It is far from an achievement to be proud of - research suggests that British men and women are the most promiscuous in the Western world.
It appears the days when we took a strict moralistic approach towards sex are long gone.
Researchers blamed the situation on a decline of religious scruples, the growth of equal rights for women and a highly sexualised popular culture.
― :) Mrs Edward Cullen XD (max), Monday, 1 December 2008 14:41 (sixteen years ago) link
seeking commentary from lbzc--pls avoid "british people are ugly" jokes--jokes about dom passantino having sex with fat/crazy chicks are acceptable
"religious scruples," was that a board game?
I predict BAN SEX front page headlines by the New Year.
But then if you BANNED SEX there would be NO CHILDREN and hence no INNOCENCE.
― Brother Belcher (Marcello Carlin), Monday, 1 December 2008 14:43 (sixteen years ago) link
time was you could read a decent paper without dirty sex research on every page
― Manchego Bay (G00blar), Monday, 1 December 2008 14:45 (sixteen years ago) link
The Daily Sketch ink never came off on your hands and the paper was strong enough to wrap around and protect the ball when you kicked it in the street.
― Brother Belcher (Marcello Carlin), Monday, 1 December 2008 14:48 (sixteen years ago) link
we pretty much have to have a lot of casual sex to fill the time that would otherwise be spent posting about delicious food in capital letters on the internet, angrily insisting on our children's right to shoot themselves in the face with assault weapons and raping bewildered sales assistants from Wolverhampton in shady detention centres in Cuba
― Glans Christian Christian christian Christian Andersen (MPx4A), Monday, 1 December 2008 14:49 (sixteen years ago) link
British people are having loads of sex - and that's a bad thing?!?!? Casual sex and one-night stands aren't bad in and of themselves.
― NotEnough, Monday, 1 December 2008 14:50 (sixteen years ago) link
But what has this all got to do with TV's Jennie Bond?
― Brother Belcher (Marcello Carlin), Monday, 1 December 2008 14:51 (sixteen years ago) link
i actually do think this is something to be proud of
wtg britain
― homosexual II, Monday, 1 December 2008 14:52 (sixteen years ago) link
wtf where are all these loose women i'm promised ??!
― Ant Attack.. (Ste), Monday, 1 December 2008 14:52 (sixteen years ago) link
Researchers blamed the situation on ... the growth of equal rights for women
― The Biggest Event In The History Of Ethnic Comedy (DJ Mencap), Monday, 1 December 2008 14:53 (sixteen years ago) link
― Ant Attack.. (Ste), Monday, 1 December 2008 14:52 (14 seconds ago) Bookmark Suggest Ban Permalink
― Peter "One Dart" Manley (The stickman from the hilarious 'xkcd' comics), Monday, 1 December 2008 14:54 (sixteen years ago) link
― NotEnough, Monday, 1 December 2008 14:54 (sixteen years ago) link
haha yum
― Ant Attack.. (Ste), Monday, 1 December 2008 14:54 (sixteen years ago) link
Another way of looking at it:
Britons 'saving money with sex' Snuggling under the duvet could also save on those heating bills As the credit crunch bites, Britons may be turning to sex as a cheap way to pass the time, a charity says. A YouGov survey of 2,000 adults found sex was the most popular free activity, ahead of window shopping and gossiping. The Scots were most amorous with 43% choosing sex over other pastimes, compared with 35% in South England. Aids charity the Terrence Higgins Trust, which published the survey, also welcomed recent figures showing an increase in condom sales. Around one in 10 respondents to the survey, carried in November, said their favourite free activity was window shopping and 6% chose going to a museum as the cheapest way to pass the time. But the sexes differed on their priorities, with women preferring to gossip with friends while men had sex firmly at the top of their list.
A YouGov survey of 2,000 adults found sex was the most popular free activity, ahead of window shopping and gossiping.
The Scots were most amorous with 43% choosing sex over other pastimes, compared with 35% in South England.
Aids charity the Terrence Higgins Trust, which published the survey, also welcomed recent figures showing an increase in condom sales.
Around one in 10 respondents to the survey, carried in November, said their favourite free activity was window shopping and 6% chose going to a museum as the cheapest way to pass the time.
But the sexes differed on their priorities, with women preferring to gossip with friends while men had sex firmly at the top of their list.
― Mark G, Monday, 1 December 2008 14:56 (sixteen years ago) link
So men prefer to have firm sex with their friends?
― Brother Belcher (Marcello Carlin), Monday, 1 December 2008 14:57 (sixteen years ago) link
or friendly sex with their firm?
― Ant Attack.. (Ste), Monday, 1 December 2008 14:58 (sixteen years ago) link
― The Biggest Event In The History Of Ethnic Comedy (DJ Mencap), Monday, 1 December 2008 14:59 (sixteen years ago) link
You leave Gordon Strachan out of this (xp).
― Brother Belcher (Marcello Carlin), Monday, 1 December 2008 14:59 (sixteen years ago) link
No results found for "loose women holding fish".
It's a disgrace.
― Brother Belcher (Marcello Carlin), Monday, 1 December 2008 15:01 (sixteen years ago) link
Carol McGiffin ftw? xxps
― DavidM, Monday, 1 December 2008 15:01 (sixteen years ago) link
I was about to call total BS on this but then saw that they limited it to the Western world. (Once I read an ethnography about an Amazonian tribe in which refusing to have sex with several people in succession is unheard of among men and heavily discouraged among women because of the communal bonding aspect. British people surely aren't that extreme.)
― Maria, Monday, 1 December 2008 15:01 (sixteen years ago) link
The headline says "most promiscuous in the world", but the article actually says UK is placed 11th overall. We're 1st out of "Western industrial nations with a population of 10 million or more"
― snoball, Monday, 1 December 2008 15:04 (sixteen years ago) link
It's Tuomas Time!
― Mark G, Monday, 1 December 2008 15:05 (sixteen years ago) link
(xpost) as a statistic it basically means nothing, aside from an excuse for the Daily Mail to run another story to appeal to it's readership of people who are simultaneously prudish but want to read about sex all the time.
― snoball, Monday, 1 December 2008 15:06 (sixteen years ago) link
I think Finland does actually top the overall list. Well done them.
― Matt DC, Monday, 1 December 2008 15:06 (sixteen years ago) link
speaking of Tuomas:
"The results of the study were combined with an index of 'sociosexuality' - a measure of how liberal people are when it comes to sex. Most people scored between four and 65, with higher scores showing more liberal approaches. In terms of countries, Finland had the highest rating with an average score of 52 and Taiwan the lowest with just 19."
I don't think being prudish and reading about sex all the time go together very well, it just leads to frustration!
― Maria, Monday, 1 December 2008 15:07 (sixteen years ago) link
Just ask any Daily Mail reader about frustration
― snoball, Monday, 1 December 2008 15:10 (sixteen years ago) link
― Brother Belcher (Marcello Carlin), Monday, 1 December 2008 15:13 (sixteen years ago) link
I wonder if the researchers really "blamed" the situation on anything, or if this just the newspapers' way of implicitly saying, "Casual sex is bad, mmkay?". Anyway, the idea that "equal rights for women" is to "blame" for this horrible situation is totally "Wtf?!".
― Tuomas, Monday, 1 December 2008 15:16 (sixteen years ago) link
Tuomas otm, feminists need to put out more
― Peter "One Dart" Manley (The stickman from the hilarious 'xkcd' comics), Monday, 1 December 2008 15:17 (sixteen years ago) link
Also, I don't understand why that article lists the top 10 with only countries that have more than 10 million inhabitants? Where are the results for all the countries that participated?
― Tuomas, Monday, 1 December 2008 15:18 (sixteen years ago) link
Because Britain came top of that particular list and therefore in the eyes of the Daily Mail it makes a Good Story.
― Brother Belcher (Marcello Carlin), Monday, 1 December 2008 15:19 (sixteen years ago) link
The "Vatican City" is a country, for the purposes of surveys of this kind, right?
― Mark G, Monday, 1 December 2008 15:21 (sixteen years ago) link
"British People Most Promiscuous In List Of Countries Beginning With U & K"
― snoball, Monday, 1 December 2008 15:22 (sixteen years ago) link
"British People Most Promiscuous In List Of Countries Named Britain"
― Brother Belcher (Marcello Carlin), Monday, 1 December 2008 15:23 (sixteen years ago) link
"Daily Mail readers most prurient of all readers of newspapers called 'Daily Mail'"
― snoball, Monday, 1 December 2008 15:28 (sixteen years ago) link
― DavidM, Monday, 1 December 2008 15:31 (sixteen years ago) link
― Ronan, Monday, 1 December 2008 15:32 (sixteen years ago) link
― Brother Belcher (Marcello Carlin), Monday, 1 December 2008 15:33 (sixteen years ago) link
Okay, if I'm able to interpret the results correctly, the actual top 10 would be like this:
1. Finland2. New Zealand3. Slovenia4. Lithuania 5. Austria6. Latvia7. Croatia8. Israel9. Bolivia10. Argentina
UK only makes it to number 11. Note that Finland is the only Nordic country involved in the study, I'm fairly sure Denmark and Sweden would've placed quite high if they'd been included.
― Tuomas, Monday, 1 December 2008 15:38 (sixteen years ago) link
we need to bring in more posters from those countries to improve i love tmi
― :) Mrs Edward Cullen XD (max), Monday, 1 December 2008 15:39 (sixteen years ago) link
Those results are based on the mean and not average value, I'm quite sure mean is a better indicator than average when speaking about general national promiscuity.
― Tuomas, Monday, 1 December 2008 15:40 (sixteen years ago) link
hey look it's a list of countries to visit
― Tanganyika laughter epidemic (gbx), Monday, 1 December 2008 15:43 (sixteen years ago) link
Sweden's population is ~8 million. I've heard that Lichtenstein is full of sex maniacs.
― snoball, Monday, 1 December 2008 15:43 (sixteen years ago) link
Mean is the same as average.
Looks like there are two indices here - one for behavior, one for beliefs - and Britain is on top of the behavior one?
― Maria, Monday, 1 December 2008 15:46 (sixteen years ago) link
For years I was convinced that the main vocal on that LaTour record was by Michael Dorn aka Worf in ST:TNG
― snoball, Monday, 1 December 2008 15:53 (sixteen years ago) link
Victorian child prostitutes to thread...
― Holden McGroin (Ned Trifle II), Monday, 1 December 2008 15:58 (sixteen years ago) link
blame it on the aggression, competition, and blind hedonism inherent in the Anglosphere.
― burt_stanton, Monday, 1 December 2008 17:12 (sixteen years ago) link
― Jarlrmai, Monday, 1 December 2008 19:21 (sixteen years ago) link
british people get more wasted than anyone else
2+2, ppl
― Tracer Hand, Monday, 1 December 2008 19:31 (sixteen years ago) link
why is promiscuity still frowned upon, as long as its safe and between consenting adults (of course)?
― homosexual II, Monday, 1 December 2008 19:47 (sixteen years ago) link
more than Finns, Russians and the Irish?
― gabbneb, Monday, 1 December 2008 19:52 (sixteen years ago) link
efforts to join this elite group have started to bear fruit. someone needs to draw up some charts to compare national promiscuity with national awesome
― ogmor, Monday, 1 December 2008 20:24 (sixteen years ago) link
I don't know how Finns drink, but Russians are definitely more dedicated and ceremonial about it than the British or Irish.
― Maria, Monday, 1 December 2008 20:55 (sixteen years ago) link
(do they count as "the Western world" though? Russian exceptionalism to thread!)
― Maria, Monday, 1 December 2008 20:56 (sixteen years ago) link
Re: the Irish - yeah, but, Catholicism dude...
― Matt DC, Monday, 1 December 2008 21:05 (sixteen years ago) link
Promiscuity is offset by the need to whip yourself with a rosary for an hour afterwards.
― Matt DC, Monday, 1 December 2008 21:06 (sixteen years ago) link
Russians may be the ones who get their drunk on to the point of internal drowning, but they ususally fail to follow that up with promiscuousity.
― warmsherry, Monday, 1 December 2008 21:08 (sixteen years ago) link
Annual alcohol consumption, litres per head
15: Russia
11.2: UK
9.8: Australia
8.4: US
7.6: Japan
1.5: Turkey
― ogmor, Monday, 1 December 2008 21:10 (sixteen years ago) link
Turkey needs to be acquainted with happy hour specials and 2 for 1 cocktail pitchers
― warmsherry, Monday, 1 December 2008 21:11 (sixteen years ago) link
turkish food is lovely, they're excused low boozing quotient
although raki is foul.
― country matters, Monday, 1 December 2008 21:14 (sixteen years ago) link
Hmm the WHO puts Russia down at 10.32, where do those figures come from?
― I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE UP TO (Colonel Poo), Monday, 1 December 2008 21:14 (sixteen years ago) link
― slap bass: the ungentle art (stevie), Monday, 1 December 2008 21:19 (sixteen years ago) link
someone shouted them out of a car window at me whilst i was having casual sex
― ogmor, Monday, 1 December 2008 21:21 (sixteen years ago) link
were they having casual sex too?
― country matters, Monday, 1 December 2008 21:22 (sixteen years ago) link
maybe really bad casual sex
― ogmor, Monday, 1 December 2008 21:28 (sixteen years ago) link
drink doesn't help one's performance, true
― country matters, Monday, 1 December 2008 21:31 (sixteen years ago) link
Also what kind of alcohol?
Pissy weak aussie beer or hard as shit russki vodka?
― Holden McGroin (Ned Trifle II), Monday, 1 December 2008 21:34 (sixteen years ago) link
― country matters, Monday, 1 December 2008 21:36 (sixteen years ago) link
Precisely, those Austrians may not drink much by volume...
― Holden McGroin (Ned Trifle II), Monday, 1 December 2008 21:38 (sixteen years ago) link
I think it's litres of pure alcohol per head. I might be wrong.
― country matters, Monday, 1 December 2008 21:39 (sixteen years ago) link
Well, fair enough, I can only drink a couple of litres of pure alcohol.
― Holden McGroin (Ned Trifle II), Monday, 1 December 2008 21:40 (sixteen years ago) link
British people most promiscuous savages in the world IMO.
― ASCII NED (libcrypt), Monday, 1 December 2008 22:10 (sixteen years ago) link
Re: Turkey, yeah, raki is foul and there's that whole Muslim thing. Not that that stopped anyone when I was in western Turkey but things might be different further east where people are more conservative.
― Maria, Monday, 1 December 2008 22:18 (sixteen years ago) link
I skimmed throught the original study the article was referring to (which can be read here), but it does seem to have only one indicator, the Sociosexual Orientation Inventory, which measures people's "willingness to have sex outside of a committed pair-bond". The top 10 I came up with is based on that indicator, the study doesn't seem to measure the actual number of sex partners at all. I think the Daily Mail article came upon it's list artificially by counting only "OECD countries with populations over 10 million", which conveniently leaves out all the countries in the actual top 10.
― Tuomas, Tuesday, 2 December 2008 07:41 (sixteen years ago) link
And, usurprisingly, today a Finnish tabloid is reporting that Finns won this "contest".
― Tuomas, Tuesday, 2 December 2008 12:27 (sixteen years ago) link
― Ant Attack.. (Ste), Tuesday, 2 December 2008 12:37 (sixteen years ago) link
Non-story of the year
― Ich Ber ein Binliner (Tom D.), Tuesday, 2 December 2008 12:43 (sixteen years ago) link
Replacement for Eurovision? Finland aren't going to win with yet another Lordi rehash. UK will never win again. But here is something we can compete in and win! And no block voting!
― snoball, Tuesday, 2 December 2008 12:49 (sixteen years ago) link
Given that Slovenia, Lithuania, Austria, Latvia and Croatia are all ahead of us, that's unlikely
― Ich Ber ein Binliner (Tom D.), Tuesday, 2 December 2008 12:51 (sixteen years ago) link
ah bollocks then - maybe we'd do better at this?
― snoball, Tuesday, 2 December 2008 13:03 (sixteen years ago) link
Annual alcohol consumption, litres per head15: Russia
15 litres per YEAR??!?!?
― o_O (ken c), Tuesday, 2 December 2008 13:05 (sixteen years ago) link
it's a measurement of time roughly equivalent to how long it takes the earth to make a one complete orbit around the sun.
― Granny Dainger, Tuesday, 2 December 2008 14:52 (sixteen years ago) link
15 litres is, what, about 25 pints? Or 20 bottles of wine, if you prefer. A YEAR? I'm with Ken's level of surprise, I can only assume that per head of population they are factoring in all the lots of little kiddies who don't touch the stuff at all.
― ailsa, Tuesday, 2 December 2008 15:04 (sixteen years ago) link
To be fair though, Russia's per capita consumption of alcohol has fallen sharply since the death of Boris Yeltsin... not that people are drinking any less, just that Boris isn't drinking anymore
― Ich Ber ein Binliner (Tom D.), Tuesday, 2 December 2008 15:08 (sixteen years ago) link
Maybe they're only counting alcohol sold in shops, as it's impossible to work out how much home brew stuff people are drinking. And a lot of homebrew vodka gets drunk in eastern Europe and Russia.
― snoball, Tuesday, 2 December 2008 15:08 (sixteen years ago) link
It's litres of pure alcohol, not beer or wine or whatever.
Snoball - that probably explains it - the WHO figures I read put Britain above Russia on 11.7 to 10.32 litres a year - according to them Russia hasn't been on 15 litres a year since about 1981.
― I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE UP TO (Colonel Poo), Tuesday, 2 December 2008 15:11 (sixteen years ago) link
that's not the issue because all other countries drink even less, according to the statistics
― o_O (ken c), Tuesday, 2 December 2008 15:12 (sixteen years ago) link
oh right yeah i see what you mean.
15 litres per year of pure alcohol is still only 30 bottles of vodka a year. fuck that.
― o_O (ken c), Tuesday, 2 December 2008 15:13 (sixteen years ago) link
(xxpost) It's actually a major problem in Russia - a lot of the time you'll hear about some killing spree/violence it'll be because the perpetrators were completely out of it on super strong homemade vodka.
― snoball, Tuesday, 2 December 2008 15:14 (sixteen years ago) link
i'm so making some homemade vodka tonight
― o_O (ken c), Tuesday, 2 December 2008 15:15 (sixteen years ago) link
and then have promiscuous sex
after posting on ilx about it
― o_O (ken c), Tuesday, 2 December 2008 15:16 (sixteen years ago) link
When have you got the killing spree pencilled in for?
― Ich Ber ein Binliner (Tom D.), Tuesday, 2 December 2008 15:18 (sixteen years ago) link
off to the UK for field research
― Dr Morbius, Tuesday, 2 December 2008 15:19 (sixteen years ago) link
Wouldn't bother, we might be promiscuous but we're ugly as well
― Ich Ber ein Binliner (Tom D.), Tuesday, 2 December 2008 15:20 (sixteen years ago) link
That's what all the booze is for.
― I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE UP TO (Colonel Poo), Tuesday, 2 December 2008 15:20 (sixteen years ago) link