five corners & my bodyguard -vs- miss firecracker & so i married an axe murderer
i love holly hunter and scottish jokes and early christine lahti is impossible to beat but fuck a west wing tony bill for the win five corners 4ever!!!
― scott seward, Wednesday, 13 November 2013 22:10 (eleven years ago) link
Never seen anything else he's done, but Bill for My Bodyguard alone, I say.
― a fifth of misty beethoven (cryptosicko), Friday, 15 November 2013 23:15 (eleven years ago) link
Bill uses the word "studly" with unusual frequency in the My Bodyguard blu commentary.
― some sad trombone Twilight Zone shit (cryptosicko), Saturday, 25 February 2017 17:06 (seven years ago) link