you should send it around
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 2 June 2021 15:13 (three years ago) link
love the engine-revving synth and the Cybotron-esque part
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 2 June 2021 15:16 (three years ago) link
just participated in a Shakespearean adaptation of Reservoir Dogs (our second attempt at getting off the ground, this time successful) where I played Key William and performed 5 songs that appeared in the movie on the ukulele between scenes ("Little Green Bag", "I Gotcha", "Stuck in the Middle with You", "Hooked on a Feeling", and "Coconut"). going to try and extract a few clips from it if I can (video not available yet).
idk how much I'll be playing uke now that this is over, as this is the entire reason I learned it, and I have a guitar gathering cobwebs, but it's fun to have additional instruments available in the house.
zither is next.
― Feta Van Cheese (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 2 June 2021 15:33 (three years ago) link
Don't know where to put this but it made me lol:
― DJI, Thursday, 3 June 2021 20:01 (three years ago) link
xxp thank u very much, Jordan! it was very much inspired by Doves, by Facta.
one of my buddies would like to include it on a label comp, but i might hold onto it until i finish another track or two, then send the the whole lot around and see about an EP release.
― davey, Friday, 4 June 2021 21:33 (three years ago) link
It's taken me the best part of two (sporadic) months but I can finally play Freight Train by Elizabeth Cotten - both the melody and the bass line. Still kinda clunky in places but I got it.
I was watching an episode of Mad Men recently, where Red's partner is rejected from being a surgeon because he 'doesn't have god in his fingers'. That phrase has been haunting me.
― Vanishing Point (Chinaski), Saturday, 19 June 2021 12:19 (three years ago) link
Watching Cotten play it, upside down with just her thumb and index finger is extraordinary.
― Vanishing Point (Chinaski), Saturday, 19 June 2021 12:20 (three years ago) link
That's the guitar upside down rather than her (but I bet she'd still pull it off).
Good for you - two months isn't bad for that!
― Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Saturday, 19 June 2021 20:08 (three years ago) link
Thank you! It has been a trip. So I've got The Boxer, Freight Train, Don't Think Twice, The Fly and Blackbird. Does anyone have any thoughts of where I could/should go next?
― Vanishing Point (Chinaski), Saturday, 19 June 2021 20:40 (three years ago) link
"Dust in the Wind" and "Tears in Heaven" are other popular songs at that approximate level. If you want to step it up, you could try "Never Going Back Again" or "Hey Hey" (the Big Bill Broonzy song - charts are easily available for the Clapton Unplugged version, which is pretty close to the original). You could also step sideways to the "early intermediate" pieces here: . The Carulli op. 211, no. 8 is nice. Tàrrega's Lagrima is also beautiful and widely loved. If you can handle a lot of barre chords, you could try the original "Girl from Ipanema".
― Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Saturday, 19 June 2021 22:41 (three years ago) link
The "beginner" pieces at the classical guitar shed link aren't necessarily any more basic than the "early intermediate" ones, actually.
― Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Saturday, 19 June 2021 22:43 (three years ago) link
John Prine - "Clay Pigeons"
― Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Saturday, 19 June 2021 22:44 (three years ago) link
john fahey - sligo river blues is something i always twiddle away at. standard tuning, just a bunch of open c major, f maj 7 and g major chords with a bit of pinky action, and it still sounds pretty even if you play it badly (hi there!)
― disraeli grinds my gears (NickB), Saturday, 19 June 2021 23:16 (three years ago) link
Thanks for the recommendations nick and sundr. I'll have a look around and see what I can manage.
― Vanishing Point (Chinaski), Sunday, 20 June 2021 07:30 (three years ago) link
I'm obsessing over trying to play the Funky Drummer beat/break perfectly, at tempo. Lots of little exercise to break down the different components of it, and sync everything up with this drop-catch (or push-pull) hi-hat technique. And let me tell you, I never knew how vast the gulf between 98 bpm and 100 bpm was until this pursuit.
― change display name (Jordan), Sunday, 20 June 2021 14:04 (three years ago) link
So I've got The Boxer, Freight Train, Don't Think Twice, The Fly and Blackbird. Does anyone have any thoughts of where I could/should go next?
Two of my faves are These Days and this version of Here Comes The Sun:
― In the wastelands of Birmingham and Manchester, massages are back (ledge), Sunday, 27 June 2021 19:03 (three years ago) link
So last weekend I was excited to play a show on kit for a lot of people, because I really feel like I've broken through to the other side on some hand technique, finally. However, I had a legendarily bad show due to a freak in-ear monitoring snafu.
This was for a gig where I was playing to a click + backing tracks for the whole show, so the entire show hinges on me being able to hear. We were using a phone app to control our own in-ear mixes (based off the bass player's laptop running the program), and soundcheck went perfectly. All the tracks were labeled, I dialed in my own little mix and could hear perfectly, everything felt amazing. There was a little kerfuffle about the frontline having to move their gear so that the opening band could set up, which apparently was not the plan, but whatever.
A bit before showtime, there are problems. All the track labels on the mix app have been wiped somehow, and our mixes are gone. The bass player thinks he was able to recall them, just not the labels.
We hit the stage in front of at least a few hundred people, and immediately I know something is wrong. I have a quiet click track, but no backing tracks, just the live lead vocal that is horrifically hot & distorted (and covers up the click). No meters are firing and the tracks aren't labeled, so I can't even tell what to adjust to try and get a workable mix (this is on a janky phone as I'm playing drums).
The first song completely train wrecks halfway though, and it haunts me that I didn't just stop the show at this point (although really it was the frontperson's call).
After struggling through a couple more tunes, I realize that the guitarist next to me has the backing tracks in his wedge, so I take my in-ears out, and get the monitor guy to put them in my wedge (unfortunately we didn't have backup wedge mixes, because we were relying on in-ears and trying to keep the stage volume low). This gets me through another song or two, but I hate playing to backing tracks via monitors, and it doesn't work for tunes that have me just playing to the click for certain sections.
Eventually I hit on the solution of keeping my right earpiece in for the click, and having the drum machine/backing tracks on the monitor on my left. This lets me actually get through the show, but it's super stressful the whole time. Whenever stage volume gets loud I can't hear the click, and have to just trust I'm still on it. And I also have to blast the click just to hear it, because I only have the one earpiece in.
So basically I looked like an amateur even though I couldn't have been more prepared, and I couldn't hear anything but ringing and distortion in my right ear for 24 hours afterwards (which was very disturbing). On one level it's kind of hilarious, but also humuliating, no one in the audience could know how hard it was just to hold it together. I'm never doing anything like that again unless there are actual redundancies, and would definitely stop the show rather than attempt to muscle through for two hours, it was so fucked.
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 8 July 2021 21:00 (three years ago) link
Oh my god, that sounds like hell
― an eco-conscious Music Box (DJP), Thursday, 8 July 2021 21:12 (three years ago) link
wow, what a nightmare. point is moot now of course, but any ideas on how everything got wiped?
hopefully you can get another gig soon where everything goes smooth sailing and you can put this one from your memory.
― not up to Aerosmith standards (Neanderthal), Thursday, 8 July 2021 21:17 (three years ago) link
Ugh, we had a similar one where we dialed in everything at the soundcheck and then the drunk sound guy forgot to save it and just tried to wing it when we got onstage. That sucks.
― DJI, Thursday, 8 July 2021 21:19 (three years ago) link
Oh and I still don't know what happened...even after I figured out which tracks were which and pulled up the faders, I never could get the backing tracks in my in ears.
There was some other fun with the lead vocal...after the first couple songs I pulled it down entirely so I could hear the click, which meant later in the show where there were some James Brown style hits (hit me one time, hit me 3x), I knew there were hits but couldn't actually hear the number. So that was fun too.
Hindsight is 20/20, but I think this is what happens when people try to do pop-level shows without the actual budget and technical support that those shows have.
xp no, I have some conspiracy theories about the sound guys who were being dicks, but I don't think that's actually possible. Probably some weird app crash or something? Idk.
I'm torn on whether I want to play another show with the same band for a chance at redemption, or cut my losses.
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 8 July 2021 21:22 (three years ago) link
Been putting together some tunes with a friend in Louisville over the past year or so and on Saturday we are going to do something I have never done as a recording engineer and try to overdub some live drums. Going total doom metal/blues version of David and David 80s production...
The tunes are built up with basic drum machine pieces and/or some with just a four on the floor kick being used as a metronome.
Being that I don't have to deal with a bunch of 50 watt amp bleed in a small space, I'm going to try to go for a more stripped down recording setup on the drums. I got a plate so I can use one mike stand to setup a stereo X/Y setup with a couple of Audio Technica Pro 37s and then I am going to tight mike the kick and snare. (I know some hip hop producers will do a similar recording setup to record their own breaks/beats.) I have had a head phone amp forever and an extension cable for the drummer.
Should be interesting, been doing the home recording stuff for years, so it is always curious to try different things. I'm figuring since the stuff is setup to a grid, might be able to do some cut and paste stuff to even up some things if needed.
I'm really hoping it goes well as this guy has some really nice dynamics as a drummer, hopefully can knock out this little 4-5 song session then start working together on some stuff live. Most of the drummers I have played with were total Conan the barbarian hit the drums as hard as you can until they bleed.
― earlnash, Thursday, 8 July 2021 22:50 (three years ago) link
Bought a Novation Launchkey mini the other day and installed a trial versh of Ableton which is doing my HEAD in, it is such a different beast to the FL Studio workflow I'm used to. Anyone know any good tutes?
― Stoop Crone (Trayce), Thursday, 8 July 2021 23:28 (three years ago) link
So, this exact thing happened to me 10 years or so ago. What a nightmare. We got to work on the third night.
What I wish we'd done differently was to hammer out the kinks at some toilet venue first, instead of humiliating ourselves in front of hundreds of people.
― Deflatormouse, Friday, 9 July 2021 02:43 (three years ago) link
*got it to work
Jordan that experience sounds extremely stressful -- sorry you had to go through that!!
me: * teaching drums via zoom to campers next week -- i have googled but if anyone has ideas for games i can play via zoom PLEASE share ASAP* got two shows coming up in august w one band i play with! * joined another band with uncertain future & very agreeable people/good musicians i can learn from* currently making some improved & improvised home recordings now that i have a better amplification setup. i make a new one every night!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 9 July 2021 15:00 (three years ago) link
LL what equipment do they have on their end (for the Zoom thing)? Do they have a drum?
I've taken a on a student recently, he's young (idk, 8? 7? 10?) but doing great. He's sort of a beatboxing prodigy so he's obviously got a lot of rhythm and phrasing in his head, it's just a matter of getting it out to the limbs and hands. Teaching has been fun (I've also been made aware that I'm grossly under-charging, but that's cool since I don't exactly have a tried-and-true curriculum).
Anyway, if they have a drum I have some ideas about all the crazy sounds and tricks you can get out of one drum. I imagine it would be hard to do any call & response rhythm game stuff with the delay involved.
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 9 July 2021 15:21 (three years ago) link
Trayce - here are a couple:
These are fun mini-tutorials about some little piece of Ableton that sparked some creativity:
Ned Rush makes fun Ableton tutorials, especially if you're into jungle/hardcore stuff.
― DJI, Friday, 9 July 2021 16:56 (three years ago) link
Jordan -- yes, they will have a full drum set on loan from camp. There are three of them, aged 12-15. I would love to hear about whatever ideas you've got!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 9 July 2021 20:22 (three years ago) link
after two weeks of fighting allergies and laryngitis, two weeks later is the earliest I finally feel like I can sing with any approximation of how I sang pre-illness.
wasn't COVID - got tested for that. bad combo of "screaming at a football match" and allergies.
not like I have anywhere to use my voice rn but y'know....
― not up to Aerosmith standards (Neanderthal), Friday, 9 July 2021 20:41 (three years ago) link
dang, jordan, that's some nightmare shit, sorry you had to go through it.
trayce, i found the official tutorials from Ableton helpful for learning Push 2. weirdly, i don't see a "Learn Live" playlist... i'm not sure if this covers all the basics, but the "Learn Live 10" playlist from Ableton's YT channel might be a good place to level up:
there's a Learn Live 11 playlist as well.
― davey, Friday, 9 July 2021 23:10 (three years ago) link
I found Ned Rush's use of follow actions pretty interesting. Definitely a different way to construct beats that never would have occurred to me.
I'm going to dig into some of these Learn Live videos because I feel like I'm constantly struggling against the UI. I need to learn more shortcuts and ways to manage stuff better so it feels like less of a slog.
― Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Sunday, 11 July 2021 17:19 (three years ago) link
Also, does anyone on here use a Push? What are your thoughts on it?
My current controllers are an APC40 and a cheapo midi keyboard. It feels pretty clunky and I barely use the APC40 these days. Not sure if a newer controller would be beneficial or not.
― Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Sunday, 11 July 2021 17:22 (three years ago) link
Fun snare drum tricks/sound ideas for LL's class:
-Getting different tones out of the cross-stick depending on the position of the stick, you can play 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' or simple melodies (let me know if this makes sense)
-Turn the snare upside down and use a stick on the snare wires to do DJ scratches (some how this is the only video I see on this, but I first saw Matt Wilson do it ages ago:
-Turn the snares off and use a hand/elbow/foot to change the pitch while you play with the other hand (or both hands, if you're getting a foot up there)
-Use all manner of objects on top of the snare to change the sound, or hit it (I like playing it with car keys in one hand and a stick in the other, and you can make rhythms involving dropping the keys and picking them up)
-All the normal functional ways of hitting a drum - near the edge, in the center, rimshots with the full stick, rimshots with just the tip, playing with your hands, etc
― change display name (Jordan), Sunday, 11 July 2021 20:51 (three years ago) link
this is something I need to be talking about so I'm gonna bring it to me ilxor chums with gratitude that you're here. as the lead singer in aerosmith I have now, since March 2020, spent longer offstage, and at home sleeping in my own bed, than ever before in my grown-up life. that's about to end when we get back out on the road to play such classic tunes as "walk this way," "toys in the attic," and "lover alot" from the universally beloved Music from Another Dimension! anyway, being home has been groovy in many ways though I've also deeply missed, you know, actually earning a living at the trade I'm good at, and the pleasure of playing music with my bandmates. I'm super excited to make music again, can't really overstate just how amped, but i'm also scared! because the nightly process of what we do, what I think of as an energy exchange, it's very intense -- incredibly taxing, emotionally unmooring. my mental health, after a year and a half at home, is really pretty fuckin good! whereas on the bus we call the Smithwagon I am likely to be found sobbing because my brain is all listing-ship after not having slept more than two hours, or trying to find one corner where reading a book is actually possible. my mental health is reliably extremely dicey out there and i have to guard it zealously or I end up in a super pit where the only good part of the day is the hour plus on stage... but also, I have, like, nightly epiphanies, that time on stage is more than I could reasonably ask for from life, it's a blessed job! but the mania and cliff-dive inside the brain every day is hard, and every day start date gets closer and it's a lot of feelings to hold, so that is what is up with me. koritfw
― J Edgar Noothgrush (Joan Crawford Loves Chachi), Monday, 12 July 2021 01:23 (three years ago) link
<3 u steven tyler of the rock band aerosmith
― class project pat (m bison), Monday, 12 July 2021 01:28 (three years ago) link
you'll do just fine aerosmith!
one idea would be to start the concert with a "hold your breath contest" with the crowd. i did this once when struggling with a group of misbehaving school children overseas and they HATED ME for it. but maybe you hold your breath too, and the band, and then you improvise a little musically with how it feels, and then a big sweet release all together, and start. it's fucking over. it's over, poooooooof. downside of plan is you have to have everyone sign a waiver on the way in
― Z_TBD (Karl Malone), Monday, 12 July 2021 01:36 (three years ago) link
― J Edgar Noothgrush (Joan Crawford Loves Chachi), Monday, 12 July 2021 01:45 (three years ago) link
the thing is, I know the shows will be great. every time we got together to play over the past year-and-a-half, it's been just fire. I'm just anxious about the prospect of having to sort of accept that I'm 'Crazy Steve' again during my waking non-stage hours. I have taken a liking to 'Not Cryin' Quite So Much Steve'!
― J Edgar Noothgrush (Joan Crawford Loves Chachi), Monday, 12 July 2021 01:48 (three years ago) link
You should give yourself a new stage name!
― Z_TBD (Karl Malone), Monday, 12 July 2021 01:52 (three years ago) link
i have no idea how relevant this is to your situation, since you're the lead singer of aerosmith you are obviously much higher-profile than any of the bands featured here, but i found this documentary diverting and entertaining and there might be some relatable stuff as far as stress of the road goes.
― Linda and Jodie Rocco (map), Monday, 12 July 2021 01:52 (three years ago) link
steven ty$
― class project pat (m bison), Monday, 12 July 2021 02:03 (three years ago) link
i am getting ready to "perform" in some nature in the next few months. i'm not sure what that means exactly but it will be my first time on stage since 2006, if it ever happens. just 15 years!
i plan on punching a wall beforehand and screaming into a mirror until i can't figure out which side i'm on
― Z_TBD (Karl Malone), Monday, 12 July 2021 02:04 (three years ago) link
Do you want your drums back? Please don’t punch a wall.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 12 July 2021 15:54 (three years ago) link
Also XP TO JORDAN thank you VERY much 🙌
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 12 July 2021 15:55 (three years ago) link
JCLC - wishing you best, i can imagine a year and a half of not doing somethings that's taken up a lot of your life must be strange, can only imagine the feeling
just try to remember why you got into this business in the first place: to honk bobos
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Monday, 12 July 2021 17:24 (three years ago) link
ZS, I would pay to watch you punch a wall & scream into a mirror until your ego dissolves. Super idea for a performance.
― "The Pus/Worm" by The Smiths (hardcore dilettante), Monday, 12 July 2021 18:57 (three years ago) link
what's weird is i think i could pull off the screaming part (at least, if i were by myself. i'm not sure i could do that in front of people)
punching a wall is only a metaphor for me, though. i am the kind of person who reflexively goes "OUCH!" upon barely bumping into something. i used to be in taekwondo and i failed to break the first board i kicked. it was really thin, i just didn't hit it hard enough, i guess. i got a bone bruise on my heel that had me hobbling for months after that! and i was terrified to punch a board after that.
it's sad to say, but that's probably what kept me from punching walls all my life
― Z_TBD (Karl Malone), Monday, 12 July 2021 19:16 (three years ago) link
Punching walls is gross — you don’t want to be that guy imo. I have seen people do it and it’s never agl. I have faith you can do more effective performance art!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 12 July 2021 20:01 (three years ago) link
i have busted a few walls and have never felt good about it. it's not wise.
― Yours in Sorrow, A Schoolboy: (forksclovetofu), Monday, 12 July 2021 20:55 (three years ago) link
I just make the wall feel bad about itself by bringing up its shortcomings.
― trial by wombat (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 12 July 2021 21:59 (three years ago) link
same. really give that wall something to think about
― J Edgar Noothgrush (Joan Crawford Loves Chachi), Tuesday, 13 July 2021 12:42 (three years ago) link
thank y'all for the kind words btw it's intense right now!! appreciated
― J Edgar Noothgrush (Joan Crawford Loves Chachi), Tuesday, 13 July 2021 12:43 (three years ago) link
You'll be grand, JCLC. I recognise the mania/cliff-dive thing (even though I have never toured anywhere near as much as you) - it's a lot of work keeping the old brain stable, but it is worth it to do that thing you love.
And good luck, Z!
― emil.y, Tuesday, 13 July 2021 13:56 (three years ago) link
amazing how much irregular sleep patterns just tear through all the defenses you've built up in your head, brain just wants to consume itself, it's rad. i have never been on tour and fear it for this reason, as much as shows are objectively awesome. psyched you're going back on the road jclc and i hope maybe the stability you've reached had home can be exported to the tour somehow
― STOCK FIST-PUMPER BRAD (BradNelson), Tuesday, 13 July 2021 14:02 (three years ago) link
my band is playing our first show next month and we got one of my favorite bands to hop on the bill and not only do i love playing shows, i love playing the best shows ever with bands that rule
― STOCK FIST-PUMPER BRAD (BradNelson), Tuesday, 13 July 2021 14:03 (three years ago) link
our first show since the pandemic* i mean
― STOCK FIST-PUMPER BRAD (BradNelson), Tuesday, 13 July 2021 14:06 (three years ago) link
Good luck Steve Ty. I was talking to a friend who's band tours Europe a few times a year, he was feeling anxiety because he's become extremely attached to his daily routine over the last year and a half. It definitely seems like a wild leap to go from being home all day every day > going on tour, compared to going back to the office or whatever.
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 13 July 2021 14:50 (three years ago) link
BradNelson is the other band the Buff Boys competition
― not up to Aerosmith standards (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 13 July 2021 14:54 (three years ago) link
I've got a cute gig next week for a friend's mom's 60th birthday party. Apparently she's super into yacht rock, David Benoit, Steve Winwood, Go West, etc and we're playing a corresponding set. Her taste makes sense given that her two sons are bass & piano virtuosos along similar lines.
I used to play with them a ton in college, so I can't wait to play with some excellent musicians without any backing tracks, lol. Looking forward to the rehearsal as much as the gig. It's been fun to learn the tunes even if I hate most it (looking at you Steely Dan), lol.
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 13 July 2021 14:54 (three years ago) link
― not up to Aerosmith standards (Neanderthal), Tuesday, July 13, 2021 7:54 AM (one minute ago) bookmarkflaglink
sippin' mai-tais at the rochambeau
― STOCK FIST-PUMPER BRAD (BradNelson), Tuesday, 13 July 2021 14:56 (three years ago) link
(currently superstitious that if i name the other band they'll abruptly drop off the lineup)
― STOCK FIST-PUMPER BRAD (BradNelson), Tuesday, 13 July 2021 14:57 (three years ago) link
lol understood - no need to namedrop!
― not up to Aerosmith standards (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 13 July 2021 15:00 (three years ago) link
jordan that gig sounds like a blast!!!
― STOCK FIST-PUMPER BRAD (BradNelson), Tuesday, 13 July 2021 15:32 (three years ago) link
good luck everyone! i am confident that you will all RULE
(i don't have a gig or anything planned. i do have the idea that i would like to be one of the many who attempt to carry on laurie anderson's torch in some way. so i've been thinking about that. i could probably skip the work and just get myself a gig at the ren. faire as the buffoon who gets dropped into a tank of sludge if you can throw a tomato into his face)
― Z_TBD (Karl Malone), Tuesday, 13 July 2021 17:07 (three years ago) link
km let me know if you want to collab on something. i love laurie anderson and while i don't really have the energy to spearhead my own projects at this point, i could probably handle being a mysterious contributor to someone else's project.
― na (NA), Tuesday, 13 July 2021 17:28 (three years ago) link
yeah that sounds fun! it would be great to get together in LL's basement again if she's up for it!
i have a bunch of other (non-drum) equipment that i would like to play with, too
― Z_TBD (Karl Malone), Tuesday, 13 July 2021 17:39 (three years ago) link
I’m still learning to play the piano. It’s still hard. Probably nobody has ever done it.
― Clara Lemlich stan account (silby), Wednesday, 14 July 2021 02:31 (three years ago) link
Agreed I'm pretty sure it can't be done
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 14 July 2021 03:36 (three years ago) link
Catching up, that backing track gig sounds like a nightmare, Jordan. Why was it necessary to play to a backing track in the first place?
― Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Thursday, 15 July 2021 23:36 (three years ago) link
Oh nm, I just realized you probably meant that there were backing tracks audible to the audience that everyone had to be in time with, not just that you had to be synchronized to a track in your ear.
― Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Thursday, 15 July 2021 23:37 (three years ago) link
Yeah exactly, all the Prince drum machine parts, plus half the keyboard parts & backing vocals that the band can't be relied upon to have covered/execute depending on who's there, lol
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 16 July 2021 00:01 (three years ago) link
It will forever haunt me
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 16 July 2021 00:02 (three years ago) link
you could take your mind off of it by undertaking the unbearably tedious and dull task of composing a DJ mix in ableton, as i have!
i'm gonna finish this, eventually, but i swear i will never do another mixtape in a DAW again. god i need to get some new decks, this sucks.
― davey, Friday, 16 July 2021 20:17 (three years ago) link
I doubt I'll go back to doing them, but I feel like I got a pretty good workflow going for ableton DJ mixes after a couple tries a few months back
― Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Friday, 16 July 2021 22:35 (three years ago) link
i'd be curious to hear if you wouldn't mind elaborating a bit. all i'm doing dropping files into 2-3 audio channels with EQ and time-fx on the sends. getting the automation just right has turned out to be a slog... i should probably setup a controller and map it, duh.
i also realized just a few minutes ago that it's even more of a slog because the mix i'm working on isn't the vibe. i've been planning it for a while and think it'll be good when i finish it, but it's just not the vibe for this moment. gonna put it on the backburner and work on something more joyful.
― davey, Friday, 16 July 2021 23:22 (three years ago) link
Big thing for me was getting everything warped and set to similar gain levels first before trying to mix them together.
I added EQ 3 to both of my tracks for the mix and use a lot of the parabolic curves for bringing EQ and volumes up and down.
Those are the main things but could possibly answer other questions.
― Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Saturday, 17 July 2021 00:02 (three years ago) link
thank you, moodles, for the nice reply. our workflows are very similar! i check gain levels thru a meter as i add tracks into the mix, and automate volume to adjust. maybe i'll reconsider that. drawing in all the automation curves is what takes a long time for whatever reason (probably overthinking), and that gets frustrating when i know i could feel the fades out very easily with a proper DJ mixer & decks. working in the DAW lets me overthink the track sequencing, too.
one rly cool affordance of this fiddly way of doing it, though: having multiple tracks let me make quick/EZ edits to shorten tracks or program mixes better. probably what's killing me is that i'm overthinking the sequencing a lot. i want to top my last few mixes, which i think are my best in 20+ years DJing, and that sets the bar perhaps unfairly high for myself.
― davey, Saturday, 17 July 2021 10:47 (three years ago) link
moodles, how do you go about measuring gain for yr tracks? i'm just looking at... i think it's RMFS, or the measurement for perceived loudness, at a few points in the track
― davey, Saturday, 17 July 2021 11:15 (three years ago) link
Make sure track faders are always set to the same position and then either use the visual cue of the track volume control meter or you can look at the track peak dB, which can be reset to 0 at any point by clicking on it. Then adjust the clip gain until the track is hitting your preferred max dB.
As far as drawing curves, you can highlight an automation lane, right-click and then get a menu of curves. For DJ mixes, the parabolic curves will almost always suit you best. I'll typically put a curve on either track volume or a particular eq band on one track, then put the opposite curve on the same eq band on the other track, then adjust as needed.
― Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Saturday, 17 July 2021 12:50 (three years ago) link
ty ty
DAW mixtape workflow just feels so... unnatural. i DJ'd out for the first time in like 18 months, tonight, and i think it was a personal best. and it would've taken me probably several long days to do it in Ableton to my satisfaction, so probably i'll take a shot at recording a mix proper on CDJ decks. if i can find them. my studio-mates were supposed to provide a DJ controller/mixer for our space. so i'm gonna harangue them to follow through with that, and i'll come back to the DAW if it doesn't work out.
― davey, Sunday, 18 July 2021 15:45 (three years ago) link
Yeah, despite all of my advice, I'm getting better results with a DJ controller and it's less of a pain in the ass and slow process. I'm less experienced, so there will inevitably be fuck ups in there, but I'm still happier because I have so much more control over stuff like EQs and filters, so I can do more interesting stuff on the fly.
― Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Sunday, 18 July 2021 16:49 (three years ago) link
learning to mix on a controller/mixer is worth the time. all the little old-school fader and FX tricks i was doing to would be stupid hard to do in a DAW, and it is just flat-out faster.
i'm not using a controller's sync function. it eliminates the attentional overhead of beat-matching and lets you focus on other stuff—but that's IF and only if you have carefully set up the grid of all yr tracks to be on the beat, and i've found rekordbox rly counterintuitive in that regard so i just use my ears. (btw i despise the Pioneer DJ brand for a number of reasons, but that's a rant for another thread.)
anyway i kinda like hearing little slip-ups and imperfections in a DJ mix, even in pre-recorded/studio mixes. DJ mixing can definitely to be too smooth and a few slip-ups are rly kind of endearing if the DJ is good enough to fix them live in the mix.
― davey, Sunday, 18 July 2021 17:12 (three years ago) link
^^^ i'm not *against* ppl using the sync function
I have a cheap Pioneer controller, working on getting more accurate with beatmatching, but using sync on recordings, and probably would do the same at a gig for now. It's very helpful to have max time for tweaking EQs and nudging tempos. I've actually had pretty good experience with grids in rekordbox, but I'm doing mostly 4 on the floor beats, so that's probably easier to nail down. Maybe 20% of tracks need small grid tweaks, but that's way better than the performance of warp in Ableton, which is always super fiddly.
― Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Sunday, 18 July 2021 17:24 (three years ago) link
Good luck tech-heads
My beloved acoustic trio is no more, as the singer has moved to Austin.
I have made some solo appearances here and there, and some side projects. One of these (a country-rock duo) has to fill 2.5 hours at a pub on Saturday, and this is a decided shift from my usual 20 or 30 minute gig. We have worked up like 40 songs, and it is fun but tiring.
― trial by wombat (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 19 July 2021 01:28 (three years ago) link
break a leg! 40 songs is a nice big repertoire.
― davey, Monday, 19 July 2021 07:17 (three years ago) link
One thing I'm trying to do is play the bouzouki more. It's fun but weird - jangly and loud. There are some keys/chords that I just can't really play comfortably because of the scale length, so I revert to the mandolin.
I don't like it alongside guitar (too much of the same sonic territory), but it pairs interestingly with bass and percussion.
― trial by wombat (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 19 July 2021 19:58 (three years ago) link
i work on songs so slowly now that i'm generally working on one song (at the most) at a time. what that means is that from inception until completion, i have that one song in my head most of the time. like a persistent earworm that lasts for a week or two (or longer). not a humblebrag "man my songs are SO catchy!" just the process of thinking about this one song and playing it/recording it/listening to it over and over, while rewarding, can also be very annoying.
― na (NA), Wednesday, 21 July 2021 15:02 (three years ago) link
I've been feeling increasingly frustrated with Ableton and my current setup. My main gripe is that I spend too much time pointing and clicking and trying to scroll through endless menus of sounds, while I'd rather feel like I'm playing an instrument. I do like some of Ableton's instruments, especially Operator, Wavetable, and Collision, but even with those, it seems like you have to jump through endless hoops to get an acceptable sound. By the time I get there, my enthusiasm is just not enough to get anything completed.
So I'm trying to figure out how to revamp my setup to be more user friendly, get me away from the mouse, and feel like I'm actually jamming. My current setup includes one of the original Akai APC40s and a generic 49 key midi keyboard. I think I could probably replace both of those with something like the Novation Launchkey 25 and free up tons of real estate on my desk without losing much functionality, but I don't know if that would add much either. Would this be a worthwhile change? Does anyone on here have experience with the Novation keyboards?
Once I do that, what then? I've pondered looking into analog synth rigs and drum machines, and just bailing on Ableton instruments for the most part, but I'm not convinced that's necessary or worth the cost and time to learn. Are there other steps I could take to build a more intuitive and interactive experience?
― Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Sunday, 25 July 2021 00:32 (three years ago) link
I'm not an Ableton user but what's really helped me in REAPER is having track templates for basic synth/piano/organ/DI guitar/drum machine. That way I can insert a template, play what I want immediately with the minimum of configuration, and then go back and change the sound later.Even though I'm not much of a keyboard player, I wouldn't swap a 49 key controller for a 25 key one. My current keyboard is also 49 keys, and I've got it under my desk with two A4 file boxes under each end. So not ergonomic at all but I can bring it forward enough to play it and push the keyboard back out of the way the rest of the time. Depending on your desk you might be able to retrofit a sliding keyboard shelf. I've considered doing this but a combination of laziness and being fairly tall (I'd probably be hitting my knees on it) has put me off.
― Being cheap is expensive (snoball), Sunday, 25 July 2021 09:30 (three years ago) link
The thing about the keyboard is that I'm not really much of a piano player. I use it only to either dink out little melodies or bang out drum patterns.
Anyway, after all this bellyaching, I started digging into lots of Push 2 videos on YouTube, and realized it does most of the things I'm looking for: it's fairly compact, can be used as drum machine and keyboard, can lookup patches and effects, edit samples, tweak parameters clearly, etc. So I snapped one up on ebay that is supposedly in mint condition. Guess we'll find out soon enough!
― Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Sunday, 25 July 2021 10:33 (three years ago) link
re: Ableton workflow
I've been really enjoying the All You Need is Live YouTube channel, his focus is mainly on Techno, but he does many tutorials about how to use racks to streamline your workflow that I think would apply to any type of music. Here's a couple that I'm planning to try out, the comments have links to download the racks.
This shows how to build a master drum rack that holds all your favorite samples for each common drum voice (kick, snare, hats, etc), which you can than very quickly swap in and out with the turn of a knob.
This shows you how to build a rack for Operator that randomly generates new cool sounding patches.
― Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Wednesday, 28 July 2021 19:45 (three years ago) link
Thanks, those look super useful!
― DJI, Thursday, 29 July 2021 12:12 (three years ago) link
If you've got the money I'd strongly recommend getting a Push for Ableton. Making music using that is so much easier and more fun than using the mouse and keyboard.
― paolo, Friday, 30 July 2021 09:43 (three years ago) link
― paolo, Friday, 30 July 2021 09:44 (three years ago) link
Can confirm, even after a couple days, it feels like a massive improvement.
― Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Friday, 30 July 2021 12:24 (three years ago) link
glad to hear :) besides the audio interface, Push is the only hardware i fw anymore
― davey, Saturday, 31 July 2021 05:12 (three years ago) link
I've started doing a kind of bluegrass guitar crash course. Not sure why this particular bug bit me right now, but (1) it's kind of well suited to learning with a jazz background (some similarities to bebop phrasings), (2) at least theoretically, I like the idea that it will give me a repertoire of tunes that I can expect others to know if I go to a jam, so there's a communal aspect, and (3) relatedly, since it's acoustic, it's not a huge pain in the ass to jam. All that said, of course, the bluegrass jam opportunities in Westchester Cty NY are a bit limited compared to, like, West Virginia or Ashville NC or whatever. But I'm taking some lessons online with a bluegrass guy, learning a bunch of fiddle tunes, and it's a lot of fun.
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Wednesday, 4 August 2021 19:42 (three years ago) link
I woke up this morning to find out that a choir in Australia did an arrangement of Rain In Soho at a Fringe Festival this year:
Love this! You might meet someone who's lost like you @mountain_goats— kath norx (@kafnorx) August 9, 2021
― a gentle push against my Wonder Bread face (DJP), Monday, 9 August 2021 12:59 (three years ago) link
last few practices i thought “wow, i can play decently on my electronic kit at home but i suck ass on a real kit, i’m so tired after like two songs.” eventually realized, after kinda hurting myself that second practice, that i was playing too hard. spent the last two weeks recalibrating and played the best practice ever this afternoon. felt good
― STOCK FIST-PUMPER BRAD (BradNelson), Friday, 13 August 2021 03:13 (three years ago) link
which parts were hurting after the second practice?
― Read between the lines Zach (Karl Malone), Friday, 13 August 2021 05:56 (three years ago) link
mostly my forearms to my wrists were kinda tired + achey for a while
― STOCK FIST-PUMPER BRAD (BradNelson), Friday, 13 August 2021 13:57 (three years ago) link
I played my first show since Jan 2020 this week! Venue required temp checks, vax cards, and masks and people actually came out. Felt great & our ~ 20 hrs of rehearsing paid off. I kept my head on straight even when my ride cymbal took a leap and knocked over bass player’s beer. Woops!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 13 August 2021 14:10 (three years ago) link
Playing music is the light of my life tbh 💕
That's great, I've been on a real journey with my technique this year (right hand, which is my weak hand even though it's my lead hand usually). The good thing is your body will always tell you when something is forced or unsustainable.
What's been really good lately is that I took a small practice pad to the office since wfm is over, a little Evans RealFeel one with much less bounce than my home pad. Because I don't want to annoy anyone too much or be obnoxious, I'm playing verrrrry quietly. And I know if I can get everything feeling relaxed and fast AND very quiet, well, that's that shit.
xp <3
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 13 August 2021 14:33 (three years ago) link
I went to my first ever bluegrass jam yesterday on the UWS in manhattan - it was very sweet, disproportionately over 60 crowd, all levels. Nice bunch of people, much more enjoyable than playing blues rock with neighborhood dads. I'm totally ready at this point in my life for the kind of jams where you just show up with an acoustic instrument and play, no amps, no pedals, no dialing in settings, no feedback or noise issues, no ear pain, no awkwardness over what to play because there's a common repertoire of tunes.
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Monday, 30 August 2021 19:48 (three years ago) link
Felt surprisingly comfortable playing breaks - I've been shedding the stuff, and coming from a jazz background helps me pick it up more quickly.
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Monday, 30 August 2021 19:50 (three years ago) link
So, I had always wanted to host a house show and I finally said fuck it and did. My backyard has a kind of natural amphitheater overlooking the patio (terraces with retaining walls) and somehow in two weeks I managed to get an incredible bluegrass band to play, got a PA and lighting together and got a ton of people to show up. It was really fun and I want to do it again.
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Tuesday, 14 September 2021 03:45 (three years ago) link
Oh man that's great. Outdoor shows are so energizing--have only been to a few this summer, but I played one a few weeks ago and it was astoundingly gratifying and lovely
― a (waterface), Tuesday, 14 September 2021 16:40 (three years ago) link
Holy shazbot...I got a single recorded wit a new group in the Ville. Ole' Earl just needs to finish getting his mix together and get it Mr. Saff to finish it before sending it off into the world, but depending on schedule, probably will be out in October or so.
― earlnash, Wednesday, 22 September 2021 07:31 (three years ago) link
tryna make a prog house classic. please enjoy my cringe-y spoken-word ramblings, idk if anybody will hear this elsewhere, probably not:
― davey, Wednesday, 22 September 2021 10:21 (three years ago) link
I enjoyed it! Seemed to be right in the groove.
― DJI, Wednesday, 22 September 2021 14:28 (three years ago) link
davey I idk how things work in the proper house world, but that's very well done and def sounds like something that should be getting played out, you should send it around.
I've been sending tracks to one of my fave DJs for awhile now, and finally got one signed! He had really good explicit feedback too, which is so hard to find.
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 22 September 2021 16:48 (three years ago) link
feedback can be super scarce... anyway, thanks, you two! and congrats to you, Jordan, all y'all in the thread who have been finishing work and getting stuff signed ٩( ᐛ )و
― davey, Wednesday, 22 September 2021 19:57 (three years ago) link
I now have about 25 bluegrass fiddle tunes that I can play on guitar, and I'm getting pretty decent at pickin'
Meanwhile, I had an interesting family music discovery, i.e. that the Chicago Museum of History has a whole trove of photographs of my grandmother and her folk duo as well as (!) studio recordings of them. Until a couple weeks ago I had no idea such recordings had been made and had only seen one photo of her duo. More in these posts (the photo in the first link is the only one I had seen before):
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Tuesday, 28 September 2021 16:22 (three years ago) link
That is some cool.
― "The Pus/Worm" by The Smiths (hardcore dilettante), Wednesday, 29 September 2021 01:46 (three years ago) link
I'm in touch with people at the museum and it sounds like they will give me a digital copy of the recordings at some point - they are still trying to determine the best way to do it I guess. Will def post when I get them.
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Wednesday, 29 September 2021 03:37 (three years ago) link
I recently found out my great-grandfather was co-composer of the song “Love Sends a Little Gift of Roses,” which I *googles* see had versions by John McCormack, Benny Goodman, Tommy Dorsey & the Andrews Sisters *phew* and many lesser luminaries. It doesn’t appear to have done much for the family coffers, tho, and it certainly isn’t opening any doors for me in the Biz. I guess I’ll be on the lookout for copies in the 78 bins for curiosity’s sake.Stoked to hear your grandmother’s recordings! That’s a pretty exciting thing. And with an Ink Spot — man, that’s rubbing elbows with royalty!
― "The Pus/Worm" by The Smiths (hardcore dilettante), Wednesday, 29 September 2021 04:16 (three years ago) link
I was honored to be asked to contibute vocals to a couple tracks on my good friend's new djent prog/metal album coming out next year. Not my usual style, but we've worked together before (I was in my last band with him).
I'm finding I am hitting more of a wall than ususal. Ive done about 3 completely different takes/melody ideas so far and none of them feel right. I'm not usually this perfectionist but its also been a long time since I last did any vox with real practice.
Is it common to do a load of diff versions before one comes up with one they like? Should I just send all of em to him and let him pick? haha why is this so hard.
Oh also I am learning I have NO IDEA how to mix/produce vocals. Ive just been applying a light EQ with dropped middle freq (read somewhere thats how R Guthrie does Fraser), very light big room reverb and delay, and it is ok but.... a bit too sibilant/trebly esp when listening on worse speakers. Ugh I have no idea what im doing.
― Stoop Crone (Trayce), Wednesday, 29 September 2021 04:29 (three years ago) link
Hi Trayce,
Yes, IME it's pretty normal for a lead vocal part to go thru at least a few iterations before a final version is chosen. And that's just part of the writing process, before you're even concerned with particulars of the recording and mixing.
If sibilance is a problem, then you probably need a de-esser in the vocal channel, and perhaps another before the reverb (assuming the reverb is on its own aux channel).
I could go on and on about vocal production, but will instead refer you to the professionals. This is a lot of info but it has served me well:
― davey, Wednesday, 29 September 2021 10:07 (three years ago) link
Stoked to hear your grandmother’s recordings! That’s a pretty exciting thing. And with an Ink Spot — man, that’s rubbing elbows with royalty!
― "The Pus/Worm" by The Smiths (hardcore dilettante), Wednesday, 29 September 2021 04:16 (eight hours ago) link
Me too! Although tbc, it would probably be an exaggeration to call George "an Ink Spot." I was told he played guitar with them, not sure if he recorded with them or just performed with them. I haven't found much associating his name with the group. He does have a credit on a Sam Cooke recording though, and on a couple of gospel records.
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Wednesday, 29 September 2021 12:48 (three years ago) link
Thanks for those tips/vids Davey!
― Stoop Crone (Trayce), Thursday, 30 September 2021 01:43 (three years ago) link
We are going into Studio A at Hyde St Studios in a couple weeks for a full week to record a new LP. Taking the week off. Can’t WAIT!
― DJI, Thursday, 30 September 2021 01:50 (three years ago) link
whoa, that sounds exciting! a full week!
of course, days 1-5 of that week will be the excess of the recording musician, the coke binge, sleeping with everyone, the fight over the phone with the suits. but days 6-7, you gotta lock it down
― typo hell #6: i really don't much at all (Karl Malone), Thursday, 30 September 2021 01:52 (three years ago) link
lol yeah more like they are going to spend like 2 days feverishly dialing in a drum sound before I even get to play a note.
― DJI, Thursday, 30 September 2021 15:49 (three years ago) link
my first ever release came out today on Wave Machine's launch compilation.
(issa bootleg so get it while it's hot, heh.)
― davey, Saturday, 2 October 2021 01:52 (three years ago) link
Sounds fucking great! Bought.
― DJI, Saturday, 2 October 2021 18:27 (three years ago) link
thank you!! that's much appreciated :) :)
― davey, Sunday, 3 October 2021 11:21 (three years ago) link
Congrats! Is this where I admit I've never bought anything off Beatport?
― change display name (Jordan), Monday, 4 October 2021 15:31 (three years ago) link
Beatport is my backup when something isn't on Bandcamp
― Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Monday, 4 October 2021 15:46 (three years ago) link
Bandcamp is more my jam, too. i think this release is exclusive on that platform for another week or so, then goes out to a wider distribution
― davey, Tuesday, 5 October 2021 04:25 (three years ago) link
(hurrr, by that platform I mean Beatport)
It was kind of doing my head in to follow up the track I mentioned above, since it fell together really naturally and trying to make similar tracks felt forced. Turns out the label wants to just put it out as a single, which is probably for the best since I'm hitting a wall, but a single feels weird to me, I'd love a b-side at least.
Also they encouraged me to flesh out some of the parts with some harmonies, which I ended up really loving, but they want to go back to the original stripped-down version for the release, lol. This is based on club testing so I trust them, but I'll miss those harmonies.
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 6 October 2021 17:28 (three years ago) link
this is a problem I've run into as well, I made stuff that I really liked, but didn't really know how it all came together. When I've tried to follow a more structured process, it doesn't grab or excite me the same way.
― Mr. Cacciatore (Moodles), Wednesday, 6 October 2021 17:37 (three years ago) link
Right? It's mysterious how some ideas/sounds/techniques will provide enough juice for an album, or two tracks, and others are just one-offs. Or none-offs.
But recently I've been talking with writer friends who start to lose it during the editing process because they hate having their words changed or cut down. And I usually say that's the bargain, work with somebody else for their platform, or put it out yourself exactly as you want it for (probably) a much smaller audience. And secretly I almost always thinking the edited version is an improvement, as painful as it is. So, I guess I should listen to my own advice!
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 6 October 2021 18:31 (three years ago) link
I hosted my first bluegrass jam today (open to anyone, all levels) -- got a bunch of people through meetup and through local bluegrass circles. My favorite thing about it was that the people who showed up easily ranged from in their 30s to 70s, and there are very few intergenerational activities in modern america.
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Sunday, 10 October 2021 02:35 (three years ago) link
Very cool, man alive.
― Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Tuesday, 12 October 2021 03:01 (three years ago) link
Yeah, that’s rad.
― DJI, Tuesday, 12 October 2021 04:28 (three years ago) link
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Tuesday, September 28, 2021 11:22 AM (three weeks ago) bookmarkflaglink
Update, I got access to the recordings!!!
A little preview here:
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Wednesday, 20 October 2021 16:49 (three years ago) link
More, please. That’s very rad. Would fit right into the Folkways catalogue.
― war mice (hardcore dilettante), Thursday, 21 October 2021 02:01 (three years ago) link
Love it! Amazing.
― DJI, Thursday, 21 October 2021 17:36 (three years ago) link
Xp I actually have this pipe dream of having it released along with some of the awesome photographs. Not really sure where to start on making that happen.
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Friday, 22 October 2021 03:09 (three years ago) link
How many songs are there?
― war mice (hardcore dilettante), Friday, 22 October 2021 12:35 (three years ago) link
It's a little bit tricky to sort out - the files I got are a handful of varying lengths, each with multiple songs, some seem to repeat and I haven't figured out whether there are multiple takes of the same song or it's just they spliced the same tracks together differently on different tapes (just haven't had time to sit down and figure it out). I think there are at least 9-10 different songs. It sounds like they were planning to release it and I don't know why they never did -- included in the files is a clip from a radio show that their "manager" (also the photographer) DJ'd and in it he says something about how he's going to play a "pre-release tape" of the duo.
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Friday, 22 October 2021 13:25 (three years ago) link
Album-length is easier than if it were just a couple of songs, for sure. Rare/unearthed stuff always has some cachet. I would think there’d be labels interested, especially as the music could be accompanied by photos & some good liner notes. The folk revival isn’t exactly the sexiest thing going at the moment, but it’s not the least sexy either. What you’d want to do is gather the available documentation, then put together a short pitch plus a somewhat longer, more detailed proposal for if the pitch sparks interest. As well, you’ll want to research which labels might be interested, and rank them by the criteria that matter to you — might be prestige, quality of product & attention to detail, distribution reach, whether they seem like decent folk, or any number of other qualities. Then start door knocking starting with your top choice and working towards the bottom. Many labels have submission guidelines posted on their website — read and obey! If they don’t, you can ask through their general contact. Many probably won’t accept unsolicited submissions, but you might have luck squeaking through anyway if you ask some genuine questions about how to get a proposal considered & have good reasons why the label would be interested (i.e. why the project is a good fit for the label instead of why the label is a good fit for the project). Some will just have a closed-door policy unless you’re going through an agent, although this is less likely to be an issue with reissue/archivally focused labels than with those focusing on active artists. Honestly, Smithsonian Folkways might be a great fit for this. Their prestige and their commitment to perpetual access to the catalogue make them a very appealing choice by my lights, although the bar to entry might be high. (If you’re considering approaching them, lmk and I’ll see if I can get you a name or 2 on the inside; I know some folks who’re involved with them.) Asch was right there from the beginning to the end of this era & released tons of similar stuff, so it seems to me that this project would only enrich one of the core collections in their catalogue. As a last resort, you could release it yourself, either physically or just digitally on bandcamp or even SoundCloud, although that’d be a labour of love.
― war mice (hardcore dilettante), Friday, 22 October 2021 16:17 (three years ago) link
Awesome, that's great advice. I also think Folkways would be the best fit out of the labels I know, especially because it has a historical and civil rights angle (politically conscious integrated duo that sang at MLK rallies and such) and also I think the sound fits and I think they would do it justice with a nice release that includes good prints of the photos and some good liner notes. And I don't know that it quite has the "cool factor" that some reissue labels might want (as you say, folk revival isn't the sexiest thing).
I would happily also release it myself through a kickstarter/bandcamp, I just don't have the time to put in. I don't ever expect this to make any money, but I feel like a decent label could give this the release it deserves.
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Friday, 22 October 2021 18:14 (three years ago) link
you might want to look into Dust to Digital too if folkways isn't responsivenot only do they have an awesome instagram account, their thing is releasing old recordings and they make beautiful packages
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Friday, 22 October 2021 21:01 (three years ago) link
That’s a good idea. Thanks.
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Saturday, 23 October 2021 04:57 (three years ago) link
man alive, have you thought of adding your voice/playing into the mix with those pieces? Seems like an interesting approach to have a multi-generational recording, maybe their work by itself and a bonus EP of you as a quartet.
― When Young Sheldon began to rap (forksclovetofu), Sunday, 24 October 2021 16:10 (three years ago) link
also would provide a narrative hook for press and attention that might help get it sold.
― When Young Sheldon began to rap (forksclovetofu), Sunday, 24 October 2021 16:11 (three years ago) link
(please send me 1% of your royalties when you do this)
I sang a concert with live in-person choruses for the first time this weekend since 2019. Last night was a concert with a group called Musica Sacra where we did the Durufle Requiem, tonight was with my church gig where we did a piece commissioned for our music director’s 20th anniversary. I am exhausted but also super happy; I really, really missed this.
― talkin' about his flat tire (DJP), Monday, 25 October 2021 00:21 (three years ago) link
That's awesome! It's hard to go without singing in public for that long, glad you got to do it again
― Gardyloominati (Neanderthal), Monday, 25 October 2021 00:26 (three years ago) link
Forks, it's funny you suggest that, because when I was a little kid my grandma made me a recording of her singing along with Sam Hinton, and I used to not understand and think she was on the record.
It would be interesting but it feels like an entirely separate project to me, and not sure it's something I'd feel comfortable releasing. Cool idea though.
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Monday, 25 October 2021 02:27 (three years ago) link
What is going on: My beloved band disbanded because the singer and bass player (who are married) moved to Austin. Fortunately we were able to do a couple farewell gigs over the summer.
I don't want to be mister rebound and try to recreate that exact band (though it was good while it lasted). And while I've gone out solo a fair number of times, I don't think I'm a compelling solo act for more than 10 minutes at a time.
No one wants or needs an hour of 80s synthpop covers played on bouzouki, even with a good singer. (And I am not a good singer. Just barely adequate.)
But just recently I have discovered a new role: house drummer! Went out this way a couple times and it more or less worked.
― that of a giant Slor (Ye Mad Puffin), Wednesday, 27 October 2021 13:32 (three years ago) link
I arranged and recorded a multitracked electric guitar version of an excerpt from a Schubert's sonata for the intro of this Chantal Akerman podcast, co-hosted by a currently inactive ilxor:
The complete excerpt that I recorded is available here:
― Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Saturday, 6 November 2021 20:15 (three years ago) link
Neater URL (but 4 still = a)
― Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Saturday, 6 November 2021 20:16 (three years ago) link
Sund4r, I see a "track not found" when I click the link. Is it a hidden (private) track? You'll need to use "Copy link" from the audio player to get a URL including the key that makes it accessible to others, in that case.
― davey, Sunday, 7 November 2021 01:05 (three years ago) link
It's not hidden. Are you sure you replaced the "4" in my name with an "a"?
― Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Sunday, 7 November 2021 03:25 (three years ago) link
Or is it still not working?
― Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Sunday, 7 November 2021 03:26 (three years ago) link
I was able to get to it by searching on your name
― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Sunday, 7 November 2021 04:14 (three years ago) link
good stuff too! cool fx on that lead guitar
i see. pardon my confusion.
― davey, Sunday, 7 November 2021 09:20 (three years ago) link
Thanks, Moodles!
― Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Monday, 8 November 2021 13:29 (three years ago) link
i think my 4-track died :(
― na (NA), Monday, 8 November 2021 17:16 (three years ago) link
― Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Monday, 8 November 2021 17:27 (three years ago) link
Feeling good about my progress in bluegrass pickin'
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Sunday, 21 November 2021 22:12 (three years ago) link
Damn, man alive, that's great! Do you do Soldier's Joy or Devil's Dream?
(That's about as far as I got before getting frustrated and going off to chase some other goal)
― popcornoscenti (Ye Mad Puffin), Sunday, 21 November 2021 22:22 (three years ago) link
Thanks! I did in fact learn and record a clip of solider's joy a couple months back, could probably do it better today.
Haven't learned Devil's Dream yet but maybe that's a good one to do next. I think I'm up to about 35 fiddle tunes now.
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Sunday, 21 November 2021 22:52 (three years ago) link
Rock on man alive
― popcornoscenti (Ye Mad Puffin), Sunday, 21 November 2021 23:04 (three years ago) link
Band has rehearsal booked for early December. Not wanting to count my chickens, but … I’m stoked! Haven’t played together since the before times.
― war mice (hardcore dilettante), Sunday, 21 November 2021 23:45 (three years ago) link
― treat the gelignite tenderly for me (Sund4r), Monday, 22 November 2021 13:07 (three years ago) link
I got replaced in the band I was playing in :( the drummer's lament. i don't want to type out the whole story but the timing was very poor. my dad went into the hospital and 4 days later i got booted. their first show w new drummer is tonight.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 22 November 2021 14:40 (three years ago) link
i am less bummed about being replaced than i am about being the last to know i had been replaced.
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 22 November 2021 14:42 (three years ago) link
Oh man fuck that >:[
― covidsbundlertanze op. 6 (Jon not Jon), Monday, 22 November 2021 15:09 (three years ago) link
Aw, that sucks, LL.
― treat the gelignite tenderly for me (Sund4r), Monday, 22 November 2021 15:29 (three years ago) link
hey it means i am free to pursue other things, i guess. i have been working with my looper/synth a lot and recorded something i like. it's here
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 22 November 2021 15:36 (three years ago) link
i'm sorry, LL. that is really, really crappy. it sounds cowardly on their part, to me. i understand the tendency to be conflict-averse, but the worst part about that is when the conflict ends up getting completely offloaded onto you, at a distance, for you to deal with later, without them having to say anything. it makes me a little fed up, for you. i'm sorry. <3
― just staying (Karl Malone), Monday, 22 November 2021 16:53 (three years ago) link
I agree. But not much I can do about it. I don’t understand how informing me of a personnel change = conflict and something to be avoided. Just tell me!
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 22 November 2021 17:38 (three years ago) link
More than that though, I’m excited about making music by myself that I think sounds cool and is different and interesting. I certainly haven’t heard anything like it bc no one else is me 🤗
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Monday, 22 November 2021 17:40 (three years ago) link
hell yeah!
― just staying (Karl Malone), Monday, 22 November 2021 18:07 (three years ago) link
Scoring a short film and mixing a friend’s record. Not exactly the most creatively fulfilling but I’m having a good time.
― EvanP, Monday, 22 November 2021 21:50 (three years ago) link
I made a little live deep house jam with a bunch of hardware synths:
― DJI, Tuesday, 30 November 2021 05:33 (three years ago) link
Got the masters back from Mr. Saff on Black Friday for my new band's single. Should be starting to show up on streaming sites in the next few days.
Anyone that does any blogging on stoner rock, hard rock etc etc.. drop me a line and I will shoot you the 7 inch cover and the single.
Pretty cool, first thing I have had actually come to completion and be released upon the world since 2017. Already working on a 4 song EP to follow up with that band in Louisville and also practiced for the first time on Tuesday night with a potential band in Lex - so hopefully my personal musical drought is starting to abide.
― earlnash, Thursday, 2 December 2021 09:18 (three years ago) link
best of luck to you LL, EvanP, DJI, and earlnash.
me, in the alleged post-vaccine paradise of the summer I played out quite a lot - but may have overextended a bit. I feel like I have more to offer as a sideperson than as a solo act. I pretty much hate my voice right now, so I'm trying to find situations where I can just play drums or mandolin.
The best situation for me appears to be as house drummer, playing with anyone who asks. Overall a pretty good joy-to-effort ratio on that activity.
― you can ameliorate any goat you show (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 2 December 2021 16:14 (three years ago) link
That’s sounds delightful & super fun — I wish there were a house that needed me!! What kind of place are you serving in this role?
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 2 December 2021 19:18 (three years ago) link
YMP - where do you live?
― DJI, Thursday, 2 December 2021 19:19 (three years ago) link
This is for open mics in Northern Va./DC/MD environs. A lot of venues are not drum-friendly, but some are! (At least, friendly to having someone play quietly and unobtrusively on small compact drums.)
I'd been around this scene for a while as a multi-instrumentalist, and I just approached the hosts / venues to make sure they were okay with it.
As people come up to play, they have the option of having drums (and sometimes bass) behind them. Some don't want support and that's fine, I just chill out and listen and drink.
For those that do want support, it might be anything from ABBA to ZZ Top, plus originals or whatever. I've gotten decently good at just getting a tempo and watching for changes.
― tone-loki (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 2 December 2021 19:50 (three years ago) link
Like, sometimes it's a mess but sometimes something fun and unplanned happens
― tone-loki (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 2 December 2021 20:00 (three years ago) link
I love it!
― DJI, Thursday, 2 December 2021 20:44 (three years ago) link
that sounds like SO much fun
― weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Thursday, 2 December 2021 21:21 (three years ago) link
Yes, it is super fun when the stars align. In that case, I'd never played that song, I'd never met those people, it was completely unrehearsed, and it came out fine. Not every encounter on every night is perfect. But the stakes are low, so no one holds it against you if things don't work out. Hereabouts, the scene is thriving and I could play every night if I wanted to.
We've had some discussion ITT on open mics and their attendant cliches (ahem "Wagon Wheel"), but for me it is fine. Also, note: a big part of my musician ethic is reserving paid gigs for people who need them. I usually turn down weddings and parties for the simple reason that I have a day job and don't need musical income. I don't want to take away a paying gig from someone who needs it, nor do I want to work for free in ways that undermine the economy that supports working musicians.
Despite all the justifiable slagging they get, open mics are a way for folks like me to get out there and play just for the joy of it.
― tone-loki (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 2 December 2021 21:40 (three years ago) link
My new band's single should be on 666MRDOOM's Youtube site on Monday, which is a pretty popular stoner/doom channel. He put up our last album on his channel and it got a few thousand plays.
― earlnash, Thursday, 2 December 2021 23:27 (three years ago) link
― earlnash, Tuesday, 7 December 2021 03:49 (three years ago) link
I did a Messiah recital as part of a quartet at my church gig today:
― talkin' about his flat tire (DJP), Tuesday, 21 December 2021 23:05 (three years ago) link
Is that you around the 15m mark?
― treat the gelignite tenderly for me (Sund4r), Thursday, 23 December 2021 13:46 (three years ago) link
Recieved a copy in the post of my friend Ivan's new album coming out next month, which I contributed vocals to a track on. Quite chuffed! The cd artwork is lovely and its weird seeing my name on Proper Music, I feel weirdly proud.
― Stoop Crone (Trayce), Friday, 24 December 2021 02:42 (three years ago) link
Yes, that’s me
― talkin' about his flat tire (DJP), Friday, 24 December 2021 04:00 (three years ago) link
Just listened to the whole thing; it sounded great. Can't have been easy to sing with a mask.
― treat the gelignite tenderly for me (Sund4r), Saturday, 25 December 2021 14:29 (three years ago) link
Thanks! We’re all pretty used to the masks by now, been doing it since September; obviously it would be much much better to do it without them but honestly I’m just glad to be performing in public again.
― talkin' about his flat tire (DJP), Sunday, 26 December 2021 03:08 (three years ago) link
this is from last year but I never got around to trimming the source video.
a few tracks from Shakespeare's Reservoir Dogs, where I played Key William and sang the songs from the movie on a ukulele.
― they were written with a ouija board and a rhyming dictionary (Neanderthal), Saturday, 8 January 2022 02:14 (three years ago) link
warning: codpiece
― they were written with a ouija board and a rhyming dictionary (Neanderthal), Saturday, 8 January 2022 02:15 (three years ago) link
nice codpiece
― nonsensei (Ye Mad Puffin), Saturday, 8 January 2022 02:40 (three years ago) link
Haha wow that's awesome
― flamboyant goon tie included, Saturday, 8 January 2022 23:58 (three years ago) link
I've been practicing cello every day and neglecting the smaller boxes. Bf said "hey can you still play the violin all right after months of this?" I picked up the violin and said "oh of course!" in a Liza voice and hacked out Day-O
― flamboyant goon tie included, Sunday, 9 January 2022 00:01 (three years ago) link
Got a grant to write a piece to be performed and recorded by a v good local guitarist.
― treat the gelignite tenderly for me (Sund4r), Saturday, 15 January 2022 00:37 (three years ago) link
― Presenting the Fabulous Redettes Featuring James (James Redd and the Blecchs), Saturday, 15 January 2022 01:21 (three years ago) link
― treat the gelignite tenderly for me (Sund4r), Saturday, 15 January 2022 01:22 (three years ago) link
Finished scoring an impromptu that mostly came out of a spur-of-the-moment improvisation a week ago. I shut off the critical part of my brain that would say things like "too sweet" or "too flashy" and just kind of let it happen.
― The sensual shock (Sund4r), Friday, 21 January 2022 21:17 (three years ago) link
Prepping a new audition song on the off chance I ever do musical theatre again. This is "How Can I Call This Home?" from Parade.
Needs some work but it'll get there
― he's very big in the region of my butthole (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 2 February 2022 03:28 (three years ago) link
I wrote a setting of Agnus Dei that is going to be sung by my choir this Sunday
― castanuts (DJP), Wednesday, 2 February 2022 11:37 (three years ago) link
Man Neanderthal that is a very political audition song choice, I like it
― castanuts (DJP), Wednesday, 2 February 2022 11:41 (three years ago) link
Congrats DJP! Is there going to be video available?
(And thanks!)
― he's very big in the region of my butthole (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 2 February 2022 11:47 (three years ago) link
It’s going to be live-streamed, the replay will live on the King’s Chapel YouTube channel
― castanuts (DJP), Wednesday, 2 February 2022 12:21 (three years ago) link
Wow v cool DJP
― The sensual shock (Sund4r), Wednesday, 2 February 2022 12:43 (three years ago) link
just got home from band practice and feeling like playing drums every day for the past two years has paid off majorly
― STOCK FIST-PUMPER BRAD (BradNelson), Friday, 4 February 2022 03:59 (three years ago) link
― Tapioca Tumbril (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 4 February 2022 04:25 (three years ago) link
The performance of my piece is in this video; fast-forward to 1:03:17 (pretty sure the ILX regex cuts off the timestamp parameter so you can manually add ?t=3802 to the end of the URL if it's not there)
― castanuts (DJP), Monday, 7 February 2022 15:07 (three years ago) link
or rather &t=3802
that's so cool! it was really lovely, thank you for sharing
― Karl Malone, Monday, 7 February 2022 15:12 (three years ago) link
Thank you! I based the harmonic structure off of a pop song I'm putting together that my guitar teacher is having me write in order to force me to learn how to use more difficult chord fingerings, lol
― castanuts (DJP), Monday, 7 February 2022 17:32 (three years ago) link
Very tired of my usual songs and completely done with hearing my own voice. I'm just trying to stay active, even if it's mostly remote and online.
Currently starting on a new recording project with some oldsters who have a throwback 70s vibe. I can get out real drumsticks, and explore nonironic uses of fuzz and distortion pedals. May have to invest in some better ear protection though, because it's been a while since I had the space and mandate to RAWK.
At the same time, a bunch of my other one-off collaborators from the acoustic scene are (from my perspective) young persons. I confess that I don't always quite understand their taste. Case in point: I am casting about for a new female singer to work with. One 30ish scene denizen keeps coming up with cover suggestions that are charmingly random. "Jolene"? ok. "Black Horse and a Cherry Tree"? ok. "La Vie en Rose"? ok; I can probably work out a decent arrangement. I asked whether she had anything easy and she suggested "Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes)." Ok but wtf?
People of my own demographic tend to gravitate toward Blondie, Pretenders, Madonna. And/or Smiths, Cure, REM. That is comfortable territory for me. Edith Piaf is a stretch but not impossible. But Edison Lighthouse? I am always surprised by what Millennials know and don't know.
There is also a weird dude with a 7-string Fernandez and he does instrumental fusion shit. I can usually follow and find a groove, but I am just not quite sure what audience he's aiming for, if any.
― imam and apple pie (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 10 February 2022 18:10 (three years ago) link
there has been a tiktok meme using "love grows (where my rosemary goes)" recently
― na (NA), Thursday, 10 February 2022 18:15 (three years ago) link
Aha! That explains it. Thanks. I should alert my teenaged child to inform me of what obscure 70s tunes I will need to study up on henceforth.
― imam and apple pie (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 10 February 2022 18:25 (three years ago) link
One of my peeves is discovering a great obscure jam, then pulling it out to wow my kids and them being like “that was a hit on tiktok last year.”
― war mice (hardcore dilettante), Friday, 11 February 2022 02:58 (three years ago) link
Completely out of the blue this morning I got a message: “Hey, what chance you could do a 3-week tour with [hardworking, competent, boring 4th-gen Springsteen-influenced singer-songwriter] in May?”I’d have to burn all my vacation for the year, but I’d knock “doing a solid tour” off my bucket list (regret at having blown my early-90s window of opportunity has been a recent sore spot as I descend into deep middle age, so the serendipity of this speaks volumes). Such a random chance is unlikely to come again (especially if I decline this one). Thinking hard about it.
― war mice (hardcore dilettante), Friday, 25 February 2022 04:45 (two years ago) link
― The sensual shock (Sund4r), Friday, 25 February 2022 04:49 (two years ago) link
That sounds like fun.
― DJI, Friday, 25 February 2022 06:54 (two years ago) link
do it
― a (waterface), Friday, 25 February 2022 13:15 (two years ago) link
Had a phone call w/him this morning. He’s got himself sorted with another bassist. Equal parts relief (doing this would have put a complicated squeeze on the rest of my life) and disappointment (no rock & roll month of may for me). After sleeping on it, I would have done it for sure if he’d still needed someone. Still, it’s cracked open a wedge of really wanting to do music stuff again, and opened my mind to other possibilities I wasn’t considering before, so that’s positive.
― war mice (hardcore dilettante), Saturday, 26 February 2022 04:33 (two years ago) link
Thanks for the encouragement! CAPS AND ALL
― war mice (hardcore dilettante), Saturday, 26 February 2022 04:34 (two years ago) link
Band played a show last night for the first time in 26 months. Went pretty well, although I vastly overestimated my general stamina & ran out of gas before the end of the set, leading to a massive cock-up on our Big Number. Ah, well. I had donated blood earlier in the day, like a fool*. You’re not 30 anymore, mister! *Obv donating isn’t foolish, but the timing was.
― war mice (hardcore dilettante), Saturday, 2 April 2022 17:18 (two years ago) link
Played Bartok's "Merriment" on piano at a recital for my teacher's students a couple of weekends ago; it went as well as I could have hoped (and better than some recent guitar performances, heh).
― And liberty she pirouette (Sund4r), Friday, 15 April 2022 19:20 (two years ago) link
I got my band's new single done. It is probably going to be going out to the SAFF for some sweet mastering sauce.
I'm pretty jazzed about the drum sound, it is raw but it's probably the fattest sounding kit sound I have gotten. I've got some sweet cut up and single shot samples to come out of this session. I'm going to try to build up my own kit from the sounds. There are also break beats and way we cut the drums, there is zero bleed. Curious to see what I can do with some of these things, recording was built on the click so it is definitely could be cut to a loop pretty easy.
As for the tunes...well, I think we have one that sounds like what a motorhead cover of little feat might have sounded like. It's also got a dicky betts sitting in with the minutemen string refrain part. The other one is I guess kinda grunge with a wah wah riff and some southern rock guitar army soloing. It's all sat to this mitch mitchell fatback beat. I'm happy how it turned out as I have had it written for years and never got a chance to work it up. I demoed it up a couple times with a drum machine.
― earlnash, Sunday, 17 April 2022 12:40 (two years ago) link
Nice! Share bc links as soon as you have em, pls.
― war mice (hardcore dilettante), Sunday, 17 April 2022 14:36 (two years ago) link
Nice, I wanna hear those drums
― change display name (Jordan), Sunday, 17 April 2022 16:13 (two years ago) link
I’m going to release some ambient stuff in May. Can anyone point me to to any sites or blogs that specialise in reviewing that kinda thing?
― 29 facepalms, Friday, 29 April 2022 12:21 (two years ago) link
emil.y, I see Slum of Legs is playing a show with one of my pals tomorrow: Samantha Savage Smith. Wonderful band; the drummer Chris is an absolute gem of a human as well as a monster player. Hope the gig is a roaring success and you all end up as friends. It is indeed a small world.
― war mice (hardcore dilettante), Monday, 9 May 2022 05:01 (two years ago) link
over the past year or two I've managed to build up a pile of half-finished techno tracks, so now I'm making a push to get some of these actually finished, here's the first one:
― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 20 May 2022 19:18 (two years ago) link
Bangin' stuff, Moodles.
I set myself a target of finishing a track every two weeks. Which may or may not be feasible for me. Anyway, here's a new jam:
― feed me with your chips (zchyrs), Monday, 23 May 2022 13:53 (two years ago) link
Here is the new single. I'm pretty happy how it all turned out.
― The Artist formerly known as Earlnash, Friday, 10 June 2022 03:24 (two years ago) link
This was the previous one.
The ambient jail door slam and the drum machine loop a bit of a nod to the very beginning of 'eminence front'.
― The Artist formerly known as Earlnash, Friday, 10 June 2022 03:26 (two years ago) link
I've been going to the weekly jazz jam session for the first time in many years, because I hate sitting in and I'm bad at it.
I've been shedding a ton, my hands are feeling more relaxed than ever and soloing is more fluid. When I'm on one of my own gigs on my own kit, I feel relaxed and present.
But when I sit in on someone else's kit without warming up and feel the pressure to show out, I'm still prone to tensing up mentally and physically, after all these years. So I'm making myself go to see where the bottom line of my playing is. I'm definitely not where I want to be yet (i.e. able to sit in and calmly play the same way I do in my basement), but it's good to know that at least some of the things I've been working on come out when I'm on the hot seat.
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 15 June 2022 17:32 (two years ago) link
Some players are the same way with recording. I've played more with a drum machine and a recorder than with a band, but I have seen musicians that are way experienced in playing live just wilt with red light fever even just doing some basement recording.
I get f'ed up trying to record myself singing. I got to think if I did not have to engineer and record it might be a better situation, but I always think my recorded vocals are not as good as I have done just playing with a group.
― The Artist formerly known as Earlnash, Thursday, 16 June 2022 00:33 (two years ago) link
Oh yeah red light fever is real. I've noticed while practicing that I can trick myself into that mindset, like "imagine you're recording" or "imagine that so and so is watching and you can't stop and start again" and it's a helpful exercise.
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 16 June 2022 15:32 (two years ago) link
i had no idea that was the name for it. I get that really bad, esp as a singer, when I'm a much looser singer live.
― Slowzy LOLtidore (Neanderthal), Thursday, 16 June 2022 15:38 (two years ago) link
My trick as a recorder with overdubbing lead guitars with people is to just "hey let's roll through it and just practice and work something out." I then just go ahead and record the 'practice one' anyway and sometimes it really works out as you get their idea as it happened. Of course, sometimes you try to then take a solo idea and then do it again with something else and it just cannot get back to the 'live one not thinking'.
My old band we often recorded the band while we practiced and quite a few cuts on our couple CDs the solo (along with the take) was live. Being able to have it setup and keep it setup really helps in that way, but sometimes you end up with a killer take that the snare mike was off center a bit.
― The Artist formerly known as Earlnash, Thursday, 16 June 2022 22:53 (two years ago) link
I was planning to record some hard hitting tracks but ended up making some chill balearic techno instead. Pretty happy with how this came out and the process was about as painless as I've experienced lately.
― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Sunday, 17 July 2022 20:30 (two years ago) link
My and my buddy recorded this live the other night. He's got a pretty nice modular rig, and I was using my Peak, Streichfett, and Minilogue. Dunmurry is a Belfast reference since the arpeggiator reminded me of that Orbital track.
― DJI, Sunday, 24 July 2022 20:55 (two years ago) link
Spent the last week teaching drums to 4 campers/girls/gender-expansive youth aged 12-16 and it gave me so much life. Their showcase performance was today and seeing them play (and hold their sticks properly) def highlight of my summer. So proud of them! And me tbh.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Sunday, 24 July 2022 20:58 (two years ago) link
Right on!
― DJI, Sunday, 24 July 2022 21:23 (two years ago) link
impulsively bought an arturia minilab mkii on craigslist, been messing around with synthesizers on ableton live and learning music theory properly (i.e., by watching youtube videos) for the first time after 2 decades of being a punk doofus with only a rudimentary understanding of blues scales and the cycle of fifths acquired in adolescent guitar lessons
― flopson, Sunday, 24 July 2022 22:02 (two years ago) link
hell yeah
― terence trent d'ilfer (m bison), Sunday, 24 July 2022 22:35 (two years ago) link
That's great LL! I've started teaching a few students, and while the lesson schedule has been very sporadic (hard to coordinate schedules + covid), it's been pretty rewarding so far.
I also took my first drum lesson in many years, focused purely on hand technique/mechanics (from Dev1n Dr0bka), and it was shocking useful. So nice to find someone who's both a great drummer and can also really break down and articulate those things, and it also really confirms that despite the glut of drumming videos on youtube/insta, there's really no substitute for an actual lesson with someone who can see what you're doing.
― change display name (Jordan), Monday, 25 July 2022 15:00 (two years ago) link
I'm receiving weird fan messages in my Soundcloud inbox from a person who is extremely familiar with my work, over the top fawning and uncomfortably personal
not sure if/how to respond
― corrs unplugged, Thursday, 28 July 2022 07:58 (two years ago) link
Ask them for $400
― Bruce Stingbean (Karl Malone), Thursday, 28 July 2022 13:21 (two years ago) link
as I lay awake in an uncomfortable couch bed for two hours last night trying to get my kid to fall asleep I remembered that my wife has a saxophone somewhere from high school band and decided that I'm going to learn to play "careless whisper"
― joygoat, Thursday, 28 July 2022 14:37 (two years ago) link
― My Little Red Buchla (James Redd and the Blecchs), Thursday, 28 July 2022 14:43 (two years ago) link
my band has been practicing and playing shows on and off through the pandemic, but we're about to play a show where we debut two (!!!) new songs saturday. v excited, one of them is my favorite song we've ever written. hopefully gonna record an ep this fall
― flamenco drop (BradNelson), Thursday, 28 July 2022 14:45 (two years ago) link
Beware: I think there's a note in the "Careless Whisper" sax solo that is technically impossible, yet it exists. That is, the highest note in the solo is normally outside the usable range of the instrument, and the saxophonist and engineer worked out some trickery.
There's an episode of about this. I forget the details but it involved either a different sax or speeding up the recording or some such. Maybe both.
Meanwhile I got two new instruments last week (coincidentally on the same day): a mandola and a 10" snare drum. I played both in open-mic settings over the last couple nights. The mandola is fun. I don't have a good enough ear to transpose on the fly, so I haven't yet had the courage to tune it to the correct CGDA, but it works fine as an octave mandolin, so I'm doing that. It's way better at that than my bouzouki is. Just a much more comfortable scale length for my chordal style.
The 10" Pearl M-80 (Short Fuse) snare is hilarious. I have it side-mounted on my hat stand and it is just so fucking cute. Saves setup time and weight. Tuned low with a Powerstroke 3 it gives tremendous snap. I am in love.
― your marshmallows may vary (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 28 July 2022 14:52 (two years ago) link
i have definitely considered buying a very cheap saxophone and trying to learn how to play it. probably not realistic given that i live in an apartment, i know the sax is very loud
speaking of living in an apartment, i've been recording vocals for some songs and i've been working on sounding more energetic in my vocals. it's so embarrassing recording "energetic" vocals when i can hear my neighbors walking around upstairs. like i'm down here trying to get into a rockin frame of mind and meanwhile i can hear their floorboards creaking.
― na (NA), Thursday, 28 July 2022 14:55 (two years ago) link
re: "Careless Whisper": Found it! The note in question is a high F#. Steve Gregory's tenor sax did not have a high F# key. So he actually played it a half step down, and then they pitch-shifted it up.
so I went in the studio I tried to do it and my saxophone is an old Selmer (tenor sax) from about 1954 or something and I didn't have that top note. I didn't have a proper note on my saxophone, I had what we call a fake fingering I had to do to play it. So it didn't really sound that smooth. It didn't sound that great. And so having been around for a while, having had a bit of experience, I suggested to him, I said, 'look, if you took it down by a semitone, a very small amount, I'd have all the proper notes on my horn and we could see how it sounds. So that's what he did, he sort of did his calculations and took it down a semitone, so I went out again and I played it in a lower key and when after I finished it I went back into the control room and he played it back and he put it back up to the proper speed, and as he was playing it back, George walked into the studio, and he said 'Oh, I think we got it!'
The relevant Strong Songs discussion is about 46 minutes into this podcast
― your marshmallows may vary (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 28 July 2022 15:06 (two years ago) link
not sure where else to put this, but i just read this quote from brian eno in his promo for his upcoming solo album, and i think it captures some things about the meaning of making art
It took me a long time to embrace the idea that we artists are actually feelings-merchants. Feelings are subjective. Science avoids them because they’re hard to quantify and compare. But “feelings” are the beginnings of thoughts, and the long term attendants of them too. Feelings are the whole body reacting, often before the conscious brain has got into gear, and often with a wide lens that encompasses more than the brain is consciously aware of.Art is where we start to become acquainted with those feelings, where we notice them and learn from them—learn what we like and don’t like—and from there they start to turn into actionable thoughts. Children learn through play; adults play through Art. Art gives you the space to “have” feelings, but it comes with an off-switch: you can shut the book or leave the gallery. Art is a safe place to experience feelings—joyous ones and difficult ones. Sometimes those feelings are about things we long for, sometimes they’re about things we might want to avoid.
Art is where we start to become acquainted with those feelings, where we notice them and learn from them—learn what we like and don’t like—and from there they start to turn into actionable thoughts. Children learn through play; adults play through Art. Art gives you the space to “have” feelings, but it comes with an off-switch: you can shut the book or leave the gallery. Art is a safe place to experience feelings—joyous ones and difficult ones. Sometimes those feelings are about things we long for, sometimes they’re about things we might want to avoid.
― Bruce Stingbean (Karl Malone), Thursday, 28 July 2022 18:05 (two years ago) link
I've picked up my guitar for the first time in ??? and feel like I've lost all but the most basic basics - do any of yous have recommendations for not-quite-but-basically-beginner youtube lessons? Really I just want to be able to get my head around chords and scales and such without finding myself being forced to do blooze soloing and/or play Hey There Delilah.
― lazy rascals, spending their substance, and more, in riotous living (Merdeyeux), Thursday, 28 July 2022 21:47 (two years ago) link
I’ve started writing songs on my guitar and it’s hella fun
― castanuts (DJP), Friday, 29 July 2022 02:48 (two years ago) link
everything I write sounds like I stole it from Iron Maiden but fuck if it's not fun anyway
― We were clothed, except for Caan, who was naked. Don't know why. (Neanderthal), Friday, 29 July 2022 03:04 (two years ago) link
Ask them for $400haha, thanks Karl, that's not bad advice
― corrs unplugged, Friday, 29 July 2022 09:03 (two years ago) link
recording energetic vocals at home can be super weird indeed, sometimes I drink a beer or two to loosen up, but mostly I just have fun imagining what the neighbours must be thinking
― corrs unplugged, Friday, 29 July 2022 09:05 (two years ago) link
incredible careless whisper trivia, much appreciated
― war mice (hardcore dilettante)
Sorry, I haven't been on this thread in ages so only just seen this! The show was a really great one, and the SSS band were super-lovely people, it was a damn good time. Say hi to them for me!
― emil.y, Friday, 29 July 2022 12:36 (two years ago) link
Not much is going on in my musical life right now, tbh. I fell out of doing solo work during the pandemic, just had no motivation and I'm struggling to get it back. Being in a band is much easier that way, b/c even when you feel like you don't want to do it you have to pull yourself together for the sake of everyone else.
I have one idea that I really want to do but it kind of involves creating an entire new instrument and I have no skills in programming/making things. (NB when I say 'entire new instrument' it's more a case of doing something like creating a raspberry pi-based sample triggering system in a unique shell, but that's still wayyyy beyond my capabilities).
― emil.y, Friday, 29 July 2022 12:43 (two years ago) link
I have one idea that I really want to do but it kind of involves creating an entire new instrument and I have no skills in programming/making things.I sympathize heavily with this. I tried to do it and completely fell on my face with it, with a small dose of public humiliation. I’d probably do it again! It’s good to take chances :)
― Bruce Stingbean (Karl Malone), Friday, 29 July 2022 14:22 (two years ago) link
I fell into some commercial/spec work with a, like, really huge client. Trying not to think too much about actually winning the job or not, but it's interesting to get a view of this world.
It seems like synchronicity that I'd recently been spending time aimlessly recording my drums to cassette and trying to chop and mix it into good-sounding breakbeats, which turned out to be exactly what I need to use on this project.
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 2 August 2022 18:15 (two years ago) link
thats nice!
― terence trent d'ilfer (m bison), Wednesday, 3 August 2022 01:29 (two years ago) link
Work in the kitchen changing some stuff out pretty much has had my home studio in a wreck for a few weeks. I have not had my guitar amp on in almost 2 weeks, which is pretty unusual.
Two weeks ago I helped my bud in Louisville move to a new place and this house is going to be like going to record at the Power Station to make music after his old basement, which kinda had a bit of Buffalo Bill ambience going on. Supposed to go up next weekend to either do the vocal and guitar overdubs on the 3rd single or if the drummer is available, record the basic tracks for the 4th single. If the drummer can play, we go that way. We have played 3 days with him and have 3 singles recorded over the past year.
― earlnash, Saturday, 6 August 2022 03:50 (two years ago) link
Wow fantastic news Jordan. Tell.
― Tib, Wednesday, 10 August 2022 13:21 (two years ago) link
Thanks! It was a wild week of horn recording, many revisions, and not much sleep, but I'm proud of what we came up with in the end.
I definitely wouldn't want to do this on the regular, given the amount of work vs the demo fee and presumably very stiff competition. But it was a great challenge. Apparently it's getting presented to the client today (can't say who of course), so cross all your fingers for us!
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 10 August 2022 16:16 (two years ago) link
Fingers crossed!
― Tib, Thursday, 11 August 2022 07:18 (two years ago) link
How did it go?
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Saturday, 13 August 2022 03:59 (two years ago) link
It was submitted and presented, but we haven't heard anything yet. Not sure if no news is good, bad, or just no news, but we're trying not to get our hopes up since I'm sure the competition is very fierce. It must take some real mental gymnastics to do this frequently -- to work as hard as you can on something, and then instantly detach from it.
So I'm back to prosaic concerns like drum technique, which I'm pursuing more systematically than I have before. Now that I can feel a real difference in my hands after applying some things from that lesson, I started a daily practice where I'm doing continuous 16th notes with my non-dominant hand (straight and accented) for a minimum of 1 minute. Started at 72 bpm and I'm trying to go up 1 bpm per day, I've got a spreadsheet and everything. It's amazing how much more valuable 5 minutes of super-mindful 'micropractice' is than just messing around for much longer, and only playing what feels comfortable. It really feels like a weightlifting program (or I imagine it does, having never done one).
― change display name (Jordan), Monday, 15 August 2022 18:53 (two years ago) link
The practice diary thing I'm sure is boring to everyone besides me, but the "do it continuously for 1 minute" thing has been revelatory. You can get away with bad technique for shorter bursts, letting tension creep in at the end, but doing it for that long really reveals any flaws in the motion. So cool to actually see improvement.
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 16 August 2022 17:31 (two years ago) link
I like this idea!
― DJI, Tuesday, 16 August 2022 17:39 (two years ago) link
I’ve been doing that for years!! My practice diary is a notebook in the basement. I could be more diligent about it for sure but I love my routine. Feels like home!
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Tuesday, 16 August 2022 18:04 (two years ago) link
That's great! I've never been that systematic about it, lol. Practicing rudiments, sure. Turning on the metronome sometimes, sure. I would do 4s/8s/16s per hand, but never made it time-based or did the daily tempo thing (or wrote anything down).
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 16 August 2022 18:21 (two years ago) link
I had to get up to a passable speed quickly as a late starter and the routine helped me get there. Without the luxury of time, diligence is the best accelerant :)
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Tuesday, 16 August 2022 18:24 (two years ago) link
This is really good reinforcement, from both of you! recently i started doing a similar thing -- one or two minute bursts of playing guitar scales with a metronome, gradually increasing the tempo, and then keeping track of progress (i use a spreadsheet because i like making silly homemade charts for myself).
i started doing it, for maybe 4 days, and then i stopped. this is a good reminder to keep going with it! i was already seeing improvements after only a few days and it was very satisfying.
― Bruce Stingbean (Karl Malone), Tuesday, 16 August 2022 18:36 (two years ago) link
Technically it's my friends doing the music, but I am the star of their new, professionally shot music video.
It doesn't become accessible until 3:30 PM tomorrow (Eastern time)
― Weltanschauung Dunston (Neanderthal), Friday, 19 August 2022 22:48 (two years ago) link
It's up!
― Toonie Orlando (Neanderthal), Saturday, 20 August 2022 19:50 (two years ago) link
Good luck, Jordan!
― No purposes. Sounds. (Sund4r), Sunday, 21 August 2022 17:22 (two years ago) link
Well we didn't get the Big Gig, but it was always going to be a long shot (it was the new theme for an American professional sp0rts organization). Still learned a lot about mixing, horns, collaboration, and deadlines.
Back to practicing and full editorial control. :)
― change display name (Jordan), Monday, 22 August 2022 14:45 (two years ago) link
― i cannot help if you made yourself not funny (forksclovetofu), Wednesday, 24 August 2022 05:06 (two years ago) link
(I showed that video to my wife, and now it's in her head and she sings it constantly, which means it's in my head constantly and it's a feedback loop)
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 24 August 2022 14:33 (two years ago) link
― i cannot help if you made yourself not funny (forksclovetofu), Wednesday, 24 August 2022 20:15 (two years ago) link
Ha not your fault, this has been going on for weeks
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 24 August 2022 20:48 (two years ago) link
-I got up to 82 bpm in my practice routine and hit the inevitable wall that exposed all the flaws in my technique, which is great. Now I've made some improvements and I'm taking the tempo way down, until it hopefully feels super relaxed and consistent.
-I started a label! Even though my interest in promoting music is at an all-time low. But it's been germinating for months, and I'll be much more excited to release and promote other people's music starting with the second release.
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 1 September 2022 20:45 (two years ago) link
Link didn't work
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 1 September 2022 20:55 (two years ago) link
hit the inevitable wall that exposed all the flaws in my technique
fucking love it
― flamenco drop (BradNelson), Thursday, 1 September 2022 20:56 (two years ago) link
related: been learning a lot of songs by playing them at .75 speed on youtube
― flamenco drop (BradNelson), Thursday, 1 September 2022 20:57 (two years ago) link
Way to avoid dealing with the ASD! Is there a looping function as well?
― I’d Rather Gorblimey (James Redd and the Blecchs), Thursday, 1 September 2022 22:28 (two years ago) link
Brad, my latest revelation on this topic is that it's not about developing speed or endurance really, instead I've gone back to purely focusing on the stroke for my weak hand. If I can get a full stroke (ie where you're letting the stick bounce back up to full height) that's controlled, integrates both the wrist and middle/third/pinky fingers in the same circular-feeling motion, and free of any unnecessary tension, then the speed is just there if you need it.
It sounds like "duh" to say it, but my hand wasn't getting the message. Basically I'm finally getting that sensation where it feels like you're bouncing a ball.
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 2 September 2022 16:43 (two years ago) link
when i'm playing punk songs slowed down by .75 it really refocuses me on obtaining an evenness (and relaxedness) in my stroke and trying to fight against how much my hand/arm/entire body is tensing up when i'm playing fast, so: yes, otm
― flamenco drop (BradNelson), Friday, 2 September 2022 16:48 (two years ago) link
the ball bouncing analogy is good and one i haven't heard before. man it's just dribbling
― flamenco drop (BradNelson), Friday, 2 September 2022 16:49 (two years ago) link
Yes, great discussion all around.
― I’d Rather Gorblimey (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 2 September 2022 16:54 (two years ago) link
man it's just dribbling
It really is! I'd often heard it described this way, but if your stroke is fucked up, then the dribbling effect doesn't happen and you need to figure out how to force it in order to play. Which leads to limits on what you can play, pain, etc.
Not saying I've mastered it all of a sudden, but the physical feeling of it was immediately exciting, like "ohhh, this is what they were talking about."
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 2 September 2022 17:05 (two years ago) link
You start watching Art Blakey, Kenny Clarke, Joe Morello or Buddy Rich videos on the tube and it is just freaking voodoo how those guys seem to have infinite speed out of that match gripped snare hand.
― earlnash, Sunday, 4 September 2022 20:19 (two years ago) link
Drums are the instrument I've let slide the most over the years to the point where I just can't play anymore, but this thread has inspired me to crack open my Buddy Rich rudiments book, get a metronome app, and start doing a bit of work on my practice pad.
― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Sunday, 4 September 2022 23:20 (two years ago) link
That's great!
It's always 1 step back, 2 steps forward with this technique stuff. One thing will click into place and reveal what else isn't working properly, like I realized I wasn't letting the stick move enough within my grip, I needed to allow it to have more of a vertical angle. Hard to explain but I was missing out on a bunch of kinetic energy, and things are feeling holistically much better now.
Had a nice day yesterday mixing down a new dance music single, and going over to the practice pad whenever files were rendering.
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 6 September 2022 18:57 (two years ago) link
It's always 1 step back, 2 steps forward This seems to be the rule with everything, any kind of real learning. The trick or challenge is find to the, um, zone where one is pushing forward but not so much that one is overwhelmed and can't remember anything.
― When Harpo Played His ARP (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 6 September 2022 19:30 (two years ago) link
my main problem is taking 2 steps backward and one step sideways, first as a mistake and then as the only familiar way that i can use the stairs of life
― Karl Malone, Tuesday, 6 September 2022 19:32 (two years ago) link
I believe our old pal Momus has something to say about this last:
― When Harpo Played His ARP (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 6 September 2022 19:35 (two years ago) link
here's a fun little tune built from minibrute, modular, pigments, roland tr-8s and more
― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 9 September 2022 13:19 (two years ago) link
happy house techno. nice one!
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 9 September 2022 20:20 (two years ago) link
thanks! is major key techno even a thing? I was a bit stumped what to call it
― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 9 September 2022 20:26 (two years ago) link
happy not-so-hardcore
slow gabber
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 9 September 2022 20:30 (two years ago) link
lol, sounds about right, happy mildcore
― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 9 September 2022 20:32 (two years ago) link
Latest weak-hand technique breakthrough is that I got bogged down focusing on the minutiae of the hand itself, I started concentrating on keeping the tip of the stick at the same (high) point even as I speed up, and all of a sudden that gave me the hand motion I've been after. Still haven't crossed the 82 bpm barrier (ie 16ths for a minute), but doing 8s and 16s on a hand feels relaxed and proper.
I was talking to a jazz bassist in town who felt similarly about not being a 'natural' and still trying to figure out things that others had together in high school, and he's one of the first-call bass players in town and is on plenty of recordings, so that was reassuring.
― change display name (Jordan), Monday, 12 September 2022 20:48 (two years ago) link
Can't remember if I've mentioned this before, but my mate created a drum practice app called Beat Balance - there's a free version and a subscription version, would be interested to see if you drummers over here found it useful.
Intending to check out your label stuff soon, Jordan - I loved that Chants album from last year and I also love "freedom through limitation" projects.
― emil.y, Monday, 12 September 2022 21:15 (two years ago) link
Aw thanks Emily. <3 Looking forward to getting other people's records out on the label, next month there's a classical guitar + breakbeats album that I'm excited about.
That app looks insane, I will check it out.
― change display name (Jordan), Monday, 12 September 2022 22:01 (two years ago) link
New practice routine: practice 8th notes to LCD Soundsystem's 45:33. Now that my stroke is finally feeling good, this is great for locking it in and building endurance while staying relaxed and keeping me honest with slower tempos (113 - 135).
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 14 September 2022 19:43 (two years ago) link
Practice diary: a work trip brought the revelation that practicing with a *mirror* is exactly what I needed. It's insane how different your hand & stroke look from above than from the front, and a mirror will tell no lies about the differences between your hands. Can't believe what a massive effect it's had in a couple days (just in time to play some serious snare drum at a brass band festival in Asheville).
Also expecting to get the masters back on a dance single that a label is putting out. I think it has the most of my own drumming of anything so far, which is satisfying.
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 23 September 2022 13:09 (two years ago) link
I recently upload this to the IA along with a lot of other stuff
― | (Latham Green), Friday, 23 September 2022 19:56 (two years ago) link
I ordered a Korg Opsix during that big sale. Came out of the box with a dead screen (was pretty common in this batch). Finally got it back from the shop (fixed under warranty).
this thing is cool to play with, but i'm having trouble getting sounds that are actually usable not just wacky knob twisting, so many different parameters i don't understand.
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Thursday, 6 October 2022 18:44 (two years ago) link
Cool! Let me know when you eventually decide to sell it! ;)
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 6 October 2022 18:46 (two years ago) link
Haha will do
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Thursday, 6 October 2022 19:25 (two years ago) link
How beginner are you with synths? Envelopes are the most important thing to understand when starting IMO
― realistic pillow (Jon not Jon), Thursday, 6 October 2022 23:59 (two years ago) link
Pretty beginner, I have synths but only really used the presets
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Friday, 7 October 2022 15:56 (two years ago) link
lets hear some blues on those synths
― | (Latham Green), Saturday, 8 October 2022 15:37 (two years ago) link
FM synthesis is a whole other thing though, you can't follow the normal subtractive process of oscillators etc.
I like the black box nature of FM (unless you really know what you're doing obv), just messing with operators until it sounds cool. That's why the hands-on aspect of the Op Six seems very appealing.
― change display name (Jordan), Saturday, 8 October 2022 17:01 (two years ago) link
Oh right sorry I forgot the op six was their fm synth. I was thinking of the poly six
― realistic pillow (Jon not Jon), Sunday, 9 October 2022 02:17 (two years ago) link
this is what I've done so far this year
― | (Latham Green), Thursday, 27 October 2022 20:22 (two years ago) link
Worked really hard on transcribing this little Tony Rice intro and felt like I really had a breakthrough in terms of speed, fluidity, articulation, etc. Really enjoying this process
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Sunday, 13 November 2022 02:53 (two years ago) link
So nice!
― Tib, Sunday, 13 November 2022 14:18 (two years ago) link
what do you do for listener fatigue for something you're working on? i have to keep listening to these recordings bc i want to finish them but also i feel brainfried by them and like i hear something new that needs adjusting every time i listen. i know the answer is "take a break from the songs and come back with fresh ears," and i did take a break over the thanksgiving week but even just the past few days of getting back into work on them has me feeling burnt out again. usually i'm pretty happy just to get something "good enough" and move on, i don't know why i'm feeling the pressure this time.
― na (NA), Tuesday, 29 November 2022 14:23 (two years ago) link
i kind of want an outside opinion (not on the songwriting but someone to tell me "hey the vocals are too loud here" or "this bit sounds weird") but i'm not sure who i would ask for that and i feel intimidated by bringing in an outsider. my bandmates are too nice about everything since i'm doing all the recording/mixing/arranging, i don't think they want to give me that kind of feedback.
― na (NA), Tuesday, 29 November 2022 14:27 (two years ago) link
ugh, remember that feeling. I do feel like an outsider is best, but it has to be someone you really trust.
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Tuesday, 29 November 2022 14:30 (two years ago) link
can you reference it against a track you like that has a similar sound and arrangement?
― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Tuesday, 29 November 2022 14:38 (two years ago) link
that's not a bad idea. i've seen that as advice a lot but i don't know that i've ever tried doing it.
― na (NA), Tuesday, 29 November 2022 14:53 (two years ago) link
I don't do it enough either, but when I have it's been extremely helpful for general balance (ie is the bass present enough or too overpowering, is the kick drum coming through, is the vocal loud enough or too loud).
Also my favorite bit of mix advice is that all good mixes have one element that's "too loud" (or else they're just boring).
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 29 November 2022 16:56 (two years ago) link
yeah it's taken me a while to figure out that "you can hear everything equally well" isn't necessarily the same thing as "a good mix"
i know i'm the one complaining, but i think something else that has helped was going back and listening to older stuff i recorded and mixed to remind myself of my personal mixing pitfalls to avoid. eg i tend to mix vocals too low and the bass too loud, so i'm making myself mix the bass a hair quieter than i think it should be and the vocals a hair louder than i think they should be.
― na (NA), Tuesday, 29 November 2022 17:08 (two years ago) link
Isn't it wild how loud the vocals are on most big pop records? Vocals and drums extremely high in the mix, everything else much lower.
I'm also guilty of wanting everything at the same level in a mix, which isn't really a mix (unless the arrangement is extremely minimal). If I find myself burying something in the mix, I usually just take it out entirely.
I think this comes from listening to New Orleans brass band records so much, where I really do believe that each element is as important as the others.
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 29 November 2022 17:19 (two years ago) link
If I end up liking too many parts (which I usually do) I will wiggle the volume envelopes so that they come into and out of prominence at different places.
I am notorious for never quite thinking there are enough different guitar parts, and the result can get mushy. Like, there's an acoustic all the way through, plus an arpeggiated electric, plus a power-chord electric. They can't all star at once, so I try to give each one a chance to step out a bit and then go back into the general mush.
I used to also do a lot of panning trickery - one ear would have a strummed steel-string and the other ear would get fingerstyle nylon. Then have them ever so gradually switch ears, so that now they're on opposite sides.
― Godley and Creamsicle (Ye Mad Puffin), Tuesday, 29 November 2022 17:53 (two years ago) link
I used to do more of that stuff too, but it started to sound distracting and 'fake' to me, I'd much rather have as few instruments as possible with each one able to take up more room.
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 29 November 2022 18:40 (two years ago) link
feel a lot better about this project now. i mostly probably just needed to step away from it that day bc i was not in the right frame of mind, but ultimately what i decided is i would focus on one song at a time and make sure each one was "perfect" before moving on to the next one. i also pushed my bandmates for more input and they made some helpful suggestions. 10/12 songs are basically finalized now but the last two are going to take a bit longer.
― na (NA), Monday, 5 December 2022 16:09 (two years ago) link
That's absolutely normal. I don't know why, but there are always a couple of songs on an album that take much longer to get right than all the other tracks.
― Being cheap is expensive (snoball), Monday, 5 December 2022 18:26 (two years ago) link
yeah and one of those is a song that we're totally changing the sound of in midstream, so it involves rerecording parts. that's going to be the lagger.
― na (NA), Monday, 5 December 2022 18:32 (two years ago) link
I've always found listening to mixes in mono as a good perspective on relative loudness of tracks
Feel like if it hangs together in mono, doesn't have to be perfect or anything, you're on the right track
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Monday, 5 December 2022 18:37 (two years ago) link
And isn't it weird how your perception of what the best songs are changes based on which ones turn out to be the best mixes (which is in turn likely rooted in which ones have the best arrangements)?
― change display name (Jordan), Monday, 5 December 2022 18:44 (two years ago) link
I'm featured on a terrible song and now the artist wants me to promote it on social media, he's a very friendly, kind of lonely person who promotes his own stuff incessantly
I want to help him but I'm honestly ashamed of this collaboration
I'm not good at saying no
― corrs unplugged, Thursday, 22 December 2022 11:24 (two years ago) link
I made this in August with Logic (and Audition to edit the samples). Might do more of this in 2023.
― but also fuck you (unperson), Monday, 26 December 2022 14:54 (two years ago) link
From the practice diaries, I think I'm on the verge of a real breakthrough in terms of drumming technique. But I'm now fully convinced that it's about physics and not raw finger speed (which I don't have). I had gotten away from the 'bouncing ball' feeling in my weak hand, because every time I accessed it I was relaxing my entire hand so much that I would lose my grip on the stick (it would slide back so that eventually I would just be gripping the tip). Basically my fulcrum (thumb and some portion of the first finger) was falling apart.
So now my approach is to not care about wrist vs fingers, but to access that weightless, bouncing ball, travelling with the stick feeling in my back three fingers WHILE maintaining enough of a fulcrum (without squeezing) to keep the stick in place. It all seems a bit obvious in retrospect, but had just never clicked until now. I haven't totally internalized it yet but I can tell that it results in a level of speed and relaxation (and control, and sound) that I wasn't sure if I'd ever be able to attain.
Weckl talks about this exact thing here:
But the weird thing is that it doesn't really look that different compared to bad technique (like if you have a too-tight fulcrum and you're forcing everything with too much tension), it's just a radically different feeling in the hand.
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 29 December 2022 18:26 (two years ago) link
Also I don't know if I subconsciously couldn't make the shift until I had a break between gigs, or if it just worked out that way. But it's good because when I started working on this a few days ago I literally couldn't hold onto the stick until I figured out a new fulcrum (and I'm glad I have a few weeks before I have to play in public again).
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 29 December 2022 18:29 (two years ago) link
finished mixing the album discussed upthread, got it mastered. trying for once to, instead of just releasing the album right away, holding on to it for a bit and trying to line up some promotion before release, mostly like independent radio and blogs. it's so embarrassing and dumb, but also i figure i can't complain about no one listening to our album if i don't put any effort into getting people to listen to it. otoh when no one still listens to it it's going to be extra frustrating lol
― na (NA), Thursday, 29 December 2022 20:16 (two years ago) link
Are you sending promos to bands you like who are active? Sometimes other bands are the best advocates, can't hurt to have some allies. You can't expect anything, but you never know, at least musicians know what it feels like to want someone to listen to your record.
― change display name (Jordan), Thursday, 29 December 2022 21:06 (two years ago) link
hmm interesting thought
― na (NA), Thursday, 29 December 2022 21:12 (two years ago) link
here's a little jam that is mostly Pigments and Ableton
― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 27 January 2023 15:36 (two years ago) link
Very nice, I've never done a whole track jam like this but I haven't even used a hardware synth or controller for awhile, gone back to mouse and automation entirely.
Good things are finally happening with my weak drumming hand, things are opening up after 6 months since I started working on full/rebound strokes. It took a long time to diagnose everything, but I was not 'accepting the rebound' at all and my single stroke mechanics have been messed up since I started playing. And I was going nuts thinking about things like "which fulcrum am I using", "why does the stick keep slipping", why can't I get decent finger control, etc.. And that all started going away once I started relaxing my fingers and letting the stick just rebound up into the fulcrum position, with the other fingers following it. Idk it's hard to explain, but I was too focused on gripping the stick and simulating what a good stroke looks like, without actually using any of the physics involved. And of course relaxing is scary when all the mechanics aren't there, you'll drop the stick or won't be able to play. Still working on internalizing everything of course but I kind of can't believe it's actually starting to feel good.
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 27 January 2023 22:34 (two years ago) link
Fantastic! I attempted to do some drum practice and rudiments a few months back and realized that I had pretty much lost all ability in that area over the years. I wish I had the motivation to improve, but now I'm pondering packing up the drums and replacing them with more synth gear.
Even though it is nice and very attractive, I don't really like the Push 2, it feels quite awkward to me. Not sure there is a better controller for Ableton though. I'd like to get more into some amount of live performance, but it would probably be focused around hardware rather than the Push.
― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 27 January 2023 22:40 (two years ago) link
My shed studio/office renovation just finished and i finally have a place to play and record again. got a drum kit, nord electro 3, OP-1, two electric guitars (strat/gretsch), and acoustic martin, and a fender precision bass all in the same room. also mics. looking forward to singing again. i was looking at some of those reverb/harmonizer pedals for vocals. has anyone messed with those? looking for a little extra something with my vocal performances. my voice is fine, just doesn't have much depth to it.
this has been a dream of mine since i started living in apartments in my 20s, but i'm now in my 40s and feel a little like i'm having a midlife crisis. i just want to make music all day
― Heez, Thursday, 16 March 2023 14:08 (one year ago) link
that's awesome, i dream of living somewhere where i can have a dedicated music space, especially one big/isolated enough to include drums of some kind. right now all my gear is in the corner of my daughter's bedroom. in our last apartment we used what was supposed to be the pantry as a very tiny and narrow "office"/"music room"
― na (NA), Thursday, 16 March 2023 14:11 (one year ago) link
I am going to jam with Jorma Kaukonen's son tomorrow
As one does
― she loves me like a rock lobster (Ye Mad Puffin), Wednesday, 29 March 2023 01:00 (one year ago) link
― hootenanny-soundtracking clusterfucks about milking cows (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 29 March 2023 01:20 (one year ago) link
No way! Actually now that I think if it, I have a friend from the DC area who is friend’s with that kid’s mother, I think.
― It’s Only Her Factory, Girl! (James Redd and the Blecchs), Wednesday, 29 March 2023 01:24 (one year ago) link
Are his initials ZK?
― It’s Only Her Factory, Girl! (James Redd and the Blecchs), Wednesday, 29 March 2023 01:34 (one year ago) link
Mom died of cancer several years ago, used to work in an Arlington public school with my friend’s wife. Don’t think JK was a particular good family man at some points. Of course you will be tactful enough not to bring any of this up, even if I was not tactful enough to refrain from typing it. Who can throw stones.
― It’s Only Her Factory, Girl! (James Redd and the Blecchs), Wednesday, 29 March 2023 01:58 (one year ago) link
JR, yeah he's a Z but I'm not sure what last name he uses. It's a hyper-local connection, totally.
I am a promiscuous collaborator - at the expense of promoting my own vision or trying to do anything in particular.
Basically, when someone asks me to do something, I say yes. As a result I have played with some very fine musicians, including some notable ones... as well as some people who really had no business being up on stage at all. I just like staying active and performing.
― she loves me like a rock lobster (Ye Mad Puffin), Wednesday, 29 March 2023 02:35 (one year ago) link
Feeling that.
― It’s Only Her Factory, Girl! (James Redd and the Blecchs), Wednesday, 29 March 2023 03:12 (one year ago) link
Update: Zach is a shy young man who is quite skilled at playing guitar, but needs encouragement to play live more. Fortunately he has fallen in with the right crowd.
My friends and I are collaboration sluts; if there is an unoccupied stage in the tri-state area we will contrive to put together a temp supergroup and make noises for anyone who will listen. The scene is vibrant.
― she loves me like a rock lobster (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 3 April 2023 10:32 (one year ago) link
Can I object to the usage of sexual language to describe musical collaboration? This is the second time. The first time I thought about saying something but didn’t want to get into it. This time I’m saying something bc it’s language that conjures a type of human interaction that isn’t accurate/appropriate for the conversation and, for me, is strongly unwelcome. If someone described me like that I would be horrified. Not bc I’m prudish but bc that’s not what making music is about and there are other words. It’s also language used by people who aren’t hurt by language implying promiscuity. In sum use other words please please please. That’s it I’m done. I’m glad you’re getting opportunity to play a lot. I wish I were!
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Monday, 3 April 2023 12:27 (one year ago) link
ll otm
― slai gorgeous-alexander (m bison), Monday, 3 April 2023 13:26 (one year ago) link
Ok sorry, no intention to offend. I'll use other words in future and leave it there.
― she loves me like a rock lobster (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 3 April 2023 13:43 (one year ago) link
I know you didn’t intend to offend. Thank you for using other words going forward and not telling me to fuck off!
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Monday, 3 April 2023 15:27 (one year ago) link
Happy to acknowledge that I'm fortunate to be in a thriving live music scene. It's also true that I am not picky.
Some evenings I'll find myself supporting an utter beginner, in an environment where everyone applauds every effort. One time an 11-year-old kid came in with approximately three chords; everyone was supportive. The next night we jammed with lthe bassist from Scream and the guitarist from one of Madonna's pre-fame bands.
I don't play every night but I could, and I am always delighted that it is such a smorgasbord.
― she loves me like a rock lobster (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 3 April 2023 15:51 (one year ago) link
YMP, I live nearby. I’d love to workshop some songs with your crew. Might hit you up at some point
― Heez, Monday, 3 April 2023 17:05 (one year ago) link
Any time, Heez.
― she loves me like a rock lobster (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 3 April 2023 17:26 (one year ago) link
does anyone else, when they're working on new stuff, tend to get ahead of themselves and long to time travel to when a musical project is fully realized and available for other people to hear? my band made an album in 2018 and we were starting to write songs for a new album/ep/whatever in 2019 but then the pandemic happened and, since we're all a lot more inspired when we're playing in a room together, both the band and the music were kind of on hold for two years. now that we're playing more frequently, we've written about 6-7 really worthy songs, so during a recent week when i was sick and we couldn't practice, i sequenced our new EP, even though most of the songs didn't have complete lyrics or even vocal melodies. thankfully doing this has really focused us and we're finishing the remainder of the unfinished songs and starting to plot when and where and with whom to record (anyone who records with a band in the nyc area: recommendations???), but i felt so silly at the time even though i was also very very excited
anyway making music is the best thing in the world
― flamenco drop (BradNelson), Monday, 3 April 2023 17:36 (one year ago) link
I miss playing with people so much
― Heez, Monday, 3 April 2023 18:54 (one year ago) link
Finally have my drums set up (in my office!!) and I’m playing a lot. Very basic stuff. I’ve only had a couple lessons but trying to teach myself. My latest exercise was forcing myself to start on the two instead of the one. That basic
― Heez, Monday, 3 April 2023 18:57 (one year ago) link
i really badly want to be in an a capella singing group, but a) those take such time and energy to even find the right singers, b) finding good arrangements takes time, and c) you probably need a director who isn't in the group to give feedback.
but maybe it's time to take the plunge this year. nothing serious, just 'buncha people singing around a lamp pole' type thing
― hootenanny-soundtracking clusterfucks about milking cows (Neanderthal), Monday, 3 April 2023 19:04 (one year ago) link
does anyone else, when they're working on new stuff, tend to get ahead of themselves and long to time travel to when a musical project is fully realized and available for other people to hear? .... i sequenced our new EP, even though most of the songs didn't have complete lyrics or even vocal melodies.
omg yes, i used to do this when i was making music. i would start sequencing records of songs in varying stages of incompletion, even including songs that hadn't been written at all yet based on comps i intended to reference.
would go as far as to say the image of the record and the sequence came first and the songs came after. or maybe it would start with one incomplete song idea in a new-ish style.
there's a lot to be said for this approach imo.
― The field divisions are fastened with felicitations. (Deflatormouse), Monday, 3 April 2023 20:45 (one year ago) link
Heh I try not to do this too much, but I think it can be helpful when writing to figure out what's missing in a record. But one thing I've learned is that however you think it's going to go, the final sequencing is going to be affected by how everything shakes out in mixing and mastering, and the best-sounding tracks may not be the ones you expected (and are usually the ones with the best and most minimal arrangements).
― change display name (Jordan), Monday, 3 April 2023 20:48 (one year ago) link
...this way you look at the songs you have and say 'what are we missing'
i recently listened to a track we did that i'd completely forgot about, because it was written just to close the gap between my image of what the record was going to be and the songs that were actually written.
on its own it does everything the whole record was supposed to do and gives a false sense that all the other songs are doing it, too. it's also the craziest thing we ever attempted and recorded.
― The field divisions are fastened with felicitations. (Deflatormouse), Monday, 3 April 2023 20:50 (one year ago) link
― The field divisions are fastened with felicitations. (Deflatormouse), Monday, 3 April 2023 20:51 (one year ago) link
the final sequencing is going to be affected by how everything shakes out in mixing and mastering, and the best-sounding tracks may not be the ones you expected
that's true but you also end up with different songs that you didn't have before.
― The field divisions are fastened with felicitations. (Deflatormouse), Monday, 3 April 2023 20:52 (one year ago) link
Yeah, there are so many stories of the big hit single being the one written after the record is "done", which may be partially because now you can see the whole picture (and also probably because they're written quickly and without overthinking it).
― change display name (Jordan), Monday, 3 April 2023 20:56 (one year ago) link
new stuff for Bandcamp Friday. It's 18 minutes of distorted drums, thick dubstep bass and crunchy guitars, but with pan pipes and string samples - not quite "power ambient" but almost there.
― boxedjoy, Friday, 7 April 2023 12:02 (one year ago) link
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 7 April 2023 12:04 (one year ago) link
I've embedded it in the first sentence of the post, sorry!
― boxedjoy, Friday, 7 April 2023 12:08 (one year ago) link
Oh lol, couldn't see it on my dim phone screen. Will check it out!
I had two releases coincide this week, one on my label (I just did the remix at the end) and a single on a different label:
― change display name (Jordan), Friday, 7 April 2023 12:14 (one year ago) link
In the week I’ve had my bass I have been focusing on hitting the notes smoothly and without any fret buzz. need to build up strength in my left hand fingers
― calstars, Friday, 7 April 2023 15:45 (one year ago) link
― calstars, Sunday, 16 April 2023 17:26 (one year ago) link
It me
Available for practices and gigs that are in the middle of a river
― doja catharsis (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 17 April 2023 00:10 (one year ago) link
― calstars, Monday, 17 April 2023 00:12 (one year ago) link
I'm taking a break from building DJ sets so that I can focus on getting some new original music completed. I went through long list of half-finished jams I had in Ableton to sort out what could actually be turned into something real. Here's the first new one of the year, a dark melodic techno track that brings those late night rave vibes. I'm quite happy with how this came out!
― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Monday, 17 April 2023 15:51 (one year ago) link
something that's really nice is going back to listen to music you made long enough ago that you feel separate from it and can't remember the details or struggles of the creative process anymore and you can just appreciate it as music and it still sounds good to you
― na (NA), Tuesday, 18 April 2023 18:47 (one year ago) link
This is true, although it can be frustrating to be faced with the inability to remember how I made something when I'd very much like to do it again. It sometimes feels like I'm starting from scratch each time I try to record something new, and arriving at the point where I know how to shape something into a finished piece seems to happen through arbitrary magic or luck rather than a repeatable process.
― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Tuesday, 18 April 2023 20:14 (one year ago) link
just mastered the cassini record (band me and global t. are in) and it looks like it's going to be released on vinyl, which is a lifelong dream of mine to have a full length i played on
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Tuesday, 18 April 2023 20:34 (one year ago) link
Awesome, congrats!
― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Tuesday, 18 April 2023 20:39 (one year ago) link
I'm getting more comfortable throwing away demos that stall out or don't have an obvious path to becoming a finished thing. You can always come back later to scavenge them for parts.
― change display name (Jordan), Tuesday, 18 April 2023 20:40 (one year ago) link
congrats ums and global t
― Cthulhu Diamond Phillips (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 18 April 2023 21:34 (one year ago) link
It sometimes feels like I'm starting from scratch each time I try to record something new, and arriving at the point where I know how to shape something into a finished piece seems to happen through arbitrary magic or luck rather than a repeatable process.moodles you have to write it down
i have been struggling with this for an upcoming performance and have had to devise a notation method that i can understand so i am able to recreate things i made. it's going...ok
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Tuesday, 18 April 2023 23:26 (one year ago) link
congrats on the mastering & release -- true dream indeed
Was drunk last night & listening to pretty much everything I’ve ever released under different project names & I think the best of me would make one really very good album.
― The land of dreams and endless remorse (hardcore dilettante), Wednesday, 19 April 2023 04:52 (one year ago) link
thanks all! it's pretty cool and very unexpected.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Tuesday, April 18, 2023 6:26 PM (yesterday) bookmarkflaglink
this is a total struggle, my "solution" is having a million and one 15 second phone recordings called shit "led zep thing" or "bouncy riff" haha
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, 19 April 2023 15:50 (one year ago) link
I’m much more methodical about it! I have to be — I’d never be able to understand my notation/plan otherwise. I’ve got a solo performance coming up Sunday and I’m on the “rehearse set every day at least once” stage of prep. If it’s just me up there, I have to do whatever I can to not let myself down. There’s room for improvisation but I need practice and a plan to feel confidently prepared. I’m less obsessive about rehearsal for teaching but just as obsessed with planning.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 19 April 2023 15:53 (one year ago) link
One time I was playing a couple shows with a band I rehearsed with like 3x and I not only had detailed notes and hours of practice but I laminated my notes just in case. I wasn’t about to lose my plan bc someone (me) might spill a beer. That’s dedication amirite???
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 19 April 2023 15:55 (one year ago) link
Any NY ilxors down to play?
― calstars, Friday, 21 April 2023 01:08 (one year ago) link
I'm starting to feel like I'm leveling up with recording on my current setup and getting closer to that ever elusive workflow. I'm more comfortable in Ableton and have a pretty good idea of go-to effects to use to shape particular sounds, and I'm figuring out ways to get usable sounds out of the Roland TR-8S drum machine. With the synth and modular gear, I've learned to let things roll and play without constantly tweaking so that I can take my jams and shape them into parts of actual tracks.
I spent a bunch of time on this noisy techno track over the weekend, especially with getting drum tracks that worked with the chunks of modular jams that I had recorded previously. Pretty pleased with how it turned out, especially with how the kicks and low end work together and sound plenty thick.
― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Monday, 24 April 2023 19:48 (one year ago) link
Sounds trippy, Moodles. Rock on.
― when you wish upon a tsar (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 24 April 2023 19:55 (one year ago) link
thanks! trippy is indeed my goal.
― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Monday, 24 April 2023 19:58 (one year ago) link
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, April 19, 2023 10:53 AM (five days ago) bookmarkflaglink
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, April 19, 2023 10:55 AM (five days ago) bookmarkflaglink
this is awesome and i wish i weren't so lazy
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Monday, 24 April 2023 20:54 (one year ago) link
I applaud your dedication, LL. For unfamiliar styles (prog, jazz, rockabilly) I do try to be organized, but those gigs are the exception. Most of what I do is normal folk/classic rock/country stuff, so I can usually go in with no plan and no rehearsals whatsoever and it almost always works out fine. I don't need much in the way of guidance for "Hotel California" or "Under the Bridge" or "What's Up" or - GAH - "Wagon Wheel."
Recently, two local acts have asked me to record them, and I am getting reasonably proficient. One is an acoustic singer-songwriter type, the other is a punky emo band. For the former, we record a couple tracks at a time in my basement - he does guitar and vocals and I add drums, bass, and mandolin. For the latter I just bring a mobile rig to their rehearsal space and try to capture a decent room sound plus some overdubs.
I am not ever going to characterize myself as a producer or even an engineer (just a home recordist), but so far it's been fun.
― when you wish upon a tsar (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 24 April 2023 21:57 (one year ago) link
Oh I’d be ok playing covers without laminated notes but this situation i described above was original music with pretty strict arrangements. There was not a lot of room for winging it. Now that I’m done w my gong performance thing I’m looking to June when I will be recording in an actual studio. It’s my gift to myself for my tenth birthday as drummer.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Monday, 24 April 2023 22:01 (one year ago) link
Ooh cool!
― change display name (Jordan), Monday, 24 April 2023 22:02 (one year ago) link
Conga-rats to you LL and best of luck in your endeavors.
― when you wish upon a tsar (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 24 April 2023 22:07 (one year ago) link
we played two shows in one week and both of them were our best shows ever. new material went over really well. my playing's not as fast or as nuanced/musical as i want it to be but at this point i think i'm... a passable drummer? at least according to my standards
does anybody know of a good recording studio/producer combo for a punk band in nyc? we've had to abandon our previous producer bc he's been going on cop-defending rants on facebook since june 2020 lol
― flamenco drop (BradNelson), Saturday, 13 May 2023 14:49 (one year ago) link
I discovered the glories of open E tuning last night and am now working on learning “The Headmaster Ritual”
― the new drip king (DJP), Friday, 30 June 2023 12:26 (one year ago) link
― calstars, Saturday, 1 July 2023 03:58 (one year ago) link
I know there have been a number of pre-covers albums semi-recently but has there been an ilx covers comp since the beatles one? or has there ever been a various artists ilx covers record?
― Florin Cuchares, Saturday, 1 July 2023 04:55 (one year ago) link
so...kind of unexpected, but I post random covers/singing to FB all of the time, and the leader of the local instrumental metal band Kaupe here, who I'm friends with, saw it, didn't know I sang, and wants to collaborate.
I thought it was just drunken talk but he came back w/ a track today that he wants me to work on. to come up with melody/patterns for screams/etc.
never done this before. any tips from anybody who has been on this side of the fence before?
― earosmith (Neanderthal), Saturday, 19 August 2023 15:20 (one year ago) link
Nope but sounds exciting and cool - good luck
― calstars, Saturday, 19 August 2023 15:34 (one year ago) link
I got recruited to play drums with some local parents in a sort of concept cover band that's doing 90s trip hop and chillout stuff like Portishead, Morcheeba, Zero 7, etc. with a few other mellow/moody things thrown in. Not 100% up my alley but I'm really enjoying it because they're good musicians and good people. That's kind of all I want from a band these days, people who are musically well attuned, nice to be around, and care about presenting something at least decent to the audience.
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Friday, 22 September 2023 17:43 (one year ago) link
Also they don't play painfully loud which I love - reduced volume practices where I mostly use bundle sticks and brushes.
― longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Friday, 22 September 2023 17:45 (one year ago) link
that sounds fun, after watching a bunch of Men I Trust concert videos, I'd really love to be in a band that plays music that is both super chill but tight and groovy
― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 22 September 2023 17:47 (one year ago) link
Man, try the Rute 505s. Subtler than rods but stiffer than wire brushes, and you can retract/extend them to get the right level of response.
I also like the Vater Whip and Meinl nylon offerings. Generally, for me, in acoustic settings, nylon has proven better than wooden rods (e.g. the ProMark Lightning/Cool lines).
I am the quietest drummer in my area, and I am extremely protective of that niche. I want to use real drums (as opposed to cajon or electronic kits), so stick choice and dynamics are key.
― Hereward the Woke (Ye Mad Puffin), Friday, 22 September 2023 18:38 (one year ago) link
After nothing for a couple years due to covid we played a show back in february but nothing since then, until now when we've got two shows in one week.
The first one is at the dive bar place we've played a couple of times and I'm not to stressed about, but we're playing at a local farmer's market next Saturday (which feels very on brand for a group made up of middle aged university faculty) and I'm really nervous about that one because there will be a lot of people there and I will probably actually know some of them compared to the 10pm Thursday slot at the shitty club.
― joygoat, Sunday, 24 September 2023 17:46 (one year ago) link
Also bandleader has slowly but insidiously injected enough of his jam-band-ness into us that we will be playing the trifecta - one song each by phish, the dead, and the allman brothers
― joygoat, Sunday, 24 September 2023 17:47 (one year ago) link
UghWhich songs
― calstars, Sunday, 24 September 2023 17:59 (one year ago) link
Waste, Jack Straw, and Melissa respectively. I honestly don't mind but it's funny to me how they just kind of crept into our repertoire
― joygoat, Sunday, 24 September 2023 18:08 (one year ago) link
I am attempting to share some demos with a record label, but I'm not sure what's the best way. I'm nervous about just handing over audio files and would prefer that they just preview the tracks with no downloads. I tried sharing private links from soundcloud, but that seems to confuse people.
Is this a reasonable concern or should I not worry about it? Is there another way to share a link to a stream without making the track publicly available?
― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Saturday, 4 November 2023 14:06 (one year ago) link
I've always done private soundcloud, but I believe you can disable dls for a Dropbox link. There must be a way for Google drive too?
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Saturday, 4 November 2023 14:40 (one year ago) link
Bandcamp not an option?
― calstars, Saturday, 4 November 2023 17:11 (one year ago) link
I did a show yesterday where I sang “Master of the House” from Les Miserables, “I Like Myself” from It’s Always Fair Weather, and “Lucky To Be Me” from On The Town. I’m doing it again tomorrow afternoon.
― the new drip king (DJP), Saturday, 4 November 2023 23:40 (one year ago) link
I don’t feel like there’s a lot of risk in giving out audio files. What’s your concern, that they’re going to pirate them or something? If you share as mid-quality MP3s or something you should be safe from most eventualities.
― The land of dreams and endless remorse (hardcore dilettante), Sunday, 5 November 2023 02:35 (one year ago) link
...just throw some tags on there; sirens, "You are listening to a Moodles production", etc...
― m0stly clean (Slowsquatch), Sunday, 5 November 2023 02:43 (one year ago) link
Subtle Moodles audio watermarking
― calstars, Sunday, 5 November 2023 02:57 (one year ago) link
I don't know if I'll do it but I like this idea
― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Sunday, 5 November 2023 03:01 (one year ago) link
*future voice* 'if yung moodles dont trust you i'm gon shoot you...'
― oatly carmichael (m bison), Sunday, 5 November 2023 03:10 (one year ago) link
Lizzo (feat, Yung Moodles) - Watermarkin’
― calstars, Sunday, 5 November 2023 12:33 (one year ago) link
new faith/void lp getting recorded in january lfg!!!!!!
― ivy., Tuesday, 7 November 2023 15:53 (one year ago) link
Looking back on my 'practice diary' posts over a year ago I can say it was a valiant effort but I was totally on the wrong track. Speed is a false idol, eliminating any and all tension was a much more fruitful path to pursue. It's scary at first because if your mechanics aren't right and you stop squeezing the stick, you basically can't hold on to the stick or play at all. But it's been a very slow process of figuring out how to let the stick bounce back while still having control and not squeezing or tensing anywhere (including, like, breathing and not gritting my teeth while playing fast). Things are finally starting to feel really good in my right hand for the first time ever though, it's exciting.
Also finishing a drums-only EP where my former drum teacher recorded all the drums, and laying the groundwork for a follow-up to the tape that came out this year, which is the closest I've ever come to being fully happy with a record.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Thursday, 16 November 2023 19:49 (one year ago) link
Good wishes to you, Jordan. One of the most salient things about drumming (of any sort) is using the energy that's already there in the drum, sleeping like a seed in the wintry earth.
The tension of the surface - which you put there when you installed the head - becomes part of the momentum for the next stroke, and the next and the next. The elasticity of the skin between your thumb and index finger is also involved in producing the note.
It's physics and it's mechanics, but it's also a metaphor. Sometimes I think about this in a woo-woo spirtual way when playing a gig. I really only need to intentionally hit the drums once. The first beat of the first song. Everything else just logically flows from it.
That is part of why I don't really even remember most gigs. I start playing the first song, and the next thing I know we're done and it's time to settle the bar tab and load out.
― Oh I believe in Yetis' Day (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 16 November 2023 22:01 (one year ago) link
It's been a year in the woodshed here, nothing really broadcast out. I got a third single with basic tracks done with a drummer with my bud from Louisville, but we have not yet did the overdubs to finish.
My guitar playing has definitely taken a few steps forward. I hurt my index finger on my picking hand a couple years ago and started using a thumb pick while it healed up. Working on it for a couple years now, using a thumb pick and doing some finger picking has become a thing. There are definitely some advantages to doing so. It's nice to not have to hold the pick and then have your hand free to work a whammy bar. I found a nice thick thumb pick and cool thing about this one is that I can use the index to use it to flat alternate pick quite well.
Working on some banjo rolls and claw picking a bit is a bit of a humbler and I can really appreciate how much of a mutant guitarist that Jerry Reed was in his day. You got to be a machine to really keep that stuff going.
The other angle that has been cool is that there is so much good lesson stuff on Youtube. I've been concentrating on triads and their inversions and working on them running up major and minor scales with the chords. Working on that and some shell chord shapes in scales is opening up the neck and I'm beginning to hear some things I did not get before. Been good to be this good when i was in my early 20s but alas I was a lazy fxct and could not understand this stuff back then. Oh well.
― earlnash, Friday, 17 November 2023 19:02 (one year ago) link
Rock on earlnash
― Oh I believe in Yetis' Day (Ye Mad Puffin), Friday, 17 November 2023 19:10 (one year ago) link
Ha that's how I feel, would have been nice to have been good and comfortable (and to have had Youtube) when I was young and actually playing jazz gigs all the time. Oh well.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Friday, 17 November 2023 19:18 (one year ago) link
I don't even play drums but I love watching drummers doing those vids showing drummers licks, especially jazz ones. It kind of gives a visual to some grooves that I have never seen in person.
I also like watching stuff where people get into harmony and progressions by piano players.
Even if you don't play jazz itself, there is a boodle of information from people that are good at teaching out there in videos. They do the creators work.
― earlnash, Friday, 17 November 2023 22:38 (one year ago) link
Yeah, there's always something to be gleaned from the good ones. It was funny, I was scrolling on instagram yesterday and after some genuinely inspiring stuff from drummer Dan Weiss, a JD Beck video, and this woman who breaks down James Brown guitar parts, I clearly hit the end of my feed. It started showing me random shit like a girl playing along with an uptempo Charlie Parker solo on a keyboard while sipping a drink with the other hand to show how easy it is for her. Like, ok, that's the worst version of social media muso culture, chops without adding anything new or placing it in any kind of context.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Monday, 20 November 2023 16:31 (one year ago) link
I started recording drum breaks for a new sample pack yesterday and I forgot what a headfuck it can be. I'm going for something perfectly loopable with just the right tones and sound, so nothing else makes me put my own playing under such a microscope as I'm playing. Way harder than recording songs imo. The dynamics of each limb, hyperaware of any hit that's a little behind or ahead, etc. And then when I'm sifting for the gold later, it's funny that the parts where I remember really feeling like I had the flow and swagger aren't necessarily the ones that sound the best. Lots of good lessons there!
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Monday, 20 November 2023 16:47 (one year ago) link
i've been taking a songwriting "class" (really more of a workshop) for a few months and i'm really enjoying it. bc of who is offering and teaching the class, it's pretty focused on traditional folk/pop/rock songwriting and not very understanding of more abstract song forms/lyrics so i take all feedback with a grain of salt. but it has been very useful in terms of forcing me to write something every week and allowing me to write songs that don't have to fit into the styles that i usually play.
― na (NA), Monday, 20 November 2023 18:16 (one year ago) link
that sounds fun and challenging!
― oatly carmichael (m bison), Monday, 20 November 2023 19:32 (one year ago) link
this woman who breaks down James Brown guitar parts
Who is this woman? The link isn't working for me.
― JRN, Monday, 20 November 2023 20:20 (one year ago) link
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Monday, 20 November 2023 20:25 (one year ago) link
I took my kids to a Kwanzaa celebration today and got up to sing “Deep River”. Afterwards, one of the band members asked for my number so he could contact me for possible tv/movie soundtrack gigs.
― the new drip king (DJP), Thursday, 28 December 2023 00:43 (one year ago) link
that's awesome!
― Ghidorah, the three-headed Explorah (Neanderthal), Thursday, 28 December 2023 00:43 (one year ago) link
Wow, DJP, I wish the best for you.
Me, I had a nice moment tonight at the local bar where I did a Shane McGowan tribute (because I had to), "Navigator." My mother and sister were visiting so we did a John Dnevr song ("Today"), for sentimental reasons. Then I yielded the stage to my daughter who did a song solo. Three generations of puffins on stage at once. A first.
― CthulhuLululemon (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 28 December 2023 03:29 (one year ago) link
hell yeah djp
― polyamerie "it's more than this 1 thing" (m bison), Thursday, 28 December 2023 03:39 (one year ago) link
thanks to the songwriting class mentioned above, i have a glut of new songs that will probably not be recorded by my recording project, since we move pretty slowly and have three people writing songs. i might record some of them for a solo thing, but i also miss playing out. i was considering doing some open mics to feed this need, but i'm not sure it's right for me. i'm not big on performing just me with an acoustic guitar - i've done it a couple of times but i'm less interested in that. also i imagine that at open mics you're mostly playing for the other people waiting to play the open mic. but they probably all have different vibes.
― na (NA), Thursday, 28 December 2023 20:48 (one year ago) link
nice DJP!!! that's awesome
I'm working on finishing up the tracks for an EP for this project I have called Renegade Priests (beat/sample/drum machine based post punk thing)
I'm also in a band again, playing bass, no band name yet, digging it, most trad thing I've done in a while very classic 80s jangle, early REM, New Zealand, etc etc
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Tuesday, 2 January 2024 17:52 (one year ago) link
that band sounds rad ums!!!!
vocal parts/lyrics almost all figured out for f/v lp2, we might start recording with all the songs completed for once. we also figured out the title and the direction of the cover art and i’m so fuckin hyped about it. i wrote lyrics for 6/10 songs and they’re the best i’ve ever written imo. four agonizingly long weeks until i’m in the studio
― ivy., Tuesday, 2 January 2024 18:13 (one year ago) link
Nice DJP. And NA, maybe you should host your own open mic/songwriting workshop with friends?
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Tuesday, 2 January 2024 18:23 (one year ago) link
thanks ivy! it's been fun, i really like the songs they have and that type of stuff is a cool challenge on bass, trying to do little inventive things but you can't go ham and overwhelm stuff. the guitars/singing will always be the most important part of a band like that.
this is the best renegade priest song (for me) - ilxor cbesinger is the other member he does all the lyrics and vox, great lyrics imo which i cannot take any credit for
(uncleared and awkwardly edited fleetwood mac drum sample is me haha)
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Tuesday, 2 January 2024 18:32 (one year ago) link
Had a real burst of creativity over the Xmas period and finished a bunch of things that had been floating around, unloved, for most of last year. Quite happy with the results -
― MaresNest, Thursday, 4 January 2024 14:27 (one year ago) link
Last year I: * replaced my old shitty synth with a Korg minilogue and i love it* got a new gong* played one show (solo, at a library, fairly well-attended!) * continued practicing w my dad band and word has it that we have 11 songs now, hope to record properly in 2024* this is not a lot but it's pretty good considering the pandemic/life stuff wiped out my musical life around Oct 2021
I made a playlist of songs I recorded last year, including a group jam w my campers/drum students from the summer, some songs that indicate I am dangerously headed toward Vangelis/MST3000 theme song territory, and what I think is a dungeon synth track in which I try to establish the microgenre of cronecore. Maybe I'm back?!?!!?
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 10 January 2024 16:00 (one year ago) link
oh also celebrated my 10th birthday as a drummer
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 10 January 2024 16:01 (one year ago) link
the playlist is the "good" songs (scare quotes intentional) -- i record them almost every time i practice. i think i am addicted to the instant gratification of hearing something immediately after making it.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 10 January 2024 16:02 (one year ago) link
I've thought about buying a Minilogue, would you recommend it?
― Little Billy Love (Tom D.), Wednesday, 10 January 2024 16:03 (one year ago) link
lol cronecore. That's great LL!
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Wednesday, 10 January 2024 16:06 (one year ago) link
I am very much trying to make cronecore happen, ngl
xp I love it! I am still figuring out all of the features/how to edit my own presets, but it's versatile, easy to use, and fun. I really like the visualizer display -- I didn't realize I wanted to see what my sounds were shaped like until I saw them. I bought a "pre-owned" (lol) one for $200 less than new too, and it showed no sign of any wear/tear.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 10 January 2024 16:08 (one year ago) link
Cool, thanks.
― Little Billy Love (Tom D.), Wednesday, 10 January 2024 16:13 (one year ago) link
forgot something! * contributed gong sounds to my coworker's solo project which will yield my first gong credit :)
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 10 January 2024 16:38 (one year ago) link
now i want a gong
― ivy., Wednesday, 10 January 2024 16:39 (one year ago) link
I want a tiny gong to put on top of drums and hit with sticks (inspired by Nate Wood). Actually I have a Balinese one that I sampled for this track, I will totally try that now.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Wednesday, 10 January 2024 16:50 (one year ago) link
I have two — one 26” and one 22” iirc I love them!! Sometimes I stand right up close to them to feel the sound, I have the stands arranged so they’re at chest level to me. Pretty neat. When I played the library show I let ppl play the gong (just one there) between sets and they seemed to enjoy making that much sound. Kids and adults alike tbh. (I cautioned everyone not to bang the gong.)
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 10 January 2024 17:09 (one year ago) link
Get it on!
― lethbridge-pfunkboy (hardcore dilettante), Friday, 12 January 2024 03:46 (one year ago) link
― Pictish in the Woods (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 15 January 2024 19:54 (one year ago) link
I got a Volca Beats and a Volca Modular for my birthday ^_^
― the new drip king (DJP), Friday, 19 January 2024 14:56 (one year ago) link
I got a SSL Six mixer, because I needed more than one good mic preamp, and I was curious about the compressors, and I realized I can leave more stuff plugged in all at once, blah blah blah. Tiny Mackie-ish thing, but I've never used a mixer of this quality! Taking a few outputs out of my interface and doing a semi- out of the box mix really surprised me. Even though my interface can do mic/line/hi-z inputs, I didn't really realize how much of a difference it makes to do routing/gain staging on a little desk. A lot of fun abusing the talkback compressor as well. Would definitely recommend!
― Reeves Gabrels' Funko Pop (majorairbro), Tuesday, 23 January 2024 04:00 (one year ago) link
― m0stly clean (Slowsquatch), Tuesday, 23 January 2024 04:25 (one year ago) link
I got this cute midi controller so I can automate multiple things at once using faders that feel nice (mostly for more live-feeling dub mixes).
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Tuesday, 23 January 2024 05:47 (one year ago) link
(I am also jealous of the SSL, are you running tracks out of the computer through it and back in?)
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Tuesday, 23 January 2024 05:51 (one year ago) link
yep, I've done a little bit of that. nothing crazy, 4 outs, through the SSL back into the interface on another 2 tracks. you can do 6 realistically but technically 10 balanced ins are possible.
― Reeves Gabrels' Funko Pop (majorairbro), Tuesday, 23 January 2024 08:46 (one year ago) link
I have an Alesis Multimix 8, which generally works fine as both a live mixer and a recording interface - its only limitation is that the USB out is two-track instead of separated. Which I don't need anyway because I am usually recording one instrument at a time.
― Wine not? (Ye Mad Puffin), Tuesday, 23 January 2024 12:23 (one year ago) link
I really want to get back into making music. I've bought Ableton and I am in the process of making my spare room comfy and convenient enough to encourage me back into it.
I also think I need to get better at finishing work. Would anyone be interested in giving me some feedback on this avantgard(ish) dance track I started a little while ago?
― you get the gist of it (dog latin), Friday, 26 January 2024 16:07 (one year ago) link
Heh to my ears that sounds like a very straight-forward DJ tool. I put it on a couple times when doing other work and nothing caught my ear that I didn't like, cool track!
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Friday, 26 January 2024 17:22 (one year ago) link
everything in my life seems to be conspiring against me going to the studio tomorrow: my roommate has covid, unseasonable warming in the atmosphere is usually the thing that gives me an automatic sinus infection... but i seem to have avoided both of these things and will be sitting behind a drumkit recording our new album in 24 hours. unbelievable. last time we recorded was almost six years ago
― ivy., Friday, 26 January 2024 17:44 (one year ago) link
Imperfect conditions -> the necessity of the work feels more critical. It's gonna go great!
I have a to-do list for "new personal work" and top of the list is "clean the basement", lol
― flamboyant goon tie included, Friday, 26 January 2024 19:09 (one year ago) link
Are you tracking drums by yourself or as a band? Remember to relax, breathe, and have fun!
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Friday, 26 January 2024 19:15 (one year ago) link
we've always tracked live and we're planning to do that again. which is good because the band chemistry is actually something that relaxes me. thank u both
― ivy., Friday, 26 January 2024 19:16 (one year ago) link
i just have to make sure i get enough sleep tonight. good luck me
― ivy., Friday, 26 January 2024 19:17 (one year ago) link
(i will be wayyy too excited to go to bed at a reasonable time)
― ivy., Friday, 26 January 2024 19:25 (one year ago) link
<3 good luck ivy!
― blazin' squab (NickB), Friday, 26 January 2024 19:35 (one year ago) link
hope the session goes well!tracking live makes such a difference
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Friday, 26 January 2024 19:36 (one year ago) link
Break a leg ivy!
― flamboyant goon tie included, Friday, 26 January 2024 19:50 (one year ago) link
one thing I've really been into recording is something I saw on Never Mind the Bullocks Classic Albums episode where Steve Jones talked about how they would overdub the main guitar line twice, an octave below and an octave above, it sounds pretty amazing
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Saturday, 27 January 2024 01:50 (one year ago) link
Get some rest and have so much fun Ivy!
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Saturday, 27 January 2024 04:23 (one year ago) link
nothing exposes how you're not as good at your instrument as you think you are like recording. regardless i'm having the time of my life
― ivy., Sunday, 28 January 2024 03:34 (one year ago) link
so true about recording! I've been finding it liberating to record acoustically in a room as opposed to with a mic and noise gate etc
― Swen, Sunday, 28 January 2024 03:42 (one year ago) link
record's almost done! still has to be mixed. listening to the raw mixes rn. all my insecurities about my drum performance are probably rooted in my playing on an unfamiliar kit on which my kick pedal action turned out to be a little more rapid than i'm used to, we fixed it early in the sessions but i still feel it on the earliest tracks. no one else notices this at all btw and it's probably mostly in my head
anyway, with that out of the way!!! it's a fucking great record i'm very happy with it
― ivy., Monday, 29 January 2024 03:41 (one year ago) link
(i could also probably solve all of my time fluctuation anxieties by recording to a click, but... i refuse)
― ivy., Monday, 29 January 2024 03:43 (one year ago) link
ok, a few days removed from recording, listening to the raw mixes... folks, our album absolutely whips
― ivy., Wednesday, 31 January 2024 04:28 (one year ago) link
― polyamerie "it's more than this 1 thing" (m bison), Wednesday, 31 January 2024 04:41 (one year ago) link
wicked! that should make the mixing go easier.... :)
― m0stly clean (Slowsquatch), Wednesday, 31 January 2024 05:46 (one year ago) link
Congrats! Playing to a click has its own anxieties, and would ruin the magic of a band tracking live together. If you were recording by yourself, sure. But these days it's nice to hear something with imperfect time.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Wednesday, 31 January 2024 06:13 (one year ago) link
i've arrived at the much more positive thought: that even playing in imperfect conditions i was able to get usable takes that other people sound great. and again the further i get away from recording the less i notice... whatever it is i'm noticing... don't live in my brain folks... it's bad in here
― ivy., Wednesday, 31 January 2024 15:27 (one year ago) link
that other people say* sound great
I'd say if you're already at that point a few days later then you're a zen master, it takes me much longer, lol.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Wednesday, 31 January 2024 15:30 (one year ago) link
Btw I've been puzzling over Swen's post for do you record acoustically in a room without a mic??? :)
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Wednesday, 31 January 2024 15:31 (one year ago) link
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Wednesday, January 31, 2024 10:30 AM (two minutes ago) bookmarkflaglink
i am truly so grateful that we are not mixing for another two months
― ivy., Wednesday, 31 January 2024 15:33 (one year ago) link
I've released another batch of my Ableton noodlings into the wild on Bandcamp. All on the house / breakstep / techno adjacent side of things:
― Agnes, Agatha, Germaine and Jack (Willl), Thursday, 1 February 2024 09:14 (one year ago) link
This seems to be getting a bunch of views this morning, no idea why as it has the same low sound quality, no lighting, and shaky phone camera as the rest of my videos.
― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Sunday, 18 February 2024 17:31 (one year ago) link
Bc it rules haha
― a hyperlink to the past (flamboyant goon tie included), Sunday, 18 February 2024 17:35 (one year ago) link
Aw thanks!
― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Sunday, 18 February 2024 17:44 (one year ago) link
I sang a couple of spirituals this morning at the start of today’s church service; unfortunately I didn’t know where the camera was and stood in the wrong spot
― Cemetry Gaetz (DJP), Sunday, 25 February 2024 20:16 (eleven months ago) link
Hands are feeling good, reminding myself to breathe, feeling like I'm gonna become a decent drummer in my 40s
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Tuesday, 27 February 2024 15:28 (eleven months ago) link
that's fantastic jordan!!!
― ivy., Tuesday, 27 February 2024 15:30 (eleven months ago) link
I have an album of electronic music coming out on the 29th, and the Cardiacs Discord server compilation album that I started making music to contribute to is coming out Real Soon Now. I have a Bandcamp now; . If you would have told me a year ago that I would be doing this, I would have laughed at you.
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Tuesday, 27 February 2024 15:37 (eleven months ago) link
Thanks ivy! Jazz-gram has been a big inspiration over the last year, a handful of accounts that are really good for little vocabulary things to work on (Dan Weiss, Joe Farnsworth, an amazing European kid named Peter Primus Fr0sch, etc). Also just seeing lots of good drummers/different hands...I'm a real tortoise, but I think if today's internet had been around when I was in high school I would have figured some things out much, much sooner.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Tuesday, 27 February 2024 15:42 (eleven months ago) link
Whoa, congrats CGLDI.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Tuesday, 27 February 2024 15:43 (eleven months ago) link
haha yeah is doing the "seven steps to heaven" intro kind of a drum meme at the moment? i've seen at least two videos of it on my youtube feed in the past month
i don't even know how i would've learned to drum without the internet. well, i guess i would've taken lessons. which i did! but watching videos of drummers clearly had as much of an effect on my playing
― ivy., Tuesday, 27 February 2024 15:45 (eleven months ago) link
if today's internet had been around when I was in high school I would have figured some things out much, much sooner.
well yeah if today's internet had been around when i was a teenager i would have started playing decades before i actually started. I'm 10.5 years old as a drummer now and I feel antsy, eager to play more and keep getting better.
go get it Christine -- major kudos to you for following through and doing it
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Tuesday, 27 February 2024 15:47 (eleven months ago) link
Oh I don't know! I haven't seen SStH popping up, I've just always loved it, and Tony Williams style on that record. It's so slick but also light, lyrical & almost casual, and a little more approachable than the records that came after.
This woman plays it beautifully, so relaxed:
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Tuesday, 27 February 2024 16:03 (eleven months ago) link
this is far more rudimentary and a way less flattering video overall but i filmed my drum practice today, which was eight foo fighters songs in a row. i like to call this "the marathon," because it's the set of songs that most feels like a really intense workout whenever i play it. i am usually too tired by the time i get to "everlong" to play it well or even make it through the whole thing... but i fuckin did it this time
― ivy., Tuesday, 27 February 2024 20:35 (eleven months ago) link
It's the 29th, and my EP is out now. Six tracks of drones, squeaks, and melodies.
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Thursday, 29 February 2024 05:12 (eleven months ago) link
I really like that! Love the textures and mallets/bell tones.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Thursday, 29 February 2024 16:31 (eleven months ago) link
congrats CGLDI! cool stuff, i like it too
i'm working on recording more songs with my recording project band. this batch is the first time we don't have any analog in the chain (we used to record rhythm tracks to 4-track but it finally died) and i'm having trouble getting things to sound like i'm used to them sounding. otoh we can now actually mic the drums properly bc we have more input options.
i'm also taking a break from the songwriting class/workshop i had been doing. it was fun and it was good to force me to write something every week, but it was also expensive and the teacher was starting to get on my nerves, lecturing about kinks songs for half the class instead of letting people play their songs and get notes. i might go back to it later.
― na (NA), Thursday, 29 February 2024 16:51 (eleven months ago) link
Now I want to be in a periodic producer's workshop where we all present demos and get feedback. Might have to pursue this!
NA have you tried using analog preamp and tape emulation plugins to get that sound? There are so many great cheap/free ones these days, I spend much of my time doing that (I would grab all the Analog Obsession ones to start with).
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Thursday, 29 February 2024 18:26 (eleven months ago) link
stuff like that makes me feel dumb but i'll take a look at it, thanks
― na (NA), Thursday, 29 February 2024 18:33 (eleven months ago) link
not a tape emulator but i've found this helpful to warm and fatten up tracks or even on the master bus
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Thursday, 29 February 2024 19:16 (eleven months ago) link
soundtoys stuff is really great, simple, focused for a purpose
I love that one on tambourines. :)
This is my current go-to "duh, make it sound better" plugin for drums
And I always put a touch of the BPB Saturator on basically everything.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Thursday, 29 February 2024 19:20 (eleven months ago) link
CGLDI this EP is amazing, wow
― a hyperlink to the past (flamboyant goon tie included), Thursday, 29 February 2024 19:56 (eleven months ago) link
yes chris this is great!!! also i love "gnarled doll" as a song title
― ivy., Friday, 1 March 2024 15:53 (eleven months ago) link
I'm really touched by the positive reception that my music has gotten here and in other places. Thank you all very much. There will be more of it coming soon. Oh, and that comp I was talking about is now out.
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Friday, 1 March 2024 19:18 (eleven months ago) link
listened to the final mix of the album this afternoon. really happy with it. if we can get things (mastering, artwork, new band photo) rolling in the next week or so... might have a single out in april
― ivy., Tuesday, 19 March 2024 20:57 (eleven months ago) link
all the insecurities i had about my performance during recording are gone, i drum the hell out of this record
― ivy., Tuesday, 19 March 2024 20:58 (eleven months ago) link
That's great, congrats!
I spent a couple hours practicing the other day and trying to record a decent video of some bop soloing (mostly because that really shows me if I can play something or not, if the red light's on and I can get through without an embarassing hiccup), and it was humbling. But I identified a few things that were causing issues (like a tendency to pause before starting the next phrase, which can be cool but meant I was consistently starting phrases on beat 2, and it was repetitive and making it unnecessarily difficult to fit in some of the phrases). And the next day I listened to Philly Joe Jones and Max Roach all day and told myself to focus on simple & clear ideas, and everything was better. The hot licks can come out naturally as connective tissue, which works better for me than saying "ok I'm going to play the hot lick now." Anyway that's all to say I'm trying to work seriously on this stuff rather than hoping for the best.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Tuesday, 19 March 2024 21:29 (eleven months ago) link
I don't do these much these days due to a lack of time, privacy, and equipment, but I recorded this for my brother's wedding, which is next week.
I cut it in about two hours and there's little mistakes I wanna fix later but overall mostly pleased
― CEO Greedwagon (Neanderthal), Friday, 22 March 2024 02:24 (eleven months ago) link
Yes, I have made more noise for your pleasure:
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Monday, 25 March 2024 14:16 (ten months ago) link
yesss thank you for this chris
― ivy., Monday, 25 March 2024 14:28 (ten months ago) link
also... our album is done
― ivy., Monday, 25 March 2024 14:30 (ten months ago) link
we've been covering "it's the end of the world as we know it" since 2018 and we decided to record it at the end of tracking in january. we were so tired and this was my worst performance of the day, but i wanted it that way, i wanted it to sound exhausted and full of fuck-ups
― ivy., Monday, 1 April 2024 16:23 (ten months ago) link
― Premises, Premises (flamboyant goon tie included), Monday, 1 April 2024 16:26 (ten months ago) link
whoa that is a fun cover! your band sounds great ivy. i have never played with a rock band that loud and it sounds like fun :)
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Monday, 1 April 2024 20:26 (ten months ago) link
There are a few things going on in my musical life, none of them esp exciting but definitely more hopeful than the last few years in there is something going on at all:
* my gongs being featured on my coworker's EP, we took promotional photos and video and it was fun
* band i've been jamming with for ***3 years*** finally has date to record in july -- finally!!
* I put together a playlist of my most recent solo recordings. They def could use a mastering (recorded in my basement) but if you like the Dusseldorf school of German rock music from the 70s, the album Moebius/Plank/Neumeier album Zero Set, weird solo synth music by women like Dorothea Raukes/Deutsche Wertarbeit DO I HAVE THE PLAYLIST FOR YOU. My faves are BB Music, Good One, and Explosive Sampler
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Monday, 1 April 2024 20:32 (ten months ago) link
sorry the official title is Exploding Sampler
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Monday, 1 April 2024 20:37 (ten months ago) link
I have a new single up for Bandcamp Friday.
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Thursday, 4 April 2024 23:08 (ten months ago) link
love to hear a la lechera update, especially when it involves gongs
― ivy., Saturday, 6 April 2024 00:58 (ten months ago) link
meanwhile, our bassist finished the album art today and it's so good. (front and back cover are here.) we're doing a very very small run of vinyl, realizing a dream of mine even though it's so expensive and we'll prob never do it again
― ivy., Saturday, 6 April 2024 01:10 (ten months ago) link
that's hot
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Saturday, 6 April 2024 02:18 (ten months ago) link
By chance I came across instructions on Reddit earlier this week about how to recover data from broken HDD’s via HDDSuperClone. I had a go last night on my main production HDD that broke catastrophically (or so I thought) right in the middle of a few key projects in 2008, which I refused to bin just in case.12 hours later and I’ve managed to rescue almost all of it. It’s like a time capsule, all my dubstep masters I thought were lost together, hundreds of ‘320 dubs’ I never burnt, flyers for all my gigs, clips of my tracks on Rinse / the Breezeblock etc. Tbh it feels like a dream, I genuinely thought all this stuff was gone forever and now I have all the stems and Ableton projects etc to actually remaster and commission some modern remixes etc. Happy af right now :)
― Agnes, Agatha, Germaine and Jack (Willl), Saturday, 6 April 2024 08:31 (ten months ago) link
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Saturday, 6 April 2024 15:29 (ten months ago) link
that rules so much willl!!!!
― ivy., Saturday, 6 April 2024 15:40 (ten months ago) link
That is wonderful!!
― Premises, Premises (flamboyant goon tie included), Saturday, 6 April 2024 15:59 (ten months ago) link
Yeah, that's great!
― m0stly clean (Slowsquatch), Saturday, 6 April 2024 19:12 (ten months ago) link
excellent news!
― boxedjoy, Sunday, 7 April 2024 10:01 (ten months ago) link
Lol Ivy 5318008
― It was on a accident (hardcore dilettante), Tuesday, 9 April 2024 03:39 (ten months ago) link
my new band finally has a name and thus an Instagram page (I guess this is pretty much required now)
anyway, Field Hospitals with a brief snippet of a song
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, 10 April 2024 22:47 (ten months ago) link
that sounds freakin great!!!
― ivy., Thursday, 11 April 2024 00:07 (ten months ago) link
Sweet! I've been shedding to record a tricky jazz version of the Zelda dungeon theme this weekend, with a band that does not have a good name.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Thursday, 11 April 2024 00:25 (ten months ago) link
thanks ivy and Jordan!
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Thursday, 11 April 2024 00:29 (ten months ago) link
coming up with band names is the worst, we settled this by online poll with the 4 members, ranked choice balloting lolI feel like it's maybe a decent name but at least not actively bad where it could hold you back
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Thursday, 11 April 2024 00:31 (ten months ago) link
Omg — please don’t make me talk about the band name spreadsheet. We have a spreadsheet and we still can’t agree on something. I’d share my side of the story but it’s too long — the lack of decisiveness is making me lose faith :(
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Thursday, 11 April 2024 00:37 (ten months ago) link
Nice UMS! That sounds great can’t wait to hear the whole thing
― Comfortably numbnuts (Heez), Thursday, 11 April 2024 13:57 (ten months ago) link
Its so hard to find a name that isn't taken these days unless it's something like Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her (which IIRC is taken).
I think if you can get just the name as an IG handle you're on the right track.
― Reeves Gabrels' Funko Pop (majorairbro), Tuesday, 16 April 2024 00:53 (ten months ago) link
it really is the hardest thing, I do recommend setting up the poll thing where everyone picks their three favorites in order, it forces a decision
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Tuesday, 16 April 2024 01:04 (ten months ago) link
actually ivy, Faith/Void is such a great name I'm jealous
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Tuesday, 16 April 2024 01:06 (ten months ago) link
the path to a great band name is to steal it from a friend who is never going to form a band (his original idea was “faith void split” and i’m glad we ditched the “split”)
― ivy., Tuesday, 16 April 2024 01:49 (ten months ago) link
Yeah it’s a great band name
All I’m doing these days is “new set, new songs”. Was distracted for three weeks in rebuilding my rig to make it multi-channel. It was a productive dead end. Solved the problem and realized I didn’t like the results as much. Tore it up and went back to stereo
― banana-flavoured potatoes, “bonatoes”, (flamboyant goon tie included), Tuesday, 16 April 2024 13:40 (ten months ago) link
Interesting! I'm in the final stages of obsessive mixing for this drums-only record I'm working on (a collaboration with my main early drum teacher, which is a really nice thing). Getting to like "v14" for some tracks. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel though, just tweaking a few more tracks. I had a big breakthrough the other day when I remembered the existence of parallel compression/processing (exported five tracks of drum kit that I had processed to death down to one, brought it back in, took most of the processing off the original tracks, and blended the two).
Meanwhile I did this session, it was basically a sight-reading/first rehearsal/recording session deal. It had been a long time since I've been in an "everyone recording live" situation. I wish I had been able to play a little more freely, but after a couple takes you don't want to be the one who fucks it up when it's going ok. I only made one mistake that will haunt me the rest of my days on this one!
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Tuesday, 16 April 2024 14:42 (ten months ago) link
I only made one mistake that will haunt me the rest of my days on this one
real!!!! you sound fantastic tho
― ivy., Tuesday, 16 April 2024 15:59 (ten months ago) link
meanwhile i'm going through a very intense unwound phase so i've decided to learn a bunch of unwound songs on drums. discovering that my drumming goal specifically in my band is "play more like sara lund"
― ivy., Tuesday, 16 April 2024 16:01 (ten months ago) link
great goal ivy. i did not realize that i followed one of your bandmates on letterboxd (and previously on twitter/bluesky when i was on there)
sounds hot jordan
― na (NA), Tuesday, 16 April 2024 16:04 (ten months ago) link
Great drumming jordan
― banana-flavoured potatoes, “bonatoes”, (flamboyant goon tie included), Tuesday, 16 April 2024 16:37 (ten months ago) link
Thanks guys <3
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Tuesday, 16 April 2024 17:04 (ten months ago) link
The other tune on that session was an intricate arrangement of the Zelda dungeon theme, curious/apprehensive to hear how that came out
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Tuesday, 16 April 2024 17:39 (ten months ago) link
i really want to hear that!!!!
― ivy., Saturday, 20 April 2024 21:00 (ten months ago) link
album has been distributed to stores/streaming services. first single out 5/1. so nervous i feel like my body's gonna turn inside out and also so happy omg
― ivy., Saturday, 20 April 2024 21:01 (ten months ago) link
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Saturday, 20 April 2024 21:18 (ten months ago) link
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Sunday, 21 April 2024 02:08 (ten months ago) link
Zelda, lol
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Sunday, 21 April 2024 23:48 (ten months ago) link
I keep thinking of:
― Elvis Telecom, Monday, 22 April 2024 00:37 (ten months ago) link
i have a solo show coming up, that's good. Looking forward to it etc.
at the same time, the band i was invited to join may 2021 and has taken up three years of my time/effort/money/creativity and has never formally recorded or played a show just dumped me via text. the pretense was that our schedules were incompatible and they couldn't make the progress they wanted to make (????) with my schedule. i just -- i am pissed they wasted my time, money, effort, and creativity. if i weasn't good enough you could have told me years ago, and if i was -- is this seriously how it ends?
WHATEVER i have other fish to fry
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Tuesday, 30 April 2024 23:44 (nine months ago) link
nooooo i'm so sorry ll. what dicks!
― ivy., Tuesday, 30 April 2024 23:58 (nine months ago) link
i only wish i had left of my own accord -- the truth is that my life has been pure chaos since i met them (employment tumult, abundant family issues including death of a parent, a pandemic, etc -- little of which I told them details about and rarely did it interfere with our rehearsals) and it was going nowhere. but i figured it would be better for me to continue playing regularly and i enjoyed it most of the time.
i just cannot believe i was blindsided like this. it's shocking. UGGGHHHHHH
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 1 May 2024 00:06 (nine months ago) link
Also thank you for responding and your accurate assessment of their behavior.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 1 May 2024 01:12 (nine months ago) link
it’s a day of bad news bc i stubbed my toe on my drumkit right after practice and i think i broke it???
― ivy., Wednesday, 1 May 2024 01:26 (nine months ago) link
Booooo Foot probs are the worst
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 1 May 2024 01:39 (nine months ago) link
but before i forget or pass out tonight, here's the new faith/void single, which will hopefully be on streaming services tomorrow, idk i find music distribution very confusing
― ivy., Wednesday, 1 May 2024 03:29 (nine months ago) link
Video is private, but excited to listen. I heard “End Of The World” (R.E.M. original) in a public place and thought “I would prefer the Faith/Void version thanks”
― Drowning in TG, he sent me Discipline (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 1 May 2024 04:09 (nine months ago) link
it is *not* on streaming bc i’m an idiot. the youtube embed should work now tho
― ivy., Wednesday, 1 May 2024 11:36 (nine months ago) link
Sounds great ivy
― Heez, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 11:57 (nine months ago) link
wow that sounds great ivy! excellent chorus, the whole thing is very hooky but slightly off kilter in a great wayLL - that sucks so much, I'm really sorry to hear about that, is that the same band that didn't have a name? sounds like they needed someone to blame for their own inaction. bands are such a hotbed of passive aggressive communication
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, 1 May 2024 12:12 (nine months ago) link
Yes! I’m not a pass agg person or communicator and I’m still in shock tbh. I can’t believe I spent 3 years playing w these people who have so little respect for me.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 1 May 2024 12:48 (nine months ago) link
― ivy., Wednesday, 1 May 2024 14:55 (nine months ago) link
Congrats again ivy, I didn't know you were the Neil Peart of the band (drummer/lyricist). And sorry LL, that's really annoying, good riddance. More and more I'm amazed that any band with more than two people is actually functional.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Wednesday, 1 May 2024 15:59 (nine months ago) link
lol no shit, i had a meltdown in the studio once where the guitarist and drummer clearly weren't digging our singer anymore and kept trying to "jason newstead" her my mixing down the vocals in the studio
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, 1 May 2024 16:22 (nine months ago) link
by mixing
I finished mixing my drum duo album and had sort of internally decided against trying to pull anything off live. Buuut there just might be a chance that we could do it at an artsy festival in Europe next year, which is something I've always dreamed about.
So now I'm furiously googling gear and trying to think of how we might pull it off, without spending much money. Probably a topic for another thread but the one thing I want to avoid is playing drums to a backing track or loop with a strict tempo -- it's always too hard to get the monitoring and balance right, especially for multiple people, and it kinda sucks anyway. So instead I want to be able to do some live dubbing of the other drummer (like one mic going into my mixer & fx unit), and a way to trigger samples, preferably via drum pad (pads, one-shots, and some loops that I can re-trigger every few bars). Hopefully without spending $$$ on the industry standard Roland pad that everyone uses. I'm really kicking myself for selling my SP404, that could have worked fine, but looking into the tablet sampler app + midi controller pad option (even though I love a simple self-contained tactile piece of gear that doesn't involve a computer or smart device). Blah blah blah.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Wednesday, 1 May 2024 16:29 (nine months ago) link
omg i hope you get to realize that dream jordan!!!
lmao @ being called "the neil peart of the band"
― ivy., Wednesday, 1 May 2024 16:34 (nine months ago) link
faith/void song is sick. jordan that sounds way too complicated for my brain but i hope you can figure it out.
my band/recording project is still slowly chugging away at recording. we've gotten into a semiroutine of getting together every couple of months to record the drums and bass for four songs, then later i go to a rehearsal space to record guitars, then finally we add vocals and other stuff at home. for the first time we're aiming at recording more songs than we need (the target is 16) and then cutting down to a cohesive 10-12 track album, and maybe saving some of the others for an EP down the road.
it's going pretty well but the mixing is getting to me, i don't have great ears and am not confident/experienced with doing that stuff on the computer. part of the point of doing this as a recording project (other than that we don't have the time or energy to play live any more) is that we can make each song sound however we like with multiple guitar parts or keyboards or extra backup vocals and not have to worry about replicating it live. but yesterday i was listening to an album our old band made where it was songs we had played out a bunch of times and it was recorded mostly live to 8-track with just vocals and some lead guitar overdubbed, and it sounds so good. i miss being able to record things like that. plus tape (even cassette tape) sounds so much better than digital, maybe it's because i'm old but also it's true.
― na (NA), Wednesday, 1 May 2024 17:52 (nine months ago) link
I had my last home project mixed by my friend who is a personal and it was so worth it
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, 1 May 2024 18:18 (nine months ago) link
but yeah I miss analog recording, there's something about it
Maybe a lot of it is natural compression that's occuring? I definitely think you need to work extra hard to get the vibe going with digital recording & mixing, although luckily there are so many amazing analog-style plugins today available for free or nearly free. The thing I like about digital is that there can be so many creative workarounds, I've done things that felt like cheating (like creating multiple copies of a track that are processed and EQ'd differently) and only learned later that it's considered a standard technique. I love mixing now as a set of puzzles to solve, but it still takes soooo much time, so much listening on multiple systems and tweaking and listening and tweaking.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Wednesday, 1 May 2024 18:51 (nine months ago) link
Love the Faith/Void track Ivy - love the drum breakdown around 2.30. I hear some Quicksand in there!
― I would prefer not to. (Chinaski), Thursday, 2 May 2024 19:32 (nine months ago) link
omg chinaski thank you, hearing any quicksand at all in our music is huge for us
and thanks everyone here for saying such nice things about it <3
― ivy., Friday, 3 May 2024 14:04 (nine months ago) link
I just put out a new single for Bandcamp Friday.
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Friday, 3 May 2024 15:04 (nine months ago) link
going on tour???? if you're in any of these places, come say hi.
― tylerw, Saturday, 4 May 2024 17:48 (nine months ago) link
Awesome flyer.
― you gotta roll with the pączki to get to what's real (snoball), Saturday, 4 May 2024 18:00 (nine months ago) link
that's so rad
― ivy., Saturday, 4 May 2024 18:02 (nine months ago) link
Those Omni magazine covers are fantastic - great flyer,1000_QL80_.jpg
― Elvis Telecom, Sunday, 5 May 2024 01:31 (nine months ago) link
super cool flyer!!
― encino morricone (majorairbro), Sunday, 5 May 2024 02:57 (nine months ago) link
Turned it around tonight — sat in on gongs/small percussion w some friends at a venue I love/have played at multiple times and they had never been to. And we had such a good time. I love the last minute invite bc I don’t have time to get nervous or overthink anything. We rehearsed once earlier today and performed 5 hours later. What a week.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Sunday, 5 May 2024 04:49 (nine months ago) link
Also love the flyer Tyler and have fun on your tour!!!
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Sunday, 5 May 2024 04:50 (nine months ago) link
another new faith/void song!!! containing what are probably the most uhhhhh "personal" lyrics i've ever written??? it is about needing to go on hrt even though/because(???) the world is ending. like and subscribe
― ivy., Tuesday, 14 May 2024 13:33 (nine months ago) link
On Sunday, I sang in a benefit concert for a local charity that provides counseling and support services for people impacted by gun violence, including those who have been injured, the families of those who have been killed, and those who have served jail time and are attempting to repatriate into society. I did two sets of songs; the first was three art songs by Robert Schumann (Mein schöner Stern, Widmung, Du bist wie eine Blume) and the second three were spirituals (Swing Low, Sweet Chariot; Deep River; Ride On, King Jesus). I thought it came out pretty well:
― Cemetry Gaetz (DJP), Tuesday, 14 May 2024 14:35 (nine months ago) link
note to self: if you don't really know how to use logic that well, trying to quantize a sample from metal machine music may end up eating your brain and set off a series of cascading errors that make the entire song unusable
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Thursday, 16 May 2024 19:10 (nine months ago) link
Dan, I apologize for not getting to this earlier - work was blocking it, and then I had issues with the Dropbox link, but I got it up now finally!
as always, I love your tone and intonation, dynamics, and diction! would love to show some of my mush-mouthed, nasal musical theater peers this video as a 'how to'.
― Iacocca Cola (Neanderthal), Thursday, 16 May 2024 22:46 (nine months ago) link
Oh wow, that is a massive compliment! Thank you!
― Cemetry Gaetz (DJP), Friday, 17 May 2024 14:40 (nine months ago) link
vinyl copies of our record arrived today, they sound fucking great, this is definitely the best day of my life
― ivy., Friday, 24 May 2024 20:33 (eight months ago) link
― m0stly clean (Slowsquatch), Saturday, 25 May 2024 00:06 (eight months ago) link
congrats Ivy!!!
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Saturday, 25 May 2024 00:11 (eight months ago) link
Ivyyyyyyyyy congrats!!
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Saturday, 25 May 2024 02:24 (eight months ago) link
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Saturday, 25 May 2024 03:43 (eight months ago) link
that is very cool ivy! congrats
― Bernard Quidbins (NickB), Saturday, 25 May 2024 05:07 (eight months ago) link
Congrats, how many did you press?
I got the masters back for the record I've been working on and I'm very happy with them, whew. I do kinda want to do a very short vinyl run, like 50 copies or less, even if it doesn't make sense financially.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Saturday, 25 May 2024 12:30 (eight months ago) link
there are a few places out there that let you do an express order of 100, sort of a gamble bc there’s no test pressing, but we figured we really didn’t need more than that many (we’ve only sold 20), and it turned out great
― ivy., Saturday, 25 May 2024 12:35 (eight months ago) link
― Cemetry Gaetz (DJP), Saturday, 25 May 2024 12:39 (eight months ago) link
had no idea someone took a video of us during our last show in february. i drop a stick during the outro but otherwise... killed it
― ivy., Monday, 3 June 2024 13:16 (eight months ago) link
OH SHIT!!! i TOTALLY saw your band at a dive bar in Astoria like a year ago
― Deflatormouse, Tuesday, 4 June 2024 01:14 (eight months ago) link
also, you fucking ruled
*and* you looked amazing
The way i described it to my friend was 3 charismatic personalities who mostly stake out their own territory and never quite meld together, but the moments when they come to meet is the most joyous release. the way other bands have quiet/loud dynamics this band has magnetism and pulling apart.
i fucking loved it, and i don't even listen to this kind of music at all
― Deflatormouse, Tuesday, 4 June 2024 01:18 (eight months ago) link
anyway i have been looking for someone to teach me to play sho... and it turns out Columbia U has a gagaku ensemble! and i'm allowed to participate, barring any change in policy that would exclude members of the community. there's just one thing, i have to buy a sho first lol. and the beginner models cost like $1200 and have to be ordered 6 mos in advance. but fuck it i am doing this, i can sell my rock instruments that i dont play anymore.
― Deflatormouse, Tuesday, 4 June 2024 01:22 (eight months ago) link
― Deflatormouse, Monday, June 3, 2024 9:14 PM (yesterday) bookmarkflaglink
― ivy., Tuesday, 4 June 2024 11:29 (eight months ago) link
was the show at irish whiskey bar? best we've ever sounded, somehow, even though the situation was supremely disorganized when we arrived. thank god for scene lifer and the nicest and coolest soundman i've ever met, snake
― ivy., Tuesday, 4 June 2024 15:25 (eight months ago) link
that’s the one! I never would’ve remembered the name of the bar, but who could forget Snake??If it’s the best you ever sounded then i feel so lucky to have caught it!!
― Deflatormouse, Tuesday, 4 June 2024 16:31 (eight months ago) link
that video is great ivy, your band reminds me of Q and Not U in a way
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Tuesday, 4 June 2024 16:40 (eight months ago) link
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Tuesday, June 4, 2024 12:40 PM (three days ago) bookmarkflaglink
biggest compliment on earth!!!!!
― ivy., Friday, 7 June 2024 04:10 (eight months ago) link
also, it's live, and i never have to post about it again
whoa, this album smokes!
― Elvis Telecom, Friday, 7 June 2024 04:27 (eight months ago) link
Sure as hell does! I posted about it last night to Bluesky (tagging Mattie natch -- are you on there, ivy?), and jamie quinn was overwhelmed in response:
"holy christ the guitar on bonehenge feels like having a fever dream under hot sand."
― Ned Raggett, Friday, 7 June 2024 14:51 (eight months ago) link
Anyway in honor of the combined release day F/V needs to open for Charli XCX on her forthcoming tour so you both can collectively wreck everybody.
― Ned Raggett, Friday, 7 June 2024 14:52 (eight months ago) link
thank you so much ned!!!! i feel hopped up on goofballs today
(i’m not on bluesky, and after my insta and fb got deleted i decided to never make a new social media account) (tho i do run the band instagram since i have so much free time on account of having no personal social media)
― ivy., Friday, 7 June 2024 15:06 (eight months ago) link
I can't wait to listen, big congrats ivy.!
― frociaggine e figaggine (flamboyant goon tie included), Friday, 7 June 2024 16:16 (eight months ago) link
well, it's really happening, the Cassini album is coming out on Echodelick Records on vinyl.
not to be too sentimental but it's been a dream of mine my whole life to have a record that I played on, ever since I was listening to my dad's CCR and Stones records as a little kid. Took me decades to get there, but I'm really over the moon.
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Thursday, 13 June 2024 17:07 (eight months ago) link
omg this freakin rules!!!
― ivy., Thursday, 13 June 2024 17:12 (eight months ago) link
Congrats ums!!!
― Iacocca Cola (Neanderthal), Thursday, 13 June 2024 17:16 (eight months ago) link
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Thursday, 13 June 2024 17:19 (eight months ago) link
ums I totally appreciate your feeling there. huge congrats my man!
― Bernard Quidbins (NickB), Thursday, 13 June 2024 17:20 (eight months ago) link
that is awesome!
― imago, Thursday, 13 June 2024 17:21 (eight months ago) link
huge sounds btw!
― Bernard Quidbins (NickB), Thursday, 13 June 2024 17:21 (eight months ago) link
thanks y'all! really really appreciate your sentiments. kind of weirdly emotional for me, more than i expected
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Thursday, 13 June 2024 17:30 (eight months ago) link
Go with it! Feelings are good and so is achieving life goals ❤️ congrats!
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Thursday, 13 June 2024 17:47 (eight months ago) link
As long as you keep on chooglin' all of your dreams will come true <3
― Deflatormouse, Thursday, 13 June 2024 18:40 (eight months ago) link
thanks LL
deflatormouse - i knew from age 3 or 4 that i was going to choogle through life
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Thursday, 13 June 2024 20:41 (eight months ago) link
Congrats. It’s been a life goal of mine as well but about to turn 45
― Heez, Thursday, 13 June 2024 21:36 (eight months ago) link
I fucked up by doing it waaay too early in my 'career' and now I have a phobia of making anything physical that I'll never be able to get rid of.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Thursday, 13 June 2024 21:47 (eight months ago) link
Heez you've got timeI have personally taken 500 unsold CDs to the city dump lol
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Thursday, 13 June 2024 21:55 (eight months ago) link
okay and I released an EP too, am quite proud of this one (in a lo-fi bedroom way)
― imago, Friday, 14 June 2024 06:11 (eight months ago) link
congrats to ivy and ums on the releases, both completed and upcoming! what i heard of FAITH/VOID was awesome, i need to go back and finish listening to iti still have boxes of CDs in the basement from my band that broke up in 2009, maybe i should rent a blimp and throw them out to the city's populationonly vinyl i've been on was for playing in my friend's band where he wrote all the songs and i played exactly what he told me to. it's cool that i have that at least but it would be different to have your own project that you contributed to on vinyl.
― na (NA), Friday, 14 June 2024 13:02 (eight months ago) link
UMS, this sounds amazing. Congrats.
― I would prefer not to. (Chinaski), Friday, 14 June 2024 15:39 (eight months ago) link
My old band did some alternative distribution with some CDs. We took some to Goodwill and local NPR record sale. Left some at the counter of a local head shop.
Funny enough a couple times we ran into people that found the CD there and gave it a listen.
― The Artist formerly known as Earlnash, Friday, 14 June 2024 16:40 (eight months ago) link
I am extremely looking forward to hearing this album UMS I love the Instagram preview
Ivy. your album rules ofc
Will listen to yours tonight imago
― frociaggine e figaggine (flamboyant goon tie included), Friday, 14 June 2024 16:44 (eight months ago) link
swing by SFMOMA and pick up our new LP from the gift shop lol
― famous instagram dog (Shakey Mo Collier), Friday, 14 June 2024 21:01 (eight months ago) link
what record Shakey?really want to thank everyone for the kind words and also say that it's really cool there feels like there's a lot of energy in this thread lately and people doing cool stuff, very nice to see
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Friday, 14 June 2024 22:50 (eight months ago) link
It’s my 11th drummiversary! Im over thinking about where I’d be if I started as a kid like everyone else and have found satisfaction in what I’ve been able to accomplish as an adult learner. I’ve never been so persistent about anything in my life.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Friday, 14 June 2024 23:17 (eight months ago) link
if you squint you can see a copy of our most recent LP in that photo:
― famous instagram dog (Shakey Mo Collier), Friday, 14 June 2024 23:37 (eight months ago) link
Shakey: did you go to the SFMOMA Art Of Noise exhibit?
― Mrs. Ippei (Steve Shasta), Friday, 14 June 2024 23:44 (eight months ago) link
my recording project band finalized what songs are going on the next album and agreed on an album name. taking this weekend to make sure we’re 100% happy with the recordings before sending them off for mastering. so hopefully we’ll have something new out in a couple of months.
― na (NA), Saturday, 15 June 2024 00:34 (eight months ago) link
LL - I love that and I'm happy for you, it's so freeing
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Saturday, 15 June 2024 01:00 (eight months ago) link
when I was about 8 my dad asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I said that I wanted to be the bass player in Van Halen, he asked what was my backup plan and I said I didn't have one, I'm still holding out hope
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Saturday, 15 June 2024 01:05 (eight months ago) link
the new Cassini video is up on Psychedelic Baby, we filmed this a couple years ago on ~~scary~~ golf course in the winter, kind of a black metal look, this is the most noisy/darkest track we it's edited/fucked with practice space jams
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Tuesday, 2 July 2024 16:46 (seven months ago) link
I am getting very strong FACS vibes from this, which is a very good thing IMO
― Cemetry Gaetz (DJP), Tuesday, 2 July 2024 18:58 (seven months ago) link
I've also put out a new ep.
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 19:04 (seven months ago) link
I'm playing my first music show since moving to Portland, put together three other acts to play short sets, but am still fearing that only 10 people will show up at a venue that holds 80. It's that math of knowing 50 people total who might come, then figure 25 might think about going, and 10 ultimately end up doing so.
― the possibility of relaxing (Eazy), Tuesday, 2 July 2024 19:06 (seven months ago) link
we just played our record release show, the bands we booked to play with us were so fucking good and so stoked to be there even though we were playing in a hot pit/back room of a bar on a muggy 90 degree day in new york, and we played SO WELL i mean we rehearsed a lot but it was really amazing to notice how much we were clicking, and also someone ive had a crush on for forever was there and we made out after the set :) best night of my life, play music with your friends
― ivy., Saturday, 6 July 2024 04:53 (seven months ago) link
― polyamerie "it's more than this 1 thing" (m bison), Saturday, 6 July 2024 05:07 (seven months ago) link
xpost thank you so much djp, love facs
that's awesome ivy!!!
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Monday, 8 July 2024 14:43 (seven months ago) link
I'm collaborating with a vocalist that I have massive respect for and it's going well I think, just trying to generate lots of material and then pan for gold. Definitely have to quiet a little bit of imposter syndrome but all I can do is keep making things. Thinking about how I wouldn't have been ready for this until now, I learned my lesson years ago when I felt too precious about 'wasting' 'good' ideas/time and was super stressed about the end result. Now I feel much better about throwing as much at the wall as possible, and if *any* of it ends up coming out as a record I will be stoked.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Monday, 8 July 2024 16:52 (seven months ago) link
that's the attitude to havewho is the singer?
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, 10 July 2024 13:34 (seven months ago) link
xpost Christine I got (I think your first?) synth EP on Bandcamp and have really enjoyed it
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, 10 July 2024 13:35 (seven months ago) link
i am performing solo at camp for an audience of my peers and a big bunch of 8-16 year olds in a school gym. tough room! i am prepared though and i dress-rehearsed my set last night. exactly 30 min!
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 10 July 2024 14:14 (seven months ago) link
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 10 July 2024 14:15 (seven months ago) link
nice, my daughter will be there, as you know
eazy i was listening to your old album a few weeks ago after accidentally figuring out one of your songs, it holds up
i'm in a bit of a creative malaise as we're waiting on external factors that will impact scheduling of our album release and trying to figure out how much promotion to bother doing. thinking about spending a lot of money on new gear to spark creativity
― na (NA), Wednesday, 10 July 2024 14:32 (seven months ago) link
I saw her yesterday but didn’t embarrass her by saying hi. She was busy w friends tootling down the hallway.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 10 July 2024 14:37 (seven months ago) link
good luck ll!!! sounds like a fun gig
― ivy., Wednesday, 10 July 2024 14:45 (seven months ago) link
by mostly happy accident we had like three photographers at the album release show, so now i suddenly have more pictures of myself drumming than i ever have before
― ivy., Wednesday, 10 July 2024 14:50 (seven months ago) link
Great pics! I didn't know ddrum made acoustic kits (yours?).
ums, I don't really want to say publicly (mostly for jinxing reasons) but can email you if you're curious.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Wednesday, 10 July 2024 14:59 (seven months ago) link
not my drums, the venue's backline!
― ivy., Wednesday, 10 July 2024 15:01 (seven months ago) link
god bless you for using the venue's kitlove,band members the world over
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, 10 July 2024 15:53 (seven months ago) link
God bless that venue for having a backline kit
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 10 July 2024 16:02 (seven months ago) link
it seems like that would have to be just about mandatory in NYC, though i don't really understand how bands work in NYC (in terms of having practice space, getting gear to shows, etc.)
― na (NA), Wednesday, 10 July 2024 16:16 (seven months ago) link
i have played venues without a backline kit, it always sucks ass. i am still very lucky in that one member of the band owns a car
my neighborhood has a devoted music practice space, ton of rooms full of gear, also feel very lucky that that exists even though it can't possibly make money and must be a front for something
― ivy., Wednesday, 10 July 2024 16:20 (seven months ago) link
It does suck ass! I’ll do it but you have to be some kind of nuts to want to tote your own kit somewhere you do not need to tote it.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 10 July 2024 16:22 (seven months ago) link
The drummer's dilemma, haul your own kit (sucks and increases changeover time, but you're comfortable) vs use the backline kit (which usually has beat up heads, stripped stands and throne that you can barely adjust, feels weird).
Backline is extremely rare here, reserved for festivals (to get that trademark Festival Tom Sound (TM)) and a couple jazz clubs. I think for rock shows there's that weird negotiation where one of the drummers need to volunteer to let everyone else use their kit.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Wednesday, 10 July 2024 16:28 (seven months ago) link
best are the bands that show up without a kit or bass amp and just assume they can use yours
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, 10 July 2024 16:34 (seven months ago) link
― Thrapple from the Apple (James Redd and the Blecchs), Saturday, 27 July 2024 15:18 (six months ago) link
One time I went to Dizzy’s at Lincoln Center and overhead the drummer for the late show being asked why he didn’t bring his drums and saying “well, I can just use the other guy’s.” Except the other guy from the first set didn’t let him so they had to go and find some old beater set for him to play.
― Thrapple from the Apple (James Redd and the Blecchs), Saturday, 27 July 2024 15:22 (six months ago) link
my band has a new album coming out next month, there are three preview tracks up now on our bandcamp:'m really happy with how it turned out, we made some investments in some really basic gear (like some better mics and those mic stands that clip onto the drums themselves) that i think helped with a more consistent drum sound, and we stretched out our songwriting beyond our standard 3-minute bangers on some of the songs
― na (NA), Monday, 5 August 2024 14:10 (six months ago) link
Did you end up mixing this in the box?
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Monday, 5 August 2024 14:25 (six months ago) link
yupsomething you said about mixing on ilx actually stuck in my head, about how a lot of times a good mix involves having an element of the song being mixed "too" loud. it was helpful, i definitely think i used to focus more on everything being equally audible, now i'm more comfortable pushing elements that i want to emphasize way up to the front. the opposite sometimes too, mixing some parts "too" quiet leads to more dynamics. lol this all sounds so basic when i type it out
― na (NA), Monday, 5 August 2024 14:41 (six months ago) link
i guess i never really thought about it much in the past because i've traditionally gone for more of a "live" sound where things are more stripped down and the levels stay pretty consistent, but with this recording project i can be a little more creative in arrangements and mixing
― na (NA), Monday, 5 August 2024 14:43 (six months ago) link
I agree with all of that. Tracks sound great NA
― flamboyant goon tie included, Monday, 5 August 2024 14:49 (six months ago) link
yeah this sounds really good!!!
― ivy., Monday, 5 August 2024 14:49 (six months ago) link
Love to hear that, yeah it sounds great.
My musical life feels like it's exploding lately - working on two records (trying to get up a an hour or two early to get some music time in before work, since I don't have much other time during the week), getting some video and live show prep together for an all-drums album that's coming out in a couple months, practicing.
Played a last minute sub gig yesterday with a New Orleans r&b guy who was in town, felt pretty good and it was fun to bring out all this Zigaboo/Clyde/Earl Palmer type of playing that I love but don't get to do very often.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Monday, 5 August 2024 15:02 (six months ago) link
With mixing I also stopped trying to aim for everything being the same volume. Now I go for audibility. Like that synth in the background is there and as long as the listener concentrates on it a little, they can hear it. Partly I did this out of practicality - ear fatigue while mixing makes trying to get everything the same volume a tedious chore. But also I love records where some instrument is a little bit hidden in the mix and I don't notice it's there until I've heard the song a few times already.
― you gotta roll with the pączki to get to what's real (snoball), Monday, 5 August 2024 16:43 (six months ago) link
I need to get better at this, and to take my own advice more often. Sometimes when I keep turning something down in the mix, I take that as a cue to mean that it may as well not be there, and I do like mixes with only a few elements where everything gets room to breathe frequency-wise. But I think I also need to do more of what you're describing, tucking little subliminal things in the mix that you feel more than hear, sometimes that can really add depth and keep the ear engaged.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Monday, 5 August 2024 17:11 (six months ago) link
― you gotta roll with the pączki to get to what's real (snoball), Monday, August 5, 2024 11:43 AM (thirty-four minutes ago) bookmarkflaglink
an engineer i've worked with a lot also taught me a nice trick -- say it's a little keyboard or guitar overdub that's going to play during the verse, if you raise it up in the mix a bit before the vocal comes in, you can pull it down while the vocal is there and psychologically you've already established it for the listener so they will continue to notice it even at a lower volume (it's very possible this is common knowledge too, i just didn't know it)
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Monday, 5 August 2024 17:20 (six months ago) link
also the Cassini record is out! I played my very own record on my very own turntable :)
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Monday, 5 August 2024 18:00 (six months ago) link
PSA: Sweetwater, Adorama and Alto have the Klark Teknik 76-KT on sale for $150 (not an affiliate link or anything like that):
This is down from $349. A real Universal Audio 1176 reissue is $2999.99 new.
I took a chance the last time I couldn't resist a Klark sale (KT is Behringer, if you don't know) on their Roland Dimension knock off (a stereo BBD chorus). I think it was $79.99, and well worth it, though its a subtle effect and probably isn't the most phase-legal outboard you could find. I've never used this KT-76, but have used the real 1176s and probably would never buy a real one just due to cost. Thats a good price though if it's any good whatsoever. We will see!
― encino morricone (majorairbro), Friday, 16 August 2024 06:46 (six months ago) link
oh I should add that it's backordered but they're still accepting orders that wont ship for several months.... but honoring the sale price.
― encino morricone (majorairbro), Friday, 16 August 2024 06:50 (six months ago) link
That is tempting, I've never used a hardware compressor and I'd love to know if it would add something that I'm not getting from plugins. But I fear I would be too lazy to set up the routing every time and just use one of my many great vst compressors.
I recorded a bunch of hi-hat tracks the other day (incl. different stacks of crash cymbals on the hi hat stand), and remembered why I record everything but hi-hats at home. I think that there's nothing to expose a not-so-great sounding room more than hi-hats -- short, sharp, and metallic. I get surprisingly decent results with everything else in an untreated basement (drums, percussion, ride cymbals) but hi-hat sounds just drive me insane. May have to either use samples or re-record in a makeshift blanket fort.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Monday, 19 August 2024 18:29 (six months ago) link
Pls post pics if you go the blanket fort!
― bert newtown, Monday, 19 August 2024 21:57 (six months ago) link
My band is finally going into the studio to shed the songs we’ve been slowly working up since 2018. Covid put a 2-year damper on stuff and we’re generally all busy adults etc etcbut i don’t 100% know how I feel about laying down songs that were written in the throes of a love affair that ended over 5 years ago, political stuff inspired by spring 2020, & all that. I should move faster but my bones are creaky. Probably nobody will notice the political stuff much, and tunes about a doomed affair have no expiry date, but it all just seems so … old. Very typical, as soon as I have 10-12 unrecorded songs I get total writers block until they’re recorded at which point the floodgates open again. Maybe I should look at it less as an album and more as a creative enema.
― It was on a accident (hardcore dilettante), Friday, 23 August 2024 00:32 (five months ago) link
I have yet another collection of bangs, drones, and hums available for your listening displeasure.
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Monday, 2 September 2024 04:44 (five months ago) link
my band's new album is out today:'m happy with all the songs. i don't know how cohesive it is as an album but i just think of it as the white album of diy indie rock
― na (NA), Friday, 6 September 2024 14:31 (five months ago) link
(mostly in terms of the diversity of song styles represented across the album but also in terms of it being a generation-defining classic)
― na (NA), Friday, 6 September 2024 14:39 (five months ago) link
two of the three reviews we've gotten for the album so far mention Yo La Tengo, a comparison we've also gotten in the past. i love YLT but i don't think we really sound like them, they're a lot jammier/loose. sarah's theory is that we get compared to them because we're an indie rock trio with one woman, which i think is true but also we're middle-aged so that's another shared factor (though they're like 20 years older than us).
― na (NA), Monday, 30 September 2024 16:52 (four months ago) link
Also married couple + another guy (the roles don’t map perfectly but the makeup does even though you don’t really sound like then imo)
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Monday, 30 September 2024 17:57 (four months ago) link
oh yeah good point
― na (NA), Monday, 30 September 2024 18:18 (four months ago) link
Do you have keyboards sometimes but not all the time? Cover 60s garage songs? Genre hop to an extent?
― encino morricone (majorairbro), Tuesday, 1 October 2024 04:43 (four months ago) link
i play some bass on this new album, my friend Doug does some really great old school lofi indie, but i'm especially excited because i finally got to play lead guitar for the first time on a recording (at the beginning and on the last verse)
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, 9 October 2024 15:53 (four months ago) link
NA digging this Shredded Sun record, also hear 0% Yo La Tengo so far
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, 9 October 2024 16:04 (four months ago) link
actually "Both Your Houses" I could see the comparison
― Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, 9 October 2024 16:11 (four months ago) link
Day after my album release show and I'm soooooo relieved that people showed up, the sound came out of the speakers, and that generally speaking we felt relaxed and musical and didn't eat it in front of everyone. It's always hard to combine acoustic drums and electronics sound-wise but it worked out. It was also very nice to play drums in a group where the only other member is a much better drummer (and had a moment or two of time vertigo when I thought about the two of us playing double drums in the basement of a music store when I was like 12 and taking lessons from him).
Album's out now:
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Friday, 11 October 2024 13:45 (four months ago) link
thanks UMS! i'll check out your friend's albumcongrats on the show, Jordan - looking forward to listening to the new album
― na (NA), Friday, 11 October 2024 14:12 (four months ago) link
ok the new chants rips
― na (NA), Friday, 11 October 2024 14:58 (four months ago) link
thank you! here's a clip from last night:
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Friday, 11 October 2024 19:17 (four months ago) link
BeautifulO man Jordan so good
― bert newtown, Saturday, 19 October 2024 11:55 (four months ago) link
Oh thank you so much. <3 I found that playing the music live helped alleviate some of the low-key malaise that often accompanies releasing an album, who would have thought. We want to do more shows in the midwest, but it's tricky to find venues that are more on the diy/arts space side of things that also have a decent sound system (it can be hard to balance samples and bass against acoustic drums even if they're not mic'ed, we've found).
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Tuesday, 22 October 2024 15:30 (four months ago) link
Ive often liked that kind of venue as an audience member. If there is no stage and its cozy its just so great to be on the ground with the musicians.
But yeah i never considered the sound issues
― bert newtown, Wednesday, 23 October 2024 10:16 (three months ago) link
...and now thinking what a coup!e of kits might feel like in those environments
― bert newtown, Wednesday, 23 October 2024 11:09 (three months ago) link
J try Elastic in Chicago — they have elaborate sound system (CLEAT something or other) and are total pros in every regard
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 23 October 2024 15:06 (three months ago) link
Ooh thank you LL! I will look into it. We want to book some shows with J0n Mu3ller in the spring.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Wednesday, 23 October 2024 15:08 (three months ago) link
Me too, I love that guy
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 23 October 2024 17:13 (three months ago) link
No shame — he’s super nice and generous and also a riveting performer.
My musical life is moribund from the outside and thriving inside. I’ve recorded more songs and better songs this year with my solo setup than I ever have. I’m trying to get back out there — this is the hard part for me.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 23 October 2024 17:15 (three months ago) link
Strongly relate. I'm doing tons of stuff, but don't know how to turn it into actual gigs. I've started a program with a local entertainment company to sharpen up my brand and social media and map out how to achieve some professional-ish goals.
― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Wednesday, 23 October 2024 17:38 (three months ago) link
I need to remind people that I exist and have some weird music for them, probably IRL because that works best for me.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 23 October 2024 17:43 (three months ago) link
Exactly, in addition to trying to ramp up my pursuit of DJ gigs, I've decided I need to look for opportunities to do my weird synth improvs, going to look for art spaces and other venues that might be open to more experimental performances.
― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Wednesday, 23 October 2024 17:47 (three months ago) link
made new song i really like. shared it with some people. everyone liked it, but i got one "positive" critical response and now i hate the song
― Heez, Wednesday, 23 October 2024 18:31 (three months ago) link
Was it a "reminds me of X" comment? That will always do it, lol.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Wednesday, 23 October 2024 18:35 (three months ago) link
no, i'm dumb for letting it bother me because it came from a old timey music historian in his 70s. he was like, "why all the distortion?," which i can handle, but then he said something about my vocals (of which I am most insecure) sounding "beaten down" which i can't handle
― Heez, Wednesday, 23 October 2024 18:48 (three months ago) link
meanwhile my drummer neighbor, who makes some great music, loved it. we have very similar music taste so i should just be happy with that
― Heez, Wednesday, 23 October 2024 18:50 (three months ago) link
It’s my experience that any feedback directly to the way the music sounds is hard to come by. I’m always grateful for it when someone makes a specific comment. I’d be grateful for whatever anyone feels like telling me. I like my set of September songs the best so here it is, feel free to comment if you feel like it!!
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 23 October 2024 19:08 (three months ago) link
I agree LL it can feel so vulnerable at times though. in fact i tried changing the key of the song to see if it might brighten up my vocal, and it may work, but requires a complete restart
― Heez, Wednesday, 23 October 2024 19:16 (three months ago) link
idk i think it should sound how YOU want it to sound -- what does this guy know about how you express yourself?!
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 23 October 2024 19:17 (three months ago) link
ok well here it is
i will not shed a tear if you would like to constructively critique
also, i said it's done but it's not mixed and my left ear is fucked so the mix may not be great
― Heez, Wednesday, 23 October 2024 19:30 (three months ago) link
i dig that, LL
― Heez, Wednesday, 23 October 2024 19:36 (three months ago) link
Heez that track is sick, your voice sounds great
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Wednesday, 23 October 2024 19:43 (three months ago) link
― Heez, Wednesday, 23 October 2024 20:07 (three months ago) link
I dug that LL
― bert newtown, Saturday, 26 October 2024 12:26 (three months ago) link
Thanks for listening!
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Saturday, 26 October 2024 15:50 (three months ago) link
That’s some Residents-ass shit, LL. It’s not really my jam, but it honestly sounds great to me, like just sonically & the way it’s put together. I think the combo of synthesized sounds and live drums/percussion is cool & unusual (punishment)
― dentist looking too comfortable singing the blues (hardcore dilettante), Wednesday, 6 November 2024 22:29 (three months ago) link
ok well here it is🕸i will not shed a tear if you would like to constructively critiquealso, i said it's done but it's not mixed and my left ear is fucked so the mix may not be great
― dentist looking too comfortable singing the blues (hardcore dilettante), Wednesday, 6 November 2024 22:38 (three months ago) link
Some excellent lyrics as well.
Ha thanks that’s a good description
― Heez, Wednesday, 6 November 2024 22:43 (three months ago) link
Thank you HD!! I feel like people would probably not expect the music that comes out of my head to be so weird/abrasive and I appreciate being recognized for it.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Wednesday, 6 November 2024 23:09 (three months ago) link
― | (Latham Green), Friday, 8 November 2024 19:20 (three months ago) link
Here’s an excerpt from a concert I did on Sunday. The song is “Softly, As in a Morning Sunrise” from the musical The New Moon (1928) by Hammerstein and Romberg
― DJP, Tuesday, 12 November 2024 14:42 (three months ago) link
I am learning VCV Rack via YouTube videos and have reached the point in my explorations where I can create a primitive ping-and-crunch rhythm that sounds REMARKABLY like recent Autechre. Since I am a musical imbecile and I have always thought of them as wizards, this is somewhere between deflating and inspiring.
In other news, I have put together two musicians who've played together before — guitarist Ava Mendoza and violinist gabby fluke-mogul — and a drummer they've never worked with before, Carolina Pérez Arrago of the death metal band Hypoxia, and they're gonna make a record for my label next weekend. It'll be out in the spring, probably. Depending on how it comes out, I'm considering asking the engineer to mix it in mono for extra thunderousness.
― Instead of create and send out, it pull back and consume (unperson), Saturday, 16 November 2024 21:31 (three months ago) link
My new EP is out--it's a bit softer and less angular than the last album. Enjoy.
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Thursday, 5 December 2024 05:42 (two months ago) link
I gave VCV rack a shot again and I came up with some really cool stuff! Pretty nice for free, VERY creative.
― encino morricone (majorairbro), Thursday, 5 December 2024 07:33 (two months ago) link
Vcvrack is so much fun...
― m0stly clean (Slowsquatch), Thursday, 5 December 2024 12:15 (two months ago) link
Currently Soundcloud is the only place where I have most of my recordings, but I need to start considering pushing them to streaming platforms. I find the whole world of streaming distribution services pretty confusing and overwhelming. I know Soundcloud can push my stuff out to other platforms, but people seem to hate their distribution tools. In fact, people seem to hate most distribution tools.
Is there a service that anyone on here actually likes? Any to avoid? I don't need anything super complicated, just want to expand out to more listeners and maybe get on some playlists. I could also imagine pushing some of my music to Beatport, which I think only some services support.
― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Tuesday, 17 December 2024 16:17 (two months ago) link
I know most people use Distrokid? I've been lucky in that most of my stuff has been handled by indie labels, and for my own little label it was through someone else's distribution deal. I think all of that stuff went to Beatport, but nothing really works for playlists anymore (except by lottery-esque chance, I think). Sorry to not be of more help!
I've been working on an album, and I gotta say I've been getting some great drum sounds in my untreated basement with the same budget mics I've had forever (AT2035 for a main mic, two old Rhode NT5s - started using one of them as a bottom snare mic, and the Zoom H6 built-ins as a wildcard/room mic), just due to getting more familiar with my process and its limitations. Playing very quietly (because I like how it sounds when compressed and to not get too much room sound), tracking everything separately (snare/cymbals/bass drum, playing the latter on its side with a mallet usually), knowing how I'm going to mix, working on touch, etc.
Also it sounds like my record from last year is going to get a vinyl re-press (it was initially on cassette), which is exciting.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Tuesday, 7 January 2025 18:47 (one month ago) link
yeah i use distrokid for getting music on streaming services, it does what i need and is pretty easy to use
― na (NA), Tuesday, 7 January 2025 20:00 (one month ago) link
also use it, very easy to use.
― encino morricone (majorairbro), Wednesday, 8 January 2025 10:15 (one month ago) link
We want to book some shows with J0n Mu3ller in the spring
Incidentally this already happened, we did two shows together in the dead of winter during a snowstorm. Musically great fun, but we (and the crowds) were definitely battling the elements.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Thursday, 9 January 2025 21:45 (one month ago) link
i noticed -- i saw JM announce the shows and was like how about that jordan got his wish!
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Thursday, 9 January 2025 22:37 (one month ago) link
i'm learning "jellybelly" on the drums. ouch
― ivy., Wednesday, 15 January 2025 17:07 (one month ago) link
Bison - Space Evader, which my band recorded back in the day, is now up on Bandcamp. If you are into mid 90s pre-emo with lots of noisy rippin' guitars, then this is for you.
― Muad'Doob (Moodles), Thursday, 30 January 2025 15:23 (three weeks ago) link
Working obsessively on something. It's getting in the way of everything else. Pretty giddy tbh. When you're in the grips of it there's nothing else like it...
― imago, Thursday, 13 February 2025 23:21 (one week ago) link
enjoy the buzz my guy! xx
― Clock DVLA (NickB), Thursday, 13 February 2025 23:33 (one week ago) link
― imago, Thursday, 13 February 2025 23:38 (one week ago) link
my band/recording project that has existed for almost 10 years is prepping to play our first show. our kids are finally old and self-sufficient enough that we can carve out some time to practice.
― na (NA), Friday, 14 February 2025 15:05 (one week ago) link
Yeah there's nothing like the obsession when you're in deep, I can see the end of the album I've been working on for the last 3 months and it's bittersweet. I'll have to remember what I used to do when I had a couple hours of free time.
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Friday, 14 February 2025 17:08 (one week ago) link
First thing, I have a new single out that I never got around to posting here. thing, I still haven't figured out how to release music without going backwards emotionally and in terms of keeping my life organized. I'm just now recovering from the life hit that I got from putting out that single.
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Friday, 14 February 2025 19:26 (one week ago) link
what sort of life hit after putting out a single? do you mean like processing the feelings or did something happen?
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Friday, 14 February 2025 19:28 (one week ago) link
It's hard to explain. I just kind of lose the life routines that I've spent months trying to get myself to do--things like taking the garbage out frequently and keeping up with the laundry, and neglect keeping in touch with the people around me and online. I also end up feeling emotionally imbalanced in a way I find hard to explain.
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Monday, 17 February 2025 00:25 (five days ago) link
You mean while you're working on it? I can kind of relate to that, when I was working on my first album I was truly obsessed, wanted to work on it all the time and had a harder time coming out of it, and it caused a bit of conflict with my gf. These days I still get obsessed but we both navigate it better, she knows I need some time (particularly weekend afternoons) and I'm better at setting things aside and knowing I'll get to it. And during the week I'm always listening and making notes (and maybe squeezing in some easy tweaks), so I have a list of things to tackle when I have time. It's good to take breaks!
― Jordan s/t (Jordan), Monday, 17 February 2025 18:41 (five days ago) link
No, afterwards, usually about 24 hours after it comes out. I don't work long hours on music, I usually work a few hours in the evening, put it aside for a few days, and then work on it some more until it feels like it's done. Like a lot of things in my life, there's no possible explanation or excuse for what I do or what happens to me.
― Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Tuesday, 18 February 2025 14:10 (four days ago) link
idk there's always an explanation -- is it because you are waiting for reactions from people? and either getting them (or not) makes you feel dysregulated?! it's a vulnerable thing to put one's music out there for the world to hear. be easy on yourself.
― Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Tuesday, 18 February 2025 15:34 (four days ago) link