here i was all excited about a nice frozen treat, and i put this play-dough-and-urine-flavored muck into my mouth. having the word "delicious" anywhere in the title of this food item is false advertising of the worst kind. it says it's flavored with fruit juice on the package... what fruit would that be?... butt fruit?
― #NAME? (ytth), Friday, 26 December 2008 05:55 (sixteen years ago) link
Yikes! I am very sorry to hear it. That is no way to end Christmas.
― Sara R-C, Friday, 26 December 2008 05:59 (sixteen years ago) link
Super awful vegan or veg 'substitute' food makes me feel the same way that lefty talking heads saying stupid shit does. Like, O'Reilly/bad hamburger, I wasn't with you in the first place, be shitty all you want, no skin off my back. But Olberman/vegan turducken? Fuck you. You demean us all.
― en i see kay, Friday, 26 December 2008 06:00 (sixteen years ago) link
sara- your sympathy is a welcome salve on my injured spirit.n.i.c.k. - i've never said OTM before, but you, my friend, are OTM.
― #NAME? (ytth), Friday, 26 December 2008 06:03 (sixteen years ago) link
I've always had good luck with Tofutti products myself, but I haven't tried vegan "substitute" ice cream for years. Green tea is probably not an easy flavor to find, though, I suppose.
― Sara R-C, Friday, 26 December 2008 06:14 (sixteen years ago) link
(if I ever hear of or find good vegan "substitute" food, I will be sure to alert you!)
it was SO FUCKIN BAD arrrghh grossest thing ever. seriously, it tasted just like play dough
― just1n3, Friday, 26 December 2008 06:19 (sixteen years ago) link
trader joe's makes a fantastic cherry chocolate chip soy ice cream. i hadn't had grean tea ice cream in years, but i remember it being totally delicious the last time i had it. i don't attribute that to the fact that it had dairy in it... i attribute it to the fact that soy delicious got this one WAY wrong, and that they were trying to teach me a lesson that i should stick to "purely decadent" soy ice cream instead of buying their product.
― #NAME? (ytth), Friday, 26 December 2008 06:21 (sixteen years ago) link
that cherry shit is SHIT
― just1n3, Friday, 26 December 2008 06:27 (sixteen years ago) link
'i hate everything you love'
I don't think you should be allowed to call it "ice cream" without some kind of dairy in tea frozen dessert or something.
― Muomas (nickalicious), Friday, 26 December 2008 06:40 (sixteen years ago) link
how about "ice craem?"
― #NAME? (ytth), Friday, 26 December 2008 06:53 (sixteen years ago) link
nicka, your heart's in the right place but do we really need more additions to the lexicon like "soysage" and "chik'n"?
― en i see kay, Friday, 26 December 2008 06:59 (sixteen years ago) link
soythick. that's what i'm calling it from now on.
― #NAME? (ytth), Friday, 26 December 2008 07:04 (sixteen years ago) link
"With a Name Like Soythick, It Has to Be... Edible?"
― en i see kay, Friday, 26 December 2008 07:06 (sixteen years ago) link
"SOYTHICK. You don't eat it. You accommodate it."
― #NAME? (ytth), Friday, 26 December 2008 07:08 (sixteen years ago) link
"Soythick: Pennance For Your Vegan Guilt Because It's Not Like You Go to Church or Anything You Fucking Heathen."
― en i see kay, Friday, 26 December 2008 07:14 (sixteen years ago) link
hollywood ending: just about to dip a freshly cleaned spoon into an icy tub of trader joe's cherry chocolate-chip soythick.
― #NAME? (ytth), Monday, 29 December 2008 04:06 (sixteen years ago) link