I have complimented many women on theirs vulva shapely. Door a arrossimento to its guancica, for knowing that its vulva so as to is appreciated. What live!
― rodman, Thursday, December 13, 2007 4:38 PM (11 months ago) Bookmark
They are much sad one to feel that this is happened. Much sad for all Italia is a day in order to lose the relative television programs fighting. I have enjoyed watching shining muscles of these splendid boy, poichè have blinked in the mat to a way much erotico. A lot was arousing and has often obtained hard while I had dreams of similar nature.
― rodman, Friday, June 29, 2007 4:02 PM (1 year ago) Bookmark
catsup dan I have often made same actions. It is a much excitement strabiliante. Now, think has made me obtain.
― rodman, Tuesday, February 26, 2008 4:50 PM (9 months ago) Bookmark
Ik geniet vaak van de seksuele film. Ik word zeer hard van dit. Veel stevige wordt vaak verkregen wanneer ik op seksuele films let.
― rodman, Tuesday, December 25, 2007 4:00 AM (11 months ago) Bookmark
ugh. yes. sadly.
thankfully this was not a love/bedding interest, but man i was shithammered
walking down the street @ 3am after I wrapped up an dj gig.
girl stops me and asks if I remembered her.
i say yes, knowing it was no.
"what's my name then".
I struggled to stand up -- looked at her -- noticed she looked like avy lee roth.
her smile evaporated in seconds.
Apparently she heard this before...
― Cucumbeard (PappaWheelie V), Wednesday, 3 December 2008 23:43 (sixteen years ago) link