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Poll Results
Option | Votes |
Fairy ring | 2 |
Anthracnose basal rot | 1 |
Spring dead spot | 1 |
Necrotic ring spot | 1 |
Yellow tuft | 1 |
Brown patch | 1 |
Copper spot | 0 |
Yellow patch | 0 |
Take-all patch | 0 |
Summer patch | 0 |
Ascochtya leaf blight | 0 |
Rust | 0 |
Pythium root dysfunction | 0 |
Pythium blight | 0 |
Bipolaris leaf spot | 0 |
Microdochium patch | 0 |
Large spot | 0 |
Gray snow mold | 0 |
Gray leaf spot | 0 |
Brown ring patch | 0 |
Dollar Spot | 0 |
Leaf and sheath spot | 0 |
― Matt Armstrong, Tuesday, 6 March 2012 02:30 (twelve years ago) link
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