Mark Ronson?

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"Celebrity DJ"? Who he? I just bought his 12" with Ghostface & Nate Dogg which is discotastic. Mos Def and MOP are on the other side. Apparently, Jack White will also be on the album. How does a 26-year-old fella get all these big names on his debut album?

JoB (JoB), Friday, 1 August 2003 14:38 (twenty-one years ago) link

d'oh - didn't see this thread. discotastic indeed. this is all very strange.

pete b. (pete b.), Friday, 1 August 2003 16:44 (twenty-one years ago) link

How does a 26-year-old fella get all these big names on his debut album?

Like this.

gossip, Friday, 1 August 2003 16:47 (twenty-one years ago) link

yeah, he (and she) used to DJ all the prep school parties I never went to in high school. some really funny quotes in that article.

gabbneb (gabbneb), Friday, 1 August 2003 17:08 (twenty-one years ago) link

He also co-produced/wrote/whatever "Like A Feather" for Nikka Costa

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Friday, 1 August 2003 17:14 (twenty-one years ago) link

he so got the M.O.P. collabo because they sampled his dad.

Al (sitcom), Saturday, 2 August 2003 13:45 (twenty-one years ago) link

Lizzie Grubman Public Relations! He should do "Under My Wheels"

dave q, Saturday, 2 August 2003 14:06 (twenty-one years ago) link


oh no, different bloke.

piscesboy, Saturday, 2 August 2003 14:16 (twenty-one years ago) link

his dad


JoB (JoB), Saturday, 2 August 2003 14:23 (twenty-one years ago) link

I'm sorry, I'm terribly confused by the immense amount of name dropping in that New York Metro artice.

JoB (JoB), Saturday, 2 August 2003 14:31 (twenty-one years ago) link

two years pass...
ok, us in the uk dont get much of this Ronson celeb news .. are these mixtapes that populate a cetain auction website any good
ie the Jay-Z/Roc-a-fella mixtapes that Mark has done

.. i actually like Marks style with cut-n-paste when in the mood for light and fun hiphop, and a recent mixtape that he sorted out with Rhymefest that came with Hip Hop Connection was damn fine actually.

mark e (mark e), Monday, 19 December 2005 20:52 (nineteen years ago) link

Is there any sign on another studio album? I love Here Comes The Fuzz and he got the big names on that with Ghostface, Saigon, Sean Paul, Mos Def and, somewhat oddly but very good, Rivers Cuomo.

Nick H (Nick H), Monday, 19 December 2005 21:04 (nineteen years ago) link

Saigon track on that Ronson album was excellent. Ronson did a bunch of early tracks for Saigon back in '01/'02.

ELLI$, Monday, 19 December 2005 21:09 (nineteen years ago) link

he's on that radiohead hip hop covers album... he did "Just"... i'm not sure what i think of it.

firstworldman (firstworldman), Monday, 19 December 2005 21:13 (nineteen years ago) link

There's a remix of Air's "Alpha Beta Gaga" he's credited with which is just so catchy.

Nick H (Nick H), Monday, 19 December 2005 21:14 (nineteen years ago) link

that Lift Ya Skirt track with ODB (rip) is great too. was that on an album? I got it off some posthumous ODB mixtape.

pseudo-celeb or not, I like his productions. didn't know until recently that he did "Like a Feather."

Renard, Monday, 19 December 2005 21:16 (nineteen years ago) link

As I say on all Mark Ronson threads:

"On "Ooh Wee", Ghostface pronounces his name as "Mark Bronson". That's all.

Dom Passantino (Dom Passantino), Monday, 19 December 2005 21:23 (nineteen years ago) link

deej.. (deej..), Monday, 19 December 2005 21:30 (nineteen years ago) link

The ODB track isn't on the album, but I'm going to have slsk that.

Nick H (Nick H), Monday, 19 December 2005 21:32 (nineteen years ago) link

it's the ol' dirt mcgirt live and uncut

intro makes me laugh

Renard, Tuesday, 20 December 2005 03:04 (nineteen years ago) link

two years pass...

lol whiney bitch

The stickman from the hilarious "xkcd" comics, Tuesday, 8 July 2008 14:03 (sixteen years ago) link

Worst internet beef ever.

Neil S, Tuesday, 8 July 2008 14:06 (sixteen years ago) link

hollerboard beef is mad strenuous

and what, Tuesday, 8 July 2008 14:07 (sixteen years ago) link

So, a review slagging a band appears in the paper, but the writer did not attend the gig. Or write the review.

Hmmm........ And she's a 'whiney bitch' for caring?

Mark G, Tuesday, 8 July 2008 14:07 (sixteen years ago) link

I kind of assumed, considering how much money has been thrown down on Mark Ronson's education (Collegiate School for Boys, world's #1 school in terms of Ivy League attendees), dude would at least be able to write in sentences.

The stickman from the hilarious "xkcd" comics, Tuesday, 8 July 2008 14:12 (sixteen years ago) link

This is what happens when you don't have trade unions.

Dingbod Kesterson, Tuesday, 8 July 2008 14:16 (sixteen years ago) link

he so got the M.O.P. collabo because they sampled his dad.
-- Al (sitcom), Saturday, August 2, 2003 9:45 AM (4 years ago) Bookmark Link

some dude, Tuesday, 8 July 2008 14:18 (sixteen years ago) link

five months pass...
seven months pass...

Now, I know Mark Ronson is a talented fella and all, but I'm pretty sure even this is a challenge too far. Ronson is set to go into the studio with Boyzone. Yeah, nuff said really. No number of trumpets will transform that kind of tedium.

Confirming Ronson was on board for their next album, the tedium master Ronan Keating told reporters: "I'm a big fan of Mark's. We wanted to do something really different for this album. We've all grown up and we want to show that with a new sound. It will be colourful, bright and uplifting".

titchy (titchyschneiderMk2), Monday, 27 July 2009 11:22 (fifteen years ago) link

No number of trumpets will transform that kind of tedium

I bet a million would.

Akon/Family (Merdeyeux), Monday, 27 July 2009 11:27 (fifteen years ago) link

I've had his "production" in my head last night. I was tempted to drill a hole in my head and drain it out. I understand the success, but in all honesty I rather listen to the Teletubbies (well, always). There's something insanely loathesome about his production (on the Covers record). It's just too infested with... everything. Esp trumpets.

Unregistered Googler (stevienixed), Monday, 27 July 2009 11:36 (fifteen years ago) link

hes a maximalist

titchy (titchyschneiderMk2), Monday, 27 July 2009 11:36 (fifteen years ago) link

Yes his Covers record is so tiring to listen to... It only takes a few tracks for me to get a massive headache. It's not only his arrangements the problem, it's also the way is mixed and mastered...

J4mi3 H4rl3y (Snowballing), Monday, 27 July 2009 11:50 (fifteen years ago) link

I do understand the appeal but for longer than one song it just tires me. It does work well with, say, Lily Allen because her voice is a little lite 'n' breathy.

Unregistered Googler (stevienixed), Monday, 27 July 2009 12:51 (fifteen years ago) link

five years pass...

is there really no discussion of uptown funk/special on this board?

the benji b remix of uptown funk is really fantastic.

was going to avoid ronsons album but am now seriously tempted to investigate his 80s worship. uptown funk sounds a bit cameo, a bit fatback band, a bit trevor horn. this might make me think about looking into bruno mars more too.

StillAdvance, Sunday, 18 January 2015 08:23 (ten years ago) link

some discussion here - Bruno Mars/Smeezingtons singles poll

TracerHandVEVO (Tracer Hand), Sunday, 18 January 2015 10:15 (ten years ago) link

looking forward to hearing the album. his Red Bull lecture was fascinating.

also this (featuring ex-Pipette Rose Dougall) was amazing and no-one gave a shit

piscesx, Sunday, 18 January 2015 10:16 (ten years ago) link

Apart from Uptown Funk and I Can't Lose, the album feels more steeped in the 70s, than the 80s.

MarkoP, Sunday, 18 January 2015 14:36 (ten years ago) link

I can't believe no one is really talking about Uptown Special. I'm just listening to it now and I'm so down for it. Mystikal's (like Mystikal coming outta nowhere too) track was fucking fantastic and Uptown Funk has been my jam ever since it came out. Especially after that killer performance at the VMAs. (I'm praying to see it place on the top 77 in the next few days). For reference:

7 @ the Golden Shovel (sassarfrasco), Tuesday, 20 January 2015 03:45 (ten years ago) link

oh shit.

billstevejim, Tuesday, 20 January 2015 04:25 (ten years ago) link

this is better than uptown funk.

billstevejim, Tuesday, 20 January 2015 04:27 (ten years ago) link

four weeks pass...

Yeah, so this record is great

walid foster dulles (man alive), Tuesday, 17 February 2015 20:23 (ten years ago) link

don't make me light my butt

contenderizer, Tuesday, 17 February 2015 20:34 (ten years ago) link

four years pass...

I really, really like the new album.

Lykke Li, Diana Gordon and Angel Olsen tracks are particularly fab. Miley track the worst, probably.

triggercut, Thursday, 11 July 2019 03:55 (five years ago) link

one month passes...

Surprising how little love Mark Ronson gets around these parts. The title track on "Late Night Feelings" is classic.

enochroot, Friday, 6 September 2019 14:19 (five years ago) link

The new album is great. The title track and the Angel Olsen song are the two highlights, but the whole thing is pretty solid.

kitchen person, Friday, 6 September 2019 14:25 (five years ago) link

two weeks pass...

News and buzz

Mark Ronson comes out as a sapiosexual

omar little, Friday, 20 September 2019 16:21 (five years ago) link

"sapiosexual" as a concept is such a gigantic crock of shit and I will continue to hold this opinion until someone shows me a sapiosexual group full of dudes going "you know, Stephen Hawking could get it"

brigadier pudding (DJP), Friday, 20 September 2019 18:02 (five years ago) link

The entire thing appears to be a specially curated series of lines dudes in their 30s use on high school students

brigadier pudding (DJP), Friday, 20 September 2019 18:09 (five years ago) link

Mark Ronson comes out as a sapiosexual

Fox Pithole Britain (Noodle Vague), Friday, 20 September 2019 18:09 (five years ago) link


In 2002, Ronson began dating the actress-singer Rashida Jones.[56] They became engaged in March 2003, with Ronson proposing by creating a crossword puzzle with the message "Will you marry me."[57] Their relationship ended approximately one year later.[58][59]

On 3 September 2011, Ronson married French actress and singer Joséphine de La Baume, who had previously appeared in the music video for "The Bike Song".[60] On 16 May 2017, it was reported that de La Baume had filed for divorce from Ronson, listing the separation date as 21 April 2017.[61] The divorce was finalized in October 2018.[62]

In 2018, he was in a relationship with Saturday Night Live crew member Rebecca Schwartz. The couple split in May 2019[citation needed] In September 2019, in Good Morning Britain he considered himself as sapiosexual.

omar little, Friday, 20 September 2019 18:09 (five years ago) link

ironically MC Skat Kat a big early influence on Ronson

Fox Pithole Britain (Noodle Vague), Friday, 20 September 2019 18:11 (five years ago) link

(CNN)Hit maker Mark Ronson has walked back his comments about identifying as sapiosexual.

"I do not consider myself part of any marginalized community, and I apologize if anybody misunderstood or took offense to it," Ronson told Rolling Stone.

omar little, Friday, 27 September 2019 18:16 (five years ago) link

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