please help me parse this fuc

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This is my favorite sentence fragment thread title when viewing ILX via Zing. What is yours?

DJP, Thursday, 24 February 2011 03:18 (thirteen years ago) link

haha i have also enjoyed that one. i am still a child.

O_o-O_0-o_O (jjjusten), Thursday, 24 February 2011 20:01 (thirteen years ago) link

lowbrow five!

DJP, Thursday, 24 February 2011 20:14 (thirteen years ago) link

GG Allin, 'Parse My Fuc'

but cheese and chips excites me (snoball), Thursday, 24 February 2011 20:53 (thirteen years ago) link

It kind of sounds like something GG would have written if he was a programmer working for IBM. Think of the songs he could write for their corporate songbook, like 'Byte It You Scum'.

but cheese and chips excites me (snoball), Thursday, 24 February 2011 21:41 (thirteen years ago) link

someone keep these puns from snoballing any further

richard melville hell (crüt), Thursday, 24 February 2011 21:49 (thirteen years ago) link

POLL: Elias Koteas vs. Christ

goth barbershop quartet (DJP), Tuesday, 1 March 2011 13:06 (thirteen years ago) link

five months pass...

zenlike koans i have seen em

CLUB PISCOPO (DJP), Wednesday, 3 August 2011 12:44 (thirteen years ago) link

hahahahahhaaaa! thats great

I dream of vodka sandwich (jjjusten), Wednesday, 3 August 2011 19:37 (thirteen years ago) link


CLUB PISCOPO (DJP), Wednesday, 3 August 2011 21:31 (thirteen years ago) link

also a dark horse:

No question...this team fuckin

CLUB PISCOPO (DJP), Wednesday, 3 August 2011 21:32 (thirteen years ago) link

one month passes...

A Thread for Posting Brutally

beemer, I mean BIMMER douchebag (DJP), Saturday, 3 September 2011 06:27 (thirteen years ago) link

Thread of pictures of real chin

let me save you some time - yes, you are probably anti-semantic (jjjusten), Wednesday, 7 September 2011 02:33 (thirteen years ago) link

jenny mccarthy wants your ki

Tal Berkowitz - Vaccine advocate (DJP), Wednesday, 7 September 2011 02:38 (thirteen years ago) link

Attn musicians: Do you make

Tal Berkowitz - Vaccine advocate (DJP), Thursday, 8 September 2011 12:22 (thirteen years ago) link

yo stet how about some subs

sick yr finger up his butt (DJP), Thursday, 15 September 2011 13:55 (thirteen years ago) link

four months pass...

Request for information: a ho

I spend a lot of time thinking about apricots (DJP), Thursday, 9 February 2012 13:34 (thirteen years ago) link

Would you buy music from arti

●-● (ledge), Thursday, 9 February 2012 14:11 (thirteen years ago) link

two months pass...

mixtape for after you get hard

I need new, hip khakis (DJP), Friday, 20 April 2012 22:18 (twelve years ago) link

The official bored-at-work cry

I'M THAT POSTA, AAAAAAAAAH (DJP), Wednesday, 2 May 2012 13:41 (twelve years ago) link

three months pass...

good places to set up a colon

O_o-O_O-o_O (jjjusten), Thursday, 16 August 2012 16:35 (twelve years ago) link

The arse-end of town might be a good location.

no-one seemed to hear him so he leafed through a magazine (snoball), Thursday, 16 August 2012 16:39 (twelve years ago) link

The official bored-at-work cry

Lil Swayne of Pie (DJP), Saturday, 25 August 2012 16:37 (twelve years ago) link

Google autocorrect is pretty

O_o-O_O-o_O (jjjusten), Monday, 27 August 2012 21:39 (twelve years ago) link


O_o-O_O-o_O (jjjusten), Monday, 27 August 2012 21:39 (twelve years ago) link

five months pass...

Artists you are certain are ass

Ima R.A.E.D. (DJP), Thursday, 14 February 2013 23:38 (twelve years ago) link

Strictly 4 My Underground Ho

my super interesting Kant story (DJP), Thursday, 28 February 2013 14:57 (eleven years ago) link

one month passes...

Recommend me some Israeli

Elvis was a hero to most but he never her (ledge), Thursday, 18 April 2013 10:43 (eleven years ago) link

why have i not seen this thread before?

pssstttt, Hey you (dog latin), Thursday, 18 April 2013 13:24 (eleven years ago) link

since I started this thread I'm decreeing that we can include display names as well, solely because of this one:

I have many lovely lacy nig...derizer)

Call me at **BITCOIN (DJP), Tuesday, 23 April 2013 14:01 (eleven years ago) link


O_o-O_O-o_O (jjjusten), Tuesday, 23 April 2013 17:12 (eleven years ago) link

three months pass...

20 Signs You're At A Bear Poo

click here to start exploding (ledge), Tuesday, 23 July 2013 13:57 (eleven years ago) link

haha I was going to post this

"Post-Oven" (DJP), Wednesday, 24 July 2013 03:05 (eleven years ago) link

lol I saw that this morning: o_0

eau de feet (sic), Wednesday, 24 July 2013 03:29 (eleven years ago) link

Best Oil That Isn't Olive or But

goddammit, so close

THE WORINÐLVE (DJP), Tuesday, 6 August 2013 20:16 (eleven years ago) link

one month passes...

Let me introduce you to my ex

Which is full of me posting pictures of my baby O_O

O_o-O_O-o_O (jjjusten), Friday, 20 September 2013 04:58 (eleven years ago) link

one year passes...

yo stet how about some subs


Premise ridiculous. Who have two potato? (forksclovetofu), Sunday, 26 April 2015 03:32 (nine years ago) link

one month passes...

Divock Okoth Origi (Kenyan English: [diˈvɔk ɔˈkɔθ oˈrigi] ( listen); born 18 April 1995) is a Belgian professional footballer who plays for Liverpool and the Belgian national team as a forward. He is the son of former Kenyan professional footballer Mike Origi and cousin of Kenyan international footballer Arnold Origi.

two weeks pass...

defend the indefensible: JAG

put a skronk ornette (wins), Friday, 12 June 2015 15:36 (nine years ago) link

please help me eat my fuc

No Darts Or Chasms In The Classroom (Old Lunch), Friday, 12 June 2015 15:39 (nine years ago) link

wins wins

I Am Curious (Dolezal) (DJP), Friday, 12 June 2015 16:39 (nine years ago) link

the time is now 8:59

like a giraffe of nah (forksclovetofu), Friday, 12 June 2015 16:55 (nine years ago) link

Thread for middle-aged ladies d...

johnny crunch, Saturday, 13 June 2015 01:43 (nine years ago) link

yo stet how about some subs

omg yes

johnny crunch, Saturday, 13 June 2015 01:44 (nine years ago) link

dying at that one

ciderpress, Saturday, 13 June 2015 03:16 (nine years ago) link

i don't have zing but this thread is A++

rip van wanko, Saturday, 13 June 2015 03:43 (nine years ago) link

three months pass...

the meme which will have bee

syphilis sive morbus cameronus (wins), Monday, 21 September 2015 17:31 (nine years ago) link

four weeks pass...

Album Covers featuring Yawn
Songs that sound like Donkey
So - what about this neo-shoe

ledge, Monday, 19 October 2015 12:52 (nine years ago) link

three months pass...

Please recommend some goo

ledge, Wednesday, 27 January 2016 13:37 (nine years ago) link

four months pass...

Good sex sounds just like ma

mario vargis loosa (wins), Tuesday, 31 May 2016 12:25 (eight years ago) link

^^^ outstanding

DJP, Wednesday, 1 June 2016 17:29 (eight years ago) link

three months pass...


meh 😐 (wins), Sunday, 11 September 2016 17:01 (eight years ago) link

six months pass...

yo stet how about some subs

waht, I am true black metal worrior (Neanderthal), Saturday, 18 March 2017 04:03 (seven years ago) link

one year passes...

Parse THIS, fuc

fuck the NRA (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 24 July 2018 20:56 (six years ago) link

ten months pass...

...blaming you peeps for some recordings shit and "custody" of the thing when I gather they are in prostitution or something?

Bunny Boiler Alert (I M Losted), Saturday, 15 June 2019 08:51 (five years ago) link

and something something pedophiles something something. EXTREMELY DISTURBING.

Bunny Boiler Alert (I M Losted), Saturday, 15 June 2019 09:00 (five years ago) link

Okay, our new pedo visitor I guess is heavy like, having to know who EVERYONE is. Like everyone in America, I guess, or at least everyone who doesn't suck. I mean, like totally bonkers completist and no one is controlling him. I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't downloaded the entire fucking forum. Just putting it here because this is disgraceful. And you need to know.

Bunny Boiler Alert (I M Losted), Saturday, 15 June 2019 16:36 (five years ago) link


Vape Store (crüt), Saturday, 15 June 2019 17:57 (five years ago) link


Got your butt drank (Neanderthal), Saturday, 15 June 2019 18:45 (five years ago) link

Okay, I have info that anti=abortion conservatives are trying to twist everything to their own advantage.

War in I Rock (I M Losted), Friday, 21 June 2019 13:52 (five years ago) link

transformer is that you?

Evan, Friday, 21 June 2019 14:36 (five years ago) link

like what is in their shit shitloads of usenet, peoples emails, excessive use of Facebook, computer searches and of course the itunes, the spotify. its disgusting.

War in I Rock (I M Losted), Sunday, 23 June 2019 23:27 (five years ago) link

transformer is that you?

If I were a POLL I’d be Zinging (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 23 June 2019 23:33 (five years ago) link

one year passes...

mixtape for after you get hard

― I need new, hip khakis (DJP), Friday, April 20, 2012 6:18 PM bookmarkflaglink

I hear that sometimes Satan wants to defund police (Neanderthal), Thursday, 9 July 2020 11:53 (four years ago) link

three months pass...

Let me introduce you to my ex

Which is full of me posting pictures of my baby O_O

― O_o-O_O-o_O (jjjusten), Friday, September 20, 2013 12:58 AM bookmarkflaglink

this is killing me

shout-out to his family (DJP), Monday, 26 October 2020 18:40 (four years ago) link

three years pass...

the meme which will have bee

― syphilis sive morbus cameronus (wins), Monday, September 21, 2015 1:31 PM bookmarkflaglink

a very very unfair (Neanderthal), Thursday, 16 November 2023 02:50 (one year ago) link

two months pass...

I just loaded up Zing for the first time in ages and I see it now supports full thread titles, which is great but also a little sad

I guess we’re never getting those subs ;_;

the new drip king (DJP), Monday, 29 January 2024 21:52 (one year ago) link

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