Aeon Flux coming to Blu-ray?

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Is it true that the animated series is coming to Blu-ray?

Best Buy had it listed for June 2019 and it has since been taken down.

Dwayne, Tuesday, 13 November 2018 13:42 (six years ago) link

I don't know anything about it, but if they are going ahead with their announced live action AF series, they might an opportunity to release the original series again. They do have hi def masters from the DVD release, so it wouldn't be hard to do. Making the DVD version was a huge effort involving tracking down all the 35 mm negatives and was done at HD resolution, better than the standard DVD quality that was released. If they do it, I would include the original non digitally enhanced version of the LTV pilot. And maybe the original broadcast versions of the episodes too, (since some fans weren't happy about the DVD version) as alternate audio tracks.

Since I've been using AF episodes in my directing class, I might consider doing new commentary tracks for a few episodes, as I have figured out a way to use them as teaching tools. Not to explain the meanings of the stories, but as general filmmaking examples.

Peter Chung, Thursday, 15 November 2018 17:48 (six years ago) link

I did notice my local BB has had a reprint of the original DVD set in the highlight racks, a nice surprise for sure. Maybe it's still happening?

Nhex, Thursday, 15 November 2018 17:59 (six years ago) link

The excellent leftist podcast Chapo Trap House again spoke highly of Aeon Flux a couple weeks ago, starting off with an argument about BoJack Horseman that also involved Celebrity Deathmatch (it's right at the beginning):

Skip to 2:35 if you're really lazy. (There is no deep insight.)

J.P. McDevitt, Friday, 16 November 2018 05:31 (six years ago) link

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