The Boo Radleys, Classic or Dud?

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Personally I believe Martin Carr and Sice were a formidable team and made some of the most inteeligent indie-pop music of the last decade, but not many people my age (20) would agree, having only heard the famous pop sonmgs (It's Lulu, Wake Up Boo!, C'mon Kids etc.)... What do you lot reckon?

Oh Search and Destroy as well.

dog latin, Sunday, 22 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Ever since school days, the Boo Radleys have been trampling on their much more gifted contemporaries in a cynical bid for glory.

the pinefox, Sunday, 22 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Dud, I'm afraid. The Boos always struck me as a band who were lauded for using other people's good ideas to much less effect. Their attempts at "dub" and "house" were risible at best - the indiest of indie chancers desperately trying to appear eclectic. Never could stand 'em at all.

And is Sice the least charismatic rock frontperson ever?

Venga, Sunday, 22 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I remember listening to the Boo Radley's supposedly brilliant Giant Steps album and thinking it was surprisingly dull. Their commercially successful poppy stuff really ground my nads; however, I saw them live around the time of the "C'mon Kids" album and was really impressed, particularly when they weren't playing the poppy stuff. So maybe they deserve closer attention.

Dirty Vicar, Sunday, 22 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

classic. a band that continuously reinvented itself, who after their greatest success went deliberately odd(that sounds familiar) and disappeared even though they made their best album. granted brave captain is an abomination but martin carr once was the prince of left- field pop, no one else of recent note has combined his eclecticism with an ear for perfect pop. also points for raising alan mcgee's ire.

keith, Sunday, 22 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Everything up to the release of 'Giant Steps' = classic. Everything from 'Giant Steps' onwards = dud. I'm particularly fond of 'Everything's Alright Forever' and an EP which came out on Rough Trade whose details I forget but which I think has a song called Bluebird on it.

alex thomson, Sunday, 22 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I only really liked Everything's Alright Forever. Toward the Light is a classic song.

james e l, Sunday, 22 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Absolute fookin CLASSIC mate, giant steps is *the* best album released on creation, period, and everythings alright forever isn't far behind. Although wake up and kingsize struggle with the "lets be a pop band"/"ok let's not" dicotomy they are still both pretty good. Currently the most underrated band of the 90s, i would've said.

carsmilesteve, Sunday, 22 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Oh, classic and a half and then some. Great band, very friendly too -- somewhere around here I have my interview with Tim and Rob on tape, and Sice and Martin were kind folks as well. All had dinner at a Thai restaurant, that was pretty cool.

As I see it, the very earliest stuff (even _Ichabod and I_) is quite good, but _Everything's Alright Forever_ was a low point, sorta there and no more outside of a couple of songs. But after "Lazarus," strength to strength from there on in. And the singles were all just packed with some amazing B-sides and remixes; I went ahead and made a grand four CDR comp out of them all, plus a lot of the random rarities.

Ned Raggett, Sunday, 22 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

They made one almost-great album - Giant Steps, of course. Nice mix of pop, noise, and soundscaping, which 90% of the time works well. I lost interest for some reason after that, and so it's the only album of theirs I have. Funny how quickly they seem to have been forgotten about. C'mon Kids and Kingsize seem to be in every bargain bin - are they worth getting.

Dr. C, Sunday, 22 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

DUD - terrible, gives me the creeps that anyone had any time for them, disliked them from Lazarus onwards

Geordie Racer, Sunday, 22 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

C'mon Kids is certainly worth getting... Kingsize was likeable in a very sugary and innocent way... i never really got into it as much as their other stuff..

About the B-sides, I managed to get 2 extensive D90s of their excellent b-sides (which were often better than the rest of their material (seek: Blues for George Michael, Vegas, Sunfly II, Wallpaper, Almost Nearly There)... how in god's name did you get 4 CDs out of that? I thought i had almost all their rarities (then again i never included remixes or live edits - maybe i should)... I think the Boos were forgotten about because younger people (21 and under now) remember them as that band who did that Wake Up! song that used to play every morning before school and annoy them (actually, it was that song and Leaves & Sand that introduced me)... over 21s remember them as an excellent band who went pop and didn't do much after their Ride-era Everything's Alright Forever... Luckily, I never really gave up on them. I always thought the choice of A-Sides they brought out were abysmal though (Destroy: It's Lulu, Free Huey (ugh!), Barney & Me, What's In The Box) actually, I only bought the singles for the awesome b-sides where Martin Carr seemed to be able to do what the fuck he liked. I think they were a little scared of getting their experiments heard and so released their most straight-ahead tracks on single.

dog latin, Sunday, 22 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Dud. Typical press-band. Of course I got suckered into buying Giant Steps. It's not very good, somehow the ideas don't gel. Of course all bragging of being inspired by dub and Coltrane didn't help. My copy is resting in peace at the local record-exchange.

Omar, Monday, 23 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Classic, all the way. Got into them from Giant Steps onwards. On the surface Wake Up! was a glossy pop album if you listened to the singles but the album isn't as 'easy' as you would think and struck a nice balance between expirimentation and pure pop with the emphasis on the latter though. C'mon Kids is their best, I think (and Carr agrees) although it ruined their chart career I think they were happy about that. Put it on and turn it up loud.

Kingsize is good and their most straight forward album although Carr was pretty apathetic about the recording compared to the others.

Just heard Ichabod and I recently and was surprised how excellent it sounded, possibly even better than Everythings Alright Forever.

Martin Carrs new stuff as Brave Captain is also excellent and also really prolific, a mini album, an album, a 10" single and a cd single so far and the stuff is great. Good live too if you can catch them.

One of the best of the 90s.

Mark Smith, Monday, 23 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Classic again, though I daresay if I met the individuals involved it would take all of ten seconds for me to get into a stinkingly huge fight. Giant Steps has a fair claim on my top ten albums of the nineties and whilst Kingsixe and C'Mon Kids are pale shades of it they still can cut to the quick.

Shit - I even like Wake Up.

That said, their best track - Skywalker - was the free giveaway single on C'Mon Kids. Drum'n'bass scuzzed up rock. Made you kinda wish the rest of the album was that good. Oh yes, those were the days.

Pete, Monday, 23 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

two years pass...

Search: Giant Steps, Everything's Alright Forver
Even the weakest disc (C'mon Kids, IMHO) is pretty damn OK. Destroy nothing but your preconceptions.

John Bullabaugh (John Bullabaugh), Thursday, 15 May 2003 00:24 (twenty-one years ago) link

Classic-ish. Search Giant Steps, the Lazarus 12", C'Mon Kids and most of Wake Up! (leave It's Lulu and the other pop one that's not that one that everyone knows [that one that everyone knows actually being mighty fine]). Destroy almost all of Kingsize, unfortunately; totally the sound of a band at the end of their run, and they know it. Some good hooks and melodies and sounds hidden in there (the end of High As Monkeys is grebt but the beginning is shite), but they're just so hopelessly and forlornly out of puff and time that it's a miserable record.

Nick Southall (Nick Southall), Thursday, 15 May 2003 07:47 (twenty-one years ago) link

never made a bad song. they did whatever they wanted to, not any commercial shit like some other bands. giant steps is a genius album, just like their other stuff. their b-sides are all brilliant. whoever said that kingsize is a terrible album is probably just like peter paphides from q magazine who listens to the albums with fast play once and that's it. kingsize is the best piece of music ever made believe me. sice is not the least charismatic, he's the coolest and eh... baldest vocalist ever. his voice is strong and clear - if the looks means everything to you go and buy the new britney spears album or something. his solo album first fruits is ace but oh so hard to find! martin carr is a genius songwriter and you should all go and buy his new album "advertisements for myself" right now. everyone who said "DUD" probably listen to travis or s club 7 or some other commercial crap.

search: everything the boo's ever made except for the weird remixes
destroy: nothing but your silly head Mr Dud!

Tommy BOO, Thursday, 15 May 2003 08:44 (twenty-one years ago) link

Of all the super-soaraway bands that I adored beyond measure in my early-to-mid teens, the Boo Radleys are the ones that, um, I don't really find myself listening to very much these days. Giant Steps/Wake Up!/C'mon Kids all remain tremendous, with Kingsize scuttling quite closely behind - agree with Nick that the fantastic bits are all buried in quite a few less-fantastic bits, though I still think it's basically a fine record - but, i dunno, they're maybe not SHARP enough or CRISP enough for me anymore. Or something.

Have come to the sacrilicious conclusion that 1) Wake Up! is the best album, and 2) Wake Up Boo! is the best thing they ever did by a million silvery skyscraping miles. I like the Boo Radleys.

Alex in Rotherham (alexfack), Thursday, 15 May 2003 08:46 (twenty-one years ago) link

ah, giant steps is a great album. surprisingly consistent, bearing in mind the amount of songs on it. i love "if you want it, take it", what a great pop song. and the feedback on "upon ninth and fairchild". haven't heard any of their other albums, the singles i've heard from them suggest that they're not worth getting.

weasel diesel (K1l14n), Thursday, 15 May 2003 10:24 (twenty-one years ago) link

The only not-classical albums The Boo Radleys did are the ones before Giant Steps. Giant Steps/Wake up/C'mon kids/Kingsize are amongst the very few albums from the '90s that I still listen with the same pleasure. Great b-sides also (some of their best tunes were b-sides) and wonderfull art-covers (wich is much more important than haircut or charism).

Grumble, Thursday, 15 May 2003 10:52 (twenty-one years ago) link

How dare you say that about "Everything's Alright Forever". It pisses on Wake Up.

Lynskey (Lynskey), Thursday, 15 May 2003 11:15 (twenty-one years ago) link


electric sound of jim (electricsound), Thursday, 15 May 2003 11:16 (twenty-one years ago) link


Wake Up! > Giant Steps > Everything's Alright Forever > Kingsize > Ichabod & I > C'Mon Kids

Singles Choices (Era):
Giant Steps > Everything's Alright Forever > Wake Up! > C'Mon Kids > Kingsize

B-Sides (Era):
Wake Up! > Everything's Alright Forever > Giant Steps > C'mon Kids > Kingsize

They followed their best album with their worst album and lost all their momentum. Hell, they lost all their momentum right after "Wake Up Boo!" by releasing "Find The Answer Within" as the 2nd single. They should have gone with "Reaching Out From Here", and then "Wilder". And yes, "Free Huey" is their worst single -- if not song -- ever.

Their B-sides were always hit and miss. Hell, the ones from Giant Steps could be squalling noise for 2 minutes and then jolt into something beautiful. If I can remember correctly, 3 years ago, I made 3 CDR's just from their B-sides myself. One is good b-sides, one is remixes, and one is crap b-sides. I'll have to go digging through some boxes later today.

All that said, I don't especially miss them. Hence the cdr's buried in boxes.

blutroniq (blutroniq), Thursday, 15 May 2003 16:03 (twenty-one years ago) link

How dare you say that about "Free Huey". It pisses on "Reaching out from here".

Lynskey (Lynskey), Thursday, 15 May 2003 16:06 (twenty-one years ago) link

*picks up guitar and strums "Lazy Day"*

Lynskey (Lynskey), Thursday, 15 May 2003 16:06 (twenty-one years ago) link

Free Huey's lameass beat brings back memories of C+C Music Factory from about 1991.

blutroniq (blutroniq), Thursday, 15 May 2003 16:08 (twenty-one years ago) link

Giant Steps - Classic
Wake Up - Classic
C'mon Kids - Classic
Kingsize - Classic

One of the best bands ever - as well as the above there are loads of ace b-sides and other stuff.

Love 'em to bits and always will. BOO Forever people.

Bev#, Thursday, 15 May 2003 16:56 (twenty-one years ago) link

yes "free huey" killed the boos. Nice to see this thread revived

dog latin (dog latin), Thursday, 15 May 2003 17:13 (twenty-one years ago) link

Even when I'm with my Boo, you know I'm crazy over you!

Kelly, Thursday, 15 May 2003 17:15 (twenty-one years ago) link

Free Huey's lameass beat brings back memories of C+C Music Factory from about 1991.

And your problem is?

Lynskey (Lynskey), Thursday, 15 May 2003 17:16 (twenty-one years ago) link

Went home at lunchtime and pulled my CDR "BooBest" comp that I made a few years ago. Here's the tracklist:

1. Martin, Doom! It's Seven O'Clock
2. I Hang Suspended
3. What's In The Box (See Whatcha Got)
4. Take The Time Around
5. Almost Nearly There
6. Wake Up Boo!
7. There She Goes
8. Lazy Day
9. Zoom
10. Hold On Brother
11. Ride The Tiger
12. Skyscraper
13. Stuck On Amber
14. Does This Hurt?
15. Memory Babe
16. Wish I Was Skinny
17. Reaching Out From Here
18. Kingsize
19. Wilder

Feel free to rant or rave over my choices.

Forgot all about a few of these tracks, like "Hold On Brother" which is from the War Child comp, "There She Goes" from the So I Married An Axe Murderer OST, and "Almost Nearly There" which is a "From the Bench of Belvidere" B-side

blutroniq (blutroniq), Thursday, 15 May 2003 19:01 (twenty-one years ago) link

any boos best of without "if you want it, take it" does not get my seal of approval ;-)

weasel diesel (K1l14n), Thursday, 15 May 2003 22:51 (twenty-one years ago) link

wilder? what is the appeal of that piece of crap? when i heard it i though ' gee what an anti-climactic way to end a great album'.

keith (keithmcl), Friday, 16 May 2003 00:18 (twenty-one years ago) link

I've heard them on several occassions and found them to be really weak and unsatisfying. Classic example of really wanting to like a band but not being able to. I don't know exactly what it is, they simply never made a spark for me. Maybe I need to give them another chance.

Clarke B., Friday, 16 May 2003 02:18 (twenty-one years ago) link

Their cover of Zoom is ace, as is Almost Nearly There. Wasn't too mad on Oh, Brother, What's In The Box or Wish I Was Skinny for some reason. Thought they were too straightforward for me.

dog latin (dog latin), Thursday, 22 May 2003 23:43 (twenty-one years ago) link

I played all the albums again after reading this thread and came to the slightly unexpected conclusion that I actually like Kingsize best of them all - if they lopped The Future Is Now off the end and maybe Monuments For A Dead Century, it'd be 100% glorious streamlined pristine pop thing which adds weight to the "pastiche-is-NOT-a-dirty-word" argument.

I love the Boo Radleys again, now. Hurrah!

Alex in Rotherham (Alex in Doncaster), Friday, 23 May 2003 08:41 (twenty-one years ago) link

one month passes...
I have just bought Kingsize and on first listen, what strikes me is that
"Kingsize", the track, borrows from Sheena Easton's James Bond theme song, "For your eyes only". Does anyone else hear the 007/Bill "Rocky" Conti influence?


paul c, Monday, 23 June 2003 17:01 (twenty-one years ago) link

Everything's Alright Forever arrived this morning. I'm about to dive in.

Nick Southall (Nick Southall), Monday, 23 June 2003 17:09 (twenty-one years ago) link

Ha, I changed my earlier opinion. Bought Everything's Alright Forever used and am really enjoying it... I must've heard some of their later stuff or something.

Clarke B., Tuesday, 24 June 2003 05:42 (twenty-one years ago) link

I just got "Giant Steps" back from my sister after she borrowed it for months on end, and after listening to it again I have solidyfied my theory that it is the greatest album ever.

dog latin (dog latin), Tuesday, 24 June 2003 09:20 (twenty-one years ago) link

Damn, I need to get Everything's Alright Forever. Especially considering that the excessive repeated play of one of the songs on it gave rise to the term "Carolanning".

Search: Boo Faith and the early EPs compilation
Destroy: everything post Giant Steps

kate (kate), Tuesday, 24 June 2003 09:23 (twenty-one years ago) link

Here's one on vinyl, kate.

Nick Southall (Nick Southall), Tuesday, 24 June 2003 09:29 (twenty-one years ago) link

Thanks but I've not got a record player any more!

kate (kate), Tuesday, 24 June 2003 09:30 (twenty-one years ago) link

Oh well.

Nick Southall (Nick Southall), Tuesday, 24 June 2003 09:32 (twenty-one years ago) link

sucks to be you. even the big box stores here in american suburbs have 'em for about $100.

Kingfish (Kingfish), Tuesday, 24 June 2003 13:06 (twenty-one years ago) link

Aren't they one of those groups whose album covers got increasingly hideous as their music got increasingly lame?

Clarke B. (stolenbus), Tuesday, 24 June 2003 17:00 (twenty-one years ago) link

Hey, you're mean.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 24 June 2003 17:15 (twenty-one years ago) link

B-b-but Ned I said I really liked EAF! And I'll buy Giant Steps too and the early EPs as soon as I find 'em!

Clarke B. (stolenbus), Tuesday, 24 June 2003 17:44 (twenty-one years ago) link

Rah. :-) Let me know if there's anything you can't dig up.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 24 June 2003 17:58 (twenty-one years ago) link

This album is good and so much better than it has any right to be. I guess if you take 24 years off and decide to come back then it should be worth it and I think this is worth it. That being said, I really don't consider this a Boo Radleys album, you can't lose your songwriter and expect it to be the same band. I look at this more like a follow up to that Eggman record from the 90s.

Bee OK, Monday, 14 March 2022 20:05 (two years ago) link

I really like that Eggman record. Not heard it in years though

Urbandn hope all ye who enter here (dog latin), Monday, 14 March 2022 20:33 (two years ago) link

Yeah, played that Eggman album a fair bit. Added "turn all your lies to truth" to mixtapes at the time

I see there's a cheap (deluxe) download available at the Boos Official merch site, ok I'm gonna get one tomorrow...

Mark G, Monday, 14 March 2022 23:25 (two years ago) link

I cannot really get into that Eggman albun nor even less the Paperlung effort but I think the new Boos is kinda charming. Sorry.

PaulTMA, Tuesday, 15 March 2022 00:43 (two years ago) link


PaulTMA, Tuesday, 15 March 2022 00:44 (two years ago) link

It's pretty great. Big hugs from the Boos.

PaulTMA, Tuesday, 15 March 2022 01:20 (two years ago) link

Now got Kingsize on and bawling my eyes out. Oh dear oh dear.

PaulTMA, Tuesday, 15 March 2022 01:25 (two years ago) link

I agree the new one is pretty good. Kingsize is probably my favorite but I have been over that here before and yes it can make me cry too.

Bee OK, Tuesday, 15 March 2022 01:29 (two years ago) link

Kingsize is a 10/10 genius album. Love it to death

PaulTMA, Tuesday, 15 March 2022 01:31 (two years ago) link

I usually don't share reviews but this one is spot on except I think I like it better

Bee OK, Tuesday, 15 March 2022 16:52 (two years ago) link

i still have not received my signed copy from the Boo Radleys store but it is on streaming here in the US and am able to listen to it

Bee OK, Thursday, 17 March 2022 18:03 (two years ago) link

ten months pass...

A new album, called "Eight"

However, they seem to be touring a "Giant Steps revisited" show, and are playing South Street Arts Centre in Reading, 13th June.

Mark G, Tuesday, 24 January 2023 23:11 (two years ago) link

What, really? I feel like the only one on earth who loved their last album.

Bee OK, Tuesday, 24 January 2023 23:30 (two years ago) link

Ya, rlly.

I bought the d/l with the live gig. Made it through five tracks, um yeah.

Mark G, Wednesday, 25 January 2023 00:19 (two years ago) link

Still, tempted to go see...

Mark G, Wednesday, 25 January 2023 00:20 (two years ago) link

Not going to defend it as it's lacking without Mattin Carr guitar work but I ended up playing it over and over and over again. Can't believe how much I warmed up to it. Just yesterday I woke up singing "Tonight." That doesn't happen very often but also the second half is better.

Bee OK, Wednesday, 25 January 2023 00:29 (two years ago) link

Will try it again tomorrow

Mark G, Wednesday, 25 January 2023 00:40 (two years ago) link

New song is gash, I'm sorry to say. But well up for the Giant Steps tour

Can anyone see the venues and dates anywhere? Can't seem to find them

Three dates beyond the above on songkick, tix currently only available to purchasers of the new album.

more crankable (sic), Wednesday, 25 January 2023 04:04 (two years ago) link

Yeah wasn't keen on the last album - has a band member's absence ever felt so pronounced? - but I will happily see them do Giant Steps.

you can see me from westbury white horse, Wednesday, 25 January 2023 05:19 (two years ago) link


1. Seeker
2. The Unconscious
3. Hollow
4. Skeleton Woman
5. Sorrow (I Just Want To Be Free)
6. Sometimes I Sleep
7. Swift's Requiem
8. The Way I Am
9. A Shadow Darker Than The Rest
10. Wash Away That Feeling
11. When I Find It Hard
12. Now That's What I Call Obscene
13. How Was I To Know

1. Seeker (Full Version)
2. Skeleton Woman (Extended Version)
3. Sometimes I Sleep (Alternative Version)
4. A Shadow Darker Than The Rest (Piano Version)
5. The Hollow (Alternative Version)
6. I Won't Be There With You
7. That Ain't A Way Of Life
8. Now I Know
9. All Things Must Pass Live At The Cavern (2022)
10. Spaniard Live At The Cavern (2022)
11. Find The Answer Within Live At The Cavern (2022)

Out June 9, 2023 via Boostr

Bee OK, Thursday, 26 January 2023 02:41 (two years ago) link

The Reading tickets seem to be available now

Mark G, Thursday, 26 January 2023 08:21 (two years ago) link

Actually not minding "Seeker" at all

you can see me from westbury white horse, Thursday, 26 January 2023 10:13 (two years ago) link

The b-side is nice too

PaulTMA, Thursday, 26 January 2023 11:28 (two years ago) link

four months pass...

The album is alright. Marginally better than last year's LP, mostly because of Seekerm vaguely bossa-ish Skeleton Woman and britgum-ish Now That's What I Call Obscene (sounding more like McFly than the new McFly metal riffola album).

you can see me from westbury white horse, Friday, 9 June 2023 02:14 (one year ago) link

Oh, it's out today!

Thought this was about the Giant Steps remaster, etc.

Mark G, Friday, 9 June 2023 11:01 (one year ago) link

I bought this, just like the last album. Not sure why as I don't buy CD's anymore but I do it for this band. I will get a bonus CD but going from London to Los Angeles so I don't have it yet.

Bee OK, Friday, 9 June 2023 16:35 (one year ago) link

It's on Spotify, so looking forward to listening tonight.

Bee OK, Friday, 9 June 2023 16:36 (one year ago) link

Is this Giant Steps tour going to be any good without Martin? The London gig hasn't sold out yet so I could possibly go, but I'm not convinced.

Nasty, Brutish & Short, Friday, 9 June 2023 22:30 (one year ago) link

Yeah, it’ll be great

PaulTMA, Friday, 9 June 2023 22:42 (one year ago) link

The last album to me made some sense as it had a Boo Radleys sound. The problem with that is you no longer have Martin Carr who's the real genius. I grew to like the album and played it many times last year. This album is different, not a 180 turn but a turn nonetheless. It was strange as I felt like it had no guitar's until about 3/4 through it. These songs are just different so it's throwing me for a loop.

Bee OK, Sunday, 11 June 2023 03:05 (one year ago) link

Just seen their first set (they're coming back out to do Giant Steps in a bit). First time I've seen them since 1992.

Nasty, Brutish & Short, Wednesday, 14 June 2023 19:42 (one year ago) link

Sounds like fun. I got to see them back in the day and even at Lollapalooza.

Wish I was there and looking forward to your review.

Bee OK, Wednesday, 14 June 2023 20:07 (one year ago) link

That was actually really good. Glad I went.

Nasty, Brutish & Short, Wednesday, 14 June 2023 22:15 (one year ago) link

PaulTMA, Thursday, 15 June 2023 22:28 (one year ago) link

A belated review of sorts (of the London gig). Sice had got the stage times wrong (which he apologised for) as he got them mixed up with the following night, so they came on at 8pm for the first set instead of 8:30pm and I missed the first 20 minutes or so. Everything I heard from this set was new (either from the new new album or the one a year or two ago) so I didn't know them, but I was surprised to find I quite liked these songs. The exception was The Finest Kiss, which they closed with. As you can see from Paul's video above, they were augmented by a pretend Martin, which solved the missing guitar sound problem that had been making me reluctant to go to the gig originally.

The Giant Steps set later was pretty faithful to the album and did a good job of recreating the sound live (e.g. the feedback sounds at the start of Upon 9th and Fairchild). They played nearly every track: Sice announced mid-set that they would be missing out 'the shit noisy one' and asked 'how many people really want to hear Run My Way Runway?' - the answer was a lot of us, so he said he'd go and get a hoover and mike it up as this would do the job. It was largely in order apart from a medley section (can't remember exactly what was in this - One Is For definitely, maybe Spun Around and Best Lose The Fear). They messed up the opening to If You Want It, Take It twice before finally getting it right and then Sice got the chorus wrong (singing the second bit twice instead of "there's nothing bright about being undecided"). The only problem sonically was that Tim was singing the "do you know my name before you tear me apart? do you care who I am?" lines from Rodney King and it was almost inaudible, which was odd because his backing vocals were clear most of the rest of the time. I was surprised at how many people were there and the band seemed delighted by the audience response - broad smiles on their faces at the 'ba-ba-ba-ba's from the crowd during Lazarus. I took little video clips, but no whole songs. If I can be bothered I could stitch them together and put them on YouTube, but don't hold your breath.

Nasty, Brutish & Short, Friday, 16 June 2023 21:51 (one year ago) link

Still not sure how I feel but came across this:

Bee OK, Tuesday, 20 June 2023 07:04 (one year ago) link

one month passes...

Just found this sublime acoustic version of Everybird from a couple of years ago:

Nasty, Brutish & Short, Sunday, 30 July 2023 20:36 (one year ago) link

Rob playing bass AND a bit of hi-hat too? Nice!

Stomp Jomperson (dog latin), Tuesday, 1 August 2023 12:07 (one year ago) link

two weeks pass...

Why is C’mon Kids not on streaming?

Naive Teen Idol, Friday, 18 August 2023 04:02 (one year ago) link

are you also in the USA? might have something to do with Mercury records’ rights

brimstead, Friday, 18 August 2023 04:40 (one year ago) link

It's on Spotify in the UK, um, kids .

Mark G, Friday, 18 August 2023 05:39 (one year ago) link


Bee OK, Friday, 18 August 2023 20:38 (one year ago) link

At it not being on Spotify US

Bee OK, Friday, 18 August 2023 20:39 (one year ago) link

one year passes...

Boos fans. Don't skimp on the Eight album. I had some pretty strong assumptions which put me off listening. But after seeing them perform tonight, a mix of songs from the Wake Up / C'mon Kids albums, I thought I'd B2B the gig with theor latest album and honestly it's good.

Opener 'Seeker' is gooily optimistic. I heard it when it came out and noped out. After that it's like a continuation of the vibe they were checking into on Kingsize B-side "In A Galaxy Far Far Away". They try lots of different styles, dip their toes into the fun sound fx of the earlier days.
The lyrics aren't Martin's, but that was a document of an imaginative man in his twenties. These are the band's songs. Tim is a schoolteacher, Sice is a psychologist promoting mental health for musicians. They're doing what they love, and they're doing it well.
As for the gig, they were tight as fuck. Sice's voice is still astonishing. We were impressed by Tim and Rob's backing, especially the baselines. They played Almost Nearly There and Tomorrow for teh fanz (me). It was sick!
Eight is a good album!

the wedding preset (dog latin), Wednesday, 12 February 2025 23:37 (one week ago) link

Sorry about the "enthusiastic" spelling and grammar there

the wedding preset (dog latin), Wednesday, 12 February 2025 23:38 (one week ago) link

Wake Up needs a special edition release with Belvedere and the B sides on the end. I hate that Blues For George Michael isn't on the streaming services

the wedding preset (dog latin), Wednesday, 12 February 2025 23:40 (one week ago) link

I was toying with going to the London one but decided against it: Wake Up is the only one of theirs I never bought and Come On Kids is patchy. Did they play New Brighton Promenade?

Nasty, Brutish & Short, Thursday, 13 February 2025 06:37 (one week ago) link

Jealous but I did see them before in Hollywood back in the day and Lollapalooza.

I love Keep on With Falling and actually played it last week. I have only played Eight once despite buying the deluxe edition from the band. I will have to give it some more chances.

Bee OK, Thursday, 13 February 2025 23:31 (one week ago) link

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