Scott, You have this record of Telemann, suites DonQuichotte, L'imperiale, L'espiegle, La bouffonneSo you wrote on 15 March 2010 21:19 (6 months ago): scored big at the thrift store today. everything either mint or near mint. been listening all day!It's music I had long ago, and I would love to have it again, therefor wants to buy it from you.Please let me know if you want to sell. Ria Zifkamp, Holland.
― ria zifkamp, Saturday, 2 October 2010 12:59 (fourteen years ago) link
thread of missing records
― -hot-dean ge-fever- (buzza), Saturday, 2 October 2010 17:50 (fourteen years ago) link
Fast forward a few years:
In jail, the cops give you one phone call. I convinced them instead to give me one ILX post.
People spit when they say my name. Some ask me if I regret what I done. I'll say this. I'm not happy I had to do it. I never wanted things to come to this. I consider myself a peaceful man, and prior to this had never so much as struck a man in my life.
But when you are pushed up against a wall, you have to react. The details of that day are hazy, but I'll always remember the aftermath.
All I wanted was this record. It's all I ever asked of you. But you ignored me. You pretended I wasn't there. I couldn't sit idly by while you made a mockery of me.
So you should know it is the truth when I say that while I may never have wanted things to turn out this way...I don't regret what I done one bit. You shoulda sold me the record.
― ria zifkamp, Saturday, October 6, 2012 8:59 AM (5 hours ago) Bookmark Suggest Ban Permalink
― officer i didn't know it was a penguin (San Te), Saturday, 2 October 2010 20:08 (fourteen years ago) link
joek is kinda freakin me out san te
― aerosmith: live at gunpoint (underrated aerosmith albums I have loved), Saturday, 2 October 2010 20:18 (fourteen years ago) link
especially cos Ria is a woman's name
― Already WSed last summer (Noodle Vague), Saturday, 2 October 2010 20:23 (fourteen years ago) link
(sorry, ilx. should have nipped this in the bud. i didn't respond to ria's ten emails in the last week because i tend to not respond to people i don't know when they email me mentioning information they googled about me and people in my family. just a quirk about me. okay, i'm out.)
― scott seward, Saturday, 2 October 2010 22:10 (fourteen years ago) link
maybe ria would be satisfied with britney spear's sister jamie's phone number.....
― m0stlyClean, Sunday, 3 October 2010 16:26 (fourteen years ago) link
has this person ever considered buying a copy online?
― iago g., Sunday, 3 October 2010 18:07 (fourteen years ago) link
Hi Scott, very sorry to have worried you about writing about your family. Wasn't my intention at all (worrying you) so, sorry again. Sorry too that the record is not with you anymore (I'll live), but I'm glad finally having an answer from you. I laughed my eyes out reading all reactions, specially the one of Ria in yale, having done something very bad 'cause Scott didn't want to sell. Well, I've bothered you enough with my mails, so I say goodbye, whishing you and your family all the best. Ria, Haarlem, Holland.
― ria zifkamp, Tuesday, 5 October 2010 16:11 (fourteen years ago) link
Ofcourse, iago g I did. But there isn't.
― ria zifkamp, Tuesday, 5 October 2010 16:12 (fourteen years ago) link
I'm finally beginning to understand how this ilxor-site works: it's fun!
Bye to you all!Ria (woman's name)
― ria zifkamp, Tuesday, 5 October 2010 16:14 (fourteen years ago) link
A last one: why are there so little women on this site??Ria.
― ria zifkamp, Tuesday, 5 October 2010 16:22 (fourteen years ago) link
looooooooool "fun"
― I'm gonna mention ilxor in everyone of my posts until I get dn'd (ilxor), Tuesday, 5 October 2010 16:31 (fourteen years ago) link
― bamcquern, Tuesday, 31 May 2011 05:23 (thirteen years ago) link
Hey Scott, I just came into a mess of old LPs, including what I believe are nice 78s in the original books and 45s in small boxes. Do you do valuations if I bring them in?
― Gerald McBoing-Boing, Sunday, 6 January 2013 00:37 (twelve years ago) link
i would be happy to help.
― scott seward, Sunday, 6 January 2013 00:41 (twelve years ago) link