Friend Infected With Right Wing Brain Worms - What to Do?

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women can't be employed in a coveted field, happy, and pictured together. it just drives dudes completely insane

mh, Monday, 14 May 2018 15:47 (six years ago) link

I also didn't know about Comicsgate (or I knew, but about the one a few years ago around "hey guys maybe don't put traced porn shots on comic covers") - the article here makes the point that it doesn't even have the figleaf of ethics in games journalism, it's literally just "we fear the rise of women and brown people"

Andrew Farrell, Monday, 14 May 2018 15:47 (six years ago) link

I am not sure if laughing is the right response to idiotic claims, but I snorted when I saw this gem from one of these comicsgate turds

good lord

— BAKOON (@BAKKOOONN) May 14, 2018

mh, Monday, 14 May 2018 15:56 (six years ago) link

I think the ongoing collapse of legitimacy of liberal institutions, increasingly anxiety producing omnipresence of (social)media, increasing forgetfulness of 20th century totalitarianisms (and hence the taboos around them) and finally ambient stress from environmental collapse all push ideological identification closer to the Cult mindset than it's ever been since the 40s. Or at the very least the melding of Cult tendencies familiar from the mid-century with political discourse seems like a natural evolution of the form. Hence, you should take your cues from this guy:

ryan, Monday, 14 May 2018 16:06 (six years ago) link

All nerd media needs to morph into a wall-to-wall multicultural pansexual orgy until all the chuds are stricken with massive rage aneurysms, at which time we can return to business as usual.

Delightful in Microdoses (Old Lunch), Monday, 14 May 2018 16:08 (six years ago) link

xpost Yes, I feel like deprogramming techniques are probably going to be an increasingly-useful tool to have in one's belt, sadly.

Delightful in Microdoses (Old Lunch), Monday, 14 May 2018 16:09 (six years ago) link

even if it was, and it definitely is NOT the case, that writers/artists are getting gigs because of a hype cycle and not due to extraordinary talent, these guys have short memories. a lot of the so-called adults making the most noise are my age or older and came to age during the time when the superhero comics market was 90% hype, there was Wizard magazine and a couple knockoffs publishing lists of "hot artists" that had nothing to do with artistic ability, and the comics were pretty disposable

and nearly without exception, the "hot" writers/artists were young men in their 20s -- it was some weird confirmation that every kid drooling over their comics collection, if they were into it enough and practiced drawing misshapen women and big guns, could be a success in the industry in a few years

mh, Monday, 14 May 2018 16:15 (six years ago) link

The biggest problem here is that there's 457 easy logical arguments against believing any of this dumb shit and none of them will take because this dumb shit isn't founded on a logical argument in the first place. It's people who mistakenly believe the source of their insecurities is external to them and who've found an echo chamber to point them in the direction of an easy scapegoat.

Delightful in Microdoses (Old Lunch), Monday, 14 May 2018 16:20 (six years ago) link

Like, no responsible professional is gonna say 'yeah, sorry, forget about getting into the industry at a time when probably thousands of different comics are being produced every month, and you can blame affirmative action' but at the same time these dopes are busy expressing butthurt on Twitter rather than asking responsible professionals for advice.

Delightful in Microdoses (Old Lunch), Monday, 14 May 2018 16:24 (six years ago) link

we don’t really interact online much

then what is the problem? you say you hang out every week and have known him since 7th grade, this seems like a very longstanding friendship.

when I took a closer look and saw that he’s been hobnobbing with a lot of alt-right adjacent type folks and actively arguing with “SJWs”. Now he’s apparently following dudes like Stephen Crowder and tweeting recommendations for books by Ben Shapiro. BEN MOTHERFUCKING SHAPIRO. Ugh.

okay i have no idea who these people are. please explain why this is some decades-old friendship killing thing. these people are media critics, right? why judge him on believing what you believe that these media people believe.

It’s just heartbreaking because he’s not a jerk at all IRL. He’s always been a good friend and has helped me out and had my back numerous times.

so he sounds like a real person in real life but you have a problem with his virtual avatar posting links. if he's a stand up fellow irl who cares?

But in his online life he’s kinda turning into a real “why won’t you let me debate you, coward” sort of douche

hide his offensive posts on social media & your newsfeed. don't respond to his posts, don't give him that attention, that platform. if you don't like it, and it seems like you don't, then don't do it. it is very simple. don't take the bait. it is the best way to deal w a troll. if you decide this is cowardly and you want to be a knight in shining armor defending whatever issue he is talking about then you are stepping right into whatever SJW role that linked story has prefabricated for you, it will be a useless endeavor, possibly giving you some ownage gratification but little else, and will harm your irl relationship in the long run.

for that matter, it is harmful to the society at large for progressives to cut off their "infected" friends. doing so sort of proves them right, that these ideologies have indeed taken away a very real relationship from them, that the other side is extremist and only interested in defending an ideology, etc. i mean, people really do sound like Warriors when they say shit like "they'll be up against the wall first"

Hazy Maze Cave (Adam Bruneau), Monday, 14 May 2018 16:30 (six years ago) link

Hey Adam

louise ck (milo z), Monday, 14 May 2018 16:35 (six years ago) link

I recently found out this crackpot character I used to hero worship a bit in my formative years is a fairly typical bigot these days. Fuck knows how he justifies being a racist cos his biological dad was Afro-Caribbean. But he used to be funny as fuck and had a rep for breaking into local chemical plants to steal ingredients for his amateur pyrotechnics experiments and occasionally blowing up phone-boxes. He is welder these days and is Islamophobic, hates Eastern Europeans, rants about "benefits scroungers" (even though he was on the "rock'n'roll" himself for the best part of a decade). It saddens me that he is so fucking thick-headed these days, but I'd probably still talk to him and be civil. But wouldn't bother talking politics with him for sure.

calzino, Monday, 14 May 2018 16:36 (six years ago) link

not sure about your friend, latebloomer, but the red pill types i know have either been rejected at some point (because of their own issues, which they then blame on others) or they've been consistently unhappy and searching for answers, and this is just the latest place they think they've found them.

empathy can be pretty tough for people like this but it's important to try to hold onto it. i'm pretty tolerant of other viewpoints generally speaking, but for me it's not the opinions themselves that make me roll my eyes and ignore people (even though i may disagree strongly with them!) but rather the constant need to make waves, or always wanting to talk about every single little thing that the opposition is doing like it's the end of the world (which really does go for the left more and makes me want to quit a conversation immediately), or the trolling, or the clear need to intentionally hurt other people. so i mean i guess you can try to bring him back from the brink and talk about actual issues without the rhetoric or tedious right wing talking points. or lead by example, bring him out of the echo chamber.

omar little, Monday, 14 May 2018 16:40 (six years ago) link

he used to be funny as fuck and had a rep for breaking into local chemical plants to steal ingredients for his amateur pyrotechnics experiments and occasionally blowing up phone-boxes.

Tyler Durden was probably a key figure in the lives of many current "not as smart as they think" alt-right types and that's a pretty good example!

omar little, Monday, 14 May 2018 16:43 (six years ago) link

for that matter, it is harmful to the society at large for progressives to cut off their "infected" friends. doing so sort of proves them right, that these ideologies have indeed taken away a very real relationship from them

Foreseeing a backlash and a social cost to espousing antisocial ideologies doesn't make you 'right'. It just means you're able to identify basic cause and effect. 'See? I told you the maaaaaan would arrest me if I burnt down that warehouse! Typical!'

At any rate, this isn't even some conservative vs. liberal argument about how taxes should be allocated. It's a situation with zero benefit to anyone beyond the ego gratification of online sadists. Whose perspective we should consider with sympathy lest society-at-large be harmed...I guess...?

Delightful in Microdoses (Old Lunch), Monday, 14 May 2018 17:17 (six years ago) link

Like if you're going to argue that these people have a valid point to make, please tell me what is gained by the point they're making.

Delightful in Microdoses (Old Lunch), Monday, 14 May 2018 17:18 (six years ago) link

sez he like

gneb farts (darraghmac), Monday, 14 May 2018 17:20 (six years ago) link

To be clear that was aimed at old lunch re bruneau and doesn’t necessarily refer to latebloomer’s alt-right mate who may still be reachable

type your stinkin prose off me, ur damned qwerty uiop (wins), Monday, 14 May 2018 17:26 (six years ago) link

that harper's article that ryan linked to is good

mh, Monday, 14 May 2018 17:29 (six years ago) link

Yeah, I know I'm failing to follow the 'do not engage illogic with logic' advice I gave upthread.

Delightful in Microdoses (Old Lunch), Monday, 14 May 2018 17:31 (six years ago) link

there was a recent episode of This American Life about a confrontation between one of the more assertive right-wing student groups and the students and faculty of a university that alluded to, but didn't spell out, the methodology of their confrontations

and that's really it in a nutshell: the politics are secondary to the provoking of a confrontation, and how to shape the views of the community by making it a strong us-versus-them conflict as opposed to a conversation. saying and doing the most offensive things in order to provoke a reaction in kind, which is then held up as some sort of breach of... I don't know, values or civility

setting yourself in opposition to people who, for the most part, just want to be treated fairly and equally by trolling them and making their lives hell is pretty weak

mh, Monday, 14 May 2018 17:42 (six years ago) link

like, it's one thing to mock people for invoking "the patriarchy" but if you ask one of these alt-right kids "ok, there are 80% male faculty members at your school, and advocating for hiring based on merit alone isn't changing this, and it's been shown that students generally feel more valued when some of their teachers are a reflection of their own live experiences. what do you think we should do?" they have no answers. and the vicious part isn't that they want to uphold the status quo -- they're actively trying to provoke the people who are already exceptions to the rule to anger, so that they can drive them out and screw up the system

the long answer is that most of the people being taken by these hucksters aren't going to see any material gains, either. you could have an all white male staff and still fail all your classes because you refuse to learn, but they're not quite seeing that

going back to the comics thing, it's pretty much the same thing. the comics industry was dominated by white men, and guess what? not every kid who could draw a halfway decent spider-man was guaranteed a job then, either

mh, Monday, 14 May 2018 17:50 (six years ago) link

had somehow never heard of comicsgate but jfc that is some deranged shit.

(The Other) J.D. (J.D.), Monday, 14 May 2018 17:56 (six years ago) link

In my experience, or in my own personal case, I see some of what mh says. For my relative, the them and us is existential, and the 'them' will always be the 'them', discussion is obsfucation, its more deep seated than that, its not going to change anything, it is merely the sound of a petty criminal trying to avoid his fate in court.

In some ways it predates all this recent commotion in the media, thats just given it a structure, a framework. Predating all that was an outlook that was very black and white, anything other than that is perceived as trying to muddy the waters. My 'role' is either to agree with them, or failing that, act as the opponent should. You're with us, or you're one of them, a snowflake, a Putin sympathizer, brainwashed by the bbc, there isnt anything else but these two options.
it feels like a desire for certainty. They also only believe in the tangible, depression doesnt exist, anxiety don't exist, priviledge doesnt exist, simply cannot conceptualize them, they are made up excuses.

In some way, its the same thing about reading or learning. What does the university lecturer have to offer the aristocrat or businessman? If the lecturer is so smart, why doesnt he have any money. Who needs their notebooks and manuals, after all, how hard can it be

anvil, Monday, 14 May 2018 18:08 (six years ago) link

a lot of the materials are, like ryan alluded, very cult-like. they don't try to teach, they try to explain that you already know what is right and the people who say otherwise are your enemies. it's a self-protective hubris -- acknowledging that others may have perspectives that you could learn from, or that you might have been mistaken in your beliefs, is a blow to your sense of self. you always had value, you were always right, and here's this man to tell you those things. you just needed a little boost, to line things up to be more effective.

mh, Monday, 14 May 2018 18:17 (six years ago) link

when i mentioned that people are unhappy and searching for answers, i think the subtext is that they're searching for answers that fit into their specific worldview rather than challenge their worldview. they've maybe been challenged to some extent before because of those views and have been seeking out their safe space, or waiting for a safe time to unleash them. it's obvious of course that the response many people have to being challenged for their views is to shift further in that direction rather than questioning themselves, and whether or not they were correct in the first place.

omar little, Monday, 14 May 2018 18:23 (six years ago) link

In lieu of full-scale education in critical thinking skills, the least we can do for kids is to promote the idea that the only version of being wrong that isn't totally 100% okay and natural is when you double down in lieu of self-reflection.

Delightful in Microdoses (Old Lunch), Monday, 14 May 2018 18:26 (six years ago) link

imo the hardest thing is acknowledging that life is complex and there's never one good right answer that is going to work for you forever, so you should probably think things through and accept a little ambiguity

the thing that blows my mind about the whateveronline-gate people is that a bunch of the twitter hustlers drifted right from that into the alt-right, and some have jumped ship and are -- I shit you not -- selling vitamins and diet supplements now

mh, Monday, 14 May 2018 18:27 (six years ago) link

This is why, i think, the most effective way of not being pulled into .these weird conversations that actually arent conversations - is just not to go along with it, not to play the game.

I can't criticize anyone for cutting off or ostracizing, because each situation is different and you have to do what you feel is the right thing, but I think just not letting yourself get sucked in goes a long way. You're not obliged to discuss any particular topic, if I tried to bring every topic round to involve leopards, nobody would indulge me with that! They wouldnt debate me about the leopards, they'd just change the subject

anvil, Monday, 14 May 2018 18:28 (six years ago) link

the thing that blows my mind about the whateveronline-gate people is that a bunch of the twitter hustlers drifted right from that into the alt-right, and some have jumped ship and are -- I shit you not -- selling vitamins and diet supplements now

Yeah I heard Cernovich was getting into some kind of block chain-based mysticism? It’s all just so stupid.

latebloomer, Monday, 14 May 2018 18:33 (six years ago) link

It's like when my brother tried to open up a debate about why women made poor managers and he could never work for a woman. I am not debating. I call him an asshole and move on in my day.

Yerac, Monday, 14 May 2018 18:40 (six years ago) link

they don't try to teach, they try to explain that you already know what is right and the people who say otherwise are your enemies. it's a self-protective hubris -- acknowledging that others may have perspectives that you could learn from, or that you might have been mistaken in your beliefs, is a blow to your sense of self.

its a lil too easy tbh

gneb farts (darraghmac), Monday, 14 May 2018 18:45 (six years ago) link

yea these dudes are all drifting into the Alex Jones zone, which, to be fair, is a hell of a lucrative grift

frogbs, Monday, 14 May 2018 18:48 (six years ago) link

decidedly not what i was hinting at my man

gneb farts (darraghmac), Monday, 14 May 2018 18:53 (six years ago) link

As a general thing, people need to be reminded that the extent to which their own demographic info overlaps with that of a cisgender white Christian American male without some sort of physical or mental disability is the extent to which their problems are probably largely of their own making.

man, I wish there were easy answers

mh, Monday, 14 May 2018 19:03 (six years ago) link

half of this shit is like, why are you even putting all this effort into it? get a job, maybe stop for a beer on the way home, watch some tv or read comic books or whatever. why does every person need to invest all this time in who is writing what and why?

I mean, that goes for me too, but I’m not crafting my identity around it, I’m just posting about it on a message board and shrugging

mh, Monday, 14 May 2018 19:09 (six years ago) link

adam, seriously.... wtf. these are not just some random 'media critics' latebloomer disagrees with, though that is precisely what they want to define themselves as, in a tendentious gambit to deny that they're facilitating harassment campaigns as a wedge to keep women, minorities, and gender nonconforming individuals out of their field of interest. you're coming off a little like "so he posted a bunch of swastikas. what's the big deal? i've never seen that symbol before, is it a thing or something? from what i've been able to gather it seems like it's something to do with south asian religions. the guy's a good friend, why rock the boat over something like that?" etc.

noel gallaghah's high flying burbbhrbhbbhbburbbb (Doctor Casino), Monday, 14 May 2018 19:19 (six years ago) link

Old Lunch just laid down more than the usual amount of wisdom there, holy shit

bed, bath, and beyond the thunderdome (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 14 May 2018 19:20 (six years ago) link

xpost to mh Particularly when, in this instance, the complaint is that those who've completely dominated 99% of the history of a particular medium dominate slightly less of that medium at this particular moment.

As a general thing, people need to be reminded that the extent to which their own demographic info overlaps with that of a cisgender white Christian American male without some sort of physical or mental disability is the extent to which their problems are probably largely of their own making.

this seems unlikely to convince people of the error of their ways, at least as an opening gambit? is there a third option beyond "blame SJWs" and "blame yourself"?

soref, Monday, 14 May 2018 19:31 (six years ago) link

Making it about blame is kinda the crux of the entire issue. If the mechanisms of society are skewed heavily in your favor (however unfairly), you can make the most of that fact or you can bitch and moan as if you've been personally affronted or had something taken from you when less privileged people succeed despite having the deck stacked against them.

most people end up as failures of one sort or another, making a point of reminding white males that their status as failure is wholly their own fault - what is the positive result you think will result from this? that a critical mass of white guys will accept that all their problems are because they objectively suck, and they'll then start supporting social justice?

soref, Monday, 14 May 2018 19:54 (six years ago) link

If you were to show this thread to someone who has contracted brain rot from alt-right memes, it would probably comfort them in their belief system. But what does it matter, since barely anyone cares for dialogue at this point anyway? Perhaps a war will sort it all out at some point.

pomenitul, Monday, 14 May 2018 20:22 (six years ago) link

soref you may need to de-strawmannify this bit

wholly their own fault

pretty stubbornly mischaracterizes OL's post, which reads

probably largely of their own making

And IME it's not necessarily about a "positive result." More about discouraging the enormously *negative* results entailed by white dudes deciding that their problems can & should be blamed on women and nonwhite ppl

bed, bath, and beyond the thunderdome (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 14 May 2018 20:24 (six years ago) link

and the record will show that when men blame women for their problems, the results are very often highly asymmetrical (aka death)

similarly to how when white people blame people of color the results are highly asymmetrical (aka death)

bed, bath, and beyond the thunderdome (Ye Mad Puffin), Monday, 14 May 2018 20:26 (six years ago) link

i went to high school with two cisgender white christian males who were addicted to heroin and hung themselves at the ages of 15 and 17. must've been there own fault i guess

( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉) (jim in vancouver), Monday, 14 May 2018 20:29 (six years ago) link

or possibly reliance on viewing the world through identitarian bromides is also a form of brain worms

( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉) (jim in vancouver), Monday, 14 May 2018 20:31 (six years ago) link

he looks incredibly unhealthy, like over the last 10 years he's aged about 25 years.

omar little, Wednesday, 8 May 2024 16:59 (three weeks ago) link

that happens when the spirit of 3+ dead ancestors inhabit your body, telling you to stop being so horrible or change your name

RICH BRIAN (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 8 May 2024 17:14 (three weeks ago) link

I thought about this in relation to football yesterday, and how people have opinions on matches, teams, players, that they haven't even seen - but as though they had seen them.

I caught myself the other day about to say something about a player, when I realized I'd seen them maybe twice. Was I forming my opinion on what I had seen, or what others said about him? The former is likely too small a sample size to outweigh the latter, but subconsciously I'd rolled them in together. Even regular match going fans don't really see other teams players all that much. How many times have I actually seen Brentford on TV? Yet I have an opinion on Ivan Toney

If I see Brentford play and Toney is terrible/fantastic do I change my opinion based on what would be a significant proportion of the sample size, or do I keep my original opinion and say "well it was just one game"

anvil, Friday, 10 May 2024 08:20 (three weeks ago) link

I guess the latter comes down to how invested I am in my original opinion, if not much then it probably changes my viewpoint significantly, but if I'm subconsciously invested in my original opinion, I'm more likely to cast aside what I just saw as statistical noise even though its the actual fact I saw and not the conceptual fact I received

anvil, Friday, 10 May 2024 08:22 (three weeks ago) link

Keep having to remind myself that Cheryl from Curb being married to RFKJ is real life, not a story arc thought up by Larry David

Ethinically Ambigaus (Bananaman Begins), Friday, 10 May 2024 08:29 (three weeks ago) link

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