Mark Murphy - cd/sd

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so i've recently been picking up his early/mid 70s Muse records and have been totally into them. i've got Mark 2 and Bridging the Gap so far. they're both mellow vocal jazz with nice electric piano. kinda remind me of a brian auger & julie driscoll record i have, but with a lot better voice, and a little less fusion-y. for a long time i thought he was what i wished Steely Dan would sound like if i liked them, but all of a sudden i love them, so now he just sounds like a looser version of them. the opening line of the first song on Mark 2 sounds exactly like the way david grubbs would sing something on some gastr del sol stuff.

so anyways, what's good? what's bad? is his earlier work interesting? i mean he's been around since the mid 50s and it looks like he's still putting out albums (geez, are those comps?)

JaXoN (JasonD), Tuesday, 7 September 2004 21:27 (twenty years ago) link

Stolen moments is good, esp the title track which adds lyrics to the Oliver Nelson tune. I find Bop for Kerouac a bit meh...the bits where he drops into bop recitation are a bit embarrassing.

bulbs (bulbs), Tuesday, 7 September 2004 21:34 (twenty years ago) link

Sings is great!

bulbs (bulbs), Tuesday, 7 September 2004 21:35 (twenty years ago) link

check the tune he did with 4 hero ("twelve tribes") on their last album "creating patterns"

equinox, Wednesday, 8 September 2004 01:02 (twenty years ago) link

its hilarious

gaz (gaz), Wednesday, 8 September 2004 01:05 (twenty years ago) link

ten months pass...
mullygrubber - so i listened to the "Sings" album you gave me. i can see why you don't think it sounds like a loose Steely Dan. the album i have - II - is way looser and slower and less "jazzy". sings is all vocal takes on current standards. II is more like a loungy, singer songwriter album with a spiritual jazz band backing him.

have you heard the Gary Wilson album? i totally love it, and feel that for some reason it reminds me of murphy. not that Wilson is remotely a jazz singer, but he's got that sleazy lounge voice going on.

The Amazing Jaxon! (jaxon), Tuesday, 12 July 2005 05:15 (nineteen years ago) link

haha i never made THAT connection. have to dig it up. is that the one with chromium bitches?

mullygrubbr (bulbs), Tuesday, 12 July 2005 05:21 (nineteen years ago) link

eight months pass...
Which vinyl LP could I find Waters of March on?

aqua, Thursday, 30 March 2006 21:58 (eighteen years ago) link

eighteen years pass...

Mark 2 is a weird record.

bert newtown, Friday, 14 February 2025 07:53 (one week ago) link

his “stolen moments” rules

brimstead, Friday, 14 February 2025 15:03 (one week ago) link

oh lol first reply

brimstead, Friday, 14 February 2025 15:05 (one week ago) link

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