What does My dream Mean?

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OK so I was like under arrest or something I was basically locked in this room with like 5 other people and it was kinda like a conference room we were all warning black and the room was just...bland...like navy blue carpet so nothing of consequence. Some how I got out and I was talking with someone on the outside, i was dressed in all black haha ski mask and all, except I had 3 balloons tied to me. they were all like a greenish color with white ribbons coming down.

all of a sudden i had like a flash back or something and I was following a guy with a green back pack walking in the middle of the woods next to a road. then I was back to the conversation.

I noticed that while we were talking, this guy was in a ski mask (the color kept on changing from red to green both were very vibrant) and he had a balloon too (it too was switching from red to green, but if the mask was green the balloon would be red and vice versa) but this guy was starring at me. I noticed that a guard had noticed i was out and he chased me, caught me and escorted me back to the holding place. by this time there were a TON of people in the room, and they all kept coming up to me and saying stuff like, " are you THE Megan?!" it was like I was really important or something i don't know...but the guard came in and popped my balloons taking the ties away too.

As he was popping my balloons, more people were coming in one of them looked like one of my old time friends so I tapped him and as he turned around he changed to another one of my guy friends who i go to school with. more people came up to me trying to see if I was "that" Megan and I guess I was, I stood up on this chair and started to tell everyone that the guard had popped our balloons so we were going to have to find another way out but the guard was listening in so I stopped and told them I'd tell them later. I went to the door and it was unlocked. then i woke up.
26 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.

Megaluka, Monday, 2 August 2010 16:50 (fourteen years ago) link

it's about losing your virginity to a ski instructor at winter park resort, megan.

Eggs, Peaches, Hot Dogs, Lamb (remy bean), Monday, 2 August 2010 17:07 (fourteen years ago) link

Hahahaha ok

Megaluka, Monday, 2 August 2010 17:07 (fourteen years ago) link


buzza, Monday, 2 August 2010 17:15 (fourteen years ago) link

i dreamed last night I was at a production of the musical Annie, and after one scene where most of the cast went offstage, two actors came onstage and performed a snuff scene...

San Te, Monday, 2 August 2010 20:48 (fourteen years ago) link

megan have you watched fight club recently?

F-Unit (Ste), Monday, 2 August 2010 21:52 (fourteen years ago) link

u can pop my balloon

the girl with the butt tattoo (harbl), Monday, 2 August 2010 22:02 (fourteen years ago) link

26 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.

the girl with the butt tattoo (harbl), Monday, 2 August 2010 22:02 (fourteen years ago) link

F-Unit no i haven't I've never seen it but I want to :D

Megaluka, Monday, 2 August 2010 22:34 (fourteen years ago) link

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buzza, Tuesday, 3 August 2010 05:49 (fourteen years ago) link

wheres the mark button

a peach tree (156), Tuesday, 3 August 2010 06:01 (fourteen years ago) link

Most likely not much, except some deep-seated aversion to using capital letters properly.

Fred Nerk, Tuesday, 3 August 2010 06:02 (fourteen years ago) link

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