Is the Guardian worse than it used to be?

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My feeling is: Yes, somewhat. But Regular Readers will recall that I am a curmudgeon who doesn't like New Things. So do they really want to agree with me here? Plus, we do have (somewhere round here) a house Guardian expert whose opinion would be interesting.

the pinefox, Tuesday, 3 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Some readers might, conceivably, like to know that the Guardian (formerly Manchester Guardian) is a UK daily newspaper which has for several decades been the main print source / gathering-point, as it were, for those on 'The Liberal Left'. Many UK ILE posters, I imagine, know it very well and have done for many years, so I thought there might be some opinions around.

the pinefox, Tuesday, 3 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I like the Guardian now more than I have for years. Perhaps the restyle of the mag helped, but generally the Burchill thing works for me and I haven't noticed a drop in quality elsewhere. The Guide has always been shite (and I say that working for PA Listings) but the rest seems cool. Can you specify what's gone wrong for you?

chris, Tuesday, 3 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I hate the Guardian - particularly the G2 section, with it's crappy 'think' pieces, terrible arts reviews and smug phillistinism - and have bought it every weekday and Saturdays for at least the last fifteen years. Because, being a bleeding heart liberal and a news junkie, I couldn't bring myself to read any of the other rags (morning papers are somehow part of my going to work coping ritual.) I flirted with the Independent for a while - and the IOS still has the great film critic David Thomson writing for 'em - but I found it to be even more boring than the Guardian. I suspect that I am far from alone in all this, and that the Guardian survives on the unearned good will of the liberal middle classes.

Funnily enough, I quite like the Guide, partly because Joe Queenan and Byron Coley sometimes write for it, partly because it means I no longer have to buy that useless piece of toss Time Out anymore.

Andrew L, Tuesday, 3 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I've never actually bought a copy of the Guardian, if I did buy a newspaper I'd get the Telegraph, it has a good weather section, obituaries, world news briefs and I like the sports section.

james e l, Tuesday, 3 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I suppose the short answer is 'Trivialization'. One has to be a tad careful using a word like that, because, for instance,

1. The simplification of the accusation may just echo what it asserts about the target (just as 'Dumbing Down' is a dumb, dull phrase);

2. If I don't like Triviality, why don't I read nothing but 10-page reports from the former Yugoslavia? It would be hypocritical of me to say that I simply wanted them to be SERIOUS and SOLEMN and RESPONSIBLE all the time. No, that's not it.

What I mean, I suppose, is that too many features, esp. in G2, now look dashed-off - half-hearted, half-baked, unconvincing, just cliché pies really. Today's Lara Croft piece was just the latest of a million examples. It feels (the terms are problematic here, I know) JOURNALISTIC in a bad way - trite, unconsidered, full of crowd- pleasing Received Ideas - rather than JOURNALISTIC in a good way (that is: dogged, resourceful, brave, mentally agile, snappy and what have you).

It's the world of second-hand Lifestyle phrases that bugs me. The way that adults can still write a phrase like "*that* dress" and not hang their heads in shame.

A rider to all my bile, though, is that my previous, more impressed impressions of the Guardian may just reflect youthful impressionability. (Sentence!) Maybe the same kind of crap used to impress me that now feels rubbishy, faux-zeitgeisty and embarrassing? Maybe, but I suspect it's a bit of both.

the pinefox, Tuesday, 3 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Andrew L: I know what you mean - the Labour party factor of Nowhere Else To Go? (And brand loyalty, or whatever you want to call it.) There's actually a Verso book out (yet?) which makes a massive attack on the Guardian as home of neo-conservative (ie New Labour) ideas. I find this rather unconvincing and overstated. Even offensive, come to think of it.

I agree about Queenan too. But most of all, I agree about Thomson. There's almost no point having a thread about Thomson, because people who know what they think about him already know it all and would just send in superlatives.

the pinefox, Tuesday, 3 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Andrew L, and indeed everyone: cut em loose and let em drown in their own smug laziness!! I stopped buying it a YEAR ago FOREVER and now buy NO NEWSPAPER and am FREE. (Actually I too buy saturday for the guide — and for the food page in the mag, but the mag redesign is utter shit, and the recipes are in fact on long recycle: eg I have seen Lady Llandower's Duck three times now, always copied (of course) from Elizabeth David Salt, Spices and Aromatics...) The age of the newspaper is dead.

mark s, Tuesday, 3 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Something has clearly gone wrong with G2: the other week they ran a page-long feature on the phenomenon of "Jumping the shark" (referring to that moment when a long-running tv fave finally loses the plot completely, apparently derived from a late episode of Happy Days where Fonzie, yes, jumped a shark). This was all well and good (except it was inane and ripped off from a website [this is a whole other can of worms]), but they ran an almost IDENTICAL story in the Guide not two weeks previously. Do they not read their own paper, or did they simply think the readers wouldn't notice?

What the paper still has going for it: George Monbiot's column, the Diary, Steve Bell, giving review space to Ians Sansom and Penman, and the tv columns of Nancy Banks-Smith. (When N B-S finally pops her clogs I will have to think very hard about buying the paper.)

What is leading the paper ever closer to the abyss: consistently terrible pop coverage (honorable exceptions: Maddy Costa, Betty Clarke); the fatuous new Saturday mag (Zoe Ball on dressing? match the celebrity with the pet? that awful woman talking about words that should be banned??); Charlotte bloody Raven.

stevie t, Tuesday, 3 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

What I mean, I suppose, is that too many features, esp. in G2, now look dashed-off - half-hearted, half-baked, unconvincing, just cliché pies really. (Pinefox)

I agree with you there. They sucker you in with the G2 front cover (and the masthead of the main paper), but when you get to read the cover story it often appears cobbled together and lightweight. I imagine it must be difficult to fill that space with high quality stories day in day out though.

David, Tuesday, 3 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Stevie: agree about Steve Bell, of course. I mean, if only for the sake of 1981 and all that. But actually, he draws and paints better now.

I actually like Peter Preston's awkward, staccato opinion pieces, come to think of it. But not the pompous ones of Hugo Young. Freedland is sometimes good at summing political issues up, but usually he 'sums up' too much - there's too much glibness in the way he marshals it all. (I admit again, though, that it's easy - even glib - to call someone glib.)

Penman strikes me as a red herring. I can see that he doesn't do that to you, cos you have some kind of investment in his career. I agree about Sansom (great left-back, mean penalty, blah blah) - in fact I think that the whole Saturday book reviews section is quite possibly the best feature of the paper. EXCEPT of course the footy. Heroes? How could I forget David Lacey?

BUT I think that you are wrong about N B-S. It doesn't surprise me that older folk make that judgement about her; it does rather surprise me coming from you. She has skills, I guess, but she's terribly repetitive; uses the same lines on the same topics year in year out. It's all too - yes - glib and easy, while dressed up to look aged and thus wise.

the pinefox, Tuesday, 3 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I agree with much of what's been said. After Mark Steel and Jeremy Hardy went, it didn't seem as essential anymore. The Observer's the same - just dear old Phil Hogan that still makes me go down the shops Sunday morning

jamesmichaelward, Tuesday, 3 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

My parents used to get a subscription to the Guardian shipped to them for the first few years they were in the States, because they couldn't trust the US Media. The Guardian just isn't the same when it's not printed on that semi-transluscent airmail paper.

I only read it for the Guide and the job listings. Not that either has been particularly helpful lately... ;-)

masonic boom, Wednesday, 4 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Steve Bell is a GOD but apart from that I read it largely out of having nowhere else to go and a worry that I'll become totally detached from the world if I don't read any newspapers at all. I think it might have marginally improved with the loss of Messrs. Hardy and Steel though. Everything they wrote was just as predictable and smug as any of the other writers mentioned above, only with a more left wing stance.

Richard Tunnicliffe, Wednesday, 4 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I don't read anything except the Spectator. Hey Chris, if you work for PA Listings then that means you're in the same building as me.

tarden, Wednesday, 4 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

The Guide last week (or was it the week before) had that BRILLIANT article slamming not just the Strokes, but the entire music hype industry... VERY funny because it was so clearly written by an insider who had been participating in the music hype game for so long.

masonic boom, Wednesday, 4 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I'd love to comment, but those Observer commissions are keeping me out of the poor house. Anything appearing in the Guardian or the Obs by my deepest and dearest friends is obviously genius...

Mark Morris, Wednesday, 4 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

As bad as the Guardian may have become, it's still better than the so-called "best" American newspapers. Or, if you think it couldn't get worse, it could end up becoming The New York Times or The Washington Post.

Tadeusz Suchodolski, Friday, 6 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Reynard's right about the amount of trivial toss that gets in there. Mark's also right about the decline of the newspaper in general. Reynard's spot on re. New Labour - the Guardian's frequent criticism of some Blairite attitudes is one of the great things about it.

There's a lot of irritating stuff, yes. My favourite columnist is George Monbiot, by a mile. Something I like about the Independent when I do get it is that its liberalism is less metropolitan and more about the common good. Needless to say, though, the Guardian's series of articles on public service under that very title were awesome.

The Hemulen Who Loved Silence, Friday, 6 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

OK, agree with the Hemulen re. The Common Good.

Today's G2 seems designed to add fuel to my (f)ire: one page of 'Style' after another, including a column on Why We're So Disappointed That Madonna Employs A Stylist.

the pinefox, Friday, 6 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Although Toynbee's piece on Labour post-election is admirable.

blue veils and golden sands, Friday, 6 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Broadly I agree with her, yes. It feels a wee bit ironic given her immediately-pre-election pieces telling everyone how urgent it was to overcome apathy and vote for the people she's now criticizing. (But actually I think she was right both times.)

Also good in Guardian: John Patterson re. cinema.

the pinefox, Friday, 6 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

six years pass...

oh god, ask hadley today is just... tooth-grinding.

Tracer Hand, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:17 (seventeen years ago) link


Dom Passantino, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:17 (seventeen years ago) link

"At what age is a man too old to wear band T-shirts?"

Martin McCall, by email

"About 15 - that young enough for you, Martin? And to follow one rhetorical question with several more, what in God's name is the point of band T-shirts anyway? To show your allegiance to a band? Do you think anyone else cares? To impress onlookers with your esoteric musical knowledge? See previous reply. To make people stare at your bony chest? Again, I refer you to the first answer. To show that you once attended a live gig? Wow, like, a pair of golden headsets to the guy in the Nirvana '91 T-shirt. In case you happen to bump into the lead singer on the street, he sees that the two of you are kindred souls and therefore invites you to join his band and you then go on the road and have all the manly bonding sessions followed by groupies that your heart could desire? OK, I'll give you that one, although this does suggest that you still harbour the fantasy that you might bump into Joey Ramone in Waterstone's.

"As for ladies in band T-shirts, give me a fricking break. First, gals, a badly cut, poorly made, oversized T-shirt is good for nothing other than wearing to bed and the gym. Second, too often women who wear band T-shirts appear to be going for what we shall call Groupie Chic. It is a style amply modelled by Kate Moss in recent years, and can pretty much be summed up as skinny faded black jeans, ankle boots, a ripped band T-shirt and a cropped fur jacket. In other words, a girlified version of Marc Bolan's or Keith Richards' wardrobe, as though the woman has been so busy, um, sleeping on the band bus she hasn't had time to clean her clothes, so she's now wearing ones belonging to her musical companion. This column has no time for such nonsense."

Tracer Hand, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:19 (seventeen years ago) link

Yeah, because women have *no* interest in music whatsoever except for sleeping with musicians. What CENTURY is this cretin from?

Masonic Boom, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:21 (seventeen years ago) link

I think I stopped wearing band T-shirts by the time I was 23. It wasn't necessarily a conscious move tho. I doubt I will ever wear one again tho - I guess it seems lame unless it's an old obscure or overlooked thus hip act (even this I dunno about). I don't notice many people over 20 wearing them. Does Matt DC still have that Save Ferris T?

I only want to sleep with musicians if they are hot as they are (their musical ability is pretty irrelevant in fact).

blueski, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:29 (seventeen years ago) link

dear teh grauniad - a long time ago/we used to be friends...

CharlieNo4, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:32 (seventeen years ago) link

It went downhill after I left.

Dom Passantino, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:33 (seventeen years ago) link

or were you PUSHED?

blueski, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:35 (seventeen years ago) link

heh. (sorry alex, no harm intended)

CharlieNo4, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:36 (seventeen years ago) link

i was being harsh really. i don't care what's on other people's t-shirts that much. just trying to work out why i stopped wearing/wouldn't wear band t-shirts myself.

blueski, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:37 (seventeen years ago) link

Any t-shirt which isn't plain white clearly sucks that's why.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:38 (seventeen years ago) link

i couldn't agree less

blueski, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:40 (seventeen years ago) link

I still wear band t-shirts if I like the band. Why not? I don't *define* myself or my personality by my music tastes any more, I haven't done that since I was about 18. But that's not the same thing as wearing a band t-shirt.

I suppose the fashion journalist in discussion cannot fathom the idea that clothes are just something you put on, rather than a definition of or statement about your personality.

This is definitely something that happens as you age - or rather, has happened to me as I aged. There's a subtle difference between Statement Clothes and just things you put on.

Masonic Boom, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:40 (seventeen years ago) link

Guardian editorial worldview circa 2007:

tissp, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:41 (seventeen years ago) link

why else would you buy a band t-shirt if not as a statement or definition of personality?

blueski, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:44 (seventeen years ago) link

I didn't know it was a band t-shirt okay?

Matt DC, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:45 (seventeen years ago) link

because you're cold xp

tissp, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:45 (seventeen years ago) link

In the past I've usually just bought them as a keepsake of a gig I've enjoyed. The piece tracer quotes is idiotic fluff, obv. I'd be embarrased to admit I'd written that.

Pashmina, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:46 (seventeen years ago) link

Because you like the design? Because you like the music? Because it was given to you (this is where most of mine come from)? Because it was a souvenier?


Masonic Boom, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:46 (seventeen years ago) link

you wouldn't actually buy a band t-shirt because you liked the design but not necessarily the band tho...would you?

because you like the music = statement/definition of you/your taste

given to you = not you buying

blueski, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:48 (seventeen years ago) link

you wouldn't actually buy a band t-shirt because you liked the design but not necessarily the band tho...would you?

No, plus I've only ever bought them @ gigs.

because you like the music = statement/definition of you/your taste

Probably yeah, but w/smaller bands there's also the knowledge that in buying it, yr helping to supposrt the tour.

Pashmina, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:50 (seventeen years ago) link

i actually bought a comets on fire t-shirt solely because the design was so awesome. (it was at a gig, but they hadn't come on stage yet.) then i heard the music and i liked that too. i suppose if i hadn't liked their music, or thought it was boring, it would have posed a problem.

a friend of mine, who shall remain nameless so that alex in nyc doesn't stalk and kill him, bought a huge iron maiden patch when he was 14 and sewed it across the shoulders of his denim jacket. he had never heard a note of iron maiden, but he wound up becoming the biggest iron maiden fan i know, and even sung in a band later, where his vocal style was almost inseparable from bruce dickinson's.

Tracer Hand, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:53 (seventeen years ago) link

my take on this: do not read hadley freeman.

this resolution made some time ago, stands as strong today as it ever did.

it's a crass and deliberately invidious piece of writing. such an attitude, if sincerely held, could be turned around on pretty much ANY choice of clothing. so forgeddaboudit

Alan, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:53 (seventeen years ago) link

the last band t-shirt i bought - robyn!

alan i can't help myself, i know i'm sick and need help.

Tracer Hand, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:54 (seventeen years ago) link

is there a thread for best band t-shirts? must see

blueski, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:56 (seventeen years ago) link

Taste is something that I have. It does not define me. Clothes are something I wear. The statement I am making is "I don't really care about clothes any more."

If I'm going to make a statement about clothes, I'll wear a bright green paisley jacket to a dronerock festival where everyone else is in leather.

I suppose my Hawkwind t-shirt is a statement, it says "ha ha, I'm wearing a Hawkwind t-shirt, I care nothing for fashion, I am wearing the shirt of a band so deeply uncool you can suck my left one because I love them!" But it's certainly not a statement saying that I want to f*ck any of Hawkwind or that I have a musician boyfriend whose Hawkwind t-shirt I'm borrowing, which is the assumption of that article.

Masonic Boom, Monday, 3 September 2007 14:56 (seventeen years ago) link

> I don't notice many people over 20 wearing them.


> you wouldn't actually buy a band t-shirt because you liked the design but not necessarily the band tho...would you?

EAR t-shirt with the putney on the front = great. EAR live = terrible. (EAR on CD = ok, plus pram and stereolab were supporting)

koogs, Monday, 3 September 2007 15:03 (seventeen years ago) link

For once I am lacking in solidarity with ppl striking.

Guardian and Observer journalists are striking tomorrow & Thurs for 1st time in 53 years. I love my work, & feel incredibly sad that it's come to this. But I also feel so proud of my fellow journos who've united to resist the plan to "sell" the Obs to a loss-making startup✊🏽✊✊🏿

— Simon Hattenstone (@shattenstone) December 3, 2024

xyzzzz__, Wednesday, 4 December 2024 13:04 (two months ago) link

Jobs will be lost sure, but The Observer is fucking scum.

xyzzzz__, Wednesday, 4 December 2024 13:05 (two months ago) link

A few ilxors are participants in the strike, fwiw.

guillotine vogue (suzy), Wednesday, 4 December 2024 13:08 (two months ago) link

just as a big thank you for all their transphobic bigotry, and the vile slur campaign that was ran against Corbyn for 5 years, the Labour leaderships are allowing their MPs to express solidarity and stand on the picket line with these striking journalists.

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Wednesday, 4 December 2024 18:54 (two months ago) link

My bus was on diversion this morning and passed the Guardian building and they were out picketing. Next time I might get off the bus and walk past and hope that one of them comes over so I can tell them to get tae fuck.

'editorial' pieces on inane cultural detritus are v strange

devvvine, Thursday, 5 December 2024 11:33 (two months ago) link

lol what the hell

Daniel_Rf, Thursday, 5 December 2024 14:42 (two months ago) link

Maybe one of the work experience kids had a dissertation due

badder living thru Kemistry (Noodle Vague), Thursday, 5 December 2024 15:00 (two months ago) link

One thing that stands out is that both The Guardian and the BBC have finally decided to admit that Mohammed is the most common boys' name in the UK.

I remember this article from 2018, where The BBC strenuously argued that Mohammed was not the most popular name for boys, on the technicality that "Muhammad, Mohammed, Mohammad, Muhammed, Mohamed, Mohamad, Muhamad, Muhamed, Mohamud, Mohummad, Mohummed, Mouhamed, Mohammod and Mouhamad" are all different. Which glides over the fact that they're Anglicisations of the same name, and that they're literally named after the same person. And if you add them together it has been the most popular boys' name for a decade or more.

I don't care at all about Britain's demographics in two centuries' time. It's just that it was transparently obvious that the writer, or the editor, had been told to spin the name away because they were scared that the BNP - or whatever existed in place of the BNP circa 2018 - would run scare stories about Muslims taking over Britain, or something. It was a little glimpse into the BBC as a guiding hand rather than a news organisation.

Insert something about The Guardian here. While I'm infested with right-wing brain worms, every day The Guardian runs a "pictures of the day" piece, and every day there's a comedy photo from North Korea, and a photo from the Tex-Mex border of refugees, and a series of photos from Lebanon and Belize and Haiti of people being killed and rioting and being truncheoned by police - and there's also a lovely shot of some people visiting an art gallery in China. Or visiting a park in China. Or doing something nice in China. Today it's a giant panda in a zoo. On Monday it was a panda exhibit and a giant cat. Before that horses in the countryside and a folk music festival.

I don't recall ever seeing anything bad, or even e.g. a building on fire or a natural disaster. Obviously the newspaper has to rely on on-the-spot photographers who are presumably censored so hard that they shit blood, but running photographs from them without pointing this out is basically propaganda.

Ashley Pomeroy, Thursday, 5 December 2024 19:15 (two months ago) link

My bus was on diversion this morning and passed the Guardian building and they were out picketing. Next time I might get off the bus and walk past and hope that one of them comes over so I can tell them to get tae fuck.

will you make a video of it?

conrad, Friday, 6 December 2024 11:26 (two months ago) link

The sale of the Observer, the world’s oldest Sunday newspaper, to Tortoise Media has been agreed in principle.

The announcement by the Scott Trust, the ultimate owner of the Guardian and Observer, came as it also revealed that it would invest in Tortoise to become a key shareholder and take a seat on both the editorial and commercial boards of the media company.

The Trust said the new ownership model would “protect the Observer’s future, championing the voice of liberal values and investing in exceptional journalism while building its digital offering”.

“We knew we needed the right combination of resources and commitment to build a new platform for the Observer,” said the Scott Trust chair, Ole Jacob Sunde.

“It required an ally to be sufficiently funded, long-term in nature and respect editorial independence and liberal values. I believe we have found this in Tortoise Media. We are looking forward to being part of the next phase in the Observer’s journey.”

The deal, now agreed in principle, will result in £25m of new investment in the Observer, with a commitment to print on a Sunday and a plan to build it into a digital brand. The Scott Trust will join new and existing investors it said were committed for the long term.

Staff have been told there will be no job losses as a result of the deal. Observer staff have been told they can also opt to take voluntary redundancy on enhanced terms. If they transfer to Tortoise, their existing terms and conditions will be honoured.

great news lads, sonia sodha's national platform remains assured

Why did the Beatles shun the Space Needle? (bizarro gazzara), Friday, 6 December 2024 12:51 (two months ago) link

They'll be finished in five years. Frankly this is p good news.

The Guardian is terrible but The Observer have been a lot worse (its not a distinction I picked up till twitter about five years ago)

xyzzzz__, Friday, 6 December 2024 12:56 (two months ago) link

It's just that it was transparently obvious that the writer, or the editor, had been told to spin the name away...

To be fair, they were following the Office for National Statistics' official data - and the BBC page does attempt to give some coverage of the issues raised by combing spellings for names.

Bob Six, Friday, 6 December 2024 13:13 (two months ago) link

Does the bizarre lack of comprehension of obvious anger at an inhuman system make sense? Only in The Guardian.

bad love's all you'll get from me (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Thursday, 12 December 2024 10:29 (two months ago) link

That column seems a not-totally-unreasonable response to the Thompson assassination and the context of US "health insurance", what about it is objectionable? It's definitely a clumsy headline!

Critique of the Goth Programme (Neil S), Thursday, 12 December 2024 10:47 (two months ago) link

it is mostly the headline, but the text repeatedly says the reaction is bizarre and surprising, and also that last paragraph spoils any positives when it says

None of this has anything to do with a very troubled 26-year-old allegedly making a decision to commit murder. Thompson wasn’t to blame for US healthcare, and Mangione isn’t an American folk hero.

bad love's all you'll get from me (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Thursday, 12 December 2024 11:06 (two months ago) link

yeah I agree that's a stupid ending given what has come before

Critique of the Goth Programme (Neil S), Thursday, 12 December 2024 11:51 (two months ago) link

If you want some amusement/chagrin, search Emma Brockes Norm Chomsky.

guillotine vogue (suzy), Thursday, 12 December 2024 12:23 (two months ago) link

haha oh dear, seems like Emma was a bit out of her depth there!

Critique of the Goth Programme (Neil S), Thursday, 12 December 2024 13:08 (two months ago) link

No, the text says it "may look <...> bizarrely joyous" once (she is writing for a Guardian audience), and doesn't say surprising at all. And it does seem notable - not unwelcome, but I can't think of any obvious precedent.

Andrew Farrell, Thursday, 12 December 2024 17:24 (two months ago) link

None of this has anything to do with a very troubled 26-year-old allegedly making a decision to commit murder. Thompson wasn’t to blame for US healthcare, and Mangione isn’t an American folk hero.

bad love's all you'll get from me (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Thursday, 12 December 2024 20:29 (two months ago) link

Yeah, I read that in the article, and when you excerpted it earlier.

Andrew Farrell, Thursday, 12 December 2024 21:54 (two months ago) link


xyzzzz__, Wednesday, 18 December 2024 12:18 (two months ago) link

Do we take bets on whether GMG will launch a Sunday Guardian?

guillotine vogue (suzy), Wednesday, 18 December 2024 13:30 (two months ago) link

Their Best Books lists for this year are awful

beamish13, Wednesday, 18 December 2024 15:55 (two months ago) link

You can get a substack and make bank I'm sure.

The Guardian is cancelling my contract after 19 years continuous employment with no pay-off so totes happy to go to the Indie to continue my investigation into Evgeny’s dad, the ex-KGB spy.

The UK media: so many fine choices.

— Carole Cadwalladr (@carolecadwalla) December 22, 2024

xyzzzz__, Monday, 23 December 2024 17:27 (one month ago) link

She can get a job playing an investigative reporter at The London Dungeon's new Brexit Experience.

bad love's all you'll get from me (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Monday, 23 December 2024 17:38 (one month ago) link

another one I've got zero sympathy for after all the lies and garbage she wrote about Corbyn. Get on universal credit, lass, and tell them you are only applying for top journalism jobs at the parts of the UK press with respectable owners, hah hah!

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Monday, 23 December 2024 17:40 (one month ago) link

Truly one of the worst writers and thinkers to ever operate vaguely on some sense of being "on the right side". Does more damage than good. Also massively indulged. Her most recent articles will open with a fifteen-clause sentence referring to her past work and what "was found then" or whatever.

Completely pernicious, it feels like someone made up by her enemies to discredit the things she tries to shine a light on.

Also like sorry Carole but a certain amount of people just voted for shit you/we hate because they are dicks, not because they're all dense and you're a genius who found out what the word algorithm might mean circa a decade ago.

LocalGarda, Monday, 23 December 2024 23:13 (one month ago) link

See this crap every year. Guardian are experts in anemic campaigns like these, while throwing statues of colonisers in the river is something to be mocked.

xyzzzz__, Thursday, 26 December 2024 13:03 (one month ago) link

Nice of the Guardian to give a platform to this horrible troll to lecture us on "extremists pitting us against each other" and "our communal humanity and shared goals". She's got a play to promote though.

Please play Lou Reed's irritating guitar sounds (Tom D.), Saturday, 28 December 2024 11:20 (one month ago) link

Extremists are now pitting us against each other, to radicalise us to mistrust “the other”

Yes indeed. Now to take a big sip of coffee and see what's she's said about the genocide Britain's gov and press is currently materially aiding

glumdalclitch, Saturday, 28 December 2024 12:12 (one month ago) link

back then Mosley was deplatformed for decades and even locked up for being a fascist activist. I don't think he was on UK tv until the 60's when Frost gave him some very hostile treatment on his show. Now fascists have regular tv slots and unherd columns etc.. stoking up pogroms, disseminating replacement theory. Haven't ever seen Tracy-Ann Oberman describing this as a bad thing. All she ever does is swipe at the Left, so basically she'd have been on the side of the blackshirts back then?

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Saturday, 28 December 2024 12:38 (one month ago) link

two weeks pass...

Guardian are predictably publishing terrible takea on Lynch:

"But look at any prestigious programme made during the so-called golden age of television and Twin Peaks’ fingerprints are all over it. The surreal turns of Breaking Bad. The visual motifs that run through The Sopranos. The mysteries of Lost. The deliberate, steady pace of Mad Men. All of these, and so many more, owe a heavy debt to Lynch."

xyzzzz__, Friday, 17 January 2025 10:58 (one month ago) link

Twin Peaks, noted for its steady pacing

Critique of the Goth Programme (Neil S), Friday, 17 January 2025 11:25 (one month ago) link

They really are dicks:

"Last month, researchers at University College London released a report that found that an average cigarette takes 20 minutes off a smoker’s life. Lynch, I suspect, smoked at least one pack a day, which would add up to a decade of lost time. Or to put it more crudely, it equates to two or three unmade films and maybe a hundred-odd paintings that never found their way to the canvas. Today that feels tantamount to the Pompidou burning down."

xyzzzz__, Friday, 17 January 2025 12:28 (one month ago) link

He was not given money to realise his projects!!

xyzzzz__, Friday, 17 January 2025 12:29 (one month ago) link

I realise this is a me problem but sententious opinion pieces about the health impact of vices always make me wanna increase my vices. Assuming I read them. Which I won't.

Zurich is Starmed (Noodle Vague), Friday, 17 January 2025 12:37 (one month ago) link

anyone who writes an article like that shouldn't be allowed to access any art again.

Inside The Wasp Factory with Gregg Wallace (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Friday, 17 January 2025 13:05 (one month ago) link

seasoned movie critic Xan Brooks with the worst RIP take of the year so far

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Friday, 17 January 2025 14:27 (one month ago) link

two weeks pass...

Possibly the most cowardly paragraph I've ever read in the Guardian, or any newspaper for that matter. Utterly shameful.

— Zack Breslin (@zack_breslin) February 5, 2025

xyzzzz__, Wednesday, 5 February 2025 13:52 (two weeks ago) link

The Guardian just announced a partnership with OpenAI

— Max Tani (@maxwelltani) February 14, 2025

xyzzzz__, Friday, 14 February 2025 14:45 (one week ago) link

There's already a Tweet saying "it'll be better than The Observer"

Zurich is Starmed (Noodle Vague), Friday, 14 February 2025 14:50 (one week ago) link

left wing activists less likely to actively work against left wing politics shocker

Zurich is Starmed (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 19 February 2025 12:51 (two days ago) link

to be clear, this bit

The research also shows the group is more likely to dislike and criticise those that disagree with them than other voting blocs, a trait the report’s authors argue has contributed to the repeated failure of progressive campaigns and the rise of the global far right.
and the fact that this is from a group set up after a nazi murdered a Labour mp

and the way they are reporting this as if it is science

that's what specifically can fuck off

Inside The Wasp Factory with Gregg Wallace (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Wednesday, 19 February 2025 12:59 (two days ago) link

yeah i saw that bit, these lads are just getting their excuses in early for when Streeting hands the country over to Farage in 4 years

Zurich is Starmed (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 19 February 2025 13:02 (two days ago) link

were More in Common promoting the Labour Party's "progressive campaign" where some MPs lost their seats after saying we need to kick more Bangladeshi immigrants out of this country?

I really detest More in Common and the truth is that even the speech of the murdered MP it was quoted from was a boilerplate speech of platitudinous drivel and she was also one of the "legit concerns" crew, that have helped to legitimise racism in the UK. It's a fucking bullshit organisation and always has been.

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Wednesday, 19 February 2025 13:17 (two days ago) link

I know there are more important issues but, to be honest, I've not really got over a sandwich being referred to as a "sando" in a recent Feast.

djh, Wednesday, 19 February 2025 22:04 (two days ago) link

eat some sandos, vote in a genny lec. Stick a rusty syringe in your arm and get some heppy c

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Wednesday, 19 February 2025 22:13 (two days ago) link

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