Pop-Eye 28/01/01

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Pop-Eye gets its own page and Pete discusses the week's new entries. Now over to you...

Tom, Tuesday, 30 January 2001 01:00 (twenty-four years ago) link

Any chance of having the U.S. charts as well? Because if fred isn't interested, I wouldn't mind doing a quick write-up...

Nicole, Tuesday, 30 January 2001 01:00 (twenty-four years ago) link

Well the problem with the American Pop-Eye when we tried it before is that your charts are the same every week. So while a Billboard edition would be cool it would be best to do it monthly - what does anyone else think...?

Tom, Tuesday, 30 January 2001 01:00 (twenty-four years ago) link

Monthly *is* a good idea, because it is so same-y.

I hadn't really thought of how monotonous it can be when I suggested it, but I couldn't bear the thought of American talents like Billy Gilman being cruelly denied the exposure that Pop-Eye would bring. Oh yes, that would be a tragedy...

Nicole, Tuesday, 30 January 2001 01:00 (twenty-four years ago) link

What's all this about repetitive? Have you seen the Pop Eye top 5? How many weeks was (or is he still) Eminem on the go?? And how many amusing things are there that you can say about trance anthem no. whatever... ;-)

alex thomson, Tuesday, 30 January 2001 01:00 (twenty-four years ago) link

Alex, it may be a matter of weeks in the UK, but it's a matter of *months* in the US (or has "Case Of The Ex" suddenly released its stranglehold on the top five without me being aware?).

Tim, Tuesday, 30 January 2001 01:00 (twenty-four years ago) link

Well, in your opinion this may not quite fit in with the name, but it's possible to talk more about the distinctions between charts for an American Pop-Eye: I imagine the R+B/rap chart might spark some interest (last I checked "Ms. Jackson" was #1 in it, so...).

Josh, Wednesday, 31 January 2001 01:00 (twenty-four years ago) link

Well look, let's settle this by saying - if you want to write something about January's Billboard charts, Nicole, then great, and e- mail me with it for next week's P-E (I do the page Tuesday morning). Say what you'd like to be in the poll, too. Cheers!

Tom, Wednesday, 31 January 2001 01:00 (twenty-four years ago) link

"Ms. Jackson" is #1 in Germany now. And that's in *the proper pop charts*. Anyone there fancy doing it for us :) ?

Robin Carmody, Monday, 5 February 2001 01:00 (twenty-four years ago) link

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