Soulseek screw-up

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Is this a new bug? Been using Soulseek 139 for two months with relatively few problems, until this morning when it started causing my system to freeze up for a few seconds every two seconds. This persists even after I shut down Soulseek and ia only resolved if I restart my PC and don't launch Soulseek the second time round. The FAQ claims that it might be due to sharing too many files, but I've shared this much files (16GB) without problems for quite a while. I moved a bunch anyway but nothing's happened...any ideas?

Enid Coleslaw (Enid Coleslaw), Sunday, 3 November 2002 13:06 (twenty-two years ago) link

Fiddling around with the shared.cfg file should sort this out, but be careful or you maybe delete your recent downloads. Try renaming your download directory i.e. where the files are right now and you should be ok.

16GB eh? nuff respect.

chris sallis, Sunday, 3 November 2002 14:30 (twenty-two years ago) link

Is it the 1.39pre-alpha, the beta or the final version?
Don't forget to send them a bug report, so that when the 2.0 version comes out they might've worked the bug out.

Lord Custos Omega (Lord Custos Omega), Sunday, 3 November 2002 17:25 (twenty-two years ago) link

dl the new version anyway, it takes up less memory www.s*

kinski (kinski), Monday, 4 November 2002 12:31 (twenty-two years ago) link

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