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(from the May 1904 issue of Cosmopolitan)
"Americans are said often to not be very good losers, but this is not always a reproach."
Vote for your favorite exotic foreign sport.
Poll Results
Option | Votes |
Horses driven by men on skees are raced over the ice | 4 |
Archery fails to entertain except as a diversion for a lady's lawn party | 3 |
An Open-air wrestling tournament never fails to draw an enthusiastic crowd | 2 |
Squash is so violent and rapid a game that only very vigorous men can take part in it | 2 |
The curious boat-race known in England as "bumping" | 1 |
Another sport peculiar to North England is hound-trailing | 1 |
Pel-ota or jai alai as it is know in Cuba | 1 |
Die Mensur, the German form of dueling | 0 |
With our conglomeration of races, Swiss spear-casting will never be popular | 0 |
Badminton presents a pleasant means of exercise | 0 |
― Raising Azure Asia (President Keyes), Tuesday, 15 October 2024 18:29 (four months ago) link
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