What Can't You Find In the Real World?

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I remember hearing about a line of classical music CDs that came with explanatory speeches by the conductors. Does anyone remember this? I think there would be one CD with the music, one CD with the speech.

Also, where's my right New Balance sneaker at? Do I really need to look through the junk under my bed again?

adam t. (abanana), Tuesday, 19 October 2021 12:36 (three years ago) link

the keys I lost in 2013

Gardyloominati (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 19 October 2021 14:30 (three years ago) link


missingNO, Wednesday, 20 October 2021 02:57 (three years ago) link

three years pass...

for years, I was trying to find the movie which had the other brother on Blossom making a joke "How many feminists does it take to screw in a light bulb? 2 - 1 to screw in the bulb, and 1 to RIDE MY RODNEY", and last night my friend randomly decided to show me Alex Winter's "Freaked" from 1993 and...that was it.

Kurt Dandruff (Neanderthal), Friday, 1 November 2024 16:37 (three months ago) link

three months pass...

This book i borrowed from school library in the 3rd grade. So like 1992/93? It had various craft projects with illustrated step by step instructions, and some of them required you to go collect the materials from parks or nature areas. Like there was one where you made a turtle out of 5 rocks, and maybe painted them after. So step 1 was, you had to go to the park and look for the right size and shape of rocks to make a turtle. And there was another one where you carved a witch face into an apple, and then let it shrivel up so that it would look old and haggard. I've been thinking of this book more and more to the point that i'm kind of obsessed. But I can't find it by searching the internet. idk, maybe someone else remembers it? I don't think it was too recent in 1992, it seemed like an older book then, like it probably had been around since the 70's or 80's.

Deflatormouse, Thursday, 20 February 2025 19:06 (yesterday) link

1. The large format softback book I had as a kid that reprinted cover art from old sci-fi pulp magazines like Amazing Stories, I just cannot recall the name of it.

2. An affordable 1st press of 'Joy of a Toy'

Maresn3st, Thursday, 20 February 2025 21:25 (yesterday) link

Deflatormouse could it have been Steven Caney's Play Book?


Tracer Hand, Friday, 21 February 2025 09:06 (twelve hours ago) link

Thank you Tracer Hand, i don't think so but I'm looking into it and will let you know. Pretty sure there were no photos, only illustrations, maybe a different edition? This book looks awesome anyway, I want a copy.

Deflatormouse, Friday, 21 February 2025 18:56 (two hours ago) link

it's not Play Book although this one is great too and ticks a lot of the same boxes, thank you

Deflatormouse, Friday, 21 February 2025 19:50 (one hour ago) link

it wasn't Susan Striker's The Anti-Coloring Book was it?

Zurich is Starmed (Noodle Vague), Friday, 21 February 2025 19:56 (one hour ago) link

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