Amazing galleries of psychiatric drug ads

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teeny (teeny), Friday, 1 August 2003 13:10 (twenty-one years ago) link

try to resist putting images directly on the thread, there aren't that many to sort through and this is too cool to suck the bandwidth out of.

teeny (teeny), Friday, 1 August 2003 13:13 (twenty-one years ago) link

This is really amazing, teeny. There are pretty haunting images there, particularly at the Japanese site.

Larcole (Nicole), Friday, 1 August 2003 13:16 (twenty-one years ago) link

mmm, a new wallpaper source beckons.

DV (dirtyvicar), Friday, 1 August 2003 13:16 (twenty-one years ago) link

This photo looks kinda like Tonya Harding, doesn't it?

Jasmine U. (Jasmine U.), Friday, 1 August 2003 14:09 (twenty-one years ago) link

somehow reminds me of the richard prince thing at sadie coles a couple of months back

Chip Morningstar (bob), Saturday, 2 August 2003 08:23 (twenty-one years ago) link

I wonder what the text in the Japanese Neuschwanstein Castle ad says - "DEPAS: more soothing than a holiday in Bavaria" or "this place was build by a manic-depressive so you better take DEPAS before you start taking out mortgages "?

Sommermute (Wintermute), Saturday, 2 August 2003 10:51 (twenty-one years ago) link

I wonder what kind of drug has le corbusier on its advert.

RJG (RJG), Saturday, 2 August 2003 10:57 (twenty-one years ago) link

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