I'm thinking we need a new logo. the old one's kinda played. Can we find a picture that encapsulates the spirit and joie de vivre of IRE? Here's the one I have in mind. Comments? Obviously it needs a resize, but what about adding I _______ Everything in that same font? What font is that? Sorry, my photoshop experience is lacking. Also, please post pictures, sketches, ideas. I want this thread to be a place where we can consider any and all possibilities.
― jergïns, Thursday, 3 January 2008 05:51 (seventeen years ago) link
Looks great, but could use some shit coming from either the dicks, the nipples, or both.
― dell, Thursday, 3 January 2008 07:20 (seventeen years ago) link
A golden-brown shower of nipples, if you will.
― dell, Thursday, 3 January 2008 07:22 (seventeen years ago) link
two weeks pass...
hi jergins,
hi dell.
good to see you two, what is up with you he he :-D
when i set out to design a logo for i.r.e., i really wanted to create something timeless that really captured what it is to be in the i.r.e. community.
the moon shape symbolizes time and the days that go by as we reflect on them here on i.r.e., passing time as time passes us. just as the moon has cycles, so do we on i.r.e. with the coming and going of googlers, memes, and posters.
the tree represents the threads on i.r.e., with their deep roots and long, extending branches. who knows just how many branches there will be and how large the tree will grow?
the old man's face in the moon/tree represents the wisdom and knowledge of all the members of the i.r.e. community. knowledge and wisdom that we can choose to share with others.
however, the dancing couple represents the youth, vitality and vivaciousness of i.r.e. themes, ideas, and beliefs. we are a bunch that likes to have fun!
lastly, the letters i.r.e. stand as a bold reminder to all of who we are and what unites us.
thanks for making this thread jergins, i think it was a really great idea. i look forward to seeing some of the other entires!
― Anthony Michael Samson, Sunday, 20 January 2008 05:25 (seventeen years ago) link
P.S. If you guys photoshop him to be white, thats NOT COOL. there's plenty of white jesuses out there, DONCHAKNOW???!!!!!!!!
― Confounded, Sunday, 20 January 2008 05:46 (seventeen years ago) link
seven months pass...