Classic Morrissey Zings: COGH Edition

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"I heard that new Prefab Sprout album the other day," he says, "which has been bombarded with plaudits. And I literally slipped into a coma, I mean, it was so absolutely lifeless. I met Paddy Ashdowne once and thought he was a very nice person, but that doesn't really excuse the fact that, in a position of national attention, he's released a record that's disturbingly middle-aged."

Paddy Ashdowne! That's some classic comedy right there.

A bright pair of newcomers called BROS (King Boy Pato), Thursday, 1 January 2009 10:13 (sixteen years ago) link

Head in the clouds, and a mouthful of pie
Head in a blouse, everybody loves him
I see why

Dagenham Dave, Dagenham Dave
Oh, Dagenham Dave
Dagenham Dave, Dagenham Dave
Oh, Dagenham Dave

"I love Karen, I love Sharon" on the windowscreen
With never the need to fight or to question a single thing

Dagenham Dave, Dagenham Dave
Oh, Dagenham Dave
Dagenham Dave, Dagenham Dave
Oh, Dagenham Dave
Dagenham Dave, Dagenham Dave
Oh, Dagenham Dave
Dagenham Dave, Dagenham Dave
Dagenham Dave

He'd love to touch, he's afraid that he might self-combust
I could say more, but you get the general idea

Dagenham Dave, Dagenham Dave
Dagenham Dave, Dagenham Dave
Dagenham, Dagenham
Dagenham Dave, Dagenham Dave
Dagenham Dave, Dagenham Dave
Dagenham, Dagenham Dave
Dagenham Dave, Dagenham Dave
Oh, Dave, oh, Dagenham, dagenham
Dagenham Dave
Dagenham Dave, Dagenham Dave
Oh, Dave, oh, Dave, oh, Dave
Oh, Dave

^^ that's how you write a lyric, son

Brohan Hari, Thursday, 1 January 2009 10:35 (sixteen years ago) link

one month passes...

I don't think black people and white people will ever really get on. The French will never like the English, the English will never like the French. That tunnel will collapse.

The Loneliness of the Middle Order Batsman (King Boy Pato), Sunday, 8 February 2009 06:54 (sixteen years ago) link

Roy's Keen Lyrics
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(GO ON !)
He's romancing you
And chancing his arm
He'll be here
Smiling on time
He's romancing you
And chancing his arm
He'll be here
Smiling on time
Roy's keen oh Roy's keen
Roy's keen oh Roy's keen
We've never seen a
Keener window-cleaner
Back up the ladder
Into each corner
Dunking the chamois
Just think of the goodwill
The ladder's a planet
Roy is a star, and
I am a satellite
(But that's alright)
He can hold a smile for as long
As you require (even longer)
He can hold a smile for as long
As you require (even longer)
Roy's keen oh Roy's keen
Roy's keen oh Roy's keen
We've never seen a
Keener window-cleaner
Back up the ladder
Into each corner
Dunking the chamois
Just think of the goodwill
The ladder's a planet
Roy is a star, and
I am a satellite
I will be set alight
Don't say you'll hold it steady
Then you let it go
Don't say you'll hold it steady
Then you let it go
Oh ...

You're up the ladder
Into each corner
Foot in a bucket
We trust you to wreck it
Even when it's under your nose
Well, you just can't
See it, can you ?
Well, it's here
Right under your nose
And you just can't
See it, can you?
La la la la ...
Roy's keen, Roy's keen
La la la la ...
Roy's keen, Roy's keen
La la la la ...
Roy's keen, Roy's keen
La la la la ...
Roy's keen, Roy's keen
We've never seen a
Keener window-cleaner
Oh ...

^^ that's how you write a lyric, son

special guest stars mark bronson, Sunday, 8 February 2009 10:07 (sixteen years ago) link

four years pass...

Always at his best in the 80s zinging other artists:

Hurry Up, Tell 'Em They're Dreaming (King Boy Pato), Friday, 29 March 2013 13:13 (eleven years ago) link

"I think there's a right way and a wrong way, and I think the Cocteau Twins have always applauded themselves for doing it the wrong way. They're outstandingly unappealing on every human level; they look awful, their interviews are awful, and their records are just utter stupidity."

Hurry Up, Tell 'Em They're Dreaming (King Boy Pato), Friday, 29 March 2013 13:32 (eleven years ago) link

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