What is the lowest level of any kind of technology that you would not trust humanity (or say the average angst-ridden teenager) to have unfettered access to?

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I was thinking even the staunchest 2nd amendment supporters would reveal contradictory feelings if you tapped into a universal fear and distrust of others with questionable impulse control and underdeveloped senses of responsibility, but what about technology in general? I don't want teens with gene-editing machines!

Philip Nunez, Monday, 17 February 2025 19:35 (four days ago) link

You're thinking too generously. I think gas-powered leaf blowers should be restricted for use only by geriatrics during to the two weeks on either side of Halloween.

more difficult than I look (Aimless), Monday, 17 February 2025 19:46 (four days ago) link

more and more the answer for me is cars. or cars + phones. i just see people casually reading now as they drive. no big deal. just reading. and every new car has a computer to look at now! no. just no.

but don't get me started about leaf blowers!

scott seward, Monday, 17 February 2025 19:49 (four days ago) link

With Great Blowers comes Great Responsibility...

Philip Nunez, Monday, 17 February 2025 19:51 (four days ago) link

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