I think Kleerup's "With Every Heartbeat" deserves its own thread

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What a scorcher. This is what Kate Bush should be doing these days.

is anyone anticipating the new Baaderonixx? (baaderonixx), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 10:25 (eighteen years ago) link

what k8 bush is doing these days is even more amazing though!

(i really love this song, but throughout the (incredible) verses i was anticipating an even more incredible chorus which never arrived)

lex pretend (lex pretend), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 10:28 (eighteen years ago) link

ditto what lex sez about a longed for chorus!

are they all buddies with Teddybears then (all these STHLM bands)

Britain's Obtusest Shepherd (Alan), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 10:55 (eighteen years ago) link

they all sauna together

vita susicivus (blueski), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 10:59 (eighteen years ago) link

I love how the song starts as some Slowdive b-side.

is anyone anticipating the new Baaderonixx? (baaderonixx), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 11:10 (eighteen years ago) link

We played this on Freaky Trigger and Lollards of Pop a couple of weeks ago but it took so long to get to the chorus we had to fade it out before it got there! I think it's great but I would wouldn't I. When Robyn played in London she tried getting the crowd to sing along to the chorus but no one knew the words, so it was frustrating, cause we wanted to!

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 11:19 (eighteen years ago) link

I've been resisiting checking out Robyn for so long now. If I like this, am I likely to like her solo stuff (ie. does it have the same nü-goth appeal?)

is anyone anticipating the new Baaderonixx? (baaderonixx), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 11:39 (eighteen years ago) link

i really hate robyn's solo stuff (apart from a couple of songs). most of her album is really boring/twee bland ballad crap, or cringey r&b pastiches with really lame cheap beats. i love her on this, she's much better as a vehicle than as an artist. check out 'be mine' though, that's properly amazing...

lex pretend (lex pretend), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 11:42 (eighteen years ago) link

Alex I wonder how you would describe the 3/4 of her album that could not be described as either ballads or r&b pastiches. (FWIW I love the ballads and the R&B pastiche (singular) too) (I would like to hear more about Kleerup than hear Alex grumble like an old man about Robyn though; does Kleerup have "songs" as such or is it more in this Superpitcher sort of vein?)

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 11:48 (eighteen years ago) link

i rly thought lex would have hated 'be mine'!! (actually this is starting to ring bells as i write)

Britain's Obtusest Shepherd (Alan), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 11:58 (eighteen years ago) link

the 'lame, cheap beats' thing is so ridiculous!

vita susicivus (blueski), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 12:02 (eighteen years ago) link

Alex have you still not heard "Dream On"???

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 12:36 (eighteen years ago) link

nope! i searched but could not find.

the 'lame, cheap beats' thing is so ridiculous!

they're just so thin and oomph-less and bassless and bloodless and WIMPY, apart from 'who's that girl?' and 'be mine'...

lex pretend (lex pretend), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 12:38 (eighteen years ago) link

and "Crash and Burn Girl" ... and ...

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 12:55 (eighteen years ago) link

annie looks fatter.

Sebastião Domingues Mendonça (Dominguez Mendoza), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 13:02 (eighteen years ago) link

"the 'lame, cheap beats' thing is so ridiculous!" why's that so? what do you find complex or unmistakingly new/original in this kleerup joint? i think lame and cheap fit the song just fine, it might even be a compliment.

Sebastião Domingues Mendonça (Dominguez Mendoza), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 13:10 (eighteen years ago) link

Normally i agree with that line of argument, Sebastião, but i actually think the beats in Heartbeat sound pretty lush!

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 13:12 (eighteen years ago) link

lex wasn't talking about lame and cheap re 'with every heartbeat' tho

vita susicivus (blueski), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 13:13 (eighteen years ago) link

Kleerup's got a few extra tunes on myspace: http://myspace.com/kleerup

I like the last track ("These Two Days...") but it is mostly a variation on "Heartbeat"

is anyone anticipating the new Baaderonixx? (baaderonixx), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 13:13 (eighteen years ago) link

I like "Dream On" (Christian Falk (Feat. Robyn & Ola Salo)) more than this :/

fandango (fandango), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 13:16 (eighteen years ago) link

That may be because "Dream On" is better. But then "Dream On" is better than most things.

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 13:18 (eighteen years ago) link

they do sound lush, but reminded me too much of some weak madonna song covered by kate bush. didn't work well on first impression terms. robyn's ok tho.

Sebastião Domingues Mendonça (Dominguez Mendoza), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 13:18 (eighteen years ago) link

Robyn should just change her name to Elizabeth 'Yummy' Bingham, drop the sense of humour, write weaker melodies and then she will be safe from the exterminhate!!! of the poptimist daleks.

Maybe even Timbaland will give her a call sometime...

fandango (fandango), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 13:38 (eighteen years ago) link

"safe from the exterminhate!!! of the poptimist"

b-but most poptimists luv Robyn to bits

Britain's Obtusest Shepherd (Alan), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 13:45 (eighteen years ago) link

yummy bingham is awesome, the "i-ah got the TRUTH!" moment in 'come get it' is better than any robyn moment.

can someone gmail me 'dream on' then?

lex pretend (lex pretend), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 13:45 (eighteen years ago) link

xpost, not STRICT poptimists ;-)

btw, the (unnecessary) Timbaland crack was mean w/r/t Robyn, I don't know what EYB is up to, just suspected twee would be FINE as long as it came from proper r'n'b... clearly.

fandango (fandango), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 13:55 (eighteen years ago) link

Ha ha Lex != poptimism.

And I say that with the deepest respect for Lex.

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 13:59 (eighteen years ago) link

i am not claiming to be any representation of poptimism but really, real poptimists would've loved the paris hilton album :(

lex pretend (lex pretend), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 14:01 (eighteen years ago) link

I think "poptimism" on the whole seems to incorporate a grudging fondness for certain types of (especially old) UK indie which Lex would find anathema.

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 14:03 (eighteen years ago) link

poptimism != popism != paris hilton is a really good pop star with a really great album

vita susicivus (blueski), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 14:04 (eighteen years ago) link

I think "poptimism" on the whole seems to incorporate a grudging fondness for certain types of (especially old) UK indie which Lex would find anathema.

sadly it is not so grudging - this is nothing to do with poptimism and more to do with the GRANDADNESS of certain people who self-define as poptimists DESPITE this sad failing

lex pretend (lex pretend), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 14:06 (eighteen years ago) link

(yes I have my grandad moments)

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Tuesday, 30 January 2007 14:09 (eighteen years ago) link

Let us be happy while we're still young

Michael F Gill (Michael F Gill), Wednesday, 31 January 2007 02:58 (eighteen years ago) link

Every time I hear the orchestral interlude in the song I immediately expect "She's Leaving Home" to start playing. I think I've heard this song 20+ times and I still get tripped up by it.

musically (musically), Wednesday, 31 January 2007 04:16 (eighteen years ago) link

one year passes...

(i really love this song, but throughout the (incredible) verses i was anticipating an even more incredible chorus which never arrived)

I played this for my wife and this is almost exactly what she said about it. She is my pop music barometer so I'm guessing a lot of people are going to be dying for a remix.

HI DERE, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 16:32 (sixteen years ago) link

Rong. This is one of those records that is great because it seemingly consists entirely of great build-ups. See also Crazy In Love.

Matt DC, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 17:24 (sixteen years ago) link

ie it's great because it's constant build of anticipation without the release. Crazy In Love felt like that too initially until the chorus became so well known.

Matt DC, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 17:26 (sixteen years ago) link

matt dc otm. I feel it wouldnt work so well with an anthemic chorus. The desperate anticipation fits well with the longing of the lyrics

baaderonixx, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 17:30 (sixteen years ago) link

I'd say "Crazy In Love" is rapid-fire buildup/release throughout the entire song where each verse and chorus relentlessly ramps up into the next transition, whereas "With Every Heartbeat" is a slow-burning smolder of aural sexiness.

HI DERE, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 17:30 (sixteen years ago) link

I love this song – it's all foreplay and breath-on-mirrors.

Alfred, Lord Sotosyn, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 17:57 (sixteen years ago) link

I've listened to few songs more than this over the last year or so. It's an incredible throb.

Euler, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 19:43 (sixteen years ago) link

Brilliant song, brilliantly constructed.

SeekAltRoute, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 22:32 (sixteen years ago) link

one year passes...

btw Lex, did anyone ever get "Dream On" to you?

I have a set of penises leftover from some bach party somewhere (HI DERE), Tuesday, 25 August 2009 13:11 (fifteen years ago) link

'dream on' ended up being a single here fairly recently. i didn't like it, and its...dodgy video didn't help matters.

lex pretend, Tuesday, 25 August 2009 22:35 (fifteen years ago) link

fifteen years pass...

this is a legitimately incredible performance


omar little, Saturday, 15 February 2025 21:09 (six days ago) link

I thought this was pretty funny

Josh in Chicago, Saturday, 15 February 2025 21:30 (six days ago) link

if only this song were anywhere near as well loved as "dancing on my own" (aka one of the most overrated songs of all time + basically a lesser rewrite of this) nowadays

dyl, Monday, 17 February 2025 06:04 (four days ago) link

this is possibly my favourtie single of the last 20 years

(dancing on my own i couldn't really care less about)

you can see me from westbury white horse, Monday, 17 February 2025 08:33 (four days ago) link

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