the the (since marr has left)--C/D?

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I'm sure this has been brought up but search won't let you look it up, because the words aren't longer than four letters.

webcrack (music=crack), Sunday, 3 November 2002 04:13 (twenty-two years ago) link

The guy playing guitar now (Erik Schermerhorn?) is LIGHT years better than Marr. i think the newer, darker material with its emphasis on unique drum and guitar is MJ's best work. So yah.. classic.

chaki (chaki), Sunday, 3 November 2002 10:54 (twenty-two years ago) link


I went off The The because Marr joined ...

I read recently that Matt Johnson was going back to his earlier style, away from the "we're a rock band" thing. Hooray!

phil jones (interstar), Monday, 4 November 2002 11:03 (twenty-two years ago) link

well, as the the's best work was before marr joined it doesn't really make much of a difference

H (Heruy), Monday, 4 November 2002 11:14 (twenty-two years ago) link

Well, put it this way: in the ten years since Marr left, Matt Johnson has managed one proper album (crap) and an album of Hank Williams covers (odd).

I still maintain that The The is the ONLY worthwhile stuff that Marr has done since 1987.

Matt Johnson is just too old now, methinks.

Zanny Gognet (Zanny Gognet), Monday, 4 November 2002 12:24 (twenty-two years ago) link

Marr's contributions to The The never seemed that huge to my ears. I mean, yeah, he played guitar for the band, but the same presence that marks those Smiths albums is just missing on his work with The The.

I lost interest around the time of HANKY PANKY and haven't kept up with Mr.Johnson since. How was the last one (NAKED SELF? or something?)

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Monday, 4 November 2002 20:51 (twenty-two years ago) link

_Naked Self_ was really, really good. (Mind you, I've only played it three times.)

Dan Perry (Dan Perry), Monday, 4 November 2002 20:56 (twenty-two years ago) link

I think Naked Self is their best album!

chaki (chaki), Monday, 4 November 2002 21:23 (twenty-two years ago) link

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