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Too many were suggested for the one poll so I'll do two and have a play-off. I will use the winning word at every available opportunity.
Poll Results
Option | Votes |
Platypus! | 4 |
Top hole! | 3 |
Sexsational! | 3 |
Splendid! | 2 |
Result! | 2 |
Meaty! | 2 |
Jurassic Park! | 2 |
Excellent! | 1 |
Blinding! | 1 |
Capital! | 1 |
Rather nice! | 1 |
Spiffing! | 1 |
Cracking good stuff! | 1 |
Unplayable! | 1 |
Scrooge McDuck! | 1 |
Brilliant! | 1 |
Well jackson innit! | 1 |
Tickety-boo! | 1 |
Banging! | 1 |
GĂ©nial! | 1 |
Resplendent! | 0 |
Ripper! | 0 |
Topper! | 0 |
gnarly! | 0 |
Radical! | 0 |
Shot! | 0 |
Fanriffic! | 0 |
Huzzah! | 0 |
Wizzard! | 0 |
Super! | 0 |
Bowling! | 0 |
Thrilling! | 0 |
Pleasant! | 0 |
Bully! | 0 |
Smashing! | 0 |
Jolly good! | 0 |
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! | 0 |
Gasptastic! | 0 |
Cha-ching! | 0 |
Score! | 0 |
Blammo! | 0 |
Well good! | 0 |
Gear! | 0 |
Marvellous! | 0 |
Delicimoso! | 0 |
Corking! | 0 |
Magnificent! | 0 |
Quite nice! | 0 |
Monstah! | 0 |
Fantastic! | 0 |
― chap, Wednesday, 7 October 2009 15:39 (fifteen years ago) link
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