[ROCKTOBER 3] Joseph's Beauty Centre Free Haircuts Day

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"It always a pleasure to be witha Joseph, such a charming man."


unable to correctly pronounce comedy internet nickname (King Boy Pato), Friday, 2 October 2009 09:22 (fifteen years ago) link


if... you become naked (Autumn Almanac), Saturday, 3 October 2009 08:30 (fifteen years ago) link

You go to Joseph's, down on Gawler Place. You ask him for a nice perm, no?

unable to correctly pronounce comedy internet nickname (King Boy Pato), Saturday, 3 October 2009 08:33 (fifteen years ago) link

wish i had gotten a free haircut bc i paid for one today and don't like it much tbh

steamed hams (harbl), Saturday, 3 October 2009 22:07 (fifteen years ago) link

harbl, look at the vid and ask yourself which one of the two hair styles on display you'd prefer.

unable to correctly pronounce comedy internet nickname (King Boy Pato), Sunday, 4 October 2009 00:46 (fifteen years ago) link

the one on the right. duh.

steamed hams (harbl), Sunday, 4 October 2009 01:06 (fifteen years ago) link

can you still make money selling your hair, or is that market a thing of the past?

somewhere a poll is missing its wacky write-in vote (sarahel), Sunday, 4 October 2009 01:06 (fifteen years ago) link

i'm not sure! my hairdresser (gay) is growing his long for locks of love and he looks like a lady. it's not good.

steamed hams (harbl), Sunday, 4 October 2009 01:08 (fifteen years ago) link

i would like my hair to make up its mind whether it wants to be curly or straight

somewhere a poll is missing its wacky write-in vote (sarahel), Sunday, 4 October 2009 03:09 (fifteen years ago) link

Hair-selling for fun and profit needs to make a comeback imo.

SBana Ng (Noodle Vague), Sunday, 4 October 2009 09:41 (fifteen years ago) link

She came in, her hair, was very straight.

unable to correctly pronounce comedy internet nickname (King Boy Pato), Monday, 5 October 2009 03:33 (fifteen years ago) link

For a party, or a disco.

unable to correctly pronounce comedy internet nickname (King Boy Pato), Monday, 5 October 2009 03:33 (fifteen years ago) link

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