reasons not to post on the Best Album of 2002? thread

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Which November and December releases are you looking forward to?

(or alternatively: what's already out that you haven't gotten around to yet but are looking forward to?)

zebedee, Sunday, 3 November 2002 16:12 (twenty-two years ago) link


The Parallax Corporation – Cocadisco
Missy Elliot – Under Construction
Carla Bruni – Quelqu’un m’a dit (yes! THAT Carla Bruni)
The Roots - Phrenology
Jan Jelinek + Computer Soup - Improvisations
Kit Clayton vs Safety Scissors - The Ping Pong EP
Godspeed You Black Emperor! - Yanqui U.X.O
v/a - Digital Disco (Force Inc comp.)
Thomas Brinkmann - Brinkmannship
TLC – 3D

zebedee, Sunday, 3 November 2002 16:13 (twenty-two years ago) link

the MBVbox 50CD set

mark s (mark s), Sunday, 3 November 2002 16:21 (twenty-two years ago) link

printed circuit album is out in 16 days. new lucksmiths single 'midweek midmorning' is out soon too.

keith (keithmcl), Sunday, 3 November 2002 16:41 (twenty-two years ago) link

Gosh, I have no idea what is coming out.

jel -- (jel), Sunday, 3 November 2002 17:52 (twenty-two years ago) link

Jel, click your mouse in this direction

DJ Martian (djmartian), Sunday, 3 November 2002 18:01 (twenty-two years ago) link

the MBVbox 50CD set for a split second I started salivating.

stevo (stevo), Sunday, 3 November 2002 20:27 (twenty-two years ago) link

the MBVbox 50CD set

Mark we're talking about 2002,not 3002

brg30 (brg30), Sunday, 3 November 2002 21:16 (twenty-two years ago) link

The Lollies - Taste (Fortune and Glory)

heh heh heh.

OK, it's really pathetic that I have to look on DJ Martian's site to find out what day my own album is REALLY coming out, considering how useless our record company, distributor and PR have been at letting me know this information accurately...

kate, Sunday, 3 November 2002 21:24 (twenty-two years ago) link

I just added it in today, you mentioned it was Nov 11th - so that's were it goes on the info.

[ is the only place I have seen it mentioned (they have it down as Nov 4th], by the way who is the distribution company?]

DJ Martian (djmartian), Sunday, 3 November 2002 21:34 (twenty-two years ago) link

Did *I* say 11th November? Cause I didn't actually know for certain. I suppose "two weeks" from 28th October would be that. Distribution is through Shellback/Pinnacle ... though will restrain from comments about their incompetance because it's not nice to piss off your distributors, is it?

kate, Sunday, 3 November 2002 21:55 (twenty-two years ago) link

Kate, last Monday 28th - you said on the ILE thread it's been delayed two weeks due to distro problems, yes two weeks makes it Nov 11th.

DJ Martian (djmartian), Sunday, 3 November 2002 22:01 (twenty-two years ago) link

[So indirectly you implied Nov 11th - without actually stating the date itself]

DJ Martian (djmartian), Sunday, 3 November 2002 22:03 (twenty-two years ago) link

fortune and glory emailed me about the lollies album, but that was months ago.

keith (keithmcl), Monday, 4 November 2002 04:50 (twenty-two years ago) link

yes yes, the lollies record goes without saying hem hem :)
but what else?

zebedee, Monday, 4 November 2002 09:43 (twenty-two years ago) link


Denise Lambert, Monday, 4 November 2002 09:49 (twenty-two years ago) link


Damian (Damian), Monday, 4 November 2002 10:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

already out, straight in at #4 this week (behind Nirvana at #3, Gareth at #2, and, ahem, recent Guardian album of the week David Gray at #1).

Denise Lambert, Monday, 4 November 2002 10:10 (twenty-two years ago) link

twoism rereleased soon

bob zemko (bob), Monday, 4 November 2002 10:28 (twenty-two years ago) link

The best reason not to post on the album of 2002 thread is Christmas. I don't know about you but that's when I get a lot of any given year's albums, the ones I was slightly suspicious of when they came out but might turn out to be terrific.

Tom (Groke), Monday, 4 November 2002 10:34 (twenty-two years ago) link

otherwise known as "the lemon jelly/peaches effect."

Denise Lambert, Monday, 4 November 2002 10:36 (twenty-two years ago) link

I don't suppose by the way that the Wu-Tang Clan are rushing out a great album after everyone's stopped paying attention for the third year running?

Tom (Groke), Monday, 4 November 2002 10:42 (twenty-two years ago) link

substitute "mediocre" and/or why bother?" for "great" and yr nearer the truth.

Denise Lambert, Monday, 4 November 2002 10:49 (twenty-two years ago) link

I'm in New Zealand so we get the Manics a week late, ergo it should have been out today, but wasn't...beyond that lot, Twoism.

Damian (Damian), Monday, 4 November 2002 10:51 (twenty-two years ago) link

Blimey "mediocre" from a Lemon Jelly fan - that's harsh!

Tom (Groke), Monday, 4 November 2002 11:08 (twenty-two years ago) link

i was a lemon jelly fan until i heard the new one.

rza should retire - he's stuck in 1995. all words and nothing interesting SONICALLY.

Denise Lambert, Monday, 4 November 2002 11:13 (twenty-two years ago) link

Well except that on "The W" he rediscovered pop and on "Iron Flag" he rediscovered funk.

Tom (Groke), Monday, 4 November 2002 11:24 (twenty-two years ago) link

i want him to discover new things, not rediscover things and put them to banal or no use.

Denise Lambert, Monday, 4 November 2002 11:27 (twenty-two years ago) link

He's putting them to the use of broadening his hem-hem 'sonic palette' and backing up some marvellous voices. It's fun - and novel - hearing dirty horn hooks in the middle of RZA tracks. Obviously if yr thinking along a words-sounds split then there's little hope of convincing you, though.

Tom (Groke), Monday, 4 November 2002 11:32 (twenty-two years ago) link

dirty horn hooks in the middle of rza tracks would only have punctum if he got peter brotzmann, john zorn and david s ware to play them.

Denise Lambert, Monday, 4 November 2002 11:36 (twenty-two years ago) link

Yes but we're talking functum.

Tom (Groke), Monday, 4 November 2002 11:42 (twenty-two years ago) link

no we are talking studium hip-hop.

Denise Lambert, Monday, 4 November 2002 11:54 (twenty-two years ago) link

Never mind the Wu, when's the last part of De La's AOI trilogy coming out? I was kind of hoping that would be my Christmas present.

Jeff W (Jeff W), Monday, 4 November 2002 11:55 (twenty-two years ago) link

The first two parts can be obtained in the Record and Tape Exchange for a bargain combined price of £2!

Denise Lambert, Monday, 4 November 2002 12:03 (twenty-two years ago) link

Missy E, Justin Timberlake, (maybe) Christina Aguilera and TLC. Do best-ofs (plus some new tracks) count? Then I add Aaliyah.

nathalie (nathalie), Monday, 4 November 2002 12:08 (twenty-two years ago) link

yes, best ofs and other comps count

zebedee (Jeff W), Monday, 4 November 2002 12:37 (twenty-two years ago) link

Johnny Cash - the last 3 have all been superb, and this time he covers "Personal Jesus"
Beth Gibbons
David Holmes/Free Association

James Ball (James Ball), Monday, 4 November 2002 14:24 (twenty-two years ago) link

Missy, the Triple R mix-cd on Kompakt, Sugababes (yet to appear here), LL Cool J & Justin Timberlake (Marcello/Denise is fast becoming my favourite music crit - but you're dead wrong about recent Wu-Tang! It's their best stuff!), some random uk garage comp to fill in the gaps.

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Monday, 4 November 2002 14:50 (twenty-two years ago) link

sorry tim, only built 4 cuban linx was the wu-tang's best stuff. one could sense the battery running out about a quarter of the way through cd2 of wu-tang forever. their recent stuff is besmirched by a surfeit of aesthetic real ale (less "dirty horns"! more micro!).

Denise Lambert, Monday, 4 November 2002 15:01 (twenty-two years ago) link

B-b-but The Iron Flag is just like a slightly dirtier, just as slamming version of The Blueprint - why can't the anti-micro tendencies of both not be equally as enjoyable, as valid? Are Wu-Tang now just trapped by their own history (perception-wise, I mean - their current music is in truth anything but trapped).

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Monday, 4 November 2002 15:29 (twenty-two years ago) link

Phrenology by The Roots is gonna be a bad-ass record, and like nothing they've ever put out before. Only 8 or 9 songs, no Fender Rhodes anywhere, guitars, a Cody Chestnutt guest spot, no rambley skits...I have a feeling it's gonna rock hard!

I had no idea Godspeed You Black Emperor had anything new coming out! I'm very excited for that, their ...Skinny Fists... album is gorgeous and amazing.

There's also the System of a Down "Steal This Album" thing coming out by Xmas time, which should be really cool. I gotta say, American Recordings' have some big balls to put out an album like that (no liner notes, no tray card, just a blank jewel case and the disc inside). Thank god for Rick Rubin. :D

Nickalicious, Monday, 4 November 2002 15:31 (twenty-two years ago) link

for me, the punctum in the blueprint is the opulent SHOWBIZ of jay-z, which ergo makes it pop, and there doesn't seem to be much of that in iron flag. perhaps wu-tang are trapped by their own history; like sonic youth, they just keep on doing their thing, but the "thing" doesn't hit me between the eyes like it might have done seven or eight years ago (and murray street pretty much passed me by too).

Denise Lambert, Monday, 4 November 2002 15:43 (twenty-two years ago) link

the opulent SHOWBIZ of jay-z

Ne'er a truer word spoke about that album and his persona right at that time. I was just thinking about it again the other day too.

I will say this about Murray Street, hearing it live making perfect goddamn sense.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Monday, 4 November 2002 16:58 (twenty-two years ago) link

I completely forgot:

Soundtrack to Morven Callar which is supposed to be coming out via Warp today and is allegedly kick-ass

zebedee, Monday, 4 November 2002 17:30 (twenty-two years ago) link

According to the Tricatel website a new April March LP recorded with Bertrand Burgulat is imminent. Hurrah!

Jeff W, Monday, 11 November 2002 15:27 (twenty-two years ago) link

Hey, that April March is good news. I'm also excited about the upcoming Joy Zipper album on David Holmes' Amp label, produced by Holmes and Kevin Shields. I love the "Absent Father" B-side off their new single, and the way the trippiness of their debut album is becoming more understated.

Curt (cgould), Monday, 11 November 2002 16:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

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