Excuse me... are you reading "Yes I Can"?

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By Sammy Davis Jr.?

I'm reading it right now. It's big and fat and long. I'm gonna be honest and say, halfway through, that Sammy comes off as quite cocky and simultaneously quite needy in terms of approval. I'm not sure I like this guy. But he's also pretty smart and savvy and the story of his conversion to Judaism is spelled out in an illuminating way. The book is well-written, whoever actually wrote it.

Has anyone else read this?

Josefa, Friday, 14 February 2025 03:34 (one week ago) link

Oh, Lord. I read it back when it was relatively new, maybe about 1970, which would be my sophomore year in high school. My mom read it first and passed it along to me. The only remarkable thing about it in my memory was that Davis's great triumph in life was that he was raised in dire poverty, but he rose in society until millions of white people liked him in spite of his being Black.

more difficult than I look (Aimless), Friday, 14 February 2025 04:17 (one week ago) link

or, yes I can if Frank says it's all right

assert (matttkkkk), Friday, 14 February 2025 06:51 (one week ago) link

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