Your Top 5 of the Moment/Week/Month

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1 - Tom Petty (i love Tom Petty. i haven't really loved a Bob Dylan album since Infidels so Tom filled in nicely for me on the nasal americana guitar and great rock song front. the extended version of "Supernatural Radio" is awesome by the way.)

2 - Fudge Tunnel! (i could listen to their 3 albums every day kinda.)

3 - Kenny Mason (i dug "Shell", "Facts", and "Play Ball" a lot this week. Watched them thrice over. i never listened to him before until i watched F.D. Signifier's Eminem and the White Rapper Problem video talk on Youtube and F.D. hyped him up. Then I remembered that one of my kids definitely listened to him during the pandemic.)

4 - "Bull Believer" by Wednesday in official video and live video form.

5 - Lifter Puller - Monday Night Live KVSC - Full Performance (hour long local t.v. performance from 1998. i've been listening to their old stuff at work a bunch.)

scott seward, Thursday, 8 February 2024 17:40 (one year ago) link

1 - General Strike - Danger in Paradise - I feel like this was some sort of subtle breakthrough

2 - Pearl Jam - No Code - My current 'album I first heard many moons that I'm only fully getting into now'

3 - Rhythmkillaz - "Wack Ass MF" - Fascinated by how much this forgotten minor hit is trying to do all at once. Tribal moodiness, hard house irreverence, a mashup of familiar samples, general feeling of 'this could veer into disaster at any moment'

4 - The Upsetters - "Cow Thief Skank" - mooooo (to an unpredictable collage of older Perry cuts)

5 - 50s and 60s EPs of fair organs, especially those playing popular songs

you can see me from westbury white horse, Thursday, 8 February 2024 18:50 (one year ago) link

1. "Vapour Trails" podcast, via Ship Full of Bombs
2. "You Belong to Me," by Carly Simon
3. The Soul Cages, thanks to yesterday's Sting thread
4. "Rainy Night in Soho," which has been breaking me down since Shane's death
5. "Fast Car," because of course. Takes me back to hearing the album for the first time right around my graduation from college.

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Thursday, 8 February 2024 18:53 (one year ago) link

two weeks pass...

1. My order that finally came from Sentient Ruin! They had supply chain issues. Well worth the wait. Apostasy (excellent Chilean thrash), Skopofoboexoskelett (insane! slide guitar!), Antimonument, Ch'ahom, Somnolent, Abyssal Rift (so great!), Vessel Of Iniquity. An embarrassment of riches.
2. Various volumes of *Now That's What I Call Arabia* on CD. It's all new and groovy to me.
3. Various 90s slow jam laydeez on CD. So much stuff I've never heard. Tonight I listened to Changing Faces - S/T and MoKenStef - Azz Izz. Both really good. I threw on Marcia Griffiths' Carousel album tonight as well. That is an album I already know and love. It's not all about "Electric Boogie" you know. The whole album is tite.
4. Fannypack! It's time for a revival. Where did they go? Did they completely disappear. Do they drive for Uber? Baristas? I can put one of those CDs on at the store and immediately people flip out and want it and nobody has ever heard them. They just sound so great to me right now.
5. Bahamas - Goombay 1951-1959 2XCD set. Just amazing. Magic. Almost overwhelming in how great it all sounds. Sheesh. R&B + Mento + Calypso. Lots of Blind Blake. You almost can't believe this world sometimes. So much sadness and so much beauty. It's beyond me. In the meantime I thank the heavens for the beauty and focus on the good out there.

scott seward, Tuesday, 27 February 2024 04:07 (eleven months ago) link

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