S/D, C/D: 555 Recordings

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Stewart Anderson's 555 label. One of the few labels that can pull off releasing both interesting electronica and yer standard bedsit indie.

Classic, IMO, although some of the more tuneless electronica (Jean Bach) and some of the more tuneless shambolic indie (Long Weekend) can be a bit trying.

electric sound of jim, Monday, 7 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

New eclectic answers

electric sound of jim, Monday, 7 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

steward's records are pretty poor, haven't heard much else. he reissuses some great records in the uk though. my friend kate was invited to his wedding in arizona.

keith, Monday, 7 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

LS6 clique. bah!

gareth, Tuesday, 8 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

BAH! Cex, Hood, Empress, Aislers Set and Remote Viewer on one label = bleddy GRATE!

RickyT, Tuesday, 8 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

bought 'gq on the eq' - kid 606. what a load of tripe. but 555 had its address as being in philidelphia...what happened to ls6??

cant see the excitement about remote viewer either. actually 555 woudl have to be one of the most boring electronica labels, along with tigerbeat, in my opinion.

ambrose, Tuesday, 8 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

you guys are nuts, Stewart's label is great, so are the Steward records. Others of note on 555: The Famous Boyfriend, Empress, Saucer, etc. And of course freakin' Boyracer. It really isn't an electronica label though. "Electronica" = boring, usually, this is more about bedroom pop, electropop, and punk. The reformed Boyracer was great live this summer/fall. 555 was located in Philly for a while, but I think after Stewart got hitched they relocated to Arizona (of all places).

g, Tuesday, 8 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Steward's Horselaugh On My Ex was my favorite record of 2000. Four track bedroom pop layered with cheap electronics and samples from 80's pop hits. The best noise pop record since the JAMC's heyday. Classic.

The Boyracer comp (Boyfuckingracer) is also excellent. Combine that with some better than average electronica releases (Cex, 606, Acceleradeck) and some perfect lo-fi pop (the Cannanes!) and it's enough to get the whole label classic status.

Miranda, Tuesday, 8 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I like steward and the one remote viewer song I've heard.

jel, Tuesday, 8 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

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