Funniest joke at this year's Edinburgh fringe - 2019 edition

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It's that time again.

Poll Results

A cowboy asked me if I could help him round up 18 cows. I said, “Yes, of course. That’s 20 cows.” – Jake Lambert 10
Someone stole my antidepressants. Whoever they are, I hope they’re happy. – Richard Stott 9
I’ve got an Eton-themed advent calendar, where all the doors are opened for me by my dad’s contacts. – Ivo Graham 3
To be or not to be a horse rider, that is Equestrian. – Mark Simmons 3
What’s driving Brexit? From here it looks like it’s probably the Duke of Edinburgh. – Milton Jones 2
Sleep is my favourite thing in the world. It’s the reason I get up in the morning. – Ross Smith 1
A thesaurus is great. There’s no other word for it. – Ross Smith 1
I keep randomly shouting out “Broccoli” and “Cauliflower”. I think I might have Florets. – Olaf Falafel 1
I accidentally booked myself on to an escapology course; I’m really struggling to get out of it. – Adele Cliff 0
After learning six hours of basic semaphore, I was flagging. – Richard Pulsford 0

Boulez, vous couchez avec moi? (Tom D.), Monday, 19 August 2019 14:16 (five years ago) link

These are a big step up on previous years, with four I laughed at. Going for Richard Stotts’s antidepressants joke.

Dan Worsley, Monday, 19 August 2019 14:20 (five years ago) link

the first four are not too bad

the last six are abysmal

imago, Monday, 19 August 2019 14:24 (five years ago) link

wait number 3 is also bad

imago, Monday, 19 August 2019 14:25 (five years ago) link

The cows joke is funny in an 'eyeroll-inducing funny-not-funny dad joke' sorta way that I can appreciate. Otherwise, ehhhhhhhhhhh

I may have noted this in previous years, but it feels like most of these folks have a punchline they're way too married to and that they insist on building a joke around no matter how torturous the process or malformed the ultimate product.

Amply Drizzled with Pure Luxury (Old Lunch), Monday, 19 August 2019 14:25 (five years ago) link

tbh 1 is p awful too. 2 and 4 are the only acceptable jokes here. will vote for the cow rounding

imago, Monday, 19 August 2019 14:26 (five years ago) link

"20 cows" took me a second and wasn't 100% obvious, so I guess that.

jmm, Monday, 19 August 2019 14:27 (five years ago) link

The cowboy one is best. If 3 is one of the best 10 jokes at this year's Fringe then they should bother holding it next year.

Boulez, vous couchez avec moi? (Tom D.), Monday, 19 August 2019 14:28 (five years ago) link

"Equestrian" is the worst joke I've ever heard.

jmm, Monday, 19 August 2019 14:32 (five years ago) link

Trying my hand at the Edinburgh style

(Something something dyslexia, something about asking persimmon...I know there's a joke here somewhere, just need to invent an implausible scenario)

Amply Drizzled with Pure Luxury (Old Lunch), Monday, 19 August 2019 14:33 (five years ago) link

C'mon, the escape course one is good

brigadier pudding (DJP), Monday, 19 August 2019 14:34 (five years ago) link

(not as good as the cow joke but still)

brigadier pudding (DJP), Monday, 19 August 2019 14:34 (five years ago) link

"Equestrian" is the worst joke I've ever heard.

Makes it funny by default. I voted for it.

pomenitul, Monday, 19 August 2019 14:37 (five years ago) link

Thread needs a trigger warning

what's wrong with being centre-y? (Noodle Vague), Monday, 19 August 2019 14:50 (five years ago) link

Isn't 'Edinburgh Fringe' enough of a trigger warning?

Amply Drizzled with Pure Luxury (Old Lunch), Monday, 19 August 2019 14:52 (five years ago) link

I hope someone at some point got onstage at Edinburgh and joked about getting their bangs cut specially for the festival.

Amply Drizzled with Pure Luxury (Old Lunch), Monday, 19 August 2019 14:54 (five years ago) link

Roy Roger's horse gets up about half an hour before he wakes. etc.

Mark G, Monday, 19 August 2019 14:55 (five years ago) link

these are good

phil neville jacket (darraghmac), Monday, 19 August 2019 15:09 (five years ago) link

the fact that you are allowed pretend your name is olaf falafel and still take part is a far bigger problem

phil neville jacket (darraghmac), Monday, 19 August 2019 15:10 (five years ago) link

'I knew it was a bad idea to do a voiceover audition while recovering from a cold. Someone overheard the director saying I came over a little hoarse and the authorities took my pony away.'

I'm sorry.

Amply Drizzled with Pure Luxury (Old Lunch), Monday, 19 August 2019 15:11 (five years ago) link

Maybe I’m feeling charitable, but I thought most of these were passably good. The Eton one made me actually laugh though so I will vote for that. I don’t understand the Brexit joke - what does it mean?

tangenttangent, Monday, 19 August 2019 15:11 (five years ago) link

Keep it up. We'll soon have enough material to inaugurate the 'Funniest joke in the "Funniest joke at this year's Edinburgh fringe - 2019 edition" poll thread'.

pomenitul, Monday, 19 August 2019 15:11 (five years ago) link

i ran into teresa may the other day i said to her "hallo mrs may! what are you doing with yourself these days?" and she said "poo pee poo sick ewww bogeys"

- rupert gainswiggle

phil neville jacket (darraghmac), Monday, 19 August 2019 15:14 (five years ago) link

voted for cows

nxd, Monday, 19 August 2019 15:14 (five years ago) link

I read an article about the Titanic the other day and I though it was like Brexit

- Tilly Fukkstig

phil neville jacket (darraghmac), Monday, 19 August 2019 15:16 (five years ago) link

Have you ever thought about how they always get the right amount of sleeves on to a jumper? Every time. Brilliant.

- Shawun Rh#d

phil neville jacket (darraghmac), Monday, 19 August 2019 15:17 (five years ago) link

Would see a set by Shawun Rh#d.

tangenttangent, Monday, 19 August 2019 15:21 (five years ago) link

the cow and thesaurus jokes are stolen

the Eton one aiui forms part of a set about the comedian's actual education at Eton

wot's the tea mum? (not beef again) (DJ Mencap), Monday, 19 August 2019 15:23 (five years ago) link

cows joke is dumb because he was just walking around in the vicinity of cowboys and also one of the cowboys asked for help rounding up 18 cows? it's such a strained premise that is clearly there just to get to the punchline. which i guess is true of all of these.

eton one isn't that funny but at least there's a hint of something there besides empty wordplay.

na (NA), Monday, 19 August 2019 15:24 (five years ago) link

I actually laughed at the cow joke

frogbs, Monday, 19 August 2019 15:25 (five years ago) link

jesus fuck it took literally 15 minutes of hard thinking to get the cow joke

I’m having a bad day folks

THE FUCKING EMPIRE OF SOUR CREAM (bizarro gazzara), Monday, 19 August 2019 15:28 (five years ago) link

eton one isn't that funny but at least there's a hint of something there besides empty wordplay.

― na (NA), Monday, August 19, 2019 10:24 AM (one minute ago) bookmarkflaglink

I mean...he seems to have literally picked from a hat something which has doors.

These are jokes that eight-year-olds tell one another and think are the cleverest things in the world because the concepts of internal consistency and cause and effect and humor are still a little underformed in their juvenile brains.

Amply Drizzled with Pure Luxury (Old Lunch), Monday, 19 August 2019 15:29 (five years ago) link

'It became clear that I had the wrong idea about Narcotics Anonymous when I was the only one who showed up to the meeting with an unlabeled grab bag of drugs.'

Amply Drizzled with Pure Luxury (Old Lunch), Monday, 19 August 2019 15:32 (five years ago) link

antidepressants one is stolen and i mean like copyrighting water

phil neville jacket (darraghmac), Monday, 19 August 2019 15:33 (five years ago) link

heard escapology one before for sure

i think the cowboy one is prob best and don't think that the precarious likelihood of the six word setup matters too much tbh

phil neville jacket (darraghmac), Monday, 19 August 2019 15:34 (five years ago) link

I don’t understand the Brexit joke - what does it mean?

The Duke of Edinburgh crashed his car (into someone else's) this year.

The Pingularity (ledge), Monday, 19 August 2019 15:35 (five years ago) link

Have you ever thought about how they always get the right amount of sleeves on to a jumper? Every time. Brilliant.

- Shawun Rh#d

― phil neville jacket (darraghmac), Monday, August 19, 2019 3:17 PM (sixteen minutes ago) bookmarkflaglink

this was my only actual lol of the thread ftr

imago, Monday, 19 August 2019 15:35 (five years ago) link

Is it possible that the assemblers of these annual lists don't actually understand what a joke is supposed to do and that the material on the whole isn't quite this unfortunate?

Amply Drizzled with Pure Luxury (Old Lunch), Monday, 19 August 2019 15:37 (five years ago) link

xp thank you! Jokes that assume entry level news following don’t work on me.

tangenttangent, Monday, 19 August 2019 15:38 (five years ago) link

it's got that #naileditagain newspaper cartoonist combining two unrelated news stories energy

wot's the tea mum? (not beef again) (DJ Mencap), Monday, 19 August 2019 15:43 (five years ago) link

I’ve never been to this festival but my impression is that very little of the comedy there, even the most traditionally gag-based stuff, is the kind of lazy “take any common expression and work backwards from there” style of joke-writing that always makes up most of this list

YouGov to see it (wins), Monday, 19 August 2019 15:50 (five years ago) link

Equestrian guy has some much better ones, although many wouldn't work in just text alone.

jmm, Monday, 19 August 2019 16:00 (five years ago) link

I just read these out to my sister and partner. They're much funnier when "delivered", obviously. All got laughs (hey it's the way I tell em etc), but 10 got the biggest.

mike t-diva, Monday, 19 August 2019 16:40 (five years ago) link

(The runner up was 20 cows)

mike t-diva, Monday, 19 August 2019 16:41 (five years ago) link

wait, how many people is that

brigadier pudding (DJP), Monday, 19 August 2019 16:42 (five years ago) link

I've got an Edinburgh Fringe-themed vacuum cleaner. It only turns on once a year but there's nothing that sucks harder.

Amply Drizzled with Pure Luxury (Old Lunch), Monday, 19 August 2019 16:46 (five years ago) link

I mean...he seems to have literally picked from a hat something which has doors.

And where the natural thing to discuss is how you open then - so, a smaller hat.

I’ve never been to this festival but my impression is that very little of the comedy there, even the most traditionally gag-based stuff, is the kind of lazy “take any common expression and work backwards from there” style of joke-writing that always makes up most of this list

I dunno, a lot of it* is "awkward premise regarding a flaw of the comedian & year-long project to address this" - "very visible relief that we can now segue into this year's jokes loosely linked" - "in the end it was the friends we made along the way"

*this might well just be the sort of comedians I see.

Andrew Farrell, Monday, 19 August 2019 16:48 (five years ago) link

A cowboy asked me if I could help him round up some. I said, “Yes, of course, how many do you have?" He said "18!" I said "Ok that’s 20 then”

^^^this rewrite strips up the bad bit of the original

mark s, Monday, 19 August 2019 16:49 (five years ago) link

I like the cow joke, could pass for Steven Wright or Mitch Hedberg with the right delivery.

Josh in Chicago, Monday, 19 August 2019 16:57 (five years ago) link

A cowboy asked me if I could help him round up 18 cows. I said, 'That's a strangely specific request to make out of the blue to a passing comedian. I'm afraid I'll have to decline, as I know nothing about rustling cattle and would likely be of no real help to you, but would you happen to have any good cow-related jokes you could share with me?'

Amply Drizzled with Pure Luxury (Old Lunch), Monday, 19 August 2019 16:57 (five years ago) link

Total Mitch.

Josh in Chicago, Monday, 19 August 2019 17:04 (five years ago) link

a cowboy asked me if i could help him round up 18 cows

i didnt know him and in this economy and well you know the way things just are these days i made my excuses and left

i think of him, sometimes

phil neville jacket (darraghmac), Monday, 19 August 2019 17:19 (five years ago) link

and when i think of him, i think:

When the black herds of the rain were grazing,
In the gap of the pure cold wind
And the watery hazes of the hazel
Brought her into my mind,
I thought of the last honey by the water
That no hive can find.

Brightness was drenching through the branches
When she wandered again,
Turning sliver out of dark grasses
Where the skylark had lain,
And her voice coming softly over the meadow
Was the mist becoming rain.

phil neville jacket (darraghmac), Monday, 19 August 2019 17:20 (five years ago) link

is this a pun

mark s, Monday, 19 August 2019 17:25 (five years ago) link

Do you feel punished?

Amply Drizzled with Pure Luxury (Old Lunch), Monday, 19 August 2019 17:27 (five years ago) link

Have you ever thought about how they always get the right amount of sleeves on to a jumper? Every time. Brilliant.

- Shawun Rh#d

― phil neville jacket (darraghmac), Monday, August 19, 2019 3:17 PM (sixteen minutes ago) bookmarkflaglink

this was my only actual lol of the thread ftr

― imago, Monday, August 19, 2019 8:35 AM (two hours ago) bookmarkflaglink

ditto, love this joke

president of deluded fruitcakes anonymous (silby), Monday, 19 August 2019 17:59 (five years ago) link

It's funny because it's twill.

Amply Drizzled with Pure Luxury (Old Lunch), Monday, 19 August 2019 18:03 (five years ago) link

Automatic thread bump. This poll is closing tomorrow.

System, Sunday, 25 August 2019 00:01 (five years ago) link

Automatic thread bump. This poll's results are now in.

System, Monday, 26 August 2019 00:01 (five years ago) link

one year passes...

in lieu of a 2020 thread or festival, let's celebrate the top ten Christmas cracker jokes of the year:

1. What is Dominic Cummings’ favourite Christmas song? Driving Home for Christmas.

2. Did you hear that production was down at Santa’s workshop? Many of his workers have had to Elf isolate!

3. Why didn’t Mary and Joseph make it to Bethlehem? All Virgin flights were cancelled.

4. Why are Santa’s reindeer allowed to travel on Christmas Eve? They have herd immunity.

5. Why did the pirates have to go into lockdown? Because the “Arrrr!” rate had risen.

6. Why is it best to think of 2020 like a panto? Because eventually, it’s behind you.

7. Why couldn’t Mary and Joseph join their work conference call? Because there was no Zoom at the inn.

8. Why can’t Boris Johnson make his Christmas cake until the last minute? He doesn’t know how many tiers it should have.

9. What do the Trumps do for Christmas dinner? They put on a super spread.

10. Which Christmas film was 30 years ahead of its time? Home Alone.

huge rant (sic), Tuesday, 8 December 2020 10:17 (four years ago) link

Lol at Zoom

Kim Kimberly, Tuesday, 8 December 2020 14:09 (four years ago) link

#4 is cute.

pomenitul, Tuesday, 8 December 2020 14:14 (four years ago) link

Depressing on more levels than usual.

You will notice a small sink where your sofa once was. (Old Lunch), Tuesday, 8 December 2020 14:16 (four years ago) link

Moments of light relief have been hard to come by this year

Uptown Top Scamping (Noodle Vague), Tuesday, 8 December 2020 14:16 (four years ago) link

The cowboy one is best. If 3 is one of the best 10 jokes at this year's Fringe then they should bother holding it next year.

this is some next-level "be careful what you wish for"

DJP, Wednesday, 9 December 2020 16:22 (four years ago) link

Have you ever thought about how they always get the right amount of sleeves on to a jumper? Every time. Brilliant.

- Shawun Rh#d


is right unfortunately (silby), Wednesday, 9 December 2020 16:24 (four years ago) link

Good ole shawun

spruce springclean (darraghmac), Thursday, 10 December 2020 04:19 (four years ago) link

Do Christmas cakes have tiers?

koogs, Thursday, 10 December 2020 08:50 (four years ago) link

Only when they’re sad

rob, Thursday, 10 December 2020 14:15 (four years ago) link

S-tier Xmas cakes can cry, sure

imago, Thursday, 10 December 2020 14:51 (four years ago) link

Stier Karmer

sarahell, Thursday, 10 December 2020 15:22 (four years ago) link

Why did the chicken cross the road? To avoid the stinking mouldering corpse of Sir Kier Stiermer (who had been proper bludgeoned to death fer the lols Hah Hah Hah!)

calzino, Thursday, 10 December 2020 15:30 (four years ago) link

one year passes...

somehow this year's are even worse than usual

link.exposing.politically (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Monday, 22 August 2022 07:23 (two years ago) link

1. "I tried to steal spaghetti from the shop, but the female guard saw me and I couldn't get pasta" - Masai Graham

2. "Did you know, if you get pregnant in the Amazon, it's next-day delivery" - Mark Simmons

3. "My attempts to combine nitrous oxide and Oxo cubes made me a laughing stock" - Olaf Falafel

4. "By my age, my parents had a house and a family, and to be fair to me, so do I - but it is the same house and it is the same family" - Hannah Fairweather

5. "I hate funerals - I'm not a mourning person" - Will Mars

6. "I spent the whole morning building a time machine, so that's four hours of my life that I'm definitely getting back" - Olaf Falafel

7. "I sent a food parcel to my first wife. FedEx" - Richard Pulsford

8. "I used to live hand to mouth. Do you know what changed my life? Cutlery" - Tim Vine

9. "Don't knock threesomes. Having a threesome is like hiring an intern to do all the jobs you hate" - Sophie Duker

10. "I can't even be bothered to be apathetic these days" - Will Duggan

link.exposing.politically (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Monday, 22 August 2022 07:24 (two years ago) link

I like some of them but the one that won is like a joke a 6 year old won a prize for when they sent it into the Beano in 1972.

Buckfast At Tiffany's (Tom D.), Monday, 22 August 2022 09:10 (two years ago) link

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