Lou Reed-Satellite of Love (Groovefinder Mix)

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This is really lovely. I can't wait to hear it at every party everywhere this summer. It's a real end of the evening love kind of record.

Ronan (Ronan), Sunday, 2 May 2004 12:39 (twenty years ago) link

It works, but i think its crap.

NUXX (NUXX), Sunday, 2 May 2004 13:09 (twenty years ago) link

can i download this anywhere on herr interweb? (being as i can't use slsk)

Ian Johnson (orion), Sunday, 2 May 2004 18:32 (twenty years ago) link

I guess Nuxx's answer is better than nothing.

Not sure if it's off slsk, I'd put it up somewhere if I had the space/ability.

Ronan (Ronan), Monday, 3 May 2004 09:32 (twenty years ago) link

ronan otm. last night when i was very drunk it sounded like sacrilege, but today it sounds great.

toby (tsg20), Monday, 3 May 2004 13:00 (twenty years ago) link

isn't it almost certain you'll hear this 7 times each day at Glastonbury??

Ronan (Ronan), Monday, 3 May 2004 13:01 (twenty years ago) link

two weeks pass...
haha oh my lord this is wonderful. i want to be in a big crowd holding hands with lots of people dancing to this. should be huge at glastonbury :-)

pete b. (pete b.), Friday, 21 May 2004 13:36 (twenty years ago) link

Couldn't disagree more. I think this is totally boring, unintersting, uncreative, blahhhh. Is it a British thing?

frankE (frankE), Friday, 21 May 2004 13:46 (twenty years ago) link

is it a British thing

hahaha! how amusing! try harder will you.

Ronan (Ronan), Saturday, 22 May 2004 18:16 (twenty years ago) link

a joke, right?

ken taylrr (ken taylrr), Saturday, 22 May 2004 20:28 (twenty years ago) link

I'm afraid that after exactly 2 seconds listening to a "remix" of a Lou Reed song, I would collapse in disgust.

Bimble (bimble), Saturday, 22 May 2004 20:33 (twenty years ago) link

would you die?

Ronan (Ronan), Saturday, 22 May 2004 20:44 (twenty years ago) link

It's a distinct possibility.

Bimble (bimble), Saturday, 22 May 2004 20:59 (twenty years ago) link

it's really great!!!! i was shocked at how it's REALLY GREAT. REALLY GREAT!!!!!!!!!

sonny!!!!!!, Saturday, 22 May 2004 21:21 (twenty years ago) link

Haha! I really like it.

@d@ml (nordicskilla), Sunday, 23 May 2004 18:30 (twenty years ago) link

i still love this.

toby (tsg20), Sunday, 23 May 2004 20:09 (twenty years ago) link

Are there any MP3s of this floating around that aren't 17 fucking megabytes? There's no way I can get this on my dialup.

Matt DC (Matt DC), Sunday, 23 May 2004 21:21 (twenty years ago) link

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